Laughter therapy interesting articles about laughter and exercises. Laughter therapy: a smile will make everyone brighter! Health benefits of laughter

Sore throat, or acute tonsillitis, is caused by various microorganisms and is characterized by severe pain in the throat and symptoms of general intoxication. Most often, children and young people suffer from this disease.

We recommend reading:

How to treat a sore throat at home

The microorganisms that cause it are very diverse. There are bacteria, fungi, and viruses, and in each case a separate, most appropriate medicine should be prescribed. If the disease is bacterial in nature, antifungal agents are used if it is fungal. For some forms of viral tonsillitis, (acyclovir) is prescribed, as well as inducers of interferon synthesis. However, the effectiveness of the latter is in question. Along with the systemic use of appropriate drugs, local treatment methods are also used. This includes the use of sprays and inhaled forms of medications. However, the simplest method is gargling.

Why gargle with a sore throat?

Sore throat is a local infection that affects the mucous membrane of the tonsils. It is logical that a direct impact on the inflammatory process in the very place where it is located will be very effective. When rinsing, the medicine is delivered directly to the infectious focus, where it destroys microorganisms, reduces the intensity of inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of the mucous membrane. In addition, this method mechanically removes pus, microbes and their waste products, which means the load on the body’s defense systems is reduced.

How to gargle for acute tonsillitis

Any solution used for rinsing must be warm. Too cold liquid leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels in the tonsils, and therefore worsening their protective functions. Too hot a liquid promotes bacterial growth and increases the intensity of inflammation. The optimal temperature is considered to be 35-37°C. The frequency of rinsing when using pharmaceutical drugs is indicated in the instructions for them, or it is set by the attending physician. If you are using folk remedies treatment of sore throat, then a frequency of 5-6 rinses per day can be considered optimal. The volume of solution used is 100-150 ml. In some situations this amount may be increased. Application smaller volumes is impractical, since the tonsils will not be sufficiently cleaned, and the dose of antimicrobial substances will be too small. To receive maximum effect After rinsing, you should take the solution into your mouth, tilt your head back, stick out your tongue and gently exhale air from your lungs. It is not recommended to “gurgle” or make a sound - this may lead to liquid getting into the respiratory tract and choking. After the end of exhalation, the solution should be spat out and a new portion should be taken. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat, drink any liquids, or smoke for an hour. If there is a need to rinse with different solutions, then the interval between procedures should be at least 30 minutes.

Traditional medicine has a very wide arsenal medicines from the group of antiseptics. Some of them are synthetic, others are of natural origin.

Iodine-containing products have strong antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activity. In contact with the skin or mucous membrane, the polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine complex releases atomic iodine, which destroys bacterial membranes. The use of this group of medications is limited by contraindications, including thyroid dysfunction, Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis, renal dysfunction, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Representatives of this group are betadine, iodinol, rivanol, vocadine, povidone. An analogue of drugs in this group can be considered a home-prepared iodine-sodium-salt solution in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of baking soda, the same amount table salt and 2-3 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine per glass of water. Salt helps to “pull out” pus from the folds of the tonsils, soda makes it more loose, and iodine destroys microorganisms.

This substance, upon contact with damaged tissues and microbes, releases atomic oxygen - a powerful oxidizing agent that destroys microorganisms. Having antiseptic properties, hydrogen peroxide effectively disinfects the surface of the inflammation. The released foam allows you to remove contaminants from the mucous membrane of the tonsils, reducing the microbial load on the body. The rinse solution is prepared in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of peroxide per 200 ml of water.

This substance, known as potassium permanganate, works in the same way as peroxide. In addition, potassium permanganate has a tanning effect, that is, it cauterizes the inflammatory focus, forming a kind of “crust” that prevents microbes from penetrating deep into the tissue. A slightly pink solution is used for rinsing. The normal concentration of the solution is 1 g of potassium permanganate powder per 2 liters of water. Prohibited for use in children. Please note: modern medicine I refused to use this product, since it is possible that potassium permanganate crystals do not dissolve, causing burns.

This drug has antiseptic and analgesic effects. When rinsing, in addition to destroying microbes, it is able to envelop the mucous membrane of the tonsils, preventing the invasion of microorganisms. Use undiluted twice a day.

Tantum verde in the form of a solution contains benzydamine, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Its use reduces the severity of the inflammatory reaction and improves the patient's condition by reducing the severity of sore throat and general intoxication. Use undiluted, one tablespoon every 1.5-3 hours.

A complex preparation based on the local antiseptic chlorhexidine. It has antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral effects, reduces the intensity of sore throat, and suppresses inflammation. The solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-4 teaspoons per glass of water. Not for use in children due to risk of ingestion (contains ethanol).

Most sore throats are caused by streptococci, against which this drug is especially effective. Used in the form of a 0.1% alcohol solution to rinse the mouth and pharynx, it is contraindicated for children due to the alcohol content.

This local antiseptic is also very effective against streptococcal infections. To prepare the solution, one tablet of furatsilin is ground to a powdery state and dissolves very quickly in a glass. hot water. After cooling to the required temperature, the solution is ready for use.

This is a herbal mixture containing parts of calendula, chamomile, string, sage and eucalyptus. Complex biologically active substances, which are part of the plant, has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the severity of sore throat, and stimulates tissue regeneration. It is used in the form of an infusion or decoction (the effectiveness is equivalent).

Many patients are skeptical about traditional drugs, considering them “chemicals”. Methods traditional medicine they find it more effective and safe. It should be noted that the effectiveness of alternative treatment methods has not been proven, therefore their use is not recommended by “official” medicine. The list of “non-traditional” rinses is very wide, some of them have even been adopted by science (for example, elekasol). The safest methods are:

  • juice of one glass grated mixed with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • Kombucha infusion, used 10 times a day;
  • 20 ivy leaves with added salt, boiled in wine;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers infused in a glass of boiling water; add a teaspoon of honey to the prepared infusion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. willow bark, boiled for 30 minutes in a glass of water.

Do not forget that gargling for a sore throat is helper method, which does not cancel the use of antibiotics. In 20% of patients, angina becomes chronic and there is a possibility that it is due to improper treatment. One rinse, even if carried out according to all the rules, is not enough to completely destroy the causative agent of the disease, so it should not be treated independently, but under the supervision of a qualified ENT specialist. Bozbey Gennady, medical columnist, emergency doctor

The most popular, simple and effective procedure for sore throat is gargling.

At mild form inflammatory process, this method can be used as monotherapy, and in more serious cases, it will be a good aid to systemic antibiotic therapy.

The procedure does not take much time and is easily performed by adults and children after 4-5 years of age.

Let's consider how to gargle when different types pain, and what conditions must be observed when performing this manipulation.

Gargling is the irrigation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, tonsils and oral cavity with water with medicinal substances dissolved in it.

For sore throat, this procedure has several effects at once:

  • Moisturizing. The irritated dry mucous membrane of the pharynx causes a burning sensation and soreness. Gentle moisturizing rinses will help restore the optimal level of moisture in the cells and promote regeneration of the mucous membrane.
  • Antiseptic. When rinsing, disinfectant solutions act on bacteria, as well as some fungi and protozoa. These microorganisms are the cause of pain.
  • Cleaning. The accumulation of mucus and pus on the tonsils and the wall of the pharynx causes increased unpleasant symptoms. Cleansing the mucous membrane from pathological discharge makes the patient feel better and promotes recovery.
  • Softening. Oil-based gargles coat irritated mucous membranes and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, such as a lump in the throat and soreness.
  • Anesthetic. This effect is based on a distraction maneuver, when local irritation of the mucous membrane with a rinse solution reduces the severity of pain.
  • Astringent and other effects.

General rules for all types of rinses

You can gargle a sore throat with different drugs, depending on the symptoms and type of inflammatory process.

For all treatment options, there is a general set of rules, by following which you can be sure that the treatment will have the maximum effect.

Procedure rules:

  • Adhere to the proportions and dosage for preparing solutions. Some rinses are sold in finished form, while others need to be prepared or diluted yourself. At the same time, do not forget about proper preparation and dosages.
  • If there are no instructions on the temperature of the rinse solution, then you should prepare a warm medicine that is comfortable for the throat and mouth.
  • If possible, avoid swallowing the solution as this may cause irritation. gastrointestinal tract. The instructions for individual rinses indicate that they need to be held in the mouth for a while and then swallowed. In such situations, you should act strictly according to the instructions.
  • For each rinse, you need to prepare a fresh solution. If you dilute the medicine in advance, in large quantities, and leave it in unsterile conditions, then pathogenic bacteria can settle there.
  • After rinsing, it is advisable not to eat, drink or brush your teeth for 1-2 hours. In addition, you should not immediately go outside, shout loudly or talk a lot for half an hour after the procedure.
  • If you are sick, you need to gargle 4-5 times a day for a week, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions. A one-time procedure will not give a pronounced effect, and the disease will progress.

When rinsing, the patient throws his head back a little and pronounces a drawn-out “y” sound. Then the tongue drops down and you can rinse the lower parts of the pharynx.

Synthetic drugs

This group is the most effective. Antiseptics allow you to cleanse the mucous membranes of the root cause of pain (bacteria), and do not simply reduce sensitivity nerve endings as anesthetic sprays.

The only drawback of these drugs is that they do not act quickly. The effect will become noticeable only after a few procedures.

If your throat hurts and you need to quickly eliminate the symptom, the best gargle would be a solution Tantum Verde with anesthetic. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and relieves well pain syndrome due to a decrease in receptor sensitivity. Contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, and prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Below we list the main medications that can be used to gargle as a means of eliminating bacterial and viral flora.


A classic antiseptic from the nitrofuran group. It is a ready-made solution in a concentration of 0.2% yellow, which does not need to be diluted.

In addition to water-based furatsilin, there are effervescent and soluble tablets for gargling. To prepare a solution, 1 such tablet must be crushed and diluted in 100 ml of hot water.

Before rinsing, the prepared medicine is cooled to a comfortable temperature.

The drug is used as a disinfectant for any inflammatory processes in the throat, and for sinusitis (for washing the paranasal sinuses).

When used, an allergic reaction may develop, which will require cancellation of the procedure.


Antiseptic solution for external use. It has a pronounced bactericidal effect against most pathogenic microorganisms and activity (slightly reduced) in the presence of purulent discharge and blood.

Cleanses and disinfects mucous membranes and skin well without causing additional damage.

If accidentally swallowed, it is excreted from the body in the feces.

According to the instructions, for gargling, the solution must be diluted in an equal amount of boiled water.


A drug from the group of surfactants, which was developed as a means of disinfection in space conditions.

It is the safest solution and is used in pediatric practice without causing side effects.

It has antiseptic and immunomodulatory properties, and also accelerates the healing process of the skin and mucous membranes. It cleanses the surface of the throat well from pus and blood without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.

Active against viruses, fungi and protozoa. Available in the form of a solution of different volumes, which can be equipped with a spray nozzle.

For gargling, it is not diluted and 15-20 ml of the drug is used for one procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide

For rinsing, use a 3% solution. A higher percentage can cause burns to the mucous membrane.

The medicine is diluted in the following dosage: a tablespoon of 3% peroxide per glass of water.

Such rinses are used to treat mainly purulent sore throats.

After the procedure, you should rinse your throat with another milder antiseptic (for example, miramistin) or plain water to wash off any remaining peroxide.

The product is quite aggressive and is used as a radical cleanser of mucous membranes.


The active substance is active iodine. The solution is a dark-colored liquid with a characteristic odor that foams when shaken.

For rinsing, the drug is diluted in furatsilin or warm water in the proportion of 10 ml of solvent per 100 ml of iodinol.

Such rinses have strong antibacterial and drying effects.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Available in crystal form purple. It has antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Before use, dilute in warm boiled water based on a glass of water, 1/5 of a teaspoon of potassium permanganate.

It should be borne in mind that this product has a strong drying effect, so it is not used for dryness and atrophy of the mucosa.


If the microflora in the mouth is disturbed or fungal infections in this area, it is recommended to rinse with solutions of probiotics, which restore normal microflora in the oral cavity and promote spontaneous recovery.

Preparations based on herbal raw materials

In addition to synthetic solutions, you can gargle with products based on medicinal plants.

Among them there are several strong antiseptics and a number of symptomatic drugs that are used to relieve specific symptoms: dryness, soreness, irritation.


The active ingredient is eucalyptus leaf extract dissolved in alcohol. The drug has a good antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

For rinsing, the medicine is diluted in a proportion of 1-2 teaspoons per glass of water.

Do not use chlorophyllipt in patients with allergies, liver disease, or problems with alcohol. Such rinses are not prescribed for young children and pregnant women.


Extracts of chamomile, marigold and yarrow in alcohol solution. It is a transparent brown liquid.

It has local disinfecting properties, relieves inflammation and accelerates recovery processes. For rinsing, one teaspoon of the medicine is stirred in a glass of water.

The drug is not used in patients with allergies, as well as in children and patients with liver disease, alcoholism, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Not prescribed for pregnant women and children younger age. Since the drug contains ethyl alcohol, immediately after rinsing you should refrain from driving.

Propolis tincture

Propolis is a beekeeping product, a substance that insects use to seal the cracks in hives.

He has unique composition, it includes resins, proteins, oils and other components.

Alcohol tincture is used for both external and internal use. To gargle, dilute 20-30 drops of tincture in a glass of warm water.

In the same section, we can mention the soda solution.


This is a natural resource that has been learned to be produced industrially and widely used in various spheres of human life.

Classic soda rinses are used for irritation and dry mouth. This solution is good for gargling with sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other pathologies of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Soda solution moisturizes and cleanses inflamed mucous membranes. To prepare the product, dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

If you have a sore throat, you can gargle it with solutions of medicinal plants.

It is necessary to understand that these are symptomatic remedies, and medications in literally They are not of this word, and besides, allergies to them occur most often.

The most popular are:

  • Chamomile decoction. Chamomile is one of the most famous plants in our climatic zone. To prepare rinses, only flowers are used, which contain flavonoids, coumarins, vitamins, acids and other substances. Such rinses have antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. When taken orally, it exhibits calming and relaxing effects. To prepare a solution 3 g. flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour.
  • Calendula. Its inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes. They contain carotenoids, acids, tannins and other components. Shows wound healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties when used externally. For rinsing, prepare an alcohol solution of calendula or simply pour a tablespoon of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and let it sit for an hour before rinsing.
  • Oak bark. The peculiarity of this decoction is the presence large quantity tannins that create around the mucous membrane protective barrier and cleanse it. Not used in patients with chronic atrophic processes, as this may cause an increase in symptoms such as dryness and soreness. It is better to gargle with this remedy if there is an abundance of viscous sputum and increased production mucus. To prepare the rinses, pour a tablespoon of bark into a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, filter and then begin the procedure.
  • Thyme. It is part of many folk recipes, and is also used in official medicine(Pertussin cough medicine). It has decongestant properties and relieves inflammation, and also gently disinfects the mucous membrane and cleanses it. To rinse, pour boiling water over a spoonful of thyme and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Effective folk recipes

At home, you can prepare many different rinse solutions from the ingredients you have on hand.

It's no secret that human feelings and thoughts can influence our physical condition and believe me, laughter and emotions can do miracles that are inexplicable from a scientific point of view: strengthens the immune system, heals various diseases, to cope with difficulties that were previously beyond our power.

Previously, laughter was simply an integral part of our culture, as in Western Europe, so do the Slavs. Fun games, carnival, funny holidays, fooling around, antics - this is the main component of the life of any person. Nowadays, ancient customs have been completely crowded out of our lives; they have gone out of fashion. Naturally, in my everyday life we laugh very little, for example, six-year-old children laugh about 300 times a day, and adults only fifteen, which is 20 times less, which is why laughter therapy for children is very useful, it will help your child cope with any problems, it especially helps in the treatment of stress and other diseases.

The most interesting thing is that laughter therapy is also useful for children and adults, namely the lack positive emotions are the main reasons for the development of depression, there is an inability to somehow resist failures and poor health, so every person needs to rejoice and laugh as often as possible. That's why children are so carefree and constantly joyful; they rarely have Bad mood and they are less likely to suffer from serious illnesses.

There are various exercises in laughter therapy.

You can watch comedies more often, listen to humorous films, and caricatures. You can also try cutting funny pictures, stick them on the refrigerator, mirror, for this try to choose the most visible places, which you constantly pass by in your apartment. In the same way you can apply funny quotes and funny inscriptions. Thanks to this, you will be in high spirits.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to smile without the help of strangers, so at such moments, pull out from your laughter box that exhibit that you previously liked and from which you laughed, it could be a book, a figurine.

Try to joke in public so that your humor lifts the mood of the whole company. Believe me, then you will also receive a charge of positivity and those people who are next to you.

Laughing is especially useful for children, especially since making the little ones laugh will not be a problem; almost everyone touches them funny situations: antics, playing hide and seek with them, and much more. The main thing here is to find your little ones individual approach and then you will notice the healing results of laughter.

Man is the only animal that can laugh, although he has the least reason to do so (Ernest Hemingway)

Human problems manifest themselves in psycho-emotional, mental and physiological damage. Almost all of them arise from internal tension, which accumulates in a person throughout his life.

This interferes with exchange vital energy. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the body of clamps and tension. And many people claim that the best remedy purification and relaxation is laughter therapy and specifically laughter.

The sages of the East even created separate species yoga, which is called the yoga of laughter, they claim that laughter is the most valuable gift of the Lord, helping to survive difficulties, cope with illnesses and find a way out of the most difficult situations.

What are the benefits of laughter therapy for humans?

Let's at least briefly list the advantages and benefits of smiling, laughter, and laughter therapy for human health:

- Fighting stress. Laughter without the help of sedatives and antidepressants changes your view of the world. Sleep is normalized and mood improves. Fights the main stress hormones: adrenaline and cortisone.

— Cosmetology. Smiling helps keep your face youthful. When you smile, 17 muscles tense, and when you grimace, 43. In addition, a smiling person looks attractive and attracts positive people. It's much easier for him to turn on useful acquaintances and people more often want to be in his company, while people who are constantly upset about something, those who are positively disposed, most often try to avoid.

- Fitness. No time to go to the gym - laugh. It's hard to believe, but one minute sincere laughter replaces 30 minutes of aerobics. Relaxes and stimulates about 80 muscle groups. Has a warming effect. And also, this is an excellent breathing exercise.

— Cleansing the body of negativity. Facing different people and events, we accumulate in ourselves discomfort and impressions. Laughter removes a negative attitude and charges you with positive energy.

What are the health benefits of laughter?

- Health. Moreover, laughter really has a positive effect on human health, blood circulation in internal and tissues improves, and breathing is optimized.

In people who laugh frequently, blood pressure quickly normalizes and improves general condition body. Cholesterol levels are reduced. Glands internal secretion produce substances that help relieve headaches. Even babies born to funny mothers suffer less from ARVI and have a strong immune system.

- Rest. 5 minutes of laughter replace 40 minutes of proper rest. Drowsiness and lethargy are easily relieved and strength is restored.

— Programs and frameworks are being destroyed. Trying to meet someone else's standards makes us angry and tense. As children, we easily forgive and forget grievances, enjoy every day, are always open to new things and are full of enthusiasm. And all because a child laughs from 150 to 400 times a day. And an adult only 15 times, and especially unhappy people who have moved away from God, even less.

- Fighting fear. Psychologists have proven that laughter quite effectively destroys fear. You can't be afraid of something that you've already ridiculed. Our ancestors even believed that children's laughter drives out evil spirits. And naturally in psychological practice This laughing technique is very often used in the treatment of phobias.

- Pleasure. When laughing, the brain produces endorphin - our natural drug, which dulls painful sensations, causes a feeling of complacency and satisfaction, similar to the sensations after orgasm.

Types of laughter therapy:

Oddly enough, laughter therapy even has its own types:

- Medical clownery. Specially trained hospital staff perform humorous performances in front of patients. Modern therapists and doctors assure that this type of “inconspicuous laughter therapy” greatly helps patients in recovery.

— Laughter yoga was developed (naturally) by Indian doctors; most likely it was the first laughter therapy on earth used for purely medical purposes.

Indian yogis and “laughter therapists” teach to laugh naturally and often, easily and naturally. Includes breathing exercises to stabilize nervous system and psyche, training in the practice of deep relaxation and inner silence and peace, as well as the initial elements of the Practice of Consciousness Development.

— Classic laughter therapy. The laughter therapist conducts individual and group classes where people laugh. They listen to funny stories, jokes, listen to recorded laughter, watch comedies. They say that this also greatly helps to get rid of everyday stress, even if everything at work and in your family is not yet as smooth as you would like.

Examples of laughter therapy exercises available at home:

— The simplest laughter therapy exercise, which is accessible even to the most beginner: sit for 5-7 minutes with a smile on your face, you will feel better.

Psychologists say that a smile, not even sincere, causes a chemical and hormonal reaction in our body, as a result of which the hormone of happiness is produced, and very soon your mood will rise as if by itself.

The most famous laughter therapy exercises

  • — Press a piece of refined sugar between your front teeth so that your mouth is slightly open. Look at yourself in the mirror. Keep it serious in this case it won't work.
  • — Watch comedies and humorous programs more often.
  • — Listen to infectious laughter in the recording
  • - Read interesting, funny literature, jokes.
  • - Despite your age, allow yourself games and little pranks. Quests, fun tasks and friendly get-togethers will be very helpful.

How to make yourself laugh?

And believe me, to learn to laugh it is absolutely not necessary that you have no problems in your life. On the contrary, in fact, people engage in laughter therapy precisely in order to learn to laugh, to escape from their gray everyday life and not to go crazy from them.

Therefore, if you don’t want to laugh, then, in order not to fall into despondency, which is known to be one of the deadly sins, you must learn to “force” yourself to laugh.

To make yourself laugh:

  • - Think about something funny that you laughed at in the past. Scroll and remember this moment to get a laugh.
  • - Start with three short “has” and force yourself to laugh for a while. You'll be surprised how quickly "fake" laughter can turn into real laughter.
  • - Pay attention to your feelings when you laugh, try to remember them and, if desired, reproduce them.
  • - Practice loud laughter with laughter (if, of course, it does not bother anyone), you will immediately feel an extraordinary surge of energy throughout your body.

How to develop a positive outlook on life?

But one hour of laughter a day is not enough; ideally, it is necessary to develop positive outlook for your life, for this you need:

  • Train yourself to wake up with a smile and be grateful for a new day.
  • - Make fun of difficult situations, bringing them to the point of absurdity in your imagination. Over time, you will learn to enjoy even these.
  • - Don't be afraid to be funny and laugh at yourself. All the biggest stupid things were done with clever expression faces.
  • - Smile at others. A smile has reverse effect and soon you will be surrounded by joyful faces.
  • - Don't worry about how your laugh sounds, have fun.
  • - Make time for laughter every day and take it as a necessary medicine.

In general, develop and stimulate your sense of humor. Then you will understand what a huge benefit it and this “laughter therapy” are not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

After all, communication with a cheerful and good-natured friend is necessary for every person. And a hand extended at the right time and a humorous remark can brighten up someone’s sorrowful moments and be of great help.

Share joy and kindness and our world, thanks to you, will become a little better. What do I wish and even ask for you, because there are so many joyless people in our lives, I hope you can avoid becoming one of them, and ideally help others become like this “ bon voyage" And read even more about this path in the next article, where we will examine in detail the origin of this very medical and everyday laughter therapy that we discussed today.

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