GOST design of the list of references and sources. How to correctly prepare a list of references for a diploma and course work according to GOST? Examples of bibliographic descriptions

General rules

According to GOST 7.32-2001, the list of references is called “List of used sources”.

Information about sources should be located in alphabetical order(relative to the title of the bibliographic record corresponding to the source) and numbered in Arabic numerals.

In this case, regardless of the alphabetical order, regulations usually come first. Based on this, the following order of sources can be considered an established rule:


Other sources are in Russian in alphabetical order;

Sources in foreign languages ​​in alphabetical order.

Regulatory acts are arranged in the following order:

International acts ratified by Russia, with UN documents coming first;

Constitution of Russia;


Federal laws;

Decrees of the President of Russia;

Decrees of the Government of Russia;

Orders, letters and other instructions from individual federal ministries and departments;

Laws of the subjects of Russia;

Governors' orders;

Orders of regional (republican) governments;

Judicial practice(i.e. decisions of the Supreme and other courts of Russia);

Legislative acts that have lost force.

The laws are not arranged alphabetically, but by the date of adoption (signed by the President of Russia) - newer ones are ahead.

In the bibliographic description of the book, the author's surname is indicated in the nominative case.

The title of a book or article is written without quotation marks or abbreviations.

The place of publication is written with capital letter. The names of the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and Rostov-on-Don are written abbreviated (M., St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Rostov n/D), and the names of other cities are written in full.

The name of the publishing house is written as it appears in the book.

The year of publication is indicated in numbers without additional explanations, for example: 2009, 2010, etc.

Information regarding periodical literature(newspapers, magazines, etc.) are given in the following order: author, title of article, sign (//), name of publication, date of publication, day or month (only for newspapers), issue number (only for magazines), pages (except for newspapers of 8 pages or less).

5.2 Examples of designing sources in accordance with
GOST 7.1-2003, GOST 7.82-2001

Legislative materials

When describing materials of a legislative nature, a link to the official government source information – Russian newspaper or Collection of legislation Russian Federation. Additionally, accepted government agencies changes and additions.

1 Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation: [adopted by popular vote in 1993] // Russian newspaper. – 1993. – № 248.

2 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Parts 1–4: [adopted by the State. Duma on April 23, 1994, with amendments and additions according to the composition. as of December 10, 2011] // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1994. – No. 22. – Art. 2457.

3 O military duty And military service: federal law: [adopted by the State. Duma March 6, 1998: approved. Federation Council March 12, 1998]. – . – M.: Os-89. – 46 s. – (Current law).

Description regulatory documents

Description of standards

4 GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents. – M.: Iz-vo standarts, 1995. – 123 p.

Description of the collection of standards

5 System of occupational safety standards: [collection]. – M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. – 102 p.

6 Bovin A. A. Management of innovations in organizations: textbook. manual for universities / A. A. Bovin. – 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Omega-L, 2008. – 415 p.

7 Konoplev S.P. Sales management: textbook. manual for universities / S. P. Konoplev, V. S. Konoplev. – M.: Infra-M, 2009. – 303 p.

8 History of Russia: textbook. manual for students of all specialties / V. N. Bykov [etc.]; resp. ed. V. N. Sukhov / with the participation of T. A. Sukhova; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, St. Petersburg. state forestry engineering acad. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional.. – St. Petersburg. : SPbLTA, 2001. – 231 p.

Book edited

9 Fundamentals of Management: Textbook for Universities / ed. A. I. Afonichkina; Ed. prog. "300 best studies. for higher education school in honor of the 300th anniversary
St. Petersburg". – St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007. – 522 p.

Description of the tutorial

10 Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / Comp. A. V. Gerasimov; Novgorod. state University named after Yaroslav the Wise. – Veliky Novgorod, 2007. – 66 p.

11 Vishnyakov I.V. Models and methods for assessing commercial banks under conditions of uncertainty: dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences: 08.00.13: protected 02.12.2002: approved. 06.24.2002 / Vishnyakov Ilya Vladimirovich; Moscow State University. – M., 2002. – 234 p.

12 Rozov B.K. Certification of management personnel: abstract. dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences / B.K. Rozov; Research Institute of Labor Economics and Management. – M., 2002. – 18 p.

Description of the magazine article

13 Borisevich V.V. State secret under the gun of the media / V. V. Borisevich // Jurisprudence. – 2011. – No. 3. – P. 54–61.

14 Demushkin A. S. Organization of work on declassification of documents / A. S. Demushkin // Records management. – 2011. – No. 4. – P. 56–60.

Description of a newspaper article

15 Visloguzov V. Regions are asking for taxes / Vadim Visloguzov // Kommersant. – 2011. – September 19. – P. 14.

Electronic resources

Description of local access resources

16 Fundamentals of Management [ Electronic resource] : electronic textbook/ L. V. Plakhova, T. M. Anurina, S. A. Legostaeva [etc.]; StarForce, INFOFOND. – M.: Knorus, 2008. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

17 Encyclopedia Britanica Cd97. – Version 1.1. – Electronic data . – : Encyclopedia Britanica Inc., 1997. – 1 electronic optical disk (CD-ROM).

Description of resources remote access

18 Lukina M. M. Media in the Internet space [Electronic resource]: textbook. manual / M. M. Lukina, I. D. Fomicheva. – M.: Publishing house Mosk. University, 2010. – 87 p. – Access mode: http://www.journ.msu.ru/downloads/smiinternet.pdf. – December 20, 2011.

19 Museums of Russia [Electronic resource]. – M.: Ros. network of cultures. heritage, 2005. – Access mode: http://www.museum.ru/. – 12/21/2011.

20 Lyubashevsky Yu. Branding in Russia [Electronic resource] / Yu. Lyubashevsky // Marketer. – 2011. – October 21. – Access mode: http://www.marketolog.ru. – 12/10/2011.

21 The American Historical Association. – Washington, 2004. – Mode access: http://www.historians.org/members/benefits.htm. – 12/15/2011.

Related information.

Bibliography- component bibliographic apparatus, which contains a bibliographic description of the sources used and is placed at the end scientific work.

  • list of used literature;
  • list of used sources and literature;
  • bibliography;
  • bibliography

List structure

Alphabetical arrangement

Descriptions of books and articles are given in alphabetical order of authors and titles (if the author is not indicated); works by one author are arranged in alphabetical order of title.

Chronological order

Allows you to present the material in the chronology of events (in historical works) or by year of publication of works, when it is necessary to show the history of a science or issue. Within each year, the works are arranged in alphabetical order.

Systematic arrangement

Documents are grouped by specific topics, questions in their logical subordination. Within a topic, the arrangement is alphabetical or chronological.

Arrangement of material by chapters of work

Literature is indicated at the beginning of the list general, and then literature related to individual chapters. Within the chapter - in alphabetical or chronological order.

Regardless of the chosen grouping method, as a rule, place at the beginning of the list official documents(laws, regulations, decrees, etc.), which are ranked by legal force. Location within documents of equal legal force - by date of adoption, in reverse chronology:

1. International regulations

2. Constitution

3. Federal constitutional laws

4. Rulings of the Constitutional Court

6. Federal laws

8. Presidential Decrees

9. Acts of the Government

a) regulations

b) orders

10. Acts of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts

11. Regulatory acts of ministries and departments

a) regulations

b) orders

c) orders

d) letters

12. Regional regulations (in the same order as Russian ones)

14. SNiPs, joint ventures, ENIRs, technical specifications, etc.

Following the specified documents, all other literature is located: books, articles in alphabetical order and electronic publications.

Bibliographic description

Elements of a bibliographic description are given in a strictly established sequence and are separated from each other by conditional separators. Before and after the symbols there is a space of one printed character. The exceptions are (.) and (,). In this case, spaces are used only after them.

Book description outline:

Heading (Full name of the author).Title proper: information related to the title (collection of articles, textbook, reference book, etc.)/ information about responsibility (authors, compilers, editors, etc.).– Reissue Information (2nd ed., revised and supplemented). – Place of publication (city): Publisher, year of publication. -Volume (number of pages).

Examples of bibliographic descriptions

I. Description of books

1. Books by one, two or three authors are described under the name of the first author:

Chaldaeva , L. A. Enterprise Economics: a textbook for bachelors / L. A. Chaldaeva. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurait, 2013.- 411 p.

Nekhaev, G. A. Metal structures in examples and problems: textbook. manual / G. A. Nekhaev, I. A. Zakharova. - M.: Publishing House of the Association of Construction Universities, 2010. - 144 p.

Akimov, A.P. Wheel work: monograph / A.P. Akimov, V.I. Medvedev, V.V. Chegulov. - Cheboksary: ​​ChPI (f) MGOU, 2011. - 168 p.

Information-measuring technology and electronics: textbook / G. G. Rannev [et al.]; ed. G. G. Ranneva. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 512 p.

Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of an enterprise: textbook / ed. V. Ya. Pozdnyakova. - M.: Infra-M, 2010. - 617 p.

II. Description of the magazine article

When describing articles from journals, the author of the article, its title are indicated, then, behind two slashes, the name of the journal in which it was published, the year, number, and pages on which the article is placed are indicated.

Ledeneva, G. L. On the issue of evolution in architectural creativity / G. L. Ledeneva // Industrial and civil construction. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 31–33.

Shitov, V. N. Integrated approach to the analysis of the competitiveness of an enterprise [Text] / V. N. Shitov, O. F. Tsymbalist // Economic analysis: theory and practice. - 2014. - No. 13. - P. 59–63.

Zatsepin, P. M. Integrated consumer safety performance characteristics buildings / P. M. Zatsepin, N. N. Teodorovich, A. I. Mokhov // Industrial and civil construction. – 2009.- No. 3.- P. 42.

Experience in the use of special technologies for the production of work on the installation of enclosing structures of pits / S. S. Zuev [et al.] // Industrial and civil construction. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 49-50 .

III. Description of an article from books and collections

Karatuev, A. G. Goals of financial management / A. G. Karatuev // Financial management: educational and reference manual / A. G. Karatuev. - M., 2001. - P. 207–451.

Bezuglov, A. A. President of the Russian Federation / A. A. Bezuglov // Bezuglov A. A. Constitutional law Russia: a textbook for law schools (full course): in 3 volumes / A. A. Bezuglov, S. A. Soldatov. - M., 2001. - T. 1. - P. 137–370.

Grigoriev V.V. Bidding: development of documentation: methods of conducting / V.V. Grigoriev // Grigoriev V.V. Management of municipal real estate: educational and practical guide/ V. A. Grigoriev, M. A. Baturin, L. I. Misharin. - M., 2001. - P. 399–404.

Marketing program in the automotive industry (JSC AvtoVAZ) // Russian marketing on the threshold of the third millennium: the practice of the largest companies / A. A. Braverman [etc.]; edited by A. A. Braverman. - M., 2001. - Ch. 4.- pp. 195–272: table.

v article from the collection scientific works :

Danilova, N. E. Modeling of processes in a servo drive with an actuator motor DC with independent excitation / N. E. Danilova, S. N. Nissenbaum // Innovations in educational process: Sat. tr. scientific-practical Conf. - Cheboksary: ​​ChPI (f) MGOU, 2013.- Issue. 11. - pp. 158–160.

IV. Description of official publications

Constitution of the Russian Federation: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 63 p.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Official text: the text of the Code is given as of September 23, 2013 - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 193 p.

On holding the Year of Youth in the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2008 No. 1383 // Bulletin of Education of Russia. - 2008. - No. 20 (Oct.). - pp. 13–14.

V. Description of regulatory, technical and technical documents

GOST R 517721–2001. Household radio-electronic equipment. Input and output parameters and connection types. Technical requirements. - Enter. 2002-01-01.- M.: Standards Publishing House, 2001.- 27 p.

Household radio-electronic equipment. Input and output parameters and connection types. Technical requirements: GOST R 517721–2001. -Input 2002-01-01.- M.: Standards Publishing House, 2001.- 27 p.

Pat. 2187888 Russian Federation, MPK7 N 04 V 1/38, N 04 J 13/00. Transceiver device / Chugaeva V.I.; applicant and patent holder Voronezh. scientific research Institute of Communications.- No. 2000131736/09; application 12/18/00; publ. 08/20/02, Bulletin. No. 23 (II part).- 3 p.

VI. Description of electronic resources

v disk

Dal, V.I. Dictionary living great language of Vladimir Dal [Electronic resource] / V. I. Dal; prepared according to the 2nd oven ed. 1880–1882 - Electron. Dan. – M.: AST, 1998. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

v electronic journal

Krasnov, I. S. Methodological aspects healthy image lives of Russians [Electronic resource] / I. S. Krasnov // Physical culture: scientific method. magazine – 2013.- No. 2. – Access mode: http://sportedu.ru. – (Date of access: 02/05/2014).

v website

Protection of personal data of library users and employees [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.nbrkomi.ru. – Title from the screen. – (Date of access: 04/14/2014).

Steel construction structures. General technical requirements [Electronic resource]: GOST 23118–2012. – Enter. 2013-07-01.- Access mode: Codex-client system.

On approval of a sample notification form for the processing of personal data [Electronic resource]: order Federal service on supervision in the field of communications and mass communications dated July 17, 2008 No. 08 (as amended on February 18, 2009 No. 42). – Access mode: Garant system

Bibliographical references

Bibliographic link- a set of bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of a document. A bibliographic reference is part of the reference apparatus of a document and serves as a source of bibliographic information about documents - objects of reference.

Based on their location in the document, bibliographic references are distinguished:

  • intratextual, placed in the text of the document;
  • interlinear, taken from the text down the page of the document (in a footnote);
  • extra-textual, placed outside the text of the document or part of it (in a balloon).
  • GOST 7.1–2.2003
  • GOST
  • GOST

In-text links . An in-text bibliographic reference contains information about the reference object that is not included in the text of the document. An in-text link is enclosed in parentheses. For example: (Economics of machine-building production / Zaitsev V. A. [et al.]. - M.: MGIU Publishing House, 2007). After using a reference, quotation, etc., only the imprint and page number are indicated in parentheses. For example: Culture Western Europe in the era of the Early and Classical Middle Ages is discussed in detail in the book “Culturology. History of World Culture”, ed. A. N. Markova (M., 1998).

Subscript links located at the end of each page. In this case, asterisks or numbers are used to link to the text. For example: In the text: The monuments that have reached us are most often represented by chronicle vaults*

In footnote: ____________

* Culturology. History of world culture. M., 1998. ° C. 199. or

* Culturology. History of world culture. - M., 1998. - P. 199.

Repetitive information . If the information in repeated bibliographic records coincides, then in the 2nd and last records they are replaced with the words “The same”, “Ibid”.

Beyond text links are drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document or its component part. The connection between the bibliographic list and the text can be carried out by the numbers of entries in the list. Such numbers in the text of the work are as follows: square brackets, separated by commas, indicate the pages where the quotation is located. The numbers in them indicate under which number you should look in the bibliographic list required document. For example:

  • GOST 7.1–2.2003“Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description: General requirements and rules of compilation.”
  • GOST 7.0.12-2011 Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words in Russian. General requirements and rules
  • GOST 7.82-2001 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and drafting rules.
  • GOST R 7.05-2008 Bibliographic link. General requirements and drafting rules

Links, reference lists, bibliographic lists are important element educational (abstract, course and diploma work) or scientific (article, dissertation) work. Their design must comply with GOSTs, but it can be difficult for an inexperienced person to navigate them. The magazine “Young Scientist” decided to figure out what exactly should be relied on and in what cases.

State standards for bibliographic descriptions

Today in Russia the following GOSTs are in force, regulating the procedure for creating bibliographic descriptions. Full texts these GOSTs in PDF format can be found on the official website Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology (http://protect.gost.ru/):

  • GOST 7.82-2001. “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description of electronic resources. General requirements and rules for drafting" (valid from June 30, 2002). URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=131137
  • GOST 7.1-2003. “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting" (valid from June 30, 2004). URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=129865
  • GOST 7.0.5-2008. “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for drafting" (valid from January 1, 2009). URL: http://protect.gost.ru/document.aspx?control=7&id=173511

Previously, GOST 7.1-84 was used for bibliographic descriptions, but it became invalid with the introduction of GOST 7.1-2003.

The existence of several existing GOSTs, the recommendations of which differ from each other, often brings confusion and confusion to the ranks of students and dissertation candidates. Which GOST should be used when compiling a list of used literature?

Let's look at GOSTs and find out what each of them is intended for.

The 2003 standard, as its name suggests, could be useful for compiling bibliographic lists, but it states that “the standard applies to descriptions of documents compiled by libraries, scientific and technical information bodies, state bibliography centers, publishers, and other bibliographic institutions. The standard does not apply to bibliographic references."

And GOST 7.0.5-2008 is devoted to the rules for compiling bibliographic references. Let's get acquainted with the definition of a bibliographic reference given in it: “A bibliographic reference contains bibliographic information about another document quoted, considered or mentioned in the text of a document.”

You may get the impression that the concept, which in educational and scientific works is called “List of used literature”, “Bibliographic list”, “Bibliography”, falls under both definitions. On the one hand, this is a list of documents cited, reviewed and mentioned in the work, on the other hand, this is still a bibliographic list.

In practice, it turned out that the bibliographic description compiled according to GOST 7.1-2003 is too cumbersome for a list of references even scientific publication, not to mention coursework and dissertations, contains a lot of unnecessary information (even if you take only required elements, omitting optional ones), and the description according to GOST 7.0.5-2008 is not complete enough.

The GOST R 7.0.11-2011 standard, which concerns the design of bibliographic entries in the list of references for dissertations and dissertation abstracts, introduced some certainty into the design of the bibliography. Taking GOST 7.1-2003 as a basis, he created the most optimal version of a bibliographic entry in the list of references, which expresses the principle of reasonable sufficiency. It should be used when compiling bibliographic lists of other scientific and educational works.

Now that we have understood the standards, let's look at their practical application.

Bibliographic description of the book

The bibliographic description of the book is given in the following sequence:

Author (Last name, I. O.). Title: Title information/disclaimer (authors); further information about responsibilities (editors, translators, teams). — Information about the publication (information about reissue, publication number). — Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. - Volume.

The elements that separate the description areas from each other are highlighted in red. According to the 2008 standard, it is allowed to replace the sign in a short bibliographic reference/footnote. - (dot and dash), on the sign. (dot and space).

The name of the city (place of publication) is written in full (Omsk, Minsk). The only exceptions are the following cities, whose names are written in abbreviated form: Moscow (M.), Leningrad (L.), St. Petersburg (SPb.), Nizhny Novgorod(N. Novgorod), Rostov-on-Don (Rostov n/D), London (L.), Paris (P.), New York (N-Y.). The name of the publishing house is written without quotation marks with a capital letter, while the word “publishing house” itself is omitted. If the name of the publishing house follows the definition term, then quotation marks are placed in the title (Image Media Publishing House).

Thus, the bibliographic description books with one author will look like this:

Semenov, V.V. Philosophy: the result of millennia. Philosophical psychology/ V.V. Semenov. - Pushchino: PSC RAS, 2000. - 64 p.

Khromov, A. A. Electrical engineering: textbook. for universities / A. A. Khromov, M. S. Arkhangelsky, A. V. Ivanov; ed. A.I. Chuprina. - M.: Higher. school, 2001. - 233 p.

Koketkin, P.P. Ways to improve the quality of clothing manufacturing / Koketkin P. P. et al. - M.: Legprombytizdat, 1989. - 240 p.

or under the title:

History of Russia: textbook. manual for students of all specialties / V. N. Bykov et al.; resp. ed. V. N. Sukhov. — 2nd ed., revised. and additional — St. Petersburg : SPbLTA, 2001. 231 p.

The title describes collections that include works by different authors, collections of laws, official and regulatory documents.

Bibliographic description of an article from a collection or periodical

Such a bibliographic description consists of two parts: information about the article and information about the publication and place (pages) in which this article is placed. These parts are separated from each other by a double slash. This is what the description of an article from a magazine looks like:

Abramov, V.V. Multicriteria optimization of the skidding process in selective logging in sparsely forested areas / V.V. Abramov // Young scientist. - 2013. - No. 6. - P. 12-15.

and description of an article from a collection of articles:

Likhachev, D. S. Image of the city / D. S. Likhachev // Historical local history in the USSR: issue. theory and practice: collection. scientific Art. - Kyiv, 1991. - P. 181-188.

If the article is published in several issues periodical or in the same issue on non-contiguous pages, the output data is separated from each other by a semicolon, and matching data is omitted:

Grimak, L. P. Bioenergy system and human biofield: structure and functions / L. P. Grimak // Psychotherapy. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 37-48; No. 2. - pp. 50-64.

Bibliographic description of the abstract and dissertation

Drawing up a bibliographic description of a dissertation or abstract of a dissertation is subject to general rules, indicating the type of work in an abbreviated form (“dissertation” or “author’s abstract of dissertation”) and scientific degree, for which the dissertation has been submitted. For example:

Karpik, A. P. Geodetic spatial information system to ensure sustainable development territories: dis. ... doc. tech. Sciences: 05.24.01 / A. P. Karpik. - Novosibirsk, 2004. - 295 p.

Bibliographic description of books in a foreign language

Books in foreign languages ​​are described in accordance with general requirements in the original language:

Independent Ukraine: a bibliographical guide to English-language publications, 1989—1999 / Bohdan S. Winar. — Englewood: Ukr. Acad. Press, 2000. — XIV, 552p.

Bibliographic description of the electronic resource

When describing an electronic resource located on the Internet, the Internet address of the site or specific page (URL) and the date of access to this site are indicated (since the content of Internet sites may change over time):

Kostrikova, E. G. Russian press and diplomacy on the eve of the First World War. 1907-1914 / E. G. Kostrikova // Questions on history: socio-historical club. — URL: http://interstroy-omsk.ru/historygraphia/e-g-kostrikova-russkaya-pressa-i-diplomatiya-nakanune-pervoj-mirovoj-vojny-1907-1914.php (date of access: 07/07/2013).

Let us note once again that the examples discussed above concern only lists of references. To prepare bibliographic references, a short bibliographic record is used that complies with GOST 7.0.5-2008.

Preparation of a list of references in coursework and other forms test work regulated by GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic list. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation" All sources are numbered in order starting from 1. Different types sources (books, scientific articles) are separated by headings, after which the calculation continues. The most popular source in the bibliography is books. When creating a list of references according to GOST in 2019, you must indicate the following data in strict sequence:

  • Primary author's name and initials
  • Full book title:
  • Type of book or scientific work /
  • Full list of authors and co-authors (surname initials)
  • Editorial:
  • Publisher –
  • Number of pages

Below are some examples of reference lists in books.

Rules for preparing a list of references

Regulatory legal acts are arranged in accordance with their legal force:

  • international legislative acts- chronologically;
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • codes - in alphabetical order;
  • laws of the Russian Federation - chronologically;
  • decrees of the President of the Russian Federation - chronologically;
  • acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - chronologically;
  • acts of ministries and departments in sequence - orders, resolutions, regulations, instructions of the ministry - alphabetically, acts - chronologically.

Example of a list of references

For a book

  1. Tsyganov V.V., Borodin V.A., Shishkin G.B. Intellectual enterprise: mechanisms for mastering capital and power. – M.: University Book, 2004. – 770 p.

To an article from a magazine

  1. Kuznetsov L.A. Systematic representation of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise // Problems of management. – 2003. – No. 3. – P. 39 – 48.
  2. Akers S.B. Binary decision diagrams // IEEE Trans. Computers. – 1978. – Vol. C-27, N 6. – P. 509 – 516.

To an article from the collection

  1. Abashkina E.O. Labor market and standard of living of the Russian population: nonlinear methods analysis and forecasting // Information and economics: theory, models, technologies: Sat. scientific tr. – Barnaul, 2002. – P. 80 – 111.

On the report from the collection of conference proceedings

  1. Rykov A.S., Lanovets V.V., Matvienko M.Yu. System for designing and researching algorithms for deformable configurations // Proc. international conf. “Identification of systems and control tasks” SICPRO’2000 / Institute of Problems. ex. – M., 2000. – P. 5 – 9.
  2. Hu B., Mann G., Gosine R. How to evaluate fuzzy PID controllers without using process information // Proc. of the 14th World Congress IFAC. – Beijing, 1999. – P. 177 – 182.
  3. Nizhegorodtsev R.M. Pulse modeling of migration processes // Problems of security management complex systems: Materials of the IX international. conf. – M., 2001. – P. 150 – 155

For the dissertation abstract

  1. Venkov A.G. Construction and identification of fuzzy mathematical models technological processes in conditions of uncertainty: Author's abstract. Ph.D. tech. Sci. – Lipetsk: Leningrad State Technical University, 2002. – 20 p. or Author's abstract. dis... doctor of economics. Sci.

For a book edited by

  1. Handbook on the theory of automatic control / Ed. A.A. Krasovsky. – M.: Nauka, 1987. – 712 p.

For copyright certificates and patents

  1. A. p. 1007970 USSR. Device for gripping parts / V.S. Vaulin, V.G. Kemaykin // Bull. – 1981. – No. 12. – P. 136.
  2. Pat. 2012345 RF. Level sensor / I.S. Sidorov // Bull. – 2001. – No. 1. – P. 96.
  3. Pat. 4050242 USA. Multiple bypass – duct turbofan and method of operating same / D.J. Dusa. Publ. 09.27.77.

If there are four authors:

For a book

  1. General theory of systems / A.M. Ivanov, V.P. Petrov, I.S. Sidorov, K.A. Kozlov. – St. Petersburg: Scientific Thought, 2005. – 480.

Per article

  1. Special theory of systems / A.S. Malkin, S.A. Palkin, M.A. Chalkin, Z.Ya. Zalkind // Problems of science and technology. – 2005. – T. 1, No. 3. – P. 31 – 42.

If there are more than four authors: Per book

  1. Methodology general theory systems / A.M. Ivanov, V.P. Petrov, I.S. Sidorov and others - St. Petersburg: Scientific Thought, 2005. - 480 p.

Per article

  1. Methodological aspects of systems theory / A.S. Malkin, S.A. Palkin, M.A. Chalkin et al. // Problems of science and technology. – 2005. – T. 2, No. 5. – P. 61 – 69.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Registration of the list of references [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

Nowadays, every student knows that you can write an excellent coursework or dissertation and not receive highly appreciated, since the list of references is not formatted correctly. Drawing up a list of references in accordance with GOST is the most important component of the successful defense of any student work.

Registration of the list of references is a necessary and far from the most pleasant action in the process of writing a thesis or term paper. At the moment when it seems that the main work is finished and only a little remains, namely to draw up a list of references, you understand that a lot of perseverance and patience is required to ensure that the list of references looks in accordance with the requirements. And then THEY come... FOOTNOTES!

At this stage of completing a thesis, coursework or other student work, a number of problems arise. It turns out that numbering books in a bibliography is not enough. It’s good if there are methodological instructions, but what if they were “not given”? In this case, it is important to follow certain rules drawing up a list of references and then there will be one less problem.

And the thesis must be worked out from the first to the last page.

Why include a list of references in an essay, coursework, or dissertation?

List of used literature in an essay, coursework, diploma work, as well as in the practice report, is drawn up in accordance with methodological instructions, which, in turn, are based on GOSTs.

A bibliography is a prerequisite for creating a full-fledged scientific work. The list of references used is intended to show how deeply the research was carried out, what kind of areas of a particular science were used to reveal the topic of the essay, practice report, coursework or diploma. Besides, correct design bibliography is an indicator serious attitude to the learning process and the student’s perseverance, since modern GOSTs will make even the most patient researcher sweat. Currently, the following GOST standards apply:

  1. Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated April 28, 2008 No. 95-st “On approval of the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “System of standards for information, library and publishing.” Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules compilation";
  2. GOST 7.1-2003. No. 332-st "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation", introduced by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2003.

In other words, the list of references must be drawn up in accordance with the rules specified in certain regulatory documents. legal acts. Most often these are GOST 7.1-2003 and GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

Regardless of which GOST the list of references is drawn up, the student must follow certain rules that are in equally important for every type of student work.

How to create a bibliography

Now let's move directly to how to create a bibliography. In modern Russian universities There are a number of serious requirements for the list of references:

  1. Reference list accuracy
  2. Completeness from the literature
  3. Reliability and validity of bibliographic information

All of the above requirements can be met through the use of unification and standardization, namely with the help of certain GOSTs. The GOST recommended for preparing a list of references is indicated in the methodological manual for performing a specific student work. Summarizing all of the above, it can be argued that the key to successfully preparing a list of references is to follow the requirements specified in the methodological manual. However, the necessary training manual is not always available.

Let's consider the design of the list of references in accordance with the requirements of each individual GOST.

Registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003

Process registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003 occurs taking into account many nuances. It is important to remember that when preparing a list in accordance with GOST 2003, the subject-thematic principle is applied in the case when the array of sources is divided into several subject-thematic sections, each of which has its own heading. Within these sections, alphabetical placement of entries is maintained.

Registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003 allows the use of a chronological principle in its formation. This principle most often used in dissertation research. Based on this, the literature that is the subject of the study is arranged in the order in which they were written or published. Chronological sequence gives an idea of ​​how the research of a particular part of a branch of science, a separate issue, etc. has developed.

At registration of the list of references according to GOST 2003 special attention needs to be given correct drafting bibliographic description of sources. Special Interest represents the design of a journal article depending on the number of authors. If you want to include an article with one author in the list of references, then it must be formatted as shown below.

Registration of articles in the list of references (1 author):

Nikonorov, N.N. Problems of management [Text] / N.N. Nikonorov // Management. – 2003. – No. 4. – P.34-39.

Regarding the design in the bibliography articles with up to 4 authors, then it looks like this:

Kokhanov, I.V. Classification of new management theories [Text] / I.V. Kokhanov, A.I. Grudyanov // Management. – 2012. – No. 5. – P.45–47.

When to include in the list of references article by four authors, then you need to format it like this:

The importance of microcirculation control during millimeter wave therapy of acute destructive pancreatitis [Text] / B.S. Briskin, O.E. Efanov, V.N. Bukatko, A.N. Nikitin // Issues. balneology, physiotherapy and medical treatment. physical culture. – 2002. – No. 5. – P.13-16.

Features of the design of articles in the bibliography when indicated more than 4 authors are presented in the example below:

Modern SWOT analysis [Text] / A.I. Volozhin, G.V. Poryadin, A.N. Kazimirsky and others // Modern management. – 2011. – No. 3. – P.4 –7.

Particular attention must be paid to the design of multi-volume publications. Eat certain nuances when adding them to the bibliographic list for coursework, etc. An example of how to prepare a multi-volume publication in accordance with GOST 2003 is presented below.

Galperin, V.M. Microeconomics [Text]: in 3 volumes: textbook / V. M. Galperin, S. M. Ignatiev, V. I. Morgunov; ed. V. M. Galperin. – Moscow: Omega-L; St. Petersburg: Economicus, 2010 – T. 3: Collection of problems: training manual. – 2010. – 171 p.

Let us separately highlight the specifics of the design of electronic sources. The question is how to properly format a bibliography is familiar to everyone and most often mistakes are made when entering into the bibliographic list of sites on which the information used is located. The design of electronic sources according to GOST 2003 is as follows:

Emelyantseva, M.V. Concession agreement – new look cooperation with the state [Electronic resource] / M.V. Emelyantseva. - Access mode: www.naryishkin.spb.ru

Students often have a question: how to formalize the law in the list of references. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 2003 regulations are formatted as follows:

Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2009. – N 4. – Art. 445

Another way to draw up a regulatory legal act looks like this:

About precious metals and precious stones: federal Law of March 4, 1998 No. 41-FZ [Electronic resource] / Legal server "Consultant Plus". - Access mode: base.consultant.ru
Vishnyakov, I.V. Models and methods for assessing commercial banks under conditions of uncertainty [Text]: dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences / Vishnyakov Ilya Vladimirovich. – M., 2002. – 234 p.

Methodological guidelines often indicate GOST 7.1.2003 - this is a synonym for GOST 2003, so don’t be afraid. The list of references is prepared according to GOST 2003.

It is important to remember that since 2009 another GOST has been in force - GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 "Bibliographic reference", developed by the Federal State Institution "Russian Book Chamber" of the Federal Agency for Press and mass communications. This GOST presents " general requirements and rules of compilation", which specifically distinguish between a list of references and a list of references. At the same time, GOST R 7.0.5-2008 does not provide instructions on the design of a list of references. Thus, today, the question of designing a list of references (or a list of used sources) remains open, in other words, at the discretion of the university, i.e. either it is GOST 2001, or it is GOST 2003. Or the list of references is drawn up in accordance with methodological manuals universities, which may combine requirements from different GOSTs.

Example of a list of references

If the guidelines do not contain a strict requirement to draw up a list of references in accordance with all the standards of GOST 7.1.2003, then you can resort to drawing up a list of references with a slightly simplified presentation of sources.

  1. Bazanova, A.E. Literary editing. / A.E. Bazanova. – M.: RUDN, 2006. – 105 p.
  2. Vishnevsky, Yu.R. Sociology of youth. / Yu.R. Vishnevsky, V.T. Shapko. – Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2010. – 311 p.
  3. Kozlova, N.N. History of Russian journalism. Part 1. 1703 - February 1917: Course program and plans seminars. / N.N. Kozlova. – Voronezh: VSU, 2004. – 25 p.
  4. Means mass media // Great encyclopedia in 62 volumes. T. 47. – M.: Terra, 2006. – 592 p.
  5. Greenberg, T.E. Interactive journalism: the path to the future / T.E. Greenberg, V.M. Gorokhov. // Bulletin of Moscow University. Episode 10. Journalism. - 2000. – P.80
  6. Zaznobina, L.S. Living life And " virtual reality» / L.S. Zaznobina. // Public education. – 1996. – No. 9. – pp. 17-21.
  7. Koptyug, N.M. Online lessons how to auxiliary material for teachers English language/ N.M. Koptyug. // Foreign languages at school. – 2000. – No. 4. - With. 57.
  8. Anderson L. & Krathwohl D. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives / L. Anderson & D. Krathwohl. - New York: Longman, 2001. - 352 p.
  9. Information war against Russia - Russian expert [Electronic resource] / Patriot's Handbook. – Access mode: http://ruxpert.ru/Information_war_against_Russia
  10. Kirdina, S.G. Theory institutional matrices(an example of Russian institutionalism). [Electronic resource] / S.G. Kirdina. – Access mode: http://kirdina.ru/doc/news/20feb06/2.pdf
  11. Analytical data of the World Bank [Electronic resource] / World Bank. – Access mode: http://databank.worldbank.org/data/databases.aspx

To put it even more simply, it is drawn up without indicating additional information about responsibility, i.e. So:

Bazanova A.E. Literary editing. – M.: RUDN, 2006. – 105 p.

In this case, there is also no comma after the surname.

Rules for preparing a list of references

Registration of the list of references has a number common features for all GOSTs. These rules remain unchanged, as they are aimed at creating a correct and competent list structure. When starting to compile a bibliography of any scientific work, it is important to remember the following:

  1. All sources in the bibliography are presented in alphabetical order;
  2. The list of references includes all authors listed on the cover of the publication;
  3. The surname of the author of the book is written first, and then the initials. For example: Kostomarov A.K. Management theory, not A.K. Kostomarov Control theory;
  4. When compiling a list of references, regardless of the GOST number, a clearly regulated order of sources is adopted, shown in the figure below;
  5. In each section, first there are sources in Russian, and then in foreign languages.
  6. In the bibliography, as well as in the entire text of the course work, essay, etc. not allowed grammatical errors and typos.

By observing these simple rules you can carefully compile a list of used literature and save good impression about work. However, each GOST for preparing a list of references contains certain differences from the previous and subsequent GOST.

In any case, when preparing a list of references, first of all, you need to check the guidelines. Often there is even an example of a list of used literature.

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