What is the language in Bali? Balinese language

Language is a muscular organ covered with a mucous membrane with lymphoid formations and glands. The tongue is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. He performs a wide variety of Features:

    participates in pushing food;

    sucking function;

    is an organ of speech;

    responsible for touch;

    determines temperature and taste.

The tongue consists of a root, a body and an end. At closed mouth it takes up almost all oral cavity.

Upper surface of the tongue called the back. Along it there is a groove, under which there is a thin fibrous septum in the form of a plate of dense silvery tissue, dividing this organ into two equal halves.

Mucous membrane bottom surface The tongue is much more tender and thinner than the upper one, and is rich in superficially located thin blood vessels-capillaries. This ensures rapid absorption of some medications placed under the tongue.

By midline from the root of the tongue towards the chin, a thin fold of the mucous membrane is stretched, called frenulum of the tongue. There is a small elevation on each side of the bridle. The elevation is called the hyoid caruncle. Excretory ducts open on the caruncles salivary glands.

The unique anatomical formations of the tongue are the papillae, which cover the anterior part of its back by two-thirds. They not only perform a variety of receptor functions, but also actively respond to various local and general diseases, which will be discussed in the relevant sections of the brochure. A person has six types of tongue papillae, the most important of them in functional terms are:





Fungiform papillae less numerous, found among the filamentous ones, mainly at the tip and along the edges of the tongue. They have pink, making them clearly visible against the lighter background of other papillae.

Leaf-shaped papillae located along the edges of the posterior part of the body of the tongue and consist of five to eight vertical folds.

circumvallate papillae the largest, numbering seven to twelve, are located in two lines converging to the median groove almost at a right angle, open anteriorly, closing the papillary zone of the tongue behind. The papillae of the tongue contain a large number of superficially located nerve endings. The richest in them are the grooved and mushroom-shaped papillae.

Behind the papillary zone on the back of the root of the tongue are located lymphatic follicles, forming the lingual tonsil. In the language there are closely intertwined bundles of various directions four skeletal muscles, starting on the bones of the skull, and four intrinsic muscles, which ensures exceptional mobility of this organ.

Reasons pain in the tongue:

Mini injuries are the most common reasons appearance pain in the tongue:

    The tongue can become sore even in the absence of any injury. Lymph nodes in the sublingual area can become enlarged as a result of infection or even some types of cancer.

    Pain in the tongue can occur due to diseases of the salivary gland.

    Tongue pain may also be a symptom various types allergic reactions, iron deficiency in the body or manifestations side effects when taking certain medications.

Sometimes possible reason pain in the tongue is viral ulcer- painful tissue damage that appears on the tongue (or anywhere else in the mouth) without obvious reason. Some doctors think that these viral sores (painful stomatitis) are the result of emotional stress, fatigue or decreased body resistance.

Glossalgia- this is pain in the tongue, which occurs mainly in women over 25-30 years old. The causes and mechanism of development of pain in the tongue have not been fully elucidated. Glossalgia often occurs when:

Often the onset of glossalgia is preceded by mental trauma. Glossalgia manifests itself as a burning sensation, tingling, a feeling of rawness in the tongue, fatigue of the tongue after speaking, difficulty in moving it, and less often - pain. Sometimes the pain spreads to other parts of the oral cavity (lips, gums, cheeks), and even less often beyond its limits. The pain may disappear while eating.

Glossitis- this is a superficial or deep inflammation of the tissues of the tongue. Glossitis can be an independent disease, but more often it is a symptom of some general disease of the body. At deep glossitis the inflammatory process is localized in the thickness of the tongue and clinically manifests itself in the form of an abscess or phlegmon.

Phlegmonous glossitis, spreading to the bottom of the oral cavity, causing acute inflammation in the chin area and neck. Treatment occurs surgically. Superficial glossitis is a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue and refers to local manifestations of inflammation of the oral mucosa. As an independent disease catarrhal glossitis is extremely rare, and reasons its occurrence may be:

    carious teeth;

    difficult teething;

    Tartar deposits;

    injury to the mucous membrane of the tongue;

  • lack of oral care;

    intoxication with salts of heavy metals.

Catarrhal glossitis may be one of the symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria). IN similar cases it is a valuable diagnostic sign.

Catarrhal glossitis is characterized by the appearance of:

    thick coating on the tongue;

    swelling of the tongue;

    restriction of tongue mobility.

Patients complain of a burning sensation in the tongue, mild soreness, loss of taste, copious secretion of saliva.

Often a sign of ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis, developing under the influence of a mixed infection (yeast-like fungi, protozoa, fusospirillary infection), is ulcerative glossitis. A dirty gray coating forms on the tongue of such patients; when removed, painful and bleeding erosions and ulcers are visible. Celebrate hypersalivation, bad breath.

Other causes of tongue pain

There are a great many causes of pain in the tongue and only a specialist can determine the real reason pain. Pain in the tongue, in particular, may indicate the following diseases:

  • ill-fitting dentures;

    tongue injuries;

    anemia due to lack of iron or vitamin B12;

    smoking irritates the tongue and makes it painful.

If you don't understand what's causing your tongue pain and the discomfort continues, have your doctor or dentist take a look at it. Sometimes small tumors, invisible to you, develop on the lower surface of the tongue.

If neither you nor the doctor can find anything on your tongue to explain the pain, it's probably neuralgia: stimulation of the nerves that supply the mouth. You feel pain in your tongue, but it may actually be coming from nearby teeth and gums.

If tongue pain occurs when you walk quickly and stops when you rest, the cause is in the heart. Constant pain in the tongue should be the subject of your attention. family therapist. Ultimately, it may be associated with a minor infection or irritation.

When going on vacation to another country, it is very important to find out what language the local population speaks, because one way or another there will be a need for communication, even at a minimal level. In Bali, locals speak three languages: Balinese, Indonesian and English. In the article I will talk about how the local population of the island communicates with tourists, and what you need to know in order to facilitate your communication with the Balinese.

Bali is part of Indonesia, hence official language on an Indonesian island. It is also called Bahasa Indonesia. It is used in all government institutions, documentation is maintained on it, decisions are made political issues within the state, subjects are taught in schools and higher education institutions.

The alphabet consists of 23 letters and 26 sounds. In most cases, the emphasis in words is on last syllable However, there are often exceptions. Many sounds are pronounced the same way as they are written, but there are some sounds and letters that are not readable; you just need to remember them. One more interesting feature the official language is the lack of time, therefore in communication, to indicate the required time period, the words “yesterday”, “tomorrow”, “today”, “the day before yesterday” and so on are used.

Sentences are constructed simply, almost like in the Russian language: first comes the subject, predicate, and then all additional words. For the trip, tourists just need to learn the words of greeting, farewell, gratitude, the names of the main dishes and products, as well as phrases that will help you reduce the price in the local market.

Indonesian is spoken by all residents of the island. Master it for everyday communication not that difficult. But that doesn't mean you have to have large stock words and be able to communicate with the local population in their language.

Balinese language

Balinese is spoken by all residents of the island and surrounding areas. It belongs to the Austronesian family and consists of two dialects that are actively used in parallel. The dialect “basaalus” refers to religion, but “basakasar” refers to ordinary life. Their combination can form intermediate levels, each of which is used depending on the situation.

For visitors to the island, it is very difficult to notice the difference in dialects, so tourists are not advised to show their skills in the Balinese language. The fact is that in communication it is used more pompous words and combinations of sounds. Without knowing these features, you can say wrong word, which, for example, cannot be addressed to people with high social status. As a result, you will not only lose your interlocutor, but can also cause aggression in your direction.

The history of the Balinese language began around 500 AD. For several centuries it remained colloquial. It was not until 882 that the first written edition was published. Subsequently, the language succumbed to changes, as Buddhism and Hinduism began to actively spread in Bali. Many words were borrowed from Sanskrit. In addition, the formation of the Balinese language was influenced by Kawi and Javanese languages.

In the 20th century, the island was occupied by the Dutch, and during the Second World War by the Japanese. This also left its mark on the formation of the local dialect.

English language

English is the third language that is widely used on the island. But its use can be associated with the development of the tourism sector in Bali. This is precisely what communication with foreign tourists who come to the island is based on.

Almost every resident of the island knows English; even young children actively study it in schools. When going on vacation to Bali, it will be enough to remember the basic school course. It's enough for you minimum level to communicate with the local population.

Yes, Bali people speak English, but this does not mean that their knowledge and skills are perfect. They also communicate at an average level and can only explain themselves on certain topics.

Russian language

Today, the Russian language is practically not used in Bali, except that only tourists from the CIS countries speak it. Balinese speak Russian in isolated cases. Some of them only know a few words.

Every year the number of tourists from Russia who move to Bali for permanent residence is growing. This suggests that in a few years, hotels may have staff fluent in Russian.

During the years of perestroika, many Russians had free money, which allowed them to actively travel around the world. Many of them reached Bali, where the scale of their spending could not leave indifferent the local population, who at that time were already making money from tourism. Bali travel companies began to sharply train personnel who could speak fluently in Russian, since the true rich do not know another language.

Some Bali residents were sent to the island of Java, where they received short-term language courses. After their return to Bali, local evening schools began to open, teaching the basics of the Russian language. Today, such schools continue to function, but many students are still far from perfect in communicating in our native language. In any case, in at the moment You shouldn’t expect the Balinese to speak Russian to you.

How to communicate without knowing English?

Ignorance of the language is one of the main fears for those who decide to travel to any country near or far abroad. Of course, if you are a fan of organized tours, then the language may not be useful to you, because almost all issues will be decided for you by the company with which you will fly. But what to do if you are planning an independent trip, because this way you can learn much more about the country and visit places where no travel agency will send you.

Basic rules for communicating with Balinese for those who do not know English:

  1. Don't panic. Panic is terrible phenomenon, which not only prevents you from making decisions, but also prevents your brain from focusing and thinking.
  2. No one has canceled sign language. With the help of your hands and fingers, you can explain that you want to eat, drink, or that you are simply lost and don’t know the way to the hotel.
  3. Use a translator. It's easy to download to your phone. The most popular one is Google Translate. It can be installed on Android and iOS. This translator translates written text, voice messages, signs and other images.
  4. Before the trip, you can prepare cards with the main colloquial phrases in English, which are taken from the guidebook.
  5. Try to find places where they speak your native language. There will definitely be tourists from Russia at your hotel who speak English. They can help you if you need to negotiate with a local resident on some important issue.

The language of Bali is a representation of its local culture, it is a piece of the island's great past. Nobody forces foreigners to learn Balinese phrases and communicate with local residents only in their native language. If you want to show a touch of respect to the islanders, all you need to know is a few key phrases. They will not only help you communicate, but also expand your horizons.

Bali has a common Indonesian language, Bahasa Indonesia, as well as several local dialects that vary depending on the background of the people. There is a dialect spoken by the working class (sudras), the language of businessmen (vaishyas), as well as dialects of managers (kshatriyas) and priests (brahmanas).

In ancient times, people addressed each other exclusively in the dialect of their class; violation of this rule was considered disrespectful. However, with the passage of time, the spread of literacy and globalization, tradition gradually gave way to pragmatism, and many Balinese began to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia. Today, a businessman can calmly address a worker in his own dialect, thereby showing him his respect.

Naturally, foreigners do not have to distinguish between the dialects of the indigenous people and be able to speak the languages ​​of all castes. Moreover, many Balinese speak English quite well (as well as French and even German). If you also speak this language, then problems with communication are unlikely to arise, especially in the tourist centers of the island. But, if you do not speak English, you may find some of them very useful everyday phrases for tourists from spoken Indonesian.


The Indonesian alphabet has 26 sounds and 23 letters. As a rule, the emphasis in words should be on the last syllable, however, there are exceptions. Most sounds are pronounced the same way they are written. But there are some unreadable letters and sounds that you will have to remember.

One more interesting feature Indonesian – lack of tense forms of verbs. In fact, to indicate time, it is enough to use marker words (today, tomorrow, the day before yesterday, last week, etc.). The verb remains unchanged. Bahasa uses the classic word order in a sentence: the main clauses are followed by objects and adverbials.

Where phrases in Indonesian come in handy

Please note that Balinese words must be used with extreme caution so as not to distort the meaning of what was said or accidentally offend local residents. Of course, the traveler will most likely be forgiven for mistakes or incorrect pronunciation (since the locals will be pleased with the very attempt of a foreigner to speak their language), but still, knowing the basic phrases in Indonesian with translation will not only endear you to the Balinese, but will also help you communicate in shops, cafes and other public places.

You will definitely need them on your trip to Bali. greeting phrases, as well as words and sentences that will help answer the questions, what is your name, how old are you and what is your occupation.

There are also Russian-speaking guides in Bali who conduct excursions around the island and can help with hotel accommodation and solving everyday issues. But the number of Russian guides is not very large yet, so before the trip it’s still worth learning a few everyday phrases with translation.


Thank youeskerrick asco
Pleasees orregatic
Byehero arte
Good morningegun he
Good nightGabon
I don't understandes dut ulertsen
Do you speak...?its egiten al dusu...?
...in Frenchfranceses
What's your name?sein da sure iceena?
Very niceposten nau su esagutseak
Zerouts, gray
Thirtyogeita amar
Fiftyberrogeita amar
One hundredeun
Millionmiyoi baht
How much does it cost?Senbat balio do onek?
What is it?Sir yes ay?
I'll buy itErosi egingo dut
A little, a littlepittin baht
Ice creamsoskiki
Where…?non dago...?
How much does a ticket cost?Senbat balio do bidaiac?
Railway stationtrengelcurrents
Bus stationautobusgeltoki
Hotelthe remainder
How to get thereSusenbideak
What time is it?Se ordu da?

Tourists should know what language the locals speak and whether it is possible to speak English in Indonesia. The country of Bali is located on conditional border, separating Australia and countries southeast asia. The official language of the exotic paradise for tourists is Indonesian, or, as the Balinese call it, Bahasa Indonesia. This article will describe the communication features of the Balinese, as well as knowledge of what phrases in Indonesian will be needed by travelers going on vacation to this country.

Features of the official language

On the islands, local residents actively use the Bahasa Indonesian language. It is used at all levels of government: legislative, judicial and executive systems. IN educational institutions The island of Bali also uses the official language.

More popular language on the islands, which the Balinese widely use to communicate and solve everyday problems, the Balinese language is considered to have received the status national language. But despite this, all residents living on the island speak Indonesian.

It is important to note that learning Indonesian is quite easy. To gain the trust of any local resident, you will need very little: know a couple of simple phrases in this language. It is not without reason that when a person hears native phrases from the lips of a foreigner, he is immediately imbued with a friendly attitude towards him. The most simple words in Indonesian will be useful in hotels, small markets that sell fresh fruits and vegetables, and in souvenir shops that are located at every turn, especially in tourist places.

Indonesian writing is based on latin letters, the pronunciation of which does not differ from the spelling. The Balinese are accustomed to placing emphasis on the last syllable.

As for the rules of grammar, when learning a language you should pay attention to the following features:

  1. Sentences use direct word order: the subject comes first, then the predicate, and then minor members offers.
  2. There are no tenses in the Indonesian language. The Balinese always use one single verb form. In this connection, in order to make a sentence in the future or past tense, you need to take the corresponding verb in the present tense and add adverbs to it: tomorrow or yesterday.

The main thing in learning an official language is considered to be good vocabulary. Grammar has no fundamental function. If a person good memory, and he has spent enough time learning words in Indonesian, then local residents will easily understand him in almost any situation, even if the sentence is not grammatically constructed correctly.

Tourists wishing to go on holiday to the Balinese Islands are advised to learn words indicating gratitude and greeting. If possible, they should be able to introduce themselves when they meet: tell where they came from, where their country is, what their name is, how old they are, what profession they have, whether they have children.

Sometimes you may need knowledge of certain dishes, drinks (water, wine and juices), as well as fruits and seafood. If you want to be able to, it is difficult to do without knowing the words denoting some numerals.

As practice shows, it will be a rather useless exercise to remember how to find out any route or direction to follow on a particular trip. Local residents are unlikely to understand a foreigner's question. And even if they understand, it will be very difficult for a tourist to understand their answer. Therefore, to clarify this issue, it is advised to use gestures or hire a local resident for a few dollars who knows the map of the area like the back of his hand.

You should not memorize phrases that help you conduct a conversation with people working at customs control. You can express your thoughts incorrectly, and then unforeseen difficulties will arise. At passport control, it is better to communicate a little in English, using the most simple phrases: Good afternoon, yes and no.

To learn the most basic phrases that will become necessary in everyday life, before your trip you can purchase a phrasebook from English to Indonesian.

According to statistics, in the Balinese language, which linguists classify as Austronesian language group, approximately 300 million people in the world communicate. For foreigners, this language may not seem easy to learn. This is due to the history of the language: the Balinese language was formed under the influence of two local dialects.

There is an opinion that the Balinese language is considered to be the language of the common people. To emphasize their importance and superiority, representatives of the upper caste on the Balinese islands address the representatives of the lower castes.

However, it is customary for representatives of the upper castes to be addressed quite differently from to the common man. When communicating, a greater number of high-flown words and expressions are used, as well as, as the Balinese say, “the purest sound combination.”

Therefore, if a foreigner who comes on vacation to Bali has a desire to conquer others good knowledge Balinese language, he should be extremely careful and prudent so as not to inadvertently offend any of the local residents. By using one word or expression incorrectly, which cannot be used in relation to high-ranking people, you can greatly hurt the feelings of your interlocutor and even make him extremely aggressive.

Although, it is worth noting that the division into castes in Bali today is conditional. The caste system is used in frequently used religious practices that are revered by the Balinese. But the legislative branch introduces its own prohibitions on relationships based on caste differences between people. However, in the communication of people, the caste system continues to find its application in the modern world.

Useful knowledge of English

The third most popular language in the Balinese Islands is English. It is in this language that communication with all foreign tourists who large quantities come to this paradise on earth every year.

Classes are taught in English in many schools operating in European system education. In this connection, if a person comes to Indonesia with the goal of living there for several years, then he has every right to enroll his child in a school in which all subjects will be taught not in Indonesian, but in English.

As for the Russian language, the local population practically does not speak it at all. If you wish, you can find guides on the island who offer excursions in Russian, but there will be few such offers.

Perhaps in a few years Russian-speaking staff will appear in Bali, because thousands of tourists from Russia regularly come to the Balinese islands. But for now, when going to Bali, it would be useful to remember the simplest English phrases, which will help with communication on the island.

If you want to study the vibrant and very colorful culture of the Balinese islands as deeply as possible, you simply need to get acquainted with the language of the local residents. It is he who will give the most complete idea of ​​the diversity and depth of Indonesian culture.

For Europeans, Indonesian, which does not include pitch changes and is written in the Latin alphabet, is certainly one of the most accessible languages ​​of Southeast Asia.

Locals rarely speak English, even in tourist areas such as Bali, so learn a few basic phrases speaking Indonesian can be very useful to any visitor to the country.

Elderly and highly respected men in Indonesia are addressed by adding "pak" (Mr.) to their name, and women by adding "bu" (Mistress).

Common phrases

terima kasi







sampai zumpa

I don't understand

saya tidak mengerti

saya tidak men'erti

What is your name?

apa yang menjadi nama anda?

apa yan" mennyadi nama anda?

How are you?

apa kabar?

Where is the toilet here?

di mana adalah kamar kecil?

di mana adalah kamar ketshil?

What is the price?

berapa hati-hati berharga?

berapa hati-hati berhaega?

One ticket to...

satu helai karcis ke...

satu halai kartshis ke...

What time is it?

adalah waktu yang mana?

adalah waktu yang" mana?

No smoking

don't push

pint of masuk

jalan keluar

Do you speak English?

apakah anda berbicara dalam bahasa?

apakah anda berbitshara dalam bahasa?

Where is it located?

di mana ialah..?

di mana ialah..?


I need to order a room

saya perlu untuk mencadangkan

saya perlu whituk mentshadan "kan


I want to pay the bill

saya mau membayar rekening

Saya Mau Membayar Rekin"

Room, number

Shop (shopping)


membayar dengan uang tunai

membayar dengan uang tunai

By card

membayar dengan kartu

memory dengan card


No change

so hello tan"gal



Very expensive

san"t waved

den "an murah






Please make a stop

Tshoba Berhenti




keberan "katan

kereta api


pelabuhan blow

Emergency cases

Help me

tolong saya

Fire service

pasukan pemadam kebakaran

pasukan pemadam kebakaran




rumah sakit

membuat saya


I want to book a table

saya mau memesan meja

saya mau memesan meya

Check please (bill)

coba periksa (rekening)

tshoba periksa (rekenin")

Language of Indonesia

What is the language in Indonesia?

The main language of communication on the islands of Bali, Java and others is Indonesian. The language of Indonesia was formed in the first half of the last century based on Malay. It refers to western group Malayo-Polynesian languages. About twenty million residents speak fluently the Indonesian language. In total, more than two hundred million people speak it.

The Indonesian alphabet consists of 23 Latin letters.

A distinctive feature of the language is not a pronounced accent. In fact, the Indonesian language assumes that all syllables are stressed. For this reason, all vowel sounds are pronounced without reduction (not reduced).

Today state language Indonesia is studied at universities such as Moscow State University and MGIMO. Before traveling to the islands, tourists can go through short course from teachers of the above universities. Many note that the official language in Indonesia is quite understandable, and you can learn the basics in a few lessons.

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