What does the state final certification include?


In accordance with part 5 of article 59 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation”(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, N 2326) I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education.

2. To recognize as invalid:
Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of November 1, 1995 N 563 “On approval of the Regulations on the final certification of graduates of institutions of primary vocational education and the Regulations on obtaining primary vocational education in the form of an external study” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 1, 1996, registration N 1043);

resolution State Committee Russian Federation on Higher Education dated December 27, 1995 N 10 “On approval of the Regulations on the final state certification graduates educational institutions secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 26, 1996, registration No. 1018).

First Deputy Minister



by order of the Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated August 16, 2013 N 9


I. General provisions

1. The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) establishes the rules for organizing and conducting educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations), the state final certification of students (cadets) (hereinafter referred to as – students, graduates), completing the mastery of their state accreditation basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education (training programs for skilled workers, employees and training programs for mid-level specialists) (hereinafter referred to as educational programs of secondary vocational education), including forms of state final certification, requirements for the use of training and educational means, communication means when conducting state final certification, requirements for persons involved in conducting state final certification, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, changing and (or) canceling the results of state final certification, as well as features of conducting state final certification for graduates from among persons with disabilities health.

2. Ensuring the state final certification of educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out by educational organizations.

3. Educational organizations use the necessary for the organization educational activities funds for conducting state final certification of students.

4. Students and persons involved in the state final certification are prohibited from carrying and using communication devices during it.

5. Persons who are mastering an educational program of secondary vocational education in the form of self-education or who have studied in an educational program of secondary vocational education that does not have state accreditation have the right to undergo an external state final certification in an educational organization that carries out educational activities under an educational program of secondary vocational education that has state accreditation, in in accordance with this Procedure.

II. State Examination Commission

6. In order to determine the compliance of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs of secondary vocational education with the relevant requirements of the federal state educational standard secondary vocational education state final certification is carried out by state examination commissions, which are created by the educational organization for each educational program of secondary vocational education implemented by the educational organization.

The State Examination Commission is formed from teaching staff educational organization and persons invited from third-party organizations: teaching staff with academic degree and/or academic title, highest or first qualification category, representatives of employers or their associations in the field of graduate training.

The composition of the state examination commission is approved by the administrative act of the educational organization.

7. The state examination commission is headed by a chairman, who organizes and controls the activities of the state examination commission and ensures the unity of the requirements for graduates.

The chairman of the state examination commission is approved no later than December 20 of the current year for the next calendar year (from January 1 to December 31) by the body local government municipal district and a city district, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a federal executive body under whose jurisdiction the educational organization is located, according to the proposal of the educational organization. The chairman of the state examination commission of a private educational organization is approved by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education, on the territory of which a private educational organization is located, on the proposal of a private educational organization.

The chairman of the state examination commission of an educational organization is approved by a person who does not work in the educational organization from among:

heads or deputy heads of organizations carrying out educational activities in the field of training graduates with an academic degree and (or) academic title;

heads or deputy heads of organizations carrying out educational activities in the field of training graduates with the highest qualification category;

representatives of employers or their associations in the field of graduate training.

8. The head of the educational organization is the deputy chairman of the state examination commission. If several state examination commissions are created in an educational organization, several deputy chairmen of the state examination commission are appointed from among the deputy heads of the educational organization or teaching staff with the highest qualification category.

9. The State Examination Commission operates for one calendar year.

III. Forms of state final certification

10. The forms of state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education are:

defense of final qualifying work;

state exam(s) (in accordance with the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education).

11. Final qualifying work contributes to the systematization and consolidation of the graduate’s knowledge of the profession or specialty when deciding specific tasks, as well as determining the graduate’s level of preparation for independent work.

12. Depending on the mastered educational program Secondary vocational education final qualifying work is carried out in the following types:

final practical qualifying work and written examination work - for graduates mastering training programs for qualified workers and employees;

thesis ( graduation project) – for graduates mastering training programs for mid-level specialists.

13. Graduation themes qualification works determined by the educational organization. The student is given the right to choose the topic of his final qualifying work, including proposals for his own topic with the necessary justification for the feasibility of its development for practical application. In this case, the topic of the final qualifying work must correspond to the content of one or more professional modules included in the educational program of secondary vocational education.

To prepare the final qualifying work, the student is assigned a supervisor and, if necessary, consultants.

The assignment of topics for final qualifying works to students, the appointment of supervisors and consultants is carried out by an administrative act of the educational organization.

14. The state exam for a separate professional module (interdisciplinary course, discipline) determines the student’s level of mastery of the material provided for by the curriculum and covers the minimum content of this professional module (interdisciplinary course, discipline), established by the relevant federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education.

15. The state final certification program, requirements for final qualifying works, as well as criteria for assessing knowledge are approved by the educational organization after their discussion at the meeting pedagogical council educational organization with the participation of chairmen of state examination commissions.

16. State final certification of graduates cannot be replaced by an assessment of the level of their training based on current control academic performance and results of intermediate certification.

IV. The procedure for conducting state final certification

17. A student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum for the educational program of secondary vocational education being mastered<1>.


<1>Part 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326).

18. The state final certification program, requirements for final qualifying works, as well as knowledge assessment criteria approved by the educational organization are brought to the attention of students no later than six months before the start of the state final certification.

19. Surrender state exam and defense of final qualifying works (except for works on closed topics) are carried out at open meetings of the state examination commission with the participation of at least two-thirds of its members.

20. The results of any form of state final certification are determined by the grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory” and are announced on the same day after registration in in the prescribed manner minutes of meetings of state examination commissions.

21. Decisions of state examination commissions are made at closed meetings by a simple majority of votes of the commission members participating in the meeting, with the obligatory presence of the chairman of the commission or his deputy. At equal number votes The vote of the chairperson at the meeting of the state examination commission is decisive.

22. Persons who have not passed the state final certification for good reason, is given the opportunity to pass the state final certification without expulsion from the educational organization.

Additional meetings of state examination commissions are organized within the time frame established by the educational organization, but no later than four months after the application is submitted by a person who has not passed the state final certification for a good reason.

23. Students who have not passed the state final certification or received unsatisfactory results at the state final certification shall undergo the state final certification no earlier than six months after passing the state final certification for the first time.

To pass the state final certification, a person who has not passed the state final certification for an unexcused reason or received an unsatisfactory grade at the state final certification is reinstated in the educational organization for a period of time established by the educational organization independently, but not less than that provided for by the calendar study schedule to pass the state final certification of the relevant educational program of secondary vocational education.

Repeated passing of the state final certification for one person is assigned by the educational organization no more than two times.

24. The decision of the state examination commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the state examination commission (in the absence of the chairman, by his deputy) and the secretary of the state examination commission and stored in the archives of the educational organization.

V. The procedure for holding the state final

certifications for graduates from among people with disabilities

health opportunities

25. For graduates from among persons with disabilities, the state final certification is carried out by the educational organization, taking into account the characteristics psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status of such graduates (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics).

26. When conducting state final certification, compliance with the following general requirements is ensured:

conducting state final certification for persons with disabilities in the same classroom together with graduates who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for graduates when passing the state final certification;

the presence in the classroom of an assistant who provides graduates with the necessary technical assistance taking into account their individual characteristics(take workplace, move around, read and complete the task, communicate with members of the state examination commission);

use of necessary graduates technical means when passing the state final certification, taking into account their individual characteristics;

ensuring the possibility of unhindered access for graduates to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators; in the absence of elevators, the auditorium should be located on the ground floor, the presence of special chairs and other devices).

27. Additionally, during the state final certification, compliance with the following requirements is ensured depending on the categories of graduates with disabilities:

a) for the blind:

tasks to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for state final certification are drawn up raised dot font Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible using a computer with a specialized software for the blind, or read by an assistant;

written tasks are completed on paper in embossed dot Braille or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;

To complete the assignment, if necessary, graduates are provided with a set of writing instruments and paper for writing in embossed dotted Braille, a computer with specialized software for the blind;

b) for the visually impaired:

individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux is provided;

graduates are provided with a magnifying device to complete the task if necessary;

tasks to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting state certification, are drawn up in larger font;

c) for the deaf and hard of hearing, with severe speech impairments:

the availability of sound amplification equipment for collective use is ensured, and if necessary, sound amplification equipment for individual use is provided;

at their request, the state exam can be held in in writing;

e) for persons with musculoskeletal disorders (with severe impairment of motor functions of the upper limbs or absence of upper limbs):

written tasks are completed on a computer with specialized software or dictated to an assistant;

at their request, the state exam can be held in orally.

28. Graduates or parents (legal representatives) of minor graduates no later than 3 months before the start of the state final certification submit a written application about the need to create for them special conditions during the state final certification.

IV. Procedure for filing and consideration of appeals

29. Based on the results of the state certification, the graduate who participated in the state final certification has the right to submit a written appeal to the appeal commission about a violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the state final certification and (or) disagreement with its results (hereinafter referred to as the appeal).

30. The appeal is submitted personally by the graduate or parents ( legal representatives) a minor graduate to the appeal commission of the educational organization.

An appeal about a violation of the procedure for conducting the state final certification is submitted directly on the day of the state final certification.

An appeal of disagreement with the results of the state final certification is submitted no later than the next working day after the announcement of the results of the state final certification.

31. The appeal is considered by the appeal commission no later than three working days from the date of its receipt.

32. The composition of the appeal commission is approved by the educational organization simultaneously with the approval of the composition of the state examination commission.

33. The appeal commission consists of a chairman, at least five members from among the teaching staff of the educational organization who are not included in this academic year members of state examination commissions and the secretary. The chairman of the appeal commission is the head of the educational organization or a person performing the duties of the head of the educational organization in accordance with the established procedure. The secretary is elected from among the members of the appeal commission.

34. The appeal is considered at a meeting of the appeal commission with the participation of at least two thirds of its members.

The chairman of the relevant state examination commission is invited to the meeting of the appeal commission.

The graduate who filed the appeal has the right to be present during the hearing of the appeal.

One of the parents (legal representatives) has the right to be present with a minor graduate.

These persons must have identification documents with them.

35. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the state final certification.

36. When considering an appeal about a violation of the procedure for conducting state final certification, the appeal commission establishes the accuracy of the information contained in it and makes one of the decisions:

on the rejection of the appeal if the information contained in it about violations of the procedure for conducting the state final certification of a graduate was not confirmed and/or did not affect the result of the state final certification;

on the satisfaction of the appeal, if the information contained in it about violations of the procedure for conducting the state final certification of the graduate was confirmed and influenced the result of the state final certification.

IN the latter case the result of the state final certification is subject to cancellation, in connection with which the protocol on the consideration of the appeal no later than the next working day is transferred to the state examination commission to implement the commission’s decision. The graduate is given the opportunity to pass the state final certification within additional deadlines established by the educational organization.

37. To consider an appeal about disagreement with the results of the state final certification obtained during the defense of the final qualifying work, the secretary of the state examination commission no later than the next working day from the receipt of the appeal sends to the appeal commission the final qualifying work, the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission and the conclusion of the chairman of the state examination commission on compliance with procedural issues when defending the graduate who filed the appeal.

To consider an appeal about disagreement with the results of the state final certification obtained when passing the state exam, the secretary of the state examination commission, no later than the next working day from the date of receipt of the appeal, sends to the appeal commission the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission, the written answers of the graduate (if any) and the conclusion Chairman of the State Examination Commission on compliance with procedural issues during the state examination.

38. As a result of considering an appeal about disagreement with the results of the state final certification, the appeal commission makes a decision to reject the appeal and maintain the result of the state final certification or to satisfy the appeal and issue a different result of the state final certification. The decision of the appeal commission is transmitted to the state examination commission no later than the next working day. The decision of the appeal commission is the basis for canceling previously issued results of the state final certification of a graduate and issuing new ones.

39. The decision of the appeal commission is made by a simple majority of votes. In case of an equal number of votes, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the appeal commission is decisive.

The decision of the appeal commission is brought to the attention of the graduate who filed the appeal (against signature) within three working days from the date of the meeting of the appeal commission.

40. The decision of the appeal commission is final and not subject to revision.

41. The decision of the appeal commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman and secretary of the appeal commission and stored in the archives of the educational organization.

Towards the end primary school, namely, by the end of the 4th grade, teachers draw a line to all learning, and this line is the GIA - the state final certification. GIA is practically the same as the Unified State Exam. This is also a system of tests and assignments. Writing mathematics is mandatory, and the final assignments are quite difficult. That is why teachers pay (or should pay) attention to thoroughly preparing fourth-graders for the GIA throughout the last quarter. And to help both parents and teachers, our article. On this page we will collect tasks for the GIA different years, test work in mathematics, which will help fourth-graders prepare for the upcoming final assessment. Children will not only consolidate their acquired knowledge, but also learn how to fill out an examination form.

Any file can be downloaded and/or printed by clicking on the cover.

Mathematics. Final certification in primary school. Morshneva L.G.

The tasks are given according to options, each option in three parts. Each option is accompanied by a form for recording answers. At the end there are answers to tasks for testing the student by a parent (teacher).

It is equally important when preparing a student for the State Examination to pay special attention difficult tasks and work them out. Such tasks are collected in the manual

The most insidious tasks on tests in mathematics. Final certification. 4th grade. Uzorova O., Nefedova E.

A collection of the most necessary and difficult examples and tasks that are offered at the final tests in mathematics in 4th grade. The questions cover all topics covered in primary school.

Mathematics. Final certification for a primary school course: standard test tasks. Ilyashenko L.A. 2016

Preparation for the final complex work. Mathematics, working with information, reading 4th grade. Exercise book for schoolchildren. Planet.

Mathematics. Final works based on a single text for the primary school course 2016. A.V. Volkov, V.V. Khvostin.

The notebook is intended to prepare 4th grade students to perform final work for a primary school course and contains material for testing knowledge and skills in mathematics. Includes 5 works in two versions. Each work consists of a single text and 16 tasks, during which you need to find and use information from the text. The testing form will help teach children how to correctly fill out such documents, which will accompany them until they graduate from school. The notebook also contains answers to the assignments. The benefit complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Final certification

by discipline

"Learning Theory"

1. The science of learning, education, their goals, content, methods, means is called...

1) didactics

2) theory of education

3) pedagogical management

4) pedagogical technology

2. The term “didactics” was first introduced by...

1) V. Rathke

2) Ya.A. Comenius

3) J.J. Rousseau

4) I.G. Pestalozzi

3. By didactics I meant “ universal art teach everyone everything”...

1) Ya.A. Comenius

2) P.F. Kapterev

3) K.D. Ushinsky

4) A. Disterweg

4. The processes of teaching and learning with their conditions and the results obtained are the subject ...

1) didactics

2) technology

3) theories of education

4) management theory

5. The functions of the learning process are...

1) educational, educational, developmental

2) educational, prognostic, design

3) educational, educational, explanatory

4) developmental, educational, prognostic

6. The set of principles, content, methods and teaching aids that form integral structure and subject to learning objectives, constitute...

1) didactic system

2) pedagogical theory

3) pedagogical system

4) didactic theory

7. Teaching is understood in didactics as...

1) student activities

2) interaction between students and teacher

3) perception of new knowledge

4) formation of skills

8. Management of educational and cognitive activities of students is called...

1) teaching

2) teaching

3) development of student interest

4) personality formation

1.9. The connections between the goals, content, methods, means, and forms of education refer to ___ regularities

1) internal

2) general

3) external

4) private

1.10. The effectiveness of learning depends on the appropriate involvement of the senses in perception and assimilation educational material- this is the principle...

1) visibility

2) availability

3) consciousness and activity

4) strength of knowledge

1.11. Leading Role Principle theoretical knowledge used in the concept of ___ learning

1) developing

2) problematic

3) optimization

4) programmed

1.12. The learning process is called...

1) a specific process of cognition controlled by a teacher

2) teaching

3) educational activities

4) educational activities

1.13. The didactic principles do not include the principle...

1) humanity teaching

2) visibility

3) systematic and consistent

4) the relationship between theory and practice of teaching

1.14. The structure of educational activities does not include...

1) formation moral qualities and beliefs

2) mastery of the knowledge system, cognitive skills and practical skills

3) development of learning motives

4) mastering ways to manage your educational activities and theirs mental processes

1.15. Bilateral nature learning manifests itself in unity...

1) teaching and learning

2) development and education of students

3) school and extracurricular activities

4) joint efforts of family and school to develop motives for learning in students

1.16. The principle of visibility in didactics means...

1) involving the senses in the perception of educational material

2) use of posters, diagrams, paintings in the learning process

3) conducting experiments during the learning process

4) watching movies and videos

1.17. The structure of the learning process does not include...

1) determining the level of students' thinking

2) defining goals and objectives

3) planning (selection of content, methods, techniques, means and forms)

4) analysis and evaluation of learning results

In accordance with Part 5 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2862; No. 4036; ; No. 2769; No. 26, Art. 338; 2015, Art. 53; 36 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386; No. 37, Art. 4702; 2014, art. 126; art. 582, art.

1. Approve the attached Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs higher education- bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs and master's programs.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2003 No. 1155 “On approval of the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher education” educational institutions Russian Federation" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 5, 2003, registration No. 4490).

Minister D.V. Livanov

Registration No. 38132


The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs and master's programs
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2015 No. 636)

1. The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs and master's programs establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting educational activities for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs and master's programs (hereinafter - organizations, educational programs), state final certification of students (cadets) (hereinafter referred to as students, graduates), completing the development of educational programs with state accreditation, including forms of state final certification, requirements for the use of teaching and educational means, communication means during state final certification, requirements requirements for persons involved in the state final certification, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, changes and (or) cancellation of the results of the state final certification, as well as the specifics of conducting the state final certification for students with disabilities.

2. State final certification is carried out by state examination commissions in order to determine the compliance of the results of students’ mastery of basic educational programs with the relevant requirements of the federal state educational standard or educational standard * (1) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the standard).

3. A student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum for the relevant educational program of higher education is admitted to the state final certification *(2).

4. Ensuring the state final certification of educational programs is carried out by organizations*(3).

5. Organizations use the funds necessary for organizing educational activities when conducting state final certification of students.

6. Students and persons involved in the state final certification are prohibited from carrying and using communication devices during the examination.

7. Persons who are mastering an educational program in the form of self-education or who have studied in an educational program of higher education that does not have state accreditation have the right to undergo an external state final certification in an organization for an educational program that has state accreditation, in accordance with this Procedure * (4).

8. State final certification for educational programs containing information that constitutes state secret, is carried out in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

9. It is not allowed to charge students for passing the state final certification *(5).

10. State final certification of learning organizations is carried out in the form:

state exam;

defense of final qualifying work (hereinafter referred to as state certification tests).

Specific forms of conducting state final certification are established by organizations taking into account the requirements established by the standard.

11. The state exam is held in one or more disciplines and (or) modules of the educational program, the results of which are of decisive importance for professional activity graduates. The state examination is conducted orally or in writing.

12. Final qualifying work is work completed by a student (several students together) that demonstrates the graduate’s level of preparedness for independent professional activity.

13. The type of final qualifying work, the requirements for it, the procedure for its implementation and the criteria for its evaluation are established by the organization independently.

14. The volume (in credit units) of the state final certification, its structure and content are established by the organization in accordance with this Procedure.

15. State final certification is carried out within the time frame determined by the organization, but no later than June 30.

16. The results of each state certification test are determined by the grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”. Grades “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” mean successful completion of the state certification test.

17. Successful completion of the state final certification is the basis for issuing to the student a document on higher education and qualifications of the sample established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation * (6).

18. By decision of the collegial management body of the organization, as well as in cases provided for by Federal Law of November 10, 2009 No. 259-FZ “On Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University" * (7), persons who successfully pass the state final certification are issued documents on education and qualifications, samples of which are independently established by organizations * (8).

19. Features of conducting state certification tests using e-learning, remote educational technologies determined by local regulations of the organization. When conducting state certification tests using e-learning and distance learning technologies, the organization ensures identification of students’ identities and monitoring of compliance with the requirements established by the specified local regulations.

20. To conduct state final certification and conduct appeals based on the results of state final certification, state examination commissions and appeal commissions (hereinafter collectively referred to as commissions) are created in the organization. Commissions are valid for a calendar year.

21. Commissions are created in the organization for each specialty and area of ​​training, or for each educational program, or for a number of specialties and areas of training, or for a number of educational programs.

22. The chairman of the state examination commission is approved no later than December 31, preceding the year of the state final certification:

a) for organizations that have the right to independently establish educational standards - by an administrative act of the organization;

b) for organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities, with the exception of organizations from those specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph - by the founders of the organizations on the proposal of the organizations;

c) for organizations under the jurisdiction of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal organizations and private educational organizations, - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on behalf of organizations.

23. The organization approves the composition of the commissions no later than 1 month before the start date of the state final certification.

24. The chairman of the state examination commission is approved from among persons who do not work in this organization, who have an academic degree of Doctor of Science and (or) the academic title of professor, or who are leading specialists - representatives of employers or their associations in the relevant field of professional activity.

The chairman of the appeal commission is approved by the head of the organization (the person performing his duties or the person authorized by the head of the organization - on the basis of the administrative act of the organization).

25. The chairmen of the commissions organize and control the activities of the commissions, ensure the uniformity of the requirements for students during the state final certification.

26. The state examination commission includes at least 4 people, of which at least 2 people are leading specialists - representatives of employers or their associations in the relevant field of professional activity (hereinafter referred to as specialists), the rest - persons belonging to the teaching staff of this organization and (or) other organizations and (or) scientific workers of this organization and (or) other organizations who have an academic title and (or) academic degree.

The appeal commission includes at least 4 people from among the teaching staff of the organization and not members of the state examination commissions.

From among the persons included in the commissions, deputy chairmen of the commissions are appointed as chairmen of the commissions.

27. For the period of the state final certification, to ensure the work of the state examination commission, from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of the organization, scientific workers or administrative workers of the organization, its secretary is appointed as the chairman of the state examination commission. The secretary of the state examination commission is not a member of it. The secretary of the state examination commission keeps minutes of its meetings and represents necessary materials to the appeal commission.

28. The main form of activity of commissions is meetings.

Meetings of commissions are valid if at least two-thirds of the members of the commissions participate in them.

Meetings of the commissions are held by the chairmen of the commissions, and in their absence - by the deputy chairmen of the commissions.

Decisions of the commissions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the commissions participating in the meeting. In case of an equal number of votes, the presiding officer has the casting vote.

29. Decisions made by commissions are documented in protocols.

The minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission for taking the state certification test reflect the list of questions asked to the student and the characteristics of the answers to them, the opinions of the members of the state examination commission about the level of preparedness of the student to solve the problem identified during the state certification test professional tasks, as well as the identified shortcomings in the theoretical and practical training student.

Minutes of commission meetings are signed by the chairpersons. The minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission are also signed by the secretary of the state examination commission.

Minutes of commission meetings are compiled into books and stored in the organization’s archives.

30. State final certification program, including state exam programs and (or) requirements for final qualifying works and the procedure for their implementation, criteria for assessing the results of passing state exams and (or) defense of final qualifying works, approved by the organization, as well as the procedure for filing and considering appeals are brought to the attention of students no later than six months before the start of the state final certification.

31. The state exam is conducted according to a program approved by the organization, containing a list of questions submitted for the state exam, and recommendations for students to prepare for the state exam, including a list of recommended literature for preparing for the state exam.

Before the state exam, students are advised on the issues included in the state exam program (hereinafter referred to as pre-examination consultation).

32. The organization approves the list of topics for final qualifying works offered to students (hereinafter referred to as the list of topics), and brings it to the attention of students no later than 6 months before the start date of the state final certification.

At the written request of a student (several students performing a final qualifying work together), the organization may, in the manner established by it, provide the student (students) with the opportunity to prepare and defend a final qualifying work on a topic proposed by the student (students), if the feasibility of its development for practical application is justified in the relevant field of professional activity or at a specific object of professional activity.

To prepare the final qualifying work, a student (several students performing final qualifying work together) is assigned by administrative act of the organization a director of the final qualifying work from among the organization’s employees and, if necessary, a consultant (consultants).

33. No later than 30 calendar days before the day of the first state certification test, the organization approves by administrative act the schedule of state certification tests (hereinafter referred to as the schedule), which indicates the dates, time and place of state certification tests and pre-examination consultations, and brings the schedule to information of the student, members of state examination commissions and appeal commissions, secretaries of state examination commissions, managers and consultants of final qualifying works.

When creating a schedule, a break is established between state certification tests of at least 7 calendar days.

34. After the student completes the preparation of the final qualifying work, the head of the final qualifying work submits to the organization written review about the student’s work during the preparation of the final qualifying work (hereinafter referred to as the review). In the case of completing a final qualifying work by several students, the head of the final qualifying work provides feedback to the organization about their working together during the preparation of final qualifying work.

35. Final qualifying works for master's and specialist's programs are subject to review.

To conduct a review of the final qualifying work, the specified work is sent by the organization to one or more reviewers from among persons who are not employees of the department, or faculty (institute), or the organization in which the final qualifying work was completed. The reviewer analyzes the final qualifying work and submits a written review to the organization specified work(hereinafter referred to as the review).

If the final qualifying work is interdisciplinary in nature, it is sent by the organization to several reviewers. Otherwise, the number of reviewers is determined by the organization.

36. The organization ensures that the student is familiarized with the review and review (reviews) no later than 5 calendar days before the day of defense of the final qualifying work.

37. The final qualifying work, review and review (reviews) are transferred to the state examination commission no later than 2 calendar days before the day of defense of the final qualifying work.

38. The texts of final qualifying works, with the exception of the texts of final qualifying works containing information constituting a state secret, are posted by the organization in the electronic library system of the organization and checked for the amount of borrowing. The procedure for posting the texts of final qualifying works in the electronic library system of the organization, checking the volume of borrowing, including content, and identifying unauthorized borrowings is established by the organization.

Access of persons to the texts of final qualifying works must be ensured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the withdrawal of production, technical, economic, organizational and other information, including the results of intellectual activity in the scientific and technical field, the methods of carrying out professional activities, which have actual or potential commercial value due to their unknownness to third parties, in accordance with the decision of the copyright holder.

39. The results of the state certification test conducted orally are announced on the day of its conduct, the results of the state certification test conducted in writing - on the next working day after the day of its conduct.

40. Students who have not passed the state final certification due to failure to appear at the state certification test for a valid reason (temporary disability, performance of public or state duties, summons to court, transport problems(flight cancellation, no tickets), weather conditions or in other cases, the list of which is established by the organization independently), has the right to pass it within 6 months after completion of the state final certification.

The student must submit to the organization a document confirming the reason for his absence.

A student who fails one state certification test for a valid reason is allowed to take the next state certification test (if any).

41. Students who have not passed the state certification test due to failure to appear for the state certification test for an unexcused reason or in connection with receiving an “unsatisfactory” grade, as well as students specified in paragraph 43 of this Procedure and who have not passed the state certification test on the deadline established for them term (due to failure to appear at the state certification test or receiving an “unsatisfactory” grade), are expelled from the organization with the issuance of a certificate of training as having failed to fulfill the obligations to conscientiously master the educational program and implement the curriculum.

42. A person who has not passed the state final certification may re-pass the state final certification no earlier than one year and no later than five years after the date of the state final certification, which the student did not pass.

To re-pass the state final certification, the specified person, upon his application, is reinstated in the organization for a period of time established by the organization, but not less than the period of time provided for by the calendar educational schedule for the state final certification for the relevant educational program.

When re-passing the state final certification, at the request of the student, by decision of the organization, he may be assigned a different topic for his final qualifying work.

43. For students with disabilities, the state final certification is carried out by the organization taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and state of health (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics).

44. When conducting state final certification, compliance with the following general requirements is ensured:

conducting state final certification for people with disabilities in the same classroom together with students who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for students when passing the state final certification;

the presence in the classroom of an assistant (assistants) who provides disabled students with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take a workplace, move around, read and complete an assignment, communicate with members of the state examination commission);

the use of technical means necessary for disabled students when passing the state final certification, taking into account their individual characteristics;

ensuring the possibility of unhindered access for disabled students to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators; in the absence of elevators, the classroom should be located on the ground floor, the presence of special chairs and other devices) .

45. All local regulations organizations on issues related to state final certification are brought to the attention of disabled students in a form accessible to them.

46. ​​At the written request of a disabled student, the duration of the disabled student passing the state certification test may be increased in relation to set duration its delivery:

the duration of the state exam, conducted in written form, is no more than 90 minutes;

the duration of preparation of a student to answer a state exam conducted orally is no more than 20 minutes;

The duration of the student’s speech when defending his final qualifying work is no more than 15 minutes.

47. Depending on the individual characteristics of students with disabilities, the organization ensures that the following requirements are met when conducting the state certification test:

a) for the blind:

assignments and other materials for passing the state certification test are drawn up in embossed dotted Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible using a computer with specialized software for the blind, or read out by an assistant;

written assignments are completed by students on paper in embossed dot Braille or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;

if necessary, students are provided with a set of writing instruments and paper for writing in embossed dot Braille, a computer with specialized software for the blind;

b) for the visually impaired:

assignments and other materials for passing the state certification test are drawn up in larger font;

individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux is provided;

if necessary, students are provided with a magnifying device; the use of magnifying devices available to students is allowed;

c) for the deaf and hard of hearing, with severe speech impairments:

The availability of sound amplification equipment for collective use is ensured; if necessary, students are provided with sound amplification equipment for individual use;

at their request, state certification tests are carried out in writing;

d) for persons with musculoskeletal disorders (severe impairment of motor functions of the upper limbs or absence of upper limbs):

written assignments are completed by students on a computer with specialized software or dictated to an assistant;

at their request, state certification tests are conducted orally.

48. A disabled student, no later than 3 months before the start of the state final certification, submits a written application about the need to create special conditions for him during state certification tests, indicating the characteristics of his psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics). The application must be accompanied by documents confirming that the student has individual characteristics (in the absence of these documents in the organization).

In the application, the student indicates the need (lack of need) for the presence of an assistant at the state certification test, the need (lack of need) to increase the duration of the state certification test in relation to the established duration (for each state certification test).

49. Based on the results of state certification tests, the student has the right to appeal.

50. The student has the right to submit a written appeal to the appeal commission about a violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the state certification test and (or) disagreement with the results of the state exam.

51. The appeal is submitted personally by the student to the appeal commission no later than the next working day after the announcement of the results of the state certification test.

52. To consider the appeal, the secretary of the state examination commission sends to the appeal commission the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission, the conclusion of the chairman of the state examination commission on compliance with procedural issues during the state certification test, as well as the written answers of the student (if any) (for consideration of the appeal on the conduct state exam) or final qualifying work, review and review (reviews) (for consideration of an appeal for the defense of final qualifying work).

53. The appeal is considered no later than 2 working days from the date of filing the appeal at a meeting of the appeal commission, to which the chairman of the state examination commission and the student who filed the appeal are invited.

The decision of the appeal commission is brought to the attention of the student who filed the appeal within 3 working days from the date of the meeting of the appeal commission. The fact that the student who filed the appeal has familiarized himself with the decision of the appeal commission is certified by the student’s signature.

54. When considering an appeal about a violation of the procedure for conducting a state certification test, the appeal commission makes one of the following decisions:

to reject the appeal if the information contained in it about violations of the procedure for conducting the state final certification of the student was not confirmed and (or) did not affect the result of the state certification test;

on the satisfaction of the appeal, if the information contained in it about violations of the procedure for conducting the state final certification of the student was confirmed and influenced the result of the state certification test.

In the case specified in paragraph three of this paragraph, the result of the state certification test is subject to cancellation, in connection with which the protocol on the consideration of the appeal no later than the next working day is transferred to the state examination commission to implement the decision of the appeal commission. The student is given the opportunity to pass the state certification test within the time frame established by the educational organization.

55. When considering an appeal about disagreement with the results of the state certification test, the appeal commission makes one of the following decisions:

to reject the appeal and preserve the result of the state certification test;

on satisfying the appeal and issuing a different result of the state certification test.

The decision of the appeal commission is transmitted to the state examination commission no later than the next working day. The decision of the appeal commission is the basis for canceling the previously issued result of the state certification test and issuing a new one.

56. The decision of the appeal commission is final and not subject to revision.

57. The re-conduct of the state certification test is carried out in the presence of one of the members of the appeal commission no later than July 15.

58. An appeal against re-conducting the state certification test will not be accepted.


*(1) Part 4 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 2878; No. 30; 22, art. 2733; no. 3388; 2015, art. 72).

*(2) Part 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 2878; No. 30; 22, art. 2733; no. 3388; 2015, art. 72).

*(3) Clause 3 of Part 12 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326, art. 27, art. 4036, art. ; No. 22, Art. 2933; Art.

*(4) Part 3 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 2878; No. 30; 22, art. 2733; no. 3388; 2015, art. 72).

*(5) Part 8 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 2878; No. 30; 22, art. 2733; no. 3388; 2015, art. 72).

*(6) Part 4 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 2878; No. 30; 22, art. 2733; no. 3388; 2015, art. 72).

*(7) Part 5 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of November 10, 2009 No. 259-FZ “On Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 46, Art. 5418; 2013, no. 19, art. 2311, no. 3477).

*(8) Part 5 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 2878; No. 30; 22, art. 2733; no. 3388; 2015, art. 72).

Document overview

A procedure has been established for conducting state final certification (FCA) for bachelor's, specialist's and master's degree programs.

A student who has completed the curriculum (including individual) according to the relevant program and has no debt is admitted to the State Examination.

Certification is carried out in the form of a state examination and defense of a final qualifying thesis. The state exam is taken in 1 or several disciplines and (or) modules of the educational program, the results of which are of decisive importance for the professional activities of graduates. It can be oral or written. The list of questions submitted for the exam is established by the educational organization.

The type, topics, order of execution and evaluation criteria of final qualifying works, requirements for them are also determined by the university. Final works for master's and specialist's programs are reviewed.

At successful completion State State Examiner issues a document confirming higher education and qualifications. Its sample is approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University have the right to establish their own samples of such documents.

To conduct the State Examination and appeals based on its results, examination and appeal commissions are created. They are valid for a calendar year. It has been established how they are formed and work.

30 days before the start of certification tests, the university approves their schedule. The break between exams must be at least 7 days.

You can retake the State Examination after a year, but no later than 5 years after it was completed.

The features of the GIA of students with disabilities have been established.

Based on the results of the State Examination, the student has the right to file an appeal. The procedure is prescribed.

The previous procedure for conducting final state certification of graduates Russian universities loses its power.

1. Final certification is a form of assessing the degree and level of students’ mastery of the educational program.

2. The final certification is carried out on the basis of the principles of objectivity and independence in assessing the quality of students’ training.

3. Final certification, completing the development of basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, basic professional educational programs, is mandatory and is carried out in the manner and form established by the educational organization, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

4. The final certification, which completes the development of state-accredited basic educational programs, is the state final certification. State final certification is carried out by state examination commissions in order to determine the compliance of the results of students' mastery of basic educational programs with the relevant requirements of the federal state educational standard or educational standard.

5. Forms of state final certification, the procedure for conducting such certification for relevant educational programs various levels and in any forms (including requirements for the use of teaching and educational means, means of communication during the state final certification, requirements for persons involved in the state final certification, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, changes and (or) cancellation of the results of the state final certification), as well as the timing of the state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education and the duration of examinations for each academic subject within the framework of the state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education are determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 25-FZ dated February 19, 2018)

6. A student who does not have academic debt and has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum is admitted to the state final certification, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs.

7. Students who have not passed the state final certification or who received unsatisfactory results at the state final certification have the right to pass the state final certification within the time frame determined by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs.

8. It is not allowed to charge students for passing the state final certification.

9. State examination commissions for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education are created:

1) by authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation when conducting state final certification in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education, when conducting state final certification outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

10. State examination commissions for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education and higher education are created in accordance with the procedure for conducting state final certification for the specified educational programs.

11. When conducting the state final certification, unless otherwise provided by the procedure for conducting the state final certification for the relevant educational programs, control measuring materials are used, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form. The information contained in the control measuring materials used during the state final certification refers to information limited access. The procedure for developing, using and storing control tests measuring materials(including requirements for the regime for their protection, the procedure and conditions for posting information contained in control measurement materials on the Internet) is established by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education.

12. Ensuring the state final certification is carried out:

1) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, when conducting state final certification of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education on the territory of the Russian Federation;

2) the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education, including jointly with the founders of educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and implementing state accredited educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have in their structure specialized structural educational units, when conducting state final certification of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

3) organizations carrying out educational activities when conducting state final certification for basic professional educational programs, unless otherwise established by the procedure for conducting state final certification of students in relevant educational programs.

13. State final certification for educational programs of secondary general education is carried out in the form of a unified state exam (hereinafter referred to as the unified state exam), as well as in other forms that may be established:

1) for students in educational programs of secondary general education in special educational institutions closed type, as well as in institutions executing punishment in the form of imprisonment, for students receiving secondary general education as part of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education, including educational programs of secondary vocational education, integrated with the main educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, for students with disabilities in educational programs of secondary general education or for students with disabilities and people with disabilities in educational programs of secondary general education by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education;

2) for students in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education who have studied their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the literature of the peoples of Russia at native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and who have chosen an exam in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and literature of the peoples of Russia in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation to pass the state final certification, by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education , in the manner established by the indicated executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

14. Methodological support conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, organizing the development of control measurement materials for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education and assessment criteria exam papers performed on the basis of these control measuring materials, providing state examination commissions with these control measuring materials, as well as organizing a centralized check of students’ examination works performed on the basis of control measuring materials during the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education, determination minimum quantity scores of the unified state exam confirming the mastery of the educational program of secondary general education are carried out by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of education.

15. In order to ensure compliance with the procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education for citizens accredited as public observers in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, the right to be present during the state final certification and to send information about violations identified during the state final certification to the federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies exercising administration in the field of education. Accreditation of citizens as public observers is carried out by:

1) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, when conducting state final certification of educational programs of basic general or secondary general education in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) founders of educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation and implementing educational programs of basic general and secondary general education with state accreditation, foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have specialized structural educational units in their structure, during state final certification of educational programs basic general or secondary general education outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

16. Representatives of employers or their associations are involved in conducting state final certification for basic professional educational programs.

17. Students in basic professional educational programs, after passing the final certification, are provided, upon their application, with vacations within the period of mastering the corresponding basic educational program, after which students are expelled in connection with the receipt of education.

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the recognition in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol of education received on the territory of Ukraine, see Art. 12 FKZ dated March 21, 2014 N 6-FKZ and Art. 6 Federal Law dated 05.05.2014 N 84-FZ.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”- N 273-ФЗ - regulates public relations emerging in the field of education due to the realization by the population of the right to education. Provides state guarantees of freedoms and rights of people in the field of education and appropriate conditions for the realization of the right to education. Defines legal status participants in relationships within educational activities. Establishes the economic, legal, organizational basis of education in our country, the principles of state policy in the field of education, work rules educational system and implementation of educational activities.

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