Essay on the topic: "Russian oral folk art." Folk wisdom in works of oral folk art

Folk wisdom in works of oral folk art immerses us in the spiritual culture of our previous generations.

Oral folk art arose in ancient times. Folk songs Everyone knows fairy tales and riddles. In ancient times there was no written language, and each person told his own fairy tale or epic.

Thus, the people became the creator of all songs and epics. All the wisdom of the people was conveyed in songs and fairy tales. People noticed that the song was more fun to work with. And the songs changed, rhythm appeared in them. With song it was easier to cultivate the land and cut down the forest.
Primitive people believed in various spirits and gods in the forces of nature. They composed songs glorifying them. In fairy tales, people talked about their work, about some historical events. Fairy tales teach children to be honest, hardworking, and courageous. Fairy tales provide an answer to a simple question: “What is good and evil? »

The riddles compiled by the people are distinguished by their originality and poetry. Help children develop their imagination.

Proverbs and sayings reflect life experience people. In Russian proverbs you can understand how and what a person lives with, for example: “Curl your curls and don’t forget about your business” “You can face this way and that, but you can’t go anywhere with your business.”

Labor occupied a huge place in the lives of our ancestors. And in our time these proverbs are very relevant. After all, they carry a great educational charge within themselves. Here are proverbs about the Motherland:

Proverbs speak about the value of our land, educate and inspire us:
“Die from your native land, don’t leave.”
“Alone in the field is not a warrior.”
“The city takes courage.”

Folk wisdom in works of oral folk art (these traditionally include epics, fairy tales, sayings, riddles, proverbs, songs) constitute a treasury of folk artistic culture, thereby representing interesting source knowledge native language, and folk life.

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As many of us know, folklore is not only poetry or stories. This has its own zest, there are theatrical performances and so on. All emotions are conveyed very clearly through emotions, gestures and even intonation of voice.

The path of our people has been very long. Folklore has accumulated in the history of our people. It is this that differs from all types of creativity in its diversity and rich heritage. Here we can find a lot of fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, songs, and so on, and this list is far from complete. In addition to all these varieties of genres, which, in fact, can be present in any creativity.

Folklore has its own unique and creative genres. These are, of course, riddles and proverbs. They are inherent not only for our people, but also for any part of the world. In any city you can hear some special local saying. There are many of them, and even some people like to collect these folk genre gems.

But there is also folklore unique to a certain country. This is a very interesting trend. So, let’s say, it belongs to the Russians more ditties. The first ditty was written on this land, and this genre entirely belongs to the Russian people. But to the Ukrainian people belong to the thoughts. This is very interesting works that appeal to different peoples.

Folklore has such significance due to the fact that it reflects various folk traditions. This is very important to inherit, because everyone wants to know what came before him. All this is passed down from generation to generation, and every nation cherishes it sacredly.

It is very important to preserve the folklore of your ancestors; it is important to know and respect it.

Essay on the topic of folk wisdom in works oral creativity Russian folklore (fairy tales, epics)

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Among the artistic wealth of the people, oral folk art - folklore - occupies a significant place. From a long time ago it brings to a contemporary the thoughts, dreams, expectations of the people, recreates their struggle against oppressors or foreign enslavers. We can say that oral folk art represents poetic biography people, their history working life and the struggle for freedom and independence, history feats of arms his famous sons. The oral creativity of the people is marked by the richness and diversity of genres. Oral folk art is also called folklore, which translated means folk wisdom. Folklore is taken from sources based on direct observations of surrounding life. It recreates the history, culture, way of life, traditions, and beliefs of the people. The genres of folklore are extremely diverse - these are fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, songs, thoughts, etc. One of the most ancient and interesting genres of folklore are fairy tales. Fairy tales depict mostly fictitious events. This is understandable, because the people in these works expressed their dreams, for example, to get rich, to wait for a fair trial. Ukrainian folk tales extremely varied. There are fairy tales actors, which are animals, but extraordinary animals: they can speak, think, feel. There are fairy tales in which people or historical figures act. The world of fairy tales is not only magical, fantastic, but also instructive: fairy tales provide an answer to simple questions, which always excite people - what is the point human life? What is good and evil, life and death? A riddle is also one of the types of oral folk art, in which a certain phenomenon or creature is described, but not named, and the interlocutor must guess what it is about we're talking about in a riddle. Riddles compiled by the people are noted for their wit, originality, and poetry. They help develop imagination and creative thinking. An interesting page of oral folk art consists of proverbs and sayings. They reflect the centuries-old wisdom of the people, practical experience V different periods human activity, natural phenomena are revealed, dreams are conveyed. Worldwide recognition received Ukrainian folk song- a brilliant work of the people. In Ukrainian folk songs, poetically reproduced historical events, sadness and joy, dreams and desires of people. The song reveals spiritual roots, greatness people's soul. Writer M..G. Stelmakh wrote: “Ukrainian folk song has survived everything hard times and from the depths of centuries brought into our present the thoughts and feelings, pains and expectations of the people.” A folk song, sometimes joyful, sometimes sad, was composed and sung by a shepherd, a serf, a girl in love, a courageous Cossack - the defender of his homeland. And the song lived on, passed on from generation to generation. The Ukrainian folk song has grown like a gigantic tree. And every branch of this mighty tree is an integral different sides multifaceted life of the people. Folk songs are associated with work, leisure, holidays and rituals, farm labor, part-time work, recruitment, and the people's struggle for freedom and independence.

Ukrainian folk song is the most luxurious and most fragrant of all the branches on the tree of world folk art. An original and popular type of oral folk art is duma. These are large narrative works of predominantly heroic content. Most often, thoughts tell about events related to the heroic struggle of the people against foreign invaders. * Our thought, our song * He will not die, he will not perish. * This, people, is where our glory is, Glory!


Essay on a work on the topic: Oral folk art

The origins of folk poetry, or folklore (from the English folk-loge - folk knowledge, folk wisdom), originate in ancient times. In those distant times, people did not know how to write, so they passed on all their knowledge through oral stories. Folk wisdom is also reflected in creativity.

It is worth noting that this is not only the art of words, spoken word poetry. It also contains elements of theatricality - gestures, intonation, facial expressions, because all works are performed live. For example, ditties are still sung to the accompaniment of an accordion or balalaika, and dance is often an integral part of the songs. Thus, oral folk art organically combines characteristic features several types of arts.

Thanks to the long journey historical development, folklore reflects the most diverse aspects of the life of the people; folklore is distinguished by its genre richness and diversity. These are proverbs and sayings, riddles and fairy tales, calendar and family ritual poetry, epics, legends, traditions, as well as ballads, historical and lyrical songs, dramatic works, ditties, children's folklore.

In addition to general genres, such as fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, the folklore of each nation has only its own varieties. Thus, only in Ukrainian folk art there are Kolomyykas and Dumas, but there are no ditties and epics characteristic of Russian folklore.

In folklore it is very great value have traditions. This is reflected in the fact that it has been preserved for many centuries relative stability“the verbal text of the tune and the nature of the performance”, storylines and heroes expressive means and forms. That is, the work is passed on from generation to generation without significant changes. As a result of this approach, from the records made by folklore collectors in the 17th-19th centuries, one can get an idea of ​​the epics of the 11th-13th centuries or of historical songs composed 500-600 years ago.

Oral folk art is not only a valuable contribution to the treasury of world culture, but also has important cognitive and aesthetic significance.


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