Daily schedule for weekends. Preschooler's daily routine on weekends and holidays

The student’s daily routine, organized correctly, is based on the strict alternation of its elements (getting up in the morning, eating, cooking homework etc.). When executed in in a certain order, every day at the same period of time, the central nervous system forms connections that facilitate the transition from element to element, spending a minimum of energy on their implementation. When creating a schoolchild’s daily routine, it is necessary to take it into account age characteristics, first of all - the nervous system. After all, a simple workload for middle-aged and older students will be too much for schoolchildren junior classes. Every morning a schoolchild should begin with exercises that drive away any remaining drowsiness and give a charge of vigor for the day. Main activities of children school age- studies.

Preparing homework takes junior schoolchildren from one and a half to two hours, middle school students spend two to three hours on this, and high school students need three to four hours. It is not recommended to do homework immediately after returning from school. The break between school classes and homework should be at least two and a half hours, and most time should be allocated for walks and outdoor games. Students of the first shift should begin preparing homework no earlier than 16-17 hours. And the daily routine of a second-shift student involves starting homework from 8 - 8.30 in the morning. After completing them, take a walk in the air. Moreover, the parents of these schoolchildren must ensure that they do not complete their homework in the evening, after coming from school. When performing tasks at home, it is advisable to take a ten-minute break every 40-45 minutes and ventilate the room. To complete homework, the student must be provided with a calm environment. The schoolchild's daily routine also provides time for activities of interest (drawing, reading, music, design) - from one hour for younger students to two and a half hours for older ones.

Schoolchildren's strict adherence to food intake certain time promotes the production conditioned reflex, causing appetite, and better absorption nutrients, and also becomes a guarantee of health. The student’s daily routine ends with evening hygiene procedures, for which 30 minutes are allotted. A child's sleep time at night is approximately 10 hours. It is very important to go to bed and get up at the same time. Younger schoolchildren should go to bed no later than 21.00, and older ones - at 22.00 - 22.30.

In children, lack of sleep can disrupt the flow of specific hormones into the blood, which negatively affects their growth and development. Suffering from lack of sleep specific gravity that stage of sleep (the so-called “REM sleep”) on which the ability to learn and its success depend. Schoolchildren are advised to increase their usual sleep duration (at least by 1 hour) during exams, before tests and during any intense mental activity. In children who do not get 2-2.5 hours of sleep, their level of performance in class decreases by 30% compared to children who get enough sleep. Optimal time sleep for children aged 7-15 years - 9-10 hours.

Organize properly workplace schoolchild - the conditions in which a child studies and does homework have a significant impact on his academic performance and health.

The table at which the child is studying should be positioned so that daylight falls on the left (if the child is left-handed, then vice versa), similarly, full-fledged artificial lighting. The light from a table lamp should not hit your eyes; a special protective visor or lampshade can prevent this.

The optimal ratio of the height of the table and the chair is as follows: sitting straight, leaning your elbow on the table and raising your forearm vertically (as you raise your hand to answer in a lesson), the child should reach the outer corner of the eye with his fingertips. To do this, it is often enough to adjust the height of the chair. When seated correctly, the child’s legs should rest against the floor or stand, forming a right angle at both the hip and knee joints. The chair should have a low back.

Working in such conditions, the child will be less tired. In addition, properly selected furniture is one of the important factors prevention of postural disorders. Monitoring the suitability of furniture for the child’s height should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Organization of a student’s time during his legal idleness is actual problem modern society. I present to your attention a daily routine designed for large family with two schoolchildren. If necessary, it can be easily modified to own reality. I will also be happy to consider your experience.

So, the actual mode itself, and the explanations and recommendations are below.

8:30 rise

8:40 *torture-1

8:50 breakfast

9:20 **corvee

10:00 *torture -2

10:30 **corvee

11:00 walk

13:00 *torture-3

13:30 lunch

14:00 **corvee

14:30 *torture-4

16:00 afternoon tea

16:30 walk

19:45 *torture-5

20:00 water treatments

20:45 dinner

21:00 *torture-6

From the very morning it is more advisable to use such torture on children as brushing teeth. For torture 3 and 5, I recommend using the phrase “it’s time to go home.” Greatest effect can be achieved if you say it before the parents of other children who are also walking in the yard. If you return home and send your children to wash their hands, the effectiveness of this torture will exceed all expectations. Torture-6 combines elements of torture-1 and tortures 3-5. It is very important here to say at the most inopportune moment: “Children, it’s time to brush your teeth and go to bed!”

Torture-2 - here we should proceed from the age of the child. For younger schoolchildren, it is recommended to use reading, writing, problem solving, etc. Torture-4 - it is advisable to sit the child down to play musical instrument. Tortures 2 and 4 are interchangeable.

Every child is required to work corvée for their parents. This should include: making the bed, clearing the dishes from the table after meals, emptying the dishwasher, washing and/or sweeping the floors, and actually cleaning up everything after yourself.

Preschooler's daily routine on weekends and holidays

Preschooler's daily routine on weekends and holidays. Recommendations for parents.

Dear parents, great value for health and physical development children have a daily routine not only preschool institution, but also at home on weekends. Consistent time for eating, sleeping, walking, playing and studying is very important for a preschooler.

Daily routineis a system for distributing periods of sleep and wakefulness, meals, hygiene and health procedures, activities and independent activity children.

The cheerful, cheerful and at the same time balanced mood of children largely depends on the implementation of the regime. Delays in eating, sleeping, and walking negatively affect nervous system children: they become lethargic or, conversely, excited, begin to be capricious, lose their appetite, have trouble falling asleep and sleep restlessly.

One of the important distinctive features education in kindergarten from home is the mode of life. In kindergarten, everything is subject to a pre-established routine. And this is a definite plus. After all, such systematicity accustoms the child to neatness, precision, and order. Eating the right amount of food at the same time promotes the growth of a healthy body.

A child’s behavior in kindergarten, his mood, and performance are directly dependent on how his activities and sleep are organized in the family on regular days and also on weekends.

Weekendschildren spend at home, as a rule, with significant deviations and even violations usual routine kindergarten. It is no coincidence that the functional level of preschoolers on Monday is worse than on the second and third days of the week. Serious organizational and educational work among parents to streamline the home regime and bring it into line with that established in kindergarten. Parents' attention should be drawn to organizing an evening walk, a night's sleep, and on weekends to proper rest in the air, and regulating the viewing of television programs, especially before bedtime.

Dear parents, remember that

correct physical education in combination with the answering hygienic requirements A daily routine, sufficient sleep and reasonable nutrition are the keys to the normal growth and development of a child. For children raised in kindergarten, the day is subject to a strict schedule with provided walks and outdoor games. fresh air, gymnastics, rhythmic classes, etc. You, the parents, only have to make sure that at home, on weekends, the regime does not differ from that established in kindergarten and which has become familiar to the child. If a son or daughter is being raised at home, it is also necessary to develop a strict regime and monitor its strict implementation. They should go to bed and get up at the same time, go for a walk - this is important for normal, harmonious development your child.

If your child does not go to kindergarten and stays at home, there can be many variations of the day. One way or another, the child’s daily schedule is divided into two parts: “before lunch” and “after lunch”. Before lunch, it is useful for your child to play active educational games, and after lunch we recommend that you read books, watch cartoons or children's programs. Evening time It is best to take the child to communicate with his parents: at this age, the child’s need to communicate with mom and dad is very great. Stories, not always true, but instructive, will interest your child and, with the help of vivid images that impress children so much, will remain for the rest of their lives as rules and stereotypes of behavior in certain life situations.

Good luck raising your child.

We bring to your attention exemplary mode days at home:


Waking up, morning exercises, water procedures, washing






Games and activities at home

9.10 -10.00







Daytime nap(with the transom, window or veranda open)



Free time for quiet games and preparation for afternoon tea

15.30 -16.00


Afternoon snack



Walking and playing outdoors






Free time, quiet games

19.00 -21.00

12 .

Night sleep

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