Andrzej Jasinski series nickname new. Nick - books series

I'm probably tired of reading lame descriptions of computer technology in science fiction. I tried to describe this from a professional point of view (I am a programmer), I realized that it was boring and uninteresting. And so as not to be boring, you need to embellish it all. The result is something I hate - a beautiful wrapper that says nothing about the content, and sometimes there is no content.

A former lamer in infomagic becomes an experienced user. It's time to take on the basics of magical energies and attract magical creatures to your side - elementals. For starters, air elementals. Optimization of infomagical weaving allows you to rise to a higher level in the hierarchy of magicians and, moreover, pull with you those who were able to master the new science.

The adventures not of the body, but of the mind continue. Who are elemental elementals? Or it would be more correct to ask: “What are they?” It's up to Nick to deal with this. But how can you study calmly? research work, when you urgently need to pass an exam and join a magic guild, and even the elves begin to weave an intrigue against you and your girlfriend?

It's good to be a magician. And which one exactly? A healer? Combat? Astral? A spontaneous person? Or maybe it's better to be a generalist? The idea is interesting, but is there enough strength, skills and knowledge? But all this is only a step towards obtaining administrative rights to manage an information network, which provides unlimited possibilities in information magic, comparable to the capabilities of a demiurge. Especially if you approach this matter carefully and systematically. And then the gods appeared on the horizon... How will it all end?

With great reluctance, the permanent archmage and ruler of the dwarves, Ruarhid, headed for an extraordinary round of negotiations with the EAAF, the United Astral Anti-Divine Front. Yes, that's right. All words with capital letters, a lot of pathos between the lines, and as an emblem a cute black beast with a tail, hooves and horns...

Truly Gordian knot For Nick, it turns out to be a tangled tangle of events that happened to him on Lungria. The point of convergence of enemies, friends, gods, fate. Will Nick be wise enough to carefully unravel this tangle, or will he, following the example of the Macedonian, decide to cut it with one blow of his sword?

Few people can remember the feeling of freedom from obligations and problems. And those who remember - happy people. So Nick has finally freed himself from long tail dependencies: enemies, friends, events and even girlfriends. Do what you want! Explore what's interesting! Create to the best of your ability! But not all the threads were broken: it is rare that a god will forget his humiliation. Revenge turned out to be terrible - Nick finally loses Lungria for himself. But he acquires... Land?

Earth, home... So Nick thought, breathing in the air Siberian taiga, where he ended up after moving into this world. However, while Nick was on Lungria, the world of Earth did not stand still and experienced for itself what in the past had more than once destroyed entire civilizations from the surface of the planet. But this time civilization survived. And she changed. And even some relatives remained alive. Will Nick be able to find himself in the new scenery that the Universe is so generous with?

Relations with relatives seem to have been restored, but it doesn’t happen that everything is calm, quiet and simple! Aliens, it turns out, exist. And they not only exist, but behave very, very ugly towards earthlings. Nick's family, among many others, is the focus of their attention, which he may not like. And he begins to act. I'm probably tired of reading lame descriptions of computer technology in science fiction. I tried to describe this from a professional point of view (I am a programmer), I realized that it was boring and uninteresting. And so as not to be boring, you need to embellish it all. The result is something I hate - a beautiful wrapper that says nothing about the content, and sometimes there is no content.

A former lamer in infomagic becomes an experienced user. It's time to take on the basics of magical energies and attract magical creatures to your side - elementals. For starters, air elementals. Optimization of infomagical weaving allows you to rise to a higher level in the hierarchy of magicians and, moreover, pull with you those who were able to master the new science.

The adventures not of the body, but of the mind continue. Who are elemental elementals? Or it would be more correct to ask: “What are they?” It's up to Nick to deal with this. But how can you calmly engage in research work when you urgently need to pass an exam and join a magic guild, and even the elves are starting to weave an intrigue against you and your girlfriend?

It's good to be a magician. And which one exactly? A healer? Combat? Astral? A spontaneous person? Or maybe it's better to be a generalist? The idea is interesting, but is there enough strength, skills and knowledge? But all this is only a step towards obtaining administrative rights to manage an information network, which provides unlimited possibilities in information magic, comparable to the capabilities of a demiurge. Especially if you approach this matter carefully and systematically. And then the gods appeared on the horizon... How will it all end?

With great reluctance, the permanent archmage and ruler of the dwarves, Ruarhid, headed for an extraordinary round of negotiations with the EAAF, the United Astral Anti-Divine Front. Yes, that's right. All words are capitalized, there is a lot of pathos between the lines, and as an emblem there is a cute black animal with a tail, hooves and horns...

A truly Gordian knot for Nick turns out to be a tangled tangle of events that happened to him on Lungria. The point of convergence of enemies, friends, gods, fate. Will Nick be wise enough to carefully unravel this tangle, or will he, following the example of the Macedonian, decide to cut it with one blow of his sword?

Few people can remember the feeling of freedom from obligations and problems. And those who remember are happy people. So Nick has finally freed himself from a long tail of addictions: enemies, friends, events and even a girlfriend. Do what you want! Explore what's interesting! Create to the best of your ability! But not all the threads were broken: it is rare that a god will forget his humiliation. Revenge turned out to be terrible - Nick finally loses Lungria for himself. But he acquires... Land?

Earth, home... So Nick thought, breathing in the air of the Siberian taiga, where he found himself after moving into this world. However, while Nick was on Lungria, the world of Earth did not stand still and experienced for itself what in the past had more than once destroyed entire civilizations from the surface of the planet. But this time civilization survived. And she changed. And even some relatives remained alive. Will Nick be able to find himself in the new scenery that the Universe is so generous with?

Relations with relatives seem to have been restored, but it doesn’t happen that everything is calm, quiet and simple! Aliens, it turns out, exist. And they not only exist, but behave very, very ugly towards earthlings. Nick's family, among many others, is the focus of their attention, which he may not like. And he begins to act.


What is magic? Is this really such a complex phenomenon? There is nothing difficult in magic for someone who has good developed logic and has programming skills. So, an ordinary programmer from our world finds himself in a world where he uses his abilities in the magical field. Knowledge and logical thinking modern man help him not only survive, but also become one of the best among wizards. He is helped by logic, a computer and Smarty - a tipster and friend who will help out in difficult situation. After all, every person needs friends, even if they are not living beings, but alien computers. Further

A newcomer to the world of infomagic becomes an increasingly confident user. In order to develop further, it is necessary to study the basics of magical energies and lure magical creatures - elementals. And our hero starts with the elementals of the air element. Such progress in the study of infomagical weaving helps to become the best of the best, but at the same time attracts mysterious forces that do not agree with this state of affairs. On the way up in the hierarchy of the magical world, the hero will have to fight not just for power, but also for his own life. Further

This book describes the continuation of the search for elementals. What are they? Or what are they? But Nick is prevented from understanding this mystery by urgent admission to the magic guild, which requires surrender difficult exam. At the same time, the elves are trying to interfere in the relationship between the main character and his girlfriend. Further

The main character likes to be a magician. But which one? There is a wide choice: battle mage, astral, elemental wizard, healer. You can become a generalist, but this requires a lot of strength and skills. But studying and choosing a specialization are necessary in order to obtain administrator rights and manage the information network. This access gives almost unlimited power. Only other powerful entities - gods - come into play. What will be the outcome? Further

Nick. Fugitive

After thirty years in a coma as an energy resource for magicians of another continent main character decides he just needs to move on. To do this, you need to surpass your enemies, not suffer in a fight with God and not get caught again. At the same time, Nick is trying to throw off the tail of the priests of that very god, magical mercenaries and magicians. Now it is unclear who can be considered an ally and who can be considered an enemy. Also, the hero can no longer rely on Smart Guy and computers, but only on his skills and the sorceress girl. Nick is on the path to adventure and new discoveries in magic. Further

Nick. Sorcerer. Volume 1

After escaping from Cordos, Nick and Karina el Torro decide to take a break. They set off on a journey to new lands. But now the object of attention of the sorcerers is not the main character, but his girlfriend. The sorcerers hunt the girl, completely forgetting that she is under Nick’s protection. Further

Nick. Sorcerer. Volume 2

Immediately after entering the world of magic, Nick always found himself in the very center of events. And now world-scale events are unfolding around the main character. This is also a conflict between sorcerers, artisans and gods. And the powerful Lords of Charm, measuring their strength with each other, drag the main character and his girlfriend Karina into their conflict. Further

Nick. Astralist. Volume 1

The confrontation between the powerful forces of the world of magic is reflected in the life of the main character. This time our hero finds himself at the center of the conflict worst enemies, gods and fate. Will he decide to unravel difficult relationships powerful forces of the world or will he go against everyone? Further

Nick. Astralist. Volume 2

Nick hasn't felt a sense of freedom for a long time. Having gotten rid of enemies, friends, confrontations and relationships with his girlfriend, Nick can finally enjoy freedom and devote himself to research. Only the conflict with the angry god is not forgotten. Nick leaves magical Lungria and finds himself back on Earth. Further

Nick. Earthling. Volume 1

What could be better than the native Siberian taiga? This is where the hero ends up. True, during Nick’s absence on Earth, many events occurred that in the past destroyed ancient civilizations. But this time people survived, but the planet changed beyond recognition. Even some of Nick's relatives survived. Will he be able to adapt to life on a changed Earth? Further

Nick. Earthling. Volume 2

Restoring relations with family was not the best challenging task. It turned out that alien races really exist and at the same time they do not treat earthlings in the most friendly way. Nick's family also comes into the spotlight. This state of affairs, of course, does not suit him, so he is required decisive action. Further

Tolleus, Artisan of Cordos

Although the two worlds exist separately, information is often exchanged through the astral plane. Thus, many on Earth know about the existence of elves, orcs and magic. In the book by Andrzej Jasinski, because of such a gap between worlds, Russian computer scientist Nick ends up in the world of magic. During the events of the book “Nick. Fugitive" he ends up in the prison of the Cordos Empire. It was there that the artist Tolleus worked, with whom fate had encountered him more than once. Further

Tolleus. Outcast

Despite his excellent performance at the Golem Tournament, Tolleus ends up in custody. All because his compatriots decided to try him for long-standing crimes. Golem Obolius is about to return to his homeland. But information magician Nick comes to the aid of the student and teacher, who will bring them together again and free the imprisoned Tolleus. Free but penniless, Tolleus decides to travel through Orobos to find his destiny. Further

It was Andrzej Jasinski “Nick” - all the books in order. If you have already read this series, please share your impressions in the comments. 😉

Andrzej Jasinski

Part one

I gloomily splashed through the puddles, mentally cursing at my boss. Nikolai Petrovich, my boss and owner of the Analytics and Business company, got through to me as early as one in the morning and ordered me to go to work on Saturday. No, to turn off the connection, but I just jumped out of the virtual and, still barely understanding what was what, gave the computer the command to respond. So today we have to get wet in the rain. We finally received the servers we ordered last month, which we suddenly desperately needed to connect to our cluster, although the last order was processed a couple of days ago (for which we received a good bonus), and new job not yet. Well, was it worth moving this setting to Monday? All the same, the work of the entire complex would not have had to be stopped - all the technology for connecting additional capacities has long been worked out, and I had plans for today that are now going to hell.

I work as a programmer in a now serious office that analyzes and processes various types of information, as well as issues forecasts for the near future in a certain direction of developments. Most often, trade organizations order us to analyze market development trends in a certain market niche, but sometimes we also come across interesting orders from different institutions lacking computing resources or skilled programmers. Personally, I get great pleasure from such orders - to complete them, I often have to dig deep, which allows me to learn a lot of new things. I have always been curious and thirsty for knowledge.

In addition, the boss turned out to be an intelligent and active person, well versed in modern information technology, and support your high level It's not easy in this area. In the past, having acquired initial capital, he found and interested in the work (and not only financially) of smart programmers, bought equipment, and then created an enterprise for analyzing information and issuing forecasts based on this information. The predictions we made for some not-so-legally-friendly types saved them from major trouble, and we gained a reputation as good “predictors.” All this brought good profit to the office.

This is where I work as a leading programmer. You may ask, how does my job as a programmer relate to these new servers? It’s very simple: I’m also a system administrator computer technology. It so happened that on initial stage development of the company, Petrovich for a long time could not find an intelligent system administrator, and then unexpectedly for him it turned out that I had a good command of this topic. So he assigned these responsibilities to me for an additional fee, and I did not refuse. Having looked at the results of my work, he was satisfied and stopped looking for a person for this position. Yes, and I'm happy. After fiddling around for a couple of months, I set up the entire system well - a computing cluster, distributed and remote work for programmers, which allowed them not to sit in the office all the time, but to work at home or somewhere else, and appear when necessary. And I made a normal defense. After that, everything works on its own, there is practically no need for my intervention, but the money drips in.

...Tired of cursing, I put on the glasses connected to my buddy computer, brought up the unfinished book on the left display, turned on the music, adjusted my bag with the tools that I might need, and a powerful subnote with a bunch of admin software, and stomped to the bus stop. I don't like carrying around a bunch of equipment. Although it is not heavy (all together it hardly exceeds a kilogram of net weight), there is discomfort. I keep all the software developed in our office on my laptop, just in case.

If the boss had found out, he would have killed him on the spot and said that it was so. Still know-how. True, everything is so encrypted there that you won’t be able to scratch out the information, but it’s still better for the boss not to know.

Having reached the final stop, I trudged through the park. Our office is located almost outside the city: the boss at one time rented an empty building at a former military plant, God knows what it produced, and furnished it - it turned out well. In addition, there is a lot of space - there is room to walk around, think, smoke. There is a park nearby where you can relax your soul. There are few people there - it’s inconvenient to get there, so I sometimes walk there with pleasure.

The boss met me at the office, he was alone. Making a joyful face, Petrovich shouted loudly:

Hello, namesake, come in! - happily waving his hand.

“What’s wrong with him? - I thought gloomily. - Did he drink, or what?

Chief! Well, why the hell did you have to come today, huh? - I immediately ran into him. - What, you couldn’t do everything on Monday?

My boss and I trust relationship, we respect each other and are even friends in some places, so informal language is normal for us.

It’s impossible, Kolya, it’s absolutely impossible.

The boss, lounging in the chair of Olechka, his secretary, sipped coffee, smoked a cigarette and, smiling at something, looked at me.

“If Olya sees ashes on her table, she will die from the light,” I grinned maliciously. Olya was a pedant and a neat person and did not tolerate disorder in the workplace. I periodically try to court her (read: seduce her), but so far she has fought off all my attempts. She likes this game, but, unfortunately, it is not known whether she likes me.

Okay, tell me what’s the matter,” I muttered and, throwing my bag on the table, went to make myself some coffee.

You see, Kolya... - I hate it when they call me by name. Usually everyone calls me Nick, but the boss likes to pester me. “There’s a new order,” he raised index finger, - large order. You will need to start it right away, perhaps tomorrow, and I wouldn’t want you to be distracted by setting up servers on Monday. So, sorry, we need to do this today. In addition, additional capacity will not be superfluous at all.

It's clear. The chef, apparently, snatched the order from the teeth of his competitors and is now rejoicing at the cunning combination he carried out. If we realistically assess the situation, then in our city we have practically no real competitors, but for the boss, any, even small, victories bring joy.

I’ll send you the information now, read it at home in the evening and send me your thoughts. First of all, I am interested in the time spent and which programmers you will attract to work.

The chief took his buddy computer out of his pocket and muttered something into it. My computer flashed information about a direct connection before my eyes and began downloading information. The boss’s and my computers were set to each other, so we didn’t have to make any unnecessary movements to confirm the reception.

Okay,” I sighed. - Did they bring the iron exactly what we ordered, or like last time?

Then they tried to trick us: they stuck in several left-handed pieces of iron, but they ran into the wrong ones. The boss quickly set their minds straight and has been checking the incoming equipment himself ever since. He likes to tinker with hardware, probably he is afraid of losing his qualifications.

“Yeah,” the boss nodded. - Moreover, everything is already unpacked, all that remains is to connect and configure.

He took a drag on his cigarette and blew the rings at the ceiling.

Where was the equipment installed? - I asked.

The fact is that in some distant rooms the power distribution did not come from the central switchboard, but from somewhere through the walls and went into the basements. We tried not to install equipment there, because the backup power from our generator did not reach there - the boss could not get to those premises with repairs - and we did not want to risk the equipment.

“In the fifth office,” the chief answered.

That's what I thought! Have you forgotten about the wiring? - I was indignant with all my heart, almost breaking a cup of coffee on the table. My sysadmin soul did not tolerate disorder in the entrusted area. - What if the lights are turned off? Then you’ll rinse my brains out for ruining my work or, God forbid, my equipment! - I spat through left shoulder. - We have free space in the racks!

The boss grinned slyly:

You see, Kolya, I just received an iron more powerful than we ordered, I won’t say which one - you’ll see for yourself, but it comes in the cabinets with its own support. So blow on workplace and act, by Monday everything should be tip-top. And I’ll sort out the nutrition next week, don’t worry, everything will be fine.

The chief waved his hand and went back into his thoughts.

Mentally spitting on him and grabbing my bag, I went to the office with the new equipment. I was filled with curiosity as to what they brought there. After all, we ordered not so weak equipment. Let’s not push harder for now.

Entering the office, I saw scraps of wrapping paper scattered around the room and a cabinet towering in the center. Having opened the door, I immediately realized that the boss was incredibly lucky: this iron was an order of magnitude more powerful than we ordered. Information from the identifiers, helpfully displayed by the buddy computer when looking at the blocks, showed that this equipment was almost experimental.

“I wonder where the boss got such a miracle from?” - I thought and, rolling up my sleeves, got to work. First, I threw out all the packaging from the room, connected the blocks in the cabinet into a test configuration and plugged the plug into the socket.

Well, sir,” I muttered, happily rubbing my hands and pressing the power button.

Nothing happened.

Japanese policeman! - I swore.

Looking at the socket, I saw that the indicator indicating the presence of voltage was not lit. Taking out the tester, I plugged it into the socket. As expected, there was no tension. The device showed no short circuit and the functionality of the automatic protection in the outlet means that the problem is a break in the power circuit somewhere else.

Having spat, now for real, in the corner of the room, I sent a curse word through the buddy computer to the boss and a message that I had gone to the basement to sort out the food. The boss ignored me.

Having collected all my belongings in a bag, I began to go down the stairs. The basement, I must say, was vast - according to my feelings, larger than the plant itself. We never examined it properly - only near the entrance.

Descending to the basement level, I approached a metal door with a combination lock. I don’t know which line the lock was powered from, but it worked. The red LED on it was on. Having connected through the buddy-computer to the office server, I quickly found the access code to the basement and entered it on the lock keypad. The castle thought for a couple of seconds. “What’s taking so long? - I thought. “Is there a calculator there?” The sign “Clean” lit up on the door next to the lock, the indicator on the lock changed color to green, and the internal latches of the door loudly clicked. Judging by the sound, they were quite powerful and ran along the entire perimeter of the door.

I shivered. Unpleasant feeling. The servos whined and the door slowly began to open. “What did they keep there?” - I was surprised. I can’t imagine why such doors to the basement are needed. The door opened completely. It was dark inside. Cursing - I didn’t bring a flashlight - I lowered the glasses from my forehead to my eyes and switched the buddy computer to night vision mode from the cameras on the glasses. At first I saw only colored spots, but after a couple of seconds the computer set up a video processing program, and a picture appeared in front of me. good picture short corridor, partially generated by the buddy computer based on data it receives from built-in sensors.

Well, where to look here and, most importantly, what? Looking around, I saw a distribution panel from which the sockets in the room I needed were supposed to be powered. Having opened it, I poked the contacts with the tester. It’s strange: there is voltage, but there is no light in the corridor. But it should turn on automatically when the door is opened.

Scratching my head in bewilderment, I decided to walk along the line to the next panel and check everything there until I found the fault. After adjusting my glasses, I walked further down the corridor. There was dead silence, only the sound of water dripping somewhere could be heard. A herd of goosebumps ran down my spine. For some reason I no longer wanted to go into the darkness, even if the road was visible through my glasses. Silence, darkness and the sounds of dripping have an unpleasant effect on the frayed nerves of an experienced gamer. Well, oh well, there’s no choice anyway. Slowly, peering into all oncoming corners, I moved along the power line. After walking a few meters down the hallway, I stopped and started looking for a building plan and wiring diagram on the Internet. To my deep surprise, I could not find anything intelligible. I had to rewind the video and “copy” the evacuation plan hanging on the wall near the exit, translate it into something digestible and, turning on path tracking, hang it in front of my eyes. On the diagram, I immediately noted the already inspected shield, making a couple of comments.

I worked for about an hour, moving from panel to panel and checking them. In the area of ​​the second shield, the buddy computer beeped, and a message appeared on the screen about the loss of connection with the base. Deep, though. I walked a distance of probably a kilometer, everything was fine everywhere. Very tired. I decided to check a couple more shields and take a break. Approaching the next inspection point, I saw some flickering. Upon closer inspection, the shield turned out to be melted, and reflections of discharges were visible in its holes. Obviously, it was short in it. Having prudently put on the rubber gloves I had brought with me, I hardly opened the lid and whistled. The wires were all melted. It is not clear why the machines did not work. Having rested a little, I got to work: carefully cutting off the melted wires, I carefully began to make a jumper. Of course, in an amicable way, it would be necessary to get to the next panel and turn off the power there, but it’s a long walk to get there, judging by the distance between the previous panels, and I gave up on it. The matter was moving towards the end, I was about to fasten the last wire, when a sound was heard behind me. From surprise and the fear that struck me, I jumped and turned around in the air, completely forgetting about the wires clamped in the pliers. I didn’t have time to see anything before I was arched, my teeth clenched tightly, I felt the tooth enamel crumble. Sparks fell from my eyes, and consciousness mercifully left me.

I came to my senses from the sound of dripping water. Opening his eyes with difficulty, he tried to look at something. It was completely dark. Suddenly I felt pain all over my body - my nerves turned on. I tried to remember what happened. Yeah, it looks like I got quite an electric shock. What scared me? Clenching my teeth and feeling pain in them, I tried to move my hand. She twitched weakly. Having rested a little, I continued trying to reanimate the muscles. One-two. One-two. Squeeze-and-release. How did Sensei teach there? Having pumped blood through the muscles, I felt lighter. After half an hour I managed to crawl to the wall and lean against it.

Meanwhile, I was trying to understand what had happened. It is clear that I was shocked, but it is not clear how - my hands were in gloves, I was holding the wires with pliers. Then I smelled burnt hair and decided to feel my head. Pain immediately shot through the back of my head. The hair there was burnt. Now it’s clear what happened: turning around towards the sound, I involuntarily moved back and slammed the back of my head into the exposed wires. As I thought about it, I was surprised that I was still alive. In addition, the burnt wound on the head only hurts when touched. I tried to figure out whether this was good or, conversely, bad, but I didn’t remember anything.

I felt my head again. So, there are no glasses on your head, you need to find them. Having whistled in a special way, I was relieved to see the light flash, cutting my eyes accustomed to the darkness, and heard a weak buzzer. At home, I kept losing my glasses, so I set up a program that responded with light and sound to a specific whistled tune. Judging by the reaction from the buddy-comp, he remained intact. This is not surprising - they were usually made protected from external influences, because people carry them with them all the time. Some weirdos sometimes even swim without taking off.

In general, some more time passed before I managed to get up, put on my glasses and look around. At first I was going to check what happened to the shield, finish the work and return to the office, and take care of my head later, it didn’t hurt that much. However, the first glance at the wall where the shield was supposed to be located made me freeze motionless. The wall was empty. No shield was observed. “Maybe I was thrown back?” - I thought and walked along the wall left and right for about twenty meters. And I didn’t find anything. No matter how hard I was thrown, the shield should not be far away. However, he was not there. Then I took a closer look at the walls themselves. Something had been catching my eye for a long time, but I wasn’t paying attention. Looking closer, I realized that the walls were different. Not believing myself or, rather, the buddy computer - after all, it synthesized the realistic image - I turned on the LED flashlight in my glasses, which looked like a bright strip along the glasses. The visible space was reduced to several meters, and graphics synthesis automatically stopped. The sensitivity of the buddy computer's sensors was enough to scan the surrounding space up to ten meters in complete darkness. Based on the scan results, it generated a realistic picture of the surrounding space in real time, which was much easier to navigate than in the incorrect light of a small headlamp. If there is at least low light this border moved further. During the day, the computer passed the real image through itself, and image processing depended on the configured program for generating the surrounding world.

But now I needed a flashlight to see with my own eyes what the computer was showing me. What he saw was not much different from what he had shown. The wall is metal with a silver surface, while in our basement the walls were concrete. I touched it with my finger incredulously. Nothing has changed. All this was very stressful. To compose full picture, I turned the computer on for scanning with a flashlight backlight to push the limits. Almost instantly my vision cleared and I looked around.

I stood in the corridor, but the corridor was different. Not the one I was part of. Instead of wet, dripping concrete, there was metal around me. Walls, ceiling, floor. Dusty debris rustled underfoot. Dry leaves, branches, wood dust, bones of some small animals. Shuddered. I don't like rats. “Perhaps,” I thought, “I have much more serious problems with my head than I thought.” I spent a minute resetting the health monitor. Medical systems This program cannot replace scanning and analysis, but, having access to the built-in sensors of the buddy computer, it carried out express analysis quite well. After the launch, I also decided to check whether after the electric shock I had become a sleepwalker, or whoever was walking in my sleep - somehow I ended up in this new corridor! The system didn't show anything like that. No fermentation in an unconscious state. Just change the picture. After checking the scan results, I found out that serious problems I don’t have one, unless it’s worth visiting the hospital for further analysis and treatment of the abrasion on the head. You can start taking light tranquilizers or relaxation therapy, but this is optional.

Picking up my bag, I carefully moved towards the exit. That is, my former exit. Here - who the hell knows where he is. In order not to go crazy with fear, I decided not to put forward any hypotheses for now. I'll think of something else...

Andrzej Jasinski(pseudonym) was born in Fergana in 1973. Higher education received in Tomsk: Tomsk Institute Automated Systems Control and Radioelectronics (TIASUR), Faculty of Computer Systems. After graduating from the institute, he worked in Kazakhstan as a computer specialist and translator. A couple of years later he quit and, by coincidence, ended up in Rostov-on-Don. The writer currently lives in Rostov region. Married, has two daughters. Works as a programmer.

I started writing quite by accident in 2007. As the author himself says: “ Actually, I'm not a writer. And not a “peace-maker.” And in general, I hate writing. I just read dozens of books a month. I probably caught something from samizdat, got hooked on the creative needle of the authors. My fingers are itching, my thoughts are racing, running somewhere, overtaking each other. Probably, this notorious muses got lost, ended up in the wrong place and, poor thing, is beating into my skull, trying to get out of there. Tired of fighting him, I came up with the only way to get rid of it - write something. Write something terrible, such that my music will die once and for all. It's easier for me to live without him. I hope I get better».

The main reason why the pseudonym was taken was to clearly differentiate everyday life and creative: it’s like two different people. At first, on Samizdat he was a simple guy Vasya Pupkin, but readers were indignant. As a result, I had to come up with a pseudonym. This is how the surname Yasinski appeared - the maiden name of the grandmother and Andrzej - the interpretation of the name Andrei.

The choice of a programmer as the main character is directly related to the profession, which is why in the series about Nick’s adventures a lot of text is devoted to computer technologies, adapted for the average person. In general, the idea to write a book on computer topics arose after reading a number of books where a similar plot was described incorrectly, and I wanted to correct these inaccuracies. The author doesn’t like much in his works, but, probably, it turned out decently, if only because: “ One computer science teacher once wrote to me, saying that he gave my book to his students to read, and some of them ended up choosing their own life path related to computers and programming».

The author is more than critical of his work. To the question: “ What do you like or dislike about your work?"follows the answer - " I don't like anything. Overall, I’m disappointed in my writing abilities, even though I enjoy the process itself».

When Andrzej started writing, he didn’t even think about publishing books. The publishing house itself contacted the author and, after several refusals to publish, “put the finishing touches” on him.

Andrzej treats the work of other writers with respect. He reads a lot himself. Professional literature- for development, especially since the specialty is such that it is necessary to constantly monitor the news. For entertaining reading, he prefers science fiction. Favorite authors: A. and B. Strugatsky, Henry Lyon Oldie. Previously, when I was young, I read everything I could get my hands on. More often these were foreign authors. Then, when our new authors began to appear, in addition to the great writers, I mainly began to read domestic literature- understandable by mentality, the texts are closer, you perceive and get used to it more deeply. Now he just can’t read anymore foreign literature- not perceived.

Constant communication with readers on the Samizdat page helps the author in solving complex problems. creative tasks. Sometimes, thanks to the light hand of fans of Nick's adventures, unexpected plot twists appear.

The creative streak transformed into a professional one and, as a result, the writing of a number of programs: the Slsireader reading program, programs for automatically tracking authors on samizdat Informator C, programs for receiving notifications of new comments on monitored discussions and viewing them Samizdat Commentator.

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