Dating for adults without registration of older women. Daily walks in the park. Rest should be comfortable

May 29, 2015, at 6:19 pm

Love has the same effect on a person at any age. She inspires, brings with her a warm feeling that gives goosebumps. Everything around takes on completely different, richer and brighter colors. Lovers do not notice anything around them, they are immersed in this feeling and in the one they love. Therefore, the vanity of everyday life and dullness do not in any way affect the mood or feelings of lovers.

However, tech wizards are increasingly facing an audience of retirees and baby boomers, who are still a market to be seen. Not only that, but the industry is sentimental, preferring to include older people in the ever-growing technological world. God, there are so many ways to help these people. Well, statistics show that in the general population alone, 76 million Americans are over 50 years old. If you ask me, this is a great market to blatantly ignore.

If you compare this to the younger generation, who are used to releasing and advertising services, there is big potential. However, catering to the larger generation is a completely different ball game. Research shows that users of older technologies require more clarity and explanation, while the opposite is true for younger ones. This may include an exception complex elements design or implement tutorials to demonstrate the functionality of an application or web page.

It happens that love is late and comes to people already at mature age, but better late than never. Everything happens suddenly, so such acquaintances for older people are like a bolt from the blue, only in a good understanding of this expression. The feeling of love and infatuation inhales new life and gives energy to people who previously spent their lives alone. It happens that a person is left alone due to the fact that he has not met his soul mate or has lost him. Life is arranged in such a way that sooner or later our loved ones leave us, some for good, and some partially. Children grow up, get married, create their own families, and parents are left alone. It is impossible to say for sure who was less fortunate, the one who lost his soul mate due to old age or did not find it. But the world does not stand still, you need to continue to live and do it for your own pleasure. Therefore, when love knocks on the door, you need to open it quickly.

The only thing we took from Tinder was the idea of ​​disinterested contactless. Our users will only be able to contact someone if someone really likes it. Everything from how we verify people's identities to their preferences for phone calls or chats. The importance of phone calls rather than digital channels is also needed to handle queries and complaints when Silicon Valley has eliminated all its use. Older generations used communication with real people in real time, rather than relying on the Internet for solutions.

Love, of course, operates according to the same principle, but its manifestations differ depending on age. For teenagers, love often overflows the cup of feelings, everything seems incredible, emotions go off scale. The world for two it simply does not exist. At this age, love manifests itself at its superficial level, when the initial sympathy comes because of beautiful appearance, status, popularity or material opportunities. You can feel the depth of that bright feeling and know the whole essence only in a more mature age, when you love not for something specific.

With love to today, green tea and an always insatiable wanderlust. Katie is ready to make her voice heard. Young people often find it difficult to believe that this is where the world begins. True, but old age increasingly believes that the world ends here. What's worse? Christian Friedrich Hebbel.

Lucio Anneo Xiunka. Learning not to be young is the longest and most difficult training in life. The older you get, the more charming you will find. Agatha Christie. As we age, beauty becomes internal quality. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pablo Picasso. As you get older, you enjoy reading more than reading. Pio-Baroya.

In adulthood, feelings lose their youthful serenity. While people are young, they are not burdened with anything, they are free in their actions and desires. With age comes the understanding that love alone is not enough to create strong relationships. Trust, understanding, support, mutual respect and willingness to give in to your principles for the sake of another person are also important. Perhaps these components prevent many people from finding a soul mate in their youth, because then pride, inexperience and their own ambitions do not allow them to make compromises. But sooner or later the realization of mistakes comes and then you want to fix everything.

Unknown author. When we see our grandchildren play, we remember our children. We liked young people; elderly people so as not to disturb. Pedro Miguel Lamet. “10% of life is about what happens to you; 90%, with how you react." Stefan Covey.

The art of aging is the art of maintaining some hope. The old man's mistake is that he intends today to try yesterday's criterion. Aging is not a moment in time, but the exact moment when we give up on life. A person does not die of old age, but of illness.

The young man knows the rules, but the old man has exceptions. Olliver Wendell Holmes. An old man cannot do what a young man does; but what it does is better. Marco Tulio Ciceran. When we are young we learn, when we are old we understand. Marie von Ebner Eschenbach.

Where can older people look for love?

Most the best option searching for dating for older people and retirees in Moscow is to study environment. Agree, after all, older people rarely go anywhere to relax, mostly just to solve some business. So why not fix it? We need to develop.

Daily walks in the park

Fresh air, good weather And hiking Not only will they improve your health, but they will also help you meet new people.

In youth, beauty is a case of Nature. In old age it is a work of art. Lin Yutang. In old age, a person learns to hide failures better; in youth, carry them. Arthur Schopenhauer. In the eyes of the young we see flame, but in the eyes of the old we see light. Aging is like climbing big mountain; while the growth of strength decreases, but appearance more free, the view wider and more serene. Ingrid Bergman.

Aging is still the only remedy that has been found to live for a long time. Getting old isn't so bad when you think about the alternative. Maurice Chevalier. Something is sadder than growing old and still being a child. Cesare Pavese. There are four old things that are good: old friends to talk to, old things to warm up to, old wines to drink, and old books to read.

Literary evenings

Creative people often gather at these apartment buildings and read their works. If you love literature, consider yourself creative personality, maybe even write, try to stop by for such an evening.

Theater, opera

Increase your level of culture by attending performances, this will guarantee a good time and spiritual development. And many more intelligent and interesting people may find themselves in neighboring chairs. Don’t be afraid to get acquainted, especially since there will already be a topic for conversation.

Mature age is one in which you are still young, but with much more effort. Jean Louis Barrot. Disease is premature old age, and old age is a permanent disease. Old age begins when memories weigh more than hopes. Old age is the sum total of life, the wonder and nobility of the human person.

Old age deprives us of what we have inherited and gives us what we deserve. Gerald Brenan. Grandparents are the angels of their grandchildren. Martin Breton. Grandparents live and die for their grandchildren. Grandchildren are images of our son. The sins of youth are paid for in old age. Latin proverb.


If you keep up with modern generation and know how to use a computer and the Internet, try looking for a soul mate on dating sites. Just don’t get hung up on virtual communication, don’t waste time in the world of messages and correspondence.

Interest groups

If you knit, like to design models of miniature airplanes, or are an excellent cook, sign up for a course or club that suits your interests. There you will not only learn something useful for yourself, but also find like-minded people.

Old people calm down by giving good advice because they can't give bad examples. Old people believe everything; adults suspect everything; while young people know everything. Oscar Wilde. Nothing makes us grow up faster than the constant thought that we are getting old. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.

No one gets too old to live; only to lose interest in life. Mary Beynon Ray. No one grows old just to live a few years; people grow old, abandoning their ideals; years wrinkles his face, but loses enthusiasm, wrinkles his soul. Don't become old before your time: appreciate life to the end. Zenaida Bacardi de Argamasilla.

Don't think that old age has no room for love. Strong, reliable and loving unions are created more often when the first gray hairs appear. So don’t be afraid to change yourself and your life, don’t be afraid to let love into it, don’t give up on yourself. He who seeks will always find, he who wants will definitely achieve it.

Over the years, older people have a lot of time freed up, which they want to spend with like-minded people. But often old people enter adulthood lonely and devastated: due to divorce or loss of loved ones. Is it possible to find your soul mate in old age? Where and how can you make new acquaintances for older people?

Efrain Kishon. We cannot sleep peacefully while there are children dying of hunger and elderly people without medical care. Few people know how to grow old. Francois La Rochefoucauld, Duke of Rochefoucauld. Why Board games do our grandchildren always win? The knowledge of growing old is a masterpiece of wisdom and one of the most complex parts great art of life. Henri Frederic Amiel.

He is old when he has more joy for the past than for the future. John Knittel. Old people are very afraid and no one is sure that they can achieve this. Jean de La Bruire. Everyone wants to grow old, but no one wants to be old. We all want to grow old, and we all deny that we have arrived. Francisco de Quevedo Villegas.

Why dating for older people is so important

Have you ever wondered how the concept of “elderly” is interpreted? explanatory dictionaries? According to Dahl's dictionary, this concept was interpreted as "approaching 50." Nowadays, this explanation sounds somewhat ridiculous, because in the understanding of the modern generation, an elderly person is much older. We imagine an elderly person as a very old man. And little by little, our ideas about people of the so-called “third age”, who have no hobbies other than caring for their grandchildren and television series, are becoming a thing of the past. We understand that all people, regardless of age, need interaction with other people, friendship, and love.

A man is not old until he begins to complain instead of sobbing. A man does not grow old when his skin wrinkles only when his dreams and his hopes sparkle. Street graffiti. A wonderful old age is usually the reward beautiful life. An old man is one who believes that his task is completed. He who rises without purpose and lies down without hope.

As of September 26, units are participating in lectures, meetings for seniors and their families, workshops and arts and entertainment events. Programming is always free and can be tested. October 1 World Health Organization World Day of Older Persons. The main goal is to show the position of older people in society and generate discussion about the rights guaranteed to older people. The quality of life of older people largely depends on their choices throughout their lives.

Sometimes an elderly person is motivated to get to know someone by children, realizing that their dad or mom suffers from loneliness. Sometimes the elderly person himself realizes that, despite the number of years he has lived, he needs communication.

Why is dating for older people needed?

    Marriage in adulthood is very conscious and strong. Older people already understand themselves, have communication and relationship building skills. Old man differs from youth only in that he has a big life experience and there are no exaggerated and overly rosy prospects. An older man understands what he wants. In most cases, older people have already achieved something in life. They do not need a sponsor, a housekeeper, or a nanny for their children. After all, their children have long become adults and independent. Over the years, I manage to highlight for myself large quantity time. Therefore, dating for older people is necessary in order to have a simple, good person nearby.

    Therefore, the Elders Day schedule is open to the entire community. programming. Natalia Barros de Andrade, Mariana Boaro Fernades Canon, Camilla Lima Zugman, Talitha Gonçalves Aires, Mariana Graziella Idey, Marcia Maria Pires Camargo Novelli. The purpose of this study was to describe the activities carried out in a seniors' co-living community and explore their quality and impact through participants' perceptions. IN total There were 13 sessions over approximately one hour, with an average of eight older people per workshop.

    Over the years (especially with retirement) a person experiences a sharp reduction in his social circle. A person suffering from a lack of communication is more susceptible to depression and mental disorders. Such people age at a faster rate.

Dating for older people has great importance. They are happy when they are understood, when they have not only friends, but also a life partner of about the same age.

At the conclusion of the meetings, a semi-structured questionnaire containing questions about the quality of the activities performed and the participants' perceptions regarding cognitive and psychosocial changes from participation in the workshop, as well as clinical observations of the trainees, was used as a method of assessment. Results and Discussion: Participants performed good, very good, and excellent performance, and memory performance improved in 100% of participants. According to the clinical perceptions of the trainees, the proposed activities contributed to the improvement of cognitive, psychological and social outcomes of participants during the meetings.

Where to look for dating for older people

Ask friends to introduce you to new people

To communicate, older people do not need to find new acquaintances. To meet with former colleagues or classmates - a great opportunity to restore relationships and increase your social circle. Be proactive, organize a congress of classmates yourself, call old acquaintances and give them the task of sending out invitations to others. Hold such meetings systematically: regular gatherings will bring a lot of benefits and will help in the fight against feelings of loneliness.

The group experience has proven to be a good therapeutic resource for health promotion and occupational health prevention in the older population, as well as an opportunity for early cognitive intervention with this population. The events took place through Regional 2, Assis Chateaubriand, Regional 7, Ibaiti, Regional 6, Guarachi, Regional 3, Umuarama, Regional 4, Paranavay and Regional 9, in Jardim Alegre. According to her, the meeting was excellent. The issues that were raised were contrary to the needs of older people, mainly related to loans for wages and the Statute.

Dating sites for older people

Online dating is no stranger to older people. An elderly person who has mastered a computer email, Internet, it will not be difficult to register on dating sites. This is confirmed by the increasing number of requests for “dating older people” in search engines. Such resources are very relevant and in demand. To get acquainted with older people, it is important to do right choice a site that inspires trust.

In addition to many people not being aware of their rights, most of them have become victims of payday lending, he says. The only thing that came was a discount sheet,” he said. The conversation about the Aged Statute was intended to inform them. “They know that the Statute exists, but they do not know the rights that are guaranteed to them in terms of leisure, transport, health and others,” says Mercedes. It is important to her that everyone knows that the same rights of urban seniors are also guaranteed to agriculture.

And it is precisely because of these same benefits for people living in rural areas that Demore emphasized the importance of creating municipal senior citizens' councils in municipalities. The federal government passes the budget to all cities with a council. This money should be spent on improving the situation of older people, Mercedes told seminar participants.

Dating older people in a boarding house

Elderly people struggle to provide adequate care at home. After all, they constantly need communication and attention, and the rest of the family members are very busy in order to devote more time to the elderly. But in boarding houses older people living as one big family, in principle, are never alone. Often such acquaintances between older people develop into a decision to start a family.

According to Abraz, six percent of these people suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Around the world, 15 million people fall ill, which, in addition to being a disease that has no cure, comes with serious problems for the victims. Alzheimer's is degenerative, more common after age 65, and is characterized by the progressive loss of neuronal cells. Proteins accumulate in the brain tissue, which leads to the death of neurons. The main symptoms are loss of memory, language, reason and the ability to care for oneself.

The reality is that with or without Alzheimer's disease, it is normal for older adults to have memory problems, especially recent memory. The Ministry of the Elderly of the Paulistan Association held a meeting for the elderly, and the various topics related to memory. In addition to taking tests to see how their health was, they did a lot of exercises and jokes to develop their brains.

Meeting older people during daily walks in the park

Healing air, favorable weather and improve your health, help you establish relationships with other hikers.

Literary evenings

Meetings of older people with a talent for writing regularly occur on literary evenings, where they read out their poetry and prose. For everyone who loves literary gatherings, who studies literary creativity Those who are trying their hand at writing are recommended to attend such evenings. After all, older people can also make acquaintances there.

Theater, opera

Attending performances increases the cultural level of people, and also provides a wonderful pastime and creative impulse in spiritual development. By attending performances, you can meet intelligent and interesting people. Meeting older people in the theater is made easier by the fact that there are already topics for conversation. So just don't be afraid to start a conversation.

Interest groups

Elderly people know how to knit, design airplanes, and prepare excellent culinary masterpieces. They should join clubs based on their hobbies. Meeting older people in these clubs will allow them to learn a lot of new things, as well as find friends with the same interests.

Don’t think that old people are no longer capable of experiencing love. Solid, unshakable, touching marriages are concluded at that period of life when noticeable gray hair appears at the temples. Therefore, you don’t need to be afraid to change something in yourself or in life, you don’t need to be afraid to let the warmth of love into your heart, you don’t need to despair and give up on yourself. To find, you need to search.

Why dating sites for older people are so popular

All people, regardless of age, need communication, care, tenderness and love. And over the years, the need for all this increases. Perhaps due to the fact that there are fewer “live” meetings, the number of friends is thinning, the number bright events shrinks, memories obscure reality. But every person subconsciously expects that in the future he will have so many new, exciting, unknown things. Older people dream of finding understanding and love again. Over the years, it becomes more difficult for everyone to meet new people; not everyone has the courage to start a conversation with someone on the street or in a cafe. So the old people languish in loneliness, sitting in their apartments.

But there are still many active and advanced people among older people who have seen a way out of loneliness on the Internet. In this case, there is no need to go anywhere (after all, for most old people, and especially disabled people, moving around is extremely difficult and problematic). The Internet has given older users comprehensive opportunities for personal communication, receiving new information and maintaining intellectual tone.

Of course, on the Internet you can maintain the image of a mysterious stranger for quite a long time, but figuring out how old your interlocutor is is not difficult.

    Elderly users are reserved in their statements.

    Their posts and statuses often contain the phrases “young at heart” and somewhat obsolete expressions of speech.

    When choosing interlocutors, they focus on the degree of compatibility (by the way, compatibility does not mean the sexual component, but the spiritual and intellectual one).

    They expect friendly relations and never use the words “intrigue” or “for a long-term relationship” in the texts of their messages.

    Show interest in political views and the religiosity of the interlocutor.

    They tend to quickly make up their minds so as not to waste a lot of time on an interlocutor who in no way meets their emotional and intellectual criteria.

Dating for older people is vital. They, just like young people, have a need to learn something new, to have adrenaline, to experience love. If in the online space older people not only receive satisfaction from virtual conversations and correspondence, but also make acquaintance with like-minded people, this will be of great benefit. In addition, many old people, having become widows, have a desire to active search. For them, being alone after a long life in marriage is terrible and painful. They are confused and worried. It is vital for them to cope with this loneliness as soon as possible and to fill the resulting void with someone.

Dating older people online for communication is not the only option to communicate. It is only an addition to a live conversation, enriching it, giving it new shades.

A story about how dating for lonely older people can turn your life around

Here's a story about one elderly woman Maria Ivanovna, who lost her husband, a talented writer. Her grief was immeasurable, because the couple lived together for 45 happy years. This broke the woman. She plunged into severe depression. Every day she cried inconsolably. She was sure that she no longer had any reason to live. She didn't want to wake up in the morning, get ready, go for a walk like before. Her condition worsened every day. The phrase “time heals” was simply inapplicable to the tragedy of the unfortunate woman.

Psychologists talked a lot with Maria Ivanovna. However, these conversations did not produce the expected results. She was getting worse, despite taking anti-anxiety pills. Once a doctor recommended that she create documentary about the life and work of her beloved husband.

A film with a voiceover was shown a small number viewers who praised him highly. The woman perked up somewhat. She confessed to the psychologist that for the first time after her husband’s death (and it was already more than a year) styled her hair, put on an elegant dress, as before, controlled her emotions so as not to cry. Viewers recommended that the widow present the video to a larger audience. The psychologist advised Maria Ivanovna to voice her comments on the film herself. The woman was inspired and began to work on carefully refining the plot and comments. To work on the film, computer skills were required. Having listened to psychologists, the woman began to study computer courses for the elderly. She received great satisfaction from learning, discovering a new, unknown, exciting area. Computer literacy training became the second incentive that restored her desire to live.

And on the doctor’s recommendation, the woman began to come to meetings for those over 60, organized in her hometown. These meetings became the third strongest incentive. Maria Ivanovna gradually returned to real life. About three years passed in weekly visits to her husband’s grave. From time to time, the woman organized evenings in memory of her husband in a narrow circle of friends. These evenings were sad on the day of his death and cheerful and sincere on the day of his birth. These meetings helped her to perceive correctly surrounding life. After three years psychologists suggested that the woman come to a dating club for older people. It was very difficult for Maria Ivanovna to agree to this, but she still decided to visit this club.

During her first visit to the club, Maria Ivanovna saw there an old acquaintance who had been widowed 6 years ago and painfully experienced the death of his wife. Older people began to form friendships. They talked about everything: the Internet, politics, art and culture. After 6 months they were already meeting outside the club, going for walks and various concerts together (the man really loved classical music). And after another year, the older people decided to live together, and soon formalized the relationship.

Five years passed after the death of Maria Ivanovna’s husband; she found her happiness at the age of 70. So the amazing lines are confirmed again and again Pushkin's poem: "Love for all ages".

You may think that not everyone can work out so well. However this story illustrates the fact that what happens to people depends not only on circumstances, but also on themselves. The feeling of loneliness is not a totality environmental factors, but the internal state of a person.

Dating older people through advertisements - liberties or a reason to find a soul mate

Among our compatriots, brought up in an atmosphere of a “highly moral” state, it is customary to treat such liberties as dating older people through advertisements with a slight tinge of righteous condemnation and rejection. Sociological expert and historian Nikolai Trifonov states: “Dating older people for marriage or living together in a partnership is a way to get rid of loneliness, and it’s time to consider this the same norm as regular brushing of teeth.”

Most Russian-language newspapers have dating sections with ad texts like: “Looking to meet...”, “Looking for a partner...”. These advertisements have different continuations: for joint leisure, for friendships, for marriage, for living together, etc. It is not easy to dare to publish such a text. You need to tell yourself: “I have the right to live long, to be useful and happy to someone.”

Here are some announcements:

“I’m 70, athletic, optimistic, like music, I’d like to meet a multi-talented woman under 60.”

“A 62-year-old woman, a good figure, I would like to meet someone of the same age to live together.”

“I’m only 65 (note: This is what self-esteem should be!). Young in soul and body. I want to create a warm family nest with a man under 75 years old.”

Meeting older people through such advertisements is not uncommon. Older people are not only optimistic, they have the right attitudes for the future at their age. This attitude towards life is truly amazing!

Here is a letter from one woman:

“I moved to Germany at the age of 60. Incredible melancholy and terrible loneliness overpowered me. My old life was very rich: I was a conscientious wife, mother, grandmother. My husband died, by that time the children had already developed their own lives, I devoted several years to raising my grandchildren. My grandchildren studied so much that they did not have enough time to visit me. My 62-year-old Leningrad friend was able to find her love thanks to advertisements in the newspaper section “Dating for Older People”. A friend managed to persuade me to publish a similar text.

I was embarrassed by this, but over time I became convinced that I still had a chance to achieve my feminine happiness, because emotions did not evaporate with age and still make themselves felt. I dared to do this by paying for 5 publications at once. Letter after letter began to come to me, but not a single letter writer approached me. Most of those who wrote to me wanted to take advantage of my permanent residence in Germany. But unexpectedly, on the fifth attempt, I received a letter from a person who somehow interested me.

This man lived quite far from me, but after two months of correspondence and calls we were able to meet. We both felt that we liked each other. After some time, we decided to start a family, and today we are a happy couple. I appeal to my peers: do not be afraid and do not be embarrassed. Write an ad in the newspaper. Dating older people through such sections is real! Perhaps you too will be able to find your happiness.”

Recreation and dating for older people in a boarding house

Old age is the best opportunity to open new page life. Each age has its own advantages. As the years go by, it becomes increasingly difficult for an older person to find these benefits on their own. The staff of the boarding house "Autumn of Life" provides elderly people with round-the-clock care, psychological support and assistance in organizing a variety of leisure activities. Relatives will not need to worry about quality food, washing clothes, changing bed linen, cleaning their room loved one, which will save effort and time.

The cost of staying in a nursing home is low enough that everyone has the opportunity to decide on this type of pastime. The boarding house staff will advise you in detail on all issues.

Rest should be comfortable

Let's say a few words about the boarding house itself. It is located near Moscow. It features a modern design and an ideal combination of all the factors necessary to ensure a comfortable stay:

    Fresh airspace;

    Professional care;

    Opportunity to communicate with peers;

    Opportunity to meet like-minded people;

    Possibility of secluded relaxation;

    Diet variety;

    Homely, cozy rooms.

Staying in a boarding house is organized in such a way that elderly people will simply have no time to languish with boredom and suffer from loneliness, unless they themselves want to be alone with themselves.

Features of staying in a boarding house

Carefully studying the contents of the site “Autumn of Life”, you will notice that in the boarding house medical service not provided. The form of stay here is not sanatorium type. Boarding houses are designed for a comfortable stay. But the experience and vigilance of professional caregivers will give you guarantees that all elderly patients will take the necessary medications on time and undergo the procedures prescribed by doctors. Nurses measure blood pressure and temperature in a timely manner, and do tests to determine blood sugar, if necessary.

Relatives at any time convenient time can visit an elderly loved one and ensure that their loved one is receiving quality care. Healing air, healthy diet, meeting peers - best recipe so that older people can feel young again.

The boarding house employs highly professional and caring caregivers who have extensive experience caring for the elderly. Relatives can be absolutely calm about their elderly. After all, their loved ones are provided with reliable care (even while older people are watching their favorite TV series or reading a magazine).

During the time when an elderly person has the opportunity to have a wonderful time, improve his health, and meet new people, relatives can clear conscience go on vacation or, conversely, work productively, knowing that their beloved old man is in good hands.

What does dating older people lead to?

Love for all ages. Remember this wonderful saying? Proverbs are not born just like that. This saying has been proven time and time again by weddings of those over 50 years of age.

In our culture, it was not customary for older people to create families and live together. But over the years, traditions change. And today, few people are surprised that people meet at such a mature age.

Photographer Yaroslava Tarasova visited several married couples With difficult destinies who have decided to start a family. Dating of older people occurred when, in the opinion of many, it is no longer relevant to dream about family relationships, falling in love, getting married.

The result of these amazing visits was a touching photo report with code name“Without veil and illusions.” Elderly people who decide to start a family, despite their advanced age, realize that, unlike young couples, they will be deprived of a honeymoon and the joys of motherhood.

Olga Aleksandrovna Orlova (63 years old) and Sergei Vladimirovich Petrov (65 years old) were introduced to each other by a private boarding house for the elderly. Both decided to move to the boarding house of their own free will; their relatives were not constrained and burdened with caring for the elderly. Many older people entering nursing homes find it very difficult to move around on their own. Some of them find it extremely difficult to even talk. Therefore, the spouses have practically no friends. But there is an opportunity to spend time together: talk, read, play board games.

For Valentina Mikhailovna Kabanikhina (75 years old) and Mikhail Nikolaevich Sinelnikov (66 years old), fate had prepared a meeting at the dance evening “For those over 50.” “From the very first meeting I began to call him Michel. He charmed me with his kindness, care and lack of jealousy, which is what bothered me so much about my first husband,” says the woman. Her Michelle writes poems, most of which are dedicated to her.

Maria Andrianovna Velichko (60 years old) and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Krivokhizhenko (66 years old) met at the factory where they worked. “It was 2008. We made our first date on the embankment. Nikolai Alexandrovich was waiting for me with a huge bouquet of red roses. After that walk, we both thought about the same thing: we want to be a family,” the woman said.

Galina Ivanovna Chunina (75 years old) and Alexey Alekseevich Gordienko (73 years old) have their own story: they were students at the Blagoveshchensk Geological Exploration College on Far East. There they met in 1959. But a year later their paths in life were destined to diverge. They continued to correspond for some time. And in 1967, the woman started her own family, and the correspondence was interrupted. After 47 years, a woman found an old friend through social network"Classmates". At that time, Alexey Alekseevich lived with his son in the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk. After some time, the man came to his beloved woman in St. Petersburg.

Yuri Ivanovich Nikiforov (77 years old) met Ida Vasilyevna Avksentyeva (81 years old) at a roadside cafe in Zelenogorsk Leningrad region 14 years ago. The woman and her husband often came here. She soon became a widow, but still went to her favorite cafe to be sad. It was there that the woman attracted Yuri Ivanovich. Today the couple lives in the Red Star nursing home near Zelenogorsk.

Elena Ivanovna Proshina (61 years old) and Vladislav Viktorovich Nikulenko (69 years old) met on an ordinary train. Spring 1973. Young people traveled daily by train to St. Petersburg to study and work. The man did not dare to meet Elena for a long time. And she, noticing Vladislav’s interest, approached him herself. The young people dated for several months, the young man invited Elena to become his wife, the girl agreed to think about it. But soon the couple quarreled and broke up. And the miracle of people was destined to happen after 20 long years. Elena and Vladislav started a family secretly from their relatives.

Natalya Iosifovna Alekseeva (66 years old) and Anatoly Ivanovich Alekseev (76 years old) were “introduced” to a state boarding school for the elderly and disabled. Elderly people still live there today. Woman in early childhood is blind, and the man is visually impaired. These people did not end up in the boarding school by choice: Natalya Iosifovna was enrolled in the boarding school by a close relative, refusing to take care of the disabled person, and Anatoly Ivanovich lost his housing and money savings “thanks” to his son. The couple loved walking in the neighboring park, but Lately it is very difficult for the woman to move, and the couple spends time within the premises of the institution.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Nikolaev (85 years old) and Valentina Aleksandrovna Dyldina (75 years old):

This couple was introduced to the private boarding house “Petrovsky Mills”, located in Krasnoye Selo near St. Petersburg. These elderly people experienced deep depression due to the fact that their relatives had no desire to take care of the elderly and left them in a nursing home. Valentina Alexandrovna's memory loss is progressing, the woman can hardly remember anything from her experience, and it is extremely difficult for her to move. But for Nikolai Konstantinovich it is a great pleasure to look after his wife, accompany her and support her. “My wife is a wonderful, warm-hearted woman. I have so much love in my heart for her. This right to surround someone with care at this age, to feel needed by her, inspires me to live.

Nina Alekseevna Shumskaya (89 years old) and Valentin Vlasovich Pautov (89 years old) knew each other since childhood, they lived in Turkmenistan, but the relationship did not work out then. Nina Alekseevna had a career as an opera singer, and Valentin Vlasovich had a career as a dramatic actor. Fate brought them together again when they were almost 70 years old. Having met in a St. Petersburg boarding house for stage veterans, they were no longer separated and soon became a family.

Genrikh Zakharovich Lyubinsky (82 years old) Alexandra Nikolaevna Zaretskaya (70 years old):

“Our meeting is the only opportunity for millions. It's a miracle to meet a woman meant just for me. We have a mutual friend. Sometimes I went to visit her. There we saw each other for the first time. My Sasha visited her for the first time. I felt my heart warm with love. I am unspeakable happy man. After all, many people never manage to meet their love throughout their lives,” says Genrikh Zakharovich.

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