Which event happened first? What historical event happened later than all the others? A6

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(Answers at the end of the test)

1. Which of these events happened earlier than the others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk War

3) Ermak’s campaign in Siberia

4) Ivan III’s campaign against Veliky Novgorod

2. Which prince went down in history as the first “collector of Russian lands”?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Vladimir Monomakh

4) Dmitry Donskoy

3. Polyudyu in Ancient Rus' called

1) meeting of community men

2) a military formation in the service of the prince

3) collection of tribute by the prince from subject lands

4) the duty that a peasant paid when leaving his owner

4. Which of the following was the result military reform, carried out by the Elected Rada in the middle of the 16th century?

1) creation of the Streltsy army

2) creation of a regular army

3) creation of guards regiments

4) formation of foreign regiments

5. Which of the named persons was an architect?

1) Matvey Kazakov

2) Simeon of Polotsk

3) Fedor Volkov

4) Mikhail Shchepkin

6. Politics " enlightened absolutism» associated with kingship

1) Peter III

2) Anna Ioannovna

3) Catherine II

4) Alexey Mikhailovich

7. As a result church reforms Nikon in the 17th century. in Russia

1) the patriarchate was abolished

2) the Holy Synod was established

3) secularization of church lands was carried out

4) a church schism arose

8. Read an excerpt from Novgorod Chronicle and indicate what event is reflected in this passage.

“And then the great prince began to advance. Damask swords rattle against Khinov helmets. The filthy ones covered their heads with their hands. And so the filthy ones rushed back. The wind tears at the banners of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, the filthy are fleeing, and the Russian sons fenced off the wide fields with a clique and illuminated them with gilded armor. The battle has already begun! Then the prince great Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, turned the filthy regiments back and began to beat them and flog them mercilessly, bringing melancholy upon them...”

1) Battle on the ice

2) Battle of Kulikovo

3) standing on the Ugra River

4) battle on the Kalka River

9. Activities of which public representatives movements XIX– beginning of the 20th century. started earlier than others?

1) Petrashevtsy

2) populists

10. MM. Speransky prepared the “Code of Laws” Russian Empire"during the reign

1) Nicholas I

2) Alexander II

3) Alexandra III

4) Nicholas II

11. What concept arose in connection with the process of democratization of culture in the 1870s - 1890s?

1) classicism

2) romanticism

3) academicism

4) peredvizhniki

12. Which of the listed transformations relates to the internal policy of Alexander II?

1) abolition of serfdom

2) the establishment of military settlements

3) conducting P.D. Kiselyov reforms management of state peasants

4) transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption

13. In 1812, as a result of its stay in Tarutino, the Russian army:

1) received fresh regular units and weapons

2) crushed French army on the approaches to Smolensk

3) achieved the appointment of M.I. Kutuzov as commander-in-chief

4) delayed the capture of Moscow by Napoleon’s army

14. Read an excerpt from the essay by N.K. Schilder and indicate the emperor whose reign we are talking about

“A new reign began, lasting [almost] 25 years... The words of the Manifesto of 1801, which promised governance according to the law and according to the heart of Catherine, however, did not come true... Indeed, despite the novelty of the ideas and government principles proclaimed after March 12, constant evil bore fruit. Arakcheev appeared... Added to all this were the difficult memories associated with March 11, under the burden of which the emperor was exhausted<…>for the rest of your life."

2) Alexander I

3) Nicholas I

4) Alexander III

15. Performance Czechoslovak Corps, which marked the beginning of the “front” period of the Civil War in Russia, began in

3) May 1918

16. What was the name of the body of representative power to which the Provisional Government was to hold elections?

1) Congress of Soviets

2) Constituent Assembly

3) State meeting

4) State Duma

17. During the Stolypin agrarian reform

1) the growth of farmsteads and cuts was encouraged

2) landowners’ lands were forcibly alienated

3) communal land ownership developed

4) equal land use was introduced “according to labor standards”

18. Which of the following refers to results? public policy in the USSR in the field of culture in the late 1930s?

1) the rise of avant-garde art

2) elimination of mass illiteracy

3) abolition of state censorship of the media

4) ensuring and protecting ideological diversity in the field of culture

19. Read an excerpt from a report from the newspaper Pravda and indicate in what year it was published.

“The miner of the Central-Irmino mine, comrade. Stakhanov, in commemoration of the 21st anniversary of International Youth Day, set a new all-Union record for labor productivity with a jackhammer. During a 6-hour shift, Stakhanov produced 102 tons of coal, which is 10 percent. daily mine production."

20. Operation “Bagration” is an operation Soviet troops By

1) storming of Königsberg

2) counter-offensive at Stalingrad

3) liberation of Belarus

4) storming of Berlin

21. Read an excerpt from a statement by a Soviet composer and indicate his last name.

“I wanted to create a work about our days, about our lives, about our people who become heroes, who fight in the name of our triumph over the enemy... While working on the symphony, I thought about the greatness of our people, about their heroism, about the best ideals of humanity, about the wonderful qualities of man, about our beautiful nature, about humanism, about beauty... Our fight against fascism, our future victory over the enemy, my hometown“I dedicate my 7th symphony to Leningrad.”

1) S.S. Prokofiev

2) A.V. Alexandrov

3) A.I. Khachaturian

4) D.D. Shostakovich

22. Which of the named events occurred later than all the others?

1) entry of troops of the Warsaw Warsaw countries into Czechoslovakia

2) placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba

3) the beginning of the Korean War

4) the entry of the USSR into the war with Japan

23. What event happened during the “thaw” in the USSR?

1) signing of the Final Act of the Security Conference in Europe

2) withdrawal of Soviet troops from Germany

3) the first visit of the leader of the USSR to the USA

4) conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

24. The main task internal policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s. Stalin's leadership believed

1) softening censorship, pursuing a policy of openness

2) accelerated restoration of heavy industry

3) transition from sectoral to territorial government by the people

4) rehabilitation of victims of repressions of the 1930s.

25. What was one of the consequences of the participation of Soviet troops in the Afghan war?

1) exclusion of the USSR from the UN

3) increasing contradictions between the USSR and many countries of the world

4) transition to a policy of “détente” in international relations

26. Read an excerpt from the decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR and indicate in what year this decree was issued.

“The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides:

Establish that joint ventures created on the territory of the USSR with the participation of Soviet and foreign organizations, firms and management bodies, pay income tax in the amount and manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The tax is subject to transfer to the income of the Union budget. Joint ventures are exempt from paying income tax for the first two years of their operation.”

27. The first years of market reforms in Russia (1992-1993) were marked

1) macroeconomic stabilization

2) a drop in production volumes

3) growth in state revenues

4) an increase in the income of the majority of the population

28. Arrange the names of cultural figures in chronological sequence their lives:

1) Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov, Vasily Bazhenov, Andrei Rublev.

2) Andrey Rublev, Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov, Vasily Bazhenov.

3) Andrei Rublev, Vasily Bazhenov, Simon Ushakov, Aristotle Fioravanti.

4) Vasily Bazhenov, Andrei Rublev, Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov.

29. Which three of the following names are associated with military triumphs? Russia XVIII V.?

1) G.A. Spiridov

2) M.D. Skobelev

3) S.I. Dezhnev

4) P.A. Rumyantsev

5) F.F. Ushakov

6) M.B. Shein

30. Establish a correspondence between the names of historical figures and their activities.

31. Read an excerpt from an essay modern historian and indicate which dynasty we are talking about.

“So the short reign of this dynasty... on the Russian throne ended tragically and ingloriously. This dynasty faced difficult trials. They inherited a ruined poor country. Systemic crisis, which swept the entire country, aggravated by the famine of the first years of the 17th century, showed the fragility of power, which had moved away from the management methods of Ivan IV. An already ineffective and cumbersome control system Russian state started to have serious problems. Robber gangs flooded the country, and the roads were unsafe. After the death of the king, the country went into the abyss of turmoil and timelessness.”

32. Arrange the names of the organs state power XIX century in the chronological order of their occurrence.

1) Supreme Administrative Commission

2) III department of the imperial chancellery

3) first ministries

4) State Council

33. Which three of the facts listed below relate to the history of Russian culture of the first half of the 19th century V.?

1) creation of N.M. Karamzin “History of the Russian State”

2) creation of higher women's courses

3) foundation of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum by Alexander I

4) first screening of films in Russia

5) foundation of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko of the Moscow Art Public Theater (MAT)

6) creation of M.I. Glinka's opera "A Life for the Tsar"

34. Match names Russian emperors and foreign policy events that occurred during their reign.

35. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and name the ruler of the 19th century. the emperor whose domestic policy is being discussed. “The days of “black reaction” have come,” the disconsolate supporters of liberal reforms assured, but the biographies of the new ministers seemed to refute this preconceived opinion.<…>Professor Vyshnegradsky, Minister of Finance, was widely known for his original economic theories. He managed to bring the finances of the Empire into brilliant condition and greatly contributed to the improvement of the country's industry<…>Admiral Shestakov, exiled abroad by Alexander II for mercilessly criticizing our navy, was summoned<Императором>to St. Petersburg and appointed naval minister <…>S.Yu. Witte... owed his dizzying career Emperor's farsightedness<…>who, having appointed him as a fellow minister, immediately recognized his talent.”

36. Which three of the following works of art date back to the first half of the 20th century?

1) film by S.M. Eisenstein "Battleship Potemkin"

2) novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor People"

3) painting by V.I. Surikov “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution”

4) novel by M.I. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

5) film by E.A. Ryazanov “Beware of the car!”

6) painting by K.S. Malevich "Black Square"

37. Match events Soviet history and their dates. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

38. Read an excerpt from the manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II and write the name of the war in which Russia’s entry into which we are talking.

“Following its historical covenants, Russia, united in faith and blood with Slavic peoples, never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs awoke in last days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state<...>Now we have to not only stand up for our unjustly offended kindred country, but also protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the great powers.”

39. Which three of the following events relate to foreign policy USSR in 1945–1953?

1) formation of the Council Economic Mutual Assistance(CMEA)

2) Cuban Missile Crisis

3) severance of relations with Yugoslavia

4) formation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (WTO)

5) entry of troops into Hungary

6) formation of the German Democratic Republic(GDR)

40. Establish a correspondence between the reforms carried out in the USSR and the years of their implementation.

41. Read an excerpt from a book by modern historians and write the name of the leader of the USSR in question.
“A new cult of personality was gaining apparent strength<…>The first one becomes general. [He] holds another post - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. A document signed by Suslov on strengthening authority is distributed to regional party committees Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU. But nothing helps: authority on paper, in speeches, in awards (Hero Socialist Labor, four times Hero Soviet Union), but not among the working people."

42. Arrange the following events of the second half of the twentieth century. in chronological sequences:

1) first elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation

2) elimination of the “anti-party group” G.M. Malenkova, L.M. Kaganovich, V.M. Molotov

3) adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia

4) adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism”

Question no.


Question no.



Alexander III

First World War


Test tasks:

1. Establish the sequence of activities of prominent pre-revolutionary historians:

a) V. Klyuchevsky 4

b) S. Soloviev 3

c) M. Karamzin 2

d) V. Tatishchev 1

2. The first attempt to create a general work on history belonged to a contemporary of PeterI:

b) Tatishchev V.V.

3. Peruvian historianXXV. L. Gumilyov owns the work:

a) “From Rus' to Russia”

4. Peruvian historianXXV. B. Rybakov owns the work:

c) “Paganism of Ancient Rus'”

5. Great Russian scientistXVIIIV., opponent of the Norman theory:

a) M. Lomonosov

6. Historical source is:

a) a work created by man, a product of culture

c) a preserved document about past events

d) chronicle evidence of past events

7. The creator of the formational approach was:

a) K. Marx

8. The method of moving thoughts from the particular to the general (to conclusions) and vice versa is called

______________________ And ________________________________________

c) induction

d) deduction

9. The creators of the civilizational approach were:

b) A. Toynbee, N. Danilevsky

10. The retrospective method of studying history is:

c) consistent penetration into the past in order to identify the cause of an event

11. The first social conflict in Kievan Rus happened in:

12. Dates associated with the rise and strengthening of Moscow:

b) 1147, 1327

13. The regulation of the collection of tribute, the establishment of lessons and graveyards is associated with the name:

b) Princess Olga

14. In Kievan Rus they called ryadovich:

c) employee

15. The Old Russian state can be characterized as:

c) early feudal

16. “Polyudye” in Ancient Rus' was called:

b) collection of tribute by the prince from the lands under his control

17. The urban population of Ancient Rus' was called:

b) posadsky

18. Later other events happened:

b) congress of Russian princes in Lyubech

19. Organ of feudal democracy of Kievan Rus:

20. The Baptism of Rus' for the bulk of the population was:

c) violent

21. Match the names of the princes and the lands in which they ruled:

names of the land

c 1) Alexander Nevsky a) Galicia-Volyn principality

a 2) Yaroslav Osmomysl b) Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

b 3) Vsevolod the Big Nest c) Novgorod Boyar Republic

d 4) Ivan Kalita d) Moscow Principality

22. Indicate the correspondence between the name of the prince and the strategy of his relationships

with the Golden Horde

a 1) alliance with the Horde a) Alexander Nevsky

b 2) decisive struggle against the Horde b) Ivan III

c 3) overthrow the yoke of the Horde c) Dmitry Donskoy

23. Indicate the chronological sequence of the listed events:

2 a) the introduction of “lessons” and “cemeteries” by Princess Olga

4 b) the defeat of the Polovtsians by Vladimir Monomakh

3 c) baptism of Rus'

1 d) Oleg’s campaign against Kyiv

24. Place the following events in chronological order:

3 a) formation of the Golden Horde

2 b) battle on the river. City

4 c) Khan Tokhtamysh’s campaign against Moscow

1 d) battle on the river. Kalke

25. Establish the chronological sequence of the reign of Russian princes:

1 a) Vladimir the Holy

4 b) Dmitry Donskoy

3 c) Ivan Kalita

2 d) Vsevolod the Big Nest

26. Arrange the names of the princes in the chronological order of their lives and activities:

1 a) Ivan Kalita

2 b) Dmitry Donskoy

4 c) Ivan III

3 d) Vasily II

27. Indicate the correspondence between the term relating to the history of Kievan Rus and its


a 1) purchase a) peasant who took out a loan

b 2) patrimony b) hereditary land ownership

c 3) Metropolitan c) head of the Russian Orthodox Church

28. Match:

date event

b 1) 988 a) uprising in Tver against the Horde

a 2) 1327 b) adoption of Christianity in Rus'

d 3) 1497 c) Khan Tortamysh’s campaign against Rus'

c 4) 1382 d) Grand Duke’s Code of Law of Ivan III

29. Establish a correspondence between the term characterizing the relationship between Rus' and Golden

Horde, and its definition:

A 1) label a) khan’s charter, which gave the right to reign

C 2) exit b) system of domination over Russian lands

B 3) yoke c) annual payment to the Russian horde

30. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the events associated with their period


names of the princes of the event

c 1) Ivan III a) 1327

b 2) Dmitry Donskoy b) 1380

a 3) Ivan Kalita c) 1480

d 4) Alexander Nevsky d) 1242

31. Dates associated with urban uprisings:

a) 1648, 1662

32. The abolition of localism occurred in:

33. Contemporary of IvanIVis:

a) Alexey Adashev

34. Which of the following refers to the consequences of oprichnina:

c) devastation of the central regions of the country

35. As a result of reforms Elected Rada(in 1549-1560) happened:

a) the formation of an estate-representative monarchy

36. The main task of Ivan’s reformsIVwas:

a) strengthening the central government

37. Which of the following refers to the results of the activities of the Elected Rada:

a) cancellation of feedings

38. Which of the following was one of the reasons for Russia’s defeat in the Livonian War:

a) the oprichnina policy of Ivan the Terrible

39. The last of the Rurikovichs who ruled Russia was:

c) Fyodor Ivanovich

40. IvanIVbegan transformations in the country with reforms in the field of:

a) military

41. Which of the following events occurred later than the others:

a) oprichnina

42. Which event happened before all others:

a) the reign of Elena Glinskaya

43. Which of the following documents was adopted earlier than the others:

d) Cathedral Code

44. Correlate the event of the “Time of Troubles” and the corresponding date:

B 1) the power of the “seven boyars” a) 1613

C 2) the reign of V. Shuisky b) 1610-1613.

A 3) election of M. Romanov as king c) 1606-1610.

45. Match the concepts and terms:

B 1) intervention a) the oath that V. Shuisky took

A 2) kissing sign b) armed intervention, invasion of territory

another state

D 3) militia c) boyar government signed with Sigismund III

agreement on the calling of his son Vladislav to the throne

B4) seven-boyars d) military formations that are created from

civilian population on a voluntary basis

46. ​​During the reign of Ivan III, something happened...

a) introduction of the “St. George’s Day rule”

47. The three events of Ivan IV are:

c) carrying out major reform

d) organization of the Streltsy army

e) publication of the Code of Laws

48. Zemsky Sobor is

a) a meeting of representatives of the estates

49. During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov

a) there was a church schism

50. Establish the chronological sequence of events:

4 a) Grand Embassy

1 b) Crimean campaigns

3 c) capture of Azov by Peter I

2 d) overthrow of Princess Sophia

51. The last palace coup in Russia took place in:

52. In what century was Crimea annexed to Russia:

53. The State Council was established in:

54. The industrial revolution in Russia began in:

c) 1830-1840

55. Two events that testified to the strengthening of serfdom during the reign


b) introduction of the poll tax

c) introduction of conscription

56. Consequence of palace coups in the middleXVIIIV. was:

c) strengthening the role of the guard in government affairs

57. Domestic policy of Russia in the second halfXVIIIV. characterized by:

a) expansion of the privileges of the nobility

58. Petrine reforms of the first quarterXVIIIV. contributed to:

d) strengthening of autocratic power

59. “Enlightened absolutism” by CatherineIImanifested itself in:

c) convening the Statutory Commission

60. Serf peasants attached to the manufactory were called:

b) attributed

61. Secret committee during the reign of AlexanderIcalled:

d) a circle of people close to the king who prepared reform projects

62. Arrange the most important events during the reign of AlexanderIin the right


1 a) accession to the throne of Alexander I

3 b) Battle of Borodino

2 c) establishment of ministries

63. Match the concepts and terms:

B 1) small-scale production a) economic relations between individual regions

countries based on the social division of labor

C 2) manufacture b) production of products for sale in a small


D 3) tax c) an industrial enterprise based on manual

labor and division of labor

A 4) all-Russian market d) cash and in-kind duties of peasants and

townspeople in favor of the state

64. Two events indicating folding absolute monarchy in Russia, were...

c) abolition of the patriarchate

d) termination of the convening of Zemsky Sobors

65. Three measures of Peter I aimed at “Europeanizing” the country are:

e) establishment of the Senate

f) abolition of the patriarchate and creation of the Synod

66. Establish the chronological sequence of events:

2 b) establishment of military settlements in Russia:

3 c) Decembrist uprising in St. Petersburg

4 d) circle M.V. Butashevich – Petrashevsky

67. Establish the chronological sequence of events:

1 a) accession of Elizabeth Petrovna

3 b) convening of the Statutory Commission

4 c) letter of grant to the nobility

2 d) manifesto on the freedom of the nobility

68. Establish the chronological sequence of events:

3 a) annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire

1 b) convening of the Statutory Commission

2 c) the first partition of Poland

4 d) Letter of commendation to cities

69. Establish the chronological sequence of events:

1 a) adoption of the “Table of Ranks”

2 b) Russia’s participation in the Seven Years’ War

4 c) provincial reform of Catherine II

3 d) secularization of church lands

70. Establish the chronological sequence of events:

4 a) opening of Moscow University

1 b) opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

3 c) founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2 d) publication of the first Russian newspaper “Vedomosti”

71. When the first national census was carried out in Russia:

72. The leaders of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadet Party) were:

c) P. Milyukov, V. Nabokov

73. With the concept of “community” in Russia inXIXV. was related:

a) mutual responsibility

b) redistribution of land

e) village gatherings

74. Two provisions of the judicial reform of 1864. were:

b) adversarial legal process

d) participation in the trial by jury

75. The Peasant Reform of 1861 includes:

a) liberation of peasants from personal dependence

c) preservation of landownership

76. The agrarian program of the Socialist Revolutionaries included the requirement:

a) socialization of the land

77. Which of the following events refers to the revolution of 1905-1907:

78. The policy of forced destruction of the community is primarily related to:

c) an attempt to create a class of small and medium-sized owners

79. One of the reasons for the abolition of serfdom was...

d) the government’s awareness of the inhibitory influence of serfdom on the country’s economy

80. One of the results of the military reform D.A. Milyutina:

c) conscription was abolished

81. “Walking among the people” was organized by:

c) commoners in the 1870s. to spread revolutionary ideas in the countryside

82. The progressive block was created in:

83. The Stolypin agrarian reform provided for:

d) preservation of landownership

b) convene the legislative State Duma

85. Relate social theoryXIXV. and its main provisions:

86. Segments are

c) part of the peasants’ land that passed to the landowners during the Peasant Reform of 1861.

87. Relate social theoryXIXV. and its main provisions:

B 1) “Theory of official nationality” a) capitalism in Russia is an alien phenomenon imposed from above

A 2) Populism b) the ideal form of government for Russia is an absolute monarchy

B 3) Marxism c) Russia must consistently go through the stage of capitalist development, and then move on to socialism

88. Three political transformations of the 1860-1870s. are:

a) the formation of zemstvo local government bodies from representatives of all classes

b) introduction of the institution of advocacy

d) creation of an unclassified and public court

89. The reason for the “June Third” coup was the tsar’s dissatisfaction with the position

II State Duma on the question:

b) agricultural

90. The monarchist party that arose during the revolution of 1905-1907:

a) “Union of the Russian People”

91. When Russia was proclaimed a republic:

92. Which of the following events occurred later than the others:

d) a decision was made to replace the surplus appropriation system with a tax in kind

93. The two reasons for the February Revolution were...

a) a sharp deterioration in the capital’s food supply, the introduction of cards

b) growing national crisis, inflation, unemployment

94. The two reasons for World War I were...

a) the murder in Sarajevo of the wife of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Ferdinand

c) the murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Ferdinand, in Sarajevo

95. In which document were the foundations of Soviet power officially proclaimed for the first time?

d) in the “Decree on Power” adopted at the II Congress of Soviets

96. The first bodies of Soviet power formed at the Second Congress of Soviets are

d) Council of People's Commissars, All-Russian Central Executive Committee

97. Which of the following was the reason for the split in the village in the summer of 1918:

c) creation of committees of poor people

98. Match dates and events:

event dates

99. The policy of the Bolsheviks, pursued by them in 1918-1920, was called:

b) “war communism”

100. The policy of “war communism” corresponds to the implementation of measures for:

b) nationalization of enterprises and banks

101. Specify features civil war in the country:

a) covered all segments of the population

b) merged with foreign intervention

c) distinguished herself by cruelty and violence

102. The Russian Civil War took place in:

b) 1918-1920

103. Which group of events relates to 1919:

a) the introduction of surplus appropriation, the offensive of Denikin’s volunteer army on Moscow

104. In what series are the military leaders and leaders of the White movement during the civil war named?


d) A. Denikin, P. Krasnov

105. In what series are the military leaders and leaders of the Red Army during the Civil War named:

b) M. Tukhachevsky, A. Egorov

106. During the civil war, the Soviet government encouraged...

a) direct exchange in kind

107. Establish a correspondence between the names of political leaders and their activities in

1920 – early 21 years old:

surname activity

A 1) M. Tukhachevsky a) leader peasant uprising in the Tambov region

C 2) A. Antonov b) Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars

B 3) V. Lenin c) commander of the Red Army units

during the suppression of the uprising in the Tambov region

D 4) M. Kalinin d) Chairman of the Central Executive Committee

d) People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs

108. The concept of “dual power” is associated with the activities in 1917:

c) Provisional Government and Soviets

109. Match dates and events:

event dates

110. Match dates and events:

event dates

In 3) 1922 c) Genoa Conference

111. Which of the following applies to the activities of the NEP:

a) denationalization of small and medium industry

112. Which of the following refers to the results of industrialization:

c) formation of a command system

113. One of the reasons for the transition to the NEP was the need to:

c) overcome the crisis generated by the policy of war communism

114. Which of the following refers to the results of collectivization:

c) growth in supplies of grain and industrial crops to the state

115. About increasing tension in Far East in the 1930s testified (-o, -i)…

a) armed clash on the Soviet-Manchurian border in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake. Hasan

116. The USSR was admitted as a permanent member of the League of Nations in:

c) Sevastopol

118. Which of the above operations refers to the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War:

c) Battle of Moscow

119. Existed in the 1920s - 1930s. in the USSR people's commissariats are

a) central authorities public administration branch of the economy or field of activity

120. The “New Economic Policy” (NEP) is characterized by three concepts:

a) tax in kind

d) golden chervonets

e) self-financing

121. Which of the named conferences of representatives, leaders of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA

happened before others:

d) Moscow

122. The federal structure of Russia has existed since:

123. In the USSR, the Stakhanov movement began in:

124. The USSR signed an agreement on mutual assistance with France and Czechoslovakia in:

125. The USA established diplomatic relations with the USSR in:

126. Place in chronological order the following events:

4 a) lifting the blockade of Leningrad

1 b) Battle of Smolensk

3 c) Battle of Kursk

2 d) battle for Stalingrad

127. The two main changes that occurred in the leadership of the party and state in 1946-

1953 were...

c) transformation of the Council of People's Commissars into the Council of Ministers

d) renaming the CPSU (b) into the CPSU

128. The Cold War period includes...

a) division of the world into two opposing systems

129. In what series are the battles and battles of the final period of the Great Patriotic War named:

b) Operation Bagration, Vistula-Oder Operation

130. The immediate result of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow was the liberation


c) Kalinina, Kaluga

131. One of the most significant achievements of social policy in the 50s.XXV. USSR


b) the beginning of large-scale housing construction

132. Restructuring in the economy began with the setting of acceleration tasks, and in the spiritual sphere it

the leitmotif was:

c) publicity

133. The withdrawal of Russian troops from European countries was completed in:

134. Which of the above related to the policy of N.S. Khrushchev during the years of his leadership of the country:

a) adoption of the law on state pensions

c) extensive housing construction

e) conducting a “corn” campaign

135. What events in the USSR unite the dates of 1957 and 1961:

b) testing of atomic and hydrogen weapons

c) the beginning and completion of the development of virgin lands

d) achievements in space exploration

136. The concept of “exposing the cult of personality” in the late 1950s - early 1960s. meant:

a) criticism of the regime that gave rise to the cult of personality

137. What events and phenomena were a consequence of the democratization of society in 1954-1964:

a) the adoption of rulings on the erroneous decisions of the 1940s. with criticism of cultural figures

138. To the features of the political development of the USSR in the 60-70s.XXV. include:

a) ossification of party-state structures

139. The two main political contradictions of social development and reasons

"stagnation" were...

b) the existence of a command-administrative system

d) lack of work of the Soviet bureaucratic system

140. Which of the following features characterize the content economic reform 1965:

a) reduction in the number of planned indicators communicated to the enterprise

d) creation of financial incentive funds at enterprises

141. Chief onICongress people's deputies RSFSR became a question about:

c) state sovereignty of Russia

142. Russia signed the NATO Partnership for Peace program in:

143. The adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the RSFSR occurred during the period:

d) 1990s

144. Which of the following measures relate to the political reforms of the perestroika period:

a) abolition of Article 6 of the USSR Constitution

c) the formation of a multi-party system

e) holding elections to the Soviets on an alternative basis

145. The results of the policy of “new thinking” during the period of perestroika in the USSR include:

d) strengthening stability in the international arena

146. Which of the following is the result of the political transformations of 1988-1990:

d) the beginning of the destruction of the one-party regime

147. The USSR as a state was liquidated by the decision:

b) Belovezhskaya Troika (Yeltsin, Kravchuk, Shushkevich)

148. Model carried out in 1992-1993. radical liberal modernization of the economy

Russia was developed by the group:

a) E. Gaidar

149. At the heart of the October 1993 political crisis was the conflict between:

a) the council system and presidential power

150. The CIS included:

c) 11 republics

Test work for the course “History of Russia in the 20th century - the beginning XXI V"

Option 1.

Part 1.

    Which event happened before the others?

A) Battle of Tsushima B) Nicholas's introductionIIto the throne

B) First Russian Revolution D) the beginning of the First World War

2. Which of the following refers to the results? Russo-Japanese War?

A) Russia’s loss of South Sakhalin

B) construction of Russian military base on the island of Hokkaido

C) Russia’s loss of Kamchatka

D) establishing complete Russian control over Manchuria

3. Which of the named events occurred later than the others?

A) heroic defense Brest Fortress

B) speech by V.I. Lenin with " April theses»

C) the Bolsheviks coming to power D) Yalta Conference

4. Which event happened before the others?

A) liberation of Prague by Soviet troops

B) appointment of A.F. Kerensky head of government

B) counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow

D) adoption of the first Soviet constitution

5. When did the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian union republics become part of the USSR?

A) in December 1935 B) in January 1939 C) in August 1940 D) in January 1944

6. What event happened in 1980?

A) First Moscow Film Festival B) Olympic Games in Moscow

B) The first piano competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky

D) exhibition of avant-garde artists in Manege

7. In what year did M.S. Was Gorbachev elected President of the USSR?

A) in 1985 B) in 1988 C) in 1990 D) in 1991

8. What event relates to the period 1953 – 1964?

A) XX Congress of the CPSU B) fabrication of the “Leningrad case”

B) XIX All-Union Party Conference

D) creation in the USSR nuclear weapons

9. The first composition of the Provisional Government began work in

A) March 1917 B) May 1917 C) June 1917 D) October 1917

10. What event happened in Russia in the period 1991 – 2000?

A) creation of economic councils B) beginning of pension payments to collective farmers

C) proclamation of a course to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country

D) carrying out “voucher” privatization

11. What terms are related to the Stolypin agrarian reform?

A) farm, cut B) leaflet, demonstration

C) trust, syndicate D) modernism, abstractionism

12. What was the name of the international association communist parties?

A) socialist international

B) Communist International

C) Lenin International D) Union of Communists

13. What was one of the results of collectivization?

A) mass famine in the first half of the 1930s.

B) a significant increase in food production

B) adoption of a decree on land

D) introduction of surplus appropriation

14. Indicate the name of the hero of the Great Patriotic War, who on February 23, 1943, during the offensive, rushed into the embrasure of an enemy pillbox and covered it with his body:

A) Ya.F. Pavlov B) A.M. Matrosov V) M.S. Shumilov G) N.F. Gastello

15. What was it called artistic style, which was declared the only correct one for Soviet literature and art?

A) dialectical materialism B) communist realism

C) socialist realism D) Stalinism

16. What was the name of the department that managed the system of prisons and camps in the Soviet Union?

A) Osoaviakhim B) GULAG C) Komsomol D) KIM

17. Which of the named scientists was an outstanding geneticist?

A) P.L. Kapitsa b) A.V. Chayanov V) N.I. Vavilov G) N.D. Kondratiev

18. What event caused the exacerbation international situation in the late 1970s?

A) military assistance Soviet Union Angola B) creation of NATO

C) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan D) korean war

19. What event is associated with the XX Congress of the CPSU?

A) removal from leadership positions of members of the “anti-party group”

B) appointment of A.N. Kosygin Chairman of the Council of Ministers

B) joining the USSR East Prussia(Kaliningrad region)

D) report by N.S. Khrushchev “On the cult of personality and its consequences”

20. Which of the named commanders became famous during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945? Please indicate two correct answers.

A) A.A. Brusilov B) K.K. Rokossovsky V) I.S. Konev G) M.D. Skobelev D) M.V. Frunze

Part 2.

    Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and indicate the year in which the events described took place.“...October 17...under the threat of a strike led by the headquarters of the Bolshevik section of the Social Democratic Party, and agrarian unrest among the peasants who demanded land redistribution, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich convinced the sovereign to sign... a manifesto that could satisfy only talkative representatives of the Russian intelligentsia"

A) 1905 B) 1914 C) 1917 D) 1918

2. Read an excerpt from the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of March 21, 1921 and indicate the name of the policy about which we're talking about in the document. “To ensure correct and calm management of farming based on freer disposal of the farmer with the products of his labor and his own economic means, to strengthen peasant farm and raising its productivity, as well as in order to accurately establish the state obligations falling on farmers, appropriation, as a way of state procurement of food, raw materials and fodder, is a tax in kind. This tax should be less than that imposed so far through apportionment of taxes.”

A) “war communism” B) new economic policy

C) industrialization D) collectivization

3.Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the concept with which it is associated. “We are moving at full speed towards socialism, leaving behind our centuries-old “Russian backwardness.” We are becoming a country of metal, a country of motorization, a country of tractorization. And when we put the USSR on a car, and the peasant on a tractor, let the venerable capitalists, boasting of their civilization, try to catch up with us.”

A) world revolution B) industrialization C) collectivization

D) Red Guard attack on capital

4. Read an excerpt from a historical document and identify the event with which it is associated. “Many women, girls and boys took part in the procession on January 9; family workers went with their sons and daughters. The mood was solemn, religious...They walked with pure soul, With pure intention, with the hope of seeing the sovereign, so that, in the words of one of the victims, “like children, cry out their grief on their father’s chest.”


5. Read an excerpt from the decree of the President of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin dated August 19, 1991 and indicate the abbreviated name of the committee mentioned in the decree."1. Consider the committee's announcement unconstitutional and classify the actions of its organizers as a coup d'état, which is nothing more than a state crime.

2. The actions of officials executing the decisions of this committee fall under the scope of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and are subject to prosecution under the law.”

6 . Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR, under whom the events and processes described in the source took place. “The history of the country and the party continued to be distorted and kept silent...Hundreds of thousands, and perhaps millions of people remained slandered and not rehabilitated; Stalin and his associates were, in essence, under the protection of the party and the state as a kind of valuable historical monument; the truth about life – today and yesterday – found its way into the media with difficulty...”


Part III

Test work for the course “History of Russia XX – XXI centuries

Option 2.

Part 1.

    Acceptance new Constitution Russian Federation and the first elections to the State Duma took place in:

A) 1985 B) 1991 C) 1993 D) 2002

2. Which event happened first?

A) uprising on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky”

B) abdication of the throne of Nicholas II C) establishment of dual power

D) Russia’s entry into the First world war

3. The atomic bomb in the USSR was created in:

A) 1939 B) 1945 C) 1949 D) 1985

4. Which one offensive Soviet troops dates back to 1944?

A) Kerch-Feodosia B) Yassy-Kishinev

C) North Caucasus D) Tikhvin

5. Organization Warsaw Pact existed:

A) 1919-1946 B) 1939 – 1945 B) 1955 – 1991 D) 1949 – 1991

6. By the period 1917 – 1930s. applies:

A) launch the first artificial satellite Earth

B) launching of the first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin"

B) creation of the Union Soviet writers

D) carrying outXXIIOlympic Games in Moscow

7. Which association of states did Russia become a member of in December 1991?

A) Commonwealth Independent States

B) Commonwealth of Nations C) European Union

D) Union of Sovereign States

8. Overcoming which crisis is associated with the beginning of V.V.’s activities? Putin as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1999?

A) invasions of Islamic militants into Dagestan with the aim of separating it from Russia

B) an armed conflict in Moscow between supporters of the President and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation

C) the collapse of the national currency as a result of the financial crisis - “default”

D) incursions by Georgian armed forces into South Ossetia

9. To what period does the creation of the Sovremennik Theater belong?

A) 1945-1953 B) 1953-1964 C) 1964-1985 D) 1985-1991

10. Overclocking Constituent Assembly in Russia occurred in:

A) 1905 B) 1907 C) 1917 D) 1918

11. The main feature of industrialization in the USSR was:

A) integrated development national economy

B) high rates of development of heavy industry

B) intense lung development industry

D) setting the priority development of the sphere of everyday life and services

12. Which of the following applies to characteristic features political life of the USSR in the late 1950s and early 1960s?

A) a retreat from recognizing the leading role of the CPSU

B) the beginning of the process of rehabilitation of victims political repression

C) reduction in the size of the party apparatus

D) a decline in party discipline

13. The reason for the exclusion of the USSR from the League of Nations was:

A) the introduction of Soviet troops into Poland

B) the war between the USSR and Finland

C) the conclusion of an agreement between the USSR and Germany

D) annexation of Bessarabia to the USSR

14. Partisan, Red Army soldier of a sabotage and reconnaissance group, hanged by the Nazis in the village of Petrishchevo

A) Zina Portnova B) Liza Chaikina C) Ulyana Gromova

D) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

15. Indicate one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR:

A) environmental disaster over a large area of ​​the country

B) a deliberate course taken by the ruling elites of most republics to eliminate their subordination to the center

C) consistency and completeness of the reforms being carried out

D) macroeconomic stabilization

16. What were the names of the central government bodies in 1917 - 1946?

A) economic councils B) regional committees C) ministries D) people's commissariats

17. Which of the following politicians was the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in the 1990s?

A) D.A. Medvedev B) S.V. Stepashin V) R.I. Khasbulatov G) M.E. Fradkov

18. Which of the following refers to the characteristic features of the political life of the USSR during the era of “stagnation”?

A) the beginning of mass rehabilitation of victims of political repression

B) reduction in the number of administrative staff

B) the emergence of a multi-party system

D) gradual softening of the personality cult of Stalin I.V.

19. The initiator of the economic reform of 1965 was:

A) G.M. Malenkov B) Yu.V. Andropov V) A.N. Kosygin G) L.I. Brezhnev

20. The concept of “developed socialism” was contained in the Constitution:

A) 1918 B) 1924 C) 1936 D) 1977 E) 1993

Part 2.

    Read an excerpt from the decree of the President of the RSFSR “On measures to liberalize prices” and indicate his last name . “In accordance with the resolution of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR... I decree:

    To carry out, from January 2, 1992, a transition mainly to the use of free market prices and tariffs, formed under the influence of supply and demand, for industrial and technical products, goods consumer consumption, works and services.

    State purchases of agricultural products should also be carried out at free (market) prices...”


2. Read an excerpt from a work by a modern historian and write who it is about. “This outstanding natural scientist is called the creator of the hydrogen bomb. But all his life he opposed nuclear weapons testing and was one of the leaders of the nascent human rights movement in the country. For his activities in 1980, already being a laureate Nobel Prize peace, (he) was deported without trial to Gorky. And he was stripped of the title of Hero of Labor three times. Only with the beginning of perestroika was he able to return to Moscow.”


    Read an excerpt from the manifesto and indicate the period to which this document relates. “Give the population the unshakable foundations of civil freedom on the basis of actual personal inviolability, freedom of conscience, speech, assembly, unions... Establish unshakable rules so that no law can take effect without the approval of the State Duma and that those elected by the people are provided with the opportunity to truly participate in the supervision of the regularity of the actions of the authorities appointed by US.”

A) 1861 – 1881 B) 1881 – 1894 B) 1894 – 1905

D) 1905 – 1917

4. Read an excerpt from the manifesto and indicate what event it is about. “Following its historical covenants, Russia, united in faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs awakened in recent days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state. Disdaining the accommodating and peaceful response of the Serbian government, rejecting the benevolent mediation of Russia, Austria hastily launched an armed attack, launching a bombardment of defenseless Belgrade.”


5. Read an excerpt from a speech by a Soviet composer and indicate his last name . “I wanted to create a work about our days, about our lives, about our people who become heroes, who fight in the name of our triumph over the enemy... While working on the symphony, I thought about the greatness of our people, about their heroism, about the best ideals of humanity, about the wonderful qualities of man, about our wonderful nature, about humanism, about beauty... I dedicate my 7th symphony to our fight against fascism, our upcoming victory over the enemy, to my hometown - Leningrad."

A) A.V. Alexandrov B) S.S. Prokofiev V) D.D. Shostakovich

D) D.B. Kabalevsky

6. Who owns the words: “Our cause is just! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!”


Part III

Write historical portrait historical figure XX century, according to plan:

    Years of life / time of activity

    The main directions of its activities (at least 2)

    Characteristics of the main activities

    Conclusion (reflect the role, significance of this person’s activity in history.

Examples of historical and statesmen: S.Yu. Witte, P.A. Stolypin, Nikolai II, V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, N.I. Vavilov, M.N. Tukhachevsky, L.P. Beria, N.S. Khrushchev, G.K. Zhukov, Kosygin A.N., Alexey Stakhanov, V.M. Molotov, L.I. Brezhnev, Yu.A. Gagarin, M.S. Gorbachev, B.N. Yeltsin…….


Option 1.

Part 1









































Part 2










Bloody Sunday

State Emergency Committee

L.I. Brezhnev

Option 2.

Part 1.









































Part 2.







B.N. Yeltsin

HELL. Sakharov


Beginning of World War 1


V.M. Molotov

Which event happened before the others? Persian conquest of Egypt Battle of Thermopylae of Salamis


Battle of Marathon

Which event happened before the others?

Establishment of Caesar's sole power in Rome

Laws of King Hammurabi

Laws of Solon in Athens

First olympic games in ancient times

Which country was the first to learn how to produce sugar from sugar cane?

1. Which of these events happened earlier than the others?

1) reign of Olga
2) unification of Novgorod and Kyiv
3) congress of princes in Lyubech
4) reign of Yaroslav the Wise
2. Which of the named events occurred later than the others?
1) calling Rurik to Novgorod
2) Oleg’s campaign against Constantinople
3) reign of Svyatoslav
4) Igor’s agreement with the Greeks
3. Which of the above were among the reasons for Russia’s adoption of Christianity?
1) close ties With Byzantine Empire
2) search for an ally in the fight against the Khazar Kaganate
3) influence Western Europe
4) princely strife

1. Which of the following events occurred in the 15th century?

1) adoption of the first all-Russian Code of Law

2) establishment of the patriarchate

3) convening of the Zemsky Sobor

4) transfer of the Metropolitan’s residence to Moscow

2. Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita went down in history as
1) winner of the Mongol-Tatars

2) “gatherer of Russian land”

3.Which of these events happened earlier than the others?
1) standing on the Ugra River

2) accession to the throne of Ivan III

3) creation of the Streltsy army

4) annexation of Pskov to Moscow

4. The rise of the Moscow principality in the 14th century. associated with the name of the prince

1) Vladimir Monomakh

2) Vsevolod the Big Nest

3) Ivan Kalita

4) Vladimir Red Sun

5. The prince received the label for the great reign from the first half of the 14th century.
1) relieved his principality from paying tribute to the Horde

2) gave him the right to collect tribute from Russian lands in favor of the Horde

3) assigned to the prince the right to appoint a Russian metropolitan

4) allowed the prince to form an all-Russian army

6.Which of the named rulers was the first to accept the title of “Sovereign of All Rus'”?
1) Ivan Kalita

2) Dmitry Donskoy

3) Ivan III

4) Vasily II the Dark

7. One of the consequences of the adoption of the Code of Laws of 1497 was
1) introduction of a period for the search and return of fugitive peasants

2) the appearance of new organs central control- orders

3) introduction of a single period of peasant transition from one landowner to another

4) introduction of a cash tax - poll tax

8.Which of the above was a consequence of the event that went down in history as the “standing on the Ugra”?
1) establishing the independence of the Russian state from the Horde

2) annexation of the Tver Principality to Moscow

3) invasion of Russian lands by Polish-Lithuanian troops

4) ruin Horde army Ryazan

Which of these eventsWhich of these events happenedWhich of these events happened before the others?

1) Creation of the Union of Benefits
2) Creation of the organization "Black Redistribution"
3) Creation of the organization "Sacred Squad"
4) Creation of the Cyril and Methodius Society

Which of the following events occurred during the reign of Alexander III?
1)Creation of magistrates' courts
2) Publication of a censorship charter, called “cast iron” by contemporaries
3) Publication of a compass “about cook’s children”
4)Creation of military settlements

What were they called? executive bodies, creation during the Zemstvo reform?
1) Zemstvo district chiefs
2) World mediators
3) Zemstvo councils
4) Zemstvo assemblies

What was the consequence of the Crimean War?
1) "Neutralization" of the Black Sea
2) Russia’s loss of Sevastopol
3) Independence of Serbia
4) Annexation of part of Polish lands to Russia

What provisions did P. Pestel’s “Russian Truth” contain?
1) Preservation of all land in the hands of landowners
2) Announcement of the Russian Federation
3) Proclamation of a constitutional monarchy in Russia
4) Proclamation of Russia as a republic

I need to choose an answer, please help me!!! 1) The main contradiction of the Russian political system in the beginning. XX century was: 1. contradiction between

executive and legislative branches 2. contradiction between the tendency to form civil society and unlimited autocratic power 3. the contradiction between the liberal and conservative parties 4. the presence of disagreements between the tsar and the patriarch

2) In matters of statehood, Nicholas II was characterized by: 1. support for the idea of ​​a constitutional monarchy 2. commitment to unlimited autocratic power 3. commitment to populism 4. commitment to liberal reforms

3) The main decision of the Hague Conference was: 1. prohibition of the use chemical weapons 2. creation economic union European countries 3. creation of a military alliance against Germany 4. limiting the intervention of European powers in the affairs of the Balkan territories Ottoman Empire

4) Identify the subject of the contradiction between Russia and Japan in the Far East: 1. the struggle for spheres of influence in Korea and China 2. the issue of fishing in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk 3. the issue of construction Trans-Siberian Railway 4. economic expansion in Central Asia

5) Which event happened before the others? 1. defeat at Mukden 2. Battle of Tsushima 3. surrender of Port Arthur 4. sinking of the Varyag and Koreyets

6) According to the terms of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty: A. Russia recognized Korea as Japan’s sphere of influence B. Russia ceded Sakhalin Island to Japan 1. both A and B are correct 2. only B is correct 3. only A is correct 4. both judgments are incorrect

Final test for the course “History of the Middle Ages”

Option 1

A1. Which event happened before the others?

1) collapse of the empire of Charlemagne

2) the fall of the Western Roman Empire

3) the emergence of the Frankish kingdom

4) conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy

A2. Noble Germans in the 5th century, in contrast to ordinary community members:

1) had the right to most of spoils of war

2) participated in the work of the national assembly

3) had a plot of land in use

4) had the right to bear arms

A3. What was common in the activities of Clovis and Justinian?

1) lived in the 7th century

2) were proclaimed emperors

3) defended their state from the Huns

4) participated in the creation of written collections of

A4. A fief is land that:

1) processed by the feudal lord himself

2) transferred by the lord to the vassal for hereditary possession for military service and during service

3) given for eternal use to the feudal lord

4) after the death of the owner it is transferred to the church

A5. First Slavic alphabet, created from Greek writing by Byzantine missionaries, is called:

1) Cyrillic

2) cuneiform

3) Latin

4) scriptoria

A6. Decay Arab Caliphate into separate parts occurred at the beginning:

  • 1) IX century □3) XII century.

  • 2) XI century. □ 4) XIII century.
A7. The holy book of Muslims is called:

  • 1) Bible

  • 2) Koran

  • 3) Sharia

  • 4) Islam
A8. Similarities in the development of culture between Byzantium and the Arab Caliphate:

□ 1) development of icon painting "

2) development of the heritage of Antiquity

  • 3) construction of cross-domed churches

  • 4) use Latin language during divine services
A9. What is the name of the feudal duty discussed in the document?

The peasant Vidrad has a full allotment of land, for which he pays one pig, a pound of flax, three chickens, 18 eggs; annually carries half a cart of grapes in May and October; delivers 5 carts of manure from his farm; 12 times he brings armfuls of firewood.

1) quitrent

  • 2) tax

  • 3) corvee

  • 4) tithe
A10. A noble owner of a large plot of land called himself:

  • 1) squire □ 3) feudal lord

  • 2) vassal □ 4) herald
A11. Yield growth agriculture and successes in the development of the craft led to:

  • 1) the emergence of feudal land ownership

  • 2) separation of crafts from agriculture

  • 3) peasant uprisings against feudal lords

  • 4) the beginning of the Great Migration

A12. The trade and political union of German cities on the Baltic Sea was called:

  • 1) Community □ 3) Hansa

  • 2) Order □ 4) Bank
A13. The position of the peasant differed from that of the artisan in that he:

  • 1) paid church tithes

  • 2) belonged to another class

  • 3) participated in tournaments

  • 4) was a member of the community
A14. Merchants took part in Crusades, because they hoped: A15. The compilation of the “Domesday Book” and the introduction of “shield money” are united by the fact that these events were:

  • 1) carried out at the same time

  • 2) held by French kings

  • 3) aimed at protecting the interests of large feudal lords

  • 4) aimed at strengthening the power of the king
A16. The reason for the start Hundred Years' War was caused by a clash of interests between England and France in the struggle for possessions in the area:

  • 1) Champagne □ 3) Scotland

  • 2) Aquitaine □ 4) Burgundy
A17 The concept “War of the Roses” refers to history:

  • 1) Spain □ 3) England

  • 2) Italy □ 4) Czech Republic
A18 As a result of the Reconquista, the following happened:

1) reconquest of territory Iberian Peninsula among the Arabs

2) Turkish conquest of the Balkan Peninsula

3) revival ancient culture in Italy

4) unification of Germany

A19. Outstanding Czech thinker and preacher:

  • 1) Jan Hus □ 3) Guillaume Cal

  • 2) Avicenna □ 4) Dante Alighieri
A20. Romanesque temples often also served:

  • 1) castles for kings

  • 2) town halls for the city council

  • 3) shelters in case of danger

  • 4) for university students
B1. Place in correct sequence periods of history. Give your answer as a sequence letter designations selected items.

A) New time

B) Antiquity

B) Middle Ages

D) Primitive

B2. Establish a correspondence between the concept and definition. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right.




B3. What cultural monuments were created in the Middle Ages? Please indicate two correct answers out of five given. Circle the numbers corresponding to the correct answers and write them down. specified location without additional characters.

  1. Trajan's Column, Colosseum

  2. Great Chinese wall, Acropolis

  3. "The Song of Roland", "Decameron"

  4. tragedy "Persians", poem "Iliad"

  5. Hagia Sophia, Aachen Chapel

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