What is a Cossack saved? The soul must be pure.

SPAS THE GREAT is a system of expanding the ideas and capabilities of a person for the most complete and harmonious interaction with the World.

Ancient legends about the Cossacks (Extract from the book by V. M. Chernikov)

Ancient legends about the Cossacks-characterniks are full of miracles similar to magic!

Once upon a time there lived Cossacks-characterniks, whom no bullet could take, no saber could cut. They knew how to charm bullets, pass unseen through enemy formations, throw fog into fields, turn into beasts, and find out any secrets. They understood herbs, minerals, and could cure any ailment. Many legends were written about characterniks, but few knew that under the cover of magic was hidden the secret SCIENCE OF “SPAS THE GREAT”.

Legends were formed by people who witnessed the manifestation of the powers of the Savior, but without understanding the essence of the phenomenon, they explained what they saw as magic. On the other hand, the people who owned the Savior kept strictly confidential this knowledge. SCIENCE was passed on from grandfather to grandson or from father to son within the clan, the head of the clan being a member of the Small Circle. There were 13 (thirteen) such clans, and they kept all the Knowledge about the GREAT SPAS.

Each clan, in addition to basic knowledge, had its own “specialization” - these were doctors-barbers, kobza-lyre players, warrior-knights, builders, Chumaks-carriers and others. Each genus preserved and increased its part of the knowledge of the Savior, since the volume of developments of each genus was so great that only specialization made it possible to carry its ancestral Savior in its entirety. At the same time, there was one Great Savior. The Great Savior is like the key to the common treasury of all the Clans of Characteristics.

The amazing opportunities that SCIENCE gives people are truly endless.

A person who knows Spas can predict events, from multi-year forecasts of the future to hundredths of seconds in battle; this knowledge helps preserve youth and prolong life activity into old age. THE SCIENCE of the Savior is based on a special idea of ​​the World, man and his capabilities. Man as the Universe and man in the Universe are the two main things on which the attention of the one who owns the Savior is focused. Knowledge of the laws of the world order and observance of these laws is the GREAT SAVIOR.


Someone comes to Spas in order to return to their roots, to establish a connection with their Family, and maybe even to become stronger and gain power. There may be different options.

Someone comes to Spas, looking for their Path through their Ancestral memory and wanting to meet people who also walk through Ancestral traditions.

The Ancient Wisdom, contained by our ancestors in the Savior, is not given in order to rule and command over someone, and not in order to be proud of other Clans. Spas has always been a science that makes it possible to realize one’s Life Path and go through it in the best possible way, and then pass on your knowledge to Descendants.

The path from the wolf-warrior to the falcon-priest is indicated in the symbolism of the Savior. Having passed through the force, the personification of which is the wolf, a person must rise above the ordinary expanse of existence, and, like a falcon, see all the paths leading our Race to the light of the Creator. Having gathered together both the Sky and the Stars, a person in the image of a Falcon embraces with his Love the entire Mother Earth, the entire Earthly Family, becoming a true Guardian, a warrior-characterist, a priest-teacher. Of course, this is just one of the images hidden in Spas. Spas is multifaceted, extensive and excitingly interesting.

The Cossack Savior, in fact, has two sides: physical and spiritual. From the physical (material) side, these are: fighting techniques, techniques and fighting tactics. And from the spiritual side this is development human abilities, the ability to transfer your consciousness to more subtle levels.

Technical fighting side The Savior was better preserved among the Don Cossacks, and the spiritual side of the Savior was preserved mainly by Zaporozhye Cossacks.

The more ancient name of the Great Cossack Savior is Character. Without a spiritual component, the Cossack Savior cannot be called a Character. Hara – energy center, which is located in the abdominal area. To do "Harakiri" means to release the life force through the hara to Iria, the Slavic paradise. And a healer is one who knows the hara, then with the restoration of which any treatment begins.

Everyone can learn the great SPAS.

But not according to textbooks. This State, in the ancient way - Stan (now they say so in Ukraine), is transmitted live, through direct communication. The same way the mood is conveyed.

Another property of the transmission of the Savior. It is transmitted only to the Slavic-Aryan peoples. The key is in the language. But because ancient Slavic language is the ancestor of Japanese and Chinese characters, then similar miracles are found in the east.

We know the Japanese samurai, those who became famous for their ability to do hara-kiri. In ancient times, they mastered the art of archery - Kyudo (the way of the bow). And here, too, much goes beyond human understanding. The shooter plays a secondary role. The shot is carried out to some extent without his participation. He shoots and hits the target as if himself, but, on the other hand, this is due not to his will and desire, but to the influence supernatural powers. When archery, you don't need to think about the target, or about hitting or missing. You need to enter the State, and then It enters. This state of consciousness changes the flow of a person's time. The character gains the ability to see the slow flight of an arrow and manages to fire seven more arrows before the first one reaches the target. For example, it was precisely these abilities that Bruce Lee demonstrated.
We, Cossacks, Slavs, Russians, are the descendants of our glorious ancestors. Saved - ancient science The White Race, handed down to us from time immemorial just for such a turning point as ours. The priests of the past understood that the time would come when almost everything would be lost, forgotten, and even the most obvious divine gifts would be devalued. In my opinion, the Savior is the lifesaver that they created for us, their descendants.

What can Spas give? to an ordinary person in everyday life?

Spas can help cope with some psychological and everyday problems.

One of the options modern learning The Science of Spas consists of 3 steps:

1st stage: entering the state of Spas (Stan) itself and a person’s action in everyday life from this state, which gives an increase physical strength, decrease pain, increase psychological stability, peace of mind.

Stage 2: working with the state physical body at the level of sensations, which helps to manage emotions, regulate muscle and psychological tone, manage your attention and mind.

3rd stage (not recommended for everyone, but simply contraindicated for many): learning to manage one’s mental resources, learning to concentrate all psychological and physical forces to solve a specific task. Release of the body's internal reserves, the ability to feel the vibrations of space, mastery of the power of energies and the ability to use them, possession of direct and spiritual vision.

It’s a strange thing, Spas, on the one hand, each of those who came to it believes that they themselves chose it. But only with time do you understand that it was the Savior himself who drew, called, those souls who have been connected with him for thousands of years into the bosom of the ancient Slavic tradition called the Great Savior.

If you are reading this article and something stirred in your soul, perhaps it was your Family that woke up, hearing the call of the Savior, and passed it on to You.

Petr Krygin is a teacher of the tradition of the Great Savior, a student of Viktor Mikhailovich Chernikov, and also studied with Anatoly Maksimovich Skulsky and Vasily Andreevich Chumachenko. In addition, Peter studied many other areas of self-improvement and work with energies, etc.

Natalya Gritsenko and Alexander Sluzhaev are students of Viktor Mikhailovich Chernikov, teachers of the tradition of the Great Savior, instructors of the Great Northern Tradition, experts of the Holistic Wave Movement system.
Information about the upcoming VKontakte course:

Cossack spas is the national martial art of the Russian Cossacks. The secrets of the Cossack Savior were first openly stated by the writer Yuri Sergeev in his novel “ Cossack Island».

The Cossack Savior is based on a unique fighting technique.

However, in addition to military art, an integral part of the Cossack Savior is healing practice, and also the most powerful prayer practice.

The military practice of the Russian Cossacks included a special ritual, the basis of which was the prayer rule of the Cossack Savior.

Cossack fight

In the novel " Cossack Island» Yuri Sergeev mentions the Cossack Salvation Prayer, which a Cossack reads before a battle.

A typical Cossack battle scene looked something like this:

Before the start of the battle, the Cossacks rode out on horseback and stopped opposite the enemy. Then, rotating the whips and drawing the checkers, they began to jump in a circle, reading a prayer. Gradually the pace increased. At a certain moment, the Cossacks turned around and went on the attack with lava. It no longer mattered how outnumbered the enemy was or how trained the enemy warriors were. The Cossacks swept away everything in their path.

A characteristic technique for Cossack rescue is “cutting to the saddle.” Cossacks say that the state achieved through prayer creates the feeling that The Archangel hands you a special sword and himself leads and guides you I.

The power of the Cossack Savior

The basis of the Cossack Savior is Orthodox faith and ancient traditions national culture, based on the strength of the family.

According to researchers, the power of the Cossack Savior lies in the so-called righteous anger and is a kind of superweapon, which, it would seem, can be extremely dangerous in our time.
However, this is not quite true.

Cossacks are confident that the foundations of the Cossack Savior are controlled by higher powers and any use of practices for evil entails almost instant punishment for those who dare to abuse the power of the Cossack Savior.

Cossack battle - in technically– this is absolute improvisation.

There are no techniques as such.

The basis of the Cossack Savior battle is precisely internal state, the achievement and maintenance of which is possible only with spiritual purity and purity of thoughts.

Cossack saved - cannot, by definition, be an offensive weapon. This is a protection tool. But when a Cossack Savior fighter hits the enemy in defense, he no longer turns around to see what happened to the enemy, because the Cossack Savior does not leave the enemy a chance.

If the enemy has approached the border, he must be destroyed.

And in in this case The soldiers of the Cossack Savior lack signs of liberalism and compassion for the enemy.

Cossack Rescue Training

Cossack rescue has interesting feature. Knowledge is passed on through generations - from grandfather to grandson.
However, not all members of the clan are allowed to study, but only, as the Cossacks themselves claim, “ pure in heart and pure in spirit", those who are still capable of at a young age curb pride.

Before the start of training, the student undergoes many tests and only a few are allowed into the secrets of the martial art.

Martial artists say that true martial arts have very fine line, which is easy to start, but incredibly difficult to keep . It's like walking along a razor's edge, step left, step right and blood will be shed.

Cossack salvation is based on centuries-old traditions, veneration of ancestors, knowledge and respect of one’s clan and national culture.

The basis of Cossack salvation is, first of all, the spiritual and prayerful practice of Russian soldiers who have the gift of spiritual purity and know how to use “righteous anger” for salvation.

The Cossack saved is martial arts, which can only be mastered by people with certain spiritual and moral qualities.

The military practice of Cossack Savior is an art that can reveal in a person not only incredible physical strength, but, above all, spiritual strength.

The key point in the skills of the characterists is “bachennya” - vision or the ability to observe phenomena that usually elude human attention due to the extreme conditionality of everyday perception. Some field structures can be seen by anyone normal person With normal vision, moreover, in their everyday life people see these structures, but they believe that it was their imagination.

What prevents a person from seeing energy structures is the lack of motor reflex eye muscles, but it is not formed, in turn, due to the social lack of demand for this information, its denial and rejection. “Bachennya” can be divided into two large type- let's call them introspective and extraspective. In the first of them, perception occurs with the help of an internal image, reminiscent of images of memories or visual fantasy, but in a special context called “model space”.

The model space allows you to obtain information about the hidden properties of objects real world, their transformation in time, movement in space. In addition, this method of perception allows you to see any object “as it is” or “as it should be” and, accordingly, adjust your behavior. When a person begins to sleep, eat, dress, act in general, i.e. to live in accordance with the inner “bachennya”, his life changes, and the “bachennya” becomes human nature. The second method of “bachennya” is seeing field structures with ordinary physical eyes, just like we see any physical objects. In this case, the focusing of their optical axes and the curvature of the lens are unusual for the eyes.

The muscles involved in these movements, unusual for the eyes, moved in this mode in childhood, when the eyes got used to seeing what was needed, although they saw much more. The areas of the cerebral cortex corresponding to such movements, which have been dormant until now, are excited and transmit excitation to neighboring areas of the cortex, and a now unique and rare, but well-known in childhood, state arises - the novelty of everything around. The non-standard excitement spreads further, and a wave of activity spreads throughout larger area, activating unused or dormant associative connections, they in turn demand more oxygen and glucose, creating a rush of blood, further exciting neurons, and the process becomes an avalanche.

Status Saved.

The Spas state is equal to stress - a generalized reaction of the body to an indeterministic threatening stimulus. On human language the previous phrase means that if a certain event does not have a predetermined course of action laid down by life experience and upbringing, then a general excitement of the body arises that does not have a specific direction. In the absence of a freezing reaction (physical or mental stupor) to the fear that has arisen, the person goes into a state of adaptation to what is happening, while the fear disappears, and the capabilities of the human body in terms of motor skills, emotional reactions, and thinking abilities sharply increase.

It is difficult to describe all the processes and phenomena that simultaneously or sequentially occur in physiology, perception, psyche and energy, in general, they lead to a state (state) called Spas, it opens access to the resources and reserves of the psyche. Adaptation of consciousness to the state of Spas, translation stress state from the discomfort zone to the comfort zone, initiates complex deep changes that make it possible to change something in your life. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether you are haunted by failures in life or you are the darling of fate, there will always be goals that require the search for new ways and tools for their implementation. The goals can be any.

Spas is suitable for everything, it is a science for life in general, and survival in critical situations, in particular, this is a way to change the principles of thinking, to go beyond the usual, standard. The basis of the changes is the appearance or intensification of the feeling “ inner rod» - basic feeling“I am”, a sense of continuity and invulnerability of one’s own existence. In addition, a feeling of support arises, coming from nowhere, without any material carrier, a feeling that simply exists, which reduces anxiety and doubt, thereby increasing confidence and calm. A heightened sense of the “inner core” leads to a reassessment of values, which become certain internal guidelines based on innate inclinations, and not on someone else’s reaction patterns and behavior programs. Motor stereotypes and patterns change accordingly mental activity and preferred schemes emotional response, which in the language of esotericism is called working off karma - mental and energetic traces of past actions, traumatic events, consequences of upbringing, traces passed down the family line. The basic feeling “I am,” among other things, becomes the basis for the development or sharpening of intuition, since the negative influence of mental “chewing gum”, the so-called internal dialogue, is reduced.


It is almost impossible to teach seeing through a book. Some time ago, I myself would not have believed in this and, nevertheless, let's work. In essence, everything described below is simple and does not require any preliminary preparation and special concentration. It takes a little time, patience, attentiveness and a sheet of white Whatman paper or any uniform white, preferably vertical, background. Hang the sheet on the wall, stand in such a way that the light falls from the side and does not cast a shadow from the hand extended to the Whatman paper onto the background.

Step one

Stretch your hand forward, clench it into a fist, leaving forefinger straight and vertical, with the nail facing you. Carefully, but not for long, examine the contour of the finger - nothing new: phalanges, folds, nail, cuticle. Now direct your gaze next to your finger, into the air, 0.5 - 1.5 millimeters from it. And walk your gaze in the air, at the indicated distance along your finger. If you think you can see something in the air, take a closer look at that “something.” What does it look like? Perhaps this is a thin, barely noticeable, transparent line that exactly follows the contour of the finger? Maybe she appeared, immediately disappeared, appeared again and disappeared again? Then she appeared and stayed? Check if you saw anything. Look away, blink and focus again.

If you don’t see anything or it’s difficult for you to focus your gaze just in the air, you need to take a ballpoint pen or a needle and place the tip at a distance of 2-2.5 mm from the side of the finger, perpendicular to it, so that White background was located between the tip of the needle and the edge of the finger. Focusing your gaze on the gap, examine the air in it until you see the same transparent line described above. In the same way, check what you see by looking away and returning.

The third method is a modification of the second, bring the tip of the finger of the other hand to the side of the finger in question on one hand, focusing all your attention on the air gap between the fingers. Having learned to focus your eyes to see a thin transparent line on the side of your finger almost immediately, test yourself again as follows: position the finger of your right hand horizontally, with the tip to the left and the nail up, focus on the transparent line, from now on we will simply call it “the first” (in the sense of the first shell), from the top of the finger from the nail along all three phalanges and when you see it more or less steadily, slowly begin to bend and straighten the finger, holding the “first” one. If the movements of the first coincide with the movements of the finger, then you are actually seeing the densest, closest to the body and easiest to perceive energy layer of what is called the “aura”.

Next you need to ask someone to stand in front of the Whatman paper and from a distance of 2-3 meters look into the air at a distance of 5-7 mm from the side of the shoulder. Having learned to see the “first” on the shoulder of another person against the background of whatman paper, move on to other objects and less ideal conditions. Look at people in transport, on the street, in a store, try to determine whether everyone’s “first” is the same, if there is a difference, what is it? Vary the background you're looking at and ask yourself what background and lighting suits you best personally. Look at animals, plants, stones, determine whether they have the “first” one. This is the very first and easiest step towards changing perception; it increases confidence in phenomena that have not previously penetrated our consciousness.

Step two

In front of you in the picture is a slightly distorted candle. Many of you have probably seen spherical layers around any luminous object in the dark or against a dark background. First practice on this drawing, then on a real candle. In the task presented below, again, there is no mysticism associated with the sacred meaning of candles, only training of the eye muscles. The task comes down to learning to do two things at the same time: look at the drawing with your eyes and keep part of your attention on kinesthetics ( tactile sensations), more precisely, the presence or absence of changes in it, this is more important than everything else. To notice changes you need to have something to compare with. To do this, a revision of the usual state of consciousness is carried out, when attention is distributed throughout the body simultaneously and all sensations in it are recorded on this moment time, then these initial body sensations are compared with the changes that occur, if any.

So, the flame consists of layers (in life approximately the same, but in a different way), almost white (the innermost one - let it be the first), then the second, third, etc.

What should be done? Learn to see separately, on both sides of the white (first) layer, each subsequent layer, stopping at each layer for a minute or two, remembering the positions of the eyes. At the same time, you seem not to be interested in everything that is inside and outside the layer that you are considering. In subjective perception, this layer either appears to emerge, i.e. approaches, moves forward, or, on the contrary, seems to fail and goes back. When you achieve the movement effect of the layer, remember the position of the eyes and move on to the next layer. Using this pattern you can get up to 7 positions. Remember what happens in sensations with your eyes and in your head, or rather around you.

After this, move on to the real candle, examining its layers in volume. Your task is to remember how the eyes move one step at a time, i.e. on one layer of a luminous candle ball. The next moment is to go back to looking at the finger on a white background, repeating the manipulation of attention with the candle. Examining the physical finger from both sides at the same time, we shift our eyes, as if on one layer of a candle, in order to see the “first” one on both sides of the finger, and return our gaze again to physics. We repeat the procedure several times to remember the movement of the eyes to the next position. After which, remembering the exercise with a candle, we make the transition from the “first” to the next position of the eyes, examining the air on both sides of the finger at a distance of 0.5-1 cm.

If you see a cloudy or transparent moving area, perhaps with splashes of color, you should check it. Slowly bend your finger, if what you see repeats the movement of your finger, you see the “second” one. Then move along the edge of the “second” from one side of the finger towards the elbow. You should see an increase in the thickness of the visible layer. Now move on to looking at other people, starting from a place to the side of the shoulder. Try to see the “second” along the entire contour of the body. If you have learned to keep attention in your body when looking at the “second”, then it is likely that you were able to notice some changes that have occurred in your sense of yourself.

Describe them to yourself and remember them. With each “view” of the “second”, these sensations will increase, become brighter and, ultimately, you will be able to get acquainted with what is called a “state of strength”. This new sense of self gives a psychological gain in communication, in a state of low mood, powerlessness, lack of self-confidence and other negative states. In positive states, such a sense of self allows you to get off the well-worn rut of thinking and find a new solution in creative search, simply to have more physical and moral strength to solve everyday household or work matters. The task of the state of strength is to expand consciousness, the task of expanding consciousness is also to give strength. “Strength” here refers to the strength and speed of psychological, physiological and physical reactions person.

Werewolf Warriors

Stories about wolfhounds can be found in the tales and legends of almost all Indo-European peoples.

The first mentions of wolfhounds in Russian literature date back to the beginning of the 13th century. But the tradition of werewolf goes back deep into antiquity. Even Herodotus (5th century BC) wrote about her in his “History”, in the fourth book of “Melpomene” about pre-Slavic tribe Neuros said: “These people seem to be werewolves. After all, the Scythians and Hellenes who live in Scythia say that once a year each neuros becomes a wolf for a few days and then returns to its previous state again.” The Neuros lived on the territory of what is now Belarus. Maybe our ancestors had the now lost ability for lycanthropy (as scientists call it)?

A difficult question: did wolfhounds really know how to take the form of an animal?..

Like most people, I am a skeptic, and if I haven’t seen it myself, it’s hard for me to believe. True, I unexpectedly remembered that I had to deal with a man who turned into a wolf... Or rather, he said that this happened to him.

He said this not to me personally, but to a large audience at International festival science fiction in Altai Biysk in the spring of 1998. No one publicly expressed disbelief; they asked him questions specifically as a werewolf, the man answered quite reliably, but I remained deeply skeptic.

Alas, I don’t remember either his first or last name. He came from somewhere North Caucasus. He is noticeably below average height, 35-45 years old, dark-skinned, dark-haired with black round eyes, slightly bulging. There was a feeling of some kind of depression, or something, as if he was not of this world.

Then a man in the forest stuck a knife into a stump, rolled over it and became a wolf. I remember how he spoke with a painful feeling (I felt it) about his love for the she-wolf and the wolf cubs... I confess, I can’t remember now how he returned to human form. Finally, the man said that he would really like to return to the wolf pack...

But what about the wolfhounds, did they do something similar?..

It seems to me that in reality there were no werewolves, the wolfhounds only cast a spell on others and appeared to them as wolves in order to instill fear. Another probable version: the knights only fell into a kind of trance - an altered consciousness - and felt like wolves, bears or wolfbears. Perhaps this made it possible to use the hidden reserves of the body and the person became stronger, more agile, and swift, like an animal. We can say that they were the masters of time: they psychologically accelerated its flow for themselves, and then they saw the enemy’s actions as if greatly slowed down, which made it possible to timely evade blows and strike themselves. Their actions turned out to be faster than thoughts.

(Sometimes ordinary people in critical situations, unused reserves of the body are opened up... I read about a pilot who, in a falling plane, performed many emergency actions in a few seconds, which usually took at least a minute, and was saved...

This happened while wintering in the Arctic. The polar explorer came out to the plane and began shoveling snow. Someone touched his shoulder, he turned around and found himself nose to nose with a polar bear... “When I came to my senses,” the man later said, “it turned out that I was sitting on the wing of an airplane, and a bear was looking at me in surprise from below... “A man in overalls and high boots jumped from the loose snow in one fell swoop onto the wing of an airplane, which was above the level of his head?! He then examined the tracks in the snow and became convinced that he had made the jump exactly from the place where he stood, without any run-up. Can you imagine this? Yes, not a single world champion in high jump, even long jump, will repeat this!..)

Known for their frequent trips to Golden Horde(during Tatar-Mongol yoke?!) Northern ushkuiniki were called so in “honor” of ushkuy, a polar bear.

The Old Russian book “The Enchanter,” which was among those forbidden under Christianity, indicates 12 types of transformations, including those into a wolf and a bear. But that's true, by the way.
Fist of Perun, Buza, Skobar and Cossack Spas

As Christianity spread, which, to put it mildly, did not welcome werewolves, the traditions of knights-sorcerers began to disappear. Or go “underground”. The heirs of this military art - mainly among the Cossacks - began to be called differently, the ability to turn into a wolf was hidden or mentioned only as an insignificant component.

Around this time, although perhaps much earlier, the Cossack Spas was formed - a kind of fusion of combat magic and military art of the Hyperborean Aryans, Dzhanians, Rouenians, Novgorodians and the like. It is clear that in Peaceful time, in everyday life so specific knowledge were unnecessary, because they were preserved among those who constantly fought - among the Cossacks. It is easy to discern the legendary wolf-clads in the galdovniks, khimorodniks and chakluny (sorcerers), zamorochniks, spasovtsy, harakterniki, Cossack plastuns, who possessed ancient military charms that seem like a fairy tale to a modern “enlightened” person and are beyond his understanding.

For example, the art of penetrating into the enemy’s thoughts (telepathy) and causing confusion - “sending a dream”, suggesting something that is not really there: say, creating phantom doubles, forcing the enemy to “fight with empty space" Nowadays this is called hypnosis. By using inner strength(healthy) warrior-magicians surrounded themselves with an invisible force field that made them invulnerable. Such Kharakterniki Cossacks were capable of clairvoyance, knew how to “look into a mirror a thousand miles away,” deliver an energy blow, even a fatal one, “speak angrily in twelve languages,” and turn into a wolf.

The military art of the character was simply amazing: in battle, he seemed to disappear and appear out of nowhere with the speed of lightning, as if he controlled space and time, showering a hail of blows that his opponents simply did not have time to parry. And the force of the blow was such that sometimes the enemy seemed suddenly dumbfounded, and then split into two parts. It’s easy to imagine the impact such a spectacle had on others!

The kharakternik could go for a long time without food or drink, hide and become invisible in a completely flat steppe or in the crown of a tree, and merged with a horse. He sat under water for a long time, and then came out of it dry. He mastered spells, knew medicinal herbs and knew how to heal wounds with amazing speed.

Sometimes the Cossacks not only defeated their opponents, but did it in a deliberately mocking manner. For example, they could force them to take a goat captive in their place, or even start an internecine quarrel in which the enemies killed each other. The character stood aside and watched all this with a grin.

Sorcerer Sirko and others

Among all the Cossack-characterniks, Koshevoy Ivan Sirko, who lived in the 17th century during the era, looks especially impressive greatest prosperity Zaporozhye Sich. In legends, he appears as a simply fabulous figure; it was said about him that there has never been and never will be an equal to Sirko. They call him “the great sorcerer,” and the Turks called him “shaitan.”

Let's start with the fact that he appeared on God's light with teeth, and when the midwife carried him past the table, he grabbed the pie from it and ate it right away. Can you imagine what this baby became when he grew up?! It is clear that Sirko could turn into a wolf, in this guise he made his way to the location Turkish troops, put the guards in a deep sleep, and then carried out a pogrom...

It was said that Ivan Sirko once shot a devil swimming off an unnamed island, and he gurgled (gurgled) into the water. After this, the island began to be called Chertomlyk.

Neither an arrow, nor a bullet, nor a saber could defeat the Cossack. He caught the bullet in flight with his hand. Otherwise he exposed his hand to the blow, but only a barely noticeable blue mark remained from the sharp saber.

During the famous campaign of the Cossacks to the Crimea, a battle took place near Perekop with the Khan’s army. Sirko's detachment penetrated the enemy rear. The Crimeans clearly saw them approaching, even the Murzas through their telescopes, but they mistook them for their own (the sorcerer cast a spell on them). What a shock the attack of these imaginary friends was for the enemies! Therefore, they were unable to provide worthy resistance and were defeated. The khan himself miraculously escaped...

After the death of their Koshevoy, the Zaporozhye Cossacks cut him off right hand and took them with them to war. In difficult moments, they put us forward with the words: “Stay, Cossack brothers, Sirko’s soul and hand are with us!” Many believed that Sirko did not die, but was alive today, fighting the enemies of the Christian faith.

The legendary ataman Stepan Razin possessed all the traits of a character Cossack. He was credited with knowledge of sorcery, he was seen in different places at the same time (doubles?), He knew how to create confusion.

Among Zaporozhye Cossacks-Kharakternikov was known to Fesko, who in battle “grew” several heads for himself at once, so that the enemies could not understand which of them was real.

The strongest characteristics could confuse even a large number of of people.

This was clearly demonstrated by the Cossack Shevchik. Once, on Christmas night in 1668, a selected detachment of Turkish Janissaries numbering 14,000 people entered the territory of the Zaporozhye Sich. They “removed” the not particularly vigilant sentries, who were not expecting trouble, and were already preparing to begin the massacre of sleeping Cossacks. But Shevchik discovered the enemies and used his kharakternik skill: the Janissaries remained in a strange stupor for about an hour. As the few survivors later said: it seemed to them that they were standing on main square Istanbul at a military review in front of the Sultan himself... During this hour, the Cossacks were awakened, they armed themselves, got ready and, at a signal, rushed to the enemy... A huge detachment of Turks was almost completely destroyed, less than a hundred were saved...

On one of the trips to early XVII century, the chieftain of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, Kisek, was captured. He was chained and seated at the oar of the galley. But already at the first call to the port of Gezlev (modern Evpatoria), he convinced the overseer that he was a pasha and ordered the release of all the rowers. After which the guards were cut out, and the galley calmly sailed out of the harbor in broad daylight, no one suspected anything. Only towards evening the obsession subsided and the Janissaries noticed: what seemed to them like broken barrels floating near the pier were in fact the corpses of Turks...

Cossack sorcerer Ivan Bogun once led his detachment through the Polish camp and not a single dog barked...

When the Cossacks could not escape the chase superior forces, and there was nowhere to hide in the steppe, they stopped. The Cossack magician stuck spears in a circle, everyone stood behind them, tied the muzzles of the horses so that they would not neigh inadvertently, and he inspired the pursuers that they were only seeing thickets of reeds or a grove, which they did not need to pay attention to. And so it happened...

Characterists knew how to make “screams”. They took ordinary reed stalks, dipped them in water and wax, then shouted at them. They scattered these reeds around their camp. If an enemy horse stepped on such a reed at night, it would neigh and wake up the Cossacks...

Plastuns - special forces of the Russian Empire

The strongest in the army of the Russian Empire were the Cossacks. This is how Napoleon assessed them: “The Cossacks are the best light troops among all existing ones. If I had them in my army, I would go through the whole world with them.”

Henri Stendhal said interestingly about the Cossacks: “They were pure, like children, and great, like gods.”

The Cossacks then had such a terrifying effect on the French that to this day they use the word “Cossack” to scare their children.

Among the Cossacks there was an elite, the best of the best - the “heirs” of the werewolf knights - the Plastuns. Other names were gradually forgotten.

This word came from the Zaporozhye Sich. There by long tradition all kurens were named either by the name of the founding ataman (Vasyurinsky, Popovichiy, Bryukhovetsky...), or by the area where they came from (Poltava, Umansky, Kanevsky...), but only one of the 38 kurens was called by type of activity - Plastunsky. It included the best of the best Cossacks.

In a sense, there have always been plastuns, they just had a different name. In "History of Kubansky" Cossack army“F. Shcherbina writes: “Due to the nature of their activity, on patrol or behind enemy lines, they often had to lie flat on the ground for hours, without moving, merging with the surrounding terrain, and conduct observations. This is where the name “plastuny” comes from.

In 1842, plastuns were recognized as a special branch of the army, and all foot Cossack detachments began to be called that way.

Plastuns were mostly middle-aged people who had lost the impetuosity of youth (a sober head was needed), but retained good physical condition. Owned any type of weapon. The equipment was extremely simple, but functional: they carried everything they needed with them. They had limitless patience and endurance. They could spend hours in a secluded place, perfectly fitting into the terrain, looking out for the enemy. They moved silently, penetrated the location of enemy troops, removed sentries, or even stole “tongues”, and carried out “precision” strikes. It is clear that they often found themselves forced to take on an unequal battle and they had to be able to stand up for themselves. Once discovered, the Plastuns never surrendered: they preferred to die rather than be captured. So this was a rare exception.

Hero Caucasian War the hereditary Cossack, General Yakov Petrovich Baklanov (1809-1873), was nicknamed “Satan” by the highlanders, as they were firmly convinced that he was being helped devilry. Well, why not think so, Yakov Petrovich, with a terrible blow of his sword, cut the enemy from the shoulders to the saddle, this was later sung in Cossack songs.

One day, the sharp shooter Janem promised to kill him when he went to his usual clearing place on the Kachkalykovsky ridge. Yakov Petrovich, knowing this, nevertheless came there. He calmly stood in a conspicuous place, practically without moving, and allowed Janem to fire two shots (both missed!), and when he, very surprised by the misses, leaned out a little from behind the rock, sent him a well-aimed bullet right in the forehead...

Shamil gathered a 25,000-strong army and positioned himself across the Michik River to cut off Y. Baklanov’s units from the main troops. But the latter managed to lead 5 companies of infantry, 6 hundred Cossacks with two guns through the enemy line, just as the character’s art helped to create confusion...

During the First World War Russian empire had 24 battalions and the 1st separate division Kuban Plastuns, 6 Don and 2 Terek divisions. By April 1915, over 9,000 Plastuns had been awarded awards. In the famous Brusilov breakthrough(1916) 22 battalions of plastuns took part.

There is a rumor among the people that V. Chapaev owned the Cossack Spas. First world war he famously danced the “lady” on the parapet of a trench under German machine-gun fire and dodged “his” bullets. Vasily Ivanovich had a strange oriental-looking saber, pointing the blade at the sun at a certain angle, he could see what was many miles away, or even tens of miles away...

Baron Ungern possessed secret knowledge. In December 1917, with only seven Cossacks, he disarmed the garrison of the village of Manchuria numbering 1,500 people, and in January 1918, with his platoon, he did the same with the Hailar garrison, which consisted of 800 people. In 1920, Baron Ungern rode alone during the day in his bright Mongolian robe with general's shoulder straps into Urga, occupied by the Reds. Having dismounted, he ordered one of the guards at the gate to hold his horse. He examined everything, returned back, and even whipped the sleeping sentry along the way. When he raised the alarm, the baron was already far away...

During Civil War in 1920, Colonel Vasishchev of the White Army with 54 Cossacks captured and disarmed an entire corps of the Red Army, then released the prisoners. They said that after one battle on the parade ground in the village of Naurskaya, Vasishchev jumped off his horse, unfastened his belt and bullets rained down like peas from under his tunic...

The new, “Soviet” government did not favor the “damned legacy of the past”, so the warrior-magicians, if not extinct, then went deep underground.

(By the way, few people know, but it was Russian emigrants, Plastun officers, who laid the foundation for special training Marine Corps USA and special parts French army, in particular, the Foreign Legion.)

Only in the fall of 1943 was a division of Plastuns formed under the command of Major General Metelnikov. They were allowed to wear the old uniform. The actions of the Plastuns were so successful that the Nazis called them “Stalin’s thugs.”

Or maybe revive the tradition and name a few modern units Russian army Plastunsky?..

Super warriors of the 21st century

A holy place is never empty. Therefore, instead of Cossack Spas, Sambo (SELF-Defense Without Weapons) appeared. According to a fictional legend, he was created almost like the Frankenstein of wrestling various peoples. If you collect bolts, nuts, mechanisms, wheels, then it is difficult to assemble a car from them: all this must fit together and interact. So it is here. In fact, the very same techniques that Russian warriors, who inherited the martial art of the Aryans, had mastered perfectly since ancient times, became the basic ones. In particular, Alexander Suvorov proved this: “A bullet is a fool, a bayonet is a good fellow!” Under him, a bayonet attack with hand-to-hand combat was often decisive, in which our ancestors usually surpassed other peoples.

Towards creation sports sambo V. Oshchepkov, A. Kharlampiev and later E. Chumakov were involved. There is also “combat sambo”, in which competitions are held, but it is not much qualitatively different from what was said above. But there is, let’s say, real combat self-defense without weapons, which he created - and in fact recreated the system of Russian martial arts! - Viktor Afanasyevich Spiridonov. He long time studied martial art different nations and realized that they have a single root - the martial art of the Aryans. This is where I focused my efforts. In his unique system there is virtually no attack: the enemy is provoked into some action, after which he finds himself in the position of a helpless puppet, which is used at the discretion of the martial artist. Such a fight does not require physical strength and large expenditures of energy.

Viktor Afanasyevich trained a galaxy of students, traveled all over the country, promoting his system of Russian hand-to-hand combat. He published three books that have become reference books for fans of martial arts: “Guide to self-defense without weapons according to the jiu-jitsu system” (1927), “Self-defense without weapons. Training and competitions" (1928) and "Self-defense without weapons. Basics of self-defense. Training. Methods of study" (1933). Promoting his system, V.A. Spiridonov traveled all over the country. After the German attack, he trained Separate fighters at a special training base in Mytishchi near Moscow motorized rifle brigade special purpose NKVD. Viktor Afanasyevich Spiridonov died on September 7, 1944 and was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Later, his system was developed, supplemented and brought to the highest perfection by Alexey Alekseevich Kadochnikov. It is now widely known as the Russian Kadochnikov hand-to-hand style. He has thousands of followers in different parts of Russia. Even some special forces are trained using his method. Chinese army under the guidance of Russian instructors.

None modern army cannot do without special forces. There are those in the Russian army, but they also have a super-elite, which can be called the heir of the legendary wolf-clads, Dzhanians, Cossacks-characterniks, plastuns and other Russian super-warriors. The media refers to this as the Alpha group of the GRU special forces. Although, probably, there are others, much more secret...

It is clear that their capabilities are kept in the strictest confidence. The information is extremely scarce and sketchy. But something is leaking out. For example, about the skill of non-contact combat: the enemy is knocked down or rendered unconscious without the slightest touch to him, with one strong-willed message. They say that you can even take the life of your opponent. Just like the wolfhounds of antiquity!

In dozens of Asian countries, Latin America and Africa our special forces operated. He often entered into direct combat with American commandos, and usually with disastrous results for the latter. True, the Americans rarely found out who they were dealing with.

An interesting fact that our special services veterans are proud of: during the entire period of hostilities in hot spots, not one of them was captured alive.

In 1997, American “ green berets"and "Navy Seals" (special forces "sea-air-land"). They looked impressive, like true Rambos. But these professionals lost to our conscripts in all competitions. Americans were never seen in Russia again.

And in 2011, the Russian team took part for the first time in the open world police championship in Orlando (Florida, USA) (Department “A” of the Center special purpose FSB of Russia). They shocked their opponents. People came up to them and asked in amazement: “Where are you from?..” The Americans were always out of competition, but here, out of powerlessness, they found nothing better than to use the judges: they openly condemned ours even with a clear superiority over their rivals, but this also helped not always…

Of the famous operations, I remember the capture of the Afghan capital: then in Kabul for short term control was established not only over Amin’s palace and his residence, but also protected objects such as General base, Ministries of Defense and Internal Affairs, prison, airport and others.

I read about this. An American plane with the latest secret equipment was tested in the skies over Arabia and crashed. They searched for him for about two days, and when they found him, they found him without the same equipment. The Americans howled, began to literally dig the ground with their noses and established that two people had been disembarked from the submarine of the great northern power: they secretly made their way through the desert to the crashed plane with a miniature welding machine, carefully cut out what was needed and returned with the “loot” aboard the submarine. If this had happened centuries earlier, they would have started talking about the Dzhanians-Wolf-Laks-Kharakterniki-Plas-Tuns, but what these super-warriors are called today - only they themselves know...

They began to teach Spas almost from birth.

The beginning of the Cossack child’s entry into Spas began with his baptism. At this moment, his spiritual parents appeared - his godfather and godmother!

As he grew older, Spas's tasks became more complicated, but the main direction of the upbringing of a young Cossack or Cossack woman was not physical, but spiritual. Only through the concept of spirituality did young Cossacks return to physical development again and again. Without prayer and the concepts of God, the life of the Cossacks, both before and now, was not possible.

In Spas itself there are no techniques as such, and there are no weight categories.

Proverb - “The Cossack is not the one who won, but the one who wriggled out - was saved!”

Exactly I was saved!..

That is, “Spas”.

In Spas, when a person is already ready for the first level, there are only two fundamental actions combined into one:

1) very quick thinking to make the only correct decision;

2) very quick action to carry out the only correct decision, sometimes not even noticeable to the enemy.

Upon reaching the second and third levels of Spas, the young Cossack develops intuition. This sixth sense of a warrior is practically the most important thing. It helps the Cossack man both in worldly battle and in spiritual battle. He always distinguishes a scoundrel from honest man. Real fight always fleeting, but the preparation for it is long. A prepared person wins it even before the fight!..

The first thing that is necessary in raising a non-Cossack younger generation, this is the development of the ability to manage one’s own fear. A person cannot overcome fear, since it is necessary to preserve his life. But fear can be controlled.

In this case, there is no psychomobilization.

The main criterion for a person involved in Spas is morality. At first this is not felt, but as the speed of thinking increases, this criterion is not only felt, it begins to be present first in every training session, and then in a person’s life itself. A person begins to understand that he is a driven being in this system of the universe. That without dialogue with God he will not be able to enter other levels of the Savior if his moral image is low. Anyone who tries to use cunning here quickly becomes convinced of these warnings. These people begin to acquire first minor and then increasingly serious injuries. Up to muscle rupture.

Some, having understood what is happening, begin a different life, where the Savior becomes one of the indicators of correct behavior. Others simply stop studying Spas. It becomes clear to them which side they are on.

And what a Cossack who had achieved salvation could be like can be seen from the artistic description:

“...The Austrians came out of the forest into the loose. About thirty people. The rifles are overweight. An officer with a drawn broadsword on horseback. In the clearing there is knee-deep grass, beginning to turn yellow from the sultry August sun. The Austrians moved fifty steps away from the edge of the forest.

Suddenly something incomprehensible happened. Something unusual of a black and green hue flew out from under the horse, knocked the officer out of the saddle, spun like a top over the fallen man, glinting either with fangs or teeth, and crashed into the thick of the numb soldiers. It was impossible to make out what it was, because this something was constantly moving and spinning like a loach in unimaginable planes.

The Austrians on the edge began to come to their senses and prepare to shoot, forgetting that this would not save their comrades, since the spinning mass was in the very center of the unit, leaving behind the broken and bloodied bodies of Austrian soldiers.

But suddenly another unclear silhouette rushed from the left flank. He rushed in front of those preparing to shoot so quickly that no one could catch his outline. And in general I couldn’t see anything else in this life, because the silhouette moved roaringly and snarling with fire.

Four soldiers were the luckiest. They, driven by fear, dropped their rifles in time, and now observed a terrible picture: in the center, one and a half dozen people were lying side by side, as if after a tornado, with terrible stab wounds; another seven people lay lifeless on the side of the forest with gunshot wounds; and on the sides of the surviving four, two froze - the reason for everything that happened. Both were dressed in low black lambskin hats with a protective top, tunics and trousers of the same color, and boots that the soldiers had never seen before with a woolen foot and a boot made of thin skin. One had two long daggers in his hands, the other had two revolvers.

And the faces of these unknown people... Their eyes - both of them bulging - did not express either anger or hatred. The soldiers read only one thing in them - that death had come, led by the Almighty himself.

After all this, probably no one could have found more obedient prisoners of war than these four on the entire Russian-German front...”

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