Determining the phase of the moon. Selenographic parameters of the Moon at the current moment

The moon has always had an aura of mystery and mysticism. And I recently became interested in the elements of astronomical calculations. And somehow these two facts coincided :)

What is the phase of the moon?

In fact, this Current state triangle of three bodies - the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. The way the Moon is illuminated in relation to an observer on Earth determines the current lunar phase. The Moon moves in its orbit around the Earth with an orbital period of 27.554550 days, which is 27 days 13 hours 18 minutes 33.1 seconds. But while the night wanderer does full turn around our planet, which in turn manages to go a long way. Because of this, the Moon, having made a revolution, appears to the observer in a new phase.

To catch up with the Sun and appear in the same phase, the Moon needs almost two Earth days. This period between two identical phases of the moon is called synodic month. Its period is 29.5305882 days or approximately 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2 seconds.

Determining the current lunar phase.

To determine the phase of the Moon, you need to take a reference point, i.e. some point in time with a known phase of the moon. Then the phases of the Moon will repeat with a known period and they can be calculated. Seems pretty simple?

But many nuances remain.

Actually, the synodic month is an average value. Its length can vary within a range of ± 13 hours. The main contribution to this deviation is made by the shape of the Moon's orbit. It has an elliptical character, and the Lena-Earth distance varies from 356,400 km to 406,700 km. For example, in the current month (November 2015) the length of the synodic month was 29.73 days. Of course, 13 o'clock is not large value compared to 29.53 days - the error in determining the phase will be no more than ±1.85%. In general, here, for the accuracy of the calculation, you will have to monitor the movement of the apogee of the Moon, which shifts with a period of 8.85 Earth years.

Secondly, since we are tied to a specific earthly time (we have chosen a reference point), then to determine the phase of the Moon it is necessary to clarify in which time zone the observer is located. This clarification has approximately the same magnitude as the previous amendment. The maximum error in indicating the moon phase without specifying the observer's time zone is up to ±1.6% (12 hours / 29.53 days).

These two contributions are quite significant. There are contributions of lower orders, but the further we move away from “ reference point", the greater the error will accumulate during the calculation.

I found sets of pictures showing the phase of the moon, but appearance the moon, the inclination of its crescent to the horizon depends on the location of the observer, his geographical latitude. In the northern hemisphere, the waxing moon is turned with its crescent so that it forms the letter “P” if a stick is added to it. In the region of equatorial latitudes, the sickle will lie on its side. And in southern hemisphere An observer on Earth will see the waxing moon in the shape of the letter “C”.

During its rotation around the Earth, the Moon is in different positions relative to the planet and the Sun. sunlight falls on the satellite, illuminating its movement. The visible lobes of the lunar disk in the sky change during the lunar month, which lasts 29.53 days. This is how the lunar phases change.

The lunar month has four phases, including new and full moon periods. In the first and second quarters, the Moon waxes, in the third and fourth, respectively, it wanes. Each phase of the moon lasts about 7 days. It is not difficult to learn to identify them, focusing on the visible presence of the night star. In addition, you can use the lunar calendar with detailed description everyone lunar day and its impact on people and events.

The phases of the moon determine the ebb and flow of the planet. Not only the movement of the mass of water, but also a person’s energy, his emotions and physical well-being depend on these changes. Each lunar phase affects the development of situations in all spheres of life: public and purely personal.

The first phase begins with the new moon, which occurs during the daytime. The Moon, Earth and Sun are on the same straight line. With its unlit side, the Moon is turned towards the Earth. During this phase, the moon is not visible from Earth. Therefore, to accurately determine the new moon, astrological tables are often turned to. The new moon feels like a change, inspired anticipation, hope. But it should be taken into account that for each person the sensations are very individual and the specifics may vary markedly.

Over time, a very narrow thin crescent begins to appear in the night sky - the edge of the surface of the Earth's satellite illuminated by the Sun. The moon at this time is called “growing” or “new moon”. In general, this is a favorable period for a person. After possible depression, decline and some relaxation, he is tuned to a surge of strength and development. During this lunar phase, people usually accumulate energy potential, adjusting to more active rhythms.

The second phase of the moon occurs a week after the new moon. The moon is half illuminated, with its convex side to the right, which is very easy to navigate by determining the phase. During this period, the body's energy increases. Emotionally, a person feels more free, liberated, but at the same time his emotions are under control. However, than time is getting closer changes in lunar phases, the more likely there is an excess of energy in the body, which without necessary control can turn into excitement.

The second phase of the moon ends with a full moon two weeks after the new moon. It is not at all difficult to determine. Being directly opposite the Sun, the Moon during this period is characterized by the special brightness of its full disk. The full moon is a dynamic period of changing phases in human body, transition from accumulation energy potential to waste it.

The third phase of the moon begins immediately after the full moon. Every day the moon loses its round outline, “bending” to the left. By the end of this week it will only be half illuminated. The moon wanes, and with it, as a rule, the accumulated enthusiasm of a person.

With the fourth phase, the night star continues to decrease. The crescent moon becomes thinner and narrower until it completely disappears from the night sky. The human condition during this period is characterized by a decrease in energy level, some fatigue, and a desire to rest in anticipation of the new lunar cycle.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 03/1/2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Moon phase today, March 23, 2019

On the date 23.03.2019 V 18:12 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". This 17th lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Scorpio ♏. Illumination percentage Moon is 93%. Sunrise Moon at 22:03, and sunset at 07:49.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 17th lunar day from 20:38 03/22/2019 to 22:03 03/23/2019
  • 18th lunar day from 22:03 03/23/2019 until the next day

Moon influence March 23, 2019

Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio (+)

Moon in a sign Scorpion. The time has come to make the most important decisions. Improved mental activity, an increased ability to concentrate on the essence of the problem and a high level of self-criticism make it possible to separate the truly important from the superficial and insignificant.

You can confidently take on new endeavors, develop business plans for new projects and assume all sorts of obligations that will be within your power.

17th lunar day (+)

March 23, 2019 at 18:12 - 17th lunar day. The day of feeling the joy of being, finding inner freedom. Ideal for marriage, emancipation, sublimation of sexual energy.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning moon. The third lunar phase covers the period from the full moon to the beginning of the fourth quarter. During the full moon, there is a peak in the accumulation of vital and mental energy, which subsequently gradually decreases.

During this period, activity begins to decrease, frequent change states, ideas and judgments. When the experience and strength accumulated over the past phases continue to be energetically used to implement plans.

During this period of the lunar month, the first results of the efforts invested before are already visible. Occurring mood swings may relate not only to business area, but also personal life.

This is a great time to break free from old habits, and you can also try something new. In relationships, this is the time of intimacy and romance at its most high level. The third phase is great for self-development, self-improvement and creation.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Saturday, this day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy, in charge of work and learning.

On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful.

Try to carry out business meetings exactly on Saturday, never put them off until Sunday.

How to determine the phase of the moon?

    By looking at the night sky, you can easily determine what phase of the moon you are.

    To do this, while looking at the Moon, mentally place a stick on it, if you get a letter R means the moon growing.

    And if even without a wand the moon resembles a letter WITH, then the Moon is old, which means waning.

    Personally, to find out what phase the moon is in today, I use this online calendar. This thing is very useful, because in our lives a lot depends on the phase of the moon; it affects metabolic processes in the human body.

    You can determine the phase of the moon using two methods that I use most often. Hope they are correct:

    Visual method.

    If we look at the Moon (even with the naked eye), we will find that it begins to close to the right. At the same time, as already said above, gradually turning into the Russian letter WITH. That is, it decreases in this way.

    If it closes on the left (turning into a rounded element of Russian letters E or R), then it grows.

    A full moon is when the moon looks like a full circle.

    Calendar method.

    It is more accurate and scientific. For example, on the Internet there are a large number of online calendars that may be called: lunar phase calendars.

    In the night sky without clouds, you can visually easily understand what phase the Moon is in now. Looks like a letter WITH, which means it’s already old and declining. From, so to speak, the thickness of the sickle, you can understand whether it has just begun to decrease or has already approached full, old moon. In its full phase, the moon is visible as a full disk. It starts to get old, then you can put a stick on it and you get a letter R. During the new moon, the Moon is almost invisible.

    If the Moon is not visible because of the clouds, then the lunar phase can only be determined using the calendar. Either on paper or on the Internet using an online calendar. For example, you can look here.

    That's right, from childhood I remember that if the Moon looks like the letter C, it means it is aging and waning. And if you can put a stick on it and get the letter R, then the Moon is growing. This is how you can roughly determine the phase of the moon.

    But if you want to know exactly what lunar day it is today and what its influence is, then I look at the Great Astrological Calendar of Alexander Viktorovich Zaraev. Everything is written there in detail - the harmonious and disharmonious phases of the Moon, the days of the Full Moon and the days of the New Moon, the harmonious, neutral and disharmonious state of the biosphere during the day, the state of the biosphere during the month, etc.

    It is best to use a lunar calendar; it will help you accurately determine the phase of the moon. You can, of course, look at the night sky and if you put a stick to the moon, if you get the letter P, then the moon is growing. If there is a letter C without a wand, then the moon is waning.

    Looking into Moon calendar and see what phase of the moon is today.

    Or on the Moon itself. If the Moon is in the shape of a letter WITH- Moon WITH aging, that is, decreasing. If you put a stick to the moon and you get a letter R- Moon R growing

    Well, you’ll recognize the full moon from the moon - it’s an amazing sight - full moon! You can also recognize the full moon by the excited and nervous behavior of people)

    You can determine this fact visually:

    • no moon means new moon;
    • The moon is round as a pancake, which means it’s a full moon;
    • if the Moon is waxing, then it will show you initial letter words growing, just show it your finger and you will see the letter R. In the first quarter it will be very thin, in the second it will come closer and closer to round shape and will eventually turn into the full moon;
    • the waning Moon will look like the Russian letter s or it is also called a sickle. At the beginning of the third phase it will be similar to the full moon, but gradually, decreasing to half, it will move into the fourth phase. When there is a very thin sickle, it means that the fourth phase is nearing the end and there will be a new moon very soon.

    Here you can clearly see what the Moon looks like at different phases:

    Use the calendar. Or a detachable one, on each page of which, as a rule, the phase of the moon is indicated, as well as the time of sunrise and sunset. Or one of the many online calendars. Or draw a sheet of Whatman paper into cells according to the number of days in a year, understand the phases of the Moon and their changes, and draw in each cell the state of the satellite for a specific day.

13th Lunar day, mysterious and mystical, they seem to open the door between earth and sky; today you can comprehend the unknown. The number 13 corresponds to the constellation Ophiuchus - it is also called the constellation of magicians. This is a day of predictions and fortune telling. Predictions received on this day can greatly change your destiny. This is also the day of receiving information that will definitely be useful to you in the future. Today it is very good to purchase talismans and various amulets; they will have a special connection with you.

Second phase (quarter) of the Moon

Element: Water. Approximately on the eighth or ninth lunar day from the beginning, the first quarter of the Moon begins, or is also commonly called. During this period, the fluid level in the human body concentrates in the middle of the chest. In this regard, diseases of the organs that are located here may occur if there are hidden pathologies. It is necessary to pay attention to the changes occurring in the body, especially when they are not aimed at better side. If the body begins to have problems that you yourself are not yet aware of, the second phase of the moon is the time to identify them. At this time, a person becomes sensitive, energy continues to increase, but not as actively and rapidly as in.

MOON IN VIRGO h 01° 37" 31"

During this period, people become more rational, reasonable and practical. However, at the same time, pedantry also awakens in their character: they quarrel over trifles, find fault with loved ones, pay attention to insignificant things, missing the main thing. These days, quarrels often occur over such trifles that are not worth the slightest attention, but on Virgo days they seem serious and significant.

Virgo days are given to people and good qualities character - for example, discipline, responsibility, attentiveness and concentration. Runs smoothly hard work which requires great concentration and precision of action. People become cautious, judicious and careful. They do not strive to get rid of the problem in one fell swoop, but trust their mind. Unfortunately, we're talking about about everyday, small, everyday affairs. If we talk about global solutions and risky projects, then people feel an acute lack of intuition, natural instinct and the ability to calculate events in advance. It is best to do tedious, monotonous and time-consuming work, and postpone important responsible steps until later.

Moon without course (from March 18 18:19 to March 19 4:41)

The term " " refers to the period of the Moon's state when it is between the last major aspect with the planet in the current sign, and the moment of transition to the next sign.

  • Do not start new projects, important things with far-reaching plans.
  • Avoid during this period important meetings with new people.
  • Don't make expensive purchases.

How to use the Moon period without a course

  • It's a good time to clear away the rubble and bring order to your desk or home.
  • A good time for yoga, meditation or spiritual practices.
  • Rest and sleep will quickly restore your strength.
  • Fun activities and meetings with friends.
  • Good time to travel.
  • Strengthened intuition or sixth sense will help in finding unresolved, internal psychological problems. Best time to listen to your inner self.

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