Correct money consciousness. Money consciousness: thinking from the position of a rich person

To gain wealth, you need to secure within yourself the state of a rich person. To do this, you first need to change your consciousness and attitude towards money.

A number of the following articles can be combined into one big topic: “Golden Principles of Prosperity.” All of them are based on a certain attitude towards money.

Without knowing these basic principles of prosperity, it is impossible to become truly rich and, most importantly, to retain your wealth for the rest of your life.

If a person has a “beggarly” consciousness¹, then no matter how much money comes to him, he will certainly lose it and no money magic will help here.

Without changing your deep consciousness (regarding wealth and money), it makes no sense to engage in methods that bring wealth.

First you need to get rid of internal blocks and change your attitude towards money. Detailed information You will find below about the seminar on getting rid of blocks on money and wealth.

Why is it so important to change your attitude towards money, and how to do it?

First of all, you need to change your deep consciousness and become a rich person inside yourself, inside your subconscious. First you need to reprogram your subconscious for wealth, and then fix this state forever.

Then the golden flow of money, ideas and valuable material possessions will open before you and will never be closed again. When the state of wealth is already fixed within you, you are not afraid of financial crises and bankruptcy. Money and wealth will always be with you and will never leave you under any circumstances. They will only increase from year to year.

Where does the beggar consciousness come from?

When we come into this world, from the very early years In our lives, society begins to impose false prejudices on us². We develop a completely incorrect perception of reality.

From many attitudes and labels “hung” on us, a “beggarly” consciousness is formed, which sets the brain for lifelong poverty. Our task is to rebuild it for lifelong prosperity.

The principles of prosperity, in turn, rebuild a person’s consciousness and subconsciousness to a frequency corresponding to the vibration of a rich person. Only through brain rewiring can we change our personal circumstances.

Some people still believe that changing consciousness will not change anything in real life.

It is for these people that two stories are given here.

Story one

1996 America. One citizen named Bill suddenly receives $100 million. However, until the moment he received this money, he lived very poorly and saved on literally everything.

This man had a "beggar's" consciousness and negative perception peace. There were times when his distant relative owned his own company and had a handsome income. But one day his relative died. He bequeathed his company and the sum of $100,000,000 to Bill.

When it was his turn to manage the company he inherited, he destroyed it in a matter of months. He squandered the money with his friends.

This story is classic, and it is given only so that you never say to yourself - “if only I had money, then...”

Remember, as long as you have a “beggar” consciousness inside you, it will still “gobble up” all your money, and you will become poor again. And to put it even more precisely, when a person receives money, he does not cease to be poor within himself.

This vibration or frequency of poverty again leads him to poverty through a chain of cause-and-effect circumstances and connections.

Hence the conclusion - you can become truly rich only by changing your attitude towards money, replacing the consciousness of a poor person with the consciousness of a rich person.

Story two

The story begins in 2011. The man is walking at the enterprise and unofficially gets a job as an assistant in the production of cement products. He accumulates a small capital.

By the winter of 2012, a man gives the accumulated capital to his uncle, and he opens a business - a small gas station and car wash. By the summer of 2013, the business had developed into a whole network of enterprises.

Now this man is a dollar millionaire and owns one of the largest chains of gas stations.

*Both of these stories are real, they show us what different people had different perceptions world, different attitudes towards money, so their circumstances were different.

Golden Principles of Prosperity

The information below is a powerful “wealth program” that is recorded in the subconscious. Following these golden principles of prosperity will help you achieve your goal much faster.

These are a kind of golden instruments of wealth. Try to understand them deeply and start using them in your life.

Then money will rush to you in a powerful stream from all over the planet, because you will begin to attract it.

Principle one. Attitude to money

If you don't exercise, it won't help. It is necessary to do these exercises. Putting it off until later means never doing it.

1. Right now, pick up a piece of paper and a pen. At the top of the sheet, write “My attitude toward money,” then divide the rest of the sheet into two equal columns.

2. In the left column, write “negative,” and in the right column, write “positive.”

3. Thus, your piece of paper is divided into two parts and symbolizes your real ambivalence towards money.

4. Now sit down and focus, immersing yourself in any thoughts about money.

5. All your thoughts about money must be written down, dividing them into positive and negative attitudes.

6. Write down here everything you think about money. After all, it’s yours internal attitude to money manifests itself on physically in the form of the presence of money or its absence. “Any event, idea or thought is first formed on in a subtle way existence, and only then embodied in material form.”


External circumstances are a reflection inner world person. What is inside us is also outside. Our thoughts and emotions are material and are always embodied in physical reality some time later. The world and fate are a mirror in which a person sees himself.

If your attitude towards money is negative, you will always miss it.

Try it, you always succeed! You can do anything!

Let's look at this technique with an example

Negative attitude towards money:

  • Money is evil.
  • Money spoils people.
  • Money makes slaves out of people.
  • Money is a temptation.
  • Money breeds stinginess in people.
  • Money corrupts and spoils people.
  • Money is the dirtiest thing in the world.
  • They can kill for money.
  • Money is dirt.
  • All rich people are scoundrels.
  • Money can be stolen.
  • Money can't buy health and love.

Positive attitude towards money:

  • Money is freedom of action.
  • Money is helping loved ones.
  • With money you can help many people.
  • Money can help in difficult situations.
  • Money opens up access to creativity.
  • Money gives opportunities.
  • Money helps you develop.
  • Money is a great blessing.
  • Money is the equivalent of my energy.
  • Money is power and authority.
  • With money you can cure a disease.
  • With money you can give a gift to your loved one, and he will be pleased.

Installation: “Now all my wallets, all cabinets, drawers, pockets, bags are filled with bundles of money, I am drowning in money. There is always enough money for everything. There is always more money than needed. I'm rich".

In the next lesson, you will learn what to do with your beliefs about money and how to create right attitude to money.

Poor people think in terms of poverty, and rich people think in terms of prosperity, success, wealth. If you learn to create success, wealth and prosperity in your consciousness, then all this will materialize in your life. This is the law.

Many say that it is simply impossible to change his situation. That there is too much negative in life and you can’t just change everything, that. Of course, it is much easier to look for excuses for what is happening to you now. You just need to take into account the fact that if you do nothing, then nothing will change. If you don't start changing your consciousness now, then there will be problems. less it won’t, they will only begin to multiply. Your life will only be transformed when you change the way you think about yourself.

Many prosperous people also started from scratch, and you shouldn’t think that they were just lucky. As they say, “he who is lucky is lucky.” There are things that only you can do for yourself. No matter how much you want to lose weight, but your neighbor is on a diet and does exercises for you every day, this will not help you. Only you yourself can go on a diet, start playing sports, and then you will certainly lose weight. After all, there can be no doubt about it, right? And please note that while on a diet, for a day - two, a week, a month - the result will be scanty, unlike if you lead for several years healthy image life without ever breaking your diet or missing a single workout. I hope you won't argue with this?

If you still want change, then you need action. After all, the way you thought and acted before did not lead you to possessing the condition, which means something needs to be changed in yourself. Believe that you yourself can transform poverty into wealth, misfortune into happiness and weakness into great strength. If millions of people were able to do this before you, then you can definitely do it too. Just believe in yourself. Believe that you deserve the best. Perhaps somewhere very deep inside you you don’t believe this, which is why blockages are created in the way of the flow of abundance into your life. Many people lack the self-confidence to make serious changes, to... The negative present is created when your thoughts are negative. If you think positively, then there can be no negativity in your life. Once you change your self-image to a positive one, something invisible but very powerful begins to happen in your life.

Think of yourself with respect, with a clear and clear attitude that you deserve all the best, the most beautiful, strive for it. You have the right to have power and all the benefits that life has to offer. Everything you have in mind will definitely come true. You have every opportunity to create what you dream of if your inner beliefs actually correspond to your desires.

You have an amazing future ahead of you that you build every minute of your life when you think positively. You just have to go through this path yourself. No one can do this for you. When you change your consciousness, you must definitely protect it from attacks from the outside. The fact is that there are a lot of “well-wishers” around you who are happy to help you when everything is bad for you, who are happy to pity you when you tell them how difficult it was for you. But rarely will anyone be happy for you with all their hearts if, for example, you buy yourself a brand new Porsche or get a well-paid job. IN best case scenario, they will ask to borrow money, they will quietly envy, but hardly anyone will be sincerely happy.

Why? 'Cause you'll change, you'll change yours inner mood, yours will change accordingly external image. Your lifestyle will certainly change. But most importantly, over time, you will begin to understand that no matter what you do, no matter what country you live in, prosperity will always be with you, because it will become part of you.

When will the money start appearing? Then, when you tune yourself into the cosmic flow of abundance and begin to accept them with gratitude. Do you have any doubts? Then let's outline the main rules of your miraculous transformation, following which you can change.

Rule #1.

Make friends with money. Count your money, keep it in order, don’t let it lie crumpled in your pocket, lovingly arrange it in your wallet, bill to bill, don’t carry change with you, it’s better to give it to charity. Just not from hand to hand to the poor. Receive and give money with pleasure.

Rule No. 2.

Pay your bills with joy! Every time you pay a bill, give the money with a light trail of love and gratitude for what you received. Think that you are rich enough to pay all your bills.

Rule No. 3.

Concentrate on abundance, train your consciousness. For you, the glass of water should always be half full, not half empty.

Rule No. 4.

Create a place for the best to come. - first learn to give money, get involved in charity, for example. - give other people your love and it will come back to you. If you want to be happy, be it, spread happiness around you.

Rule No. 5.

Learn from the worthy. Benefit from the experience of others successful people. Create a role model for yourself, learn as much as you can about him or her, and try to look like him or her. Success can be repeated, or even surpassed.

Rule No. 6.

Become a filter for negativity. Stop watching news, TV shows, movies that have at least a little bit of negativity and poverty in them. It's better not to watch TV at all. Protect your consciousness from negativity. As soon as you receive negative information, straightaway .

Rule No. 7.

Become a giver, for his hand will not fail. Take every opportunity to do good. Do charity work, then you will become a conduit for money and it will start coming to you.

Rule No. 8.

Give thanks. Give thanks for everything. Tune in to the Higher Good and your standard of living will improve.

In order to strengthen your confidence, we recommend watching the film “The Secret”, “Opus”, “The Pursuit of Happiness” and other positive films. Your life will definitely change for the better, just don’t stop reading this article, but move on! Take action!

How to restructure your thinking? How to tune your brain to wealth? ? First of all, we need to understand that our world is abundant. Look at nature, she is very generous: try to count the stars in the sky, I don’t think you will succeed; look at the number of trees, flowers, wherever you cast your gaze you will always see abundance. Nature is truly generous! Therefore, the first thing you need to understand is that there is more than enough of everything in the world and there is enough for everyone.

The rich differ from the poor in that their brains are tuned to abundance and the opportunity to get everything they want. The poor, on the contrary, believe that everything in the world is limited.

Instead of thinking, “I’ll never be able to get this.” Remember that the world is abundant and ask yourself, “How can I get it?” Understand that there are always opportunities to get what you want. Always look for these opportunities, and there are more than enough of them. The lack of opportunities exists only in our heads. Instead of thinking that you don't have enough money, look for opportunities to have as much money as you need. It is important to always remember that the world is abundant and there are more opportunities than you can even imagine. The main thing is to focus your brain on searching for these opportunities and they will come. You have probably noticed yourself that if you think that this is impossible for you, then your mind will immediately agree that it is indeed impossible and will give examples that will confirm this. And, if you are wondering “How can I get this?” The brain immediately begins to look for possibilities and offer various options. Therefore, it is really important to understand that the world is abundant and a person has an unlimited number of opportunities.

The next thing I recommend doing is saving at least 10% of your income every month. When you have collected a sufficient amount, take this money to the bank and deposit it in an interest-bearing account, and then replenish this amount every month. Knowing that you have money in the bank, you will not consider yourself poor; this factor also has a beneficial effect.

Also, in order to learn to focus on wealth and abundance, I suggest starting a “Prosperity” diary.

To do this, take a regular notebook and write today’s date on the first page.Now imagine that you have a bank account, to which every day you receive a certain amount money. On the first day, that is today, you receive $1000. Write down this amount in your Prosperity diary next to the recorded date. Now think about what you would like to buy with $1000 and write down all your purchases. This amount You need to spend money within one day. Therefore, think carefully about what you want to buy for this money and write down all your purchases in a notebook. If you do not spend the money within a day, the amount will be lost. On the second day, you receive $2000 and write down in your notebook what you will buy with this amount of money. On the third day, $3,000 is credited to the account, etc. Under each amount, write down all your purchases. Do this exercise for a year, and you will develop the consciousness of a rich person, as you will constantly focus only on the amount of money you have. This game is very powerful tool, which tunes the brain to wealth and leads to financial well-being, and also helps you figure out why you really need money. To enhance the effect, look

Intensive recording

Recording of the webinar "Psychological barriers to big money"

When asked what is the difference between rich and poor people, they often say: money.))

And this is the wrong answer.

According to research by scientists, if you collect all the money in the world and distribute it equally to all people, then in less than a year the money will be dispersed in the same way as before the “withdrawal”, i.e. the rich will become rich and the poor will become poor.

What's the trick here?

You know that rich people are not always at the top; they also have downfalls (collapses and bankruptcies) in their lives, some even have several! But rich people, for the most part, inevitably “rise up” again and become rich!

And there is only one secret: money thinking!

The poor do not have it, so even if you give them a lot of money, after a while they will become poor again. This phenomenon is described in a report by research psychologists who sought out and analyzed the lives of ordinary poor people who once won big money in the lottery (more than $1 million).

What happens, the poor are doomed to be poor?

Not at all! You just need to work with your consciousness and make it like that of the rich!

Then even if you don’t have money, they will begin to be drawn to you like a magnet!

This is what we will do at the Money Consciousness Intensive.

What Result will YOU get after completing the Intensive?

Intensive program

What can stop you?

  • Environment
  • Inertia
  • Habits
  • Resistance
  • Fear
  • Disbelief
  • at least 10 more reasons to leave everything as it is....

What will help neutralize all this at once?

VIP program, which includes 8 cash intensive courses, which will take place at intervals of 2-3 weeks for 3.5 months.

What will it give?

  • Strengthening the correct money thinking.
  • Minimizing and neutralizing kickbacks.
  • Chat support.
  • Communication with like-minded people.
  • Regular “kick” from the coach.
  • Answers to questions in the chat throughout the program.
  • Complete immersion in money pumping.
  • 100% result and multiple payback of the program!!!

Tempting? I invite you to walk this path easier, which means together!

VIP PROGRAM "Golden Summer":

  • Intensive "Money Consciousness" July 22, 2017
  • Intensive "I attract Money!" August 5, 2017
  • Intensive "Energy of Money" August 19, 2017
  • Intensive "Laws of Money" September 2, 2017
  • Intensive "Money is Love" September 16, 2017
  • Intensive "Money Fears" September 30, 2017
  • Intensive "Money Breakthrough" October 14, 2017

Elena Kotova

44 years old.

Practicing psychologist-consultant, expert in matters of joy and happiness. She has been researching issues of personal transformation for over 14 years.

She personally defeated her own serious illnesses. He is the author of the "Life Quest" system. Play by your own rules and win. The basis of the system is the methodology of transforming reality through a change in consciousness.

The key difference in Elena's approach is healing people through emotions and eliminating destructive patterns of behavior.

Her author’s programs “I am expensive”, “I choose love”, “I accept myself”, “I choose money”, “Victim Consciousness”, “Stop-Fear” help people get rid of the most difficult psychological problems and limiting attitudes. Thanks to Elena’s methods, more than 50% of her clients are healed from psychosomatic diseases.

Elena is convinced that a person was born not in order to fulfill his destiny, take lessons and work off karma, but in order to live in joy and pleasure. Every person, according to Elena, has the right to be happy.

Friends say about her that she “will love everyone who was not loved in childhood.”
Elena's dream is to create a Psychological Rehabilitation Center for people in difficult life situations (a self-sustaining eco-village).

Reviews About Working with Elena Kotova

"...After the training, everything happens as I planned, as I dreamed..."

(Natalia Podilskaya)

"...After the training, changes began, my activities and my clients returned to me..."

(Elena Voishcheva)

"...I got a taste for life... I believed that I can, I have opportunities..."

(Tatiana Shestakova)

"...Now I know for sure that I am stronger and warmer than a few months ago..."

(Olga Andreeva)

"...Elena gave me ways and tools for changes in life..."


"...Elena admires her generosity and depth. She leads people, guides..."

(Elena Afonina)

“...During the training process, my relationships in my family and with my children improved...”

(Marina Shishkina)

"...I have established contact with loved ones, with my parents, with the outside world..."

(Irina Sheboldina)

"...Thanks to the program, I learned to make decisions and changed my activities..."

(Alena Prokopyeva)

"...During the training, my friend gave me a car..."


"...Now my favorite activity is the main one for me..."

(Elena Gerasimova)


Nothing in this life happens by chance, just like my acquaintance with Lena Kotova.

When I first met Lena at one of the free webinars (it was the “I’m Worth It” training), I immediately distinguished her from other trainers. Her words conveyed enormous potential, confidence, energy, and at the same time kindness, caring, and understanding.

The decision to go into the year-long “Reboot 2.0” was the first way out of my comfort zone for me. There were many doubts, including greed, mistrust, laziness, ego and much more, but to live old life I couldn't do it anymore. Having paid for the training for the first half of the year, I later went for the second half of the year - there was no longer any doubt.

My work with Lena changed my life - gone fear, attachment to people, fear of loneliness and old age. Of course, there are setbacks, but now I have the tools to overcome them. Awareness and inclusion of the “observer” became for me business as usual, the confidence in the opportunity to change my life grew stronger, became inside me, in my heart, and not just in my mind. It’s hard to count how many insights there have been this year!
For me, the “Loneliness” training was a turning point; it simply divided my life into before and after; it became easy, understandable, and I had a desire to live in this world, with people. I still cry when I listen to it again. Thank you, Lenochka! It was a powerful reboot!

Thank you for your honesty, openness, for generously sharing your knowledge and sincerely helping!

Over the course of a year of participation in the training, my relationship with everyone around me, especially with my mother, has changed. But most importantly, I began to understand and accept myself. Of course, when I bought the training, I didn’t believe in the possibility of change. It seemed to me that I am who I am, how can I become different? As it turns out, I can be so different and it will still be me! I became more stable, I stopped being manipulated, I learned to see my boundaries and defend them gently, without aggression. From time to time, some grievances, feelings of guilt, hearth programs and attitudes come up, but for me this has become a solvable task. Lena made it possible to understand that there is a way out and changes can come very quickly.

I want to tell everyone who will read this review - if what Lena is talking about somehow resonates in your soul, do not spare time and money for your “reboot”. You can become " the best version yourself”, this is real!!!

I would like to thank all the girls who participated in “Reboot 2.0” and especially Elena Gerasimova and Marina Shishkina for their attention and motivation, own example changes. It was interesting to chat; you can always count on support and hear unbiased advice. I wish all girls to start life with clean slate in love, joy and harmony with yourself and the world around you!

Tatiana Rubtsova

Hello, dear Lenochka!

I thank God and the Universe for meeting me amazing woman, Elena Kotova!

It’s been a year since I’ve been training with Lenochka, the results are amazing! I became a completely different person, learned to rejoice, love life and myself, and became healthier. Miracles are happening! There was a cyst - it’s not there, there was a fibroid - it’s not there, the tests were the same as for an 18 year old. Life is Beautiful! Lenochka, thank you for your love for people, for the knowledge that you sincerely give to us! You wonderful person! Thank you for existing. Low bow to you! I love you!

I met Elena at one of the webinars. Her voice, babbling like a stream, captivated me. So much sincerity and confidence in that voice! I followed Lenochka every evening from one webinar to another. When Elena offered her “School of Joy” training, I decided that I would definitely go, despite the fact that there was no money to pay for the training. The Universe gave me the opportunity to pay for the training. And I didn’t regret it for a second.

Elena's training is a miracle! Despite my age, I began to treat men differently, positively, with love. Elena opened my eyes to a lot of things. From absolutely insecure person, became more confident. My life has become more joyful. The exercises from the training made it clear that there are many more joys, but I did not notice them before the training. I keep changing in better side. Elena, I want to thank you so much for existing!

Sincerely, Gulgena Mahamatullina

My name is Irena, I live in the USA.

I became interested in webinars a year and a half ago when I came to the point that something needed to change in my life. I’ll listen, I think I should go and all the efforts ended there. At one of these webinars, the speaker said you can come to me, but in general you should listen to your inner self.

I came to Elena Kotova at the call of my heart, listening to her webinar, I understood this: I believe her, I trust her. And when she said that her training would be called I AM EXPENSIVE, a storm arose in my soul, here it is mine. I signed up for the training and then my obstacles began: the money was not transferred, I sent it 3 times and it came back, then the phone turned off when I needed to contact, then Lena explained everything why this all happened.

I passed all the obstacles and here I am. The atmosphere is sunny, the support group is just great. Lena pays attention to everyone and helps to sort out all the issues, sparing no time or effort. And what I received, I received awareness - what needs to be done, how to do it, love and self-confidence and even wonderful friends from all over the world. And I can also honestly tell everyone I AM WORTH EXPENSIVE!!!

Irena Kolondzhi

My acquaintance with Elena Kotova was accidental (although there are no accidents in life).

I heard it for the first time at one of the webinars. The voice was mesmerizing - alive, full of the joy of life, inspiring confidence and at the same time so soulful, soulful and warm. I immediately felt her desire to give people joy, to help everyone understand themselves, their life issues. I listened to more than one webinar (I “went right after it”).

And when Elena suggested the training “I am worth a lot!”, I went without hesitation (although I usually think for a long time).

Girls, the training is AWESOME!!! He revealed and showed where and what my insecurities are. Lenochka step by step - very accessible (as always) and scrupulously explains - how to cope with your situations, how to overcome yourself, how to reveal yourself, how to conquer yourself. Teaches us to love ourselves and everything and everyone that and who surrounds us. I gained a huge amount of new knowledge and discoveries at this training.

Lenochka does not leave any participant unattended. And her love for each of us is so felt. She invested so much, instilled in us confidence, love, warmth! She is simply mesmerizing. She has amazing energy! Which you can’t help but react to! There is a lot of material to work with and on, and Elena is always there when you need help and support.

I am very grateful to Lenochka for her training, where every participant after it believed that I AM WORTH EXPENSIVE!!!

Elena Afonina

No fears! – my first paid training with Lena. He brought me much more than I could have expected. Great amount working technicians, a chat with support from Lena and help from fellow students. The effect is colossal. When you start to sort through your fears, you find a multi-layered pie of them. And it turns out that I was afraid of the wrong thing!!!

As a result, the power to act appears, and fears become allies. I would like to note the kindness and care of Lena, who is ready to help around the clock when fears come out and my soul becomes unwell. But then you feel balloon!!! Life changes beyond recognition. The people around become different, as if the actors’ roles were rewritten. After all the miracles, I signed up for the annual program. If this is the case after the first training, what will happen next!

I came to Joy after fears, although I initially did not intend to participate in the annual program. And I was not mistaken. I looked forward to each lesson as if it were a holiday. Great techniques, communication with like-minded people, and joy! It really began to appear everywhere, in the most simple things, they even served me coffee with a cinnamon smiley face!

Acquaintances and strangers do pleasant things, things began to move forward more easily. And if I happen to be upset, I remember that joy splashes around me like an ocean. You don’t want to be an unhappy sufferer if joy is SO close. Even the body weight has decreased, fears and suffering no longer need storage.

Many thanks to Lena for the chat for communicating with fellow students. I read about the successes of others, and I believe that I will succeed too! If everyone has such huge changes, then it really works!!! I'm really changing, and life is changing unrealistically. I advise everyone! I am, according to my friends, disgustingly rational. If I felt this way, all less advanced cases will definitely have results. And there are still other courses of the annual program ahead, I don’t recognize the world and myself.

I have always lacked joy in life, that is, of course it was and is, but I realized that I don’t know how to enjoy what I have, and I don’t know how to appreciate it. With you, Lena, I learned to enjoy what is near and around me! The Gratitude Pebble is doing its job! I gave thanks before, but now I began to do it consciously! I liked counting the reasons for joy throughout the day; at first I needed them for my own account, and then I realized that living with them was much more fun. Moreover, they are nearby, you just have to notice them, and not the poop on the sidewalk.

I was very pleased with you, Lena. Don’t be afraid to talk about your life, it brings you very close, makes you down to earth and gives you strength and confidence that I can do it! During the training, I discovered that I was pushing a lot of pain and worries inside. I used to participate in many different trainings and after them for a couple of days I felt like I was like, I’ll redo and rebuild everything, the world will just be brand new and happy!

Then came the realization that my new thought forms did not fit in with the world and lives of other people, I was faced with a wall of misunderstanding of what I wanted from them. Then, of course, I went into depression and sat under the baseboard until the next training. Understanding the law of the mirror at one time turned my life upside down, but at the same time it changed what I was doing to myself. For many years I pushed inside what I didn’t want to see in myself.

Greed is annoying, which means I tried to push it inside and deliberately not get hung up on greedy people as if not noticing their behavior. But at the same time, I didn’t become more generous myself! Greed is not only when money is not given or candy is not shared, but for me it is also an unwillingness to spend time with me, an unwillingness to give me love, an unwillingness to do something with me together. Because it’s a pity for a person to do this for me!

With you, Lena, I learned to accept myself in all my manifestations! I am a human being and I can be different, moreover, I have the right to do so! The main thing is not to get stuck in something that makes you feel disgusted.
It’s great that you taught what to do in case of kickbacks! This is the first time in my life! I’ve listened to the positive so many times, but I’ve never heard what to do when it’s dead! It’s also very cool that there is a chat where you can talk with those who understand what I mean)

Thank you, Lenochka! Creative success And happiness to you in life! I will be glad to meet you many, many more times! Simply because it’s good and joyful to be with you!

The main thing I took away from the training is that there is joy, it can be in small things, you just have to allow yourself to feel it, and also sometimes open your head from the computer and see what pleases the eye, and also hear your husband and talk to him! It is also much more pleasant to be joyful than to wear a sour face on your face.

Training about money.

I’m very glad that he came right after I learned to instill joy in my heart. Thanks to you, Lena, I released the brakes and took off my robe! I stopped thinking that this was nonsense and not for me. Do you understand that we're talking about about jumping high and throwing something that had never been there before onto a chandelier, even at the peak of passion! When I did this, such adrenaline rushed through, it was so cool, I wanted more feats on myself! Not scary and funny!

My husband’s reaction was funny, and I let go of moments here too! If before I was afraid to say something to him, I didn’t know what the reaction would be, but now it turns out that it’s possible! So I got carried away! No one will judge or punish me anymore! You know, our relationship with my husband once changed when I let him into my life and opened the curtain on my financial life.

Now, thanks to you, Lena, I also see that my path to a wealthy life is not only to work like a horse, which I have done all my adult life, but also to get it in a different way, a feminine one! It's important for me. That’s why I thought about other things, other sources of income, which I will definitely make real thanks to you! You need to do what brings success and fills your heart with joy, and your wallet and pockets with banknotes. It's simple and I do it.

What are the real successes? Thanks to the training, I met my student and nice person for communication and support. That is, money and joy came! My relationship with my husband is improving every day, becoming closer and warmer, I am very happy about this. Gradually, other students appear who bring money and fill me with pleasure in sharing my knowledge and enjoying it. I no longer suffer from a lack of work, as much as I have - mine, the additional one, is already on its way to me! I found time for myself and stopped racing horses. I'll make it! Everything is at your own pace.

It turns out to think and let go of what previously brought pain and slowed down in life.
I think maybe my weight suddenly increased because it’s time to share knowledge and stop being too serious, as if I’m carrying the robe of a professor)

I love you, Lena, and I’m happy that life brought you to me or me to you)) Thank you!

But what struck me most was that every evening, after all the speakers spoke, Elena conducted a meditation with us and answered all our questions, and often these “get-togethers” ended around 3 am!!! She gave her 100%, you could feel her responsibility, and most importantly, her sincere desire to help all those who turned to her.

Then I “accidentally” got to Elena’s webinar and I fell in love with her, fell in love with her sincerity, perky voice full of optimism, with her energy, professionalism and love for people, for life! I wanted to take part in her live trainings. For Elena, it makes no difference whether she speaks at a training or at a free webinar - the return is the same.

But at webinars we can only identify what we need to work with, what direction to move in, understand our problems or answer some questions, but we won’t be able to learn how to solve them in one webinar. And I signed up for the training “I AM EXPENSIVE!” :).

It was great! Elena always goes beyond the topic of the training, so it’s always interesting to work with her. In addition to a bunch of material, different techniques, a lot practical work, Elena shared her personal experience when solving different life situations and it feels like she has answers for all situations in life, which makes her more confident in her own strength.

Elena taught us to look at things we know in a new way and we even had insights, for example:
- There are always secondary benefits in everything!
- Any dissatisfaction is a projection of internal dissatisfaction with oneself!
- From the unconscious to the conscious - I am already in control! (if you don’t accept something in yourself, it controls you; if you accept it, you become the master)...

Another benefit of the training is teamwork. We ended up with a very friendly and responsive group that complemented each other perfectly. It was very warm and cozy in our “room”. We continue to communicate in the same company after the training and it’s great! And Elena Kotova is our “mother” and our beloved guest, who continues to help us become DEAR.

I devoted my whole life to studying and when I received my second higher education I realized that all this was useless.

My education is in psychology, but permanent job there was no knowledge without practice melted away. and I stopped coping with my problems. It is for their solution. looking for ways to understand myself and change something, a year ago I started attending online conferences on psychology.
Of course, like everyone else, I was tormented by doubts - who to turn to, whether their method would help.

And then one day I found myself at one of the webinars with a speech by Elena Kotova. This was the end of the speech, I didn’t know the topic, I didn’t hear about who was speaking or what kind of work experience they had. But suddenly I heard those very necessary and important words for me, which hooked me so much that I did not sleep all night deciding for myself to pay for the basic or VIP course! And I chose VIP.

Something had to be done urgently with the sea of ​​my problems. The relationship with my parents did not go well - as an adult, I continued to be considered an awkward child who knew nothing and could not do anything. The children punched through the remains of my personal boundaries. My husband began to mirror my behavior and emotions, saying: “Why are you allowed to yell when you’re fed up with everything, but I’m not?” It seemed that if it weren’t for me, all this wouldn’t happen to the people around me.

All my knowledge of psychology that was studied was not suitable for use in practice; its effect was sufficient for a short time.

I bought the course “I am worth a lot” to raise my self-esteem, believe in myself, my strengths, and finally stop self-sabotaging myself and living in a state of victim, looking for someone who will regret it.
Lena did not regret it - Lena shook her up, gave her a control center, methods, showed her the direction, made her think and analyze. explained what to do about it.

The work proceeded smoothly, with mandatory implementation assignments, a report in a personal message, a discussion right at the online meeting of the next lesson. Lenochka even devoted one of her classes to analyzing my problem.
Of course, I still apply all this knowledge, for example, I pay attention to counting the joys I notice every day. I don’t forget to write down everything that I succeed in order to bolster my self-confidence. I also fell in love with the method of step-by-step implementation of what was planned - just for those cases when it is scary and it is not clear what will flow from what.

I solved my problem with self-doubt and took training from Elena to become an online event organizer. Now I am not embarrassed to speak to a large audience, communicate with different people, I believe in myself and my capabilities, I have established relationships with my family and learned to defend my boundaries. Many of the goals have already been achieved, and what remains is on the way to implementation.

I want to give advice to those who have doubts. Decide for yourself only one thing - do you really want to change something in your life and are you ready to work on yourself for this. It often happens that a person only wants. And that's where it all ends. The familiar comfort zone tempts you not to change anything or even try.

On this moment I have already completed 2 recorded trainings and 2 live online training courses with Elena Kotova and would recommend any of her products (services). I found my master, I completely trust Elena and would not trade her for anyone else. Because I now live a completely different life, not at all similar to the one I had before I met her.

Emelyanova Anna Alexandrovna

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