A textbook on the Arabic language. Free video channels for learning Arabic on YouTube

- you can find a lot there useful materials in different languages ​​and improve your Arabic on your own in 12 weeks.

Good textbooks on phonetics:

5) Kovalev A.A., Sharbatov G.Sh. “Textbook of the Arabic Language” In the introductory phonetic course, the position of the speech organs when pronouncing all sounds is described in detail and there are exercises for practicing.
6) Lebedev V.G., Tyureva L.S. " Practical course Arabic literary language. Introductory course“The position of the speech organs when pronouncing all sounds is also described in detail here and there are exercises for practicing.


7) Arabic. Copy. Alphabet, reading, writing (Dilya Publishing House). All Arabic letters in all positions in a word.
8) “Kharisova G.Kh. Arabic script" Also an excellent script.

9) Imran Alawiye Arabic without tears. The manual is beautifully designed, the most common font is given.

Resources for basic skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening):

We bring to your attention the most effective and most famous textbook of the Arabic language in the entire post-Soviet space. Forget boring foreign language lessons at school, which instill in most students an aversion to learning languages ​​for the rest of their lives. Feel free to open the first page of the book with the words “Bismillah” and, at the same time, new page in your life - successful study Arabic language.

Having opened and started leafing through the textbook, you will notice that there is no grammar rules, complex tasks, annoying tests, etc. But this in no way diminishes the value of this textbook. But rather the opposite. To understand the secret of the textbook’s author’s pedagogical success, let us turn to the works of modern linguists.

E.A. Umryukhin in his book “Foreign Easily and with Pleasure” identifies three basics of learning a foreign language:

1)desire to learn a language

2)feeling of success when studying

3)regularity of classes

If you have a desire to learn Arabic, then the remaining two principles are successfully implemented in “First Arabic Lessons”. This is done as follows.

The entire tutorial is divided into small lessons, so you can go through one lesson at a time without much difficulty. Each lesson is a set of words and phrases that you have to learn by heart, as well as subsequent text for exercise and reinforcement, containing exclusively those words that you have already learned in previous lessons. This allows you to concentrate all your efforts on thoroughly mastering the textbook material, since you do not have to be distracted by referring to the dictionary and other additional literature. The student’s morale with this lesson plan looks something like this.

Imagine that a student has reached lesson 20 and already has some vocabulary. He moves on to an exercise to consolidate what he has learned and encounters there the words he has just learned, as well as words from the very first lesson. Reading each new sentence, he rejoices in his soul: “How great! I understand this entire sentence! I know every single word that is included here, and I also understand the meaning of the entire phrase consisting of these individual words! I don't have to dig into the dictionary! I already know everything,” etc. Moving on to the next lesson, he again does not encounter any problems, but instead experiences the joy of owning more and more vocabulary. Believe me, this is very inspiring for both small and adult students and creates a feeling of success that encourages further regular classes with maximum attention and interest.

By gradually mastering new words and working only with familiar words, another important goal- development of reading skills.

V.V. Lebedev in his textbook“Reading Hadith in Arabic” writes:

“Reading skills can be effectively developed only on the basis of text, all elements of which are familiar to the reader”.

In addition to developing reading, when working with text from familiar elements, you spontaneously, without even making an effort on yourself, remember the order of words in a sentence and how words are connected to each other, forming semantic constructions(how a preposition is combined with a noun, a noun with an adjective, a verb with a noun, etc.). If you have not studied foreign languages ​​before, it will probably be useful for you to know that any language, as an object of study, can be conditionally divided into two components.

The first is the words themselves, which denote objects, phenomena, actions, etc.

The second is the laws by which these words change depending on the situation of their use.

Even though the first lessons are small, they are the most difficult because you are faced with two difficulties that arise from these two components of the language.

The first difficulty is due to the fact that you have not yet understood how best to remember new words. Many people who once knew no Arabic at all, but now speak it well, remember repeating the same word 100-200 times in order to remember it. This went on for some time. And then new words began to be remembered literally after one reading.

The second difficulty is that you have not yet realized the patterns of inflection in the Arabic language and you have to do special efforts to change cases, declension of verbs, etc. In fact, there are not many of these patterns, and after a while, when you read again and again Arabic texts, you will notice that you will change words correctly without even thinking about it.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of the first difficulties - you just need to show a little patience and success will definitely replace difficulties.

Because Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

“After all, truly, behind the burden is relief; verily, behind the burden there is relief.” (94:5-6).

As you progress from lesson to lesson, do not be surprised if you find that you have already forgotten some words from the first lessons. In order for words to become firmly entrenched in memory, you need to repeat them many times. You should come up with a regular system of going through new lessons and repeating old ones and follow this system, trying not to deviate from it.

Many village boys, residents rural areas Dagestan, Chechnya, Bashkiria, Tatarstan and other regions that did not have the slightest idea about linguistics and did not even know the Russian language well, studied according to the methodology implemented in this textbook and quite quickly began to communicate fluently in Arabic. And later they continued to study the language, began to read Arabic books, communicate with Arabs, etc. Therefore, if you know how to read Arabic, you have this textbook and at the same time you are unable to learn Arabic - this only speaks of that you don’t want it badly enough and can’t cope with your laziness.

Which is gaining popularity every year. Learning Arabic has its own characteristics, which are related to the structure of the language itself, as well as pronunciation and writing. This must be taken into account when choosing a training program.


Arabic belongs to the Semitic group. In terms of the number of native speakers, Arabic ranks second in the world after Chinese.

Arabic is spoken by about 350 million people in 23 countries where the language is considered an official language. These countries include Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Palestine and many others. Also, the language is one of the official ones in Israel. Taking this factor into account, learning Arabic presupposes a preliminary selection of the dialect that will be used in a particular country, since, despite many similar elements, in different countries language has its own distinctive features.


Modern Arabic can be divided into 5 large groups dialects that linguistic point sight can almost be called different languages. The fact is that lexical and grammatical differences in languages ​​are so large that people speaking different dialects and not knowing the literary language practically cannot understand each other. The following groups of dialects are distinguished:

  • Maghreb.
  • Egyptian-Sudanese.
  • Syro-Mesopotamian.
  • Arabian.
  • Central Asian.

A separate niche is occupied by modern standard Arabic, which, however, is practically not used in colloquial speech.

Features of the study

Learning Arabic from scratch is not an easy task, since after Chinese it is considered one of the most difficult in the world. Mastering Arabic takes much longer than learning any European language. This applies to both classes with teachers.

Self-study Arabic is a difficult path that it is better to avoid at first. This is due to several factors. Firstly, the letter is very complex, which is not similar to either the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, which is written from right to left, and also does not involve the use of vowels. Secondly, the structure of language itself, in particular morphology and grammar, is complex.

What should you pay attention to before you start studying?

A program for learning Arabic should be built taking into account the following factors:

  • Availability sufficient quantity time. Learning a language takes several times longer than learning other languages.
  • Opportunities for both independent work, and for classes in a group or with a private teacher. Studying Arabic in Moscow gives you the opportunity to combine different options.
  • Inclusion in the learning process different aspects: writing, reading, listening and, of course, speaking.

We must not forget that you need to decide on the choice of a specific dialect. Learning Arabic varies depending on this factor. In particular, the dialects in Egypt and Iraq are so different that their speakers cannot always understand each other. A way out of the situation may be to study the Arabic literary language, which has more complex structure, however, is understandable in all countries of the Arab world, since dialects traditionally have a more simplified form. Despite this, this option also has its own negative aspects. Although the literary language is understood by all countries, it is practically not spoken. A situation may arise that a person who speaks a literary language will not be able to understand people who speak a certain dialect. In this case, the choice depends on the purposes of the study. If you want to use a language in different countries, then the choice should be made towards the literary version. If a language is studied for work in a specific Arab country, preference should be given to the corresponding dialect.

Vocabulary of the language

Learning Arabic is impossible without using words and phrases that in this case have characteristic differences in comparison with European languages. This is due to the fact that in Europe languages ​​intertwined and strongly influenced each other, due to which they have many common lexical units. Almost all the vocabulary of the Arabic language has its original origin, which practically cannot be associated with others. The number of borrowings from other languages ​​is present, but it takes up no more than one percent of the dictionary.

The difficulty of studying also lies in the fact that the Arabic language is characterized by the presence of synonyms, homonyms and polysemantic words, which can seriously confuse people who are starting to learn the language. In Arabic, both newer words and very old ones are intertwined, which at the same time do not have specific connections with each other, but denote almost identical objects and phenomena.

Phonetics and pronunciation

Literary Arabic and its numerous dialects are characterized by the presence of a very developed phonetic system, in particular this concerns consonants: glottal, interdental and emphatic. All sorts of combinatorial pronunciation possibilities also pose a challenge when learning.

Many Arab countries are trying to bring conversational pronunciation words to literary language. This is primarily due to the religious context, in particular to correct reading Koran. Despite this, despite at the moment there is no single point of view on how to correctly read certain endings, since ancient texts do not have vowels - signs to indicate vowel sounds, which does not allow us to correctly state how exactly one word or another should be pronounced.

Arabic is one of the most widely spoken and also one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn in the world. The difficulty lies in the special letter without vowels, multi-level morphology and grammar, as well as special pronunciation. An important factor When learning a language, choosing a dialect is also important, since Arabic sounds very differently in different countries.

The Arabic language has historically begun to flourish in the world thanks to the development and spread of Islam as one of the world's largest religions. It is known that Arabic is the language of the Koran - the Holy Book of Islam. This main language Muslims

What is interesting to know for everyone who is going to learn Arabic for beginners

1. Where is Arabic spoken?

Arabic - official language 22 countries and is the mother tongue of more than 200 million people, spread geographically from southeast Asia to northwest Africa, better known as the Arab World.

"Classical" Arabic, known as the language of the Qur'an, is the language in which the Qur'an is written and is basic language for syntactic and grammatical rules modern Arabic. It is this classical Arabic language that is taught in religious schools and in all Arabic schools around the world.

"Modern Standard" Arabic is similar to the classical language, but easier and simpler. It is understood by most Arabs and is used on television, spoken by politicians, and studied by foreigners. Most Arabic newspapers and modern literature use Modern Standard Arabic.
Arabic spoken language has many different dialects. For example, a native Iraqi will have difficulty understanding local resident Algeria and vice versa, since they speak completely different dialects. But both of them will be able to communicate with each other if they use Modern Standard Arabic.

2. What any of us already knows about the Arabic language

  • A lot of words came to us from Arabic, and we all know them, for example:

قطن, koton
سكر, sugar
غزال, gazelle
قيثارة, guitar
الكحول, alcohol
صحراء , Sahara
قيراط, carat
ليمون, lemon

  • Arabic uses the same punctuation as any other language foreign language, such as for example, English language, but Arabic has slightly different punctuation marks, such as the comma inverted (،) or question mark mirror (؟).

3. How difficult is it to learn Arabic?

  • Pronunciation difficulties

Many sounds in Arabic are pronounced in a guttural manner, as if they are formed deep inside the throat - so it takes practice to learn how to pronounce them correctly.

  • Word order in a sentence

Any sentence in Arabic begins with a verb, so to say “the boy is eating an apple”, you need to say “the boy is eating an apple”:
اكل الولد التفاحة .

  • Adjectives are placed after the noun:

السيارة الحمراء - red car

  • Sentences are written from right to left, so the first page of the book, for us Europeans, will be considered the last.

4. How can Arabic help in the future for beginners?

  • Arabic belongs to the Semitic group of languages, therefore it has much in common with languages ​​such as Amharic language, Hebrew. Therefore, those who can learn Arabic will understand other languages ​​of the Semitic group more clearly.
  • Languages ​​such as Persian/Farsi, Urdu, Kurdish and others use the Arabic alphabet which is used to write them own languages. Therefore, those who learn Arabic from scratch will be able to read the written words and sentences of any of these languages, but not understand the meaning.

1. Define precisely the goals for which you need to learn Arabic for beginners.

As we wrote above, there are several types of Arabic: Modern Standard, Classical and Colloquial Arabic. Each type is responsible for its own goals.

2. Master the Arabic alphabet

At first glance, for those who decide to take up the Arabic language, the alphabet seems the most difficult and incomprehensible moment. Some even try to avoid studying it and only memorize the pronunciation or transliteration of Arabic words. This method will bring many problems in the future. It would be much more useful, on the contrary, to ignore the transcription and learn the spelling of words. So to learn Arabic quickly for beginners, learn the alphabet.

3. Learn to use Arabic dictionary.

Using an Arabic dictionary is very difficult at first, but after clarifying the basic points and some practice, it will not be difficult.
Firstly, it is necessary to take into account that all words in the dictionary are used in original forms, while in texts they occur in derivative forms
Secondly, the structure of the dictionary itself has a root system, that is, the root of the word is considered as the search word. Roots in the dictionary are located in alphabetical order. That is, to find the word istiqbaal (recorder), you need to know the three-letter root of this word - q-b-l, that is given word will be in the dictionary under the letter q.

4. We study Arabic constantly.

In order to quickly learn Arabic, you need to study it constantly. If you have the Internet, then you can learn Arabic online. There are many resources online for learning Arabic on your own. You can buy textbooks with audio recordings, listening to which you will become immersed in the language and absorb pronunciation. Many tutorials like learning Arabic from scratch offer interesting mnemonics for memorizing Arabic words.

5. Ask a tutor for help.

Gives you the opportunity to get acquainted and learn one of the ancient and most widespread languages ​​of the world - Arabic.

Arabic is considered the official language in the following countries world: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Western Sahara, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, United United Arab Emirates, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Chad, Eritrea. Arabic is spoken by about 290 million people (240 - native language and 50 - second language).

The Arabic language played a big role in the history of world culture: in the Middle Ages, an extensive artistic and scientific literature. Huge number Arabic words have entered the languages ​​of many Asian and African peoples. Even in European languages, including in Russian, there are words borrowed from Arabic (algebra, azimuth, zenith, alcohol, genie, shop, treasury, coffee, safari, tariff, etc.).

Currently, the Arabic language exists in two significantly different forms: on the one hand, there is the Arabic literary language - a common language for all Arab countries in education, the press, radio, science, literature, oratorical speech, on the other hand, there are Arabic spoken languages, or dialects, used by the population in everyday communication. Each spoken language Arab country differs both from the common Arabic literary language and from spoken languages other Arab countries.

Like everyone else language learners from scratch, we will talk about literary Arabic. As a basis online lessons The website contains a tutorial by V. S. Segal (). Its peculiarity is that it allows you to get acquainted with the language gradually, without immediately bombarding you with a stream of incomprehensible and complex Arabic letters. Errors were also corrected, letter animation was added, and answers were added that can be viewed by moving the mouse over the key: . Plus, audio has been added! You will not only learn to read and write Arabic, but also begin to understand the language by ear. Lessons free.

Go to -› list of lessons ‹- (Click)

If the opportunity to communicate with 290 million people is not for you great motivation to study Arabic, it could be, for example, a desire to stand out from the crowd. Few people know Arabic. And if now you just seem very smart, then in the future you will be able to build a successful career. The Middle East has a very large economic potential, so knowledge of the language and culture is beneficial and promising.

IN modern conditions Growing hostility between the Arab world and the West, understanding the Islamic religion is key information to overcome the crisis. People who know Arabic can overcome cultural and linguistic barriers between countries, help solve or avoid international conflict, as well as help businesses run successfully international trade. In addition, knowledge of Arabic opens the door to other languages. For example, 50% of Farsi words are made up of Arabic words. The situation is similar with Urdu and Turkish. Hebrew is also linguistically related to Arabic, making it easier to understand grammatical and semantic concepts in languages.

Arabs are hospitable. As soon as you speak a few words in Arabic in the presence of a native speaker, they will be delighted and want to help you in any way possible way. But try to do the same thing, for example, in German in front of the Germans - it is unlikely that it will greatly surprise them. Arabs are proud of their language and will be happy to see someone making an effort to learn it.

Arabic is the 5th most widely spoken language in the world, and migration patterns recent years only increase its spread. More recently, Arabic has become the second most common language in Sweden, but Finnish has always been so. And before Arabic takes over the whole world, you still have time to study it!

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