10 smallest people in the world. The shortest people in the world

Nature never ceases to surprise us. Along with people of average height, there are also the tallest and the most short people in the world. The latter will be discussed in our article. The reasons why a person is born very small or stops growing after a while can be: genetic changes in the body, as well as the consequences of serious diseases, such as pituitary dwarfism and osteogenesis imperfecta.

height 74 cm

(He Pingping ) originally from China lived only 21 years. He died in March 2010. The height of one of the smallest people in the world was 74 cm. He suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease in which bones become more brittle. Such people are called “fragile” or “crystal”. Usually the disease is inherited, but sometimes it can be caused by an individual mutation in the body. Hi Ping Ping's health problems were further complicated by the fact that he smoked a lot. He died of heart complications. Arriving in Italy to film the show Lo show dei record, Hi Ping-Ping felt unwell, but the doctors could not help him.

height 71 cm

One of the shortest people on the planet is 21-year-old Hatice Kocaman from Turkey. Her height is 71 centimeters and her weight is 6.8 kilograms. At birth, doctors diagnosed her with dwarfism (dwarfism). Hatiche was born weighing 1.64 kilograms. The girl's closest relatives are of average height. Doctors do not know what caused Hatiche's disease, which caused her to stop growing at age 4. As for mental abilities, they correspond to her biological age. Like most of the world's smallest people, she suffers from many diseases. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. In addition, the girl suffers from severe pain in the back. Local doctors can’t help her, because they don’t have enough experience to operate on a tiny patient.

Hatiche graduated specialized school, but I couldn’t find a job in my specialty. She continues to live with her parents.

height 70 cm

The Colombian native held the title of shortest man in the world for three years. His height is 70 cm and his weight is 10 kilograms. He lives in Bogota and is very popular in Colombia. Edward dances Latin American dances and acts in films. He is proud of his uniqueness and feels quite happy. It is noteworthy that younger brother Edward “outgrew” him by only 23 centimeters.

height 69 cm

(Bridgette Jordan) is one of the smallest women in the world. Her height is 69 cm. And her brother Brad's height is 96 cm. Together they are known as the shortest relatives in the world. The reason for their short stature is the incurable disease pituitary dwarfism, or dwarfism. Bridget's tiny size hasn't stopped her - she leads an active lifestyle and goes to college with her brother. The girl loves dancing and music and is on the support team of the local basketball club.

height 67 cm

With a height of 67 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg, the Nepalese is one of the shortest people in the world. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams and easily fit in one palm. Doctors could not determine the reason for such a short stature. At the same time, parents and brother Khagendras are of normal height. One of the smallest people on the planet is not too worried about his unusual appearance and is optimistic about the future. He is becoming more and more popular: now the young man plays the role of goodwill ambassador for the Nepalese government. In addition, Khagendra Thapa Magar is part of a dance group and occasionally tours with it. IN free time he helps his father, the owner of a fruit shop. Unfortunately, an unknown illness has negatively affected mental abilities the smallest person in the world - the adult Khagendra Thapa Magar speaks and reasons like a child.

height 66 cm

The American is known not only as one of the shortest women in the world, but also for becoming the mother of three children. Her height stopped at 66 cm due to osteogenesis imperfecta. Despite her tiny size and illness, she married a man of average height, Will Herald. The couple dreamed of big family, although doctors strongly urged Stacy to give up her desire to have children, since pregnancy and childbirth could cause irreparable harm to her. Stacey didn’t listen to anyone and now she and Will are raising two girls and a boy. Unfortunately, the eldest of the daughters inherited her mother's disease.

height 65 cm

A native of Africa, she is 65 cm tall. She, like Hi Ping-Ping, suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta. Due to illness, one of the smallest women in the world is forced to move in a wheelchair. Madge's mother, whose height was 70 cm, also suffered from the same disease.

height 62.8 cm

Originally from India, she is the shortest female representative. Her height is 62.8 cm. The reason for the girl’s short stature is achondroplasia, an incurable disease that causes growth impairment bone tissue. Once in the Guinness Book of Records, she got the opportunity to travel and visited Japan and Italy. Today, Jyoti Amji actively acts in films and participates in television shows. She gained fame as an actress after participating in the 4th season of the popular TV series " American history horror film,” in which she played a participant in a traveling circus. The girl plans to continue her career in Bollywood, where her exotic appearance will be in demand and receive higher education.

height 55.8 cm

The second shortest person on Earth is a native of the Philippines. His height is 55.8 cm. He was born in a poor large family. At two years old, his parents noticed that he had stopped growing. Doctors for a long time They thought that this was a consequence of the child’s frequent illnesses, until they came to the conclusion that Junri Balwing would no longer grow. Now the little record holder is fully cared for by his parents - he himself can only move with the help of support.

height 54.6 cm

A Nepalese man has been recognized as the shortest man on Earth. His height was 54.6 cm and his weight was 12 kg. He became an absolute record holder, since such a small growth was recorded for the first time. The Nepalese was 73 years old when they learned about its existence quite by accident. Chandra comes from a remote village and has never sought medical help in his entire life. Despite his height, he was cheerful and active person and dreamed of travel. Chandra Bahadur Dangi was a weaver by profession. Having gained fame as the shortest man in the world, he was able to visit other countries, as he dreamed of. In September 2015, a Nepalese man was hospitalized on one of the Samoan islands with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He died in the hospital.

They say about a small dog that she is “a puppy until old age.” However, it is unlikely that any dog ​​has a complex because of its height. But little people can. Especially guys. They say that Tom Cruise himself is worried about his height and even orders shoes with special insoles to appear taller.

But it's worth taking a look at our rating the smallest people in the world to understand where the real and where the imaginary problems with growth are. And know that short people often live longer than tall people. According to the BBC, a study involving 1.3 million people in Spain found that every additional centimeter reduces life expectancy by 0.7 years.

The former record holder from the Guinness Book of Records still remains the smallest woman in the United States. She suffers from congenital dwarfism, and her full diagnosis sounds very long - microcephalic osteodysplastic dwarfism type II.

Despite this, Bridget leads a full life, her hobbies are dancing and cheerleading.

9. Khagendra Thapa Magar - 67 cm

In Nepal, this man is known as "Little Buddha". Born in 1992, Khagendra Thapa Magar initially weighed 600 grams. IN mature age his weight barely exceeded 5 kg. This is due to dwarfism, a condition associated with a lack of growth hormone.

On his 18th birthday in 2010, he received the title “The Most little man in the world" and wore it until 2011. Then an even smaller candidate appeared.

Currently, Khagendra Thapa Magar has celebrated his 26th birthday.

8. Istvan Toth - 65 cm

There is not much information on the Internet regarding Hungarian István Tóth, who once claimed that at 65 centimeters tall he was the shortest man in the world. For comparison: the height of those living today is 251 cm. Calculate for yourself how much it will be in Istvany.

This claim is not confirmed by Guinness World Records, and now we may never know how true Thoth's claim is. The fact is that the man died in 2011 at the age of forty-eight years.

7. Madge Bester - 65 cm

In 2018, one of the shortest women in the world died. At the age of fifty-five, she was shorter than the average one-year-old girl (74 cm according to WHO standards).

Bester suffered from Crystal Man disease (brittle bones) and was confined to a wheelchair. However, until her last day she did not give up and was a well-known advocate for the rights of the disabled.

6. Jyoti Amji - 62.8 cm

Currently, this petite Indian woman is officially the smallest woman on Earth (among living people).

Born in 1993, Amja's short stature is the result of a condition called achondroplasia, which is a common cause of dwarfism.

A young Indian woman dreams of winning an Oscar and is well on her way to achieving it. In 2014, she starred in one of the seasons of American Horror Story. So she can rightfully be called the smallest actress on the planet.

5. Lucia Zarate - 61 cm

This woman, born in Mexico in 1864, was included in the Guinness Book of Records at the age of seventeen as the person who has ever lived on Earth. She weighed only 2.1 kilograms.

She was the first person ever to be diagnosed with the rare type II microcephalic osteodysplastic dwarfism.

During her lifetime, Lucia managed to achieve some semblance of fame; she was something of a living curiosity in the United States. And the Washington Post even dubbed Zarate “The Amazing Mexican Lilliputian.” But her short-lived success came to an end in 1890. The train on which Lucia and her family were traveling got stuck in the Sierra Nevada mountains due to snowfall, as a result of which the tiny girl died of hypothermia.

4. Paulina Musters - 61 cm

The shortest woman in the history of mankind was twice the size of an ordinary Barbie doll (29 cm). She was born in the Netherlands in 1876 and began her career as a "living attraction" while still an infant. At that time, the public simply admired her tiny proportions (height 30.5 centimeters, weight just over 1 kg). But as she got older, Paulina began to surprise the audience with her talents. She was known as a skilled dancer and acrobat.

As her performances progressed in quality, Paulina took on many unique names. In particular, she was known as "Princess Pauline" and "Lady Dot".

During her career, "Princess Pauline" toured different countries Europe, and in 1894 came to the USA.  She was a tiny fairy on a huge stage, expressing through dance what she felt in her heart - and it was beautiful. Charming, graceful and polite, the little girl quickly became the darling of New York. However, at the age of 19, she died from a fatal combination of pneumonia and meningitis. Thus the world lost its smallest but greatest miracle.

3. Junri Balwing - 59.9 cm

This young Filipino, one of the three shortest men on the planet, stopped growing a few months after his birth, in 1993.

Standing just over 59 centimeters tall, Junri suffers from a number of health problems, including weak knees and back pain, but an official diagnosis of his condition has never been made public. In addition to Junri, the Balwing family has three more children of normal height.

2. Gul Mohammed - 57 cm

The second shortest man in the world was from New Delhi, India. He was born in 1957 and died at the age of forty from respiratory complications after numerous health problems. All were associated with a long period of heavy smoking. Which once again confirms the simple truth: smoking is harmful!

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi - 54.6 cm

This is not only the smallest person in the world, but also the most thin man. With his super small stature, he weighed only 12 kilograms, suffering from congenital dwarfism.

Before getting into the Guinness Book of Records, Chandra had never left his home village in Nepal. He used his newfound status as the world's shortest man to travel the world and bring attention to home country. Chandra passed away in 2015.

People in the world are all different in height. Nature never ceases to surprise us. The reasons that a person is born very small or stops growing after some time can be both genetic changes in the body and the consequences of serious diseases, such as pituitary dwarfism and osteogenesis imperfecta. The shortest people in the world will be discussed in our article.

10. Hi Ping-Ping, height 74 cm

He Pingping, originally from China, lived only 21 years. He died in March 2010. The height of one of the smallest people in the world was 74 cm. He suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease in which bones become more brittle. Such people are called “fragile” or “crystal”. Usually the disease is inherited, but sometimes it can be caused by an individual mutation in the body. Hi Ping Ping's health problems were further complicated by the fact that he smoked a lot. He died of heart complications. Arriving in Italy to film the show Lo show dei record, Hi Ping-Ping felt unwell, but the doctors could not help him.

9. Hatiche Kocaman, height 71 cm

One of the shortest people on the planet is 21-year-old Hatice Kocaman from Turkey. Her height is 71 centimeters and her weight is 6.8 kilograms. At birth, doctors diagnosed her with dwarfism (dwarfism). Hatiche was born weighing 1.64 kilograms. The girl's closest relatives are of average height. Doctors do not know what caused Hatiche's disease, which caused her to stop growing at age 4. As for mental abilities, they correspond to her biological age. Like most of the world's smallest people, she suffers from many diseases. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. In addition, the girl suffers from severe back pain. Local doctors can’t help her, because they don’t have enough experience to operate on a tiny patient. Khatiche graduated from a specialized school, but did not find a job in her specialty. She continues to live with her parents.

8. Edward Nino Hernandez, height 70 cm

Edward Nino Hernandez, originally from Colombia, held the title of the shortest man in the world for three years. His height is 70 cm and his weight is 10 kilograms. He lives in Bogota and is very popular in Colombia. Edward dances Latin American dances and acts in films. He is proud of his uniqueness and feels quite happy. It is noteworthy that Edward’s younger brother “outgrew” him by only 23 centimeters.

7. Bridget Jordan, height 69 cm

Bridgette Jordan is one of the smallest women in the world. Her height is 69 cm. And her brother Brad's height is 96 cm. Together they are known as the shortest relatives in the world. The reason for their short stature is the incurable disease pituitary dwarfism, or dwarfism. Bridget's tiny size hasn't stopped her - she leads an active lifestyle and goes to college with her brother. The girl loves dancing and music and is on the support team of the local basketball club.

6. Khagendra Thapa Magar, height 67 cm

Nepalese Khagendra Thapa Magar, with a height of 67 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg, is one of the shortest people in the world. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams and easily fit in one palm. Doctors could not determine the reason for such a short stature. At the same time, Khagendra’s parents and brother are of normal height. One of the smallest people on the planet is not too worried about his unusual appearance and is optimistic about the future. He is becoming more and more popular: now the young man plays the role of goodwill ambassador for the Nepalese government. In addition, Khagendra Thapa Magar is part of a dance group and occasionally tours with it. In his free time, he helps his father, the owner of a fruit shop. Unfortunately, an unknown disease has negatively affected the mental abilities of the smallest person in the world, says adult Khagendra Thapa Magar like a child.

5. Stacey Herald, height 66 cm

American Stacey Herald is known not only as one of the shortest women in the world, but also for becoming the mother of three children. Her height stopped at 66 cm due to osteogenesis imperfecta. Despite her tiny size and illness, she married a man of average height, Will Herald. The couple dreamed of a big family, although doctors urged Stacy to give up her desire to have children, since pregnancy and childbirth could cause her irreparable harm. Stacey didn’t listen to anyone and now she and Will are raising two girls and a boy. Unfortunately, the eldest of the daughters inherited her mother's disease.

4. Madge Bester, height 65 cm

Madge Bester, a native of Africa, has a height of 65 cm. She, like Hi Ping Ping, suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta. Due to illness, one of the smallest women in the world is forced to move in a wheelchair. Madge's mother, whose height was 70 cm, also suffered from the same disease.

3. Jyoti Amji, height 62.8 cm

Jyoti Amji, originally from India, is the shortest female representative. Her height is 62.8 cm. The reason for the girl’s short stature is achondroplasia, an incurable disease that disrupts the growth of bone tissue. Once in the Guinness Book of Records, she got the opportunity to travel and visited Japan and Italy. Today, Jyoti Amji actively acts in films and participates in television shows. She gained fame as an actress after participating in the 4th season of the popular TV series American Horror Story, in which she played a member of a traveling circus. The girl plans to continue her career in Bollywood, where her exotic appearance will be in demand and she will receive a higher education.

2. Junri Baluing, height 55.8 cm

The second shortest person on Earth is a native of the Philippines, Junry Baluing. His height is 55.8 cm. He was born into a poor large family. At two years old, his parents noticed that he had stopped growing. Doctors for a long time thought that this was a consequence of the child’s frequent illnesses, until they came to the conclusion that Junri Balwing would no longer grow. Now the little record holder is fully cared for by his parents - he himself can only move with the help of support.

1. Chandra Bahadur Dangi, height 54.6 cm

Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi was recognized as the shortest man on Earth. His height was 54.6 cm and his weight was 12 kg. He became an absolute record holder, since such a small growth was recorded for the first time. The Nepalese was 73 years old when they learned about its existence quite by accident. Chandra comes from a remote village and has never sought medical help in his entire life. Despite his height, he was a cheerful and active person and dreamed of traveling. Chandra Bahadur Dangi was a weaver by profession. Having gained fame as the shortest man in the world, he was able to visit other countries, as he dreamed of. In September 2015, a Nepalese man was hospitalized on one of the Samoan islands with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He died in the hospital.

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

For the little ones, the Soviet classics, which are famous for their simplicity, kindness and pleasant pictures, are perfect. For example, “Crocodile Gena”, “Prostokvashino”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “ Bremen Town Musicians», « flying ship", "Winnie the Pooh", "Baby and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with your child and reminisce about childhood. Also for young children there are many modern educational cartoons, which differ not only in brighter pictures, but also in content.

For children who are already finishing kindergarten or studying in elementary school, cartoons of an entertaining nature are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These include foreign cartoons about superheroes from comic books, about sorceresses or fairies, as well as domestic ones about heroes.

Those kids who are already slowly and surely moving towards adolescence may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons, in a relaxed manner, children are forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely placed on the same shelf as family films.

Teenagers, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, still love to watch cartoons. For teenagers, they are already more daring and not as harmless as children. They are dominated by entertainment, adult jokes, teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-part cartoons, such as “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, etc.

Don't forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenagers, but rougher ones may be present swear words, intimate overtones and touches on adult problems (family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author’s hands are completely free, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and have great fun.

People don't think or notice unique people, but there are not so few of them on our planet. Among them is the smallest man in the world, and he is far from alone. There are quite a lot of them. We will get acquainted with some of them in this article. It is worth noting that small people, apart from their height, are not much different from ordinary people. They also work, enjoy life, and create families. That is, they live a full life.

10 smallest people in the world

He is considered the most low man on the planet. Lives in the Philippines. He entered the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 18 as the smallest person on earth. His height at that time was about 56 cm. Junri’s parents were happy about this important event in the life of their child.

Junry Balwing loves to ride on daddy's shoulders and also loves to sit in adults' arms. It is quite difficult for him to walk, so when he has to do it, he helps himself with a special stick. Not by chance long distances he can't overcome it. The first symptoms of the disease were established at the age of 2 years. He had been constantly ill since birth, and doctors could not determine what kind of disease it was. And then they simply said that it would not grow. IN adolescence They advised me to take vitamins and explained to the family how to properly raise such a child. Junri's speech is not particularly informative; he can only answer in phrases.

Despite his illness, Junri does not lose heart. He does not attend school because he cannot walk far. Such a restriction in no way suppresses him or plunges him into despondency. On the contrary, despite everything, Junri remains a fairly positive little person. He is very proud of his record and wants to find a small girl who will love him for who he is, and in the future they will start a family. While Junri is on full content parents and cannot take care of himself.

The family already has children, Junri's brothers and sisters. But unlike him, they have normal growth.

At one time, Gul Mohammed was the smallest man in the world. He was examined by Dr. Ram Manohar at the hospital, where his height was determined. It was 57 cm. The weight was fixed at 17 kg. His record was included in the Guinness Book. Little is known about the life of Gul Mohammed, except for one fact - he smoked a lot during the day, which became the cause of constant viral respiratory diseases, and subsequently death. He lived for about 40 years.

He was born in 1939 in Nepal. He was noticed by Guinness and included in his book only in 2012, because no one knew anything about him. Chandra Bahadur Dangi never went to the doctor, and when he fell ill he was treated with turmeric, dissolving it in boiling water. His height was 54.6 cm and his weight was 12 kg. Chandra was 1 inch shorter than Junri Balwing.

According to Chandra, he never suffered from anything serious. Even at the age of 72, he felt great, perhaps due to the fact that he lived in the middle of nowhere, hundreds of kilometers from. There are more children in the Danga family - 2 sisters and 6 brothers. There were no deviations in their growth.

Dungy sewed for local residents bedding and hats, and sometimes looked after the livestock. Family life he didn't have a wife or children. But in principle he is quite happy with his fate. His older brother took care of him, and then his children. Chandra died at the age of 76, having previously contracted pneumonia.

At 18 years old, Jyote was only 62.8 cm tall. This petite girl lives in India in the state of Nagpur. Unlike previous little people, Jyote successfully received an education diploma from school and university, and now hopes to find good job. She is proud of her height and is not the least bit shy, and Guinness has made her a celebrity all over the world. She loves going shopping and shopping with her friends. Jyote Amge studies acting, wants to become a comedian. By the way, she has already starred in several Bollywood films and hopes that they are not the last in her career, but are just the beginning.

Her dwarf stature is due to the disease achondroplasia, which causes bones to stop growing. Many people come to her house to look at the unique little woman.

This Colombian was also at one time considered the smallest person in the world and in 2010 became a record holder, entering the Guinness Book of Records. At that time he was 24 years old and his height was 70 cm. This interesting news was then quickly published in many newspapers.

Edward Nino Hernandé was born a very unusual baby. His mother says that many were surprised by his size: at birth he weighed about 1.5 kg and was only 38 cm tall. Nevertheless, he grew for two years, and then his growth abruptly stopped. Like all of the above, there were no unique children in his family; all were of normal height, except for his brother Miguel, whose height at age 11 was about 93 cm.

Edward earns his own living, he dances and acts in films. He considers himself complete and happy, and really doesn’t like it when some people try to lisp with him, feel sorry for him, or pick him up.

His life is very bright and eventful. He was a little saddened by the message that there was a person who was shorter than him - this was Junri Balwing.

Ajay Kumar is an Indian actor who became famous in the 2000s. His height is 76 cm.

Appearing on white light, doctors immediately warned the mother that her son would be a dwarf. But as it turned out main problem wasn't about it. Ajay Kumar took a long time to take the first step. But at the age of 4 he suddenly stood up and walked. He managed to climb up high stairs to the temple.

IN early age Ajay already knew who he wanted to become, showing his acting skills in public. He attracted the glances of passing people, which the kid really liked. Then he began performing on stage, earning a good living.

Time passed and Ajay Kumar decided to conquer the film industry by auditioning for films. The director greeted him with a grin and without much enthusiasm. But after the tests he had to change his mind. In addition, the director invited him to star in the movie “Wonderful Spicy” and, without regret, gave him main role. Film noticed large number people and Ajay attracted a lot of spectators. His acting abilities helped him gain a foothold in modern world, he participated in more than 50 films and television series. And to this day he continues to act and remains a favorite of the public.

Ajay had a dream of marrying a tall girl, which was successfully realized. His wife is twice his height. Not long ago they had a daughter, her growth is normal, no abnormalities have been identified.

In addition, he runs the Organization of Little People, which consists of about 300 dwarfs. The association helps to achieve benefits and defend the rights of people whose height is no more than 130 cm.

She is considered a tiny mom all over the world. Stacy has a rare genetic disease, due to which growth stops. She can only get around in a wheelchair, but despite this she found a job in a supermarket. It was there that she met her future husband. They have three children. The first and last child inherited her disease, and the middle daughter is completely healthy and has no deviations from the norm.

Doctors warned Stacy not to get pregnant. These excuses did not stop her and she became a happy mother. True, the third pregnancy was the most difficult for her. The baby was born by caesarean section, he was nursed in an incubator, but he survived.

Aditya is one of the small people, who is also considered the tiniest bodybuilder on the planet. With a height of 80 cm and a weight of about 9 kg, he lifted one and a half kilogram dumbbells. He did not have an inferiority complex; he worked at full capacity, sparing no effort. Unlike many Lilliputians, Aditya was no different from ordinary person except for growth. His entire body had normal proportions.

He also danced and really wanted to get into show business and make a career.

But the dreams were not destined to come true. Death overtook him at the age of 23. The cause is a cerebral aneurysm. Aditya Romeo Dev felt up last minute life is wonderful. In just a few seconds he lost consciousness and fell into a coma. He was quickly taken to the hospital, but could not be saved. The doctors said that even if he had been brought to them earlier, he would still have died.

Earlier, back in 2008, Romeo was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm and doctors warned that death could come suddenly at any moment. The parents learned about this diagnosis and then, with constant prayers, tried to help their son live as long as possible.

“Little Buddha,” as his neighbors called him, was born in Nepal in 1992. It was considered the smallest until June 12, 2012. His height is 67 cm. Mom Magar says that his son was born weighing 600 grams, and upon reaching adulthood he began to weigh 5.5 kg.

Doctors were never able to determine the cause of Hagendra's Lilliputianism, but suggested that it was a dysfunction of the pituitary gland. Despite his height, he does not have complexes at all and his life is quite active and interesting. Khagendra Thapa Magar works at the market, helping his family sell fruits. In his free time from work, he travels around the country, dances well and loves fights without rules, although he only manages to watch them on TV. He also loves to read and dreams of higher education.

Lilliputians are born quite often in Nepal, perhaps this is due to the fact that people get married much earlier than adulthood. Often here, children are diagnosed with pituitary gland dysfunction and early death.

These are the smallest spouses, the woman’s height is 80 cm, and the man’s height is 1 m and 8 cm.

They got married in 2007 in China. Gathered for the wedding various people, including journalists. It is not known on what basis they decided to get married: for love or for the sake of becoming record holders.

These are the smallest people in the world. WITH different characters, passions and destinies.

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