Bulgarian army in the First World War. Armed forces of the Warsaw Pact countries


1. Explosions and their consequences

2. Fires on industrial enterprises in residential and public buildings. Their causes and consequences.

3. Actions of the population in case of explosions and fires

4. List of used literature.

An explosion is a sudden (rapid, instantaneous) event in which a short-term process of transformation of a substance occurs with the release of a large amount of energy in a limited volume.

The extent of the consequences of explosions depends on their detonation power and the environment in which they occur. The radii of the affected areas can reach several kilometers. There are three
explosion zone.

Zone -1 action of a detonation wave. It is characterized by an intense crushing action, as a result of which structures are destroyed into separate fragments that fly away at high speeds from the center of the explosion.

Zone II-action of explosion products. It involves complete destruction of buildings and structures under the influence of expanding explosion products. At the outer boundary of this zone, the resulting shock wave breaks away from the explosion products and moves independently from the center of the explosion. Having exhausted their energy, the products of the explosion, having expanded to a density corresponding to atmospheric pressure, no longer produce a destructive effect.

Zone III- air action shock wave. This zone includes three subzones: III a - severe destruction, IIIb - moderate destruction, IIIc - weak destruction. At the outer boundary of zone III, the shock wave degenerates into a sound wave, audible over considerable distances.

Causes of explosions. In explosive enterprises, the most common causes of explosions include: destruction and damage to production tanks, equipment and pipelines; deviation from the established technological mode(excess pressure and temperature inside production equipment, etc.); absence constant monitoring for the serviceability of production equipment and equipment and the timeliness of scheduled repairs.

Explosions in residential and public buildings, also in in public places. main reason such explosions are the unreasonable behavior of citizens, especially children and adolescents. The most common occurrence is a gas explosion. However, recently cases involving the use of explosives have become widespread, and above all - Act of terrorism.

To incite fear, terrorists can organize an explosion by installing explosive devices in the most unexpected places(basements,
rented premises, rented apartments, parked
cars, tunnels, subways, in public transport, etc.) and using both industrial and improvised explosive devices. Not only the explosion itself is dangerous, but also its consequences, which are usually expressed in the collapse of structures and buildings.

The danger of an explosion can be judged by the following signs: the presence of an unknown package or any part in the car, on the stairs, in the apartment, etc.; stretched wire, cord; wires or insulating tape hanging from under the car; someone else's bag, briefcase, box, any object found in a car, at the door of an apartment, in the subway. Therefore, if you notice an explosive object (improvised explosive device, grenade, shell, bomb, etc.), do not come close to it, immediately report the find to the police, do not allow random people to touch the dangerous object and neutralize it.

The effect of an explosion on buildings, structures, equipment. Buildings and structures are subject to the greatest destruction by explosion products and shock waves. large sizes with light load-bearing structures, significantly rising above the ground surface. Underground and buried structures with rigid structures have significant resistance to destruction.

The degree of destruction of buildings and structures can be represented as follows:

Complete - floors collapsed and all main supporting structures were destroyed; recovery is not possible;

Strong - there are significant deformations of supporting structures; destroyed most of ceilings and walls;

Medium - mainly not load-bearing structures, but secondary structures (light walls, partitions, roofs, windows, doors) were destroyed; possible cracks in external walls; the ceilings in the basement are not destroyed; in utility and energy networks there is significant damage and deformation of elements that require elimination;

Weak - part of the internal partitions, filling of door and window openings is destroyed; the equipment has significant deformations; in utility and energy networks destruction and breakdown structural elements insignificant.

The effect of an explosion on a person. The products of an explosion and the air shock wave formed as a result of their action can cause various injuries to a person, including fatal ones. Thus, in zones I and II, complete damage to people is observed, associated with the rupture of the body into parts, its charring under the influence of expanding explosion products that have a very high temperature. In the zone, damage is caused by both direct and indirect effects of the shock wave.

When directly exposed to a shock wave, the main cause of injury in people is an instantaneous increase in air pressure, which is perceived by a person as a sharp blow. This may cause damage internal organs, rupture of blood vessels, eardrums, concussion, various fractures, etc. In addition, high-speed air pressure can throw a person a considerable distance and cause him damage when he hits the ground (or obstacle). The propelling effect of such pressure noticeably affects the zone with excess pressure of more than 50 kPa (0.5 kgf/cm2), where the air movement speed is more than 100 m/s, which is significantly higher than with hurricane wind.

The nature and severity of injury to people depend on the magnitude of the parameters of the shock wave, the position of the person at the time of the explosion, and the degree of his protection. Other than that equal conditions The most severe injuries are suffered by people who are standing outside the shelters when the shock wave arrives. In this case, the area exposed to high-speed air pressure will be approximately 6 times greater than in a person lying down.

Injuries caused by a shock wave are divided into mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe (fatal); their characteristics are given below:

Lung - mild contusion, temporary hearing loss, bruises and dislocations of the limbs;

Moderate - brain injuries with loss of consciousness, hearing damage, bleeding from the nose and ears, severe fractures and dislocations

Severe – severe contusion of the whole body, damage to internal organs and the brain, severe fractures of the limbs; Possible fatalities;

Extremely severe - injuries usually leading to death.

The damage to people who are in buildings and structures at the time of the explosion depends on the degree of their destruction. Thus, with complete destruction of buildings, one should expect the complete death of the people in them; with strong and moderate ones, approximately half of the people can survive, and the rest will receive injuries of varying severity. Many may find themselves under the rubble of structures, as well as in rooms with blocked or destroyed escape routes.

The indirect impact of the shock wave consists of hitting people with flying fragments of buildings and structures, stones, broken glass and other objects carried away by it. With weak destruction of buildings, the death of people is unlikely, but some of them may receive various injuries.

If there is a threat of explosion in the room, beware of falling plaster, fittings, cabinets, and shelves. Stay away from windows, mirrors, and lamps. While on the street, run to the middle of it, a square, a vacant lot, i.e. away from buildings and structures, poles and power lines. If you are notified in advance of the threat, turn off the electricity and gas before leaving your home or workplace. Take the necessary things and documents, a supply of food and medicine.

If an explosion occurs in your or a neighboring apartment, and you are conscious and able to move, try to act. See which of the people around you need help. If the phone is working, report the incident by calling “01”, “02” and “03”. Do not try to use the stairs, much less the elevator, to leave the building; they may be damaged (destroyed). It is necessary to leave the building only in the event of a fire and when there is a threat of structural collapse.

If you are overwhelmed by a fallen partition or furniture, try to help yourself and those who come to the rescue; give signals (knock on metal objects, ceilings) so that you are heard and detected. Do this when the rescue equipment is stopped (during “silent moments”). If you get injured, give yourself all the help you can. Make yourself comfortable, remove sharp, hard and piercing objects, take cover. If any part of the body is pressed by a heavy object, massage it to maintain blood circulation. Wait for rescuers; They will definitely find you.

If a building is damaged by an explosion, before entering it, it is necessary to make sure that there are no significant destructions of ceilings, walls, electricity, gas and water supply lines, as well as gas leaks and fires.

Fire and its occurrence. A fire is an uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

The essence of combustion was discovered in 1756 by the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov. Through his experiments, he proved that combustion is a chemical reaction of a combustible substance combining with oxygen in the air. Based on this, combustion requires the presence of: a flammable substance (except for flammable substances used in production processes and materials used in the interior of residential and public buildings); oxidizing agent (air oxygen; chemical compounds containing oxygen in molecules - nitrates, perchlorates, nitric acid, nitrogen oxides and chemical elements, for example, fluorine, bromine, chlorine); ignition source (open flame or sparks).

Consequently, a fire can be stopped if at least one of the listed components is excluded from the combustion zone.

The main damaging factors of a fire. The main damaging factors include direct exposure to fire (combustion), high temperature and heat radiation, gaseous environment; smoke and gas contamination of premises and territories with toxic combustion products. People in the burning zone usually suffer the most from open fire and sparks, increased ambient temperature, toxic combustion products, smoke, reduced oxygen concentration, falling parts of building structures, units and installations.

Open fire. Cases of direct exposure to open fire on people are rare. Most often, damage occurs from radiant streams emitted by the flame.

Ambient temperature. The greatest danger to people is inhalation of heated air, which leads to burns of the upper respiratory tract, suffocation and death. So, at a temperature above 100 ° C, a person loses consciousness and dies within a few minutes. Skin burns are also dangerous.

Toxic combustion products. During fires in modern buildings built using polymer and synthetic materials, toxic combustion products can affect people. The most dangerous of them is carbon monoxide. It reacts with hemoglobin in the blood 200-300 times faster than oxygen, which leads to oxygen starvation. A person becomes indifferent and indifferent to danger, he experiences numbness, dizziness, depression, and coordination of movements is impaired. The end result of all this is respiratory arrest and death.

Loss of visibility due to smoke. The success of evacuating people in case of fire can only be ensured if their movement is unhindered. Evacuees must clearly see emergency exits or exit signs. When visibility is lost, the movement of people becomes chaotic. As a result, the evacuation process becomes difficult and can then become unmanageable.

Reduced oxygen concentration. During a fire, the concentration of oxygen in the air decreases. Meanwhile, a decrease in it even by 3% causes a deterioration in the motor functions of the body. A concentration of less than 14% is considered dangerous; it disrupts brain activity and coordination of movements.

Causes of fires. In residential and public buildings, fire mainly occurs due to a malfunction of the electrical network and electrical appliances, gas leaks, fires of electrical appliances left energized unattended, careless handling and pranks of children with fire, the use of faulty or homemade heating appliances, firebox doors (furnaces) left open , fireplaces), release of burning ash near buildings, carelessness and negligence in handling fire.

The causes of fires at public enterprises are most often: violations committed during the design and construction of buildings and structures; failure to comply with basic measures fire safety production personnel and careless handling of fire; violation of fire safety rules of a technological nature during the operation of an industrial enterprise (for example, during welding work), as well as during the operation of electrical equipment and electrical installations; involvement of faulty equipment in the production process.

The spread of fire in industrial enterprises is facilitated by: accumulation of significant amount flammable substances and materials in production and warehouse areas; the presence of paths that create the possibility of the spread of flame and combustion products to adjacent installations and adjacent rooms; the sudden appearance of factors during a fire that accelerate its development; late detection of a fire and reporting it to the fire department; absence or malfunction of stationary and primary fire extinguishing means; incorrect actions of people when extinguishing a fire.

The spread of fire in residential buildings most often occurs due to the supply of fresh air, which provides an additional supply of oxygen, through ventilation ducts, through windows and doors. That is why it is not recommended to break glass in the windows of a burning room and leave open doors.

In order to prevent fires and explosions, preserve life and property, it is necessary to avoid creating stocks of flammable and combustible liquids, as well as substances prone to spontaneous combustion and capable of explosion, in the house. The small quantities available should be kept in tightly closed containers, away from heating devices, and not subjected to shaking, shock, or spillage. Particular care should be taken when using household chemicals, do not throw them into the garbage disposal, do not heat mastics, varnishes and aerosol cans over an open fire, and do not wash clothes in gasoline. You cannot store furniture or flammable materials on landings, clutter up attics and basements, arrange storage rooms in the niches of plumbing cabins, or collect waste paper in garbage disposals.

It is not recommended to install electric heating devices near flammable objects. It is necessary to maintain switches, plugs and sockets of power supplies and electrical appliances in good working order. It is prohibited to overload the electrical network or leave switched on electrical appliances unattended; when repairing the latter, they should be disconnected from the network.

The most fire and explosive household appliances are televisions, gas stoves, water heating tanks and others. Their operation must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions and manuals.

If you smell gas, you must immediately turn off the gas supply and ventilate the room; At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the lights, smoke, light matches, candles. To avoid gas poisoning, all people who are not involved in eliminating the malfunction of the gas stove and gas pipeline should be removed from the premises.

Often the cause of a fire is children's pranks. Therefore, you should not leave young children unattended, allow them to play with matches, turn on electric heaters or light gas.

It is prohibited to block the access roads to buildings, the approach to
fire hydrants, locking the doors of common hallways in apartment buildings, forcing heavy objects into easily broken
partitions and balcony hatches, close air zone openings
smoke-free stairwells. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of fire automatic equipment and maintain fire detectors, smoke removal systems and fire extinguishing equipment in good working order.

In the event of a fire, you must immediately leave the building using the main and emergency exits and call the fire department, provide your name, address and what is burning.

In the initial stage of fire development, you can try to extinguish it using all available fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, internal fire hydrants, blankets, sand, water, etc.). It must be remembered that fire on electrical supply elements cannot be extinguished with water. First you need to turn off the voltage or cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle. If all efforts were in vain and the fire spread, you need to urgently leave the building (evacuate). If the stairwells become smoky, you should tightly close the doors leading to them, and if a dangerous concentration of smoke forms and the temperature in the room (room) rises, move to the balcony, taking with you a soaked blanket (carpet, other dense fabric) to shelter from the fire in in case of its penetration through door and window openings; Close the door tightly behind you. Evacuation should continue along the fire escape or through another apartment, if there is no fire, using tightly tied sheets, curtains, ropes or a fire hose. You have to go down one at a time, protecting each other. Such self-rescue involves a risk to life and is permissible only when there is no other way out. You should not jump from the windows (balconies) of the upper floors of buildings, as statistics show that this ends in death or serious injury.

When rescuing victims from a burning building, before entering it, cover your head with a wet blanket (coat, raincoat, piece of thick fabric). Open the door to a smoky room carefully to avoid a flash of flame from the rapid influx of fresh air. In a very smoky room, crawl or crouch and breathe through a damp cloth. If the victim's clothing catches fire, throw some kind of blanket (coat, raincoat) over him and press tightly to stop the flow of air. When rescuing victims, take precautions against possible collapse, collapse and other hazards. After removing the victim, provide him with first aid and send him to the nearest medical Center.

Fire extinguishing agents and rules for their use. The fire is merciless, but people who are prepared for this natural disaster, having even basic fire extinguishing means at hand, emerge victorious in the fight against it.

Fire extinguishing means are divided into improvised (sand, water, blanket, blanket, etc.) and standard (fire extinguisher,
axe, hook, bucket). Let's look at the most common of them -
fire extinguishers, and also provide the basic rules for handling and using them when extinguishing fires.

The disadvantages of foam fire extinguishers include a narrow temperature range of use (from + 5 to + 45 ° C), high corrosiveness of the charge; possibility of damage to the extinguishing object, the need for annual recharging.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers(OU). Designed to extinguish fires various substances, the combustion of which cannot
occur without access to air, fires on electrified railway and urban transport, electrical installations under voltage of no more than 10,000 V. The OS fire extinguishing agent is liquefied carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Temperature conditions for storage and use
OU - from -40°С to + 50°С. To activate the op-amp it is necessary to: break the seal, pull out the pin; point the bell at the flame; press the lever. When extinguishing a fire, you must follow following rules: you must not hold the fire extinguisher in a horizontal position or turn it upside down, or touch the socket with bare parts of your body, as the temperature on its surface drops to minus 60-70 °C; when extinguishing live electrical installations, it is prohibited to
move the bell closer to them and the flame than 1 m.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are divided into manual (OU-2, OU-3, OU-5, OU-6, OU-8), mobile (OU-24, OU-80, OU-400) and stationary (OSU-5, OSU- 511). The shutter of manual fire extinguishers can be pistol or valve type.

Powder fire extinguishers(OP). Designed to eliminate fires of all classes (solid, liquid and gaseous substances of electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V). Powder fire extinguishers are used in cars, garages, warehouses, agricultural machinery, offices and banks, industrial facilities, clinics, schools, private homes, etc.

To activate a manual fire extinguisher you must: pull the pin; press the button; point the gun at the flame; press the gun lever; extinguish the flame from a distance of no more than 5 m; Shake the fire extinguisher when extinguishing.


1. Korzhikov A.V. " Tutorial for first year students" Moscow

2. Meshkova Yu.V., Yurov S.M. "Life Safety" Moscow 1997

3. Boriskov N.F. “Fundamentals of Security” Kharkov 200g.

Federal Agency for Education

Institution of higher professional education

T.G.U. named after G.R. Derzhavin


According to the Belarusian Railways.

"Fires and explosions at fire and explosive objects."


Student of group 37

Chebotarev Svyatoslav.


Mikhaleva T. I.


Fire has threatened people since its appearance on Earth, and they have been trying to find protection from it for just as long. It continues to destroy vast amounts of material wealth, both in early times and today. For carelessness and disrespectful attitude towards fire, humanity is paying with thousands of lives. Today no one can say: “We put out the last fire and prevented the last explosion, there will be no others!” The ability to use fire gave a person a feeling of independence from the cyclical changes of heat and cold, light and darkness. At the same time, everyone knows the dualism of the nature of fire between man and his environment. A fire that gets out of control can cause enormous destruction and death. Such manifestations of fire poetry include fires. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to familiarize people with the dangers and causes of fires and explosions, their consequences and basic measures to prevent such phenomena.

1. Fires and explosions. Classification

Fires and explosions are common emergency events in industrial societies. What fires and chemical explosions have in common is that they are based on the combustion process. The difference between an explosion and a fire is that during an explosion, the speed of propagation of flame combustion reaches 10-100 m/s, the temperature reaches several thousand degrees, and the gas pressure (in the shock wave) increases many times.

1.1 Fires

Fire (Fig. 1, 2) is an uncontrolled, unauthorized combustion of substances, materials and gas-air mixtures outside a special source, causing significant material damage, injury to people on objects and rolling stock, which is divided into external and internal, open and hidden.

Fire is dangerous for human body both directly - damage as a result of exposure to fire and high temperatures, and indirectly - in the side effects of the fire (suffocation due to smoke inhalation or the collapse of a building due to high temperatures melting its foundation).

A fire can become an emergency event in itself, or be caused by another disaster (earthquake, spread hazardous substances and so on). Damage caused by a large fire requires a long recovery period (restoration of a burned forest can take several decades), and may be irreversible.

1.1.1 Types of fires

There are five types of fires:

1. Combustion of solids - this category includes wood, textiles, rubber, and so on. When such a substance reaches its ignition point, it decomposes into chemical elements, some of which combine with oxygen and ignite.

2. Combustion liquid substances– this category includes flammable liquids such as gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol, tar, and so on.

Combustible substances go through three stages of the combustion process:

– flash - the temperature level at which a liquid releases a sufficient amount of vapor to create a flammable mixture. In order for such a mixture to ignite, the presence of an ignition source is necessary, removing which will stop the combustion.

– flash point - the temperature level at which a liquid continuously releases vapor in a volume sufficient to form a flammable mixture. If an ignition source is present, a flame will occur even if the ignition source is removed.

– flash point - the temperature level at which a flammable mixture of liquid vapor and air ignites, even when there is no fire nearby. In accordance with the “flash” temperature, the sensitivity of the substance to fire is determined. The lower the flash point, the more sensitive the substance is to fire.

3. Electrical fire – any fire in which electricity plays an active or passive role.

4. Combustion of gases - this category includes all flammable gases: hydrogen, acetylene, etc. Combustible gases in certain mixtures can cause an explosion.

5. Combustion of light metals - this category includes metals such as magnesium, lithium and aluminum, as well as their alloys.

1.1.2 Classification of fires and flammable substances

– industrial (fires in factories, factories and warehouses.)

– domestic fires (fires in residential buildings and at cultural and community facilities).

– natural fires (forest, steppe, peat and landscape fires).

Classification of fires by building density

An isolated fire is a fire that occurs in a separate building or structure. The movement of people and equipment through a built-up area between individual fires is possible without means of protection against thermal radiation.

A complete fire is a simultaneous intense burning of the predominant number of buildings and structures in a given development area. The movement of people and equipment through an area of ​​continuous fire is impossible without means of protection against thermal radiation.

Firestorm is special shape a spreading fire, characteristic features which is the presence of an upward flow of combustion products and heated air, as well as an influx of fresh air from all sides at a speed of at least 50 km/h towards the boundaries of the fire storm.

A massive fire is a combination of individual and continuous fires.

Classification depending on the type of burning substances and materials

Class “A” fire - combustion of solids.

A1 - combustion of solids, accompanied by smoldering (coal, textiles).

A2 - combustion of solid substances not accompanied by smoldering (plastic).

Class “B” fire - Combustion of liquid substances.

B1 - combustion of liquid substances insoluble in water (gasoline, ether, petroleum products). Also, combustion of liquefied solids. (paraffin, stearin).

B2 - Combustion of liquid substances soluble in water (alcohol, glycerin).

Class “C” fire - combustion of gaseous substances.

Combustion of domestic gas, propane, etc.

Class “D” fire - burning of metals.

D1 - (combustion of light metals, excluding alkali). Aluminum, magnesium and their alloys.

D2 - Combustion of rare earth metals (sodium, potassium).

D3 - combustion of metals containing compounds.

Class “E” fire - burning of electrical installations.

Classification of materials according to their flammability

Non-combustible materials - materials that do not burn under the influence of an ignition source (natural and artificial inorganic materials - stone, concrete, reinforced concrete).

Refractory materials are materials that burn under the influence of ignition sources but are incapable of spontaneous combustion (asphalt concrete, plasterboard, wood impregnated with antipyrites agents, fiberglass or fiberglass).

Combustible materials are substances that can burn after the source of ignition is removed.

1.1.3 Fire conditions and stages

For a fire to occur, three conditions must be present:

Combustible substances and materials

Ignition source - open fire, chemical reaction, electric current.

The presence of an oxidizing agent, such as atmospheric oxygen.

In order for a fire to occur, one more condition must be met: the presence of fire spread paths - flammable substances that contribute to the spread of fire.

The essence of combustion is the following: heating the ignition sources of a combustible material before its thermal decomposition begins. The process of thermal decomposition produces carbon monoxide, water and a large amount of heat. Also stands out carbon dioxide and soot that settles on the surrounding terrain. The time from the start of ignition of a flammable material to its ignition is called the ignition time.

The maximum ignition time can be several months.

From the moment of ignition, a fire begins.

Stages of fire in premises.

During the first 10-20 minutes, the fire spreads linearly along the combustible material. At this time, the room is filled with smoke and it is impossible to see the flames. The air temperature in the room gradually rises to 250-300 degrees. This is the ignition temperature of all flammable materials.

After 20 minutes, the volumetric spread of the fire begins.

After another 10 minutes, the glazing begins to fail. The influx of fresh air increases, and the development of fire increases sharply. The temperature reaches 900 degrees.

Burnout phase.

Within 10 minutes maximum fire speed. After the main substances burn out, the fire stabilization phase occurs (from 20 minutes to 5 hours). If the fire cannot spread to other rooms, the fire goes outside. At this time, the collapse of burnt out structures occurs.

1.2 Explosions. Classification of explosions according to the origin of the released energy

Explosion (Fig. 3,4) is a physical or chemical fast process with the release of significant energy in a small volume (compared to the amount of energy released), leading to shock, vibration and thermal effects on the environment and high-speed expansion of gases.

Classification of explosions according to the origin of the released energy:



Explosions of pressure containers (cylinders, steam boilers);

Explosion of expanding vapors of a boiling liquid (BLEVE);

Explosions when releasing pressure in overheated liquids;

Explosions when mixing two liquids, the temperature of one of which is much higher than the boiling point of the other;

Kinetic (meteorite falls);

Nuclear (Fig. 4);

Electrical (for example, during a thunderstorm).

1.2.1 Chemical explosions

There is no consensus on which chemical processes should be considered an explosion. This is due to the fact that high-speed processes can occur in the form of detonation or deflagration (combustion). Detonation differs from combustion in that chemical reactions and the process of energy release occurs with the formation of a shock wave, and the involvement of new portions of the explosive in the chemical reaction occurs at the front of the shock wave, and not through thermal conductivity and diffusion, as during combustion. As a rule, the detonation speed is higher than the combustion speed, but this is not an absolute rule. Differences in the mechanisms of energy and matter transfer affect the speed of processes and the results of their action on the environment, however, in practice, very different combinations of these processes and transitions from detonation to combustion and vice versa are observed. In this regard, various fast processes are usually classified as chemical explosions without specifying their nature.

There is a more stringent approach to defining a chemical explosion as exclusively detonation. From this condition it necessarily follows that during a chemical explosion accompanied by a redox reaction (combustion), the combustion substance and the oxidizer must be mixed, otherwise the reaction rate will be limited by the speed of the oxidizer delivery process, and this process, as a rule, is of a diffusion nature. For example, natural gas burns slowly in the burners of home cookstoves because oxygen slowly enters the combustion area through diffusion. However, if you mix gas with air, it will explode from a small spark - a volumetric explosion.

Individual explosives, as a rule, contain oxygen as part of their own molecules, moreover, their molecules are essentially metastable formations. When such a molecule is given sufficient energy (activation energy), it spontaneously dissociates into its component atoms, from which explosion products are formed, releasing energy exceeding the activation energy. Molecules of nitroglycerin, trinitrotoluene, etc. have similar properties. Cellulose nitrates (smokeless gunpowder), black powder, which consists of a mechanical mixture of a combustible substance (charcoal) and an oxidizing agent (various nitrates), are not prone to detonation under normal conditions, but they are traditionally classified as explosives.

1.2.2 Nuclear explosions

A nuclear explosion is an uncontrolled process of releasing large amounts of thermal and radiant energy as a result of a chain nuclear reaction atom splitting or thermonuclear fusion reaction. Artificial nuclear explosions are mainly used as powerful weapons designed to destroy large objects and concentrations (however, the only military use of nuclear weapons was against civilians (Hiroshima and Nagasaki)) of enemy troops.

2. Causes of fires and explosions

The causes of fires and explosions are a combination of conditions conducive to the occurrence of combustion:

Formation of a flammable environment (presence of concentrated flammable substance and oxidizer);

Formation of an explosive environment (presence of gaseous flammable substances and oxidizers or explosives);

Formation in a flammable or explosive environment or the introduction of an active ignition source into these environments.

2.1 Causes of fires

The most common causes of fires are: careless handling of fire, failure to comply with operating rules for production equipment and electrical devices, spontaneous combustion of substances and materials, static electricity discharges, lightning discharges, and arson.

2.2 Causes of explosions

Explosions occur due to the release of chemical energy (mainly explosives), intranuclear energy (nuclear explosion), mechanical energy (when meteorites fall on the surface of the Earth, etc.), energy of compressed gases (when the pressure exceeds the tensile strength of a vessel - a cylinder, a pipeline, etc. etc.).

3. Consequences of fires and explosions

The consequences of fires and explosions are determined by the action of their damaging factors.

3.1 Main damaging factors of fire

The main damaging factors of a fire are:

Direct action of fire on a burning object;

Remote exposure to objects and objects of high temperatures due to irradiation.

As a result, objects burn, become charred, destroyed, and fail. All elements of buildings and structures, made and combustible materials are destroyed, the action of high temperatures causes burnout, deformation and collapse of metal trusses, floor beams and other structural parts of the structure. Brick walls and pillars are deformed. In sand-lime brick masonry, when heated for a long time to 500-6000 C, its delamination by cracks and destruction of the material is observed.

In case of fires, technological equipment and vehicles are completely or partially destroyed or fail. Domestic and agricultural animals are dying. People die or get burned.

Secondary consequences of fires can be explosions, leakage of toxic or polluting substances. The water used to extinguish the fire can cause great damage to rooms not affected by the fire and the objects stored in them.

3.2 Main damaging factors of the explosion

The main damaging factors of explosions are:

Air shock wave (ASW), which occurs when nuclear explosions, explosions of detonating and initiating substances, during explosive transformations of clouds of fuel-air mixtures, explosions of tanks with superheated liquid and pressure tanks;

Fragmentation fields created by flying debris various kinds objects.

The main parameters of the damaging factors are:

Air shock wave - excess pressure in its front;

Fragmentation field - the number of fragments, their kinetic energy and radius of expansion.

As a result of the damaging factors of the explosion, buildings, structures, equipment, communication elements are destroyed or damaged, and people and animals die.

The secondary consequences of explosions are damage to objects located inside, debris from collapsed building structures, and their burial under the rubble. Explosions can result in fires and leakage of hazardous substances from damaged equipment.

In fires and explosions, people suffer thermal and mechanical injuries. Characterized by burns of the upper respiratory tract, body, traumatic brain injuries, multiple fractures and bruises, combined lesions.

1. Characteristics of accidents at fire- and explosion-hazardous objects Fires and explosions most often occur at fire- and explosion-hazardous objects. These are enterprises that use explosives and flammable substances in the production process, as well as railway and pipeline transport used for transporting (pumping) fire and explosive substances. Fire and explosion hazardous facilities include enterprises of the chemical, gas, oil refining, pulp and paper, food, paint and varnish industries, enterprises using gas and oil products as raw materials or energy carriers, all types of transport transporting explosive and fire hazardous substances, fuel filling stations, gas and product pipelines. In conditions of concentrated factory production, substances considered non-flammable also become dangerous. Wood, coal, peat, aluminum, flour and sugar dust, for example, explode and burn. That is why fire and explosion hazardous facilities also include workshops for the preparation of coal dust, wood flour, powdered sugar, flour mills, sawmills and woodworking industries. Accidents at fire- and explosion-hazardous enterprises cause the destruction of buildings and structures due to combustion or deformation of their elements from high temperatures. Other dangerous phenomena also occur: clouds of fuel-air mixtures and toxic substances form; pipelines and vessels with superheated liquid explode. People in the fire zone are most affected by open flames, sparks, high temperatures, toxic combustion products, smoke, reduced oxygen concentrations and falling parts and structures. Explosions not only lead to destruction and damage to buildings, structures, technological equipment, tanks, pipelines and vehicles, but also, as a result of the direct and indirect action of the shock wave, can cause various injuries to people, including fatal ones. Fire safety rules Russian Federation oblige every citizen, upon detecting a fire or signs of burning (smoke, burning smell, increased temperature, etc.), to immediately report this by phone to the fire department, and also take, if possible, measures to evacuate people, extinguish the fire and preserve material assets . After notifying the fire department, you should try to extinguish the fire using available means (fire extinguishers, internal fire hydrants, blankets, sand, water, etc.). If it is impossible to extinguish the fire, you must evacuate immediately. To do this, first of all use staircases. If they smoke, tightly close the doors leading to stairwells, corridors, halls, burning rooms, and go out onto the balcony. From there, evacuate via a fire escape or through another apartment, breaking the easily destructible partition of the loggia, or get out on your own through windows and balconies, using available means (ropes, sheets, luggage straps, etc.) When rescuing victims from burning buildings, you should, before entering into a burning room, cover your head with a wet blanket, coat, raincoat, or piece of thick fabric; open the door to a smoky room carefully to avoid a flash of flame from a rapid influx of fresh air; crawl or crouch in a heavily smoky room; to protect against carbon monoxide use an insulating gas mask, a regenerative cartridge with a filter gas mask, or, in as a last resort, breathe through a moistened cloth; if the victim’s clothes caught fire, you need to throw some kind of blanket (coat, raincoat, etc.) over him and press tightly to stop the flow of air to the fire; Apply bandages to the burn areas and send the victim to the nearest medical center. It is dangerous to enter a smoke zone when visibility is less than 10m. If there is a threat of explosion, you should first of all leave the dangerous place, warning others about the danger. Report the possibility of an explosion to the police. If an explosion is inevitable and escape is impossible, you need to lie down and cover your head with your hands. Accidents at air defense facilities associated with strong explosions and fires can lead to severe social and economic consequences. They are mainly caused by explosions of containers and pipelines with flammable and explosive liquids and gases, short circuits in electrical wiring, explosions and fires of certain substances and materials. Fires during industrial accidents cause destruction of structures due to combustion or deformation of their elements from high temperatures. The most dangerous fires are in administrative buildings. Usually, interior walls lined with panels made of flammable material. The ceiling tiles are also made from combustible wood boards. In many cases, fires are caused by the poor fire resistance of wood and other building materials, especially plastics. Foam rubber used in the manufacture of furniture is extremely dangerous in terms of fire; when burned, it emits toxic smoke containing cyanide compounds. In addition, in conditions of cramped production, substances considered non-flammable become dangerous. Thus, wood, coal, peat, aluminum, flour, grain and sugar dust, as well as dust from cotton, flax, hemp, and jute, explode and burn. Common chemicals such as turpentine, camphor, barium, pyramidon and many others spontaneously combust.

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Regional state budgetary educational institution

Krasnoyarsk base Medical College them. V.M. Krutovsky


Bydiscipline: Life safety.

ontopic: ExplosionsAndfires.

Completed by: student of group 31

Kolosnitsyna E.E.

Specialty: nursing

Checked by: Sevastyanov A.I.

Krasnoyarsk 2017


1. General information about the explosion

2. General information about fire

3. Causes of fires and explosions and their consequences

6. First health care in case of fires and explosions

7. Fires and panic

8. Conclusion


Fire and explosive objects (FHE) - enterprises where explosive products or products that acquire the ability to ignite or explode under certain conditions are produced, stored, transported.

Fire and explosive objects include enterprises of the chemical, gas, oil refining, pulp and paper, food, paint and varnish industries, enterprises using gas and oil products as raw materials or energy carriers, all types of transport transporting explosive and flammable substances, fuel filling stations, gas and product pipelines . In conditions of concentrated factory production, substances considered non-flammable also become dangerous. Wood, coal, peat, aluminum, flour and sugar dust, for example, explode and burn.

Types of accidents involving fire and explosive objects:

*Fires (explosions) in buildings, communications and technological equipment of industrial enterprises.

*Fires (explosions) at production, processing and storage facilities of flammable and explosive substances.

*Fires (explosions) in transport.

*Fires (explosions) in mines, underground and mine workings, subways.

*Fires (explosions) in buildings and structures for residential, social and cultural purposes.

*Fires (explosions) at facilities with hazardous chemical substances.

*Fires (explosions) at radiation hazardous facilities.

1. General information about the explosion

accident fire explosion help

Explosion is a sudden event in which a large amount of energy is released in a limited volume in a short period of time.


*underground(underwater) is an explosion produced underground (underwater) and characterized by the release of a large amount of soil (water) mixed with nuclear explosive products (fission fragments of uranium-235 or plutonium-239). The damaging and destructive effect of an underground nuclear explosion is determined mainly by seismic explosion waves (the main damaging factor), the formation of a crater in the ground and severe radioactive contamination of the area. There is no light emission or penetrating radiation. Characteristic of an underwater explosion is the formation of a plume (column of water), a base wave formed when the plume collapses.

*ground(surface) is an explosion produced on the surface of the earth (water), in which the luminous area touches the surface of the earth (water), and the dust (water) column is connected to the explosion cloud from the moment of formation. Characteristic feature ground (surface) nuclear explosion is strong radioactive contamination terrain (water) both in the area of ​​the explosion and in the direction of movement of the explosion cloud. The damaging factors of this explosion are the shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, radioactive contamination of the area and EMP.

*air- This is an explosion produced at an altitude of up to 10 km, when the luminous area does not touch the ground (water). Air explosions are divided into low and high. Severe radioactive contamination of the area occurs only near the epicenters of low air explosions. Contamination of the area along the trail of the cloud does not have a significant impact on the actions of personnel. During an airborne nuclear explosion, shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and EMR are most fully manifested.

During a ground-based nuclear explosion, about 50% of the energy goes to the formation of a shock wave and a crater in the ground, 30-40% to light radiation, up to 5% to penetrating radiation and electromagnetic radiation, and up to 15% to radioactive contamination of the area.

During an air explosion of a neutron munition, the energy shares are distributed in a unique way: shock wave up to 10%, light radiation 5-8% and approximately 85% of the energy goes into penetrating radiation (neutron and gamma radiation).

The shock wave and light radiation are similar to the damaging factors of traditional explosives, but the light radiation in the event of a nuclear explosion is much more powerful.

The shock wave destroys buildings and equipment, injures people and has a knockback effect with a rapid pressure drop and high-speed air pressure. The rarefaction (drop in air pressure) that follows the wave and the reverse movement of air masses towards the developing nuclear mushroom may also cause some damage.

Light radiation affects only unshielded objects, that is, objects not covered by anything from an explosion, and can cause ignition of flammable materials and fires, as well as burns and damage to the vision of humans and animals.


Zone 1 - action of the detonation wave. It is characterized by an intense crushing action, as a result of which structures are destroyed into separate fragments that fly away at high speeds from the center of the explosion.

Zone 2 - effect of explosion products. It involves complete destruction of buildings and structures under the influence of expanding explosion products. At the outer boundary of this zone, the resulting shock wave breaks away from the explosion products and moves independently from the center of the explosion. Having exhausted their energy, the products of the explosion expanded to a density corresponding atmospheric pressure, no longer produce destructive effects.

Zone 3 - air shock wave action. This zone includes three subzones: 3a - severe destruction, 3b - moderate destruction, 3c - weak destruction. At the outer boundary of the zone, the shock wave degenerates into a sound wave, audible over considerable distances.

Actionexplosiononbuilding,buildings, structuresequipment.

Large buildings and structures with light load-bearing structures that rise significantly above the ground are subject to the greatest destruction by explosion products and shock waves. Underground and buried structures with rigid structures have significant resistance to destruction.

The degree of destruction of buildings and structures can be represented as follows:

*complete - floors collapsed and all main supporting structures were destroyed; recovery is not possible;

*strong - there are significant deformations of load-bearing structures; Most of the ceilings and walls were destroyed;

*medium - it was not mainly load-bearing structures that were destroyed, but secondary ones (light walls, partitions, roofs, windows, doors); possible cracks in external walls; the ceilings in the basement are not destroyed; in utility and energy networks there is significant damage and deformation of elements that require elimination;

*weak - part of the internal partitions, filling of door and window openings is destroyed; the equipment has significant deformations; in utility and energy networks, destruction and breakdown of structural elements are insignificant.

2. General information about fire

Combustion is a chemical reaction between a flammable substance and oxygen in the air.


*presence of flammable material (paper, wood, etc.);

*presence of an oxidizing agent (air oxygen);

*presence of an ignition source (fire, spark).

Fire- uncontrolled combustion causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

A fire can be stopped if one of the listed conditions is excluded from the combustion zone.

Substances and materials are divided into flammability groups:

*non-flammable - unable to burn;

* low-flammable - capable of burning under the influence of an ignition source, but not capable of burning independently after its removal;

*flammable - capable of burning after removal of the ignition source.

By external signs combustion fires are divided into external, internal, both external and internal, open and hidden.

External fires include fires in which signs of combustion (flame, smoke) can be identified visually. Such fires occur when buildings and their structures, stacks of lumber, coal, peat and other material assets located in open storage areas burn; when burning petroleum products in tanks, on open technological installations and overpasses; forests, peat fields, grain crops, etc. External fires are always open.

Internal fires include fires that occur and develop inside buildings. They can be open or hidden.

In open fires, signs of combustion can be determined by inspection of the premises (for example, when property burns in buildings for various purposes; equipment and materials in production workshops, partitions, floors, coatings, etc.).

In hidden fires, combustion occurs in the voids of building structures, ventilation shafts and channels, and inside the peat deposit. In this case, signs of combustion include smoke escaping through cracks, changes in the color of the plaster, and heating of the structures. Fire can be visible when opening or developing stacks and structures.

As the situation changes, the type of fire also changes. Thus, when a fire develops in a building, latent internal combustion can turn into open internal combustion, and internal combustion into external combustion, and vice versa.

Depending on the place of origin, fires occur in buildings, structures, open areas of warehouses and natural areas (forest, steppe, peat and grain fields).

FiresByhisscaleAndintensityare subdividedonfollowingkinds:

Separatefire is a fire that occurs in a separate building or structure. The movement of people and equipment through a built-up area between individual fires is possible without means of protection against thermal radiation.

Solidfire- simultaneous intense burning of the predominant number of buildings and structures in a given development area. The movement of people and equipment through an area of ​​continuous fire is impossible without means of protection against thermal radiation.

Firestorm- this is a special form of a spreading continuous fire, the characteristic features of which are the presence of an upward flow of combustion products and heated air, as well as an influx of fresh air from all sides at a speed of at least 50 km/h towards the boundaries of the fire storm.


In the process of fire development, three stages are distinguished: initial, main (developed) and final. These stages are characteristic of all fires, regardless of where the fire occurred: in an open space or indoors.

The initial stage corresponds to the development of a fire from an ignition source; until the room is completely engulfed in flames. At this stage, the temperature in the room increases and the density of gases decreases. Combustion is supported by oxygen in the room, the concentration of which gradually decreases. This stage of the fire, as a rule, does not have a significant effect on the fire resistance of building structures, since temperatures are still relatively low.

The main stage of fire development in a room corresponds to an increase in the average volume temperature to a maximum. At this stage, 80-90% of the volumetric mass of combustible substances and materials is burned, the temperature and density of gases in the room change slightly over time. This mode fire development is called steady, and the flow of gases removed from the room is approximately equal to the influx of incoming air and pyrolysis products.

At the final stage of the fire, the combustion process is completed and the temperature gradually decreases. The amount of exhaust gases becomes less than the amount of incoming air and combustion products.


*accumulation of excess quantities of flammable substances and materials in warehouses and production sites;

*late detection of a fire and notification of the fire department, absence or malfunction of fire extinguishing equipment and systems, incorrect actions of people to extinguish the fire;

*sudden appearance of factors during a fire that accelerate its development;

*the presence of paths along which flames and hot combustion products can spread to adjacent rooms and workshops, to adjacent installations and production sites.

With the linear spread of a fire, the flame moves along the surface of flammable substances in one direction or another and in one or another plane (for example, the movement of a flame along the surface of a flammable liquid, along combustible structures). The surface engulfed in flames may be in the shape of a circle, rectangle, or other geometric figure. Accordingly, the spread of fire is distinguished as circular, rectilinear, angular, etc.

Volumetric spread of fire is possible within one room, between rooms, within a building, and also between buildings.

3. Causes of fires and explosions

ReasonsemergencefiresVresidentialAndpublicbuildingsmore oftenTotalthere are:

*malfunction of the electrical network and electrical appliances;

*fire of electrical appliances (iron, TV), turned on and left unattended;

*gas leak;

* careless handling and pranks of children with fire (thrown burning match, cigarette butt, fallen lighted candle, playing with firecrackers);

*use of faulty or homemade heating devices;

*kiln firebox doors left open;

*emission of burning ash near buildings.

Reasonsemergencefiresonindustrialenterprisesmore oftenTotalthere are:

*violations committed during the design and construction of buildings and structures;

*violation of fire safety rules by enterprise employees, careless handling of fire;

*violation of fire safety rules when carrying out fire and welding work;

*violation of safety rules when operating electrical equipment and electrical installations;

*operation of faulty equipment.

Reasonsexplosionsonexplosiveenterprisesmore oftenTotalthere are:

*destruction and damage to production tanks, equipment and pipelines;

*deviation from the established technological regime (exceeding pressure and temperature inside production equipment, etc.);

*lack of constant monitoring of the serviceability of production equipment and equipment and the timeliness of scheduled repairs.

Explosions not only at industrial enterprises, but also in residential and public buildings pose a great danger to the life and health of people.

homecauseexplosionsVresidentialhouses- dangerous behavior citizens themselves, especially children and adolescents. Most often, gas explodes, but recently cases involving explosions of explosives have become widespread. Not only the explosion itself is dangerous, but also its consequences, which are usually expressed in the collapse of structures and buildings.

4. Main damaging factors of fire and explosion

The main damaging factors of a fire:

*open fire (usually radiant streams of flame);

*high temperature (heat radiation from a fire);

*toxic (poisonous) combustion products (gases);

*lack of oxygen;

*loss of visibility due to smoke.

As a result, objects burn, become charred, destroyed, and fail. All elements of buildings and structures, made and combustible materials are destroyed, the action of high temperatures causes burnout, deformation and collapse of metal trusses, floor beams and other structural parts of the structure. Brick walls and pillars are deformed.

In case of fires, technological equipment and vehicles are completely or partially destroyed or fail. Domestic and agricultural animals are dying. People die or get burned.


*collapse of building structures,

*short circuit of electrical networks,

Secondary consequences of fires can be explosions, leakage of toxic or polluting substances. The water used to extinguish the fire can cause great damage to rooms not affected by the fire and the objects stored in them.


*air shock wave (ASW), which occurs during nuclear explosions, explosions of detonating and initiating substances, during explosive transformations of clouds of fuel-air mixtures, explosions of tanks with superheated liquid and pressure tanks;

*fragmentation fields created by flying debris of various kinds of objects.


*air shock wave - excess pressure in its front;

*fragmentation field - the number of fragments, their kinetic energy and radius of expansion.

As a result of the damaging factors of the explosion, buildings, structures, equipment, communication elements are destroyed or damaged, and people and animals die.

The secondary consequences of explosions are damage to objects located inside, debris from collapsed building structures, and their burial under the rubble. Explosions can result in fires and leakage of hazardous substances from damaged equipment.

In fires and explosions, people suffer thermal and mechanical injuries. Characterized by burns of the upper respiratory tract, body, traumatic brain injuries, multiple fractures and bruises, combined lesions.

Characteristiclesionsof peopleatexplosions

Type of lesion - Characteristics of the lesion

Lung - Mild contusion, temporary hearing loss, bruises and dislocations of limbs

Moderate - Brain injuries with loss of consciousness, hearing damage, bleeding from the nose and ears, severe fractures and dislocations of the limbs

Severe - Severe contusion of the whole body, damage to internal organs and the brain, multiple fractures of the limbs. Possible fatalities

Extremely severe - Injuries usually resulting in fatal outcome

5. Rules safe behavior in case of fires and explosions

The primary means of extinguishing fires include:

*manual fire extinguishers of various types,

*sand (used for mechanically knocking down flames and isolating burning or smoldering material from air access. Spilled oil fires can also be extinguished most effectively with sand by throwing a shovel, scoop or bucket over the fire);

* water (water from an internal fire hydrant (FH) is the most common and cheapest means of fire extinguishing in buildings and structures. However, it cannot be used when extinguishing flammable liquids (gasoline, acetone, kerosene), which are lighter than water, which only increases the combustion surface);

*other fire-fighting equipment (hooks, shovels, asbestos fabrics, etc.).

These primary funds must be provided to all industrial, administrative, office and other buildings and structures in accordance with existing standards.


1.report the fire to the fire department by phone. "01";

2. notify adults and children about the fire;

3. leave the burning building (evacuate).


1.see which of the people with you needs help;

2. turn off electricity, gas, turn off water;

3. if the phone is working, report the incident by phone “01”, “02” and “03”;

4.it is necessary to leave the building only in the event of a fire starting or a threat of collapse of the building structures;

5. remember that after an explosion it is dangerous to use the stairs, and you cannot use the elevator;

6. if you couldn’t get out, settle down in a reliable, safe place, give signals (knock on metal objects) and wait for rescuers.

Howgo outfromsmokypremises:

*protect eyes and respiratory organs;

*cover yourself with a thick damp cloth and move towards the exit (bending or crawling), breathe through a damp handkerchief;

*do not enter areas where there is heavy smoke;

*if you cannot go outside due to thick smoke and high temperature, you need to go back, tightly closing the door behind you;

*in multi-storey buildings, go towards the smoke-free staircase, holding on to the walls;

*be careful - don't miss the exit;

*You cannot use the elevator during a fire.


*close the door to the room tightly, plug all cracks and ventilation holes with rags;

*signal to rescuers;

*if there is heavy smoke, go out onto the balcony, tightly closing the door behind you (if there is no balcony, stand on the windowsill, ledge, cornice) and wait for rescuers.

When rescuing victims from a burning building, before entering it, cover your head with a wet blanket (coat, raincoat, piece of thick fabric). Open the door to a smoky room carefully to avoid a flash of flame from the rapid influx of fresh air. In a very smoky room, crawl or crouch and breathe through a damp cloth. If the victim's clothing catches fire, throw some kind of blanket (coat, raincoat) over him and press tightly to stop the flow of air. When rescuing victims, take precautions against possible collapse, collapse and other hazards.

If a person’s clothing is on fire, the fire must be extinguished as quickly as possible. And this is quite difficult to do, because from the pain he loses control of himself and begins to rush around, thereby intensifying the flame. The first step is to stop a burning person in any way: either shout threateningly or throw him to the ground. Tear off flammable clothing or extinguish it by pouring water (in winter, cover it with snow). If there is no water, throw any clothing or thick fabric over the victim, without covering his head, so that he does not get a burn to the respiratory tract or be poisoned by toxic combustion products. But keep in mind: high temperatures have a more destructive effect on the skin, the longer and more tightly the smoldering clothing is pressed against it. If you don’t have anything at hand, roll the person on fire on the ground to knock out the flames.

7. Fires and panic

A person who finds himself in an emergency situation rarely comes out of it unscathed. One, having received severe injuries and injuries, loses his health, the other loses his life altogether. Those left to live also receive wounds that are not noticeable at first glance, but are extremely painful and difficult to heal. These are wounds of the soul, the human psyche and consciousness. The element of fire and the unaccountable fear it causes (panic) are especially damaging to the psyche and leave scars in the soul.

Panic(unaccountablefear) is a psychological condition caused by life-threatening exposure external conditions and expressed in a feeling of acute fear that grips a person or many people who uncontrollably and uncontrollably strive to avoid a dangerous situation.

Panic can occur even when real threat no, but people succumb to mass psychosis. At the same time, many people’s consciousness becomes dulled, they lose the ability to correctly perceive and assess the situation. Statistics show that greatest number casualties occur in fires in buildings with large numbers of people (dance halls, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, stadiums, hotels, hostels, shops, etc.). At the same time, the root cause large number When lives are taken, there is panic (stampede). During a fire, many people begin to associate the flame with fire coming from hell. It is probably no coincidence that during a fire, panic seizes people more often than expected.

Panic reactions in children, adolescents, women and the elderly manifest themselves in the form of severe relaxation, lethargy, general lethargy, and sometimes complete immobility (when a person is physically unable to act and follow commands). Other people, as a rule, move chaotically, trying to quickly get away from real or imaginary danger. Naturally, in an environment where fire consumes everything around, people's behavior is rarely well thought out.

Explicitsignpanic- panic flight caused by a person’s desire to simply run away from danger, forgetting about everyone and taking nothing into account. Here the main objective- get rid of the overwhelming, and sometimes completely unfounded, fear.

A person perceives panic during a fire as a direct threat to his life, which will now lead to tragedy. He has a desire to act immediately. This is where the loss of self-control arises. This is explained simply: a person in an extreme situation begins to think only about himself, not noticing anyone or anything around him. Moreover, he already acts mechanically and ultimately commits unconscious actions. As you can see, in the end, a lot depends on the person himself: on his willpower, endurance, and ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation.

Panic can be prevented by design and planning solutions for evacuation routes and emergency exits, psychological measures, as well as pre-planned actions of the administration of public buildings.

8. Conclusion

Fires and explosions are the most common emergency events in modern industrial society. Fires in enterprises can occur due to damage to electrical wiring and live machines, furnaces and heating systems, containers with flammable liquids, etc. There are also cases of explosions and fires in residential premises due to malfunction and violation of the rules of operation of gas stoves.

All flammable substances are divided into the following main groups:

Flammable gases;

Highly flammable liquids;

Flammable liquids;

Combustible dusts.

All building materials are divided into three groups based on flammability: non-combustible, non-combustible and combustible.

Responsibility for compliance with the necessary fire safety regime and implementation of fire safety measures rests with the head of the enterprise and the heads of workshops.

For each enterprise, site-wide and workshop fire safety instructions are developed, instructions and classes on fire safety standards are conducted for workers and employees.


1. http://seaspirit.ru.

2. http://pervpomosh.ru.

3. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (entered into force on July 15, 2003).

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Fires and explosions

Fires and explosions are common emergency events in industrial societies.

Let's say, in India, with a population of many millions, an average of 200 thousand fires occur per year, and 17 thousand people die in them. In the United States, where any fire is recorded, including leaves on fire on the street, there are 2 million fires for a population of 260 million, in which 5 thousand people die. Russia, indeed, has left everyone far behind in this regard. But experts, meanwhile, admit: if our country did not have a sufficiently trained fire service, we would burn twice as often.

Officially, the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created by decree Russian government"About the organization government measures fight we will burn" on April 17, 1918. Although the history of the fire extinguishing service in Russia, of course, has much deeper roots.

Fires in Rus' have long been one of the most serious disasters. The cities of Yuryev, Vladimir, Suzdal, and Novgorod burned down several times. In 1194, huge fires were recorded in Ladoga and Russa. The works of historians tell about many devastating fires in Moscow. For example, the city completely burned down in 1238 when the hordes of Batu Khan raged in Rus'; in 1547 “All of Moscow presented the spectacle of a huge blazing fire under clouds of thick smoke...”, write contemporaries. In those days, more than 1,700 people died, not counting infants.

The organization of the fire service in Rus' is associated with the name of the Grand Duke of Moscow and All Rus' Ivan III (1440 - 1505). By his decree, a fire guard service was created for the first time in Moscow. At the beginning and end of each city street, special outposts were installed - “slingshot bars”, which were locked at night. 24-hour duty was organized at the outposts. The service was headed by lattice clerks. To help them, one citizen was allocated from every 10 households. The main task The clerks were to ensure that “there was no theft in battle, tavern robbery and tobacco, so that thieves did not light anything, did not throw fire, did not steal from the yard or from the streets.”

The main equipment for fighting fire at that time was simple - buckets, axes, crowbars, reeds, spears, hooks, spades, hooks, ladders. The most important concern of every city was water supply. Therefore, cities were mainly built on the banks of rivers. The problem of the large amount of water needed for firefighting forced people to look for ways to deliver it from the source to urban areas.

In Rus', gravity water pipes appeared in the 11th - 12th centuries (Novgorod), and in countries Western Europe a little later - in the 12th - 13th centuries. Widespread received and hydraulic structures, with the help of which water was supplied to the city.

This is how it was born fire service Russia, which today has become a powerful force capable of resisting a variety of emergency situations fiery character. After all, fires in Russia have acquired the proportions of a national disaster. For example, in 1993, 331 thousand of them were recorded. They caused material damage amounting to about 200 billion rubles.

Everything is burning - from apartments and dachas to the workshops of the largest factories and livestock farms. Let's take defense complex facilities. Here, technological processes use radiation and chemically hazardous substances and materials, as well as explosives. In most buildings and structures where they are used, old fire extinguishing systems have not been replaced with more efficient modern ones - there is no money for this. There are no means for this even at nuclear power facilities.

We burn because we are careless in handling fire (almost 42 percent of all fires), and because we violate safety rules when operating electrical equipment and household appliances (about every fifth case of fires), and because we still use stove heating (about 11 percent of fires). ), 8.8% of disasters occur due to children's pranks. Finally, in 6.7% of cases we are deliberately set on fire.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation has a number of articles providing for liability for crimes related to fires. In particular, for committing arson of other people's property, for violating fire safety rules.


Most often and, as a rule, with severe consequences, fires occur at fire-hazardous facilities.

Fire hazardous object (PO)- an object where products are produced (stored, transported) that acquire the ability to ignite under certain conditions (accident, initiation, etc.).

Fire hazardous facilities include those in the oil, gas, chemical, metallurgical, forestry, woodworking, textile, bakery and food industries, etc.

Fire danger- the possibility of the occurrence or development of a fire contained in any substance, state or process.

Fire is an uncontrolled combustion process, accompanied by the destruction of material assets and creating a danger to human life.

Combustion- a complex physical and chemical process of transformation of flammable substances and materials into combustion products, accompanied by intense release of heat, smoke and light radiation, which is based on fast-flowing chemical oxidation reactions in an atmosphere of atmospheric oxygen.

Features of combustion in a fire, in comparison with other types of combustion, are: a tendency to spontaneous spread of fire, a relatively low degree of combustion, intense release of smoke containing products of complete and incomplete oxidation.

Fires are divided into types according to their scale and intensity.

Separate fire- a fire that occurred in a separate building or structure. The movement of people and equipment through a built-up area between individual fires is possible without means of protection against thermal radiation.

Complete fire- simultaneous intense burning of the predominant number of buildings and structures in a given development area. The movement of people and equipment through an area of ​​continuous fire is impossible without means of protection against thermal radiation.

Firestorm- a special form of a spreading continuous fire, the characteristic features of which are: the presence of an upward flow of combustion products and heated air; an influx of fresh air from all sides at a speed of at least 50 km/h towards the boundaries of the fire storm.

Mass fire- a combination of individual and continuous fires. These include:

· fires and releases of flammable liquids in oil and petroleum products tanks;

· fires and emissions of gas and oil fountains;

· fires in warehouses of rubber, rubber products, rubber industry enterprises;

· fires in timber warehouses and woodworking industries;

· fires in warehouses and chemical storage facilities;

· fires at technological installations of chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries;

· fires in residential buildings and social and cultural institutions built of wood.

The intensity of fires largely depends on the fire resistance of objects and components. Based on their behavior at high temperatures, building and other materials are divided into: fireproof, fireproof, combustible.

Fire resistance of buildings- the ability of buildings to resist the effects of high temperatures over time while maintaining their operational properties. The fire resistance of a building depends on the fire resistance limits of its main structural parts.

Fire resistance limit of structures- the time during which the structure performs its functions in fire conditions.

The fire resistance limit of structures depends on the cross-section, thickness of the protective layer, flammability of the building material, and the ability to maintain mechanical properties when exposed to high temperatures.

Fires are characterized by a number of parameters:

Fire duration- time from the moment of its occurrence until the complete cessation of combustion.

Internal fire temperature- average volume temperature gas environment in room.

Open fire temperature- flame temperature.

The temperature of internal fires is usually lower than open fires.

Fire area- area of ​​projection of the combustion zone onto the horizontal and vertical planes.

Combustion zone- part of the space in which flammable substances are prepared for combustion (heating, evaporation, decomposition) and their combustion. It includes the volume of vapors and gases limited by the combustion zone itself and the surface of the burning substances, from which vapors and gases enter the volume of the combustion zone.

Thermal radiation zone- part of the space adjacent to the combustion zone, in which the thermal effect leads to a noticeable change in the state of materials and structures and makes it impossible for people to stay in it without special thermal protection (thermal protective suits, reflective screens, water curtains, etc.).

Smoke zone- part of the space adjacent to the combustion zone and filled with flue gases in concentrations that pose a threat to the life and health of people or impede the actions of fire departments.

Front of a continuous fire- the boundary of a continuous fire along which the fire spreads at the highest speed.

Speed ​​of spread of a continuous fire front- the speed of its movement.

Fire spread- the process of propagation of the combustion zone over the surface of the material due to thermal conductivity, thermal radiation and convection. The main role in the spread of fire is played by the thermal radiation of the flame. Heat is transferred to the environment through radiation, conduction and convection.

Fire protection- a set of engineering, technical and organizational measures aimed at creating fire safety of the facility.

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