Is the image of mtsyri relevant in the modern world? The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem of the same name (with quotes)

The theme of the Caucasus has always been close to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov; the nature and customs of this region delighted the poet. And the work in question embodied this love, and also reflected the romantic beginning in the writer’s work. And the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” became key and plot-forming.

The originality of Lermontov's creativity

Lermontov's work became a reflection of the romantic trend in literature. His hero is always alone and confronts the world. Early creativity different strong influence Byron, which was embodied in the idealization of the character. Later, the hero becomes original, acquires alienation, accompanied by tragic love, betrayal of friends and thoughts about eternity in solitude.

The tragedy of the poet's works lies in the invasion of harsh and cruel reality in inner world hero. The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” is largely built on precisely this confrontation. Like all the main characters of the writer, Mtsyri is characterized by aspiration, struggle with society, a desire to evolve and achieve his goal.

The loneliness of Lermontov's hero is an attempt to find peace of mind, come into harmony with the world, take a break from society and comprehend what is happening. Only when left alone with themselves can characters realize themselves.

Lermontov's work, like the poet's life itself, is very contradictory. He loved his homeland, but glorified the Caucasus; he was born into high society, but hated it. There are many such contradictions, and all of them are reflected in the writer’s works in one way or another.

The history of the poem

The idea to write about a young man languishing in a monastery and dreaming of escape came to Lermontov during his lyceum years. But, as Lermontov himself later wrote, at that time he was still at a crossroads and had not decided on his ideals. Therefore, the writer turned out something completely different from what he had in mind: the poems “Confession” and “Boyarin Orsha”. The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem had not yet been born.

After failures, the idea was forgotten and came back to life again during the first exile to the Caucasus. On the way, Mikhail Yuryevich passed by a monastery, where he met a monk. The conversation with him made a huge impression on the poet, and he again returned to the original idea.

Image of Mtsyri

Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" describes the story of the last days of the life of a young man who, while still a boy, was captured and left in the care of the monks. The main questions that are raised in the poem are the meaning of life, the inexorability of fate, and human freedom. The young man, risking his life, escapes from his place of captivity to gain freedom and return home. The years have not been able to try him on in a foreign land and imprisonment.

A prisoner who is ready to fight for freedom to the last, embodying courage, dignity, bravery - this is the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem. The essay (8th grade) should help schoolchildren realize the strength of the human spirit and its ability to fight.

The method of presentation in the poem is indicative. Talking about the boy's entire life, Lermontov fits into just one chapter, but the description of three days of wandering takes up almost the entire rest of the work. Thus, the author points out the significance of the events, their fate for the main character.

The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” embodies incredible strength character and spirit. He strives for his goal - to return to his homeland, and nothing can stop him. The young man does not know the road, but he walks; he is tormented by hunger, thirst, and fatigue, but these are no reasons to stop. The girl, for whom Mtsyri feels a certain sympathy, is also left behind, as the hero remembers his goal. Even serious wounds left by the leopard do not take away the hope of getting home.

Even dying and realizing that he was going in the wrong direction, Mtsyri does not regret his action. Because only these three days of freedom were for him real life. Part of the features of the author himself are contained in the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem. According to the plan, analyzing this work, you can find many similar features, for example, the desire for freedom, the struggle with the usual existence.

Essay plan

In all school programs there is a written work on the topic “The Image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s Poem.” Composition, summary which can be taken from the material presented by us, is always written according to a specific, clearly defined plan. The main points of such a plan are as follows:

  1. Lermontov's ideal hero: give brief description those traits that the writer always endowed with his heroes.
  2. from Mtsyri: bring brief description romanticism and list the characteristics of a romantic hero.
  3. Why Lermontov created just such a hero: characterize social problems, which forced the poet to fight for freedom.

Alternative essay plan

You can take another structure as a basis for written work on the topic “the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov’s poem.” An essay (8th grade), written according to the plan below, will also fully reveal the problems of the work:

  1. The childhood of the main character: it will help to understand the origins of his character.
  2. Revealing Mtsyri's personality through a description of three days in freedom: in the way the hero talks about his newfound freedom, the most important qualities his character.
  3. How is the hero close to Lermontov?


The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem is thus plot-forming. It is no coincidence that the idea of ​​creating a work originated with the poet during his student years, when he himself lived behind bars. Lermontov embodied in his hero his own aspirations for freedom and the desire to fight for it to the end.

M.Yu. Lermontov loved the theme of the Caucasus. He was delighted by the views and beauty of these lands. He tried to put and convey his love for these places into the work, and the romantic element added a special flavor to the poem. The image and characterization of Mtsyri is key and plot-forming. The protagonist's loneliness and longing for his native place push him to escape. Risking his life, he leaves the walls of the monastery with sole purpose- return home. Mtsyri incarnation human dignity. An example of true courage and selfless courage.

Image and characteristics

It was not of his own free will that Mtsyri ended up in the monastery. He was captured as a small child. At that time he was only 6 years old. The Russian general decided that he would be better off here, without even realizing what a tragedy his, as he believed, noble deed would turn out to be.

Child of the mountains Mtsyri was born in the Caucasus. He lived with his family in the village until he was six years old.

The image of my father remains in my memory to this day. It is known that the man fought.

“My father? He appeared to me as if alive in his combat clothes, and I remembered the ringing of chain mail and the shine of the gun...”

Patient. Proud. As a child, he showed willpower and tenacity of character. He endured the pain when he was sick without making a sound.

“Even a weak groan did not come out of the child’s lips; he rejected food with a sign and died quietly, proudly.”

The will beckoned, exciting the imagination. Monastic life is akin to captivity. The soul was torn from captivity. This life is not for him. He would give everything in the world for a couple of minutes spent with his family.

“I lived little, and lived in captivity. These are two lives for one, but I would only exchange one full of anxiety if I could...”

Loves nature. The days spent in freedom will be remembered forever. They are the happiest. He admired nature. I caught sounds, understood them, felt beauty and harmony. He failed to do this among human society. Communication with her helped to drown out the longing for my native village. Element for him soul mate.

“As a brother, I would be glad to embrace the storm.”

Purposeful. The dream of escaping from captivity has been brewing for a long time.

“A long time ago I decided to look at the distant fields. Find out if the earth is beautiful. Find out whether we are born into this world for freedom or prison.”

The young man was waiting for the right opportunity. This incident was the day when a terrible storm began. For the sake of freedom, he is ready to do anything: overcome difficulties, fight the elements, endure hunger, thirst, scorching heat. Even the girl he met at the pond could not disrupt his plans, although the hero clearly felt sympathy for her. The light of the saklya where she lived beckoned him, but Mtsyri threw away the thought of looking inside, remembering what purpose he was pursuing and for what. He chose the long-awaited freedom over love. Faced with a choice, I did not give in to temptation.

Fearless. In a mortal battle with a predator, he proved himself to be a real hero. Knowing that the forces were unequal, he entered into a fight with wild beast. The wounds received in battle could not stop the young man. He moved forward steadily. I didn’t know the way, I was exhausted.

“He rushed at my chest, but I managed to stick my gun into my throat and turn my gun twice... He howled.”

Lonely. I'm gloomy in life. Life in lockdown has made him so unsociable. He is unaccustomed to communication. People were strangers to him.

“I myself, like an animal, was alien to people.” “Gloomy and lonely, a leaf torn off by a thunderstorm...”

Thirst for self-knowledge. Mtsyri longed to know himself. I managed to implement my plans once I was free.

“Do you want to know what I did when I was free? I lived - and my life without these three blissful days would have been sadder and gloomier than your powerless old age.”

Mtsyri was unable to hug her family. On his deathbed, he did not at all repent of his committed act. The young man was absolutely sure that he acted correctly. Last words please bury in the garden, away from the hated walls. This confirms that he did not intend to change his beliefs and his principles.

"Shine have a blue day I'll get drunk in last time. The Caucasus is visible from there! Perhaps he will send me farewell greetings from his heights, send them with a cool breeze...”

The image of Mtsyri is key element poems. To be free means for him to escape from monastic captivity and return to his native village. The image of an unknown but desired “wonderful world of anxiety and battle” constantly lived in his soul.

Image of Mtsyri- this is the image of a prisoner desperately fighting for his freedom, this is the embodiment of human dignity, courage and selfless courage. This young man is an example of the strength of human character.

Speaking about the image of Mtsyri, it is important to note that in the poem the story of Mtsyri’s entire life is presented in one chapter, and several days of wandering occupy the main part of the work. M.Yu. Lermontov did this not by accident, since it was in last days the hero's life reveals the strength of his character, the originality of his personality

The excited monologue of the dying Mtsyri introduces us to the world of his innermost thoughts, secret feelings and aspirations, and explains the reason for his escape. It is he who makes the image of Mtsyri in the poem so integral and memorable. The whole point is that “a child at heart, a monk by destiny,” the young man was obsessed with a “fiery passion” for freedom, a thirst for life that called him “to that wonderful world of worries and battles, where rocks hide in the clouds, where people are free, like eagles". The boy wanted to find his lost homeland, to find out what real life is, “is the earth beautiful,” “we will be born into this world for freedom or prison”:

I've seen others
Fatherland, home, friends, relatives.
But I didn’t find it at home
Not only sweet souls - graves!

Image of Mtsyri will not be complete without the fact that he sought to know himself. And he was able to achieve this only during the days spent in freedom:

You want to know what I did
Free? Lived - and my life
Without these three blissful days
It would be sadder and gloomier
Your powerless old age.

Mtsyri believes that he was not strong enough to escape from captivity and therefore death came to him deservedly. M.Yu. Lermontov in the image of Mtsyri emphasizes the character’s strength of spirit and his attachment to his native land.

Yes, I deserve my lot!
A mighty horse, a stranger in the steppe,
Having thrown off the bad rider,
To my homeland from afar
Finds a direct and short way...

Having escaped from the grayness of the monastery walls, Mtsyri finds himself in a beautiful, but at the same time dangerous world. The brightness of colors, the variety of sounds, the splendor of the infinitely blue vault early morning- all this richness of the landscape filled the hero’s soul with a feeling of merging with nature. He feels that harmony, unity, brotherhood that he was not given the opportunity to experience in human society:

God's garden was blooming all around me;
Plants rainbow outfit
Kept traces of heavenly tears,
And the curls of the vines
Weaving, showing off between the trees...

In order to reveal the image of Mtsyri M.Yu. as clearly as possible. Lermontov makes his hero experience the fear of a “threatening abyss on the edge,” and thirst, and “the suffering of hunger,” and a fight to the death with a leopard.

Dying, the young man asks to be taken to the garden:

The glow of a blue day
I'll get drunk for the last time.
The Caucasus is visible from there!

In the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, it is obvious that all the actions and deeds of Mtsyri are an example of inflexibility of spirit and strength of character. He is looking for his homeland, without even knowing where it is, he controls himself in any situation, does not pay the slightest attention to the fact that he is hungry, that he has to sleep right on the ground.

The integrity of Mtsyri’s image is emphasized by the episode with a beautiful Georgian woman going down the path to fetch water. Mtsyri is overcome by a passionate impulse, he wants to go after the girl, but, having overcome his desire, he remains true to his goal and continues not an easy path through the forest wilds in search of their home.

Already within the walls of the monastery and feeling the inevitable approach of death, Mtsyri is still firmly convinced that he did everything right. To prove that he did not repent of his action, that he remained true to his views and convictions, the hero asks to be buried in the garden, in freedom, and not within the walls of this terrible prison.

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The poem “Mtsyri” was one of M.Yu.’s favorite works. Lermontov, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, the poet loved to read the text of the poem in public and knew it all by heart.

Basis of the poem

Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov Mtsyri basically contains real story about a young monk who spent his entire life in a country foreign to him.

While in exile in the Caucasus, Lermontov meets a young monk living in Mtskheta. The monk told Mikhail Yuryevich his difficult fate: his little one was taken away from his native land and he was forced to spend his entire life in a part foreign to him.

First ideas for implementing the theme of monasticism in literary field Lermontov arose back in 1831. The poet wanted to embody what he heard in the monk’s notes. Later, this idea, under the influence of the story of a monk from Mtskheta, was embodied in the poem “Mtsyri”.

Elements of autobiography

Many researchers literary heritage Lermontov, in particular his poem “Mtsyri”, note a certain similarity between the young monk of the poem and M.Yu. Lermontov.

Belinsky argued that the poem exposes the author himself. The fates of the author and the monk, despite the apparent differences, have common ground. Loneliness and isolation from family are what these individuals have in common. Like Mtsyri, Lermontov grew up far from his relatives (the grandmother who raised him did her best to prevent him from communicating with relatives, in particular his father). This state of affairs became the cause of despondency both in the life of Lermontov and in the life of Mtsyri. In addition, they are also related by the Caucasus: for both Mtsyri and Lermontov, it became the embodiment of freedom.

Life path of Mtsyri

When Mtsyri was 6 years old, a tragedy happened in his life - a certain Russian general took the boy prisoner - thus, Mtsyri left him forever home, his family and the village dear to his heart - the village. On the way, the boy falls ill - separation from loved ones and difficult long road provoked this condition. One of the monks took pity on the child and took him to the monastery: “out of pity, one monk looked after the sick man, and he remained within the guardian walls, saved by friendly art.”

Despite the disappointing forecasts, Mtsyri survived and soon turned into a handsome young man. He learned the unfamiliar language that was spoken in this area, learned about the customs and peculiarities of life in this region, but he never managed to get rid of longing for his family and his home.

Languishing in despondency, Mtsyri makes attempts to escape and find his native village, but his intentions were not destined to come true.

Lermontov describes in detail Mtsyri's last escape - during a thunderstorm, the young man leaves the walls of the monastery - for three days he wanders the paths in the hope of finding the right way home, but fate is extremely unfavorable to him - such a promising road becomes a tragedy - after the fight with the leopard, the young man’s strength noticeably decreased, this was also facilitated by the wounds received in the battle, in the end, the path leads Mtsyri to the same monastery. Realizing all the hopelessness, the young man dies under the influence of his wounds and general despondency.

Characteristics of personal qualities

Mtsyri became a monk by coincidence. Until the age of six, he was not filled with the desire to devote his life to serving God, and in particular, he knew nothing about Christianity. Only after he entered the monastery was he baptized.

Like everyone else romantic heroes, Mtsyri has a special relationship with nature, in particular with the Caucasus mountains.

Life in a monastery, enclosed by bare, cold walls, has a depressing effect on him. Lermontov does not talk in detail about the attitude of other monks towards Mtsyri, but, based on their general mood, we can assume that it did not go beyond the bounds of decency - the monks were kind to the stranger who grew up within the walls of their monastery, but they were not able to understand his spiritual groaning.

Mtsyri belongs by origin to mountain peoples and like his father, he was very proud in childhood: “He refused food, and died quietly, proudly,” and did not lose this characteristic in his youth: “And, having listened proudly, the sick man stood up, gathering the rest of his strength.”

Mtsyri's life is full of sad longing and the desire to find lost happiness: “I wandered silently, alone, looked, sighing, to the east, tormented by an unclear longing for my native land.”

He always was kind person and “did no harm to anyone.” He pure soul a person is like a “child”. However, life in a monastery far from his homeland weighs heavily on him. The monks are not able to understand such melancholy of a young monk, since they themselves have never experienced it. Monks are alien to attachment to nature and freedom; they are afraid of thunderstorms, considering it the creation of God, while Mtsyri has no fear of this natural phenomenon at all - he is a child of nature and a thunderstorm, like any natural phenomenon, for him something close and natural, therefore, within the walls of the monastery Mtsyri “was a stranger to them forever, like a steppe beast.”

All Mtsyri’s dreams and desires came true around gaining freedom and happiness. He wants to live freely, like in childhood. For this purpose, he escapes from the monastery. Since Mtsyri has never traveled, he goes at random, guided by the view of the mountains. Unexpected meeting with the leopard began to ruin his plans. To a young man There was nothing left to do but engage in battle with a wild beast. During the fight, Mtsyri was brave and strong. He would make an excellent warrior. He defeats the leopard: “He rushed to my chest; but I managed to stick my weapon into my throat and turn my weapon twice.”

) Lermontov again moved the action to his beloved Caucasus. With a free, wide brush he paints virgin nature of the wild Caucasus - all its landscapes, day and night, are equally amazing in the brightness of their colors.

The hero of the poem is a highlander by origin; As a child, he was brought to a Georgian monastery by some Russian general, who found him alone, dying in the mountains. The child was weak, timid and wild, but the mighty spirit of his fathers lived in him - he “died quietly, proudly,” not wanting to accept food from the monks.

Lermontov. Mtsyri. Read by Pyotr Dubinsky

Then he recovered, stayed in the monastery, and here all his sad childhood: he lived “gloomy, lonely,” not knowing his father and mother, like a leaf torn from its native stem by a thunderstorm... He grew up within the walls of the monastery, like a hothouse flower: this monastery was a prison for him, since from childhood there was an unclear melancholy on his native side worried his restless heart.

In this heart, a fiery passion for freedom, for nature, for his native mountaineers never died: in his words, this passion -

Like a worm lived inside me,
She tore her soul and burned it.

He was eager -

From stuffy cells and prayers
In that wonderful world of worries and battles,
Where rocks hide in the clouds,
Where people are as free as eagles!

This "flame" youth, “hiding”, lived in his chest - and finally, “he burned through his prison” - Mtsyri fled from the monastery to the mountains and spent several days there in freedom - there he lived the real life of a savage, not divorced from nature...

The monks found him dying of hunger and fatigue and carried him back to the monastery; Before his death, he revealed his soul to one of the monks:

You want to know what I did
Free? Lived, - and my life
Without these three blissful days
It would be sadder and gloomier
Your powerless old age.

Then Mtsyri tells how during these happy days the closeness to nature intoxicated him - how glad he was to “embrace the storm”, he was ready to catch lightning with his hand... He felt like a beast:

I myself, like an animal, was alien to people,
And he crawled and hid like a snake.

Having met the leopard, he felt the beast inside him -

Like a deserted leopard, angry and wild,
I was on fire, I screamed like him,
As if I myself was born
In the family of leopards and wolves.

Not only the “wild” and “animal” nature found a response in his heart, he was able to hear those praises in honor of the universe, quiet, solemn, which sounded in the mysterious voices of nature:

God's garden was blooming all around me!..
Plants rainbow outfit
Kept traces of heavenly tears...

...I fell to the ground,
And I began to listen again
To magical, strange voices, -
They whispered in the bushes,
As if they were speaking
About the secrets of heaven and earth.
And all nature's voices
They merged here; didn't sound
In the solemn hour of praise
Only a man's proud voice.

He “drowned” with his eyes and soul in the depths blue sky, he merged with the earth, mountains, leopard, snake. Feeling your closeness last hour, he asks to be moved to the garden, under the blooming acacias. A free son of nature, he will not die in a stuffy dungeon-cell - he wants to fall asleep in the arms of the great Mother Nature!

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