XVII century in the history of Russia. Why in the 17th century Little Russia never became a sovereign state

TT pistol is one of the most famous pistol models in the world. Its creator (1871-1968) devoted his entire life to small arms. Self-loading rifles of his design were in service with Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. However, it was the TT pistol that brought world fame to its creator.

The first tests of this model took place in June 1930. The commission headed by V.F. Grushevsky conducted field tests of the TT pistol, Korovin, Prilutsky pistols, as well as the best foreign samples of the Browning, Walter and Parabellum systems. The test results showed that the Tokarev pistol is “the most acceptable and suitable for adoption, provided that the identified deficiencies are eliminated.”

A serious drawback of this pistol was its low accuracy; safety also needed to be improved. New tests of the already improved TT model and new types of weapons took place in December 1930 at the VSS (Higher Rifle School) “Vystrel” training ground. The commission was headed by K.P. Uborevich, who in his report noted the reliability and convenience of the TT pistol, as a result of which the decision was made to introduce it into service.

The first success for the Tokarev pistol came in February 1931: the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR decided to order the first batch of pistols for testing among the troops. Then the pistol learned a new name - “7.62 mm self-loading pistol mod. 1930". In this case, the situation of forty years ago was repeated again: Nicholas II issued a decree renaming the Mosin rifle into the “7.62 mm rifle mod. 1891." Later, justice triumphed, and the model gained worldwide fame as the TT pistol (Tulsky, Tokarev).
Over the course of several years, the pistol was modernized, pursuing two main goals - reducing the cost and simplifying its production. In 1933, the Tula Arms Plant launched mass production of the TT pistol. By the beginning of the war, the annual production of TT pistols was more than 100 thousand units.

As with many pistol models, the fate of the TT pistol was not cloudless: the volume of TT pistols produced fluctuated, while new prototypes of pistols from other gunsmiths appeared. The main drawback of the TT, which consequently caused widespread complaints about this pistol model, was the small capacity of the magazine and its falling out when the latch button was accidentally pressed. In this regard, in 1939 F.V. Tokarev created a version of the pistol with an enlarged handle and a magazine with a capacity of 12 rounds. Another positive change in the design of the pistol was the lower location of the latch. Unfortunately, the war prevented this prototype from entering the series, but the TT pistol itself received well-deserved recognition. At the beginning of the war, in connection with the promotion fascist troops In the direction of Tula, the USSR government decided to move defense production to the east of the country. Thus, the production of TT pistols and Nagan revolvers was moved to Izhevsk. Even under these conditions, Tula gunsmiths were able to repair weapons coming from the front, as well as assemble new ones from the remaining stock. For these purposes, obsolete equipment and tools left after the evacuation, as well as old repaired machines, were used. In two months of 1941, thanks to the dedicated work of workers, more than five hundred TT pistols were sent to the front line.
The restoration of the plant began when the threat to Moscow from fascist troops was neutralized. Within several months, the plant's work was established. After the end of the war, mass production of Tokarev pistols was established at the Izhevsk, Tula and Kovrov factories. Until the early fifties, when the Makarov pistol appeared, these factories produced more than a million TT pistols... Tokarev was awarded the title of Hero for his invaluable contribution to the development of domestic small arms socialist labor and was awarded four Orders of Lenin and numerous medals.

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the USSR was developing self-loading pistols for mass production and rearmament of the army. Tests of domestic and foreign weapons were carried out, among which were the Parabellum, Browning, Walter, and Prilutsky systems. But the Tokarev pistol, in its combat and operational characteristics surpassed the projects of other Soviet designers, so its mass production began.

The TT pistol was adopted by 30 countries, including those used by the Wehrmacht and SS units. Nowadays the TT is a coveted trophy for weapon collectors.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the famous weapon, the TT pistol, is associated with the name of the Russian designer Fedor Vasilyevich Tokarev. He was born into a Cossack family. Later he entered a military vocational school in Novocherkassk, where he studied at the weapons department. Later, at the shooting school for training officers in Oranienbaum, he saw one of the first automatic weapons - a rifle designed by Fedorov.

He was interested in the device, despite the imperfections and shortcomings, the first automation carried new idea which had advantages. The Russian army did not have such weapons.

In 1908, Fedor Vasilyevich developed an automatic rifle, based on the Mosin. The work was supported by the Artillery Committee. But the weapon required improvements, and in 1910 Tokarev introduced it new sample and a rifle of its own innovative design. The idea was to convert the Mosin three-line rifle into an automatic one.

This rifle fired a single shot, then manually reloaded, as a result of which the sight was already knocked off the line of fire, although the magazine held 5 rounds. Thus began work on the creation of a Russian automatic rifle.

In the post-revolutionary period, Fyodor Vasilyevich was sent to Tula, where he worked as chief engineer at the Tula Arms Factory. There he designed the MT light machine gun. The Tula TT pistol was created by Tokarev for a competition, the purpose of which was to select successful weapons for arming the army. Why is the weapon called TT: the abbreviation is associated with the name of the inventor Tokarev, who invented it, and the Tula plant.

It was declared the most acceptable, but the commission demanded that the design of the TT pistol be modified in terms of safety and accuracy.

A few months later, the designer presented an improved version, it met expectations and was accepted into service. A cartridge with a bottle sleeve and a jacketed bullet for the TT pistol was adopted for service in 1930. Among the soldiers, the pistol was nicknamed “TT” - Tula Tokarev.

But for several years the design was modernized. I had to revise the drawing of the clip, because the cartridges from the TT pistol were distorted, and the bolt quickly wore out. And the pistol could not be used when firing from a tank through a rifle embrasure. The reliability of the pistol also left much to be desired, as did the service life of 200–300 shots; there were frequent breakdowns and malfunctions, which meant that modernization was again required.

The pistol was modified primarily to reduce the cost and simplify technological process. After modernization in 1933, the plant became able to produce the modernized TT pistol in the required quantity. By the beginning of the war, over 100 thousand pieces were produced.

During the Second World War, the TT became the main personal weapon of the officers and generals of the spacecraft. It was used in close combat with a distance of up to 50 m.

In 1951, production of the TT was stopped and it was replaced by the famous PM. How does the Makarov PM pistol differ from the TT: first of all, its purpose - not for use in military conditions, but for the police in peaceful conditions. Therefore, the inventor made it lighter and more compact. Automatic free shutter.

It is believed that PM is safer, more comfortable to wear and easier to operate. In the same 1951, the Stechkin APS automatic pistol began to be produced.

Design features of the 7.62 mm pistol of the 1930 model

For his brainchild, Tokarev used the most successful developments of his predecessors: the creator combined in his pistol some features of several systems developed before him. It's about about the Colt M1911 and its bore locking device, the Browning M1903 design, the . He introduced his own design solutions: he placed the trigger device in a separate block.

It could be removed from the frame to clean and lubricate the weapon. Tokarev placed the mainspring in the trigger and made further modifications to make the weapon convenient to use. The automation is made according to a scheme with a short stroke of the weapon barrel.

The TT pistol is an automatic short-barreled weapon. The body is flat, length – 195 mm, height – 133 mm, width – 28 mm, barrel length – 116 mm. Thanks to its compact size, the TT is comfortable to wear. The ammunition is automatically fed and sent into the chamber, the barrel bore is locked and unlocked automatically, and the used cartridge case is ejected.

Shooting is carried out in single shots. The clip is placed in the handle.

Thanks to its powerful cartridge and long barrel, the TT pistol was considered one of the best examples of that time in terms of its penetration capabilities and destructive power.

The main parts and devices of the TT pistol disassembled:

  • The frame connects the parts of the weapon and is the base and block of the trigger mechanism. The cheeks are attached to the handle. The automatic pistol clip latch is located between the handle and the trigger. It is designed to limit the movement of the release hook. At the top of the frame there is a moving part: a barrel with an earring, a bolt with a return spring.
  • The barrel is cylindrical with a tide. Inside it is a chamber and a channel with 4 riflings that communicate with the bullet rotational movement. Half rings-grooves are cut out on the outside (for connection with the casing), a boss with a groove and a bevel for the earring is attached to facilitate feeding the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber.
  • The bolt casing is a part of a self-loading pistol, located on top of the barrel. Here the shutter is a single unit with the casing. The barrel moves inside it and other parts of the impact device and a return spring are placed. There is a bushing attached to the front. The muzzle of the barrel is placed in its upper hole. The shutter moves along protrusions on the frame. When the bolt moves backward, the hammer is cocked, and when the bolt moves back, the cartridge is fed into the chamber.
  • The trigger mechanism is a separate unit, so assembling and disassembling the TT pistol does not require much effort. The device consists of a trigger, hammer and sear with springs, an axis and a disconnector. The trigger is needed to strike the firing pin. The sear keeps the trigger cocked. The mainspring powers it. The firing pin is a solid metal cylinder with a thin leading edge, the so-called needle. The disconnector is also needed to protect against shots. The trigger is designed for single shots. Rate of fire – 30 rounds per minute.

By pressing the trigger, the trigger and mainsprings are activated, and the sear is deactivated (it disengages from the trigger). Now the hammer is out of the cocked state, the mainspring presses on it and the hammer hits the firing pin.

He immediately pierces the Boxer's primer and the gunpowder ignites and detonates.

  • The sighting devices of the device are front and rear sights. The TT is zeroed at 25 m.
  • The clip is a box for 8 cartridges, equipped with a spring and a feeder. It is placed in the handle and fixed.
  • The bolt stop is a solid metal part, a plate with a rod and a tooth. As soon as the magazine runs out of cartridges, the bolt rises up and holds the bolt housing in the rear position. Thus, the shooter receives a signal that the time has come to reload the magazine. The device also serves to minimize the number of idle strikes on the firing pin.

For maintenance (cleaning, lubrication), the weapon must be disassembled (not completely). For example, if the weapon is heavily soiled, exposed to rain or snow, before repair, or when switching to another lubricant.

Then assemble and inspect whether it is assembled correctly and how the mechanisms work. Often you should not completely disassemble the TT pistol; this will lead to its parts wearing out faster.

Advantages and disadvantages

TT pistol, produced in 1930, 1933.

The design proposed by Tokarev, in comparison with the pistols of his contemporaries and predecessors, is easy to use, more reliable and lightweight.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the following advantages of the “Totoshi” (as the SA soldiers affectionately called this weapon):

  • Good penetration indicators. Pierced a steel helmet from a 50-meter distance). It has a good penetrating effect, a significant range, and the dispersion radius when firing at a distance of 50 m is 15 cm. Even today in the West, for a 50-meter distance, a dispersion radius of 35.5 cm is allowed.
  • Easy descent.
  • Accuracy.

Despite the fact that the TT was reputed to be a fairly effective weapon and actually had no equal at that time, nevertheless, a number of disadvantages of this pistol can be identified:

  • A defective safety can cause accidental discharges when a loaded pistol is dropped.
  • There is an opinion that the TT does not have a sufficient stopping effect.
  • The weapon is intended for close combat only.
  • The earring is subject to wear, which leads to delays when shooting.
  • The clip is designed to hold 8 rounds of ammunition, while modern pistols hold 15–17 rounds of ammunition.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that in modern conditions for self-defense or as a weapon for internal troops, the TT pistol is not suitable. In addition, Russian citizens are prohibited from owning short-barreled military weapons.

The TT was developed for the 7.62×25mm caliber cartridge. Its prototype was the 7.63 mm Mauser cartridge. The shape of the bullet has been slightly changed. The cartridges from the TT pistol were of the same caliber as the Nagan revolver, three-line, Maxim, 7.62 mm.

Performance characteristics (TTX) of the TT-33

Conversion options and modifications

Based on the TT pistol, many modifications of the pistol were created by Soviet and foreign designers for various purposes.

Based on the drawings transferred by the USSR to Hungary, a modified scheme was developed: the weapon was intended for 9 mm cartridges.

In China, according to Soviet drawings, the TT pistol was produced, first with the index “type-51”, later - “type-54”.

Sports weapons

At the very end of the Second World War, the process of conversion of military production began. The designers were tasked with developing a small-caliber sports pistol.

  • First the R-3 was developed, then the R-4 for the small-caliber 5.6 mm cartridge.
  • The S-TT sports pistol was produced in the 30s–50s; it is no different from the combat prototype.

Traumatic weapons

Trauma is a weapon for self-defense.

  • TT-Leader. Its prototype is the TT-33. The version retains the design and construction of the trigger. Accuracy leaves much to be desired. Instead of a barrel there is a simulator (there is no barrel), as a result the spread of bullets is too large even for a traumatic weapon. Out of production. TT-T - another version based on military weapons.
  • MP-81 - based on the TT: the frame, bolt, and trigger were copied (combat pistols were remade). Used with rubber bullets and traumatic cartridges, gas and noise cartridges.

Pneumatic versions

The pistols listed below are 4.5mm caliber:

  • Gletcher TT. It has a plastic body, so it is quite lightweight - up to 400 g. The shutter is stationary. It is reputed to be a reliable model and is easy to maintain. Good aiming.
  • Gletcher TT NBB is a gas-cylinder smoothbore multi-charger. The design is similar to the self-loading TT.
  • TTP "Sobr" - gas-cylinder pneumatics produced in Ukraine. The pistol has been discontinued.
  • Crosman C-TT is a multi-shot model.

Signal versions

The TT-S signal pistol is a modification of the VPO-501 “Leader”, based on the Tokarev pistol. Production discontinued because modern law Modification of military weapons is prohibited.


Among the collectible weapons there are combat weapons with marks and training ones. It is legally possible to purchase copies that cannot be fired with live ammunition.

By May 9, 2017, the famous jewelry brand released collectible TT pistols - modified versions decorated with gold.

It is worth adding about the Tokarev pistol that the TT is officially considered a premium pistol along with the Makarov pistol, etc.

Combat use

Industrial production for the spacecraft continued until 1951, it was replaced by the Makarov pistol.

But during the war they armed them not only officers, but were also transported to partisan detachments.

Small oddities

  • Insufficient fixation of the magazine led to the fact that during the battle the shooter could be disarmed (the magazine fell out of the shaft).
  • The handle is directed to the barrel at a right angle, so after throwing the barrel is directed slightly below the target. To hit the target accurately you will have to adapt.

Upgrade options

Tuning a Tokarev pistol is less popular than improving the famous Makarov.

Nevertheless, inventive craftsmen are trying to improve it technical specifications.


The handles are equipped with wooden, plastic or rubberized pads, and LED front and rear sights are believed to improve aiming speed.

A muzzle brake-compensator is installed on the barrel, which removes recoil and stabilizes the barrel. This detail decorates the pistol and gives it an aggressive look.

Such chips are ordered abroad or made on a milling machine ourselves. External tuning is difficult to do without a turning and milling machine.

There is no possibility of installing a collimator or under-barrel flashlight. The holes in the trigger give the pistol an entourage and similarity to the Colt 1911. Picatinny rails allow you to attach an under-barrel laser target or a flashlight.

The heel of the magazine allows you to increase the capacity by 1 round. Gold and silver plating is used. LCC, an under-barrel laser pointer that allows you to shoot without aiming at short distances.

To carry a Tokarev pistol, you can buy a belt holster with an open and closed design, for concealed carry, a shoulder holster and a waist holster with a fastening.

In conclusion

One of the most famous photographs of the Second World War shows Alexey Eremin with a TT in his hand. He raised the soldiers to attack the enemy. A moment later, Alexey was killed, but the Soviet army went on the offensive.

This confirmed that a pistol sometimes plays a much larger role than just a weapon for self-defense.


The TT-T pistol was designed specifically for self-defense. This model is made on the basis of the TT - Tokarev combat pistol, with full consideration of the current current moment norms and forensic requirements. This pistol went on sale thanks to the Russian company AKBS. The trauma model was created with minimal interference in the design of the original - a TT pistol.

The fact that the TT-T traumatic pistol does not actually have parts that were created specifically for it can be safely attributed to its advantages and this has a positive effect on its characteristics, in particular on durability and reliability. The pistol is considered one of the best traumatic pistols. Literally everything, from the pistol frame to the trigger mechanism, has been preserved virtually unchanged.

Characteristics of traumatic TT-T:

  • Weapon caliber -10x28.
  • Gun length (mm) - 195.
  • Barrel length (mm) - 116.
  • Height (mm) - 130.
  • Width (mm) - 28.
  • Magazine capacity - 8 rounds.
  • Pistol weight without magazine: 850 g.

Depending on the manufacturing company, the characteristics of the weapon may vary - especially with regard to weight, barrel length, and sometimes caliber.

Model range of traumatic pistols TT-T

It is worth noting that standard model The TT-T pistol is very common. It should be noted that there are very few modifications - only two.

The second is a lightweight pistol, with a magazine capacity of 6 rounds and has a shortened barrel. Both models are convenient in their own way, but the standard version is still more popular and in demand. It is important to note that each company, in order to increase the attractiveness of its products, makes some features in the system - its weight, caliber, and so on. The most important thing is to initially choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Since the TT-T pistol uses 10x28T traumatic cartridges for firing - this is relatively new ammunition, produced by AKBS. These traumatic cartridges replaced the old ones - 10x22.

Average price for a traumatic pistol

Cost of Tokarev traumatic pistols, at at the moment in Moscow, ranges from 20 to 25 thousand rubles. Although in lately there is a slight increase in prices. There are many types of cartridges for the TT-T pistol on the market, which are produced by different manufacturers and, therefore, their prices may vary slightly.

TT-T and its ammunition, price of cartridges

When choosing ammunition, you should be guided by the following parameters, on which, by the way, their price directly depends:

  • Bullet power;
  • Speed;
  • Manufacturer's brand.

Cartridges for Tokarev (traumatic) pistols, with rubber bullets inside, cost approximately 20 - 30 rubles per piece.

The TT pistol is a weapon that is well known to us from films about the Great Patriotic War and from detective stories about Soviet police. The graceful body of the gun made of blued steel fascinates with its appearance. It looks no less attractive performance characteristics, thanks to which the pistol became one of the most popular examples of personal firearms in history. In the Soviet Union alone, from 1930 to 1952, 1 million 740 thousand combat barrels with the abbreviation “TT” were produced. Not to mention the fact that the Tokarev pistol was produced in various modifications abroad. Weapons were mass produced in Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia and Poland. The largest mass production of Tokarev pistols was established in China, from where the equipment was supplied disassembled to North Korea, went into service with the Vietnamese partisans.

After the end of the Second World War, the creation of Tula gunsmiths, already as a modified weapon, became further widespread. The TT pistol was in service in the armies of Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Pakistan. The pistol was produced in various modifications until the early 90s of the 20th century. Today you can still find this beautiful and elegant pistol as the service weapon of many security companies.


The need to create a new pistol as a personal weapon for the command staff of the Red Army arose in the late 20s of the 20th century. Army units were equipped with Nagan 1895 revolvers, Mauser pistols and a number of other foreign-made models of small arms. If the revolvers were examples of domestically produced weapons, then the pistols in most cases were captured, captured back in the years Civil War. In such a situation, the Revolutionary Military Council decided to develop and create a new pistol in the USSR, which could become a standard weapon for the Red Army and units within the OGPU structure.

IN terms of reference The following requirements were put forward for the new pistol:

  • the weapon must have an increased direct shot range;
  • the gun must have acceptable dimensions and light weight;
  • the firing mechanism must have an easily accessible trigger and safety catch;
  • the weapon must have simple design, corresponding to the technological capabilities of the Soviet weapons industry;
  • the weapon must have high aesthetic qualities.

The main aspect for the future weapon was the caliber. At the top, it was decided to move away from the large calibers familiar to European firms and companies producing small arms. Instead of the usual 9 mm, the Soviet pistol was supposed to have a caliber of 7.62 mm.

The result of the fruitful work was the TT pistol - Tula Tokarev, developed and created in the design bureau of the Tula Arms Plant. The product got its name at the development stage.

It should be noted that in the process of creating a pistol, Tula gunsmiths constantly tested all components and mechanisms, weight and size parameters of the future pistol with similar indicators on existing foreign analogues. The new weapon was supposed to be lighter and smaller than its American counterpart, the M1911A1 Browning pistol. In terms of firepower, the new Soviet pistol was supposed to be on par with the German Luger Parabellum P.08 pistol. Structurally, the Soviet model should not have presented any difficulties with the development of mass production. The weapon was created for a powerful 7.62 mm caliber cartridge, which became a subsequent modification of the German 7.63 mm Mauser cartridge. It is these pistol ammunitions that large quantities were available in army warehouses; the factory capacities of Soviet cartridge factories were geared towards them. In the Soviet Union, the new ammunition subsequently received the index “7.62x25 TT”.

Thanks to the high power of the cartridge, the bullet fired from the TT pistol had an initial flight speed of 420 m/s. Accordingly, not only the range of a direct shot increased, but also the penetrating power of the bullet.

Technical design features

Even today, when you hold a model of a TT pistol in your hands, you can’t help but feel awe and excitement. The weapon looks impressive and menacing. Soviet gunsmiths managed to fully implement in their brainchild all the tasks assigned to them, meeting necessary requirements. Fedor Vasilyevich Tokarev proposed using a number of technical solutions, which were used on other firearms. In particular, many of the main components and mechanisms of the future pistol, including the design, were taken from weapons with similar characteristics. The barrel bore locking mechanism is similar to the well-known M1911A1 pistol. The design of the main parts and external data were taken from the Browning model 1903 pistol. This approach made it possible to combine compact dimensions and powerful ammunition in the new product.

However, it cannot be said that Soviet gunsmiths were simply copying already known weapons of this class. Considerable credit goes to Soviet designers and F.V. Tokarev himself for introducing original technical solutions into the design of the product. A distinctive feature of the Soviet pistol was the trigger mechanism, manufactured in a single unit. This in turn greatly simplified the production cycle and subsequent operation of the weapon. The gun structure consists of eight separate units, which is very convenient during cleaning and lubrication. Carbon steel was used as the main structural material, the surface of which was subjected to oxidation.

Starting the review of the TT pistol, we can note the following distinctive features devices. The mainspring is located in the trigger, which in turn has significantly increased the width of the handle. The cheeks on the handle are attached using rotating bars. It should be noted that the first sample of the weapon did not have a safety mechanism. Its function was performed by the trigger, which was in the cocked position.

The operation of the automation is ensured by the short stroke of the barrel, which occurs during recoil during a shot. The locking system operates by lowering the breech of the barrel. The pistol uses a hammer-type, single-action trigger mechanism. In safety cocking mode, the hammer locks the bolt.

The cartridges are fed into the chamber from the magazine, which has a single-row arrangement of cartridges. The trigger mechanism and design features of the magazine ensure accurate chambering of the cartridge. The clip is designed for 8 rounds. The rear sight with an adjustable bar located on the bolt casing, together with the non-adjustable front sight, make up the sighting device of the weapon.

On the first samples of weapons, the cheeks were grooved, brown made from bakelite. On later versions, the cheeks were already black and decorated with a five-pointed star topped with the inscription USSR.

Note: pistols manufactured in 1940 used wood linings. A similar material was used during the war, when during the evacuation of arms factories it was necessary to replace bakelite linings with wooden products.

TT pistol - a new weapon for the Red Army

First ready-made samples were presented admissions committee in the summer of 1930. Along with the product of Tula gunsmiths, S.A. pistols were tested. Korovin and S.A. Prilutsky. During experimental shooting, comparisons were made with foreign samples. The test results pleased both the military and the gunsmiths themselves. The Tokarev pistol turned out to be no worse in ballistic performance than the vaunted foreign models, the American Colt M1911A1, the German Walther PP and Parabellum P.08.

In addition to ballistics, the Soviet pistol had significantly less weight and dimensions. The design of the weapon pleasantly surprised military specialists and experts, proving to be convenient, simple and unpretentious to use. State Commission assessed the Tokarev pistol as the most suitable example of personal weapons for equipping the Red Army. Subsequently, the designers were tasked with eliminating the existing shortcomings. In particular, it was required:

  • increase shooting accuracy;
  • reduce the physical force exerted on the trigger;
  • availability special means and devices to improve the safety of weapons in circulation.

Within a short time, Tula gunsmiths were able to cope with the task, eliminating the indicated disadvantages. During the December experimental shootings of 1940, which were carried out in the presence of K.E. Voroshilov, M.N. Tukhachevsky and Uborevich, the pistol was recognized as suitable, meeting the requirements and objectives. A month and a half later, in February 1931, the first experimental batch of pistols was ordered to Tula gunsmiths for delivery to the troops. In the same year, a product called “7.62 mm self-loading pistol mod. 1930" adopted by the Red Army. Unofficially in military circles and among the troops the weapon was called a pistol - Tula Tokarev.

As production progressed, adjustments and changes were made to the design of the pistol. Beginning in 1933, the barrel of the TT pistol began to be made entirely on lathes. The frame of the product has become solid. The handle was no longer separated from the frame. The trigger rod and disconnector were modified at the factory. The modified sample became known as the “7.62 mm self-loading pistol mod. 1933" or the TT pistol - 33. In this form, the pistol began to be massively supplied to army units, to the detective and investigative agencies of the OGPU. At first, weapons were produced only at the Tula Arms Factory. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, during German offensive near Moscow, the production of pistols was reoriented to the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. From that moment on, both enterprises simultaneously produced Tokarev pistols.

Note: during the war, when the front required the maximum possible number of small arms, the quality of pistol manufacturing decreased significantly. Most of the weapon parts had low quality processing and large tolerances, which often became the reason for weapon failure in combat conditions.

Legendary weapons and modernity

Assessing the design of the TT pistol from the drawings, we can conclude that this is a weapon with potentially high technical capabilities. Its performance characteristics are noteworthy and look like this:

  • weapon weight including magazine 910 g;
  • gun length 195 mm;
  • the width of the pistol in the bolt housing is 28 mm;
  • the height of the pistol from the magazine latch to the top of the rear sight is 120 mm;
  • sighting range 30-50 m;
  • bullet flight speed 420m/s.

With these weapons, the Red Army took part in the battles at Khalkin Gol and during the Finnish Company of 1939-40. The history of the TT pistol is rich and multifaceted. The weapon was in service with the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. Associated with this gun combat work internal affairs bodies and Soviet counterintelligence SMERSH. It must be said that the Tokarev pistol was the favorite weapon of criminal elements.

Having left the arena as a combat weapon, the Tokarev pistol received a rebirth as a sporting weapon and as a traumatic means of self-defense. On the basis of the main product in the 50s, the R-3 sports training pistol was developed, designed for 5.6 mm caliber cartridges. The main combat replica of the pistol received a sports weapon certificate in 2012, becoming a sports weapon under the symbol S-TT.

Thanks to the popularity and fame of the TT, various modifications of traumatic weapons based on the TT pistol have already appeared today. Models such as VPO-501 “Leader”, VPO-509 “Leader-M” and TT-T deserve attention. Disassembling the TT traumatic pistol gives an idea that this weapon is not suitable for firing live ammunition. The barrel of the product has a special pin that prevents the use of combat charges.

In addition to the mentioned models, other versions of the pistol appeared, for example the mmg MP-82, which is an exact copy of the original weapon. Today, these weapons are used on a massive scale military historical reconstructions events of the Great Patriotic War.

Creator TT-Tulsky Tokarev pistol became an outstanding small arms engineer Fedr Vasilyevich Tokarev (1871-1968), who created the SVT-40 self-loading rifle for the Red Army during the Second World War.

The reason for the appearance TT pistol The Nagano pistol of the 1895 model, which was in service with the police and military, became morally and technically obsolete. In the 1920s, the German Mauser S-96 pistol was very popular, which was purchased for Soviet Army where he got a lot positive feedback. On February 12, 1931, the Revolutionary Military Council, after testing several pistols, decided to opt for a pistol TT-30(first pistol index) and decided to order the first test batch of 1000 pistols. Thanks to the first batch, shortcomings were revealed in the pistol, which in the most short terms were corrected, which made it possible to produce a full-fledged TT pistol under the index TT-33. The basis for the pistol was the American Colt M1911 pistol, but it was partially simplified (the trigger group was combined into one module). The principle of reloading a pistol was the recoil of the bolt, which is transmitted by the cartridge case when fired. The pistol has a slide stop setting. If the magazine runs out of cartridges, the bolt frame engages the bolt stop, which lets the shooter know that the gun is empty and when changing the magazine there is no need to juggle the bolt. A special feature of the pistol was that it was put on safety using the trigger, which later became its disadvantage, since the wear of the pistol parts could accidentally remove the safety and fire an accidental shot, as a result, an order was given to not have a cartridge in the chamber during operation of the pistol. For a pistol of its class, it had quite good technical characteristics, which made it possible to aim with a 7.62x25 cartridge up to 50 meters and place cartridges at such a distance with a spread of 15 cm, and its cost was attractive with high-quality production. A 9-mm TT chambered for the 9x19 Para cartridge was also produced for export.

Famous TT pistol was produced from 1930 to 1951, 1.7 million units were produced in the Soviet Union alone, and the TT is also produced now in many countries of the world under license. became the main pistol for military and internal affairs until the 1970s, even now it is in service with the VOKhRA and is available in large quantities in military warehouses for conservation. Until 1941, 600 thousand pistols were produced and by 1945 the TT pistol had completely replaced the Nagano revolver. During the war, the captured pistol was positively assessed by the Germans, which had the index “Pistole-615” in German army. To replace TT pistol The Makarov pistol came to Russia, but that’s another story. Second short birth pistol TT began in the “dashing 90s”, when he began to often appear in crime reports, which were immediately “thrown off” after the crime; a TT pistol with a silencer was often used for this.

The disadvantage of the TT pistol with a silencer was the rapid wear of spare parts and a large weight load on the barrel, which could lead to jamming of the pistol or a lack of recoil force of the bolt due to the lack of strength of the powder gases that the silencer absorbed.

Pistol TT-33 (Tula Tokarev) produced in the following countries:

  • China under the symbol Type-51, Type-54 with a safety catch, Type-213 chambered for 9x19 for 8 rounds, Type-213A chambered for 9x19 for 14 rounds, Type-213B with a non-automatic fuse;
  • Hungary with index TT-58 and Tokarev 48M;
  • Vietnam in artisanal conditions;
  • Egypt under the symbol Tokagypt-58 chambered for 9x19;
  • DPRK Type-68/M68;
  • Poland PW wz.33;
  • Romania Cugir Tokarov;
  • Yugoslavia M54, M57, M70A chambered for 9x19, M88, Z-10 chambered for 10 mm;
  • Iraq;
  • Pakistan.

Sports modifications of the R-3 were also produced, chambered for a 5.6 mm cartridge, which completely copied the regular TT, and the R-4 with an extended barrel.

It is not going to go down in history, since it is used to produce air pistols, traumatic pistols, signal pistols, and in many countries it is still in service.

The pistol turned out to be reliable and simple, which rightfully deserves a worthy place in the weapons history of not only Russia, but also other countries of the world.

Technical characteristics of the TT pistol
Number of shots 8 in store
Barrel diameter 7.62x25 mm
Combat rate of fire no data
Sighting range 50 meters
Maximum firing range 900-1000 meters
Initial speed departure 420-450 m/s
Automation blowback recoil
Weight 0.85 kg empty / 0.94 with cartridges
Dimensions 127x24x48 mm

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