What should be on the title page. Designing the title page of an abstract: what do you need to know? General rules for writing abstracts

Making a report at school is not as difficult as it seems. Firstly, it is not subject to such a number of crazy requirements as in higher educational institutions. Secondly, this is due to the very role of the report - in a sense, it is the text of your speech.

For us, school is already a thing of the past, but we remember very well that in our time no one really cared about the design - unless it was some kind of conference. The report was asked to be prepared for a simple purpose - to read it in front of the class, to speak, to tell. At the same time, the report itself was positioned more like a cheat sheet: during the presentation, teachers often tore us away from the text and insisted that we master orally and read as little as possible “from paper.”

All these arguments inspire respect, but the widespread lately the tendency to torment schoolchildren with “design” can cause nothing but bewilderment. Maybe this is justified in preparation for university, but not in elementary school.

If you want to prepare your report 100% correctly, use our instructions and sample.

The procedure for preparing the report should be as follows:

  1. Front page. Dedicated to him;
  2. Content. Required elements accepted in coursework and theses, are an introduction, the main part (at least two chapters with possible subchapters - paragraphs), a conclusion and a list of references (sources). Many school teachers require the same sections in school reports, although in fact this is not entirely appropriate - even in universities the report is not structured. A report is rather a condensed retelling of some voluminous work, the structure of which is reflected in the report only in the text, and not in division into sections. The same applies to the abstract - it implies the “summary” of some scientific work, dissertation or monograph;
  3. The text of the report itself, possibly divided into sections. Headings are written in bold, the main part (what comes after the introduction) begins with new page, the same applies to the conclusion. The structural elements (i.e. sections) of the main part are consecutive.
  4. Sources in the bibliography are located in alphabetical order(according to the first letter of the author's last name). The sources themselves are prepared in accordance with GOST, which regulates bibliographic descriptions. It is in this form that sources are described, when the author, publisher, etc. are indicated. There are many nuances in this area; we talked in more detail here and here.

As for typing from the point of view of the Word program, everything is standard here - a report, like any other text work, is formatted like this:

  1. Font – Times New Roman, font (letter size) – 14 pt, line spacing one and a half (1.5 pt). By the way, “pt” is an abbreviation for the typographical concept of “point,” an accepted value in typesetting and publishing.
  2. Margins – top and bottom 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm.

First page of the document - how business card. It causes first impressions, which must be positive. This is quite easy to do in Word.

Text editor Microsoft Word provides ample opportunities, most of which people do not use simply because they do not know about their existence. These include a tool for working with the title page. Meanwhile, it allows you to set an original design for short time. However, you don't have to use standard templates. You can develop your own own style and use it in the future without creating it from scratch each time.

How to insert a cover page

Most objects in the Word editor are added through the Insert tab of the ribbon menu. Creating a document cover is no exception; moreover, the “Title Page” button is the very first in this category and is located in the “Pages” area. When you click it, Word offers many ready-made design options - just select the one you like and click on it to add.

A nice feature of this type of title page insert is the automatic absence of numbering on the first page. Therefore, the question does not even arise.

Interestingly, you can insert a cover page in Word not only at the beginning of the document. When choosing a template, you can right-click on it and select one of the insert options. This opportunity will be especially relevant if you plan to design not only the cover, but also the beginning of each new section or chapter.

Editing the title page

The added template has customized areas for entering text - headings, subheadings, date, author and much more, depending on the selected template. Unnecessary fields can be easily deleted, the rest can be edited in the usual way, changing the font, its color and size, and much more.

The graphic design also has flexible settings. If front page contains a picture, you can replace it by right-clicking and selecting “Change Image”. In this case, a new picture will be inserted immediately with dimensions suitable for design.

If it is a colored substrate, then its color can be changed. Right-click on the background area and use the Style, Fill, and Outline buttons to create your own selection.

After all changes, the updated cover version can be saved for future use in new documents. To do this, go again to the “Insert” menu tab, click on the “Cover Page” button and select “Save selected fragment to cover page collection.”

Create your own template

If you wish, you can create your own title page design from scratch. The numerous “Shapes” and SmartArt objects, also located in the “Insert” menu tab, are perfect for this. Add a graphic update, then right-click on it and select “Add text”.

If the text must be used the same every time, then you can type it right away. Otherwise it's better to use . They are available in the “Developer” menu tab (not available by default, but can be added through the “File” – “Options” – “Customize Ribbon” menu).

When the personal title page template is ready, go to the “Insert” menu again. Find the “Text” area and click the “Express Blocks” button. In the pop-up menu, select “Save the selected fragment to a collection of express blocks.” In the dialog box that opens, enter a name for the new template and for the “Collection” item, select “Cover Page” from the output list.

After saving, your own version will be available through the “Insert” – “Cover Page” menu. If you are unhappy with the result, you can always delete the template.


Abstract text. The most important thing is to comply with the page margin sizes (left 35 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each), line spacing (one and a half) and font (Times New Roman, 14). Do not start new paragraphs on a new page; it is better that they follow each other without interruption.

Also, don't highlight paragraph titles. in capital letters, since they must be written in the usual way. Never put a period at the end of the title.

Semantic and conclusions. It is necessary to highlight the main concepts in bold, italics or underlining to make the text easier to understand. Conclusions are drawn up at the end of each paragraph with a generalizing paragraph, which should begin with the words: “Thus...”, “Summarizing what has been said...”, “That is, we can say that...”, “Summarizing, it should be noted , that...”, “So, we came to the conclusion that...”.


Those who study in any educational institutions are faced with the fact that from time to time they need to take exams. This good way demonstrate your knowledge. It is very important that the one who writes it knows how to format it correctly. The assessment of the student’s knowledge and skills depends on this.


Create a title page. You must write the name at the top educational organization. Write in the middle of the page in capital letters the word "Abstract". On the next line is the full name of the topic that will be covered in it. A little lower to the right is the surname and initials of the work being performed, below is the surname of the teacher who will check this essay. On the very last line in the middle you need to indicate the city and year the work was performed. Write a table of contents on the next page. It must indicate the page numbers by individual chapters.

Justify the choice of this topic in the introduction. This is the next page. It is necessary to prove the correctness of the chosen topic, as well as theoretical and applied value this issue. It is important to explain why the author decided to choose this particular topic.

Present the main part according to the plan. This must be done consistently and in your own words. Typically the main part consists of 12-15 pages. In this section it is necessary to reflect your attitude to the issue raised and ways to solve it. This section should contain several chapters. And each next chapter must begin on a new page, no matter where the previous one ended.

Justify good quality your work in conclusions. This is also called final part. In this part of the essay, it is necessary to briefly summarize the material presented, draw attention to the importance of the raised problem, and encourage the adoption of measures to solve it.

On a separate page you must indicate references to the literature that was used to prepare this abstract. Encyclopedias and reference books are mentioned first, then books on the topic of the abstract are mentioned, and newspaper and magazine articles are written last.

Enough large number The title page of the report raises questions and many doubts among students (according to GOST 2017, we consider a sample design in this article). Why this page? Yes because to her special attention And special requirements, which all need to be taken into account, which is quite difficult.

Our experienced and knowledgeable authors successfully help you cope with the difficulties of designing the first page of your work - quickly and efficiently! Order the service!

The title page of the report according to GOST 2017 is a general theoretical sample

The first (also home) page contains all the information about the student, teacher and topic. It reflects the names of the educational institution, disciplines, topics and other information. It is convenient to format it in a separate file when the work is completely ready and no changes are expected, for example, in the title of the topic. So, the first page of the work is designed according to this scheme.

  • "Cap". First we create the first 3-4 top lines, aligned to the center:

    Line 1 – MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (indicate which country. Note, the letters are in capitals);

    2 – full name of the educational institution (lowercase letters);

    3, 4 – single spaced names of the faculty and department (also full; note that abbreviations are not allowed on this page).

  • "Center". Next we move on to creating the “central” information – the topic. Departing from the “header” 8 intervals, we type the name of the type of work in capitals, in bold: REPORT (if it is being prepared for a conference or symposium, indicate this data right there). And the next line contains information about the topic of the work (its name is in capitals, bold).
  • "Right" column. Having retreated 5 intervals, we form a left-aligned column on the right, in which we indicate:

    - in line 1 - Speaker:

    — 2nd line – Student (group, surname and initials);

    — line 3 – omission;

    — 4th line — Checked:

    — Line 5 – Teacher’s regalia, his last name and initials.

  • The “bottom” block is the bottom-most line, centered: City and Year.

Title page of the report according to GOST 2017 - general technical sample

It is assumed that the work is completed on a computer using the text editor Microsoft Word. It is convenient to format the title as a separate file. The following parameters are set for this page:

  • centimeter “banks” (indents) along the edges: left – 3, right – 1, upper and lower – 2;
  • The line spacing on this page is single (in the text on the following pages - one and a half);
  • Typing the text in font - Times New Roman (point size 14 is used for all pages);
  • headings are not underlined, shortened or wrapped (we have already noted which ones are typed in capital letters and highlighted in bold);
  • the title is not numbered, but is taken into account in total number pages, counting as the first.

It happens that a student brings the teacher a wonderful, deep essay that perfectly covers the topic, but the teacher rejects the work due to incorrect formatting. It is especially offensive to receive such a surprise just before a test or exam, which is not allowed without a valid essay. So the design of the abstract is not a small thing.

However, there is nothing complicated in the rules for writing an abstract. Problems usually arise among first-year students who simply do not yet know how to properly format an essay (because they were too lazy to find out before submitting it). But this article will help those who did not take the teaching manual from the department and thought about formatting it the night before handing in the work - you must agree, this is a common situation!

Sometimes pale with correct design essays happen to new student students. Having decided to earn extra money, a novice student writer believes that it is enough to simply write a paper, and is very upset when the customer, with a scandal, demands modifications: the design is not according to the standard. So, it seems to us, this article will also be useful for student planners.

General rules for writing abstracts

There are several types of abstracts, but in in this case we mean the format of educational work. This is a work that can be called reduced, more simple option course. Therefore, educational abstracts are prepared in generally the same way as coursework and diplomas.

In many universities, and even more so in schools, the preparation of abstracts is less strict, allowing slight deviations from the strict GOST standard. Some faculties have their own rules regarding the design of work, especially title pages (so, in addition to studying the general rules described below, we recommend that you still take a manual from the department; sometimes teachers invent special requirements precisely in order to check whether you have read this manual or not?).

But in general, it is enough to follow the basic rules regarding the choice of font, footnotes, numbering, formatting of contents, bibliography, and title page.

It is best if you study the rules for formatting an abstract according to GOST, which correspond to the standards for formatting more serious research papers. Even if the teacher is not a picky person, these skills will not be superfluous. And if you come across a “bureaucrat” from ours, then the design of the abstract according to GOST will be more important than the content!

How to format an abstract correctly?

  1. Use Times New Roman font. This is not stated in GOST, but the practice is already established.
  1. Traditionally, 14-point font is used, sometimes 12-point font. It is better to clarify this point with the teacher. As a rule, 14th font is chosen for academic work, but if the volume of the essay is large, it makes sense to choose a slightly smaller font size. But a larger one is not allowed, since the teacher will immediately understand that you are visually inflating the volume.
  1. Line spacing is one and a half. A larger interval, again, indicates an attempt to cheat with volume.
  1. Sheet orientation is portrait. Landscape is sometimes allowed when designing applications (for example, wide tables).
  1. Margins: 1.5 cm for the top, 3 cm for the bottom, 1.5 cm for the right and 2.5 cm for the left (1 cm is a margin for filing sheets). Increasing margins is sometimes used by students to increase the number of sheets, but this practice can lead to trouble, especially if you get really bold and set the settings to 3 - 3 - 3 - 4.
  1. Sheets A4 shape, density – standard for printing by printer, color white.
  1. The text is printed on only one side of the sheet. The back should remain clean. By the way, this is a common mistake among beginners, who often write on both sides, as if in a notebook.
  1. Numbering ( Arabic numerals) is entered from the third sheet (from the introduction). The 1st and 2nd sheets (title and contents), according to GOST, are not numbered, but are taken into account in the calculation. Simply put, on the first two sheets there are no numbers at the bottom, on the sheet with the introduction there are already “3”. Applications are not numbered.
  1. The title page consists of the following parts:

— A hat with the full name of the educational institution (university, college, school, etc.), the name of the faculty and department, as well as the phrase “Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation"(it is sometimes excluded when designing the title page of an abstract). Formatting - centered.

— The inscription “ABSTRACT” with the title of the work and an indication of the discipline. Centered formatting. Sometimes the name is indicated simply, without quotes, sometimes it fits into the formula... on the topic “Ν”...(the same with the indication of the discipline; check with the department for specific requirements). Formatting is centered, positioned approximately in the middle of the sheet (or slightly higher).

— Data about the author (full name, course, sometimes group or department) and scientific supervisor (full name, position, scientific degree– or in the format “d. And. n.", "k. m.n.”, or expanded, check in the manual). This block is located 7–9 intervals lower than the previous one. Please note that the block is located on the right, but the first letters of the lines are lined up - you can achieve this arrangement using the Tab key.

— Final block with information about the city in which it is located educational institution, and the year the work was written. Located at the very bottom of the sheet, formatted in the center.

The main font size for the title page is 14, but the word “ABSTRACT” and the title of the topic are usually typed in a larger size.

Sample title page for an abstract:

  1. The content is located on the 2nd sheet and includes the names of all parts (introduction, chapters and paragraphs of the main part, conclusion, bibliography (sometimes highlighting the list of sources), appendices).

For each element, except applications, a page number is indicated. Applications are not numbered, since they can be not only sheets, but also folders with materials, disks, etc.

At the top of the sheet is written: “CONTENTS” (without quotes, in upper case). The following is information about work items with left-aligned formatting, but the pages are listed opposite, with left-aligned formatting (use the TAB key).

Sample content design:

  1. The introduction begins. As a rule, everything educational essays contain this part, similar to coursework and diplomas.
  1. The main part of the abstract is divided (with rare exceptions) into chapters. Sometimes paragraphs (or points) are highlighted within chapters.
  1. Chapters begin on a new leaf. Sometimes paragraphs begin on a new sheet of paper (check this point in the manual).

An unspoken rule: the final part of the chapter should take up at least a quarter of the page. For cunning students who inflate the volume, the ends of chapters “hang” in a few lines for almost clean slate, which causes great irritation among teachers: they feel that they, how to put it this way... are considered fools.

  1. The conclusion also begins on a separate sheet.
  1. Headings structural elements The abstract (introduction, conclusion, bibliography, chapter titles) are formatted uniformly. Formatting - centered. Usually in upper case. Maybe additional use bold (fat).

It is not allowed to format the name of one element in upper case and another in lower case.

Exception: Paragraphs and clauses, if they do not begin on separate sheets, can be formatted in lower case and bold when chapter titles are formatted in upper case. In this case they are considered integral part chapters It is better to clarify this nuance with the teacher.

  1. The titles of chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs and other elements of the work are written WITHOUT QUOTATIONS.
  1. Attention! After the chapter titles, the words “Introduction”, “Conclusion”, “Appendix” and the phrase “Bibliography” THERE IS NO PERIOD! NOT PUT!!! NOT PUT!!! Very common mistake. Drives teachers to hysterics
  1. The list of references is drawn up on a separate sheet. In abstracts, the number of materials used is small, so groups in the list of references, as a rule, are not highlighted (however, this depends on the requirements of the department and scientific supervisor). But if the list of references contains sources, and not only scientific research, the selection of groups is necessary. This is relevant for historians, lawyers, philosophers and several other specialties.
  1. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically. Works on foreign languages, if any, educational work usually come after Russian-speaking ones.
  1. Preparation of a list of used literature - in accordance with GOST, that is, according to the rules bibliographic design sources.

Two design options are allowed: with a dash between areas bibliographic description and without it. The number of pages in a work may be omitted.

Sample bibliography format:

Ivanov I. I. Intergalactic hyperdrives. – M.: Polytech, 2010. – 421 p.

Ivanov I. I. Intergalactic hyperdrives. M.: Polytech, 2010.

Attention: initials are separated from each other not only by periods, but also by spaces.

  1. Links are an optional requirement. Some abstracts (for example, school ones) are written without references. If links are needed, they are formatted according to standard rules. Usually - on a separate sheet, after the list of references. Sometimes - page by page (in this case, continuous numbering of links is recommended). How to create links - at the end of the work or page by page, check with your teacher.

Ivanov I. I. Intergalactic hyperdrives. M.: Polytech, 2010. pp. 35 – 37.

If you cite the same source twice or more times, the following formula is used:

Ivanov I.I. Decree. op. pp. 35 – 37.

If you refer to this source twice or several times in a row, it is simply written:

  1. The application exits. Its pages are not numbered. If there are several applications, they are numbered in Latin numerals: I, II, III, etc.
  1. The sheets of the finished abstract are fastened with a spiral or punched with a hole punch and placed in a folder with a transparent top sheet.

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