Ditties for September 1st for children. Funny ditties about school for children's graduations in kindergartens from parents - words

Cool time

The red summer has flown by,
Fun and free.
It's time for a great time
Yard and school.

A little rainy
Cold and chilly
But still happy
And very, very friendly.

(A. Usachev)

Tomorrow morning
Tomorrow morning, like birdsong,
Bells will ring all over the country.
We rested and tanned,
We were fully prepared for school.

Like astronauts before launch
We're a little worried now.
We already miss our desks,
And they are not happy without us...

The guys have delighted faces,
Everyone around is screaming.
Time to share impressions
Me with you and you with me.

Who will tell about the sea tides,
Who remembers the mountain pass?
How many of us are cheerful and happy!
Everyone has been somewhere.

Our banner flutters in the wind,
We look up to him in the ranks.
We are moving forward along the path of knowledge,
We deeply love our Motherland.
(Leonid Soroka)

First grade tomorrow!
Summer is left behind
From the calendar to us
September looks like a colored leaf,
And tomorrow - first grade!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten,
A briefcase is waiting in the hallway,
The shoes are new,
They look at the door with their noses.

The jacket is hanging on a hanger,
Like an important gentleman,
The student will put it on -
My grown up son!

While he is still fast asleep,
But from early morning,
When the alarm clock rings,
He will be picked up and spun around,
Study time!
(M. Kazarina)

August 31
Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”
(V. Kodryan)

Hello school!
Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.
We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.
We want to travel around the world
Go through the entire universe.
Wish us success
And bon voyage.

Hello school!
The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.

Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.

We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.

There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!

(N. Knushevitskaya)

First graders
Lace blouses,
White shirts,
Mischievous faces -
These are first graders!

Line to school
Everyone carries bouquets:
- We're going to study
Goodbye summer!

(L. Levina)

The school year begins
The school year begins
In September the days are counting down,
IN school holidays and everyday life
The children's lives will flow on.

The school opens its doors,
We are greeted with a call
This first day of autumn
Everyone knows it from childhood.

First-graders are a little timid
Starting school journey
Comprehending year by year
All sciences have a great essence.

High school students today
They stand a little sadly -
Parting and farewell
They have to go to school.

And kind as a mother
The faces of all the teachers
Because we're glad to see you
After the summer of all children!

(A. Voight)

Hello school!
Summer flew by quickly
Arrived academic year,
But we also have a lot of autumn
It will bring good days.

Hello, golden autumn!
A school filled with sunshine!
Our spacious, bright classroom,
You are meeting us again.

(V. Lebedev-Kumach)

Hello school!
Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make a joyful noise.

They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting for classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

(V. Rudenko)

Autumn signs
Thin birch
Dressed in gold.
So a sign of autumn appeared.

Birds fly away
To the land of warmth and light,
Here's another one for you
Sign of autumn.

The rain sows drops
All day from dawn.
This rain too
Sign of autumn.

Proud boy, happy:
After all, he is wearing
School shirt,
Bought in the summer.

Girl with a briefcase.
Everyone knows: this is
Coming autumn
A sure sign.

(L. Preobrazhenskaya)

Summer is ending
Summer is ending
And the sun doesn't shine
And he's hiding somewhere.

And the rain is first grade,
A little timid
In an oblique ruler
Lines the window.

(I. Tokmakova)

First class guys
Everything is good with us
They call it first class.

Passengers without fear
Taking flight
If the pilot is first-class,
First class aircraft.

This builder is first class!
He built the first class!
To first class homes
Winter will not settle.

First class teacher
Strict with first graders:
“Put down the toys,
The lesson begins!

From Kamchatka to Arbat
On this day in our country
First class guys
Entering first grade!

(A. Stroilo)

First of September
Walking along the road
Huge bouquet:
feet in shoes,
From above - takes.

Glows with gloss
On the back of the bouquet
Brand new backpack
Brick color.

Walking to school
Bouquets of flowers –
Ready for the school year!

(B. Belova)

First of September

Grandma in the medicine cabinet

Looking for validol:

Grandson Andryusha to school

I went for the first time.

Mom keeps sighing:

"How is he doing now?

Not an easy matter

This first class..."

Even dad, childhood

Remembering, I became sad.

I forgot about football.

And the toys are in grief

So dejected:

"We are now probably

No longer needed..."

Leaves -
Time to fall
To the birds -
Time to fly away
Mushroom pickers -
Wander in the fog
to the wind -
Howling in the pipes.

The sun is getting cold,
The clouds are pouring,
You and I -
Go to study:
Write letters with numbers,
Read the primer syllable by syllable!

(I. Maznin)

To school
Little people
Meets a new one
School year.

In the morning along the sidewalks,
Any down the street
The guys are coming
In pairs,
A crowd.

Who's dragging
To class
Homemade receiver
Who butterflies
And who - a live squirrel.

Here with my first-grader brother
The sister walks nearby.
The girl is assigned
For my younger brother.

Yes he himself
More than once
To my little sister
To fifth grade
Will definitely stop by
A big change!

They're coming in a crowd
With briefcases in hands,
The notebooks are untouched
Purely in the diaries.
They are in a hurry to call
And they chatter merrily.

And the adults
From the windows
They look with a smile.
We hold you in high esteem
All work -
They're coming!
(A. Barto)

Hello school!
Misha got up early today -
The long-awaited day has arrived.
Misha has a backpack behind him,
In the backpack there is a book and a pencil case.
And in the pencil case - a pen, feathers,
Three colored pencils.
Misha thinks: “Now I
Doesn’t look like a baby!”
Grandfather Artyom left the forge
Look at my grandson...
It’s so nice for Misha
What he is ready to sing out loud:
“Hello, golden autumn,
So I became a student!..”
Zhulka, seeing off Misha,
He proudly holds his tail in a hook.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

First grader
First grader, first grader
Dressed up like for a holiday!

Didn't even go into a puddle:
I looked around and left.

Ears are washed to a shine,
Scarlet mushroom on the lid of the backpack,

And he himself is like a mushroom
Looking sideways from under his cap:

Does everyone see? Does everyone know?
Does everyone sigh with envy?

(M. Boroditskaya)

Little schoolgirl
I'm walking in a new dress,
I'm wearing a white apron.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang.

Goodbye, familiar kindergarten,
Now I have to go to school!
- Galinka! - the kids are screaming
And they wave to me from the garden.

They call: - Come in now
Our kindergarten is fun!
“No,” I say, “I need to go to class.”
I'll come back later from school.

And everyone congratulates me,
Having gathered early in the garden,
Because from today I
I'll go to school.

(E. Uspensky)

School bell
The bell is ringing louder and louder.
What a trill is spreading over the world!
Do you think the nightingale has sung?
Not a nightingale. Lessons begin.

Oh, how it rings in all corners of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up quickly.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no. Lessons begin.

Take your briefcase and walk merrily
Some lazy people take a long time to get ready.
Do you think the tram is ringing with all its might?
What tram? Lessons begin.

The pillow covers the phone
My grandfather grumbles and is upset:
“I’m getting old, there’s some kind of ringing in my ears.”
Of course it's ringing. Lessons begin!

The bell rings, and it is cheerful and loud,
And the soul is filled with joy,
And every day for each of us
Regular lessons begin.
(N. Gol)

Fun call
As soon as autumn steps through the threshold,
The guys are called by the Happy Bell.
He will see: children are going to school,
And immediately - loudly, fervently: “Hurray!”

He is sincerely happy for every schoolchild,
But he loves cheerful guys more.
And he doesn’t like Cheerful Bell at all.
Lazy people, arrogant people, slobs, couch potatoes.
(V. Suslov)

What awaits me at school
The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Waiting nature - forest and the field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!

(V. Moruga)

The school yard came alive today!

Oh, this mischievous rain!
He wanted to ruin the holiday
But I thought well -
Just dug in and passed!

A rainbow hung in the sky,
Like a big rocker
And it still sparkles
Decorating the school yard!

From flowers, balloons, bouquets
It's all summer in my soul,
Guys here and there
They're scurrying around like gnomes!

Everyone laughs, everyone is happy -
The school yard came to life today!
Trill a joyful call
Invites you to a lesson!

(N. Rodivilina )

The school sparkled for the school year -
The windows sparkled, looking east.
New painting on the walls of the gym,
IN assembly hall the curtain is a delight!

The school thought: "Oh, how I like it
Live in silence, without worries and worries!
It's a pity that I won't be a beauty for long -
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.

The bells will buzz again like bees,
Streams of speeches will flow again...
How tiring if you are a school,
Either a Gymnasium or a Lyceum."

Here it is September. Along a familiar road
They bring a bouquet to the school -
Any heart cannot stand it, it will tremble.
The school nodded to the kids: “Hello!

So many pleasant surprises outside the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How I missed having fun!
Well, did you grumble? I'm getting old, unfortunately."

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We might be shy.

We'll sing ditties for you
School ones are cool,
So that you don’t get bored on Knowledge Day
Yes, and they remembered us!

(N. Maidanik)

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

Why tonight
I woke up ten times?
Because today I
I'm entering first grade.

(According to A. Barto)

It will fill with ringing music

School happy bell

And it will begin for all the guys

Their first lesson in life.

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.

We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.

There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
We are, of course, lucky.

(A. Gavryushkin)

Let the lessons in school a lot,
We will overcome, no problem!
Starts today
Our school years...
(A. Gavryushkin)

We promise not to be lazy
Complete tasks
Returning from recess
On time, without delay!

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

Mom braided her hair
I straightened my bows,
Gave me a brand new satchel -
Sent me to first grade!

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
I'm for real now
First class student!

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle -
My first-class bouquet!

I go to school with flowers

I hold my mother's hand.

Because of the lush bouquet

I don't find any doors.

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -
Everything has been fine for a long time!
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first grade!

All the girls and boys
By September the books were folded,
Prepared briefcases -
So, they wanted to go to school!

(N. Maidanik)

By September, by September
I give flowers to friends.
One bouquet, two bouquets -
There are gifts, flower beds - no!

(N. Maidanik)

The school sparkles with cleanliness
Corridors - new paint,
The desks lined up:
- Come in! - They say.

(N. Maidanik)

The new uniform is put on,
White shirt.
Look at me
What a first-grader I am!

Bought a new uniform

Our whole class dressed up -

And now my own mothers

They can't tell us apart.

(I. Ageeva)

New books, notebooks,

And the suit is cool,

So that everything is alright

Dad took out a loan from the bank.

(I. Ageeva)

First graders briefcases
They barely lift.
Know, Petya, know, Olya -
It's hard to study at school.
(I. Ageeva)

Vova didn’t sleep all night:

He collected his briefcase,

But... I couldn’t lift it,

He didn't make it to class.

We sang ditties for you
School ones are cool,
You were congratulated on Day of Knowledge,
We are pleased with ourselves!

(N. Maidanik)

We sang ditties for you
And they hit the eye, not the eyebrow.
Laughter improves health,
Like a healthy carrot.
(V. Rybchenko)

undefined undefined


Past our lyceum
I don't go without jokes -
Then I'll throw a snowball out the window,
I'll write that on the wall.

(E. Krupchatnikov)

Pavlik promised the boys:

I'll fix the unit.

I'll teach you a little,

I'll get a D straight away!

Stands at the card for half an hour

Student Masha.

And he can’t find it,

Where is our capital?

Sasha hesitates at the blackboard -

The class is dying of melancholy.

In Sasha's head

Not brains, but porridge.

Grass grows in the yard
There are firewood on the grass.
In those firewood kids
I threw away my books.
(L. Ladyka)

Gave me the Internet
Answer to the task.
And then he told me class,
That we have only one report.
(L. Lebedeva)

Passed "excellently", guys.
I am an "automatic" exam.
So that the teacher gives a high five,
I put the machine gun to my head.

Yura speaks in Russian:
"I have a temperature,
I didn't remember the poem
My memory went into shock."

Having passed the work in Russian,
I expected the result on Saturday.
Dad got a bad mark -
Poor coverage of the topic!

With Petya cone volume
The two of us calculated
“Minus eight” was the answer,
There is a cone, but no volume!

Dad solved the problem for me,
I handed over my notebook and am crying -
The teacher says he took it
I integrated without asking.

Sweetheart in a white apron
Looks tenderly at the microbe.
Just as gently under the microscope
A microbe is looking at her.

Who's hustling at the buffet?
Forging ahead? -
Have pity on Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

Katya's grief is bitter,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
The cheat sheet fell out.

Our friend is tired
I was just sweating from the lesson.
Why is he so tired? -
He waited the whole lesson for the bell.

Somehow Olya received
Sasha's note:
Lend me some for dictation
A writing pen.

Our Lesha is at recess
He was always ruddy
It turned yellow like a lemon.

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the supermarket.
“But there’s no cereal there, Mom,”
I had to buy some candy!”

Our Lenya went to the gym.
Lenya flexed his muscles.
Here he protected the girl -
He killed a mosquito on it.

Cover your mouth, Seryozha,
Closer, yawning,
Otherwise it will get
A flock of magpies in the mouth.

(E. Berger)

Spouted bad words
Seva every now and then
And now he barely wheezes:
My throat hurts!

(E. Berger)

Painted Peter and Titus
There are doodles on the wall,
And erasing them, sobbing
Both cried bitterly.

(E. Berger)

Valentin is our singer.
He has a great bass
He opened his mouth wider than anyone else,
Like a hippopotamus in a swamp.

There are two twins in the class,
Identical from the face.
One goes to answer,
My brother hands me the diary.

Having a rest somewhere at sea,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
What changes?
The trousers are now knee-length!

There is a Miss Spring competition at school.
Who is Vesnyanka? Who is she?
That title went to Kolya,
Kolya was wearing Olya’s clothes.

The school has a long corridor.
Kostya rushes at full speed.
Don't touch him while you're galloping,
He is not Kostya - a fast horse!

Teacher Tolya says:
“Why are you running around school?”
“Who will wear me?
Can I ask the head teacher?”

I answered in class -
Our teacher is fainting -
From this ignorance
Lost consciousness.

Katya flew to school like that,
I didn't even put on my uniform.
The whole lesson was done by Katya
I have polka dots on my robe.

Take a look in the briefcase
Sveta's first-graders:
Mascara, lipstick, powder, gel,
Chewing gum, cigarettes.

Although the ratings are not very good,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He wiggles his ears.

Heroically Lena with laziness
I fought all day
But, much to our chagrin,
Laziness defeated Lena.

Learned very quickly
Julia and Katya new verse.
And we got a four,
Unfortunately, for two.

Lesha put his hands in his trousers,
He thinks: what to do?
It would be necessary to take out, like, your hands,
No, I forgot to wash it!

Our Andrey that week
I handed over my notebook to the teacher.
He doesn't know what to do with her -
To clean, wash or wash.

Elya and Zhenya in class
They chatter like magpies.
They will be called to answer -
They put a seal on your lips!

Our Ilya is a super-skilled goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he makes mistakes
He misses it - well, at least cry!

If you are my girlfriend
Rescued from misfortune:
Raise your hand quickly
So that they don't call me.

Petya ran away from music
I got into botany.
His answer was not bad:
Do, re, mi, beans, peas.

Kolya came out to answer,
But I didn't know where to start.
He was silent for an hour, then said:
“Anna Pavlovna, call.”

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here, guys, is an example for everyone,
How not to solve an example.

Valera has no patience,

He didn't finish his lesson.

And in half a poem

I got half a B.

Our teacher is very strict -

We didn't go to class.

How happy he was

That he is freed from us.

Our dear mothers,

Your complexion is not the same!

This is what it means to join us

Chew on science all year long!

Two years in each class
Vasya sat at his desk.
Vasenka left school
With a beard right down to the floor.

(I. Ageeva)

Deuce is very proud of it
That she is like a swan bird.
Beauty, unfortunately, disappears:
It only scares children.
(I. Ageeva)

Help! Help!
Vitya Dudkin is drowning, drowning!
Here last time sighed...
I drowned in doubles again.
(I. Ageeva)

You're at breakfast early in the morning
Eat a bowl of semolina porridge,
After all, there’s no way to get an “A”
You won't get it on an empty stomach.
(I. Ageeva)

We need imagination and ingenuity
There is an urgent need to develop
So that the reasons for being late
It's very difficult to write.

(I. Ageeva)

I've been looking for X all day
In a complex equation.
I'll follow the dog's trail,
Let him find a solution.

(I. Ageeva)

Who is not doing well with their studies?
I am not friends with that one.
I have a cool character -
I have respected work since childhood.
(I. Ageeva)

Make a slim figure
Physical education will help you.
Exercise and running
Guaranteed success.

(I. Ageeva)

I don't cry because of twos -
I hide my diary in the shed.
I don't cry from stakes -
I erase them with an eraser.

(I. Ageeva)

We don’t bring a diary to class anymore,

What progress has there been?

All marks, comments

They send ancestors via SMS.

(I. Ageeva)

Electronic grief to everyone

There is a magazine in our school.

Unit to fix

Pashka hacked the school website.

(I. Ageeva)

At the interactive board

It's expensive to stand.

Our chalk lies without work -

The poor thing is starting to get bored!

(I. Ageeva)

In our class, a student -
I want to marry her.
Everyone at school is afraid of Nadya:
He knows how to fight well.

(Ya. Akim)

Time with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed it - what fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All signs are "M" and "F".

Our Petrov sits and hiccups,
The tooth does not touch the tooth.
Serves it right! Won't happen in future
Watch horrors at night!

(S. Satin)

I say jokingly to Kolya:
“Are you, Kol, a werewolf, or what?”
He growled, tail tucked,
The dense one ran away into the forest.

(S. Satin)

The shirt suddenly began to choke me.
I almost died of fear.
Then I realized: “Oh my!
I grew out of it!!!"

(S. Satin)

Rash, sore throat, scarlet fever,
Whooping cough, mumps and diarrhea -
Here's a picture for me
Summer camp presented.
(S. Bersenev)

If a boy fell in love
Point your finger at the book -
So he's a bibliophile
Perverted boy.

Kids in the toilet
Got high from the heart,
And now the kids
Smoke comes out of my ears.

My class and I went to the circus,
We saw some tricks.
After everyone's tricks
The diaries are missing.

Write off math
Lenka allowed.
Well, we'll have to kiss
At recess with her.

All the guys in our class
They like to distinguish themselves:
Who draws, who sings -
Just don't study!

If you take a piece of paper,
Pen, scissors and glue,
And a little more courage,
You can make 100 rubles.

Who invented exams?
Who came up with the sessions?
We'd be at the school door
They hung me by the ears.

Papa Pasha, Papa Pasha
I installed windows in our school,
But Pavel did not become smarter -
Dad didn't give his son a brain.

Oh, you're mom, oh, you're mom,
You bought me a Panama hat.
And Panama is big -
Covers the clouds.
(V. Loginova)

I taught my sister Masha:
“You need to eat porridge with a spoon!”
Eh! I taught in vain -
I got hit in the forehead with a spoon.

I sit deftly in the saddle
On a beautiful horse
He just barely rushes...
That horse on the carousel.

Rubbish - rubbish - rubbish!
I could perform all day!
I don't feel like studying
And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

(Yu. Entin)

We joked a little
Laughed at ourselves
If something was added -
So the offense is small!


For this holiday, and they are also funny. Like poems, you can use them in preparation for ceremonial lineup or the first lesson on September 1st.
So - great idea, take your pick, everyone will like it!

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We might be shy.

We'll sing ditties for you
School ones are cool,
So that you don’t get bored on Knowledge Day
Yes, and they remembered us!
(N. Maidanik)

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

Why tonight
I woke up ten times?
Because today I
I'm entering first grade.
(According to A. Barto)

It will fill with ringing music
School happy bell
And it will begin for all the guys
Their first lesson in life.

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.

We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.

There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
We are, of course, lucky.
(A. Gavryushkin)

May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Starts today
Our school years...
(A. Gavryushkin)

We promise not to be lazy
Complete tasks
Returning from recess
On time, without delay!
The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!
Mom braided her hair
I straightened my bows,
Gave me a brand new satchel -
Sent me to first grade!

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
I'm for real now
First class student!

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle -
My first-class bouquet!

I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand.
Because of the lush bouquet
I don't find any doors.

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -
Everything has been fine for a long time!
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first grade!

All the girls and boys
By September the books were folded,
We got our briefcases ready - that means we wanted to go to school!
(N. Maidanik)

By September, by September
I give flowers to friends.
One bouquet, two bouquets - There are gifts, flower beds - no!
(N. Maidanik)

The school sparkles with cleanliness
Corridors - new paint,
The desks lined up:
- Come in! - They say.
(N. Maidanik)
The new uniform is put on,
White shirt.
Look at me
What a first-grader I am!

Bought a new uniform
We dressed up our whole class -
And now my own mothers
They can't tell us apart.
(I. Ageeva)

New books, notebooks,
And the suit is cool,
So that everything is alright
Dad took out a loan from the bank.
(I. Ageeva)

First graders briefcases
They barely lift.
Know, Petya, know, Olya - It’s hard to study at school.
(I. Ageeva)

Vova didn’t sleep all night:
He collected his briefcase,
But... I couldn’t lift it,
He didn't make it to class.

We sang ditties for you
School ones are cool,
Congratulations on Knowledge Day,
We are pleased with ourselves!
(N. Maidanik)

We sang ditties for you
And they hit the eye, not the eyebrow.
Laughter improves health
Like a healthy carrot.
(V. Rybchenko)

Past our lyceum
I don't joke around -
Then I'll throw a snowball out the window,
I'll write that on the wall.
(E. Krupchatnikov)

Pavlik promised the boys:
- I'll fix the unit.
I'll teach you a little,
I'll get a D straight away!

Stands at the card for half an hour
Student Masha.
And he can’t find it,
Where is our capital?

Sasha hesitates at the blackboard -
The class is dying of melancholy.
In Sasha's head
Not brains, but porridge.

Grass grows in the yard
There are firewood on the grass.
In those firewood kids
I threw away my books.
(L. Ladyka)

Gave me the Internet
Answer to the task.
And then he told me class,
That we have only one report.
(L. Lebedeva)
Passed "excellently", guys.
I take the exam automatically.
So that the teacher gives a “five”,
I put the machine gun to my head.

Yura speaks in Russian:
"I have a temperature,
I didn't remember the poem
My memory went into shock."

Having passed the work in Russian,
I expected the result on Saturday.
Dad got a bad grade -
Poor coverage of the topic!
With Petya cone volume
The two of us calculated
“Minus eight” was the answer,
There is a cone, but no volume!

Dad solved the problem for me,
I handed over my notebook and am crying—
The teacher says he took it
I integrated without asking.

Sweetheart in a white apron
Looks tenderly at the microbe.
Just as gently under the microscope
A microbe is looking at her.
Who's hustling at the buffet?
Forging ahead? -
Have pity on Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

Katya's grief is bitter,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
The cheat sheet fell out.

Our friend is tired
I was just sweating from the lesson.
Why is he so tired? -
He waited the whole lesson for the bell.

Somehow Olya received
Sasha's note:
Lend me some for dictation
A writing pen.
Our Lesha is at recess
He was always ruddy
It turned yellow like a lemon.
Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the supermarket.
“But there’s no cereal there, Mom,”
I had to buy some candy!”

Our Lenya went to the gym.
Lenya flexed his muscles.
Here he protected the girl -
He killed a mosquito on it.

Valentin is our singer.
He has a great bass
He opened his mouth wider than anyone else,
Like a hippopotamus in a swamp.
There are two twins in the class,
Identical from the face.
One goes to answer,
My brother hands me the diary.

Having a rest somewhere at sea,
Gleb has changed over the summer.
What changes?
The trousers are now knee-length!

There is a Miss Spring competition at school.
Who is Vesnyanka? Who is she?
That title went to Kolya,
Kolya was wearing Olya’s clothes.
The school has a long corridor.
Kostya rushes at full speed.
Don't touch him while you're galloping,
He is not Kostya - a fast horse!

Teacher Tolya says:
“Why are you running around school?”
“Who will wear me?
Can I ask the head teacher?”
I answered in class -
Our teacher is fainting—
From this ignorance
Lost consciousness.

Katya flew to school like that,
I didn't even put on my uniform.
The whole lesson was done by Katya
I have polka dots on my robe.

Take a look in the briefcase
Sveta's first-graders:
Mascara, lipstick, powder, gel,
Chewing gum, cigarettes.

Although the ratings are not very good,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He wiggles his ears.
Heroically Lena with laziness
I fought all day
But, much to our chagrin,
Laziness defeated Lena.

Learned very quickly
Julia and Katya new verse.
And we got a four,
Unfortunately, for two.

Lesha put his hands in his trousers,
He thinks: what to do?
It would be necessary to take out, like, your hands,
No, I forgot to wash it!

Our Andrey that week
I handed over my notebook to the teacher.
He doesn't know what to do with her -
To clean, wash or wash.

Elya and Zhenya in class
They chatter like magpies.
They will be called to answer -
They put a seal on your lips!

Our Ilya is a super-skilled goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he makes mistakes
He misses it - well, at least cry!

If you are my girlfriend
Rescued from misfortune:
Raise your hand quickly
So that they don't call me.

Petya ran away from music
I got into botany.
His answer was not bad:
Do, re, mi, beans, peas.

Kolya came out to answer,
But I didn't know where to start.
He was silent for an hour, then said:
“Anna Pavlovna, call.”

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here, guys, is an example for everyone,
How not to solve an example.

Valera has no patience,
He didn't finish his lesson.
And in half a poem
I got half a B.

Our teacher is very strict
We didn't go to class.
How happy he was
That he is freed from us.

Our dear mothers,
Your complexion is not the same!
This is what it means to join us
Chew on science all year long!
Two years in each class
Vasya sat at his desk.
Vasenka left school
With a beard right down to the floor.
(I. Ageeva)

Deuce is very proud of it
That she is like a swan bird.
Beauty, unfortunately, disappears:
It only scares children.
(I. Ageeva)

Help! Help!
Vitya Dudkin is drowning, drowning!
Here's my last breath...
I drowned in doubles again.
(I. Ageeva)
You're at breakfast early in the morning
Eat a bowl of semolina porridge,
After all, there’s no way to get an “A”
You won't get it on an empty stomach.
(I. Ageeva)

We need imagination and ingenuity
There is an urgent need to develop
So that the reasons for being late
It's very difficult to write.
(I. Ageeva)

I've been looking for X all day
In a complex equation.
I'll follow the dog's trail,
Let him find a solution.
(I. Ageeva)

Who is not doing well with their studies?
I am not friends with that one.
I have a cool character - I have respected work since childhood.
(I. Ageeva)

Make a slim figure
Physical education will help you.
Exercise and running
Guaranteed success.
(I. Ageeva)

I don't cry because of twos -
I hide my diary in the shed.
I don't cry from stakes -
I erase them with an eraser.
(I. Ageeva)
We don’t bring a diary to class anymore,
What progress has there been?
All marks, comments
They send ancestors via SMS.
(I. Ageeva)
Electronic grief to everyone
There is a magazine in our school.
Unit to fix
Pashka hacked the school website.
(I. Ageeva)

At the interactive board
It's expensive to stand.
Our chalk lies without work -
The poor thing is starting to get bored!
(I. Ageeva)

In our class, a student-
I want to marry her.
Everyone at school is afraid of Nadya:
He knows how to fight well.
(Ya. Akim)

Time with a friend on April Fool's Day
They changed it - what fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “M” and “F”.

Our Petrov sits and hiccups,
The tooth does not touch the tooth.
Serves it right! Won't happen in future
Watch horrors at night!
(S. Satin)

I say jokingly to Kolya:
“Are you, Kol, a werewolf, or what?”
He growled, tail tucked,
The dense one ran away into the forest.
(S. Satin)

The shirt suddenly began to choke me.
I almost died of fear.
Then I realized: “Oh my!
I grew out of it!!!”
(S. Satin)

Rash, sore throat, scarlet fever,
Whooping cough, mumps and diarrhea - This is the picture I see
Summer camp presented.
(S. Bersenev)

If a boy fell in love
Poking a finger into a book -
So he's a bibliophile
Perverted boy.

Kids in the toilet
Got high from the heart,
And now the kids
Smoke comes out of my ears.

My class and I went to the circus,
We saw some tricks.
After everyone's tricks
The diaries are missing.

Write off math
Lenka allowed.
Well, we'll have to kiss
At recess with her.

All the guys in our class
They like to distinguish themselves:
Who draws, who sings-
Just don't study!

If you take a piece of paper,
Pen, scissors and glue,
And a little more courage,
You can make 100 rubles.

Who invented exams?
Who came up with the sessions?
We'd be at the school door
They hung me by the ears.

Papa Pasha, Papa Pasha
I installed windows in our school,
But Pavel did not become smarter - Dad did not give his son a brain.

Oh, you're mom, oh, you're mom,
You bought me a Panama hat.
And Panama is big -
Covers the clouds.
(V. Loginova)

I taught my sister Masha:
“You need to eat porridge with a spoon!”
Eh! In vain I taught -
I got hit in the forehead with a spoon.
I sit deftly in the saddle
On a beautiful horse
He just barely rushes...
That horse on the carousel.

Rubbish - rubbish - rubbish!
I could perform all day!
I don't feel like studying
And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!
(Yu. Entin)

We joked a little
Laughed at ourselves
If they made something up -
So the offense is small!

Let's start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here,

We might be shy.

We'll sing ditties for you

School ones are cool,

So that you don’t get bored on Knowledge Day

Yes, and they remembered us!

(N. Maidanik)

Hurry up, ring the bell,

We've been waiting for you.

After all, for our first lesson

We've been planning for a year.

Why tonight

I woke up ten times?

Because today I

I'm entering first grade.

(According to A. Barto)

It will fill with ringing music

School happy bell

And it will begin for all the guys

Their first lesson in life.

Hello, golden autumn!

Hello school! To class

Calls us without stopping,

Iridescent call.

We are with cheerful friends

Distance on a school ship

Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge

To an unknown land.

There is no more beautiful school in the world:

It's cozy and warm here.

And with our teacher

We are, of course, lucky.

(A. Gavryushkin)

May there be many lessons at school,

We will overcome, no problem!

Starts today

Our school years...

(A. Gavryushkin)

We promise not to be lazy

Complete tasks

Returning from recess

On time, without delay!

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,

Dear girlfriends,

They don’t fit into that backpack

All my toys!

Mom braided her hair

I straightened my bows,

Gave me a brand new satchel -

Sent me to first grade!

I have an ABC book in my briefcase

And notebooks and a diary!

I'm for real now

First class student!

I turned seven years old

And I couldn't be happier!

Look what a miracle -

My first-class bouquet!

I go to school with flowers

I hold my mother's hand.

Because of the lush bouquet

I don't find any doors.

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -

Everything has been fine for a long time!

Today is my first time

I'm heading to first grade!

All the girls and boys

By September the books were folded,

Prepared briefcases -

So, they wanted to go to school!

(N. Maidanik)

By September, by September

I give flowers to friends.

One bouquet, two bouquets -

There are gifts, flower beds - no!

(N. Maidanik)

The school sparkles with cleanliness

Corridors - new paint,

The desks lined up:

Come on in! - They say.

(N. Maidanik)

The new uniform is put on,

White shirt.

Look at me

What a first-grader I am!

Bought a new uniform

Our whole class dressed up -

And now my own mothers

They can't tell us apart.

(I. Ageeva ■)

New books, notebooks,

And the suit is cool,

So that everything is alright

Dad took out a loan from the bank.

(I. Ageeva ■)

First graders briefcases

They barely lift.

Know, Petya, know, Olya -

It's hard to study at school.

(I. Ageeva ■)

To the best first class

I went to study

So that later at least the president

He was able to marry me.

(I. Ageeva ■)

Vova didn’t sleep all night:

He collected his briefcase,

But... I couldn’t lift it,

He didn't make it to class.

We sang ditties for you

School ones are cool,

Congratulations on Knowledge Day,

We are pleased with ourselves!

(N. Maidanik)

We sang ditties for you

And they hit the eye, not the eyebrow.

Laughter improves health

Like a healthy carrot.

(V. Rybchenko)
Fourteen ditties on school theme

Chastushka is a frequent guest of all kinds school concerts and evenings. Easy to create, accurate in content. And in execution it’s as easy as peeling a banana. There will be a long time for ditties to appear in school scripts.

Eh, things suck
Eh, YEH's affairs
Who doesn't get points?
The head teacher will punish him

Papa Pasha, Papa Pasha
Installed windows in our school
But Pavel did not become smarter
Dad didn't give his son a brain

Diderot walked up the stairs
Stepped in a bucket
Screamed dirty in fear
Disturbed Feuerbach

Tomatoes, tomatoes
Tomatoes - vegetables
Unable to pass the Unified State Exam
Without outside help

I don't want to take the Unified State Exam
This crap is not for me
I'll go to vocational school to study
More useful in life

At school instead of physical education
Nowadays waste paper collection
Alumni helped -
They brought diaries

Our school is not renovated
Everything is already bursting at the seams
The director has no money -
Buys a new jeep

In the physics classroom
The nuts have dug in
All you can hear is screaming and swearing
This is our physicist

Girls at their work
Learned how to make moonshine
We must not be lazy -
Useful in life

And the guys are at work
What are they doing - just wow!
Four stools
Sawed into pieces

Showed me a picture
Where is the pistil and stamen
Explained the essence and the matter
I haven't blushed this much in a long time

I smoked in the toilet
Smoked a cigarette
Such are the habits
Even though I'm a first-grader

Our school is on the outskirts
Our school is on the edge
That's why they don't come to us
It's quiet here, like in heaven

Our rural school
There are nine people in the school
And for all nine
There is only one set of books

Scene "B" school library»

A librarian sits behind the counter. He's reading something. Three teenagers come in. They approach the librarian.

GUY: Us, please. 3 hamburgers, 3 fries, 3 cokes.

LIBRARY (whispers): Children, this is a library!

Scene “At Physical Education”

ANNOUNCER: And records are being broken in our gym right now.

The screen opens. There are two girls on stage. One with with great difficulty doing a classic push-up. The second one helps her: she counts

GIRL 2: 98, 99, well, a little more...100!

Girl 1 is breathing heavily, coming to her senses

GIRL 2: Katya, you are cool! Do you even realize how many push-ups you did! But we won’t stop there! We will gradually increase the load! Tomorrow, let’s start counting not from 98, but from 96!

Scene “In the Pharmacy”

A pharmacist and an advanced school student - a tablet computer in one hand, a smartphone in the other.

SCHOOLBOY: Girl, good afternoon, I need coal.

PHARMACIST: Activated?

SCHOOLBOY (with a grin): I am the winner of the city Olympiad in computer science! Let's have a demo version. If I like it, I’ll activate it myself.

Jokes for high school students.

The son of Nikos Safronov painted a desk and demanded a fee of 20 thousand euros from the school for this.

It was established that the photo shoot in the Maldives of Anastasia Volochkova was organized by the Ministry of Education as methodological manual for anatomy lessons.

A Russian language teacher collected student tweets for verification.

The full title of A. Fursenko’s position is not “Minister of Education”, but “Minister AGAINST Education”.

The instinct of self-preservation is higher than professional duty. At a parent meeting class teacher told Nikolai Valuev that his son was the best student in the history of the school.

According to statistics, after checking essays on the topic “How I spent my summer,” a Russian language teacher can work as a manager-consultant for a travel agency.

After the broadcast of the Spartak-CSKA match, teachers believe that the son of Dmitry Guberniev “is still expressing himself normally.”

Essays based on the works of Daria Dontsova turn out better than the originals.

The task of a Russian language teacher is not so much to teach how to write correctly, but to fit the text into 160 characters of an SMS message.

The Ministry of Education will arrange for a teacher English language Vitaly Mutko and the minister confronted.

My dad loved it very much parent meeting. After all, that’s what he called his collection of skates in the sideboard.

Now in literature lessons they test not reading speed, but SMS writing speed.

Counterattack our way. When asked by a computer science teacher about the absence homework, a student asked about the lack of a windows license on school computers.

Bruce Willis dreamed of becoming a life safety teacher since childhood, but then he turned out to be not so cool.


Ditties about school - this is one of the funniest numbers on children's party. The school life of boys and girls is full of funny incidents and funny situations that can be played out with the help of comic couplets. For example, for a holiday in honor of September 1, they are perfect funny ditties about students in grades 1-2 who are not in a hurry to primary school after the holidays. And on Teacher’s Day, schoolchildren in grades 3-4 can prepare couplets about teachers. And the teachers themselves, like the parents, are always ready to perform ditties at any holiday. For example, such a number would be appropriate at graduation, including kindergarten. The best ditties on school topics for adults and children you will find in the next article.

Funny ditties about school for children's graduations in kindergartens from parents - words

Very often, funny ditties about school performed by parents become the best number at graduation in kindergarten. Such ditties humorously tell about the upcoming school everyday life of future first-graders. The ditties also contain jokes about the parents of graduates.

Examples of funny ditties about school for children's graduation in kindergarten from parents

It's time for fun - an hour of fun!
We arrive to class on time!
There is no threat of success
Who hasn't learned their lesson?
Who during recess
He ran, shaking the walls!

Letters in Machine's notebook
They don’t stand like they’re at a parade.
The letters jump and dance
They wag their tails.

We wrote an essay
All day long until I'm blue in the face,
And when the work was handed over,
It was with difficulty that we pumped everyone out!

I sang ditties for you
About the guys and about business.
Continue if you can
Well, I went home.

Funny ditties about school for students in grades 1-2 - the best words

Pupils of grades 1-2 very often perform funny ditties about school at themed holidays. For example, this number performed by students primary classes fits perfectly into the scenario of September 1 or last call.

A selection of funny ditties about school with words for students in grades 1-2

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Must read
Must learn.

Wake me up at night
In the very middle,
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

All the guys in our class
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

Comic ditties for 3rd-4th grade students about school from parents - a selection of texts

Sometimes, instead of 3rd and 4th grade students, parents perform comic ditties about school at holidays. For example, funny ditties performed by moms and dads can be played at an elementary school graduation.

Texts of humorous ditties about school for students in grades 3-4 from parents

Time with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed it - what fun! —
At school we are on the floor
All signs are "M" and "F".

We are no strangers to twos,
Twos are so easy to grab
There is no need to learn anything -
This is the reward.

Katya's grief is bitter,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
The cheat sheet fell out.

Funny modern ditties about school - funny texts for children

IN separate category we should include cool and funny texts of modern ditties about school for children. Unlike previous versions, these ditties use modern terms and words from the school everyday life of students. Thanks to slang, ditties about the lives of schoolchildren become even funnier.

Modern versions of funny ditties about school with funny texts for children

I sat on the Unified State Exam and didn’t know a damn thing,
Nobody let me write it off
Fail the exam!

I teach mathematics
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
I'm just thinking about her!

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And the question bothers me:
Is the holidays coming soon?

Funny school ditties about girls from boys for the holidays - a selection of texts

Funny ditties about school life for girls performed by boys on themed holidays. For example, boys can perform perky verses about girls at a concert in honor of March 8th. Also, similar options can be used as comic numbers for graduations and last calls.

A selection of funny ditties with texts about girls from boys for school holidays

Even on Tanya’s birthday
Yura out of habit
Tanya instead of congratulations
He pulled my pigtails!

If you are my friend
Rescued from misfortune.
Raise your hand quickly
So that they don't call me!

Petya beat Katya
- I even got tired:
He beat me with a textbook,
Maybe he fell in love?

Cheerful and funny school ditties about boys from girls - the best texts

In turn, girls can always prepare fun and funny options school ditties about boys. For example, such numbers are relevant for festive events in honor of February 23rd, which take place in a school or classroom.

Funny texts of funny school ditties about boys from girls

Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- And study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

We'll sing ditties for you,
Perk up your ears.
We'll sing for you about boys
And we are waiting for applause! Wow!

Our class is all boys
They wear different pants.
But when they go to serve
They will treasure the uniform! Wow!

Someone wants to be a tank driver
Some are just pilots.
Someone will become a sailor
Or a machine gunner! Wow!

Summer will end very soon, and with it the longest school holidays. School everyday life, lessons, homework will begin again... Remind the children that school life full interesting events and funny moments.

I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand.
Because of the lush bouquet
I don't find any doors.

I will try very hard
I can handle everything, brothers!
Just go up to school
I don't want it early in the morning!

We'll sing ditties for you
School ones are cool,
So that you don’t get bored on Knowledge Day
Yes, and they remembered us!

I will study wisely
And get straight A's
Well, if they give you a two,
I will remain silent about that!

Vova didn’t sleep all night:
He collected his briefcase,
But... I couldn’t lift it,
He didn't make it to class.

So the summer has flown by,
The school is waiting for its children,
Invites you to study again
Both boys and girls!

All the girls and boys
By September the books were folded,
Prepared briefcases -
So, they wanted to go to school!

That's how I grew up, guys.
A happy moment has arrived
All preschoolers are envious:
After all, brothers, I am a student!

It will fill with ringing music
School happy bell
And it will begin for all the guys
Their first lesson in life.

By September, by September
I give flowers to friends.
One bouquet, two bouquets -
There are gifts, flower beds - no!

Hello, golden autumn!
Hello school! To class
Calls us without stopping,
Iridescent call.

Maple leaf, maple leaf
Spinning in the air.
Mothers send children
Study in first grade.

New books, notebooks,
And the suit is cool,
So that everything is alright
Dad took out a loan from the bank.

Mom braided her hair
I straightened my bows,
Gave me a brand new satchel -
Sent me to first grade!

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle -
My first-class bouquet!

We are with cheerful friends
Distance on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge
To an unknown land.

Nikita and I love to fight,
The kindergarten cried because of us.
Dear teacher, hello!
We see that you are very happy with us!

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We might be shy.

We promise not to be lazy
Complete tasks
Returning from recess
On time, without delay!

The school year has begun
Somehow backwards
Because I overslept
I was late for classes.

First graders briefcases
They barely lift.
Know, Petya, know, Olya -
It's hard to study at school.

At the ceremonial line
First-graders stand in a row.
That's the problem, because of the bouquets
Only the noses stick out!

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
The question that worries me is:
Is the holidays coming soon?

Why tonight
I woke up ten times?
Because today I
I'm entering first grade.

Our children are smarter than everyone else
Everyone is completely talented.
Will live in twenty years
Our sweet country!

May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Starts today
Our school years...

There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
We are, of course, lucky.

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -
Everything has been fine for a long time!
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first grade!

I put on a new suit
White shirt -
Look at me
What a first-grader I am!

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

The director hides his head
The glass in the classrooms rattles.
This is entering 1st grade -
Just a former kindergarten.

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
I'm for real now
First class student!

I'm going to school for the first time
And I carry a flower in my hand.
Something in my throat is dry,
Mom, give me a sip of water.

The new uniform is put on,
White shirt.
Look at me
What a first-grader I am!

Little change
And the lesson is so great!
I would like to change their places,
It would be very good!

Bought a new uniform
Our whole class dressed up -
And now my own mothers
They can't tell us apart.

The school sparkles with cleanliness
Corridors - new paint,
The desks lined up:
- Come in! - They say.

May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Starts today
Our school years...

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.

I put toys in my briefcase,
I'll bring it to school tomorrow,
In class instead of books
I'll put them on the desk.

Alphabet from "A" to "Z"
I learned before school:
Was going to school -
So I tried!

I was preparing for the Day of Knowledge
I washed my shoes until the morning,
I took a nap for a minute,
And I overslept for the holiday.

May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Starts today
Our school years...

The school is drowning in the sea
From cards and flowers.
A student walks to school
He is ready for the Day of Knowledge.

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

Ho-ho-ho yes hee-hee-hee,
Today we came to school!
Hee-hee-hee yes ho-ho-ho,
Let's study well!

Festival of Knowledge in September
Laughter and joy in the yard:
- Hey! Hello, hello, friends!
- Hello, teachers!

The birds fly away
The prince has a daughter,
He'll grow up a little,
He will also come to our school.

Golden maple leaf,
Don't be proud of your new look -
Your new form
And we will put it on by September.

The whole neighborhood is laughing:
That's how we have Borenka!
Friends are surprised:
In fifth grade for the tenth time.

That the holidays are passing
Of course we knew
But what can they “fly by” -
We didn't predict it!

By September, by September
I give flowers to friends.
One bouquet, two bouquets -
There are gifts, flower beds - no!

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

New school year,
And we are a poor people!
We love to sing and dance,
And at school we study for "five"!

The school sparkles with cleanliness
Corridors - new paint,
The desks lined up:
- Come in! - They say.

My mother accompanied me:
Get knowledge at school.
I forgot to pack my briefcase,
What to do? What should I do?

We sang ditties for you
School ones are cool,
Congratulations on Knowledge Day,
We are pleased with ourselves.

All! We sang ditties
All that's left to do is bow!
You clap for us, and we
Let's go do our homework!

We sang ditties for you
And they hit the eye, not the eyebrow.
Laughter improves health
Like a healthy carrot.

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