Types of subordinate clauses in Russian. Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses contain an additional message, an explanation about what is expressed in the main part of the sentence. Moreover, in the main part of the sentence there are no formal grammatical signs indicating that it is followed by a subordinate clause (with the exception of intonation incompleteness), i.e. it does not need a subordinate clause. But the subordinate clause has a formal indicator of subordination - allied word, and its meaning without the main part is uncertain. This conjunctive word seems to contain the content of the previous main part (in whole or in part). To connect the parts, the connecting words are used: what, where, whither, from where, when, how, why, why, why, as a result of which: One of the main benefits of hunting, my dear readers, is that it forces you to constantly move from place to place. a place that is very pleasant for an unoccupied person (I. Turgenev) (the conjunctive word that can be replaced by the combination and this; cf.: and this is very pleasant for an unoccupied person); Maxim, shaking his head, muttered something and surrounded himself with especially thick clouds of smoke, which was a sign of intense work of thought (V. Korolenko); He built a house according to his own plan, started a cloth factory, tripled his income and began to honor himself the smartest person in the entire neighborhood, about which his neighbors did not contradict him... (A. Pushkin); ...She [the wolf] mistook the fox's trail for a dog's and sometimes even lost her way, which never happened to her in her youth (A. Chekhov); The goose took another string in its beak and pulled it, causing a deafening shot to immediately ring out (A. Chekhov); ...The truth was that he really lost consciousness, as he later admitted (F. Dostoevsky); Weakened from loss of blood, Benny fell on the battlefield, where he was found in an unconscious state (N. Leskov).
The actual joining union is the word ???: The dressmaker lost the case, and she not only had to return the money for the suits, but also pay the plaintiff a thousand francs for moral damages (V. Nabokov).
Some connecting clauses, as a result of frequent use, have turned into stable speed: as expected; Q.E.D; for which I congratulate you, etc.


  1. § 84. Complex sentences with subordinating clauses
  2. 346. Complex sentences with a subordinate clause
  3. 118. Complex sentences with a subordinate clause
  4. 35. Complex sentences of undivided structure. Complex sentences with attributive clauses. Other ways of expressing these relationships.
  5. 33. Complex sentences of undivided structure. Complex sentences with explanatory clauses.

Complex sentences with corollary clauses and connecting clauses

Goals: improve spelling and punctuation skills; to deepen students’ acquisition of information about NGN with subordinate clauses, to distinguish specified species subordinate clauses, determine the means of their connection with the main thing; give the concept of corollary clauses and connecting clauses; improve your punctuation skills in NGN.

Educational: Work on compliance spelling standards language.

Educational: Promote education speech culture students;

equipment: textbook, handouts.

lesson type: combined.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational stage

II.Repetition.Update background knowledge

1. We'll start with a little linguistic warm-up.

Task 1. Place emphasis in words: points A uh, document e nt, back O lgo, ringing And hey, new ride O g, red And vee, mastersk And, make it easier And t, aggravate And yeah, make a contract O r, table I r, n A started laughing, started A, desk e r. (cards)

2. Find word combinations with the connection “management”: (board)

    Pleased with the success;

b) drive a car,

G) characteristic features,

e) a brick wall.

3. Which sentences contain speech errors? (board)

    I would like to warn those who do not know the rules of the road well.

    About ninety applicants received the highest score in the exam.

    Both athletes had the same results. (both)

    Streams ran across the asphalt in the city. (the word asphalt does not have a plural form)

4. Practical work with language material (cards)

- Read the IPP and indicate the subordinate clauses and their meanings.

1) We went down to the river where the children were swimming.places(conjunctive words: where, where, from):

2) I was sleeping when you called.temporary(conjunctions: when, while, only, only):

3) If he invites me to the cinema, I will go.conditional(conjunctions: if, if (obsolete):

4) Anna didn't come to additional lesson because she didn't know anything about him.

causal(conjunctions: because, since, for (obsolete):

5) Call Anna so that she also knows this news.targeted(conjunctions: so that, so that (obsolete):

6) Dimka does not really like mathematics, although he has good mathematical abilities.concessive(union though):

III. Setting lesson goals and objectives .

What adverbial clauses do we need to know? (consequences and SPP with subordinate clauses).

State the purpose of our lesson. (Let's get acquainted with the subordinate clauses of the consequence and the IPP with subordinate clauses).

Working with a table.

Getting to know new material. Subordinate clauses of consequence.

The investigative subordinate clauses formalize the meaning of the investigation, result, conclusion, while the main part of the IPP expresses the cause, the basis. Subordinate clause is attached to the entire main part by means of a compound conjunction so that it is located after the main clause (in postposition).

Let's look at a few examples:

1. [ The heat was increasing] , (so it became hard to breathe). , (So).

2. [We sat on the corner of the bastiO on], (so that in both directions they could see everything). , (So).

Conclusion: in both sentences the subordinate clauses answer the question “what follows from this?” and are joined using a compound conjunctionSo.

(Bastion is a fortified military fortification.)

Pay attention!

1) So it is the only conjunction that is used in subordinate clauses of consequence, and it is used only in this type of subordinate clause.

2) Union so cannot be divided into two parts, like many others compound unions. It is always completely included in the subordinate clause. If this conjunction is dissected, then not only the structure of the sentence will change, but also the meaning of the subordinate clause.

(board) Compare:

He dressed warmly, so he is not afraid of the cold subordinate clause with the union so;

He dressed so that he was not afraid of the cold – subordinate clause of manner of action and degree, so – index word in the main clause that - subordinating conjunction in the subordinate clause.

Getting to know new material. SPP with additional connecting clauses.

Familiarization with the theoretical material of the textbook p. 80

1) Questions:adjective clauses answer the questions: what is the conclusion from this? what is the assessment of this? What can be noted about this?

2) Communications: subordinate clauses are attached to the main sentence using allied words: what (in various forms without prepositions and with prepositions), why, why, why.

3) Place in a sentence: subordinate clauses come after the main clause, and in the main clause there are no indicators that sentences of this type follow them (except for intonation, indicating that the sentence is not complete).

The main clause in a complex sentence with a subordinate clause is complete in form and content. The subordinate clause contains an additional message, an assessment of the situation in the main sentence, a conclusion, and individual comments about the message in the main part.

For example: (card)

    Such [wild, deserted, inhospitable]the taiga influences the psyche of people, which was noticeable from my companions (Arsenyev). IN in this case the subordinate clause contains an observation confirming general judgment expressed in the main clause.

    Working on jasper, Russian artists and craftsmen learned to understand and appreciate the stone, to look for it in itself. artistic design, merging the artist’s idea with the properties of the material, which is one of greatest achievements in the history of stone cutting art (Fersman). This subordinate clause expresses an assessment.

    Having destroyed the fish in one particular area, the otter moves up or down the river, for which it walks along the bank (Arsenyev). This subordinate clause gives an additional message.

In general, complex sentences with subordinate clauses are close in meaning to complex and non-conjunct complex sentences. It is no coincidence that the conjunctive wordswhat, why, why can be replaced demonstrative pronouns and pronominal adverbs: what → this; why → because; why → then.


1) During a strong storm, an old pine tree was uprooted, which is why this hole was formed.

2) He was not in the house, which is why I left a note.

3) The steamer could be carried out to sea, which in a full storm threatened it with death.

V. Consolidation of new material

Ex. 187 orally.

Group 1 - Ex. 186 write out sentences with subordinate clauses. (1, 4, 6, 7) boys

Group 2 - Exercise. 188 - write out sentences with subordinate clauses. (4 5 6) girls

At the blackboard - parsing offers. (Masha)

[Air was becoming So rare] , (Whatit hurt to breathe). (Narrative, non-vocal, SPP with a subordinate adverbial degree, refers to the predicate with an indicative word and is attached to the main one with the help of the conjunction that; the main thing is two-part, distributive,; the subordinate clause is one-part, impersonal, non-extended).

Questions for students:

    What types of subordinate clauses did you become familiar with?

    What subordinate clauses are called consequential clauses?

    What question are they answering?

    What conjunctions are they attached to the main thing?


1. Repeat theoretical material on the topic “SPP with adverbial clauses”. table

2. Execute (in writing) 194 or 192 at the students' choice.

Card (Kolya, Sasha N., Sasha K., Sergey)

I. Read the sentences expressively, pausing at the // sign. Write it down using punctuation marks. Underline the conjunction that adds subordinate clauses. Open the parentheses.

1. Natasha was with us yesterday (V ) performed on stage for the first time // so we can congratulate her on her successful debut. 2. The captive's arms and legs were (on ) tightly fastened // so that he could only move his head (B. Akunin ). 3. They passed (V )close // so that splashes of cold mud hit my face (V. Bogomolov ). 4. Bartender (V ) instantly pulled his head into his shoulders // so that it became clear that he was a poor man (M. Bulgakov ). 5. Suddenly and silently the roof of this house flew up (on )top along with a cloud of black smoke and the walls collapsed (V )bottom // so there is nothing left of the two-story box (M. Bulgakov ).

SPP with additional connecting clauses

Additive clauses contain an additional message about what is said in the main part of the sentence.

The connecting message may contain an explanation, an assessment of what is given in the main part of the message, a conclusion from it, or additional comments related to the content of this message, and in the main part of the sentence there are no formal grammatical signs indicating that a subordinate clause follows it (after with the exception of intonation incompleteness), that is, it does not need a subordinate part, but the subordinate clause has a formal indicator of subordination - a conjunction word, and its meaning without the main part is uncertain. This conjunctive word seems to contain the content of the previous main part (in whole or in part). In a complex sentence One of the main benefits of hunting, my dear readers, is that it forces you to constantly move from place to place, which is very pleasant for an unoccupied person(T.) first subordinate clause joined by a conjunction What, – explanatory, its necessity is due to the semantic incompleteness of the combination is that in the main part. The construction of the explanatory subordinate clause is such that it does not require a new subordinate clause to follow it, and the latter has the nature of an additional comment about the main statement (evaluation of its content). This is the connecting part. Character syntactic relations it with the preceding part of the sentence resembles the relationship between the parts of the SSP, as evidenced by the possibility of replacing the conjunctive word What combination and this, which is unacceptable in an explanatory clause. The actual connecting conjunction is the word and: The dressmaker lost the case, and she not only had to return the money for the suits, but also pay the plaintiff a thousand francs for moral damages(Eb.). In other cases, the function of connecting conjunctions is performed by subordinating conjunctions and combinations.

Connective relations are expressed using allied words What(V different forms), where, where, from, when, why, why, why, how.

The most often used in the connecting function is the conjunctive word What(in different forms): He built a house according to his own plan, started a cloth factory, tripled his income and began to consider himself the smartest man in the entire neighborhood, which his neighbors did not contradict him...(P.); ... She [the wolf] mistook a fox's track for a dog's and sometimes even lost her way, something that never happened to her in her youth(Ch.).

In subordinate clauses, an intensifying-contrastive particle is often used And, emphasizing that the message contained in the subordinate part is caused precisely by the message contained in the main part. Wed: One corner of the curtain was slightly turned up, which made it possible to look into the bedroom(Chekhov) (consequences) and One corner of the curtain was slightly turned up, which made it possible to look into the bedroom(connecting) .

Conjunctive words why, why, why usually in combination with a conjunction And add subordinate clauses with cause-and-effect and target shades of meaning: The goose took another string in its beak and pulled it, causing a deafening shot to immediately ring out.(Ch.) (cause and effect); My brother had to take it entrance exams to college, why did he come to the city(target) ; It was already getting dark in the forest, which is why we had to return home(target) .

Least common conjunctive words in subordinate clauses where, where, from, when and union How, introducing shades corresponding to their lexical meaning: spatial, temporal, comparative. Moreover, their connecting function is revealed only in combination with the following and ( where and when and how and): He returned home exactly at five o'clock, when he was supposed to arrive; ...The truth was that he actually lost consciousness, as he later admitted(Adv.); Weak from loss of blood, Benny fell on the battlefield, where he was found in an unconscious state.(Lesk.). Connective clauses, due to special character connecting relations are located after the main one or, less often, in the middle. Acceptable in in some cases placing them at the beginning of the sentence creates the character of inversion: What often happens in the Indian summer, in the morning the overcast sky began to brighten during the day, and the soft sun without shadows illuminated the earth(Fed.).

As a result of frequent use, some connecting clauses have turned into stable phrases: which is to be expected; Q.E.D; I congratulate you on this.


1. Close to SPP with subordinate clauses connecting offers with relative pronouns where, where, from, for which there is a special particle And: He spent two weeks in a hospital in Vladimir, from where he was again sent to the front. However, the relation of the subordinate part not to the entire main or its part, but to a separate word, in this case a noun, makes the connecting meaning additional. The main meaning here must be considered, obviously, attributive.

The meanings of a number of constructions with conjunctions are also accompanied by a connecting connotation for, if only, if only, for nothing, so. All these complex sentences are characterized by: 1) semantic and formal completeness of the main part; 2) lack of correlative words; 3) obligatory postposition of subordinate clauses (impossibility of using them in preposition). However, the leading one in all these sentences is not the connecting meaning, but the one expressed lexical meaning union: cause, effect, goal, concession.

2. SPP with subordinate clauses are close in meaning to SSP and BSS, which have a pronoun in the second part This: I raped my feelings, and for this nature took revenge on me(Stanislavsky) (cf.: ...for which nature took revenge on me); He chose one or two advisers among the department's engineersthis helped him to be considered a knowledgeable person in the eyes of management(Granin) (cf.: ...which helped him to be considered a knowledgeable person in the eyes of management). The closeness of these sentences and SPPs with subordinate clauses is explained by the fact that the demonstrative pronoun This, same as relative pronoun What, indicates the contents of the first part complex sentence. The difference between SPP with subordinate clauses and SSP and BSS with a pronoun This in the second part lies in the specially connecting meaning of the first; in the degree of connection between the parts: in SPP it is large, in SSP it is smaller, in FSS the second part is so independent that it is more often used as separate offer: The prisoner began to fall behind. This bothered the guard(Lavrenev).

1. Questions: subordinate corollaries answer the question what follows from this?

2. Communications: subordinate clauses are attached to the main clause using the conjunction so.

3. Place in a sentence: subordinate clauses come after the main clause.

The snow became whiter and brighter, so it hurt my eyes to look at it(L. Tolstoy).

, (So- union).

Pay attention!

1) So it is the only conjunction that is used in clauses of consequence, and it is used only in this type of clause.

2) The union therefore cannot be divided into two parts, like many other compound unions. It is always completely included in the subordinate clause. If this conjunction is dissected, then not only the structure of the sentence will change, but also the meaning of the subordinate clause.

Wed: He dressed warmly, so he is not afraid of the cold- subordinate clause with the conjunction so that; He got dressed So that the frost is not scary for him- a subordinate clause of manner of action and degree, so - an indicative word in the main sentence, that - a subordinating conjunction in a subordinate clause.

Note. A number of manuals also highlight subordinate clauses:

1) Questions: subordinate clauses answer the questions: what is the conclusion from this? what is the assessment of this? What can be noted about this?

2) Communications: subordinate clauses are attached to the main sentence using allied words: what (in various forms without prepositions and with prepositions), why, why, why.

3) Place in a sentence: subordinate clauses come after the main clause, and in the main clause there are no indicators that sentences of this type follow them (except for intonation, indicating that the sentence is not complete).

The main clause in a complex sentence with a subordinate clause is complete in form and content. The subordinate clause contains an additional message, an assessment of the situation in the main sentence, a conclusion, and individual comments about the message in the main part.

    For example:

    Such[wild, deserted, inhospitable] taiga affects people's psyche, What it was noticeable from my companions(Arsenyev). In this case, the subordinate clause provides an observation that confirms the general judgment expressed in the main clause.

    Working on jasper, Russian artists and craftsmen learned to understand and appreciate the stone, look for the artistic intent in it, merge the artist’s idea with the properties of the material, What is one of greatest achievements in the history of stone cutting art(Fersman). This subordinate clause expresses an assessment.

    For what walks along the shore(Arsenyev). This subordinate clause gives an additional message.

In general, complex sentences with subordinate clauses are close in meaning to complex and non-conjunct complex sentences. It is no coincidence that the conjunctive words what, why, why can be replaced by demonstrative pronouns and pronominal adverbs: what → this ; why → because; why → then .

Wed: Having destroyed the fish in one area, the otter moves up or down the river, For what walks along the shore. - Having destroyed the fish in one area, the otter moves up or down the river, for this it walks along the bank).

Plan for parsing a complex sentence

  1. Indicate the type of complex sentence (complex sentence).
  2. Name the main clause and subordinate clause (highlight grammatical bases).
  3. Indicate what the subordinate clause refers to (to the entire main clause or to one word in the main clause).
  4. Determine the type of subordinate clause.
  5. Indicate means of communication: conjunction or allied word; indicative word (if it is in the main sentence).
  6. Indicate the place of the subordinate clause in relation to the main clause.
  7. Construct a complex sentence diagram.

Sample parsing

The young people are so shocked by this meeting that they are silent for some time, looking at us(Ginsburg).

A complex sentence consists of two simple ones. Main offer: The young people are so shocked by this meeting, grammatical basis - young people are shocked. Subordinate clause: who are silent for a while, looking at us; grammatical basis - are silent, subject omitted young people. The subordinate clause refers to the predicate shocked, expressed short communion. Subordinate image actions and degrees. Means of communication - the conjunction that and the demonstrative word so (in the main sentence). The subordinate clause comes after the main clause.

[cr. prib. + decree next], ( What- union).
mode of action and degree

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