All neighbors in the universe translated into Belarusian. Belarusian language

Did you know that Belarusian language(Belarusian language) included in the list world heritage UNESCO as one of the most beautiful languages peace? The language is truly very beautiful, melodic and unforgettable. I am especially fascinated by the names different months in Belarusian language. See for yourself.

January - Studzen

Winter has fully come into its own. The weather is getting cold, and even icy.

February - Lyuty

The coldest month of the year. Epiphany frosts occur in February. Fierce cold.

March - Sakavik

The weather is starting to change. Thaws appear, snow melts. The sun is warming up white light and nature is gaining juice.

April - Krasavik

Nature is finally waking up. Grass covers meadows and fields with a green blanket. The trees are starting to put on their summer clothes. Beauty)))

May - May

The weather in May is very changeable. Either rain or sun. It's warm, it's cold. Toil weather)))

June - Cherven

Since ancient times, it was believed that in June, dyes appeared in the first ripened fruits. worms. Hence the name.

July - Lipen

Beginning of flowering linden trees

August - Zhniven

The harvest is ripe. The time has passed to collect it, that is, the time harvest.

September - Verasen

Bloomed this month heather

October - Kastrychnik

In October, when processing flax (flax is processed precisely in October), castritsa rose into the air. I could be wrong :)

November - Listapad

Here I think everything is clear without unnecessary words. Very golden. Leaf fall in full swing

December - Snezhan

It's winter time. Fields are covered snowy blanket

How do you like it? Isn't it wonderful???

Did you know that the Belarusian language (Belarusian language) is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world? The language is truly very beautiful, melodic and unforgettable. I am especially fascinated by the names of the different months in Belarusian language. Look...


(in Bel. Belarusian language) is one of the East Slavic languages, which has about 7.5 million speakers in Belarus. The Belarusian language is closely related to and languages. Most Belarusians are bilingual - they speak both Belarusian and Russian.

The country known today as Belarus has been part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since the mid-13th century. and until the end of the 18th century. An archaic form of the Belarusian language, known as the "Old Belarusian language", was the official language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and was originally written in the Cyrillic alphabet. Due to the dominance of the Greek Orthodox Church in this region, the written form of the Belarusian language was significantly influenced by Church Slavonic, the language of Orthodox worship.

Throughout the 16th century. The Reformation and Counter-Reformation led to the purification of Church Slavonic elements from literary Belarusian ones. Also during this period, handwritten Belarusian texts using the Latin alphabet (Lacinka) began to appear. The first known printed text in the Belarusian language using the Latin alphabet is “Witanie na Pierwszy Wiazd z Krolowca do Kadlubka Saskiego Wilenskiego” - a Jesuit, anti-Lutheran publication printed in Vilnius in 1642.

Russian conquests 1654-1667 led to the destruction of many Belarusian cities and the death of about half the population, including 80% of the urban population. By 1710, the Old Belarusian language was replaced by the Polish language, which became the official language in this region. However, the Belarusian language continued to appear in written form, albeit in a limited manner.

At the end of the 19th century. A literary form of the Belarusian language, close to the modern one, began to appear. It took many years to arrive at a single standard spelling system: some preferred an orthography based on Polish, others preferred an orthography based on Russian, and still others used an orthography based on the Belarusian version of the Latin alphabet. In the end, we came to a compromise option that combines elements of all these systems. At the same time, the Belarusian language also began to use the Cyrillic alphabet in writing.

Throughout the twentieth century. many Belarusian publications were printed using both the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. After the Soviet takeover of the eastern part of Belarus in 1919-1920, it became the only officially recognized alphabet. At the same time, in the western part of Belarus, the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets continued to coexist, although after 1943 most printed materials were published in Cyrillic. A notable exception were the publications of Belarusian emigrants, who preferred the Latin alphabet.

Since Belarus declared its independence in 1991, efforts have been made to revive writing using the Latin alphabet. The problem is that it is impossible to develop a unified spelling system.

Also, to write in the Belarusian language, the Arabic alphabet was used (by the Belarusian Tatars) and the Hebrew alphabet (by the Belarusian Jews).

Cyrillic alphabet for the Belarusian language (Belarusskiy kirylichny alphabet)

The letter in parentheses is a letter that was abolished by Soviet reform in 1933 but is still sometimes used.

Latin alphabet for the Belarusian language (Biełaruskaja łacinskaja abeceda)

Also, when writing foreign names, the letters W and X are used.

    1 translation

    translation; translation

    I translation, -du husband.

    postal transfer - pashtovy transfer

    transfer to another job - transfer to another job

    II (into another language) pereklad, -du husband. III husband. (waste) translation, -du husband. , durham waste, marnavanne, -nnya Wed

    transfer of money - transfer (durham waste, marnavanne) penny

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