How correctly you completed or completed your studies. Examples with the verb "finish"


If you decide to gnaw on the granite of science yourself, when submitting documents to university write an additional statement stating that you wish to study. But keep in mind that this type training has a number of both pros and cons.

Almost all specialties, with the exception of some technical ones, the comprehension of which requires a lot of full-time training, can be completed according to the program. In this case, you will receive a state diploma. It will differ from other diplomas in that it will have a note indicating that you have completed university external study. Exactly the same note is made in your grade book- the main document that accompanies you throughout your training.

Some employers, of course, believe that training received or through an external program does not provide necessary knowledge, however, the opinion is contrary to discrimination and you can always prove through the court the fact that yours is no worse than anyone else.

At the beginning academic year get it from the dean's office syllabus disciplines, questions for tests and exams, and teaching aids at teaching departments. Also get to know the teachers and agree with them on the deadlines for tests, exams, tests and coursework. A special referral from the dean’s office will help you with this.

Monitoring students' knowledge external student happens exactly the same as with other students. First you hand over the current tests and coursework, you may have to work in a laboratory with a teacher. This is how you go through the entire specialty program. As a result, you need to collect a commission for state exams and defense of the diploma.


  • external institute

Studying is not an easy matter. Most students cannot finish University due to heavy workload and, as a result, laziness. Meanwhile, higher education necessary. Finish educational institution It’s not easy, but by following some tips and tricks you can overcome this difficulty.


The education system of higher educational institutions is a little simpler than in. Pledge successful studies hiding in . If a student full-time training, he is required to attend classes. However, many students are truant. That is why they have quite a hard time during. The teacher looks at attendance. Some of them may only give credit for this.

Work in pairs. Prepare several seminars during the semester. If there is high attendance and there are grades for the work, the teacher can assign a grade automatically.

Try to get to know the teacher's teaching style right away. There are those who require all the material for the semester and impeccable knowledge of their subject. Students have a particularly difficult time with them. High attendance and steam work can save you here. Keep in mind that each teacher determines admission to the exam and test in his own way.

Most important point in a student's life this is . There are usually two sessions per year, separated by semesters. During the session, students, admission to which is ensured by passing all tests and coursework. It is with offsets that arises more problems, since teachers are especially demanding of them. Exams are a little easier, but you shouldn’t relax. Try to pass the exam the first time and together with the group. Subsequently, the chances of passing drop sharply.

Writing coursework and laboratory work mandatory part educational process. The most the best option here is independent work. You will not always be able to protect work downloaded or made by another student. But if you study the material enough, then the defense is successful.

After nine sessions you will have to take state exams. These are quite important undertakings, so take them seriously. At the end of the exams, you will begin writing and defending thesis.

Video on the topic

Classic way receiving driver's license is considered to be studying at a driving school. However, this is not the only possible option. Hand over to rights You can if you have learned to drive on your own. Officially, this is called surrendering to rights external student.

You will need

  • - necessary documents.


The difference between passing the traffic police exam external student differs from the completion procedure only in that the units where this can be done are limited. Their coordinates, work schedule and which one exactly serves your registered address can be found in your regional traffic police department. If this information is not on its website, contact the reference and information service, which should be present there.

To the required traffic police department, you must provide the same set of documents as driving school graduates, with the exception of a certificate of graduation from this educational institution: passport, confirmation of registration at the place of residence, if available (in Moscow, the registration period must be at least six months, in other regions may have different requirements), completed application (can be found on the website regional administration State Traffic Safety Inspectorate), receipts and checks for payment of state duty (forms are also available for download on the website of the regional traffic police department, you can find out the details and amount of state duty in the traffic police departments and Sberbank branches).

In the appropriate column of the application, indicate that you could not attend classes at the driving school due to your work schedule, being very busy, or another reason. This doesn’t play a special role, but something needs to be written.

If you are applying at your place of residence, you will have approximately a month to do so. At your location, the wait may take twice as long. In this case, the traffic police must check whether you have received or been deprived of them at your place of residence.

The exam follows a standard scenario. First theoretical part: 20 minutes to answer 20 questions about your knowledge of the rules traffic. Then a demonstration of driving skills on the site (3 out of 5 possible exercises at the discretion of the examiners) and in the cities. You can learn the rules and practice performing tests yourself. Usually a couple of weeks are enough for this, provided that you practice two hours a day. Tests are available, for example, on the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate.
It is better to learn driving under the guidance of a normal instructor with parallel or very experienced driver.

Main task teaching aid - cover the main sections scientific discipline from the point of view of their teaching methods. Solving this problem requires extensive knowledge in the field and many years of teaching practice.

You will need

  • - teaching experience;
  • - information base.


Creating a variety of teaching aids associated with the need to take a different look at teaching a certain discipline. In the 90s, the Russian economy was in decline. In didactics and teaching methods huge amount"white spots". Therefore, if you have extensive experience in the field, have accumulated large number materials, you know the main shortcomings of the existing educational process, then you can write your own educational.

When compiling the manual, rely on existing textbooks. After all, they contain the theoretical and training material in all disciplines. Yours methodological manual should use the advantages of textbooks and compensate for their shortcomings.

For ease of use, make the content of your textbook identical to the content of the textbook, so that any teacher can quickly find the section that interests him.

Try to give more practical recommendations based on your personal experience. Today, enough literature has accumulated on how one must independently translate theory into practice. But here are high-quality reference books and manuals that help solve pressing methodological problems, is not enough.

Include as many sources of information as possible that a specialist can consult to expand their knowledge on this topic. This circumstance will significantly increase the popularity of your manual and demonstrate a thorough scientific approach to a decision educational objectives.

Be sure to highlight in separate chapter methodological techniques, allowing for interdisciplinary teaching (for example, a lesson plan combining history and literature, with the distribution of material for both teachers). This approach will significantly enrich both disciplines and help you develop in students the ability to build cause-and-effect relationships not only within your subject, but also between different objects.

Now in most regions Russian Federation a student is required to obtain only a high school diploma general education, that is, complete nine grades. But many people understand that with such an education it is very difficult to find a job. You must either enter a secondary specialized educational institution or graduate from high school. But what should a student do if he has difficulties during his studies?


Determine what is causing your learning problems. Sometimes the reason may be bad relationship with separate teachers or unsuitable for specific person, for example, too high demands V . In this case, a good opportunity to still obtain a certificate of complete secondary education would be to transfer to. But before that, find out as much as you can about the new educational institution and keep in mind that even the simpler curriculum requires effort to master. After all, it is important not only to obtain a certain document on education, but also to have the appropriate knowledge for use in further education.

Many applicants are interested in why there is no correspondence course in medical schools, be it higher or secondary?

Disadvantages of distance learning

Correspondence education received in any educational institution without exception is always more low quality than face-to-face. This is due to the fact that academic disciplines you need to master and assimilate on your own; if something is not clear, then there is no one to turn to; you need to figure it out immediately and on the spot. This is more difficult than learning the material after listening to a lecture.

Many doctors have insufficient qualifications, so where does correspondence training come in?

If we take medicine, how should a student learn about the human structure? It won’t work from a picture, so he will have to work with real people, and not with drawings or photographs. Only psychics make diagnoses and carry out treatment based on photos. And no patient will come to the doctor after correspondence training.

Before becoming a doctor with independent practice, a student works in a morgue, where he learns to recognize what, where and how a person is located. At distance learning this is impossible. During their studies, future doctors must constantly train in hospitals under the supervision of qualified active doctors, otherwise they will not be able to distinguish one disease from another.

What options does the modern system of higher medical education offer?

Everything that can be done to ease it has already been done. Some specialties are subject to the form part-time study, but only for the first two or three courses. After successful completion, you must switch completely to full-time education. And this benefit is provided only to those students who entered medical school after a specialized college, that is, they already have knowledge. For the first general education courses They are given the opportunity to combine work and study.

If there is an opportunity, but little knowledge, many enter the commercial department.

But when the time comes for specialization, and with the transition to the fourth year, each student must choose a specialty in which he will further study, he must already be constantly present in classes in order to master the necessary theoretical material and acquire professional skills. The main thing in medical education is practice. And with distance learning it doesn’t exist. Therefore, doctors are taught only face-to-face, with almost daily examples in clinics and hospitals.

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotsky, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, mass media and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Error graduate from school Today one can only be surprised. It seems that the grammar terminators sent to us from the future successfully completed their program and destroyed this error, among other unacceptable ones, for the sake of a peaceful future of a pure language. We can say that in the ranking of the most “annoying” rules the norm is graduate, But finish/finish the job takes a leading position - together with coffee He , ringing And t and t O mouths.

Yes, at the verb finish no value ‘complete training, take a course’. Or not yet, but still it is current state literary norm.

When we talk about business - finish And finish turn out to be interchangeable synonyms, expressing the meaning 'to finish', but this value only works for affairs: we can finish the job or finish the job, work - there is no difference. But follow throughuniversity,completeschool- these are meanings unnatural for our language, born in combination finish university, school.

By the way, an infrequent, outdated norm to finish is also found in the speech of the older generation in relation to the educational institution. This use of words is not considered an error. However, the norm is becoming a thing of the past: first of all, we feel it (say "graduate from college"to the younger generation This combination already seems strange). And secondly, we are witnessing the suppression of the old norm by the verb finish— we simply see her very rarely.

Eat interesting theory, according to which option graduate from school(where the word finish new meaning appears complete training, take a course’) with great difficulty defending his right to life, including because the norm graduate from an educational institution, course stability was ensured by a line from a once popular song “The course is over - we’ll scatter through remote villages to distant lands...”(film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” ) . This is how phraseologization occurred, “freezing the norm”, because the song was loved and often sung (that is, regularly reproduced) by native speakers of that time, which means it blocked a possible change. By the way, please note that the course is over- a much more phonetically convenient combination for a song than course completed(two consonants at the junction), so it would not change even if the word appeared finish new meaning. And why suddenly change a line from a song to suit linguistic trends, even if the norm would be actively changing then or now? We don't change stable combinations: « get married" to " marry your husband", or "without hesitation" on "without any doubt". So it turns out that although a song is not a dictionary, you can’t erase the words from it, so it can influence the stability of the norm, and significantly.

So, the norm graduate alive and active.
And if you just can’t remember it, but would like to, or are thinking about how to help others remember the rule, use the following mnemonic device: we congratulate the person on ending school, university, but not with ending- and thank God.

Finish, finish and finish.

What is the difference and how to do it correctly?

What is the correct way to say: he graduated from school or he graduated from school?

The cognate verbs finish and finish have in modern literary language a number of common meanings and can be used as complete synonyms - one instead of the other. What are these meanings?

We say, for example: finish the renovation of the apartment and finish the renovation of the apartment, finish the job and finish the job - that is, “finish, bring something to the end, finish.” This is the first general meaning of these verbs.

In the same way, we can say: end the conversation (conversation) and end the conversation (conversation); finish work at 6 pm and finish work at 6 pm, etc. Here we see another shade of meaning, namely: “to stop something; to put a limit to something, to end something.”

It must be said that these cases are the only general values prefixed verbs of the same root: finish and finish, as well as the unprefixed verb - finish.

However, there is a third meaning, common to the verb to finish and the prefixed verb to finish. This is “complete your studies somewhere, take some course in science,” etc. We say, for example: graduate from a university and graduate from a university, complete eight grades and graduate from eight grades; graduate from vocational school and graduate from vocational school, etc.

But the verb finish has no such meaning. And therefore it is impossible to say, for example: he graduated from school or he completed tenth grade. Such combinations in modern literary language are regarded as incorrect and non-normative. Why doesn't the verb have an end? literary significance“complete training, complete a course of science, knowledge”? This is explained, first of all, by traditions of use, as well as semantic and structural features verbs finish and finish.

The fact is that the prefix o- gives verbs a more abstract or figurative meaning- unlike such C-set-top boxes specific meaning, as for-, po-, at-, etc. Compare, for example, the verb to finish (and its derivatives: ending, ending) with such colloquial or even in colloquial words, how to finish, finish with something, finish off something or someone, etc. In the old days there was in the Russian language such a now forgotten prefix verb as finish, with its derivatives - finishing and pre-finishing. The final, final conditions of diplomatic negotiations between princes or states were previously called a peaceful conclusion, and the peace treaty itself (its record) was called a final document.

A similar difference in abstract and specific meanings prefixed entities can be seen in other Russian verbs. For example: to embrace (i.e. to embrace or embrace) and to seize (i.e. to simply grab); describe (i.e., depict in words, tell) and write down or write (i.e., make a record), etc. These kinds of semantic differences are quite clearly manifested in the use of the cognate words o-finish, finish, and finish.

In the meaning of “complete your studies somewhere,” we can only use the verbs kontchit and okonchit, and the first of them carries a certain connotation of colloquialism and stylistic decline. Compare: finish school and graduate from school, graduate from college and graduate from college, etc. As for the verb finish, its use in such constructions is regarded as incorrect and unliterary.

Many rules of the Russian language cause difficulties even for native speakers, not to mention foreigners. finish or finish? Are these two verbs interchangeable, is there a difference between them? Detailed answers to these questions are contained in the article. Provided and simple examples which will help you better understand the material.

Finish or Finish: What's the Difference?

It may seem that these verbs have absolutely same value. Does the person verbally or writing the verb “finish” or “finish”, this has no effect on the meaning of the phrase. People who sincerely believe this forget that the Russian language has no room for accidents. Every element serves a specific purpose, and verb prefixes are no exception.

Different prefixes are used precisely in order not to distort the meaning of the phrase, but to accurately convey the meaning of the word depending on the semantic context. There really is a difference between the verbs “finish” and “finish”. You just need to understand what exactly it is.

Verb "to finish"

So, finish or finish? Suppose that a person wants to talk about the completion of an action that is associated with the completion of a certain job or only part of it. It can be intellectual, physical, creative. Or we're talking about about the completion of a certain process that is not related to human activity.

What verb should he use in this case? The correct answer is to finish.

Examples with the prefix “for”

The examples below will help you better understand when the verb “finish” is used.

  • “Peter Fedorovich finally finished the construction of the cottage and began arranging the garden area.”
  • “The writer ended the novel with a sad phrase about an unhappy first love.”
  • "The storming of the fortress walls ended the reign of the cruel dynasty."
  • “The speaker finished her speech to thunderous applause and took her place in the auditorium.”
  • “Tatyana Vitalievna needs time to finish sewing the dress.”
  • “The opponents decided to end the dispute because they could not reach a consensus during the debate.”
  • "Victoria must finish cleaning the apartment before the guests arrive, as she wants to make a good impression."
  • “Alina Arkadyevna noticed that the rain had stopped.”
  • “Winter is ending, the long-awaited spring will soon come.”

Verb "to finish"

Let's say a girl's studies at the university have come to an end. Correct way to write: graduated from or graduated from a university? IN in this case the verb "to finish" should be used. This option comes to the rescue only when it comes to the learning process; it is the only correct one.

There are set expressions, which are useful to remember in order to no longer hesitate in choosing correct option. School, lyceum, seminary, university, technical school - you can only graduate from all these institutions. Which is correct: graduate or graduate from college? The correct answer in this case is a verb with the prefix "o".

Also, the verb “graduate” should be chosen without hesitation when it comes to completing studies in certain courses, and not doubt how to write correctly: graduated or graduated. For example, courses foreign languages, cutting and sewing, extreme driving, oratory.

Examples with the prefix "o"

“It was hard to study, but Maria still graduated from the university with honors.”

"Alexander graduated from school with honors, and then moved to St. Petersburg."

Completed the courses English language in order to find work abroad."

“Alexey Mikhailovich completed extreme driving courses because he wanted to feel more confident behind the wheel of a car.”

“Svetlana did not want to spend five years studying at the university; she preferred to graduate from technical school and get a job.”

“Nikolai began acting in films and TV series after he graduated from the Shchukin School.”

“Life circumstances forced Evgeniy to leave the university immediately after he completed his first year.”

So, Antonina Sergeevna graduated or completed university? The only possible answer is that she graduated.

About interchangeability

The rules of the Russian language that are relevant today allow us to use the verb “finish” without hesitation when we are talking about the completion of an action or process. For example, you can say “the patient’s treatment is finished” or “the construction of the dacha is finished”, this will not be considered a gross mistake.

However, the verb "finish" cannot be used in cases where the completion of training is implied. You can only graduate from school (university, lyceum, technical school), but not finish it. Therefore, you should not think about whether the student graduated or graduated from college.

Outdated option

There were times when the verb “to finish” was actively used in the Russian language, not only in spoken but also in written speech. As evidence, we can cite the conversation between two characters from Viktor Astafiev’s work “The Sighting Staff.” One person tells another that “he finished school and became literate.”

The times when the use of the verb “to finish” absolutely did not violate the rules of the Russian language are in the distant past. Nowadays, they no longer say “finish school”, since this is a gross mistake that a literate person should not make.

Let's sum it up

The verb “finished” is used when it is necessary to report the completion of an action in a broad sense. Whereas the verb “finished” is used only when the completion of the learning process is implied.

The verb “finished” is part of stable combinations, while the verb “finished” does not form them. The option with the prefix “for” can be used in any speech construction that is suitable in meaning.

The verb “finished” cannot be replaced with the verb “finished”; this will be considered an error. Which is correct: graduated or graduated from college? The only possible option is to graduate.

The verb “finished” can be replaced with the verb “finished”, regardless of the context.

IN present moment there is talk of finally making the verbs "end" and "finish" interchangeable. This proposal is supported by some linguists, but not by all.

All we can say with certainty is that no serious steps no efforts have been made in this direction yet. It is possible that the time will come when it will be possible not to specify whether a student has graduated or graduated from university, but to confidently use any of possible options. After all, the rules of the Russian language sometimes change.

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotski, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, Mass Information and Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Error graduate from school Today one can only be surprised. It seems that the grammar terminators sent to us from the future successfully completed their program and destroyed this error, among other unacceptable ones, for the sake of a peaceful future of a pure language. We can say that in the ranking of the most “annoying” rules the norm is graduate, But finish/finish the job takes a leading position - together with coffee He , ringing And t and t O mouths.

When we talk about business - finish And finish turn out to be interchangeable synonyms, expressing the meaning 'to finish', but this value only works for affairs: we can finish the job or finish the job, work - there is no difference. But follow throughuniversity,completeschool- these are meanings unnatural for our language, born in combination finish university, school.

By the way, an infrequent, outdated norm to finish is also found in the speech of the older generation in relation to the educational institution. This use of words is not considered an error. However, the norm is becoming a thing of the past: first of all, we feel it (say "graduate from college"- to the younger generation this combination already seems strange). And secondly, we are witnessing the suppression of the old norm by the verb finish- we simply see her very rarely.

There is an interesting theory according to which the option graduate from school(where the word finish new meaning appears complete training, take a course’) with great difficulty defending his right to life, including because the norm graduate from an educational institution, course stability was ensured by a line from a once popular song “The course is over - we’ll scatter through remote villages to distant lands...”(film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” ) . This is how phraseologization occurred, “freezing the norm”, because the song was loved and often sung (that is, regularly reproduced) by native speakers of that time, which means it blocked a possible change. By the way, please note that the course is over- a much more phonetically convenient combination for a song than course completed(two consonants at the junction), so it would not change even if the word appeared finish new meaning. And why suddenly change a line from a song to suit linguistic trends, even if the norm would be actively changing then or now? We do not change stable combinations: “ get married" to " marry your husband", or "without hesitation" on "without any doubt". So it turns out that although a song is not a dictionary, you can’t erase the words from it, so it can influence the stability of the norm, and significantly.

So, the norm graduate alive and active.
And if you just can’t remember it, but would like to, or are thinking about how to help others remember the rule, use the following mnemonic device: we congratulate the person on ending school, university, but not with ending- and thank God.

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