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Take a close look at the circumstances that made you suspect you have it. Direct signs that they have decided to target you: a sudden deterioration in health, critical mood swings, auditory, olfactory or visual hallucinations, nightly nightmares, a sharp deterioration in business financial sector.

Try checking with a candle. Take a wax candle, light it and move the flame along your body for 5-7 minutes at a distance of about 20 cm from the skin. If in some places the flame begins to change color, smoke, or crackle, it means there is, and its blow fell on those places in the person’s energy shell, opposite which the candle flame became capricious.

Use your or someone else's photo to diagnose damage. Place the photo directly in front of you. Light a wax candle and move it along the photo, observing the behavior of the flame. If the flame behaved strangely—smoked, crackled—there is a negative impact on the person shown in the photo.

Roll it up. Take a raw egg and a glass cold water. Strip naked and for 5-10 minutes roll the egg all over your body, starting from the top of your head and ending with your feet. Then break the egg into a glass and evaluate the result. If the water in the glass remains clear, the white lays down like a soft pillow, and the yolk sits comfortably on it - there is no spoilage. At the end of the ritual, pour the water and egg into the toilet.

Pour water into a glass and recite any suitable protective prayer over it. You can do without prayer. A strong intention is enough to see if you are damaged. Then light three matches and when they burn out, throw them into the water one by one. Matches floating on the surface will tell you that there is no damage, those standing vertically in the water column will warn that there is some kind of negativity, and those that have drowned are direct evidence of severe damage.


Damage is a clot of negativity sent to a person by an ill-wisher. This dark clot penetrates into the human energy shell and begins to “spoil” its owner. It is almost impossible to remove damage on your own.

Helpful advice

There are many types of damage. One of the most common is lining. Damage is done to the item, which is then placed on the recipient. Therefore, you should never pick up objects on the streets; you should be wary of unknown packages, bundles, or needles stuck in doors or windows found in the house. All this could be a souvenir from a villain who intends to “spoil” you.

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  • damage check

The word “damage” usually means loss, harm, loss, illness, distortion and flaw, according to the dictionary of V.I. Dalia. If it seems to you that everything in your life has suddenly gone awry, this may mean that you have been spoiled.


In some cases, it is possible to target yourself. People who constantly scold themselves, say that they are unlucky in everything, that they never succeed in anything, most often program themselves. If this behavior is typical for you, try telling yourself good things every morning, talking about what positive changes they are waiting for you in the future and so on. It is enough to do this for a week to see changes for the better. IN such a case self-induced dissolves.

To determine whether someone else has damaged you, it is not at all necessary to perform rituals. It is enough to listen to your body. There is damage to you if you often experience unreasonable hatred of family and friends, suffer from constant headaches or toothaches, get nervous over trifles and quickly lose your temper, suddenly acquire a tendency to sudden mood swings and become afraid sun rays. The presence of several signs with a high degree of probability indicates the presence of damage.

In this article:

How can you check if you are damaged? Almost every person asked this question, because we may or may not believe in negative magic, but as soon as the curse touches us or our loved ones, there is no trace of rationalism left.

If you are interested this question, then before looking for cleansing rituals and conspiracies, you need to make sure that negative magic really takes place. This can be done in various ways, for example, by comparing your condition with the most common signs of negative energy and conducting a diagnostic ritual.

How to check if there is damage to a person

There are many signs that indicate the presence of negative energy. Symptoms may vary depending on the type of damage used, however, no sign guarantees the presence of negative energy. Only a competently carried out diagnostic ritual can give exact information about whether any negative effect has been imposed on the person.

Diagnostic ritual on a bowl of water

One of the simplest and most effective diagnostic rituals that can be performed at home is considered to be the ritual with a bowl of water.
Pour water into a bowl, throw 3 small pieces of coal into it and watch how they behave in the water. If the coals immediately sank to the bottom, then this indicates that the person really has some kind of negative energy that needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible. If the embers remain on the surface of the water, then this indicates the absence of any negative program.

Self-diagnosis is not a complicated ritual

Of course, this is a simple ritual from which it is difficult to obtain Additional information about what kind of damage was used against the person, who the performer or customer of the negative ritual was, etc. But for initial diagnosis that's more than enough.

Diagnostic ritual with an egg

A diagnostic ritual that involves using a glass half filled with water and fresh egg considered the most accurate and effective.
To carry out this diagnostic ritual, fill a large glass with water and pour the egg into it, being careful not to damage the yolk. After this, you need to sit on a chair, tuck your knees to your chest, press your chin to your knees, place a glass of water on the crown of your head and sit like that for three to five minutes. You can then remove the glass and perform diagnostics based on its contents.

Best result such a diagnosis, if after all the manipulations done, the water in the glass remains clear, and the condition of the egg does not change in any way.

In this case, we can say that the person really does not have any negative magical influence, which means that the cause of all his troubles is no longer related to magic, but it will also need to be eliminated.

If you see a white fringe or thin columns extending upward from the protein, this indicates the presence of mild but harmful damage that can be slightly harmful. This could be negative about failures, problems at work or family. like this negative energy You can remove it at home and not be afraid of complications.

Sometimes you can see a clear image of a person, animal or object

The appearance of black spots on yellow skin may indicate the presence of a complex negative program that can bring a lot of trouble. The same reaction may occur in that case. If you have become a victim of negative behavior aimed at causing serious harm to your health. The same is indicated by the yolk, the edges of which look like scalded.

If fringes or columns come off the white, there are transparent bubbles or black dots on them, and the yolk is severely deformed, then you are dealing with very dangerous and severe spoilage. This egg reaction can occur if you are cursed to death, or a disease that can cause death.

You need to fight such negativity in the near future, since the program has already been launched and you don’t have much time left to confront it.

It is best, if you discover such an egg reaction, to immediately contact a professional sorcerer who can more accurately diagnose the problem and perform a high-quality cleansing ritual.

How to check damage using traditional methods

There are many ancient rituals that are also aimed at determining whether a person has negative magical influences. The ritual with a glass and an egg also refers to the means that our distant ancestors used. But, in addition to this popular ritual, there are other, no less effective rituals.

According to popular belief, the first thing to do after discovering signs of damage is to search your home and yard.

More often, negative energy is induced with the help of underlay objects, so the presence of a curse can be determined. if you find things in your possession that, by definition, you should not have.

They can add anything, for example, nails and pins, dolls from the most different materials, scraps of fabric, paper with incomprehensible words and much more. If you find similar thing, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, throw it in a landfill, bury it in a vacant lot, or burn it, then scattering the ashes in the wind.

Get rid of anyone unknown object found in the house without touching it with bare hands

A simple folk diagnostic method with matches

If you want to know how to check at home whether there is spoilage or not, then this simple diagnostic method will suit you. Fill a small glass halfway with water, cup it tightly with your palms and hold it there for several minutes. By such actions you will transfer a piece of your energy to the water, due to which diagnostics will be carried out.

After a few minutes, add a pinch of water fine salt, light matches. Wait until the match burns almost to your fingers, and only then throw it into the water. So you need to burn three or five matches. To determine the presence of negative energy, you need to look at the reaction of matches in water. If the matches sink, then this is the worst result, which means that you have really been seriously damaged, which you are unlikely to be able to remove on your own.

It is best to seek help from a professional magician. If some of the matches drown, and some remain afloat, this indicates the presence of a simple negative, which even a beginner can struggle with at home. Even simple prayers known to you and lighting a candle for health can get rid of such damage. The best result is if all the matches remain afloat, this indicates the absence of negative magic.

Checking for damage with a candle

To carry out such home diagnostics, you will need a simple church candle. This candle should be moved along your body for several minutes. It is very important to take a bath before the ceremony, wash your hands well, preferably several times. After carrying out all the procedures, you need to light the candle and look at its fire. If the flame crackles or smokes, then this is the first sign of damage, which means that negative energy is really present and needs to be fought against.

Life modern man consists of black and white stripes. And this is quite normal, because things can happen around us in society. great amount events that somehow affect the way of life. Most of us are quite calm about such alternation if good and bad luck can be logically explained. But the lingering black streak that wears destructive nature, always suggests a negative third-party influence. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify damage.

Before you find out how to determine damage to a person, you should know by what signs you can suspect the presence of a negative effect. Firstly, it is important to listen to your intuition; as a rule, it rarely deceives.

And if you have a strong inner conviction, you should pay attention to the following external symptoms:

    Fatigue; Insomnia; The appearance of thoughts of suicide; The appearance of cravings for alcohol or drugs; The appearance of internal fear, the development of phobias.

To confirm suspicions, baptized people need to go to church. As a rule, people under the influence of negative external influence in church, discomfort sets in, and they cannot stand near the images and look at the flames of burning candles.

When wondering how to determine damage, you can pay attention to other signs. This:

    Frequent quarrels with others and the feeling that no one understands you; Constant financial losses; Problems with procreation in a completely healthy body, according to doctors; The emergence of internal hostility towards one’s appearance.

Close people can detect damage by a shifting gaze and the appearance of a habit of sighing frequently. In addition, one should be wary depressive state, which is always a companion to negative impacts.

The first thing that damage affects is emotional condition person. And if it is very difficult for him to suspect that something is wrong, then those close to him should definitely pay attention to the change in his character in the worst side. As a rule, the person targeted negative program. He gets irritated over trifles that were not noticed before. A clear symptom of external negative influences is unexplained mood swings.

Because under the influence of negativity the victim begins to see the world in dark colors, then people who have been damaged are in constant depression. Against this background, they begin to think about suicide. Since corruption leads to an endless streak of failure and bad luck, it systematically brings a person closer to realizing the meaninglessness of life. First of all, you need to understand that some negative programs are aimed precisely at driving a person to suicide. Sometimes this is achieved by the victim hearing voices calling for suicide, or some hallucinations of the same nature may appear.

The victim of damage may often be persecuted obsessions. This may indicate that he is being manipulated through magic. If you strong man, then if any strange, irresistible desires arise that shock others, you should think about whether these are your ideas.

Very often, people with well-developed natural intuition experience bad premonitions. In addition, they experience a decrease in self-esteem. For example, a person may be dissatisfied with his image in the mirror, although people close to him tell him that he looks good.

The question of how to determine whether there is damage is absolutely easy to answer. There is a huge amount in various ways. But you can suspect damage immediately after losing a pectoral cross or another amulet that is important to you, or sometimes just jewelry that is dear to you. In addition, the fact that it becomes unpleasant for a person to touch consecrated water and other church attributes also indicates an energy attack. It also becomes difficult for him to enter the temple. But such signs can only appear in sincerely believing people.

For example, you can take advantage of the magical and healing properties of the herb St. John's wort. It needs to be hung in the house in the corners of living spaces. If the grass in your bedroom dries faster than in other rooms, it means you have the evil eye or damage. The thing is that during sleep there is a surge of human energy, and if it is negative, then St. John's wort, trying to absorb it, quickly withers.

Pets will also help determine damage or the evil eye. Cats are especially sensitive to negativity. They stop making contact with the owner who is under damage or the evil eye and do not allow themselves to be petted. And with strong negativity, the once affectionate animal becomes aggressive and may even attack.

You can determine the presence of damage or the evil eye using a pair of fresh chicken eggs. To do this, you need to place a cup filled with cold water and carefully break two eggs from a domestic chicken into it. Of course, such a ritual is quite difficult to perform on your own, so you will need an assistant.

After this, you need to sit for a couple of minutes, and then examine the condition of the eggs:

    If the yolk is in the white and the broken egg itself has preserved oval shape, then there is no damage, and poor health or bad luck is not caused by external negativity; If the yolk has separated, and thread-like structures have appeared in the white, then it means that you are not subject to severe damage or the evil eye. Moreover, if the threads touch the bottom of the bowl, then this is damage; a serious negative effect is indicated by the blistering of the protein.

Similar information about the presence of damage or the evil eye can be obtained by carefully breaking a homemade chicken egg into a jar of water and placing it at the head of the bed overnight.

Various church attributes may indicate the presence of damage. For believers, the most suitable ritual is the ritual with candles. For diagnosis, you should first purchase three church candles. Candles brought from the temple must be lit in privacy in a separate room. You need to distract yourself from all everyday problems, focusing on the desire to find out if there is damage to you. When you realize that you have succeeded, you should begin to read the prayers that you know. It is advisable to start reading prayers with “Our Father.” Also an effective prayer for this case is the Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is allowed to use any other prayers in the ritual, but it is important to first learn them by heart and pronounce the phrases without stuttering.

When reading prayers, you need to look at the flame of one of the candles without stopping. At the end, you need to make the sign of the cross three times. If during such a ritual the candles burned brightly and the flame was even, then there is no negative program for you. Your poor health can be explained by some other reasons, and sometimes by a slight everyday evil eye. In this case, there is no need to carry out a ritual of removing damage; it is enough to carry out a ritual of cleansing and install protection.

If the candles began to smoke while reading prayers, and their flame began to sway in different sides, then the person has a negative program. In this case, you should not waste time trying to find out who caused the damage to you, but you need to start removing it.

There is a very indicative sign of damage or a strong evil eye. A person on whom a negative program has been imposed cannot cross the threshold of the church. Sometimes, to determine damage, magicians bring a burning church candle to the chakra area and observe how the flame behaves. But this method requires professional approach and for independent use doesn't fit.

To determine damage, believers can do the following:

    Buy three church candles; When you are alone, light the candles; Read the well-known prayers “Our Father” and “May God rise again”; Pray in your own words to the Most Holy Theotokos; Sign yourself with the cross three times.

After this, you need to pay attention to the flames of the candles. If it begins to sway strongly, as if from a blow of wind, and crackle, it means that you have been damaged.

Diagnosis using wax

Also, the presence of negative effects is often determined using natural wax. To do this, you need to perform a ritual in which you will need the help of another person. Surely this should be close relative or a friend you trust completely.

In order to determine damage, you must perform the following steps:

    Melt several wax church candles in a steam bath; Pour a thin continuous stream of molten wax into a bowl of water, which must be held over the head of a person who is suspected of damage; While pouring the wax, say the following magic words:

    “I don’t pour out the wax, but I pronounce the damage from the Servant of God (s) (person’s name). I appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request to gather all the Heavenly Patrons and help the Servant of God (name of person). Amen".

    You need to let the wax cool and at this time continuously read the “Our Father” prayer.

The resulting wax figurine should be carefully examined:

    If it is smooth with small waves, then there is no damage; If it has pronounced flaws, the person is under negative impact and we need to get rid of it urgently.

Diagnostic methods for which eggs are used have been known since ancient times. The advantages of such methods are that the egg is a living structure, and therefore it partially draws out negative energy already at the moment of its detection.

For diagnosis, it is better to use a fresh egg from a domestic chicken. It has greater energetic power, so with its help you can detect even a minimal negative program.

First, you need to take an egg and warm it in your palms for a while, filling the natural attribute with your own energy. Then you need to start moving the egg along the entire body. This process should continue for at least five minutes. After this, the egg should be broken into a pre-prepared liter jar with clean water.

You can verify the presence or absence of a negative program by looking at the state of the egg in the jar:

    If the yolk is torn, then there is a gap in the biofield - this means that you have been severely damaged, possibly leading to death. If you see that the white is cloudy, this means that the damage has begun to actively work and serious diseases are developing in your body. The more white threads, cobweb-like formations in the protein, the worse condition your health and you urgently need to remove the damage. If the protein is transparent and you can’t see it a large number of cobwebs, then this indicates slight damage caused by a non-professional, that is, it will not be difficult to get rid of it yourself. If there are a large number of air bubbles on the entire surface of the egg, then this indicates that there are holes in the biofield, and most likely, the reason for this is household damage or the evil eye. If the protein looks scalded, but the protein is clean, then this indicates that the negative program is aimed at limiting the person, that is, the victim always feels dependent and not free. But if, when the yolk is boiled, there are bubbles in the white, then this indicates damage to torment, which is very dangerous and almost always leads to death. A blackened yolk and cloudy white indicate damage to death, which has already begun to actively work.

In addition, there are more simple ways Determining spoilage using eggs. For one of them, you need to hold a jar of water over a person’s head for several minutes, and then break a pre-prepared egg into it. For another method, you need to crack a fresh egg into a jar and then place it at your head overnight. In the morning, based on the condition of the egg, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the absence and presence of spoilage.

A black cat can help detect damage. If you do not have an animal of this color, then you need to bring it from the street. Within a few days, the animal should get comfortable in your home. After this, you should take a cat that is already accustomed to being held in your arms. If the animal begins to break out, this indicates severe damage. If a black cat lives in your house, then its behavior will change greatly after the owner is subjected to an energetic attack. The animal will begin to behave very restlessly, the cat will not be able to sit in one place for a long time and will begin to rush around the premises. There is an old way of determining damage using matches. To do this, you will need to use a new box of matches and a container of water. First, you should take out three matches and squeeze them in your hand, thus transferring your energy. After this, you need to open your palm and randomly turn to them with a request to tell you whether you have a negative program. Then the matches are lit one by one and thrown into the water. Decryption is performed as follows:
    If all the matches do not sink and at the same time float on the surface without intersecting, then this indicates that there is no damage; If the matches intersected and tilted down, then most likely you have been jinxed; If the matches sank inward under the water, then this indicates for damage.
Nettle, linden blossom and oregano will also help determine spoilage. These plants should be collected at the edge of the forest. The herbs must first be crushed and dried. After this, you need to put them in a container and pour boiling water over them. Over such an infusion it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father”. After the decoction has infused, you need to drink it yourself with your family members. If after this someone experiences acute headaches, this means that this person has damage. You can also determine damage using St. John's wort. Its branches should be hung in all corners of the rooms of your home. The strongest smell will be in those rooms where the person who is damaged spends the most time. A well-known method is to determine damage using a gold ring. First rinse it three times under running water using soap. In addition, you need to wash yourself thoroughly. This is done to remove all makeup. After this, you need to run the ring along your cheek and pay attention to whether any mark remains. If it is present, it means that the person has damage. If you suspect that someone has tried to harm you or have discovered some signs that indicate possible damage, then you should carry out a diagnosis as soon as possible. This approach is the key to timely provision of assistance and prevention of destruction of the body. Timely diagnosis of damage is very important, as it guarantees timely removal of negativity and minimization of damage to the protective energy field person.

Words such as the evil eye, damage for many people are some kind of fairy-tale or fantastic phenomenon. And not many people can correlate illness, problems at work, cooling of family relationships, quarrels, misunderstanding on the part of children with these words, which carry negativity. But there are also those who know what can be done with the help of magic and often use it.

The evil eye comes from the word eyes, and they can cause harm not on purpose. After all, the evil eye is made with a “bad” eye, but with good sometimes, sincere, words. Anyone can do it, even Small child. A person can also jinx himself. Scientists say that a person’s eyes are the entrance and exit of negativity and emotions. For a long time, children under 4 months of age were not taken into crowded places, since their aura was small and did not protect them well.

There are a great many evil eyes. They can be sent either by a specialist in his field (a sorcerer, a whisperer), or by a person who simply has great energy power. They send the evil eye out of envy and to take away something important and dear to a person (beauty, prosperity, a well-established business).

If some bad things begin to happen in a family where the evil eye was cast, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate them. Many of us have experienced a moment of looking at ourselves sideways. It’s difficult to immediately figure out whether there is an evil eye or not. Small children, beautiful, prominent men and women, successful people in business, and pets are often subject to the evil eye.

Children's evil eye

The first thing to consider is the children's evil eye. Children are exposed to the evil eye even in the womb. They react to the evil eye in their own way. They begin to cry and be capricious for no apparent reason, become afraid of the dark, and suddenly change their habits. Body temperature may also rise. If these symptoms are visible in the child’s behavior, you must try to calm the baby down and help him on your own.

To do this, the mother needs to lightly lick the child’s forehead with her tongue; if there is a salty taste, yes, this is the evil eye. The most accessible way to find out if a child has the evil eye can be done not only at home, but also on the road or at a party. In severe cases, it is necessary to turn to healers (in common people, grandmothers).

Adult evil eye

Adults react in their own way. For example:

  • wake up for no reason between 12 am and 3 am,
  • out of nowhere they start quarreling with friends,
  • luck disappears in your personal life,
  • problems arise both in school and at work,
  • vague pains appear that “float” throughout the body, and doctors cannot determine the disease,
  • Thoughts about my bad luck are becoming more and more frequent,
  • a habit appears of often lying to your loved ones,
  • attacks of laziness or incredible ability to work occur,
  • often visits the desire to do dirty tricks,
  • intestinal obstruction or diarrhea,
  • envy appears
  • aggressiveness towards others,
  • I lose the desire to attend church even on a major holiday.

Determine whether there is an evil eye yourself

You can determine whether there is an evil eye at home using a wedding ring. Gold, in contact with the body, (in in this case with the cheek), may leave a multi-colored mark. If it remains white trail, there is no evil eye, but the dark one speaks of kidney disease and the evil eye, green color trace reports heart disease.

If there is no gold wedding ring, don’t be sad, because it can be replaced with an egg. It must be taken from a laying hen, fresh, which has not yet had time to be in the refrigerator. They should run it over their face three times, as if wiping it, and break it over a glass containing some water. If after several minutes the egg has not changed color, then there is no evil eye. After the ritual, whether the egg is good or not, it must be thrown away (you cannot give it to animals!).

Holy water shows the evil eye and its absence well. But this method requires a lot. The water should be placed in a corner where it is dark even during the day for 24 hours. The next evening, before going to bed, you need to wash your face with this water. If you dream of a joyful, smiling, happy man, then he tried to make an evil eye.

Place the sick person on a stool, above his head, and hold a bowl of water in the air. Melt the wax in advance and slowly pour the melted wax into this bowl as thinly as possible. After the wax has cooled, you need to remove it from the water, turn it upside down and slowly inspect the wax carefully. If the bottom is smooth, there is no negative. And various growths, balls, protrusions and candles tell of damage and the evil eye.

There may be one large growth, it lets you know that someone has cursed the person very strongly. All sorts of different holes and interspersed figures tell us that the same person is doing harm all the time.

You can prevent the evil eye yourself at home. This does not require complex ingredients or ritual attributes.

You will need regular hibiscus tea. Freshly brewed tea should be drunk in 12 sips in the morning, while you should say in your head with feeling: “So be it.”

You can also drink tea collected from available plants. For example, cranberries + raspberries + lingonberry leaves. You can also remove the peel from a red apple, combine it with raspberry leaves and green tea without additives, brew it, let it steep for a while and drink it under the same conditions. This is about the evil eye.

Damage is the “sister” of the evil eye. The symptoms are similar, but they do it differently.

In order to make damage, you need to use special magical rituals, in which they use multi-colored candles, salt, water, and always a photograph of the victim.

Damage is performing a ritual with negative influence for a specific person. This is when inner world they invest a different energy, unlike the victim’s, which has a vibration with the task of destroying the body, personal relationships, and health.

Damage has the most common types - skorov, lesson, ispolok, slander.

Some signs are similar to the evil eye, but there are others. If a person has sensitive skin sunlight, then fear appears daylight, overcome burns even from normal temperature, then this can be attributed to symptoms of damage. Intuitively developed people may have bad feelings, such as anxiety, restlessness, often without reason. These signs speak and suggest damage caused. You should pay attention to the appearance of fear in communicating with strangers.

If you have pets, they can be one of the first to react to damage. They will stop making contact and begin to behave aggressively in the presence of a person with damage. This should be treated with understanding, because the animal is very sensitive to changes, especially if they are related to energy. This means that we need to take a counter-move against the damage.

After inflicting damage, a person may experience changes in weight, may feel cold inside, pressure in chest, a feeling that there is some kind of burden on the shoulders.

Signs of damage

  1. After waking up, getting out of bed, you yawn against your will and make some kind of howling, drawn-out sound.
  2. If the house is heated with a stove, the wood begins to burn poorly.
  3. Paintings and icons fall by themselves.
  4. The food has lost its taste.
  5. Drowsiness or insomnia appears.
  6. Clothes often tear, they become uncomfortable and the stains do not want to come off.
  7. Something is preventing you from sitting on an armchair or chair; you can’t find something on the bed cozy place for sleep.
  8. Outside the window, objects are poorly seen and blurred.
  9. Flowers standing on the windowsill stop blooming and begin to die.
  10. The cracks in the floor increase, and the boards creak, both when walking on them and in a calm state.
  11. Flies and midges appeared on the ceiling out of nowhere, and the chandelier began to sway.

Negativity can manifest itself in the desire to simply burn matches, open a water tap, or watch the water flow for a long time.

Calling your name, knocking on the window, ringing the doorbell when no one is around or nearby. This is a sign that a “well-wisher” is sending damage. In such cases, you should not respond to a call or open a door or window if it is clearly visible that no one is there. When a session of magic to induce damage takes place, the “customer” needs to make a subtle astral connection, in this case, in spells and conspiracies, the name (of the person to whom the damage is being done) must be pronounced and this person actually hears his name.

Using threads, experienced magicians and sorcerers know how to “sew up” to a certain person the chosen damage, health or luck. You must be very careful when making such a request, such as getting a thread in the eye of a needle, sewing something up, lending thread, or giving away a complete spool of thread. A piece of thread threaded by a girl into the eye of a hand sewing needle can make her lonely long years or for life - this is a very common way of spoiling loneliness.

When doing damage to threads, they use black (occasionally red) threads. Don’t be too kind and trusting, don’t let them into your home, don’t share salt, money, matches, threads with your neighbors. Let it be better to have a bad review about greed than to have your health and quiet family life suffer.

I would like to emphasize once again that the evil eye is a look, and damage is caused to objects, household items, things, products. And when these objects charged with filth are picked up, worn, eaten, and come into close contact, only in this case does the damage reach and onto the person.

You should be extremely careful. Health is most important!

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