What to do on the Arbat. Sights and museums of Old Arbat



The extraordinary and multifaceted Arbat is the most famous pedestrian street in Russia: a symbolic street, glorified in hundreds of poems and novels; a legendary place that no tourist can miss. Arbat is one of the oldest streets in the capital, where, despite numerous changes, you can clearly feel the spirit historical eras. Here, almost every building, every monument can tell a lot to a curious traveler. At the same time, preserving the memory of significant events and outstanding personalities past, Old Arbat and today lives bright and rich life, offering its guests a lot of exciting modern entertainment. Our guide contains 15 of the most interesting places the famous Moscow street, stretching from Arbat Gate Square to Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square.

Landmark, Architectural Monument, Historical monument

One of the first cinema venues in Russia and the first cinema venue in Moscow appeared in 1909 on Arbat Square. The building of the “Artistic Electro-Theater” became one of the few pre-revolutionary cinemas created specifically for showing films. From the moment it opened, the cinema house was full, and three years later it became necessary to expand the building. The reconstruction of the "Art" was carried out by the outstanding Moscow architect, master of Art Nouveau Fyodor Shekhtel. The renovated cinema in 1913 welcomed 900 spectators.

The Khudozhestvenny Cinema is a truly iconic place in the history of Russian cinema. The premieres of the legendary films took place here. Soviet films: paintings “Battleship Potemkin”, the first sound film “Start in Life”, the first color film “Grunya Kornakova”. In 1955, Khudozhestvenny became the first wide-screen cinema, while for many years remaining the center of domestic film premieres. Having crossed the hundred-year mark, the Moscow cinema has become famous as one of the oldest operating cinemas in the world. Today cultural monument capital, located opposite the Arbatskaya metro station, is under reconstruction, the completion of which is planned for 2017.

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The name "Arbat", according to the most common version, is of Arabic origin and is translated as "suburb, suburb". IN XV-XVI centuries Arbat was the name given to the vast built-up area west of the Moscow Kremlin. Arbat Street itself was formed in late XVI century, beginning at the Arbat Gate of the White City.

It was at the Arbat Gate, where, as is known, the roads to Smolensk and Novgorod intersected with the Belogorodskaya Wall, that the square was formed. The territory more than once became a place of struggle against foreigners: here in 1439 Russian troops repelled the raids of the Kazan Khan Ulu Muhammad, in 1611 a detachment of Polish-Lithuanian invaders was defeated here, and in 1612 the command headquarters of the Second People's Militia was located at the Arbat Gate. We didn’t pass the square and revolutionary events XX century.

The White City Wall, which crossed the modern square, stood until the 1770s; in 1792 the Arbat tower along with the gate was dismantled. The square acquired its current appearance in the 30s and 40s of the last century.

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Arbat Gate, Moscow

Landmark, Landmark

One of the most recognizable buildings in Arbat is the corner building No. 2, known as the Prague restaurant. More in late XVIII century, it was a two-story profitable property, on the ground floor of which there was an inexpensive tavern. The transformation of an inconspicuous building into a luxurious mansion, and a provincial tavern into a prestigious restaurant took place at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries thanks to the efforts of the new owner of the establishment, the merchant Tararykin. The reconstruction of the structure was entrusted to the prominent Moscow architect Lev Kekushev. The second reconstruction, as a result of which the facade acquired a characteristic extended colonnade, was carried out in 1914–1915 according to the design of another recognized master- Adolf Erichson.

However, the building is famous not only for its architectural merits, but also rich history associated with prominent figures of the past. Before the revolution, the Prague restaurant was a kind of center cultural life Moscow. Professors and graduates of the Conservatory, artists, poets and writers gathered here, among whom were I. Repin, A. Blok, I. Bunin, M. Gorky, S. Yesenin. Anton Chekhov celebrated the premiere of “The Seagull” in Prague, and Leo Tolstoy held public readings of the novel “Resurrection” here. IN Soviet era"Prague", relegated to a public dining room, again evolved into a first-class restaurant, where the best chefs and pastry chefs worked, official diplomatic receptions and celebrations were held.

Today, a culinary store is open in the building, where you can always buy delicious homemade pastries and cakes.

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Museum, Entertainment complex

The Museum of Optical Illusions, located in one of the Arbat alleys, will become a truly fertile place for those who are annoyed by the ban on photographing exhibits. Here, a photo session is an integral part of getting to know the unique exhibition, created by the best Russian artists and prop makers.

Exhibition space with an area of ​​about a thousand square meters. m. accommodates more than a hundred paintings and installations that come to life with the arrival of guests. The perception of unusual artistic objects depends on the imagination of observers. Amazing effect optical illusions is most clearly revealed in photographs, where the main actor becomes the visitor himself.

The range of images of the works presented is quite wide, which makes a stay in the museum equally interesting for both children and adults. Trying on the role of Alice who finds herself in Wonderland, sailing on the legendary Titanic, being among giant toys, receiving an award from the hands of the President - this is only a small part of what awaits guests of the interactive museum.

Entrance ticket cost: 350 rubles

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Amusement park

Have an exciting journey to the world bright emotions and new experiences will come from visiting the amusement park, which is located in a small two-story house No. 16 on Old Arbat. Some of the most original attractions in the capital are collected here.

The “Upside Down House” attraction will allow you to feel the effect of an inverted space and look at your usual everyday environment as if “upside down”; It will be possible to feel like a tiny person among huge furniture and interior items in the “Giant’s House”.

Guests of the entertainment center will also be offered the opportunity to get out of unusual labyrinths: passing through a thousand multi-colored ribbons (Mobius labyrinth) or overcoming tens of meters of intricate mirror corridors (Pikabolo labyrinth). Quickly and efficiently remove nervous tension The anti-stress attraction “Break the Dishes!” will help. In addition to bright and amazing entertainment, visitors to Arbat 16 will be delighted by the animals of the Contact Zoo: here you can feed, touch and photograph charming pets.

Cost of attractions: from 200 to 300 rubles

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Scary interesting museum located on the corner of Arbat and Starokonyushenny Lane. Here the theme of martyrdom, torture and executions is revealed in detail and clearly. History of corporal punishment as legal (!) methods physical impact it horrifies and shocks people at the same time.

Of particular value is the collection of authentic torture instruments from the past. In the museum you can also see numerous recreated instruments of torture that have not survived to this day. It also houses a collection of engravings depicting monstrous acts. We recommend visiting the museum not only for thrill-seekers, but also for all those who are interested in history and who are interested in the customs of our ancestors.

Entrance ticket cost: women - 300 rubles, men - 400 rubles; Children under 18 years of age are admitted strictly accompanied by parents or a group leader

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Landmark, Theater

Perhaps the main cultural center of Old Arbat is the State academic theater them. E. Vakhtangov. The monumental building with columns, located in the middle of the historical street, was erected in the middle of the 20th century. The history of the theater itself goes back more than 95 years, and for 90 years the institution has been named after its founder and first director - actor and director Evgeny Vakhtangov.

The fate of the Vakhtangov Theater is inseparable from the centuries-old national culture. Its walls preserve the memory of many theatrical luminaries. At the same time, while remaining true to traditions, the theater lives with the problems of our time. His multi-genre productions - bright in form and deep in content - are always relevant. The current repertoire includes both works of world classics and plays by contemporary domestic and foreign playwrights.

Worth watching: “Eugene Onegin”, “Pier”, “Thunderstorm”

Ticket prices: from 500 to 7000 rubles.

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Theater, Cultural center

Opposite the Theater. E. Vakhtangov is located Central house actor, popularly known as "House with Knights". This is a former profitable property, built in 1913–1914 by order of a major Moscow businessman Ya.M. Filatova. Project for a building resembling gothic castle, was completed by the brilliant architect of that time V. Dubovsky.

After the revolution, luxury rental apartments were converted into communal apartments. In the early 90s of the last century, the House of Actors, a unique creative association that has existed since 1937, moved into a building with mysterious knights on the facade.

For more than a quarter of a century, the creative intelligentsia of Moscow and the whole country has been gathering under the Arbat roof. Today, the Central House has five theater venues, where premieres of plays are held, thematic clubs operate, festivals, creative evenings, presentations, exhibitions, and master classes are held.

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The Moscow Museum of Perfumery, housed in an estate mansion from the early 19th century, offers a chance to plunge into the atmosphere of the enchanting aromas of the past. Here visitors can not only learn fascinating details about the history of perfume creation, but also taste legendary vintage scents. The rich collection of the Moscow Museum represents one of the world's largest osmothecas (fragrance libraries). Guests have access to a changing exhibition, which consists of 1000–1500 samples.

Tours of the exhibition take place in a relaxing atmosphere in the form of tasting and tea drinking. In addition, the museum hosts a variety of themed evenings, a creative co-working space called Art Factory, and a Collectors Club has been created for specialists and lovers of antiques and vintage. The museum has a store where you can buy vintage perfumes.

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One of the capital's most popular informal attractions also takes place on Old Arbat. This is the wall of house number 37, facing Krivoarbatsky Lane.

The architectural element of the ancient city estate received its modern creative appearance more than a quarter of a century ago, shortly after the death of Viktor Tsoi. Since then, the wall has been filled with images of the legendary rock musician, quotes from his songs, and declarations of love for his work. At the same time, “Tsoi’s Wall” became not just some kind of frozen monument to the leader of the “Kino” group, but also place of worship for millions of fans of Viktor Tsoi and all Russian rock. People gather here different ages, play the guitar, sing rock hits of yesteryear.

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Old Arbat is one of the most “literary” streets in Moscow. Many outstanding masters of Russian literature lived and worked here, among them the writer, poet and popularly beloved bard Bulat Okudzhava. His first place of residence in Moscow was one of the communal apartments at No. 43 on Arbat. Okudzhava carried his love for the legendary Moscow street through all his work. Everyone is familiar with the lines of his heartfelt song: “Ah, Arbat, my Arbat, you are my calling...”

In 2002, at the intersection of Arbat and Plotnikov Lane, near house No. 43, a sculptural composition appeared, which not only immortalized the image of Okudzhava, but also uniquely recreated “a piece of the Arbat courtyard” where the famous bard spent his childhood years. The authors of the work were sculptor G. Frangulyan, architects I. Popov and V. Proshlyakov. According to their plan, two bronze arches were placed on the cobblestone platform, forming a gateway, and benches and a table were installed. The arches are “covered” with quotes from the poet’s works. Okudzhava himself emerges from the “Arbat courtyard” - a bronze figure about 2.5 meters high. Carefully thought out details (shadow laid out on the paving stones, quotes in the style of yard inscriptions, living trees, etc.) together make up a single composition that is not only a monument to Okudzhava, but to the entire Old Arbat.

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Old Arbat, Moscow

Cafe, Nightclub

The foundation of house No. 44 on Old Arbat dates back to mid-18th century centuries. Repeatedly reconstructed building in different times belonged to great-great-grandfather I.S. Turgenev, grandmother F.I. Tyutcheva; A.S. was also here. Pushkin. Today, the old mansion is occupied by the Hard Rock Cafe, a prominent representative of the international chain of the same name in Russia.

The Moscow Hard Rock Cafe is an unusually atmospheric place: rock and roll flavor is present in every detail of the establishment - from the musical content (high-quality live music is always played here) to the interior elements. The restaurant specializes in American cuisine. The menu includes wide choice snacks, burgers and sandwiches.

The pride of the establishment is the collection of memorabilia - things that belonged to famous musicians. Among the exhibits of this unique museum are stage costumes, musical instruments, diary and epistolary fragments of rock stars.

I think I won’t be wrong if I say that Arbat is the oldest street in Moscow. And if I make a mistake, it won’t be much. Arbat is the same symbol of the capital as, or. The name of the street comes from the Arabic word “arbad” (“rabad”), which translates as “suburb, suburb”. Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the 17th century. They tried to rename this street Smolenskaya, but the name never took root.

Arbat before

Why did Arbat become so famous? Previously, artisans and merchants settled on this street, but by the end of the 18th century they were forced out by the nobles. Gradually living here is becoming fashionable and prestigious. Representatives of the Moscow intelligentsia purchased apartments here and built small mansions. Many families known to us, such as Pushkin, Rachmaninov, Scriabin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chekhov, Blok, lived here at one time.

By the end of the 19th century. Multi-storey buildings began to be built on Arbat, and there were more shops here. Arbat began to look more and more like what we see now. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks, with their characteristic indifference to historical heritage Russia laid next to Old Arbat New Arbat, destroying many architectural monuments. In the 70-80s. 20th century A pedestrian zone is being created on Arbat. Many shops and cafes appear here. Sing songs street musicians, artists offer their canvases, and merchants sell souvenirs to foreign tourists. Arbat is becoming very popular among tourists. But Muscovites did not like this innovation. Even Bulat Okudzhava, seeing the street hung with clusters of lanterns, said: “Arbat, you’re stupefied.”

Arbat now

We have been to Arbat twice. The first time we just wanted to see what this famous street was like. The second time was when we were looking for where to buy a silver bracelet - there are a lot of jewelry stores on Arbat. To be honest, Arbat did not particularly impress either me or my girlfriend. I don’t understand why it attracts foreign tourists. I don’t really know what I expected to see here. In my opinion, this is an ordinary central street of the city, along which cars just do not drive. Because of this, street musicians and artists can easily perform on Arbat. We also saw breakers. Apparently, this place has also been developed for them a long time ago.

There are a lot of shops and cafes here. Contrary to expectations, their prices are not very different from their competitors on other Moscow streets. I remember the cafe on the bus. I wonder whose original idea it was to make a cafe in the back of a bus, decorate it and welcome visitors? The cafe is sure to be popular. I don't remember anything special anymore. Yes, there are antique shops here. How are they different from? At Vernissage the scope is much greater. Yes, here artists offer to draw my portrait or caricature. But do I need it for that kind of money? Yes, here you can listen to live music and songs. And what? Let's remember the subway, there are these singers in every passage. Although... On Arbat you really listen to them, but in the metro you just hear them. Well, okay, fine. But drive across town to listen live music- this, excuse me, is some kind of perversion.

There are also museums on Arbat: , M. Tsvetaeva, M.Yu. Lermontov. For those who read their poems and are fans of their work, it would be a shame not to come here. There is also a theater named after. Vakhtangov and the Prague Hotel, which has existed since 1872. In winter, Santa Claus was placed next to him, with whom I did not fail to take a photo :-).

In general, let them throw slippers at me, but on Arbat I don’t see anything so extraordinary that doesn’t exist in other districts and streets of Moscow. And although this story is included in the “Main Attractions of Moscow” section, it is more a tribute to the Arbat’s past than its present. And it is Arbat’s past that attracts tourists here, and not jewelry stores and cafes. Foreigners come here for history, and Arbat can give it to them.

Video about Old Arbat:

New Arbat received its name in honor of the neighboring Arbat Street, but until 1994 it was part of Kalinin Avenue (now Vozdvizhenka). It is located in the center of Moscow. Initially designed for a government highway. Its borders are two squares - the Arbat Gate in the east and Free Russia in the west. After crossing the Krasnopresnenskaya and Smolenskaya embankments, New Arbat passes over the bridge of the same name over the Moskva River and turns into Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Arbat and Povarskaya streets run parallel to New Arbat. Borisoglebsky, Trubnikovsky and Novinsky lanes adjoin it on the right. On the left are Bolshoy Afanasyevsky and Starokonyushenny lanes. Almost through the center of New Arbat there is a large highway - Novinsky Boulevard. The numbering of houses starts from Arbat Gate Square.


In the 30s, a large-scale reconstruction of the capital of the USSR was planned in Moscow. According to the plan, avenues and streets were expanded, new monumental buildings were built in the Stalinist Empire style. At the same time, the need arose for a wide highway that would connect the center of Moscow and residential areas in the west of the city. New Arbat became it. Only then in the press it was called Novoarbatsky Avenue or Constitution Avenue. With the onset of World War II, the construction of New Arbat was postponed until better times. The new chapter of the street begins in 1962, when the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev turned to the chief architect of the capital, Mikhail Posokhin, with the task of designing a wide avenue on the site of New Arbat. It was supposed to become the main road to the Palace of Congresses.

Historically, New Arbat is located in that part of Moscow where the artisans who helped the emperor in hunting settled. Hunting dogs and birds of prey were bred in these places. This was evidenced by the toponyms in the names of the streets - Krechetnikovsky Lane, Sobachya Ploshchadka, Sobachy Dvor and Sobachy Lane. Unfortunately, they disappeared from the city map due to construction in Soviet years. In May 1962, tanks without guns and turrets drove into Arbat Gate Square. Thus began the construction of the street. The events of the August 1991 coup are connected with the tunnel under New Arbat. Then a tragedy occurred. Three people died. Later a memorial sign was installed there.

Relatively recently, in March 2012, a rally “For Fair Elections” was held on Novy Arbat. According to average estimates, it was visited by 10,000 to 25,000 people.


Over the years from 1962 to 1968 appearance Famous Soviet architects worked in New Arbat: Mikhail Mikhailovich Posokhin, Ashot Ashotovich Mndoyants, Gleb Vasilyevich Makarevich, Boris Ivanovich Tkhor, Shagen Aleksandrovich Airapetov, Joseph Alekseevich Pokrovsky and others. New Arbat became not only a route for government officials to travel through. Thanks to the construction of premises for shops and cafes, the street has become a center of attraction public life. The project included monolithic rows of shops on the ground floors - a stylobate. He reached out from Garden Ring 800 meters to Arbatsky Lane. It was then that the legendary cafes “Ivushka” and “Metelitsa”, the cinema “October”, and the department store “Vesna” with rare imported goods appeared. "House of Books" and the "Bread" store.

Back in the 60s, to serve shops and catering places, an underground street 1 kilometer long and 9 meters wide was dug under New Arbat. She solved the problem of transporting goods. The entrances to the tunnel are located from two Arbat lanes. This decision made it possible to relieve traffic congestion and not make life difficult for the local population. Spacious sidewalks were made for passers-by. All this was not typical for the architecture of that time. Therefore, New Arbat became the most Europeanized street of that era.

According to the architects' plan, New Arbat in the area of ​​the Boulevard Ring was supposed to go underground. But due to the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy in 1963, Khrushchev forced the project to be remade. After which we had to raise the entire infrastructure to the surface. Four 26-story administrative buildings, shaped like open books, have become a kind of emblem of New Arbat. People called them “Mishkin’s books”, named after the chief architect Posokhin. They were supposed to house party workers.

Construction was completed in 1969. And only in 1970 Muscovites saw the intended effect of the buildings. At night, illuminated windows could be used to write short words, for example, “USSR”, “CPSU”, “MAY 1”, etc.

Government agencies are now in the books. Since the street is the entrance to the Kremlin, the entrances to the roofs of all the buildings in New Arbat are completely blocked.

In 1990, Vozdvizhenka Street was separated from Kalinin Avenue. In 1994 the rest of it began to wear official name New Arbat.

Sights of New Arbat

Tourists have a lot to see on Novy Arbat. Skyscrapers of bizarre shapes. Wonderful cafes and restaurants. Huge area for walking. Shops and a cinema with a long history.

During the foundation of New Arbat, many ancient wooden buildings were demolished. The same fate could have befallen the Temple of St. Simeon the Stylite if not for the architect and restorer Leonid Ivanovich Antropov. Literally jumping on an excavator, he stopped the demolition of a 15th-century church. After which, the building was transferred to the management of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation. During the Soviet years, the temple hosted exhibitions of agricultural animals. The main icon of Simeon the Stylite was hidden by parishioners and kept until its collapse Soviet Union. After which she was returned to her rightful place.

USSR Museum

Cinema "October"

Library named after N. A. Dobrolyubov

The library named after Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov can be found at the address: Novy Arbat street, building 30/9. This is one of the oldest public libraries in Moscow. It opened in 1848 and is still in operation today. IN book fund contains 1600 copies of rare publications. Lectures and public events are also held in its halls.

How to get to New Arbat

Getting to New Arbat will not be difficult, since it is located in the center of Moscow. passes through it large number routes public transport and taxi.

Metro to New Arbat

The nearest metro station is located on Arbatskaya Square and is called “Arbatskaya” of the Filyovskaya line ( blue branch). Another station is located near the intersection with Novinsky Boulevard - “Smolenskaya” of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line (dark blue line). You can change the line from Ring branch at the Kievsky railway station.


Stop "Arbat Gate":

  • No. 39 (route Raspletina Street - Raspletina Street);
  • No. m27 (route Karacharovsky overpass - Metro "Park Pobedy");
  • No. m2 (route Rizhsky Station - Fili);
  • No. H2 (route Belovezhskaya street - Belovezhskaya street).

Stop "Free Russia Square":

  • No. 216 (metro route “Krasnopresnenskaya” - Novodevichy Convent).

Stop “Novy Arbat Street”:

  • No. B (“Luzhniki”) (route Novy Arbat Street - Luzhniki Stadium);
  • No. C12 (route Luzhniki Stadium (south) - Luzhniki Stadium).


It is convenient to get to New Arbat by taxi using the following applications: Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim.

New Arbat from a bird's eye view

Arbat is the most famous pedestrian street in Moscow. A legendary place that no tourist deprives of its attention. One of the oldest streets in the capital, where despite numerous changes you can feel the spirit of history. Arbat still lives a vibrant life today, offering its guests exciting and modern entertainment. About what to see on Arbat, in our selection.

Cinema "Khudozhestvenny": Arbatskaya sq., 14

What to see on Arbat

Cinema "Khudozhestvenny"- an iconic place in the history of Russian cinema. Premieres of legendary Soviet films took place here: the film “Battleship Potemkin”, the first sound film “Start in Life”, the first color film “Grunya Kornakova”. In 1955 " Art"became the first wide-screen cinema, while remaining the center of domestic film premieres for many years. Having crossed the hundred-year mark, the Moscow cinema has become famous as one of the oldest operating cinemas in the world.

Museum of Illusions: Maly Nikolopeskovsky Lane, 4

What to see on Arbat

Exhibition space of about a thousand square meters houses more than a hundred paintings and installations that come to life with the arrival of guests. The perception of unusual artistic objects depends on the imagination of observers. The striking effect of optical illusions is most clearly revealed in photographs where the visitor himself becomes the main character. The range of images of the works presented is quite wide, which makes a stay in the museum equally interesting for both children and adults.

Theater named after E. Vakhtangov: Arbat, 26

What to see on Arbat

The main cultural center of Arbat is the State Academic Theater named after E. Vakhtangova. The monumental building with columns, located in the middle of the historical street, was erected in the middle of the 20th century. His productions - bright in form and deep in content - are always relevant. The current repertoire includes both works of world classics and plays by contemporary domestic and foreign playwrights. Worth watching: "Eugene Onegin", "Pier", "Thunderstorm".

Wall of Viktor Tsoi: Old Arbat, 37/2, 6

What to see on Arbat

The wall of house number 37, facing Krivoarbatsky Lane. The architectural element of the ancient city estate received its modern creative appearance more than a quarter of a century ago, shortly after the death of Viktor Tsoi. Since then, the wall has been filled with images of the legendary rock musician, quotes from his songs, and declarations of love for his work. At the same time, " Tsoi's Wall"became not just a frozen monument to the leader of the Kino group, but also a cult place for millions of fans of Viktor Tsoi. People of all ages gather here, play the guitar, and sing rock hits of yesteryear.

Monument to Bulat Okudzhava

What to see on Arbat

Arbat is one of the most “literary” streets in Moscow. Many outstanding masters of Russian literature lived and worked here, among them the writer, poet and popularly beloved bard Bulat Okudzhava. His first place of residence in Moscow was one of the communal apartments at No. 43 on Arbat. Okudzhava carried his love for the legendary Moscow street through all his work. Everyone is familiar with the lines of his heartfelt song:

“Ah, Arbat, my Arbat, you are my calling...”

In 2002, at the intersection of Arbat and Plotnikov Lane, near house number 43, a sculptural composition appeared. The authors of the work were sculptor G. Frangulyan, architects I. Popov and V. Proshlyakov. According to their plan, two bronze arches were placed on the cobblestone platform, forming a gateway, and benches and a table were installed. The arches are “covered” with quotes from the poet’s works. Okudzhava himself emerges from the “Arbat courtyard” - a bronze figure about 2.5 meters high.

Hard Rock Cafe: Arbat, 44/1

What to see on Arbat

Moskovskoe Hard Rock Cafe- an unusually atmospheric place: rock and roll flavor is present in every detail of the establishment - from the musical content to the interior elements. The restaurant specializes in American cuisine. The menu offers a wide selection of appetizers, burgers and sandwiches.

The pride of the establishment is the collection of memorabilia - things that belonged to famous musicians. Among the exhibits of this unique museum are stage costumes, musical instruments, diary and epistolary fragments of rock stars.

Museum-apartment of A.S. Pushkin: Arbat, 53

What to see on Arbat

One of oldest buildings Arbat is house number 53. Until the 70s of the 19th century it was city ​​estate, which belonged to representatives of the ancient noble family Khitrovo. In the winter of 1831, part of the mansion was rented by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. As you know, it was here, on the eve of the wedding of the poet and Natalya Goncharova, that a noisy “bachelor party” took place, here, immediately after the wedding, a wedding dinner took place in the Church of the Great Ascension, and the first three months passed here family life Pushkin. The memory of the happy “Moscow page” in the biography of the great poet is preserved memorial museum, located in a former ancient estate on Arbat.

The apartment museum occupies the entire two-story mansion. On the ground floor there is an exhibition dedicated to the “Moscow” theme in the life and work of A.S. Pushkin. Of particular value are authentic items from the 19th century, which allow you to get closer to Pushkin era. Memorial rooms are located on the second floor of the building. These are spacious state rooms - witnesses to the pre-wedding celebration and the first family ball of the Pushkins, as well as small living rooms where the everyday life of the young couple took place. Today, in these “family” rooms, visitors can see memorial items of the descendants of A.S. Pushkin.

As you can see, a walk along the famous capital street will not be boring, and everyone will find something interesting for themselves, what to see on Arbat. We are sure that you will get a lot of impressions when visiting Arbat. The attractions of this place can be listed for a very long time, but it will be better to see them with your own eyes.

When it comes to talking about the most famous streets of our capital, the name “Old Arbat” immediately comes to mind. which is known all over the world, is rightfully proud of this amazing place.

A little history

The word "orbat" can be translated from Arabic as "suburb". In the 14th-16th centuries, the place where the famous street is now located fully corresponded to this name. The fact is that in those days the whole region, which was located under the walls of the White City, bore this name.

The situation changed in the 18th century. It was then that a separate street began to be called Arbat. Representatives of the Moscow nobility and high officials began to build houses here. After the fire of 1812, most of the wooden buildings burned to the ground. Later they appeared here stone buildings, made in the Empire style that was fashionable at that time.

In the 19th century, Arbat radically changed its status. He stopped being noble nest", since merchant families became its main population. The appearance of the street also changed: shops and benches appeared on the ground floors, and colorful signs decorated the houses.

In the 60s of the 20th century, many ancient buildings were demolished, high-rise buildings and new shops appeared. Arbat became a pedestrian zone only in 1974.

Next, we will tell you why Old Arbat is interesting for city guests and foreign tourists. Moscow, whose attractions are so diverse, can surprise even seasoned travelers. So, what is worth looking at while walking along Arbat?

Old Arbat, 16

If you want to go break dishes on an anti-stress attraction or wander in a mirror maze, then you should stop by this address. Here you will find a whole range of entertainment.

So, you can visit the giant’s house on Arbat. Here you can try on huge shoes, climb into a pan that can accommodate a dozen people, and, of course, take a lot of original photographs. The giant's house on Arbat will be of interest not only to children, but also to adults.

You have to find a way out without the usual landmarks. There are no signs, rooms or passages, and the walls, ceiling and floor are painted red.

The mirror maze on Arbat will give you many emotions and vivid impressions. The play of light and shadow, the ghost of Pikabolo and upside-down music will be remembered for a long time.

Theater named after Evgenia Vakhtangova

Lovers theatrical arts You should definitely look into the building where Vasily Lanovoy and Vladimir Etush are currently working. You will have an amazing evening if you watch a performance from the current repertoire, then stop by a cafe, and then take a walk along the famous street.

Pay attention to the Princess Turandot fountain on Arbat. This statue is located right in front of the theater and is its unofficial mascot. In the evening, the lighting around the fountain turns on, creating a romantic atmosphere. Perhaps this is why lovers so often make dates here.

Memorial apartment of A. S. Pushkin

This room preserves the spirit of a bygone era. Here great poet spent three whole months after his marriage, and the organizers of the exhibition tried to recreate the atmosphere of the 19th century. Quite often the museum organizes themed evenings, shows performances and holds concerts.

Museum of Illusions on Arbat

If you like to fool around, then you will definitely like this place. Go here with friends and don't forget to take your camera with you. Here you will capture yourself on the spire aboard the Titanic and among the giant toys.

It’s not for nothing that this place is called a “photo studio for social networks" Here you can take funny photos in a huge plate of pasta or pretend that you are receiving an award from the hands of the president. The Museum of Illusions on Arbat will be of interest to children and adults with a good sense of humor.

Museum of Corporal Punishment

Here you will see the real ones that were used by the executioners of the past. These tools, as well as the story of how and where they were used, will make even a person with strong nerves feel horrified. Please note that children are only allowed into the museum building if accompanied by adult family members.

Wall of Viktor Tsoi

Fans of the rock idol of the 90s of the last century can look into Krivoarbatsky Lane and pay tribute to the memory of the singer. On the famous wall there are many inscriptions left by Tsoi’s admirers, as well as his portraits and thematic drawings.

Hard Rock Cafe

In an old three-story mansion you will find an unusual establishment that will appeal to all fans of heavy music. The atmosphere here is created not only by the sounding melodies, but also by the originally designed interior.

The cafe offers its visitors a large selection of drinks, but the food here is very simple. After a pleasant relaxation with a glass of beer, you can visit the store and buy a few souvenirs. If you are lucky, you will get to see a performance by a band playing their music for visitors.

Artists and musicians

What else is so attractive for residents and guests of the capital Stary? Sights, museums, restaurants and shops - this is not all that makes this street unique. Many creative people come here every day and entertain the audience with amazing performances.

Musicians perform here, artists paint pictures, and poets read poetry. Anyone can watch the performance and pay any amount for it. You can also purchase a painting you like, buy souvenirs or order your portrait, which you will receive literally half an hour later.

Book collapse

At the very end of the street you will find several stalls with the most various literature. Here they sell works of Russian classics, children's fairy tales, fantasy stories, romance novels and much more. The price for a book starts from 20 rubles, but sometimes you can find rare copies here, the cost of which exceeds all reasonable expectations.

Where to eat

On Arbat there are many restaurants and cafes for every taste. Here is the respectable Prague restaurant, where the hero of the book “12 Chairs” Kisa Vorobyaninov dined, as well as numerous fast foods and mediocre cafes. In addition, you can purchase food from grocery stores that will attract your attention with bright signs.

Where to stay

If you wish, you can rent a room for a relatively small amount in one of the inexpensive hostels located near Arbat. These hotels have both double rooms and rooms designed for 10-14 people. You will have free internet, a guest kitchen and a personal locker at your disposal.

Old Arbat: how to get there by metro?

If you decide to take a walk along the most famous street of our capital, then you need to know the easiest way to get there by metro. Pedestrian zone stretches from Arbat Gate Square to Smolenskaya Square.

To get to the beginning of the street, you need the Arbatskaya station. If you want to start the journey from the other side, then get off at the Smolenskaya metro station.

You are passing through Moscow and want to free time explore Old Arbat? How to get there by metro from Yaroslavsky, Kazansky or Leningradsky stations? To achieve your goal, you need to get on the train at the Komsomolskaya station and travel a few stops to the Biblioteka im. Lenin". Here you can get out and walk to the desired location. Or go to the Arbatskaya station and go up to the Art Theater.


As you can see, a walk along the famous capital street will not be boring, and everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Therefore, set aside a few hours of your free time for it and be sure to bring a camera. We are sure that you will get a lot of impressions by visiting Old Arbat Street (Moscow). The attractions of this place can be listed for a very long time, but it will be better if you see them with your own eyes.

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