Educational activities of the class teacher definition. Educational system of the class teacher

The place of the class teacher in the educational system of the school.

The main structural element of a school's educational system is the classroom. This is where it is organized cognitive activity, social relationships between students are formed. In classes, care is taken for the social well-being of students, problems of children's leisure time and team building are solved, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed.

The organizer of student activities in the classroom and the coordinator of educational influences on the student is the class teacher. It is he who directly interacts with both students and their parents. The class teacher is a teacher who organizes educational work in the class assigned to him.

The work of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned activity, built on the basis of a program for educating the whole educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a person-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the school, and the situation in the classroom, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their lives, and the specifics of family circumstances.

The activities of the class teacher are primarily aimed at working with students in their class. It forms the motivation for learning of each individual child by studying his age and individual characteristics. Through various forms and methods of individual work, the class teacher creates favorable conditions for the development of citizenship, worldview culture, creative work skills, creative individuality, the successful entry of the child into society, and the formation of a democratic culture in the system of class self-government.

The main task of the class teacher is to coordinate all educational influences on schoolchildren in order to develop their personality by including them in a variety of activities and relationships.

System of work of the class teacher

When considering the system of work of the class teacher, it is necessary to study three areas: work with schoolchildren, work with subject teachers and interaction with parents of students.

Work of the class teacher with schoolchildren.

The teacher, acting as the leader of the children's group, implements his functions in relation to both the class as a whole and individual students. He solves problems in accordance with the specifics of the children’s age and the relationships that have developed between them, building relationships with each child taking into account his individual characteristics. The main thing in the activities of the class teacher is to promote the self-development of the individual, the realization of his creative potential, ensuring the active social protection of the child, creating the necessary and sufficient conditions for intensifying the efforts of children to solve their own problems.

Education of students;

Social protection of the child from the adverse effects of the surrounding social environment.

Among the socio-psychological functions, it is necessary to highlight the organizational function. The main purpose of this function is to support positive children's initiative, i.e. The emphasis is not so much on organizing students by the class teacher, but on helping them organize themselves. The class teacher organizes educational, labor, and various aesthetic activities of schoolchildren, as well as their free communication, which is part of leisure.

It seems important to implement the function of team unity, which acts not as an end in itself, but as a way to achieve the goals set for the class. One of the tasks of the class teacher is the development of student self-government.

Also, the functions of the teacher express the requirements arising from the logic of the activity of the subject of management and the organization of students’ activities in general. These include: diagnostic, goal setting, planning, control and correction.

The implementation of the diagnostic function involves the class teacher identifying the initial level and constantly monitoring changes in the students’ education. It is aimed at researching and analyzing the personality and individuality of the child, at finding the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the results.

Goal setting function can be considered as a joint development of educational goals with students. The share of participation of the class teacher in this process depends on the age of the students and the level of formation of the class team.

The logic of goal setting is reflected in the process of planning the activities of the class teacher . Planning is the help of the class teacher to himself and the class staff for the rational organization of activities. The purpose of the plan is to organize pedagogical activity, ensuring the fulfillment of such requirements for the pedagogical process as planning and systematicity, controllability and continuity of results.

In planning, close cooperation between the class teacher and the class staff is important. The degree to which children participate depends on their age.

Main purpose of the control function and corrections in the activities of the class teacher are to ensure continuous improvement of the educational process.

The implementation of the control function involves identifying, on the one hand, positive results, and on the other, the causes of shortcomings and problems arising in the process of education. Based on the analysis of the control results, the class teacher’s work is corrected both with the class as a whole and with a specific group of students or an individual student. Monitoring the work of the class teacher is not so much control on the part of the school administration as self-control.

Correction is always a joint activity of the class teacher and the class team as a whole, a group or individual students. The functions of planning, control and correction determine the content of the class teacher’s activities.

Interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers.

The class teacher and subject teachers ensure the integrity and purposefulness of the pedagogical process in the classroom. In work with student team and individual students, all teachers solve general educational and educational tasks: the development of cognitive activity, creative abilities, independence, responsibility, etc.

The effectiveness of this work largely depends on the consistency of the actions of teachers working with students in a particular class.

Every teacher is interested in professional and educational results, which can be improved if they combine and coordinate their efforts with the actions of their colleagues. The center of this coordination and organization of the educational process is the class teacher, who, in interaction with subject teachers, solves the following tasks:

Studying personal characteristics teachers, their capabilities in organizing educational work with children;

Studying the characteristics of the teacher’s teaching activities, his contacts, relationships with children;

Regulating relationships between class teachers, between teachers and children, between teachers and parents;

Determining common goals, organizing joint activities to achieve them;

Pedagogically appropriate use of teachers’ capabilities in organizing educational work with children and parents.

The basis of interaction between the class teacher and class teachers is:

Mutual awareness about children, their relationships, the organization and results of the educational process;

Mutual assistance, mutual support in solving complex problems;

Interest in successful work class and each student;

Joint search for solutions pedagogical problems, joint efforts, joint work to implement the intended tasks;

Joint analysis of the work done, pedagogical problems being solved, results obtained;

Joint determination of work prospects by the class team and individual students.

At first glance, the implementation of all these joint actions may seem unrealistic, but much is carried out by the class teacher and teachers in everyday communication and requires the greatest investment of time, which pays off by a significant increase in the quality of teaching work. At the same time, both sides, helping each other, help themselves.

The class teacher informs teachers about the student’s condition, family characteristics, organizes meetings between parents and subject teachers in order to exchange information and assist parents in organizing homework with students.

It is especially important to involve teachers in goal setting and planning of educational work in the classroom.

When a work plan for the student and parent teams has been drawn up, the class teacher invites teachers to find opportunities, forms of participation in the implementation of the plan, to determine the activities that will be carried out with the involvement of class teachers. These could be educational events, public knowledge reviews, parent meetings and lectures.

Particular attention should be paid to new teachers, who are important to be introduced to the characteristics of the class team, individual students, and the requirements imposed by the previous teacher on the class teachers.

The teacher is interested in developing interest in the subject, raising its prestige, therefore, holding events in an interesting and exciting way during extracurricular hours with the participation of a subject teacher will help solve educational and educational problems.

The class teacher involves subject teachers in working with parents and promotes the formation of respectful, trusting relationships between them. This can be facilitated by question and answer evenings, joint discussion of class problems at parent meetings

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers, ensuring unity of action and contributing to the development of common approaches to raising a child, is a pedagogical council. This is where a comprehensive view of the child is formed. Everyone who works with the student receives information about his mental, physical, mental development, his individual abilities, opportunities and difficulties. Teachers analyze the results of observations of the student, exchange information, agree on ways to solve emerging problems, and distribute functions in working with the child.

The main form of work with subject teachers is individual conversations. They must be planned so as not to miss an important stage in organizing the teacher’s work with the child and to prevent possible difficulties and conflicts. It is important to conduct such conversations as joint reflection, a joint search for a solution to a particular problem. In some cases, it may be necessary to organize an individual consultation between the teacher and specialists.

The forms of interaction between the class teacher and teachers can be very diverse. Much depends on personal contacts and interest in the success of both interacting parties.

Work of the class teacher with parents of students.

The main thing in the work of the class teacher with parents is to ensure the unity of requirements for the education of students from the family and school, to create normal conditions for their home learning and to direct the educational activities of the family. Let us highlight some issues of the activities of class teachers in maintaining connections with students’ parents.

A large place in the work of the class teacher with the family is occupied by systematically informing parents about the progress, behavior and socially useful work of students. For this purpose, once every academic quarter, parent meetings are held, at which the state of schoolchildren’s academic performance is analyzed in detail and measures are outlined to improve the family’s work in this direction. In necessary cases, when urgent family intervention is required in solving a particular educational problem, the class teacher visits parents at home or invites them to school, and they jointly agree on what measures need to be taken to improve the students’ learning or behavior. For example, a student stopped preparing homework at home and came into contact with unhealthy company. In this case, the class teacher advises parents to strengthen control over his homework, as well as his behavior outside of school. In other cases, it is discovered that the student shows increased nervousness and often comes to school with bad mood. The class teacher needs to visit such a student at home, get acquainted with the conditions of his life and work in the family and agree with the parents on the need to create a calmer environment for him, and perhaps appropriate treatment.

The duty of class teachers is to carry out pedagogical education of parents, especially taking into account the specific approach to students of different age groups. Thus, it is necessary to familiarize parents with the age-related characteristics of the upbringing and development of those students with whom the class teacher works, and give practical advice on how these characteristics should be reflected in the process of family education. Conversations, lectures and reports for parents usually cover the following issues: features of family education of younger schoolchildren (teenagers or older schoolchildren); relationships between parents and children and their influence on family education; how to help children learn; sanitary and hygienic regime of a schoolchild in the family; acceleration and its impact on the education of students; organizing leisure time for children in the family, etc.

The class teacher takes care of attracting parents to participate in the work of the school lecture hall, to attend classes at the People's University of Pedagogical Knowledge, and promotes pedagogical literature on family education.

While influencing the educational activities of the family, the class teacher at the same time relies on parents when carrying out educational work with students. On his initiative, parents often take patronage over “difficult” students who are not properly influenced by their family. Parents - specialists in various fields of knowledge and professions - conduct conversations with students on medical, patriotic and industrial topics, take part in organizing excursions, literary and artistic evenings, etc. .

Activities of the class teacher in a modern school


school cool education supervisor

The main structural element of the school is the classroom. It is in the classroom that students’ cognitive and creative activities are carried out, social relationships are formed, and the personality of each student develops.

In the classrooms, concern for the social well-being of students is shown, problems of children's leisure time and team building are solved, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed. The organizer of student activities in the classroom and the coordinator of educational influences on the student is the class teacher.

The class teacher is the direct and main organizer of educational work in the school, an official appointed by the school director to carry out educational work in the classroom. Without the active work of class teachers at school, it is difficult and even impossible to create psychological comfort and a creative atmosphere, conditions in which children and adolescents can truly reveal themselves and realize themselves creatively.

The official approval of the institute of classroom mentoring first occurred in Russia in the 70s. XIX century However, back at the beginning of the 19th century, during the reign of Alexander I, the “Charter of educational institutions subordinate to universities” (1804) was adopted, according to which teachers, in addition to educating students, had to engage in their upbringing based on a humanistic approach to the child. The Charter spoke about this as follows: “Teachers take the place of parents for their students and therefore must receive them kindly, patiently, attentively and should not consider themselves to be autocratic judges over children.” The problem of interaction between teachers and parents was not left unattended in the Charter: “The teacher, through joint work and advice with parents, must try to raise children in the best possible way.”

During the period of Soviet power, class mentoring was eliminated (1923), because emphasis was placed on student self-government. But, as school practice has shown, the educational activities of student organizations were in a state of crisis, as they were affected by a lack of experience in the organizational activities of children, an overestimation of their capabilities and a reduction in the role of the teacher in the formation of self-government and the organization of the activities of the student body. At one time, a solution was found in assigning group teachers to classes. And only in 1934, by the Charter and Regulations on the Unified Labor School, the responsibilities for organizing the educational process in classes were again assigned to class teachers. In the same 1934, the “Regulations on the class teacher” were approved, which became the main document regulating the activities of class teachers in schools.

Every teacher has a difficult but very important mission - to be a class teacher. No matter how difficult the work of a class teacher is, children undoubtedly need it, since the main structural link in the school is the classroom. It is here that cognitive activity is organized and social relationships between students are formed. In classes, concern for the social well-being of children is realized, problems of their leisure time are solved, primary unity of teams is carried out, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed. The organizer of student activities in the classroom and coordinator of educational influences remains the class teacher. It is he who directly interacts with both students and their parents, who sincerely strives to help children solve their problems in the school community, and organize school life in an interesting and useful way. The class teacher performs very important and responsible tasks. He is the organizer of educational work in the classroom and a mentor to students, organizes and educates the student body, and unites the educational efforts of teachers, parents and the public. Classroom management as a problem brings together the entire set of the most diverse and complex issues in the education of a student. And therefore, its consideration is doubly interesting: it allows us to reveal a broad picture of the scientific vision of the educational process and verify school traditions of organizing the education of children, established for many decades, and at the same time develop an ideal design for a logically accurate and clear practical implementation of scientific and pedagogical ideas.

The purpose of this work is to study the directions and content of the class teacher’s activities.

The object of the study is the process of activity of the class teacher.

The subject of the study is the forms and methods of work of the class teacher.

Main goals:

1) Reveal the essence of the activity, the main functions of the class teacher.

) Consider goal setting and planning in the work of a class teacher.

) Consider the main forms and methods of work of the class teacher based on the work experience of Shoba S.N., class teacher of 10th grade. School No. 15.

4) Present practical materials of the real work of the class teacher (plan of educational work of the class teacher; plan of work with parents, socio-pedagogical characteristics of the 10th grade)

The following methods were used in the work:

1.Analysis of scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature;

2.Studying the work experience of a class teacher.

Experimental base: 10th grade school No. 15 in Mozyr.


1.1Main functions and job responsibilities of the class teacher

To organize extracurricular educational work in middle and high schools, class teachers are appointed from among the most experienced teachers. Their necessity is due to the fact that in these classes the teaching and educational work is carried out by several teachers, whose activities require some coordination. In addition, many types of extracurricular work, such as the creation and education of a student group, the organization of socially useful work, numerous types of moral and artistic-aesthetic activities of students, are not directly the responsibility of subject teachers and are assigned to the class teacher.

Today, the class teacher also directly interacts with both students and their parents. A modern class teacher carries out his activities on the basis of basic principles, among which the following stand out:

a combination of natural conformity and cultural conformity in the organization of educational activities of students;

socialization of the personality of each schoolchild is carried out through self-determination, self-government and self-realization;

pedagogical stimulation of creative self-development of individuals and students.

Educational tasks, content and forms of work of the class teacher cannot be uniform. They are determined by the requests, interests, needs of children and their parents, the conditions of the class, school, society, and the capabilities of the teacher himself.

Therefore, the main tasks of the class teacher are:

formation in the classroom team of a favorable psychological climate that promotes the spiritual development of each student.

Based on the tasks, the functions of the class teacher are designated by the need to create conditions for the child’s existence in a general education institution for his successful life, promoting the versatile creative development of the individual, spiritual formation, and comprehension of the meaning of life. The class teacher, receiving and processing information about his students, their psychophysical development, social environment, family circumstances, controls the progress of the holistic educational process, the process of developing the personality of each child, his moral qualities; analyzes the nature of the influences exerted on him; coordinates the educational activities of each student and the entire class team, self-determination, self-education and self-development of the student, the formation of the class team, the development of the creative abilities of students, relationships with other participants in the educational process. According to G.N. Sibirtsova, the class teacher must fulfill following functions:

Functions of the class teacher Methods and procedures of education Diagnostic In-depth study of the individual and the class team based on observation, questionnaires, conversations, interviews, testing, etc. Conceptual Selection of priority theories and principles of education based on the characteristics of the class Target Selection and specification of the goals and objectives of education Planning Selection and structuring of forms and methods of education in in accordance with the goal, designing the activities of students; Organizational organization of class self-government bodies; collective activities of students; training them rational use educational time and involvement in extracurricular activities based on interests Stimulating Activation of students' activities and positive behavior, their interests and creative potential based on motivation Communicative Psychological contact with the class team: favorable atmosphere, mutual understanding, cooperation Corrective Correction of the system of communication and behavior of students, the use of conflict resolution technology Control and evaluation Efficiency and systematicity of control activities ; analysis, recording and assessment of the results of education, stimulation of self-control and self-esteem PrognosticConstruction of an education model for the future, taking into account the identified problems and the results obtained

The tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the class teacher are reflected in the document “Regulations on the class teacher of a comprehensive school”. The areas of his activity are also presented here, which include:

instilling in schoolchildren a positive, conscious attitude towards learning;

preparing students for work and choosing a profession;

the formation of socially significant personality traits, the moral position of each student, and the culture of his behavior;

inclusion of students in extracurricular activities taking into account their interests and abilities;

interaction with subject teachers, parents of students and public organizations in the educational process;

taking care of the mental and physical health of students; cooperation with a social educator and school psychologist.

In the formation and development of a child’s personality, the disclosure of his abilities and potential, the leading role belongs to the class teacher.

“The job responsibilities of the class teacher” (See Appendix B) are determined by the modern task that society sets for itself - the maximum development of each student, preserving his uniqueness, revealing his potential talents and creating conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical improvement.

2 Goal setting and planning in the work of the class teacher

The key to the success of educational work is highly professional goal setting and planning by the teacher of interaction with students. Planning work is a creative process that does not stop throughout the entire work with children. It is based on the cooperation of the teacher, the children's team and the students' parents, their understanding of the goals and objectives of their joint activities and the desire to make school life interesting, useful, and creative.

As a rule, before setting the goals and objectives of education, the teacher first studies his class group using diagnostic methods (the psychological atmosphere, the specifics of interpersonal relationships, the level of education of each student, the interests and inclinations of children, the students’ abilities for various types of activities, etc.). Based on the diagnostic results obtained, he begins to determine educational goals and objectives.

When setting goals for educational work with a group of children, the teacher predicts the changes that should occur in the relationships between children and in the value orientations of the group. For the purposes formulated on the basis of diagnostics, they reflect those new formations that will be inherent in the student body after a certain period of its development. These goals are usually related to children's development in various areas:

moral and legal (manifestation of feelings, formation of relationships and moral positions, legal literacy, legal thinking);

cognitive (development of intellectual skills, acquired knowledge and norms, formation of motives for cognitive activity);

environmental (formation of an ecological worldview, environmental education and training, stimulation of environmental activities);

health (sports and labor skills);

creative (development of natural inclinations and abilities);

communicative (relationships in the “student-teacher”, “student-student”, “student-parents”, “student-surrounding people” systems);

personal-evaluative (skills of self-analysis, self-esteem, self-education).

The educational tasks set by the teacher specify what abilities, qualities, and relationships will be developed in schoolchildren, what knowledge, abilities and skills the students in the class will master.

The intended goals and objectives of educational work determine the teacher’s choice of forms and methods of interaction with students, which forms the basis of the educational work plan. There are certain requirements for such a plan: 1) purposeful content; 2) taking into account the age characteristics of students, leading interests in the classroom; 3) continuity, systematicity, sequence of planned activities; 4) the reality of fulfilling the plan; 5) variety of planned forms and methods; 6) creative nature of planning.

Based on the above, the class teacher prepares the following documentation, while compiling a personal “Class Teacher Journal”, which includes sections:

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class.

Educational goals and objectives.

Analysis of educational work with the team. Problems of the class team.

Plan of educational work with the class.

Individual work with students.

Working with family.

Legal support of educational work.

Creative laboratory of psychological and sociological research.

The section “Plan of educational work with the class”, as a rule, is a set of forms and methods of working with students.

Exist different approaches to the design of this section of the plan. Among them are:

planning for key cases (V.A. Karakovsky);


grid plan (linear-chronological planning);

comprehensive planning by type of activity (N. E. Shchurkova).

Let us give an approximate example of planning educational work based on the use of types of activities.

Fragment of an approximate comprehensive plan for educational work with the class

No. Forms of educational work and their goals Time of implementation Responsible Performers Mental education of schoolchildren 1. Design of a classroom corner Goal: to form a microclimate of the school team, to identify the creative potential of students. September Class teacher, class asset 2. Parent meeting “The influence of motivation on academic performance” Goal: pedagogical education of parents, promoting their awareness of the need to control student workloads and homework. OctoberClass teacher, subject teachers3. Class hour“Know yourself” Goal: inform students of methods and techniques that promote the development of memory, attention, logic of thinking, etc. December School psychologist, class teacher 4. Quiz “Ancient Russian cities” Goal: development of intellectual abilities and erudition of students. February Class teacher, subject teachers, students of class 5. Competition “Miss and Mister School2” Goal: to develop creative abilities in students April Class teacher, subject teachers, class asset Aesthetic education of students, etc.

In order for the educational work plan of the class teacher to be competent and effective, it is necessary to analyze the results of the educational work carried out in the past year, draw up a psychological and pedagogical characteristics based on the analysis and characteristics, determine the main educational tasks, and choose the form of the plan. But with any form of plan, it should be remembered that the content of the work, forms and methods must contribute to the solution of the assigned tasks, correspond to the level of development of the given team, take into account the age-related psychological characteristics of students, and comply with planning algorithms at school.

1.3 Analysis as a managerial function of the class teacher

The role of pedagogical analysis is extremely important. Deep and well-founded, it contributes to knowledge of the essence of the pedagogical process and allows one to consciously and effectively influence its development. Thanks to analysis in each specific situation, effective solutions to certain problems facing the class teacher can be made in a timely manner.

Analysis is closely related to goal setting, forecasting, and work planning. The deeper it is, the more correctly and specifically the goals and objectives of the class teacher’s activities for the next period will be determined, and the selection of the content and forms of the planned work can be optimally carried out.

As a result of the analysis of the pedagogical process, the class teacher determines:

the effectiveness of their activities and the class team as a whole;

The class teacher analyzes work on a daily basis. At the same time, there are special situations when a targeted analysis of one’s work is needed, organizing the analytical activities of students, parents, and teachers working in the classroom.

Analyzing teaching work is one of the most difficult issues for a class teacher. First of all, it is important to determine the main, starting point of the analysis. As a rule, these are goals, objectives, main pedagogical ideas or functions of the class teacher. Next, you should collect the information necessary for analysis:

a) materials reflecting the results of the work performed;

b) a list of pedagogical tools used to solve problems;

c) information about the working conditions, factors that could influence its effectiveness;

d) materials on the degree of influence of various pedagogical means on the results achieved.

If a class teacher begins analysis, he needs to know the most important mental operations that permeate analytical work:

description of the phenomenon as a whole, generalized characteristics of the element, subject (system) of analysis;

dismemberment of a phenomenon, the subject of analysis (system) into its component parts;

comparison with what was and what has become, with the ideal state of the phenomenon, its state for various situations and conditions;

establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

classification of features in the subject of analysis, identification of the main characteristic;

generalization, synthesis, allowing to draw conclusions based on the results of the analysis;

abstraction, assumption about possible ways of development of a given phenomenon (system).

Since tasks and their implementation are most often taken as the basis for analysis, we offer the class teacher an algorithm that is advisable to use when analyzing the solution to a particular problem:

clear, specific formulation of the task;

highlighting the components, components of the task and their brief characteristics;

determination of the main characteristics in the problem that are relevant for a given situation;

development of criteria and indicators of the level of problem solving, taking into account the main characteristics;

development of methods for studying the results of solving a problem;

compiling a list of pedagogical tools used to solve the problem, as well as factors influencing its solution;

development of methods for studying the effectiveness of the pedagogical means used and the degree of influence of various factors on the solution of the problem;

implementation of methods, collection of information;

processing information by blocks using tables, diagrams;

registration of the analysis in written or oral form;

discussion and approval of the analysis with class teachers, parents, and school administration.

The design of the analysis of the solution to the problem can be represented taking into account the following scheme: Synthesis 1 -> analysis -> synthesis 2.

Synthesis 1: conclusion about how the task was generally solved - facts, figures confirming this conclusion.

Analysis: what was done to solve the problem, what work was done, what and how influenced its solution (characterization of the degree of influence of various pedagogical means on solving the problem).

Synthesis 2: conclusions about the most effective pedagogical means, untapped opportunities and reserves, reasons for the decline in the effectiveness of teaching work, main directions further activities to solve the problem.

There are different types of analysis that can be classified by object (what is being analyzed), subject (who is analyzing), content, and time. The above is relevant to any type of analysis. At the same time, each of them has its own characteristics. Most often, the class teacher turns to the analysis of a specific form of work.

Approaches to analyzing the form of work can be different. Since it is a process and, therefore, relates to procedural systems and has certain stages interconnected, a system-structural analysis is appropriate. To do this, it is necessary to have objective information about all stages of this form: planning, goal setting and impact in the process of preparation and implementation, summing up. We propose a possible scheme for analysis (self-analysis) of educational measures in this case. (see Appendix B)

Ways to study the effectiveness of the classroom teacher.

Based on the functions of the class teacher listed in paragraph 1.1, two groups of criteria for the effectiveness of his work can be distinguished.

The first group is effective criteria showing how effectively social and psychological functions are implemented.

Performance indicators reflect the level that the teacher’s students achieve in their social development.

Second group: procedural indicators reveal how the pedagogical activity and communication of the teacher is carried out, how his personality is realized in the process of work, what his performance and health are, as well as what processes of activity and communication of students he organizes.

The work of a class teacher is effective if both procedural and effective indicators are high. At the same time, the priority in the work is positive changes in the level of education of students and their relationships.

The style of classroom management and the style of communication between the class teacher and children largely determines what kind of relationships the children develop with the teacher and among themselves. A democratic style, in which the student is treated as an equal partner in communication, his opinion is taken into account in decision-making, independent judgment is encouraged, and contributes to the creation of a relaxed, friendly, creative atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance in the classroom.

In addition to these main indicators of the class teacher’s labor productivity, arising from his target functions, a series was introduced additional concepts:

Firstly, these are those psychological new formations that arise in the teacher himself in the course of his work.

Secondly, this is satisfaction with the result of the class teacher’s work on the part of students, administration, other teachers working with the class, as well as the teacher himself.

Finally, the third indicator is the psychological assessment of the result, that is, the expenditure of time, emotional and physical strength of students and teachers. A teacher’s excessive passion for his work often leads to him forgetting about himself, his family, and health, which ultimately affects his activities. The work of a nervous, emotionally unbalanced person who experiences great problems in his family and personal life cannot be effective. The problem of teacher burnout at work has recently become so urgent that many teachers, in order to avoid this, neglect their responsibilities as a class teacher and approach them formally. The activity of the class teacher is effective if the optimal amount of time, physical and moral strength is spent on it.

The process of pedagogical activity of the class teacher is based on the methods and techniques of educational influences used by him in his work, that is, means aimed at achieving results. The choice of methods and means of education largely depends on the characteristics of the teacher’s personality, his individuality.

The professional behavior of a teacher is primarily determined by the level of development of those pedagogical knowledge, skills, and personality traits that directly affect the effectiveness of his activities.


1Forms and directions of work of the class teacher with the student body

In order to study the activities of the class teacher, we studied the work experience of Shoba S.N., the class teacher of grade 10B of secondary school No. 15 in Mozyr.

In the activities of the class teacher, the main thing is to promote the self-development of the child’s personality, the realization of his creative potential, ensuring active social protection, creating the necessary reliable conditions for intensifying the efforts of children to solve their own problems.

Shoba S.N. identifies the following main functions in its activities:

.Study of students and class staff: obtaining demographic, medical, psychological and pedagogical data (family, social and financial status, health status, level of development, education and training, individual characteristics, etc.)

.Organizing, conducting and adjusting various types of activities in accordance with the assigned tasks and the planned plan: conducting classroom hours, collective creative activities, excursions, hikes, evenings, parent meetings, etc.

.Organization of work with parents of students: systematic information about the progress and behavior of students, visiting students at home, carrying out pedagogical education of parents, involving parents in educational work with students.

For the academic year 2012-2013 Shoba S.N. were delivered following goals:

1.To promote the development of children's independence and responsibility for assigned tasks.

2.Promote a healthy lifestyle.

.To form a love for one’s native land.

.To promote the development of interest in learning and improve the quality of students' knowledge.

.Promote the development of children's abilities.

To achieve the set goals in terms of the class teacher’s work with the class, activities were planned in the following areas:

1)educational and cognitive; (intellectual tournament for the best knowledge of the history of the Republic of Belarus);

2)civil-patriotic (meeting dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory);

)individual work with schoolchildren;

)artistic and aesthetic; (exhibition “Fantasy of Autumn”)

)formation of a healthy lifestyle; (sportlandia “Higher, faster, stronger!”)

)vocational guidance and labor education (scrap metal collection “Labor Landing”);

)promoting the processes of self-knowledge and self-improvement of high school students (Week school competitions);

Students took an active part in all events, but girls gave greater preference to artistic and aesthetic events, and boys took part in events aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle.

The event is carried out in accordance with the educational work plan provided in Appendix D.

At secondary school No. 15, educational work is carried out according to the program Mercy Based on this, great attention is paid to the moral education of students. Therefore, moral lessons are included in the educational plan for working with the class. The emphasis is on developing such qualities as self-control, a sense of restraint (especially in sex education), caring, mercy, kindness and sensitivity, and responsiveness. Morality lessons are taught together with parents, assigning tasks to students in advance. A survey was conducted in grade 10B What is your purpose, man? Students answered the following questions: What character qualities do you value in a person? (Answers: Honesty, fairness, kind attitude towards young and old . What is the beauty of human actions? (In the ability to give up a seat on the bus to the elderly, to help mother and father around the house, to protect the weak, to love one’s neighbors ). What parents' expectations are you not meeting? (I don’t study well enough, I lack sensitivity ). Summing up the results of the survey, Svetlana Nikolaevna highlights that such qualities as responsiveness, caring, self-control, kindness and sensitivity are present in the students.

The main task of the class teacher is to instill self-organization skills in children. To nurture a creative personality, it is necessary to provide her with the opportunity for self-realization. Without personality there is no collective, but only a crowd. Based on this, the class teacher builds his activities, combining various forms of educational work, so that every child has the opportunity to test his strength and find himself. The variety of forms of classroom hours plays an important role in the educational process. In his practice, the class teacher uses such forms of class hours as correspondence travel (“Know Your History”), discussions, dialogues (Class hour on the prevention of road injuries “Road and Pedestrian”), creativity hours (preparing for the New Year) and others. The class regularly hosts various competitions, competitions, family holidays, evenings, lights, round tables.

In order to develop the individual characteristics of the child, Svetlana Nikolaevna uses a person-oriented approach in her activities. The content of the classroom hours includes the material necessary for self-construction, self-realization and self-affirmation of the child’s personality. In the teacher’s arsenal, there are many techniques and methods that help ensure the subjective position of students and their parents in compiling the topics of class hours:

) sociological survey method. During a survey or conversation, the teacher finds out the opinions of students and parents in drawing up class topics on the following questions: What should be discussed first in our class? What question would you like to receive an answer to during class, etc.;

) incomplete sentence technique: the most important problem in our class is... the problem that worries me most is...

) technique We are building a new cool house;

) technique Monument to the problem of the century, etc.;

The organization of self-government in the classroom plays a significant role in the educational process. This form of working with the class team helps to instill in children a sense of personal responsibility for the collective affairs of the class, allows us to identify the level of aspirations of each, allows each child to demonstrate their abilities, promotes personal development, and helps determine their place in the team.

Self-government in the classroom is organized taking into account the relationships of students. How children treat each other, who they respect, who is considered a leader, based on this, students independently distribute responsibilities in the class, children do what interests them, what they can do. Naturally, educational work is impossible without the participation of parents, so Svetlana Nikolaevna regularly introduces students and parents to the legal foundations of family education, the Constitution of the country, Legislative documents on marriage and family, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, tries to maintain close contact with parents and cooperate with the parent committee .

Obviously, one of the real conditions for assessing the performance of a class teacher is effectiveness, the criteria of which are as follows:

· level of organization of the class team during study;

· the degree of awareness of the teacher about the educational successes and failures of students in the class;

· the degree of awareness of parents about the educational successes and failures of students in the class;

· the degree of formation of positive motivation for educational activities in the class team;

· versatility and diversity in work aimed at developing cognitive interests and cognitive activity;

· the attention and interest of the class teacher to the formation of general educational skills in his students;

In his educational work, Shoba S.N. identifies three main directions:

study of individual characteristics, its development, environment, interests;

programming educational influences;

implementation of a set of methods and forms of individual work;

team building;

creating a favorable emotional atmosphere;

inclusion of students in various types of social activities;

development of children's self-government;

) correction of the influence of various subjects of social relations:

social assistance to families;

interaction with the teaching staff;

correction of mass communications;

neutralization negative impacts society;

interaction with other educational institutions.

Organization academic work The classroom team is the largest and most important part of the entire activity of the classroom teacher.

2.2 Interaction of the class teacher with the subjects of the pedagogical process (school psychologist, social educator, subject teachers)

The class teacher and subject teachers ensure the integrity and purposefulness of the pedagogical process in the classroom. When working with the student body and individual students, all teachers solve general educational and educational tasks: the development of cognitive activity, creative abilities, independence, responsibility, etc. The effectiveness of this work largely depends on the consistency of long-term and operational goals and objectives, as well as on the consistency of actions teachers working with students in a particular class.

Systematic interaction between class teacher Shoba S.N. with subject teachers working in the class entrusted to her, is aimed at solving the following problems:

a comprehensive study of the characteristics of each teacher’s teaching activities, his relationships with children;

regulation of relations between class teachers, between teachers and children, between teachers and parents;

determination of common goals and means of activity, organization of joint work to achieve them;

pedagogically appropriate use of teachers' capabilities in organizing extracurricular educational work with children and their parents.

Class teacher Shoba S.N. acquaints teachers with the results of diagnosing the levels of training and education of students, with the degree of their progress in knowledge in the subjects being studied. Together with teachers, the class teacher outlines ways and means to ensure the self-realization of each student in class and outside of class.

The need to discuss the issue concerning the interaction between the class teacher, the social teacher and school psychologist, is due, first of all, to the fact that their work is connected with its object itself - this is a person, a student, a pupil in a social environment. If we compare the functions performed by the class teacher, social pedagogue and school psychologist, they are largely similar. The difference lies only in the volume of sales. Unlike class teachers, even released ones, who almost always have an academic load at school, the social pedagogue and school psychologist have a non-teaching and non-educational function in the first place.

The class teacher is the link between students, the social teacher and the school psychologist. From him comes a request and primary information about the child. Most often, he turns to a specialist when his own measures of influence on the student and his family do not bring the desired result. Svetlana Nikolaevna developed a plan for working with families of students in special education, and provided it in position D.

The interaction between the class teacher, social teacher and school psychologist is aimed at jointly identifying the causes of the child’s problems and carrying out socio-pedagogical and psychological correction work to provide assistance and prevent possible problem situations. A work plan was also developed and provided in Appendix E.

Social teachers have more information than the class teacher about the life of children outside of school, which is sometimes a powerful factor influencing the child and explaining his behavior and actions at school and at home. Moreover, the social teacher not only provides information about the child’s life outside the school walls, but can continue the work with a specific student that began at school in the microdistrict. It provides class teachers with a social “portrait” of the microdistrict and studies its pedagogical potential. A social educator can include in this “portrait” the situation of families in a given microdistrict, which will make it possible to more effectively plan interaction with the family during the educational process at school.

As the study of school practice shows, among the most common questions that the class teacher addresses to the social teacher are:

providing assistance in the social and pedagogical examination of the child (the child’s environment, life activities outside of school, etc.);

timely support for children in extreme situations(deprivation of their fathers and mothers of parental rights, orphanhood of the child, placement of the child in a state institution for further education and upbringing, etc.);

collection of documents for the placement of children and adolescents in special educational and preventive institutions, etc.;

taking educational measures towards the child in case of frequent absences from school;

interaction during work with the child’s parents;

ensuring the protection of life and health, promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents (Class hour “Youth against AIDS”;

obtaining special information or consultation related to deviations of a moral nature in the child’s behavior (addiction to bad habits, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

A psychologist at a higher professional level masters methods of productive diagnostics. The class teacher can successfully cope with the task of studying students and the class staff, but broader and more complete information about the child, his adaptation in the class, children’s relationships, class problems and, accordingly, providing psychological assistance Only a psychologist can give.

The class teacher usually contacts the school psychologist on the following questions:

students' difficulties in mastering the curriculum;

the complexity of relationships between students and teachers, peers and parents; resolving a conflict situation (a psychologist spends an hour with the class, conducting sociometry in the class);

adaptation of children (especially newcomers) at school and in the classroom (studying the adaptation of a child who has just joined the class, studying intra-family relationships, conducting a questionnaire in the classroom “What makes me like a new student”);

emotional and personality disorders students who become the causes of school and communication problems (administration of the Bassa-Darki questionnaire in the classroom to identify the level of aggressiveness of students, conducting classes to reduce aggressiveness);

identification and development of interests, inclinations, and potential abilities of students.

Joint forms of work of the class teacher, social teacher and school psychologist: joint consultations both for individual students and for the whole class; psychological and pedagogical workshops with children and their parents; joint seminars for students, parents, and school teachers; game methods for correcting children’s behavior, holding parent-teacher meetings together; observing students in lessons and during extracurricular hours, etc.

At first glance, the implementation of all these joint actions may seem unrealistic, but a lot is carried out by the class teacher and teachers in everyday communication and requires a small investment of time, which pays off by a significant increase in the quality of teaching work. At the same time, by helping each other, they help themselves.

2.3 Specifics of the class teacher’s work with students’ families

The pace of development of modern society poses more and more new problems for parents, which are often very difficult to solve alone. Great assistance in solving emerging problems is provided by services working at the school and for the school.

In her work with parents, Svetlana Nikolaevna had to involve social educators, psychologists, the administrative council, the juvenile affairs inspectorate, career guidance centers and employment centers, youth organizations and other services. But the solution to any issue always began with a discussion at the parent committee or at a parent meeting. A work plan for the class teacher with students’ families was drawn up and provided in Appendix I.

Class teacher Shoba Svetlana Nikolaevna began her activities at the beginning of class management by drawing up a social passport for the class and an individual card for working with the family, which is already the primary diagnosis of the student’s family.

Her experience of working with parents uses collective and group forms.

Forms of cognitive activity: public reviews of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, a holiday of knowledge and creativity, tournaments of experts. In all these forms, there is a direct relationship between children, parents and teachers.

Forms of labor activity: office design, collection of waste paper and scrap metal, etc.

Forms of psychological and pedagogical education of parents: work with parents is interconnected and represents a single stable system (parent meetings, lectures, workshops, seminars, conversations, consultations, etc.).

Open lessons are usually organized to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, and teacher requirements. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson at least once or twice every six months.

The open lesson day is held at a time convenient for parents. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in a non-traditional form, trying to show their skills and reveal the abilities of children. The day ends with a collective analysis: achievements, the most interesting forms of the lesson, the results of cognitive activity are noted, problems are posed, and prospects are outlined.

A parent meeting is the main form of work with parents, where problems in the life of the class and parent team are discussed. As experience shows, the system of holding class meetings not only arouses interest among parents and is positively assessed by them, but also helps to jointly resolve important issues in raising children. Memos for parents play an important role, as well as teachers’ feedback on students’ learning activities prepared for the meeting.

The parent lecture hall introduces parents to issues of education, improves their pedagogical culture, and helps develop common approaches to raising children.

Role-playing games are a form of collective creative activity to study the level of development of the participants’ pedagogical skills. The role-playing game technique involves determining the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, and a preliminary discussion of possible positions and behavior options for the participants in the game. At the same time, it is important to play out several options (positive and negative) for the behavior of the game participants and, through joint discussion, choose the optimal course of action for the given situation (“Healthy lifestyle against tobacco and alcohol”).

Dispute - reflection on the problems of education - one of the forms of promotion that is interesting for parents pedagogical culture. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and allows everyone to join in the discussion of the problem (“Problems of relationships between parents and children”).

A meeting with the administration and class teachers is held annually. Teachers introduce parents to their requirements and listen to their wishes.

Collective and group forms of interaction permeate customized forms. These include conversations, intimate conversations, consultation-reflection, fulfillment of individual assignments, joint search for a solution to a problem, correspondence. Individual work with parents requires much more effort and ingenuity from the teacher, but its effectiveness is much higher. It is in individual communication that parents learn the requirements the school places on students and become allies of the class teacher.

Family visits are an effective form of individual work between the class teacher and parents. When visiting a family, one gets to know the student’s living conditions. The class teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the successes of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc.

The system of work between teachers and parents also includes their involvement in school self-government. Parents of students are not legally included in the school community and do not form a team at all, but they are no less interested in the successful operation of the school than teachers or their children. They are a kind of social customers of the school, therefore they should have the opportunity to influence its activities and participate in school life. One of the forms of cooperation between the class teacher and a group of the most experienced, proactive parents is the class parent committee. The parent committee operates on the basis of the school's parent committee regulations. He, together with the class teacher and under his leadership, plans, prepares and carries out all joint work on teacher education, establishing contacts with parents, providing assistance in raising the children of the class, analyzes, evaluates and sums up the results of cooperation between school and family. Organizing joint leisure activities or involving parents in joint activities with children is also one of the functions of work.

Such a form as intellectual games for parents finds a place in the work of the class teacher. The most erudite family , competitions Culinary fights , Ah, potatoes and others. Joint events with parents on a healthy lifestyle are mandatory (seminars, promotions, quizzes, etc.). The methodology includes so-called non-traditional forms of cooperation between the class teacher and the student’s family. These include the following forms:

Parents' evenings

Individual consultations

Group consultations

Thematic consultations

Maintaining communication notebooks


Thematic round tables held by parents.

Diagnostics plays a huge role in a teacher’s work. Without the use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics it is impossible to plan educational work in children's team, establish relationships with the parent team. Any information that the class teacher can obtain from parents and children can be of invaluable service to the family and child.

The educational work of the class cannot be built without taking into account the fact that the child’s individuality is formed in the family.

The class teacher coordinates the educational possibilities of individual processes, including the influence of parents based on the presentation uniform requirements to the student, taking into account their individual abilities.

The interaction between school and family involves the establishment of interested dialogue and cooperation, developing into active assistance aimed at ensuring the main function of the educational system - to develop the integrity of the individual.


The study allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

1.The class teacher is the direct and main organizer of educational work at school.

The main tasks of the class teacher are:

assistance to each student in the development of his personality; creating conditions for the manifestation and enrichment of it internal forces, inclinations, interests and abilities;

organization of educational and developmental activities in the classroom team;

formation in the classroom team of a favorable psychological climate that promotes the spiritual development of each student.

Based on the tasks, the functions of the class teacher are designated: diagnostic, conceptual, goal-oriented, planning, organizational, stimulating, communicative, corrective, control-evaluative, prognostic.

The tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities of the class teacher are reflected in the document “Regulations on the class teacher of a comprehensive school”. The directions of his activities are also presented here.

The “job responsibilities of the class teacher” are determined by the modern task that society sets for itself - the maximum development of each student, preserving his uniqueness, revealing his potential talents and creating conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical improvement.

2.When setting goals for educational work with a group of children, the teacher predicts the changes that should occur in the relationships between children and in the value orientations of the group. For the purposes formulated on the basis of diagnostics, they reflect those new formations that will be inherent in the student body after a certain period of its development. These goals, as a rule, are associated with the development of children in various areas: moral and legal, cognitive, environmental, health, creative, communicative, personal and evaluative.

The intended goals and objectives of educational work determine the teacher’s choice of forms and methods of interaction with students, which forms the basis of the educational work plan. There are certain requirements for such a plan: 1) purposeful content; 2) taking into account the age characteristics of students, leading interests in the classroom; 3) continuity, systematicity, sequence of planned activities; 4) the reality of fulfilling the plan; 5) variety of planned forms and methods; 6) creative nature of planning.

3.As a result of the analysis of the pedagogical process, the class teacher determines:

The effectiveness of your activities and the class team as a whole;

the feasibility of the pedagogical work being carried out;

conditions, factors that determined the results achieved;

the effectiveness of the pedagogical means used, the degree of their influence on the results of work;

achievements and shortcomings in the organization of teaching activities, their reasons;

unused opportunities and pedagogical means, reserves for further improvement of work;

ways to develop the pedagogical process and eliminate the causes of identified deficiencies.

Approaches to analyzing the form of work can be different. Since it is a process and, therefore, relates to procedural systems and has certain stages interconnected, a system-structural analysis is appropriate. To do this, it is necessary to have objective information about all stages of this form: planning, goal setting and impact in the process of preparation and implementation, summing up.

.In order to study the activities of the class teacher, we studied the work experience of Shoba S.N., the class teacher of class 10B of school No. 15. Shoba S.N. identifies the following main tasks in its activities:

organize a variety of activities in the classroom;

take care of the child’s development and health;

Help students solve problems that arise.

In her educational work, she identifies three main approaches:

) direct impact on the student:

) creation of a nurturing environment:

) correction of the influence of various subjects of social relations.

The main task of the class teacher is to instill self-organization skills in children. In order to develop the individual characteristics of the child, Svetlana Nikolaevna uses a person-oriented approach in her activities. The organization of self-government in the classroom plays a significant role in the educational process.

The main stages of the class teacher’s activities with the class are:

.Study of students and class staff: obtaining demographic, medical, psychological and pedagogical data.

.Setting educational goals common to the class or individual groups, students of the class.

.Planning educational work - drawing up a plan for working with students, teachers, parents, containing a list of tasks and cases for solving them.

.Organizing, conducting and adjusting various types of activities in accordance with the assigned tasks and the planned plan.

.Organization of work with parents of students.

.Analysis and assessment of the results of education: observation, questionnaires and other methods that allow you to judge the results and set new tasks.

.The class teacher is the link between students, the social teacher and the school psychologist.

The interaction between the class teacher, social teacher and school psychologist is aimed at jointly identifying the causes of the child’s problems and carrying out socio-pedagogical and psychological correction work to provide assistance and prevent possible problem situations.

Joint forms of work of the class teacher, social teacher and school psychologist: joint consultations both for individual students and for the whole class; psychological and pedagogical workshops with children and their parents; joint seminars for students, parents, and school teachers; game methods for correcting children’s behavior, holding parent-teacher meetings together; Observing students in class and outside of class

6.In his work with parents Shoba S.N. it was necessary to involve social educators, psychologists, the administrative council, the juvenile affairs inspectorate, youth organizations and other services. But the solution to any issue always began with a discussion at the parent committee or at a parent meeting.

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents are the variety of organization of their joint activities and communication:

Forms of cognitive activity: public reviews of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, a holiday of knowledge and creativity, tournaments of experts.

Forms of labor activity: office design, waste paper collection, planting a memorial alley.

Forms of leisure: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances, competitions, competitions, KVN, home weekend clubs, parent hobby schools.

Forms of psychological and pedagogical education of parents: lecture, conversation.

Family and school play a major role in a child’s life, and his development as a person depends on how he feels in them. Therefore, neither a school without a family, nor a family without a school are able to cope with the subtlest, most complex tasks of a student’s development. The school must invite the family to cooperate, taking into account its capabilities. The family should consider the school as its friend in educating the student. Cooperation between school and family is the result of purposeful and long-term work, which, first of all, involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of the family upbringing of the child. The interaction of participants in the pedagogical process must be planned and organized. The essence of interaction between teacher and family is that both parties are interested in studying the child, revealing and developing him best qualities.


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10. Magazine // Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” #"justify">APPLICATIONS


About the class teacher


This provision has been developed on the basis of the Instructional and Methodological Letter on the organization of the work of the class teacher of a general education institution and a higher educational institution providing training and education at the third stage of general secondary education, curator study group institutions providing vocational, technical and secondary specialized education dated December 7, 2009. No. 12-01/295ds.

The regulations on the class teacher of the State Educational Institution “Valava Kindergarten Secondary School” regulate the order of organization, the main directions of work of the class teacher who carries out training and education in the gymnasium.

The class teacher is appointed by order of the director based on the proposal of the deputy director for educational work, from among the full-time teachers for the entire period of student education at school.

In his work, the class teacher is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the School Charter and these instructions, as well as other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.

The class teacher interacts with the director, deputy directors, teaching staff, medical workers, heads of primary public associations, student government, other interested parties, as well as legal representatives of students at school, in order to coordinate work on shaping the personality of students in their class.

The main requirements for the work of a class teacher are professional competence, personal readiness to the implementation of ideological and educational work, citizenship, high moral and political culture, responsibility and communication skills.

The main principles of the class teacher’s work are a personality-oriented (individual) approach to education, respect for the student’s personality, priority of the rights and legitimate interests of students, pedagogical support in social development, promotion of self-development and self-realization of students, the formation of their civic position, healthy lifestyle, development of student self-government, goodwill in relations with students and their legal representatives, ensuring the humanistic nature of education.

The work of the class teacher is subordinated to the general goals of training, education and personal development of gymnasium students and the class staff.

Educational work with students is carried out by the class teacher in accordance with the Concept of the continuous education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated December 14, 2006. No. 125, Program for the continuous education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus for 2006-2010, dated December 28, 2006. No. 132.

Organizational and educational work at school is carried out outside the time allotted for teaching classes, including on the sixth school day, in accordance with plans for ideological and educational work (class, school) and includes the following types of work: class management, individual and group work with students, ideological, cultural and leisure, physical education and health, sports and mass work, promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle, organization of socially useful activities, labor education and career guidance, prevention of unlawful behavior of students, social and pedagogical work with students and their parents .


The class teacher is obliged:

Comprehensively study the individual and personal characteristics of each student, the class team, the characteristics of family education, identify students who are in a socially dangerous situation, and monitor the assessment of the quality of education;

To form a system of ideological and educational work in the classroom, taking into account the individual and age characteristics, inclinations, interests, needs and value orientations of students, the specifics of the gymnasium and the sociocultural environment;

Conduct weekly information hours in order to timely familiarize students with the socio-political and cultural life of the country;

Conduct a weekly class hour on a planned topic, as well as at least once a month on issues of the state of discipline, the results of students’ educational activities, their attendance at classes, participation in socially useful work, the cultural and social life of the class and school.

Contribute to the creation of conditions for successful educational and cognitive activity of students, strengthening discipline, developing skills and abilities of independent educational work, adaptation at school;

Contribute to the creation of a health-saving space in the classroom, the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of students;

Carry out work to prevent family troubles and social orphanhood, support minors in a socially dangerous situation, legal education of students, and prevention of illegal behavior;

Provide pedagogical support to student self-government bodies, primary organizations of public associations “Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization”, “Belarusian Republican Youth Union”, other children's and youth public associations whose activities do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

Develop the traditions of the school, help ensure compliance with internal regulations, protect the rights and legitimate interests of students;

Promote the secondary employment of students, their creative, cultural, sports and recreational activities, participation in the work of circles, clubs, sections, and the activities of student self-government bodies;

Organize the educational process in the classroom on the basis of planning ideological and educational work, socially useful work, recreation and health improvement for students during extracurricular hours and the vacation period;

Assist in catering and medical care students in accordance with established requirements;

Comply with established requirements for labor protection and creating safe conditions for the health and life of students;

Improve your qualifications and constantly improve your professional skills.

The class teacher has the right:

Choose pedagogically sound forms, methods, ways and means of educational activities in the classroom, taking into account the individual and age characteristics, interests, inclinations and value orientations of students;

Conduct pedagogical observations of students (including during classes, exams and other events held at school), study their family environment, using the information obtained exclusively for educational purposes;

Submit proposals for improving the educational process for consideration by the school director, school council, pedagogical and methodological association of class teachers;

Participate together with teaching staff in studying the quality of education of students in the classroom;

Make proposals to encourage students and their legal representatives, as well as proposals to bring students to disciplinary liability for violating the charter and internal rules of the school;

Participate in discussing issues and making decisions concerning the life and activities of class students;

Receive organizational, methodological, and technical assistance on educational issues from the school principal and his deputies; participate in seminars, conferences and other events on issues of ideological, educational work and state youth policy;

Participate in competitions for gymnasium teaching staff with high achievements in educational work.


The deputy director of educational work at the school coordinates and directs the activities of class teachers, provides them with organizational and methodological assistance, and also monitors the quality organization of the educational process in the classroom.

The class teacher plans to work with students, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of the class, based on the plan of ideological and educational work of the school for the academic year. Planning includes the development of plans for the ideological and educational work of the class for the academic year and quarter.

Based on the objectives of the class activities, the class teacher can develop comprehensive targeted programs, projects, plans (monthly, weekly) for various directions education of students, other planning documentation.

The actual implementation of organizational and educational work is reflected by the teacher in the class journal.

The class teacher participates in the work of the methodological association of school class teachers in order to provide methodological and practical assistance in organizing and conducting educational work, professional development, generalization and dissemination of the best work experience of class teachers.



General provisions.

1. The class teacher is a school teacher who performs the functions of an organizer of children’s life, a corrector of interpersonal relationships and a defender of the pupils of his class in difficult business and psychological conflicts of school life.

2. The class teacher has a higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education.

3. The activities of class teachers are managed by the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

4. The class teacher reports on the results of his work to the teaching council, the director and deputy director of the school for educational work in the prescribed manner.

The main tasks and content (directions) of the class teacher’s work in the classroom.

1. Promotes the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for intellectual, physical and spiritual development child's personality. For what:

1.1. Studies the developmental characteristics of each child, health status, emotional well-being, reflecting all the data in a psychological and pedagogical map.

1.2. He studies the child’s inclinations, interests, and talents, selecting for each a specific type of activity where he can expect success.

1.3. Helps create favorable atmosphere and moral and psychological climate for each individual student in the class.

1.4. In accordance with the age needs of children and the requirements of class life, organizes the life activities of the class team.

1.5. Develops classroom self-government, teaching children self-organization, responsibility, readiness and ability to make life decisions.

1.6. Helps students solve problems that arise in relationships with teachers, comrades, parents, adapt to the team, win recognition, and occupy a satisfactory social status among their peers.

1.7. Guides self-education and self-development of the child’s personality. Together with the school psychologist, organizes psychological education students, introduces them to the rights and freedoms of a Russian citizen.

2. Provides assistance to students in educational activities.

3. Organizes and participates in pedagogical consultations (small teacher councils) on the problems of students in his class, and, if necessary, attends lessons of subject teachers.

4. Promotes the acquisition of additional education by students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations existing at school and in their place of residence.

5. Promotes professional self-determination of the graduate, leading to an informed choice of profession.

6. Protects the rights and freedoms of students, bears responsibility for their life, health and safety at school and at agricultural work during school hours.

7. Provides advice to parents. Conducts parent meetings and involves parents in helping the school.

8. Organizes meals, duty, collective cleaning of the school, children’s assistance in school repairs, fills out a register, keeps records of attendance, immediately informs the administration and parents about all emergencies related to the health and life of children.

9. Participates in the work of teachers’ councils, seminars, administrative and methodological meetings.

Working hours of the class teacher.

1. The working time of the class teacher, which he is obliged to devote to children during the week, is 4 hours (20% of the teacher’s salary).

2. Class teacher hour (communication hours) - once a week according to the schedule, which is recorded in the class journal.

3. The number of educational activities is at least two cases per month, one of which can be school-wide.

4. The number of class parent meetings should be at least one per quarter.

5. Reports on the work done are provided to the administration at the end of terms according to the approved procedure.

6. During the holidays and summer, the school’s operating hours are established according to an additional plan.

Rights of the class teacher. The class teacher has the right:

1. Participate in the work of school self-government structures: teachers' council, school council, trade union and other public bodies of the school.

2. Take the initiative, make proposals for improving the school’s activities, and provide business-like, constructive criticism.

3. Create your own educational systems and programs, creatively apply new methods, forms and techniques of education, guided by the only principle of “do no harm.”

4. Defend one’s own honor and dignity in school self-government and defense bodies, and, if impossible, in state authorities and courts.

The class teacher does not have the right:

1. Humiliate the personal dignity of the pupil, insult him by action or word, inventing nicknames, labeling him, etc.

2. Use a grade (school score) to punish or deal with a student.

3. Abuse the child’s trust, break the word given to the pupil, deliberately mislead him.

4. Use the family (parents or relatives) to punish the child.

5. Discuss your colleagues behind the scenes, present them in an unfavorable light, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire teaching staff.

The class teacher should know:

1. Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education".

2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Children’s pedagogy, developmental psychology, social psychology.

4. School hygiene.

5. Pedagogical ethics.

6. Theory and methodology of educational work.

7. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

The class teacher must be able to:

1. Communicate with children, encouraging children's activity, responsibility, giving own example efficiency and responsibility.

2. See and formulate your educational goals.

3. Draw up a plan for educational work in your own class.

4. Organize an educational event.

5. Organize and conduct a parent meeting.

6. Use psychological diagnostic tests, questionnaires, questionnaires, etc. diagnostic techniques and use them correctly in educational work.

Documentation and reporting.

The class teacher maintains (fills out) the following documentation:

1. Cool magazine.

2. Plan of educational work with the class team.

3. Personal files of students.

4. Psychological and pedagogical maps for studying the personality of students.

5. Minutes of parent meetings.

6. Student diary.

8.7. Folders with developments of educational activities, results of classroom pedagogical and socio-psychological research.




1. Compliance of the purpose of this event with the general goal of education.

2. Clarity of formulation of the planned goals of the event.

3. Compliance of the goal with the level of education, age characteristics and needs of students.

4. The place of this event in the system of educational work.

5. Awareness by the students themselves of the significance and expediency of the event.

6. Compliance of the content of forms and methods with the target settings.

1. Relevance of the topic and content of the event.

2. Availability of content (taking into account age characteristics, volume, level of preparedness).

3. Novelty of information.

4. Educational value of the content, possibilities of emotional impact.

6. The level of mastery of the material by the event organizers, the degree of their erudition in this matter.


1. The validity of the choice of forms and methods of conducting the event, their compliance with the stated goal and content.

2. Organizational clarity, appropriateness of time allocation.

3. Activity, independence of students, methods and techniques that ensure them. The role of self-government bodies.

4. The ratio of frontal, group and individual work.

5 The role of the setting (venue, design), the use of special techniques to create the necessary emotional sphere.

6. Use of external and internal visibility, TSO.

7. Techniques and ways to activate students’ attention at various stages of the event.

8. The relationship between pre-prepared material and improvisation (for both the teacher and students), the appropriateness of this relationship.

9. The presence of emotional contact between the participants of the event and its organizers, the ways and means of achieving it.

10. Use of game elements, implementation of the principle of romance.

11. Taking into account the specifics of the form of educational activities.

12. The influence of the teacher’s personality on the preparation and course of the event.

13. Teaching abilities, level of proficiency in pedagogical technology, pedagogical skill of the teacher.


1. Achievement of set goals, level of task implementation.

2. Students’ attitude to the event: interest, activity.

3. Cognitive efficiency: what new knowledge the students received, what abilities and skills were formed and consolidated.

4. What social attitudes, feelings, beliefs were formed in children.

5. The influence of the event on the formation of motives for student behavior.

6. Possible ways of further development, consolidation of what was achieved during the event.

7.Level of analysis of the event by its organizers. Evaluation of its effectiveness by the teacher and students.

8. Disadvantages discovered during the preparation and conduct of educational activities, their causes and possible ways elimination.



No. Forms of educational work and their goals Time of implementation Responsible. Performers1. 2. Ceremonial line. The first lesson dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. Goal: development of the cognitive interest of students, the significance of the level of knowledge. September 1 Class teacher, teacher-organizer, students of class 3. Class hour dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature. Goal: introduction to the spiritual values ​​of your country. September 2 Class teacher, students of class 4. Exhibition “Fantasies of Autumn” Goal: development of culture and aesthetic taste September 16 Class teacher, students of class 5. Preparation holiday congratulations for Teacher's Day Goal: development of creative abilities, moral guidelines, culture of behavior September 26-29 Class teacher, teacher-organizer, students of class 6. Labor landing. (Collecting scrap metal) Goal: instilling work skills, economy and frugality October 8 Class teacher, students of class 7. Concert dedicated to Mother's Day. Goal: to cultivate spirituality and respect for family and culture. October 14 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 8. 9. Class hour “Know your history!”, dedicated to the October Revolution. Goal: instilling respect for history and traditions October 28 Class teacher, students of class 9. Participation in school sports “Higher, faster, stronger” Goal: instilling healthy lifestyle skills. October 29 Class teacher, physical education teacher, students of class 10. Week of school Olympiads Goal: development of inclinations and students' abilities. spring-cleaning office AIDS Day Poster competition Class hour “Don’t die from ignorance” Aid brigade “We are against AIDS” Disco “Our lives are in our hands!” Let's protect her from AIDS!” “Santa Claus’s Workshop” preparation for the New Year holidays, decoration of offices, poster competition New Year’s Masquerade Ball Excursion to Belovezhskaya Pushcha for Santa Claus Tatyana’s Day “What’s in my name..?” “Fire safety” (watching a video). Conversation with a firefighter Entertainment program “Evening of alumni reunions” Competitive program “Love is a carrot” Conversation “A well-mannered person - what is he like?” Competition program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day “Come on, guys!” Questioning and testing, conversation with a psychologist “How to choose the right profession” Competition program dedicated to the day of March 8 “Come on, girls!” Class hour “Are there knights these days?” Participation in the event “If not us, then who?” assistance to veterans and pensioners Table tennis competition Self-government day Class hour “Save energy!” School championship in volleyball and basketball Participation in the military sports game “Flame” Holding a rally dedicated to Victory Day Conversation “How to prepare for exams?” Last call“Farewell school!” November 16 November 21-26 November 26 November 1 December 10-27 December 27 December 7 January 25 January 31 January 7 February 14 February 21 February 23 February 2 March 8 March 16 March 21 March 26 March 1 April 12 April 26 April May 2 May 8 May 17 May 25 Class teacher, subject teachers, class students Class teacher, class students Class teacher, teacher organizer, class activist Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students Class teacher, teacher organizer Class teacher, teacher organizer, class asset Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students Class teacher, class student Class teacher, teacher organizer, class asset Class teacher, teacher organizer, class asset Class teacher, class student Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students Class teacher, school psychologist, class students Class teacher, teacher organizer, class activist Class teacher, class students Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students Class teacher, physical education teacher, class students Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students Class teacher, class students Class teacher, physical education teacher, students of the class Class teacher, physical education teacher, students of the class Class teacher, physical education teacher, class activist. Class teacher, subject teachers, class students Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students November 11.17 - World No Smoking Day1. Class hours dedicated to Non-Smoking Day 2. Recreation evening “We are for a healthy lifestyle” November 17 November 19 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 12. Action “Don’t die from ignorance!” for AIDS Day. Goal: developing healthy lifestyle skills, moral behavior, mercy. December 1 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 13. Action “They need help.” Providing assistance to lonely people and veterans. Goal: to instill mercy, goodwill towards people December 10 Class teacher, students of class 14. Class hours on the prevention of road injuries “Road and pedestrian.” Goal: developing skills correct behavior on the road. December 20 Class teacher, students of class 15. Workshop of Santa Claus (preparation for the New Year celebration). New Year's masquerade. Goal: development of creative abilities, culture of behavior, aesthetic taste. December 20-24 December 27 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 16. Preparation and participation in the festival of school KVN teams. Goal: developing the need to expand horizons January 3-6 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 17. Mini-football competitions between school students. Goal: instilling healthy lifestyle skills. January 15 Class teacher, physical education teacher, students in class 18. “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!” Meeting with graduates. Goal: development of creative abilities, moral guidelines, culture of behavior February 6 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 19. Competition of a staged military-patriotic song. Goal: development of creative abilities, moral guidelines, culture of behavior February 18 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 20. “Gentlemen of Fortune” competition. Goal: development of creative abilities, culture of behavior, aesthetic taste. February 23 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 21. Competition “Come on, girls!” Goal: development of creative abilities, culture of behavior, aesthetic taste. March 7 Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students 22 Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus. Meeting with law enforcement officials. Goal: to educate a person with a civic position. March 15, Class teacher, 23 “Take care of your home” campaign (greening the school grounds). Goal: to instill environmental education skills. April 2 Class teacher, class students 24 Earth Defense Day. Environmental rally “Who will save the Earth.” Goal: to instill environmental education skills. April 4 Class teacher, class students 25 World Health Day. Cross Goal: instilling healthy lifestyle skills. April 16 Class teacher, physical education teacher, class students 26 Remembrance Day. Class hour dedicated to the 22nd anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy. Goal: to instill mercy, goodwill towards people. April 26 Class teacher, teacher organizer 27 Class hour dedicated to LABOR HOLIDAY - MAY 1 Labor Day. (Labor affairs for the improvement of areas assigned to the school) Goal: developing respect for work. April 29 Class teacher, class students MAY 289 - VICTORY DAY. 1) Exhibition of posters dedicated to Victory Day 2) Class hour “Tears of War” 3) Meeting dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Great Victory (laying wreaths at monuments) 4) Congratulations to war veterans Concert dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory Purpose: instilling respect for history and traditions. May 2-7 Class teacher, teacher organizer, students of class 29 Intellectual tournament at best knowledge history of the Republic of Belarus Goal: development of cognitive interest of students, the significance of the level of knowledge. May 18 Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students 30 LAST BELL HOLIDAY May 31 Class teacher, teacher organizer, class students



Dates Activities Responsible October Individual conversations with children raised in this category of families Social teacher Class teacher October Individual conversations with minors living in this category of families Social teacher Class teacher October-November Visiting families to study living conditions and drawing up survey reports Social teacher Deputy. Director of VR Class teacher Throughout the year Identification of families with unfavorable living conditions for minors Social teacher Class teacher Throughout the year Monitoring the attendance of minors in educational classes Class teacher Social teacher Throughout the year Attending lessons to monitor minors in a socially dangerous situation Class teacher Social teacher Throughout the year Involving minors in work of school clubs, sports sections Social teacher Teacher-organizer Class teacherFebruaryRepeated visits to families at home Drawing up examination reports Social teacher Class teachersFebruaryConversation “Attention deficit. Six strategies for correcting attention deficit" Social teacher Class teachers Throughout the year (if necessary) Preventive conversations with a juvenile affairs inspector Juvenile affairs inspector April Conversation "Human shortcomings and their impact on his fate" for parents Social teacher Class teachers May Analysis of the academic performance of minors living in this category of families Deputy . Directors for VR Social teacher Class teachers May-June Home visits Drawing up examination reports Social teacher Class teachers May-June Conversation “Parental attention to the child” Social teacher Class teachers Social teacher V.V. Simonchik

Class teacher S.N. Shoba



class teacher of 10th grade Shoba S.N., social teacher for the prevention of antisocial behavior in students

for the 2012/2013 academic year

Objective: prevention of crime and deviant behavior of students, negative family education

p/p EVENTS TERMS AND PERFORMERS 1. Correction of the data bank: - children registered - single-parent families, - families in SOPDO 09.20.13 Social teacher class. manager2. Raids to check the living conditions of disadvantaged families and registered teenagers, conversations with parents and children. Last Friday of each month Social class teacher. manager, 3. Preventive conversations with students: “What a person’s actions depend on” “Law and responsibility” “Teenager and the law” “Is it possible to be free without responsibility” September December March Social teacher 4. Parent meeting “Our leisure time is both pleasant and useful” October social teacher, class. manager5. Psychological and pedagogical seminar “The problem of raising a child in a single-parent family” January deputy. Director of VR, social teacher, educational psychologist, class. manager6. Visiting families experiencing difficulties in education. February Social teacher, educational psychologist, class. manager7. Work on organizing summer holidays for children in preferential categories, teenagers at risk, children from disadvantaged families. April, May Deputy Director for VR, social teacher, class. supervisor Class teacher S.N. Shoba

Social teacher V.V. Simonchik

Teacher psychologist A. M. Sheshko



Goal: integration of the efforts of parents and teachers to create successful educational activities for students.

expand the knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems that arise with children;

develop a joint program of action to stimulate students’ cognitive activity;

identify problems of interaction between parents and children to overcome learning difficulties

Form: round table

In preparation for the round table, we will ask the children and parents to answer the following questions:

· Is it easy to be a student?

· For the training to be successful...

· What ensures the success of the lesson?

· Why do we want our child to study well?

· What helps improve academic performance at home?


In childhood, most people think that studying requires a lot of effort. Some students grasp everything on the fly, others do not. Some people have a highly developed ability to listen, and they can perceive information quite well by ear. Others have developed visual perception- the material is better absorbed when reading. In this situation, someone may have difficulty studying. It turns out that more than two thirds of underachievers are potentially capable, but these abilities have not been developed for various reasons. Probably one of these reasons was the inability (and sometimes unwillingness) to provide timely support to your child in educational activities. Hence, academic performance sometimes does not correspond to the level of the student’s own capabilities.

Training is very difficult. Children begin to worry about grades. Some people miss classes, explaining that no matter how hard they try, they cannot learn in full educational material, someone sits all evening, memorizing homework. For some guys, teaching has turned into a heavy duty, and its formal sign - evaluation - alas, is often not encouraging. In addition, according to the assessments, parents get some idea of ​​​​how their child studies, because the education of our children is what accompanies your, dear parents, life for a long time and in what you (in varying degrees Of course) be sure to participate. How much hope, how much happy waiting connected with studies in families!

Our task today is to jointly identify typical problems in children’s educational activities and work out practical techniques for helping them in these activities.

But first we want you to smile, "get into the problem , for this purpose we will now show you a comic skit with the help of our children.

(-When are you going to do your homework?

After the movie.

It's late after the movie!

It's never too late to learn!

Why don't you open your textbook at home?

Well, you yourself said that textbooks should be protected!)

Question to parents:

Why do we want our child to study well? (parents' answers to the question posed)

Standard answers - to be no worse than others, to go to college, make a career, etc. But this is for us. Let's listen to the children: is it easy for them to be students and what does it mean to study well? (speech by 3-4 students).

Question for teachers:

What, in your opinion, ensures the success of a lesson? Guest teachers provide the necessary information about what students need to do to ensure that the lesson is not in vain.

Based on the above, it follows:

In order to improve your performance, you need to study responsibly!

Never justify your poor performance by reasons beyond your control: the assignments on the test were too difficult, the teacher was picky, etc.

Let's ask today those who are conscientious about their studies, what is the secret of their success? (2 students share their experience)

Let's develop a program to stimulate students' cognitive activity. Take tips to help improve your academic performance.

Take your homework seriously.

Make a plan for studying subjects.

Remember to take short breaks between subjects, especially if the task is large.

Start your homework with a difficult subject.

Tips for parents:

Never call your child stupid, etc.

Praise your child for any success, no matter how small.

Every day, look through your notebooks and diary without any complaints, calmly ask for an explanation of this or that fact, and then ask how you can help.

Love your child and instill confidence in him every day.

Don't scold, but teach!

And now, dear participants, we will work in groups and try together to “get to the bottom of to the reasons for the lack of interest of our children in educational activities

Exchange of views on the question “Why are our children losing interest in learning?

Summing up the meeting.

Today we are convinced that the reasons for the "unsuccessful There are a lot of educational activities for children. You can find out these reasons and get rid of them only with the support of teachers and you parents. Every child is unique. In conclusion, I would like you guys not to waste time and try your best to study well. Then your efforts will be crowned with success in your studies, which, in turn, will bring every student and his parents a lot of joy and great satisfaction. I have prepared booklets for you “Psychotherapy of Academic Failure” and I am pleased to offer them to you, concluding today’s conversation (I am distributing recommendations to parents).

Advice for parents "psychotherapy for academic failure" (based on materials from O.V. Polyanskaya, T.I. Belyashkina)

Rule one: don't hit someone who's down. "Deuce" - sufficient punishment, and you should not punish twice for the same mistakes. The child has already received an assessment of his knowledge, and at home he expects calm help from his parents, and not new reproaches.

Rule two: no more than one flaw per minute. To rid your child of a deficiency, notice no more than one per minute. Know your limits. Otherwise, your child will simply “pass out.” , will stop reacting to such speeches, will become insensitive to your assessments. Of course, this is very difficult, but if possible, choose from the many shortcomings of the child the one that is especially bearable for you now, which you want to eliminate first, and talk only about it. The rest will be overcome later or will simply turn out to be unimportant.

Rule three: you are chasing two birds with one stone... Consult with your child and start by eliminating those learning difficulties which are most significant to him. Here you are more likely to meet understanding and unanimity.

Rule four: praise the performer, criticize the performance. The assessment must have an exact address. The child usually believes that his entire personality is being evaluated. It is in your power to help him separate the assessment of his personality from the assessment of his work. Praise should be addressed to the individual. A positive assessment should refer to a person who has become a little more knowledgeable and skillful. If, thanks to your praise, the child begins to respect himself for these qualities, then you will lay another important foundation for the desire to learn.

Rule five: the assessment should compare the child’s today’s successes with his own yesterday’s failures. There is no need to compare your child with the successes of your neighbor. After all, even the smallest success of a child is a real victory over oneself, and it should be noticed and appreciated.

Rule six: do not skimp on praise. There is no loser for whom there is nothing to praise. Select a tiny island, a straw, from the stream of failures, and the child will have a springboard from which to attack ignorance and inability. After all, parents: “I didn’t do it, I didn’t try, I didn’t teach generates Echo: “I don’t want, I can’t, I won’t!

Rule seven: assessment security technique. Child labor must be assessed in a very granular and differentiated manner. A global assessment is not suitable here, in which the fruits of very different efforts of the child are combined - the correctness of calculations, the ability to solve problems of a certain type, and literacy in writing, and appearance work. With a differentiated assessment, the child has no illusions complete success, nor the feeling of complete failure. The most practical motivation for teaching arises: “I don’t know yet, but I can and I want to know.

Rule eight: set extremely specific goals for your child. Then he will try to reach them. Do not tempt your child with unfulfilled goals, do not push him onto the path of deliberate lies. If he made nine mistakes in the dictation, do not make him promise to try to write without mistakes next time. Agree that there will be no more than seven, and rejoice with your child if this is achieved.



No. Forms of educational work and their goals Time of implementation Responsible, Performers 1. 2. Selection of class parent committee Participation in joint school-wide events. “Health Day” September Administration, class teachers Class teachers1. 2. 3. Participation in the school-wide parent meeting “Problems of relationships between parents and children.” Participation in the elections of the school-wide parent committee Meeting of the “Family Club” October Director Troyan S.V., Deputy Director for Educational Work Korzh G.P., class teachers Social Teacher V.V. Simonchik1. 2. 3. Thematic parent meetings “Misdemeanor, offense, crime.” Individual consultations. Meeting of the Parents CommitteeNovember Class teachers, teacher - psychologist Sheshko A.M., social teacher Plokhotskaya V.V.1. 2. 3.Parental comprehensive education “How to help a child prepare for the CT” Meetings of the parent committee. Participation in a joint school-wide event. “Mercy” campaign December School principal. Troyan S.V., Deputy Director for Educational Work Korzh G. class teachers, 1. 2. Lecture for parents. "Prevention bad habits among teenagers" Participation in joint activities during the Christmas holidays. Excursion to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. January SPPS Service, teacher organizer Sidorovich A. N.1. 2. Thematic parent meetings “Family traditions and a healthy lifestyle” Lecture for parents “Teach children kindness” February Class teachers, SPPS Service1. 2. 3.Parent conference “Developing law-abiding behavior skills in students. Carrying out parental responsibilities Parents' committee meetings. Joint school-wide events. Joint concert of parents and students for Women's Day. March Director Troyan S.V., administration, district inspector of the IDN, representatives of child rights protection bodies, SPPS service1. 2. Lecture for parents. “Leisure time in the family. Interaction between family and school in organizing students’ leisure time” Classroom parent meeting. “The role of parents in the process of choosing a profession and self-determination of adolescents” April Administration, class teachers1. 2. School-wide parent meetings: “Results of work for the year. Prospects for the school’s work in the new academic year.” Participation in a joint school-wide event. Excursion to the burned village of Kamenka. May Administration, class teachers

1.4. Educational methods for the practical work of the class teacher

The class teacher studies schoolchildren using various methods. The most important of them are the following: daily observation of the activities and behavior of students in the process of classes and extracurricular work, individual and group diagnostic conversations, studying the results of students’ activities, visiting them at home, a natural experiment, rating and the method of competent assessments. How to use them in the process of educating schoolchildren? Daily observation of student behavior and activities.

The essence of this method is to observe students in different conditions educational and extracurricular work, identify the peculiarities of their attitude to the performance of school duties, character traits, culture of behavior, etc. To make general conclusions on these issues, you need to have facts and examples that characterize stable, rather than random, phenomena. For example, when observing one or another of the students, the class teacher notices that during lessons he cannot restrain himself and behaves restlessly, during breaks he runs screaming along the corridor, pushes his friends, etc. It is logical to conclude that he is insufficiently disciplined. If teachers complain about a student that he cheats on his homework or does not complete it at all, it must be assumed that he requires constant attention and help in improving his homework. The class teacher should accumulate such observations and factual material not only on the students’ academic performance, but also on their moral manifestations, attitude towards socially useful activities, state of health and physical development, behavior in free time etc.

Individual group diagnostic conversations with students, teachers and parents. With their help, the class teacher has the opportunity to find out how a particular student feels about his studies, what he is interested in and occupied with outside school hours, and what difficulties he experiences in mastering knowledge. In intimate individual conversations, students talk about their successes and failures in their studies, the nature of their relationships with classmates, etc.

Study of student performance results. The school holds various competitions, exhibitions, and gives homework. The schoolchildren themselves show creativity and make various crafts. The class teacher often gives them various assignments. As a result, it turns out that some schoolchildren love to draw, others study mathematics with enthusiasm, others are engaged in collecting, others devote their leisure time to making various models, etc. Based on the results of these various activities, the class teacher can judge not only the hobbies, but also the inclinations and abilities of the students, make predictions about their development, establish contacts with teachers and parents on these issues, so that they take all this into account in their work.

Visiting students at home. This method allows you to accumulate ideas about how a particular student lives and works at home, how he follows a routine, what the atmosphere is in the family, how he fills his free time, who he is friends with, etc. Contacts with parents, their opinions, requests, complaints, etc. are very important here. All this provides material for further improvement of extracurricular activities.

Natural experiment. Its essence lies in the fact that children are involved in some activity, and the teacher observes their behavior not in artificially created conditions, but in the process of normal work and thus studies their characteristics. For example, the class is assigned to finish cleaning an area of ​​the school yard that they started earlier. But since there is not much work there, the class teacher invites those who wish to take part in it. And suddenly it turns out that some of the students, who are usually praised for their good studies and social activity, do not express a desire to take part in the work. Noticing this, the class teacher concludes that with these students it is necessary to intensify the work to instill in them hard work. Such “natural situations” when studying students can include a discussion at a meeting about the bad actions of individual students, when it is necessary to show integrity and exactingness towards a friend, etc. This is where the class teacher sees who has these qualities and who does not .

To study schoolchildren, class teachers also use the methods of rating and competent assessments. Their essence was discussed in the chapter in which the methods of pedagogical research were revealed. Here, it must be said that they allow one to accumulate material about the characteristics of students’ behavior, their characters, interests, creative abilities and inclinations.

Studying schoolchildren is a continuous process. The class teacher not only pays attention to the characteristics of the behavior, character and various activities of his pupils, but also to the changes that occur in their development. That is why, using the methods discussed above, the class teacher also determines the dynamics that characterize the level of education of schoolchildren and predicts further collective and individual work in the class. All this requires that it constantly records and accumulates data on student learning results and analyzes them in depth. A.S. Makarenko considered it necessary for the teacher to keep a diary of studying students, regularly recording the most important facts of their behavior, seeing the trends in their development and, on this basis, predicting and designing educational work.

The following classification of methods is most suitable for the practical work of a class teacher:


Methods of persuasion, with the help of which the views, ideas, and concepts of those being educated are formed, and information is quickly exchanged

(suggestion, narration, dialogue, evidence, appeals, persuasion);

Methods of exercises (taming), with the help of which the activities of the pupils are organized and their positive motives are stimulated (various types of tasks for individual and group activities in the form of assignments, demands, competitions, showing samples and examples, creating situations of success);

Methods of assessment and self-assessment, with the help of which actions are assessed, activities are stimulated, and help is provided to students in the self-regulation of their behavior (criticism, encouragement, remarks, punishment, situations of trust, control, self-control, self-criticism.

Effective activities, monitoring systems, contribute to the effectiveness of the class teacher. CHAPTER II. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE USE OF INFORMATION COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES IN ORGANIZING THE ACTIVITIES OF A CLASS TEACHER Computer - best friend In recent years, the world is changing so quickly, and teachers cannot keep up with the rapid development of society...

His mistakes. 2. Forms of work of the class teacher with the student’s parents According to his status, the class teacher at school is the main subject of educational work with the parents of students. He develops the basic strategy and tactics of interaction between school and family in developing the student’s personality; Being a specialist in the field of pedagogy and psychology, he helps parents in resolving...

His recommendations, parent survey sheets. Equip and decorate the meeting room. The preparatory work was built on this structure. The class teacher determined the purpose of the meeting in accordance with its topic. The topic of the meeting was “Difficulties in a child’s adaptation to learning in the 5th grade.” Purpose of the meeting: To draw the attention of parents to the seriousness of the problem of adaptation; ...

Pedagogical education and consulting - organizing parent universities, lectures, conferences, seminars, parent associations at schools. 1.3 Content, forms and methods of joint work between the class teacher and parents Forms of interaction between the class teacher and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. A suitable combination...

The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives the best result provided that it is carried out in a certain system. Class teacher activity system– this is a set of mutually interconnected components of pedagogical activity arising from the goals and objectives of education. It involves a thoughtful selection of educational material that is feasible for students and the skillful use of the most effective means methods and forms of interaction and influence.

T.I. Kulikova made an attempt to correlate the components of teaching activity with the content of the class teacher’s activity (Table 2). table 2

Components of the teaching activity of a class teacher Contents of the class teacher's activities
Gnostic component Promoting a generally favorable psychological climate in the class team; assisting students in developing communicative skills; organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team.
Design component Monitoring the progress of each student; monitoring student attendance at classes; determining the state and prospects for the development of the class team; stimulating and taking into account the diverse activities of students, including in the system of additional education for children.
Structural component Studying the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development; regulation of interpersonal relationships between students; conducting consultations and conversations with parents (other legal representatives) of students.
Communication component Ensuring communication between the educational institution and the family; establishing contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students, providing them with assistance in educating students (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, additional education teacher); interaction with each student and the team, the class as a whole; establishing interaction between teaching staff and students; interaction with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions.
Organizational component Organization of educational work with students through “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic and other events; maintaining documentation (class journal, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher).

Table 2. Correlation of the components of teaching activity with the content of the class teacher’s activity.

Variability in the activities of the class teacher. M.I. Rozhkov and L.V. Bayborodov represent the variability of classroom management in several aspects:

– organizationally – options for professional and job status;

– in psychological and pedagogical – choosing a position in relations with students (organizer, ordinary participant, observer, senior friend, curator, etc.).

The variability of classroom management is due to the following factors:

– operating conditions of the educational institution, features of the educational system;

– economic opportunities of the school and parents;

– age characteristics of children, their level of education, organization, learning ability, state of health and physical development of students;

– the preparedness of teachers to organize extracurricular educational work.

The following options for the job status of a class teacher in secondary schools are possible:

– class teacher (exempt class teacher);

- classroom teacher;

- a great curator.

E. Petrenko classifies successful class teachers as one of four types: class teacher-organizer, class teacher-psychologist, class teacher-social organizer and supportive class teacher.

Class teacher-organizer. The main interest of such a class teacher is the formation of a class team, the development of the class as an active, organized, cohesive group, where everyone feels useful and involved in the common cause.

The development of the class team as a subject, an active force of education, as is known, is possible only in the process of joint activity of schoolchildren. In this case, the class teacher strives to build extracurricular life in such a way that it is varied and meaningful for the children.

The main concern of the class teacher-organizer is creating conditions for interaction and unity of children: working with self-government bodies; creation of collective affairs and support of related traditions.

The class teacher-organizer relies, first of all, on knowledge of the interests and inclinations of the children, their passion for one or another type of activity. This can be educational, club, sports and recreational, gaming, patronage and other types of activities.

The choice of direction depends on the interests and needs of students, the personal characteristics of the class teacher, the capabilities and traditions of the school.

The class teacher-organizer teaches the children how to think and come up with a business together, how to give everyone the opportunity to speak out and be heard, how to distribute their energy and time, and how to act in order to achieve a result. All technologies of collective creative activity and methods of organizing microgroups (teams) work for this. The class teacher-organizer uses all possible collective forms work of a playful, competitive, creative nature. His priorities are things that can unite children, in which schoolchildren can express themselves and gain recognition from their peers (competition, performance, concert, hike, competition and much more).

Only a teacher who has leadership talent can become a class organizer; someone who knows how to assign work, give orders, sum up and evaluate results and can teach this to the guys. And most importantly, the organizer can be the teacher who is able to infect others with his active energy, who knows how to create, invent and teach this to children in various forms activities.

Class teacher-psychologist. The main concern of such a class teacher is the creation of a microclimate in the classroom: a system of friendly, friendly relations between classmates towards each other, both in activities and in communication. Without creating a trusting atmosphere of cooperation, it is impossible to satisfy the basic needs of adolescents. According to V.R. Yasnitskaya, these are the needs for security, belonging and recognition in the class.

From the student’s point of view, the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of these needs is reflected in “internal” issues:

– how do specific classmates and the class as a whole treat me?

– does the class form a certain community (“we”), and do I feel like an integral part of this community?

– how do I feel about my classmates and the class as a whole?

The quality of the class microclimate can be assessed by how protected each student feels in the class, how united the children are, how actively and in what ways each of them expresses himself and his attitude towards the class.

The development of a favorable class microclimate is ensured only if the class teacher places the main emphasis not on the organization of schoolchildren’s activities and its results, but on the children’s relationships during interaction, on their conflict-free communication and creating an atmosphere of general concern for specific classmates and other people.

The necessary pedagogical skills of a classroom psychologist are communication skills: the ability to understand others, perceive and adequately interpret the state of another person; the ability to establish psychological contact, the ability to work with children’s relationships. In order to successfully carry out his tasks, the class teacher-psychologist first of all tries to understand the nature of interpersonal and intergroup relations in the class, to see the psychological roles of the children, in particular those who claim leadership and the presence of outcasts in the class.

The main forms of organizing communication and joint activities of the class teacher-psychologist are forms close to psychological training, psychological and role-playing games, but also discussion forms.

Class teacher-social organizer. The purpose of the activity of the class teacher-social organizer is the development social activity and competence of schoolchildren. The teacher in this version strives to develop the class as a socially oriented group capable of making a contribution to improving the surrounding life, and tries to strengthen the civic competence of schoolchildren. The content of the activities of the class teacher-social organizer is:

– in creating conditions for schoolchildren to participate in socially useful activities that are interesting to them;

– in encouraging schoolchildren’s initiatives to carry out socially approved and personally significant activities;

– in involving schoolchildren in the design and management of social programs and actions.

One of effective technologies Forming the experience of active social activity, as is known, is social design - creative activity for the benefit of the local community, solving specific social problems of the school and neighborhood. By participating in social projects, the guys collect information about pressing problems of the city, town, village; conduct surveys of residents; meet and establish business contacts with people different ages related to the project being developed.

Based on information, using acquired contacts and acquaintances, schoolchildren develop their own solution to a particular social problem. As a result, a specific action plan is formed that needs to be implemented.

This type of activity helps schoolchildren to feel involved in any ongoing events, develops a desire to help people, awakens civic feelings, and forms an active social position. The result of the activities of the class teacher-social organizer is the formation of the class as a socially oriented group. The qualities of this class are manifested:

– the degree to which schoolchildren are involved in preparation and participation in socially useful activities;

– to the extent of their mastery of methods of organizing this activity;

– in changing the motivation of schoolchildren’s activities towards positive social experience;

– in the involvement of students in resolving those issues and problems that need to be solved in life around them.

Project type work is difficult. A teacher-social organizer needs good skills in building group work, creating an atmosphere of cooperation, knowledge from many subject and practical areas, and mastery of the technology of social design as a pedagogical tool.

Supportive class teacher. The main tasks of a supportive class teacher: ensuring the individual development and self-development of the child; supporting the student in solving life problems, protecting his personal dignity and rights. To follow this path, the class teacher must study and understand individual problems, features of the development and formation of each child. He strives to work not only with the traditional categories of “difficult” teenagers and gifted children, but also with other categories of children who, from the point of view of a supportive class teacher, require special attention, assistance and “accompaniment”.

The main goal of the class teacher of junior schoolchildren of the supporting type is to create a space for the manifestation of the creative individuality of students. At the same time, he emphasizes giving children the freedom to choose forms and ways of expressing their activity, the opportunity to find and occupy their own niche in the life of the class.

A supportive teacher teaches the student to see his own life situations (and himself in these situations), analyze them from the point of view of his desires, aspirations, capabilities, and encourages him to take responsibility for his actions. This does not mean that a supportive class teacher does not work with the class, with the team. But he perceives the class, the collective, first of all, as a developed space of opportunities for self-knowledge, self-recognition, self-determination, and self-realization of specific schoolchildren.

Main tasks and areas of activity of the class teacher. The work of the class teacher should be focused on the school code and the traditional rules of high universal and national culture. The five key tasks of a class teacher include the following tasks.

1. Creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the classroom based on the principles of humanistic relationships, the establishment of moral behavioral traditions, uniting the community of children into a team and value-oriented group activities.

2.Organization of various group and individual activities in the name of the diversified development of a young person entering an increasingly variegated spectrum of social relationships. At the same time, it is important that different types of activities (cognitive, transformative, artistic, communication) include each student in broad interaction with the world.

3.Organization of spiritual and moral activities of schoolchildren, based, on the one hand, on their understanding of life as such (social and personal, universal and cosmic), and on the other hand, on the understanding of their own “I”.

4.Organization of pedagogical support for schoolchildren in order to realize his potential creative abilities.

5. Formation of the student’s attitude towards his own “I” as a representative of humanity, a citizen of his Fatherland, a member of society, family, school community. Supporting his individuality different from the other “I”, but capable of living in community with others. In the system of work of the class teacher, there are several directions:

Information direction involves the collection of information by the class teacher about students. The class teacher studies schoolchildren using various methods. The most important of them are the following: daily observation of the activities and behavior of students during classes and extracurricular work, individual and group diagnostic conversations, studying the results of students’ activities, visiting them at home, natural experiment, rating, method of competent assessments.

Unifying direction– work aimed at the formation and manifestation of a unique individuality, the “face” of the class community. At the same time, the class teacher takes care of the position and place of the class in the school community, promoting inter-age communication. This work is energy-intensive, energy-intensive, and, according to leading teachers, the most difficult, requiring constant dedication and self-improvement.

Disciplining direction– education of students in the spirit of conscious discipline, teaching them to follow the rules of life in a team, in society, and a culture of behavior. From the very first days of classes, the class teacher needs to establish a clear routine for the functioning of the class.

Ideological and educational direction– introducing schoolchildren to the ideas and values ​​of modern society and the state. Orientation towards humanistic values ​​is a powerful incentive for students to realize self-worth, self-worth, and develop self-esteem. For student age, it is advisable to isolate the ideas of humanism, social justice, patriotism, citizenship, national identification and multiculturalism, peace and non-violence, a healthy lifestyle and human security. Efforts to ensure the safety of students must be directed, first of all, to changing human behavior in order to reduce the likelihood of potential dangers occurring.

Coordinating direction. The class teacher must coordinate and direct the educational work of teachers in his class. The responsibilities of each teacher include not only equipping students with knowledge, but also forming a worldview, developing cognitive interests and abilities. The task of the class teacher is to ensure close cooperation with the teachers of his class, to achieve unity of requirements and pedagogical influences. From time to time, the class teacher meets with the teachers of his class and discusses the implementation of uniform requirements, the quality of knowledge and the state of discipline. Active communication between teachers and the class teacher helps improve the state of educational work in the classroom.

Direction of communication with parents. The connection between the school and the family is carried out mainly and primarily through class teachers. The class teacher builds relationships with parents as equals with equals, as colleagues with colleagues, guided by the principle of equal interest. The main tone of the relationship with parents can be determined by two questions: “Let's consult?”; “What do you think?” The basics of the class teacher’s work with the family will be discussed in more detail below, paragraph 2.2.

Related information.

Municipal state educational institution "Novoyarkovskaya secondary comprehensive school» Kamensky district of Altai Territory


educational work of the class teacher of grades 10-11



Deputy Director

on educational work,

geography teacher

Tsygankova Yulia Gennadievna

S. Novoyarki


“Educates everything: people, things, phenomena,

but first of all and for the longest time – people.

Of these, parents and teachers come first.”

A. S. Makarenko

In recent years, in connection with the process of humanization of the education sector, more and more attention has been paid to the organization of educational work of schools, both in our country and abroad. A reflection of this trend can be considered the introduction of the position of a social teacher, specialist in correctional pedagogy, etc.

However, along with this, the institution of the class teacher as the main teacher of the class is preserved in the domestic school. Its further development, taking into account modern conditions, contributes to the real implementation of personality-oriented education . The role of the class teacher is to create conditions that would help teenagers find themselves and their place in the classroom and school communities, their niche in social life.

Modern concepts The activities of the class teacher focus him on the use of a well-thought-out educational system, on creating conditions in the classroom for the successful assimilation of basic culture and self-realization of each child.

According to the definition of L.N. Novikova, educational system is an integral social organism that arises in the process of interaction of the main components of education and has such integrative characteristics as the way of life of the team and its psychological climate.

Educational system is a way of organizing the life activities and education of members of the class community, which is a holistic and ordered set of interacting components and contributes to the development of the individual and the team.

IN basis for construction The educational system was based on universal human values, and modern ideas about the development of the personality of senior schoolchildren and their individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics were used.

Upbringing is a purposeful and consciously carried out process of organizing and stimulating the diverse activities of the developing personality to master social experience: knowledge, practical skills, methods of creative activity, social and spiritual relationships.

The last school years (grades 10 and 11) are the most important and memorable in a person’s life. Children's way of thinking and lifestyle changes, and there is a transition from adolescence to adolescence. How smooth and harmonious this transition will be, how prepared the student enters this period of life, depends on the class teacher, taking into account the degree of close communication with each child, and with the class staff in general. And this will only happen if the educational influence causes an internal positive reaction in the future graduate and encourages him to be active in working on himself.

Today in our society there is a process of rethinking ideas, theories, facts. And it is very important that high school students’ value orientations are aimed at goodness, compassion, mercy, patriotism, love, mutual assistance, honor, and conscience. In order for them to develop the ability to make an informed decision, which, by the time they leave school, should already be manifested in the graduate’s professional orientation and choosing a further path in order to obtain an education that meets the requirements of modern life.

The purpose of the educational system: mobilize and direct activities of the class teacher and representatives of the environment, on the development of the student’s personality, with sustainable moral behavior, capable of self-determination, self-organization, self-adaptation in society.

To achieve targets, the following are set: tasks:

    to orient high school students towards the future: to develop self-confidence and self-confidence, to mobilize internal reserves

    will teach high school students to understand the uniqueness and uniqueness of other people, to respect other people’s opinions, to accept not only their own point of view, but also other people’s

    help you learn to plan your own activities, objectively evaluate yourself and your capabilities, make real plans for the future, taking into account your skills and achievements

    develop the communicative culture of senior schoolchildren

    create the necessary conditions for the manifestation of creative individuality and self-realization of students

    improve the system of classroom self-government

    cultivate business qualities, morality and initiative

    intensify work on interaction with students’ families, subject teachers, school psychologist, social worker

    take under special control children and families in socially dangerous situations

    control the leisure activities of students

    ensure the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of key educational activities in the classroom

Management of the development of the educational system are carried out in the following priority areas (according to D. V. Grigoriev):

    Updating the educational potential of the educational process

    The transition from “educational activities” to a system of “key cases”

    Support for children's self-government

    Ensuring constructive interaction and cooperation between pedagogical student and parent communities

    Expansion of the environment mastered by subjects of the educational system

The name of the project “TOGETHER” reveals the meaning of the idea of ​​the educational system: interaction and cooperation of all representatives of society should be aimed at positive result in the education of older schoolchildren.


    About the educational system of the class

“Education is successful if it is systematic.”

F. P. Chernousova

School teachers understand that you cannot achieve much with a set of educational measures: you need an educational system that ensures the creation of the maximum favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality, the upbringing of a “person”.

The educational system is a rather complex social pedagogical phenomenon, consisting of a large number of elements.

The core of the component, and indeed the entire educational

the system as a whole are the students of the class.

The class teacher determines

level of development of the student body,

the formation of interpersonal relationships and joint activities in him, in order to then choose the most optimal forms and methods of building an educational system. Parents should not remain outside the functioning of the educational system. Teachers (subject teachers, psychologists, social workers, leaders of children’s associations) cannot be “strangers.”

This component is a collection of elements:

Classroom teacher;

Class students;

Child's family;

Teachers and other adults who participate in the educational process and the life of the classroom team.

There is no education without a goal. Cool

the manager always remembers this and pays attention

closer attention to goal setting.

Speaking about the specific goals of education, the teacher

focuses on the grounds for their determination.

The reasons may be related:

With the development of each individual, the disclosure of the potential that nature has endowed a person - with the formation of his individuality.

With the relationship between man and society.

Thus, all pedagogical goals can be divided into two interdependent groups: ideal and actual; the latter are specified in the tasks of individuality formation and personality development.

The elements of this component are not only the goals and objectives of education, but also the prospects for the life of the class society and the principles of constructing the educational system.

This component is based on joint

activities and communication of class members

team. When planning educational

work the class teacher uses

a certain set of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity. The teacher directs pedagogical means to study the classroom community and its members, model the future image of the class and life activities, and involve students and parents in the collective planning process.

The choice of content and methods of organizing activities and communication in the classroom is closely related to the functions of the educational system (educational, protective, compensating, integrating and correctional). The success of the implementation of functions depends on the expedient and effective activities of the class teacher. Leading roles of the class teacher:


Guide to the land of knowledge;

Moral mentor;

Bearer of culture;

Social teacher;

Senior comrade;

Facilitator – assisting the student in self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization.

The elements of this system are:

Emotionally – psychologically, spiritually –

moral and objective-material environment;

Connections and relationships of the class team with other communities of children and adults;

The place and role of the class in the educational space of an educational institution.

Any educational system has an environment - its own living space, in which joint activities and communication of members of the class team take place, interpersonal and business relationships develop, and individual and group value orientations are formed.

The class teacher takes care of a cozy and comfortable environment in the classroom, of establishing and strengthening connections between the class and peers of other educational groups, and of forming inter-age relationships inside and outside the school.

Currently class teacher

masters the knowledge and skills of psychological -

pedagogical diagnostics. This is necessary to assess the effectiveness of educational work in the classroom. For this purpose, various criteria and methods, forms and methods of analysis, evaluation and interpretation of the results obtained are used.

To study the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system of the sociocultural complex, it is advisable to use the following set

criteria, indicators and study methods:

Criteria for the effectiveness of the educational system


Study methods

1. Formation of the individuality of a school student

Self-actualization of a school student’s personality

Student portfolio, analysis method personal achievements children

Moral orientation

Test by N. E. Shchurkova “Thinking about life experience”, pedagogical observation

Creativity of the student's personality

Short test creative thinking P. Torrens (figured form), method of expert assessment of the products of students’ creative activity

Self-efficacy of students' personality

Self-efficacy test (R. Schwarzer)

2. Satisfaction of students, teachers and parents with life activities at school and the results of the educational process

Comfort, security of the student’s personality, his attitude towards the main aspects of life at school

Methodology of A. A. Andreev “Studying student satisfaction with school life”

Teachers’ satisfaction with the content, organization and conditions of work, relationships in the school community

Methodology of E. N. Stepanov “Studying teachers’ satisfaction with life activities in an educational institution”

Parents' satisfaction with the results of the child's education and upbringing, his position in the school community.

Questionnaire for parents (V. A. Andreeva)

    Activities of the class teacher in organizing educational work with high school students

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” education is considered as a purposeful activity carried out in the education system, aimed at creating conditions for the development of the spirituality of the younger generation on the basis of universal and domestic values, personal self-development, and providing assistance in life self-determination, moral, civil and professional development.

The Law “On Education” established the principle of humanistic cooperation and openness of the school with a democratic management system. The child with his age-related needs and cognitive interests is placed at the center of the entire educational system; The responsibility of teachers and parents for the upbringing of children and young people has increased.

In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the school, the educational program of the educational institution, based on the age characteristics of the students. Also, the Regulations on the class teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Novoyarkovsk Secondary School Kam. district" regulates the activities of the class teacher of this educational institution. The activities and content of the work of the class teacher in modern conditions are also determined by the "Programs for the development of education in the educational system of Russia for 1999-2001" developed by the Ministry of Education of Russia. and 2002-2004." The programs are based on the principles of Russian state policy in the field of education. They are aimed at justifying the content and structure of education based on domestic traditions and modern experience.

This project of the educational system is designed for students in grades 10–11, i.e., schoolchildren of older adolescence and youth. Older teenagers clearly define their inclinations and abilities, critically evaluate their successes and failures, and patiently try to overcome difficulties in mastering academic subjects. In older teenagers well-developed goal setting and motivation for learning activities, independence of thinking and judgment. The desire to figure things out for yourself contributes to the formation of moral views and judgments.

A peculiarity of older teenagers is that they want recognition from adults of their right to adulthood. At the same time, they want to be different from everyone else, there is a desire to stand out, to be original not only externally, but also internally, to attract attention.

Older teenagers are interested in communicating with peers, but at the same time, the desire to communicate with adults, teachers, and educators is growing. They have a desire to test their judgments and their thoughts in communication with a significant adult.

Unfortunately, the number of significant adults does not always include parents of high school students.

Growing up in older adolescents is characterized by changes in self-esteem and self-awareness. Teenagers are becoming more demanding! to themselves and the people around them. At this age, old friendships and affection often crack, as the values ​​and ideals of the future change and become consolidated. adult life. Friendship is based on the principles of similarity and equality.

Self-esteem of older adolescents becomes more adequate and fair. High school students tend to define their shortcomings more clearly than their strengths. They give other people the right to determine their worth. They consider their positive traits to be loyalty, the ability to make friends, responsibility, and the ability to be fair in assessing themselves and others.

The intellectual sphere of older teenagers is a different matter. Self-esteem remains high in this area. Students overestimate their intellectual capabilities and do not want to admit problems in the development of the intellectual sphere. The organization of extracurricular work with high school students should take into account these features and create conditions for the high-quality development of adolescents’ intelligence.Organizers of educational work with high school students should pay great attention to the formation of their inner world, moral qualities, and citizenship. Teenagers are interested in their own character, the possibilities of its formation, issues of overcoming bad and acquiring good habits.

For older teenagers, the following contradictions are typical at this age:

    desire for self-education and strengthening of will and character without adult help, advice and guidance;

    receptivity to the evaluation of one’s actions and actions by peers and the team and the desire to show indifference to this evaluation, the desire to act and act in one’s own way.

    the desire for ideals, the desire to prove oneself positively in big things and unscrupulousness in small things.

    manifestation of perseverance, self-control in large situations and exaggeration of sorrowful manifestations in minor situations. High school students are prone to experiments and research not only in academic disciplines, but also in society. The tendency to experiment and research in educational activities can only be encouraged and supported. But there is another side to research and experimentation. Sometimes a tendency to take risks and take adventurous actions can lead them to acquire dangerous habits, for which they have to pay with their own lives.

High school students have a need for emotional contact, especially if the teenager feels lonely and unprotected in his family or among his peers. They need love, understanding, show a strong interest in the opposite sex, but do not always realize their own responsibility, showing a feeling of love.

High school students are much more interested in learning than teenagers. This is due to the formation of the motivational structure of learning. At this age, the motives of self-determination and preparation for independent life become dominant.

In the motivational structure, social motives come first. They are manifested in the desire of adolescents to become full-fledged members of society, in the desire to benefit other people, society, and the state. In second place are cognitive motives for learning, interest in the content and process of learning. The selectivity of cognitive motives of high school students is often associated with life plans and professional intentions, which influence changes in attitude towards educational activities. It should be noted that, unlike younger teenagers, older school age learning motivation becomes arbitrary, students consciously set themselves educational goals, guided by their own intentions.

In the discussions of older schoolchildren, which are typical for them in academic and extracurricular activities, new ideas, original opinions and solutions to not only educational, but also social and world problems arise. In educational work with high school students, you need to remember that they are very interested in moral and ethical topics. High school students are characterized by the search for truth in discussion and argument. For a high school student, it is important to find the truth in communication, in conversation. A high school student needs accurate and clear answers from adults to the questions posed. If a student does not receive such answers, this causes him to distrust the adult’s competence and leads to the latter’s loss of authority in the eyes of the students.

Extracurricular work with high school students should model the life situations that await them in the future, and should develop the ability to say “no” if a certain life situation requires it.

When working with high school students, it is necessary to combine feeling and will, thus giving a new incentive to the development and improvement of the intellectual and moral qualities of the personality of older adolescents.

When solving the problems of educating students in grades 10-11, it is necessary:

    fostering the cult of health, work, knowledge, family;

    education of moral citizenship;

    overcoming moral maximalism;

    creating conditions for social and moral self-determination;

    creating conditions for future professional self-determination.

    development of planetary thinking.

Personality qualities that need development at this age:

    Cognitive potential:

Striving for creative achievements;

The need for self-expression;

Critical thinking;

Choice in decision making;

Ability to make adequate assessments;

The value of intellectual achievements;

The ability of self-control;

The need for self-determination.

    Moral potential:

Search for the inner “I”;

Responsibility for one's own actions;

Formation of the system social roles;

Ability for self-analysis;





Loyalty to the traditions of your country, your people;

Reliability, loyalty, devotion to ideals;

Ability to cooperate, democratic;

The desire to improve oneself.

    Physical Potential:

Acceptance of your external “I”;

Reasonableness in physical improvement;

The will to improve physically;

Rationality in nutrition;

The ability to understand the meaning of harmony in physical improvement;

Culture of Health;

Understanding the meaning and use of physical force;

Ethics of behavior and physical health.

The primary task of the class teacher is to take into account the age characteristics of students and purposefully follow their development in the organization of educational work.

The class teacher must develop a sense of social responsibility for raising children, relying on the implementation following principles:

    principle of humanistic orientation education - involves treating students as responsible subjects of their own development, an interaction strategy based on subjective relationships;

    principle of conformity with nature- is based on a scientific understanding of the relationship between natural and sociocultural processes of education in accordance with the age of students, on the formation of responsibility for one’s own development, for environmental consequences your actions and behavior;

    principle of cultural conformity- the basis of education on universal human values, values ​​and norms of national culture and religious traditions that do not contradict universal human ones;

    principle of effectiveness of social interaction- involves education in groups of various types, expanding the scope of communication, developing skills of social adaptation and self-realization;

    the principle of orientation of education towards the development of social and cultural competence suggests that the upbringing strategy should be aimed at helping the child master sociocultural experience and free self-determination in the social environment

Main activity class teacher in the educational process - creating conditions for revealing the potential talents of each student senior level education, for their maximum development, to preserve the uniqueness of each child’s personality, for normal mental, spiritual and physical improvement.

Since the classroom is a component of education, and the class teacher is a key figure in the educational process, intraclass activities come to the fore of all extracurricular activities. It is also extremely important because it is the most direct and fastest way to reach the child’s personality.

The class teacher is the direct and main organizer of educational work in the school, an official appointed by the school director to carry out educational work in the classroom.

Without the active work of class teachers at school, it is difficult and even impossible to create psychological comfort and a creative atmosphere, conditions in which teenagers can truly reveal themselves and realize themselves creatively.

The main structural element of the school is the classroom. It is here that cognitive activity is carried out, the student’s personality develops, and social relationships between students are formed. In the classroom, concern for the social well-being of students is shown, problems of children's leisure time and team cohesion are solved, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed. The organizer of student activities in the classroom and the coordinator of educational influences on the student is the class teacher. It is he who directly interacts with both students and parents. In the practice of our school, the concept of classroom management has developed: the traditional classroom teacher.

Variability of classroom management due to the following factors:

    working conditions of the school, features of the educational system;

    economic opportunities of the school, parents;

    age characteristics of children, their level of education, organization, learning ability, state of health and physical development of students;

    the preparedness of teachers to organize extracurricular educational work.

The main functions of the class teacher:

    Conceptual. (Conceptualization: theoretical analysis and selection of an appropriate educational theory or reliance on a set of educational principles.)

    Target. (Goal setting: selection, systematization of goals and objectives of education).

    Diagnostic. (diagnostic methods: observation, conversations, interviews, questionnaires, testing, sociometry).

    Planning. (Planning: selection and structuring of forms, methods of education, designing student activities, conducting specific events).

    Organizational. (Organizational: organization of class self-government bodies, collective activities of students).

    Stimulating. (Stimulation: activating students' activities and positive behavior, their interests and creativity).

    Communicative. (Communicative: conversations, discussions, discussions, focus on communicative interaction.)

    Control – evaluative. ( Control and evaluation: analysis, recording and evaluation of the results of education, stimulation of self-control and self-esteem).

    Correction. ( Correctional: correction of interaction and behavior of students, methods of conflict resolution.)

    Prognostic. ( Forecasting: modeling possible situations education, forecasting the possible course of the educational process).

Tasks class teacher:

    Studying the student’s personality, his inclinations,

interests, areas of talent, character traits

in order to assist him in self-development,

self-determination and self-realization;

    Carrying out direct observation of the individual development of each student and the necessary pedagogical adjustments in the system of his education;

    Creation optimal conditions for the formation of each personality, promoting the free and full disclosure of all its abilities;

    Creation of a classroom team as a nurturing environment that ensures the socialization of each child;

    Organization of all types of individual, group and collective activities that involve students in social and value relations;

    Ensuring compliance with the rules and freedoms of students, protecting their lives, health and safety during the educational process;

    Coordination of the efforts of all adults and teachers influencing the development of students’ personalities;

    Involving students in the system of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, in the system of additional education at school and outside it.

The following areas can be distinguished in the system of work of the class teacher:

    Study of students and class staff: obtaining demographic, medical, psychological and pedagogical data (family, social and financial status, health status, level of development, education and training, individual characteristics, etc.)

    Setting educational goals (“prospects”) common to the class or individual groups, students of the class.

    Planning educational work - drawing up a plan for working with students, teachers, parents, containing a list of tasks and cases for solving them.

    Organizing, conducting and adjusting various types of activities in accordance with the assigned tasks and the planned plan: conducting classroom hours, collective creative activities, excursions, hikes, evenings, parent meetings, etc.

    Organization of work with parents of students: systematic information about the progress and behavior of students, visiting students at home, carrying out pedagogical education of parents, involving parents in educational work with students.

    Analysis and assessment of the results of education: observation, questionnaires and other methods that allow you to judge the results and set new tasks.

The class teacher should pay great attention to documents that illustrate the organization of the educational process in the classroom. All materials can be divided into several groups:

The first group of documents “Activities of the class teacher”

    Cyclograms of the class teacher’s work for a year, month, week

    Schedules for attending extracurricular activities and classroom hours of gold reserves

    Schedule of class hours, social hours, key activities

    Schedule of work groups, sections, clubs, etc.

    Memos from seminars and training for class teachers

    Results of participation of class students in school, district, regional events

The second group of documents " Methodical work»

    Regulations on the class teacher and the mechanisms regulating his activities

    Personal card of the class teacher, regulating his activities over the course of the year

    Methodical bulletins

    Materials for summarizing the experience of a class teacher working with a class team

    Materials illustrating the effectiveness of the class teacher’s work

The third group of documents “Class teacher and his activities”

    Regulations on the “Class Teacher of the Year” competitions and participation materials

    Materials illustrating the activities of a class teacher who uses various technologies in education

    Reports from the class teacher on all areas of organizing the educational process

The fourth group of documents is the “Class Teacher’s Folder” or it is also called the “Class Teacher’s Diary”, which reflects all the information about the children of the class, their parents, work in all areas, the health status of students, assignments, etc.

The fifth group of documents “Cooperation with subject teachers”

    Lesson attendance sheet

    Materials of diagnostic studies, etc.

Sixth group of documents “Collaboration with a psychologist and social educator”

    problem students and their families

    materials from consultations and interviews with problem families and their children

    minutes of meetings of the prevention council

    materials for correctional work with problem students, involving them in extracurricular activities At school

    individual correction programs for individual students

    materials for visiting students at home

    scenarios for activities between a social teacher and students

    work schedule of a social teacher and psychologist

    consultation schedule for students and parents

    materials of seminars for class teachers

    diagnostics of studies of school students’ attitudes towards smoking, alcohol, drugs

    action plan to overcome bad habits among students;

Seventh group of documents “Regulatory documents”

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

    Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms

    Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Provisions from the school charter

    Provisions from the Educational Institution Program

    Regulations on the class teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Novoyarkovsk Secondary School Kam. district"

    Functional responsibilities of the class teacher, etc.

Eighth group of documents “Career guidance for high school students”


    Student portfolio

    Professional advice sheets

    Reminders “How to choose the right profession?”

    Booklets and reference books of educational institutions, etc.

    The role of the class teacher in the development of social qualities of the personality of senior schoolchildren

Time is changing. The requirements for schools, students, and teachers are becoming different. However, the importance of the role of the class teacher does not decrease. Individual work with children, affecting the fundamentals of the physical and psychological development of each child, is becoming an increasingly priority. There is a shift in emphasis in the work of the class as a whole.

Older schoolchildren who are on the verge of independent life are in greater need of the help of a class teacher who will help them navigate the macro-society.

The core of this educational system is the senior student, who is able to adapt to the social environment. The class teacher is only a guide and educator. It identifies key points in the education process that need to be given special attention. In this case it is:

    Emotional support for groups within the class,

    Creating a positive psychological climate in the team,

    Development of children's self-government,

    Creating conditions that allow each child to reveal himself to others,

    Inclusion of students in the system of real social relations,

    Individual work with children, especially with “difficult” ones

    Career guidance for future graduates

    1. Development of student self-government in a team of high school students

Student government– a generic concept in relation to other forms of organization of students’ life activities. All these types can be classified according to who the subject is. Student self-government can be defined as a democratic form of organizing the life of the student body, ensuring the development of student independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals.

Self-government develops only when students find themselves in a situation of choice and themselves determine ways to solve problems.

The role of the class teacher in the system of student self-government is determined by the search for humanistic, democratic relations in various types and forms of joint activities with students.

The process of development of student self-government, especially in a youth team, involves a consistent change of states that ensure the transfer of the class from a managed system to a self-managed system.

Organizing classroom activities requires constant student activity and the fulfillment of various assignments. The children determine the range of assignments in the class themselves. The orders may be:

Officers on duty by class, floor;

Medical class service;

Class Media Service;

Housekeeping service;

Cultural sector;

Sports Service;

Leader's club and others.

The responsibilities of each group are clearly defined within the team.

The most important thing is that the class teacher sees both the big and small success of each student in the task assigned to him and skillfully encourages him.

The fundamental feature of student self-government is the satisfaction of the need for self-organization inherent in any community, especially children’s. Leaders inevitably and spontaneously emerge in it. At the same time, pedagogical stimulation of leadership is important.

An important form of work of the class teacher with children is class meeting, where children learn democracy, communication, cooperation, independence and responsibility. The class meeting is the highest body of self-government in the student body. Its main purpose is to discuss issues of the life of the team, problems that arise in organizing the activities of class students, and the role of the primary team in the life of the school. The main functions of a class meeting are stimulating and organizing. The result of his work is specific decisions aimed at positive changes in the team.

The class meeting distributes assignments, elects a headman and representatives to the student body, listens to students’ reports on the fulfillment of assignments. Here you can also work with the class asset. At meetings of the class activists, issues of discipline and academic performance are discussed, draft plans for educational and extracurricular activities are discussed, teaching training methods and holding parent meetings, theme evenings, Olympiads, etc.

Weekly systematic work is carried out within classroom structures and planning meetings to monitor student attendance and progress.

Student self-government among high school students is more reminiscent of a role-playing game, where everyone has their own important role, their own rights and responsibilities. This allows students to model the system real relationships society, develop leadership qualities, reveal creative potential, professionally navigate, look for ways and options for solving various life situations.

The structure of classroom self-government in this educational system is the Commonwealth of Creative, Energetic Youth (CTEM). The highest governing body is the Class Meeting, where decisions are discussed and made. The headman manages the activities and represents the interests of the Commonwealth in the children's and adolescent organization. He coordinates the work of the educational sector, the sports sector, the private sector, the cultural sector, and the media sector. Each sector carries out its activities in accordance with the plan drawn up at the beginning of the year and the functional responsibilities developed and approved at the Meeting.

Structure of self-government bodies:

    1. Work of the class teacher with “difficult” children

There are no bad, incorrigible children,

there are difficult fates, illiterate upbringing

and irresponsibility, frivolity, and sometimes

parents' cruelty towards

to your child.

M.I. Golikova, O.A. Kirsanova

“Difficult” children are not only those who live in a family in a socially dangerous situation, but also children living in prosperous families who have inappropriate, deviant behavior. The reasons for this can be very diverse. But the class teacher accepts them as they are, trying to help and understand.

The problem of re-education of “difficult” schoolchildren is becoming more urgent every day. For the correct organization of re-education, it is necessary to take into account the environmental factor, as well as the factors of education, self-education and re-education in interaction. To achieve impact, one must understand the purpose of each factor. The purpose of education is comprehensive development personalities; The purpose of re-education is to correct deviations from the norm; The goal of self-education is to instill the desire today to become better than yesterday, and tomorrow, better than today. A.S. spoke beautifully about the result. Makarenko: “You can win a war in a few months, but you cannot win a cultural victory in such a period, but the very essence of the matter here needs a longer period, and you need to adapt to this period, calculating your work, showing the greatest tenacity, perseverance and systematicity.”

To help a “difficult” child, it is necessary to mobilize the forces of the entire society, teachers, and administration.

Identify all problem children, starting from the first grade, and keep a notebook for them in the form:

Date of birth

Date of registration

Reasons for registration

What account is it on?

Employment in clubs, electives

Academic performance

Unexcused absences

Full name born and address

Filled out in quarters;

Through systematic observations of children,

study the results of their activities, establish

the nature of their pedagogical neglect;

Through observation, sociometric measurements and questionnaires, establish) the position of the student in the class team; the nature of the relationship with him, outline ways and means of improvement;

Study the interests and inclinations, abilities of the student, his possible inclusion in extracurricular club and socially useful activities;

Determine whether the “difficult” person is included in other groups, companies and associations, the orientation of these groups, the nature of their influence on the student;

Study the position of the child in the family: the type of family and difficult-to-educate child, the nature of the relationship, the influence of the family, ways to optimize this path;

Studying the valeological health of children and adolescents using a diagram map/

Keep a systematic record of gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of problem children;

Organize assistance in educational activities necessary for the student;

Establish and maintain friendly, systematic relationships and contacts with parents of problem children. Provide them with assistance in raising children;

Keep systematic records of particularly difficult and disadvantaged families, students in the class, the work carried out with them and its results;

Setting a system of social values ​​and moral ideals determines the direction and meaningful prospects for the personal development of “problematic” people.

- police officers give lectures and help the school identify outbreaks negative influence on students and neutralize this influence;

The Deputy Director for Educational Work provides

1/ providing methodological assistance to class teachers in the issue of educating “difficult” students;

2/ organization school-wide events on the prevention and prevention of crime and bad habits; 3/cooperates with guardianship and trusteeship authorities to support children from disadvantaged families;

4/maintains systematic contacts with the district police officer;

5/ analyzes the work of the teaching staff in the education and re-education of “problem” schoolchildren.

Assisting class teachers in providing materials/questionnaires, charts, tables, etc./ to organize children on specific problems;

Diagnose the causes of difficulties and suggest possible methods and ways to organize the life activities of adolescents at the request of the class teacher or the child’s parent;

Development and implementation of psychocorrectional work with difficult-to-educate children;

Consulting all participants in the educational process;

Development of instructions and schemes for individual work with problem children;

Improving the psychological culture of teachers and parents in working with problems.

Control over the activities of participants in the educational process;

Coordination of activities of class teachers;

Carries out public relations and directs work with parents.

Involve problem children to participate in cultural and sports activities, celebrate their successes and achievements in it;

    develop reading interests and tastes, organize visits to libraries;

    organize unobtrusive control over your free time;

    carry out work on legal education in grades 10-11 - lessons in geography, literature, history, homeroom hours/;

Provide assistance in organizing summer holidays.

    1. Career guidance for future graduates

A person needs social protection not only during school, but also after graduation. Although the market creates conditions for freedom to choose a life and professional path, it simultaneously leads to a lack of demand for part of the labor force, or, more simply, to unemployment. In this situation, the school’s concern for the informed choice of profession by its graduates, the formation in them of qualities that will allow them to be in demand, become extremely urgent tasks, by solving which the school will realize its humanistic function and will help young people achieve social and professional self-determination. This is only possible if there is a system of career guidance work, which is understood as the interaction of the individual and society, aimed at meeting the needs of the individual for professional self-determination and the needs of society to ensure a socio-professional structure.

Professional guidance as a complex system, as an interdisciplinary phenomenon, has multifaceted aspects: social, economic, psychological-pedagogical, medical-physiological. If career guidance is a system, then it must have a structure consisting of interconnected subsystems. There are different approaches to this issue. Traditionally, the following components of career guidance work have been identified: professional education, professional activation, professional consultation, professional selection, professional activation, professional adaptation.

In the system of career guidance work at school, the class teacher is central figure, because he is the closest of all teachers to schoolchildren, communicates with them most confidentially, in addition, he is the coordinator of all educational influences in the class, it is the class teacher who can really help the student create an objective image of his own “I”.

During career guidance work, the class teacher solves the following tasks:

    assists schoolchildren in self-knowledge,

    carries out psychological preparation of students for work,

    participates in the organization of their socially useful and productive labor;

    organizes systematic familiarization with the content of mass professions, promotes those that are needed in the region;

    studies the student’s personality, his professional interests, intentions, capabilities, abilities;

    organizes a variety of activities in which schoolchildren can carry out a kind of “test of strength”, stimulates their participation in classes of clubs, various clubs, and electives;

    establishes and maintains contacts with organizations and institutions providing career guidance to students (UCC, enterprises, non-school institutions, etc.);

    works with parents of students, helps graduates in finding employment, determining a place of study, and identifies satisfaction with their chosen path in life;

    coordinates the actions of teachers working in the classroom.

    Conversations on the topics: “What does it mean to choose the right profession?”, “How to prepare yourself for future professional activity?”, “Health and choice of profession”, “Level of education and choice of profession”, “Choosing a profession in market conditions”, “How to avoid unemployment”, etc.

    Meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to production.

    Excursions to the CPC, to vocational educational institutions.

    Participation of schoolchildren in the competition “Who knows more about the profession”, writing and defending essays on professions, collective creative work “Defense of professions”.

    Inclusion of each student in an area that promotes the development of interests and inclinations: club and extracurricular activities, social activities, patronage work.

    Organization of socially useful work for a schoolchild as a test of strength for choosing a future profession.

    Studying the reading interests of schoolchildren. Together with the library, drawing up individual reading plans, discussing books that have career guidance.

    Registration of a career guidance “file” for each student, which contains his essays on choosing a profession, completed questionnaires, questionnaires identifying interests and inclinations, documents reflecting the results of observation of the student, “Professional Consultation Sheet”.

    Participation in the work of student labor associations.

    Reports at parent meetings on the topics: “What does it mean to choose the right profession”, “The role of the family in preparing schoolchildren to choose a profession.” Conference on the topic: “How can we help our children find their professional calling.”

The age characteristics of school graduates and the social situation require teachers to actively help students in personal and professional self-determination.

Great assistance to high school students in the formation of personality, in learning to accept vital important decisions, finding a purpose in life, and choosing a profession is assisted by the class teacher together with the school psychologist.

    Areas of interaction between the class teacher in the system of educational work with schoolchildren in grades 10-11

The class teacher is a kind of conductor between all representatives of the micro- and macro-society surrounding the student: he manages and interacts.

There are several horizontal levels of management, and each of them is very significant for the class teacher and is necessary for him in his own way. First of all, this is interaction with subject teachers teaching in a given class, families of students, club associations that the older teenager attends; school psychologist and social pedagogue.


interaction of the class teacher in the system of educational work with high school students:

    1. Cooperation between the class teacher and teachers,

working in class

The success of the educational process in the classroom is impossible without cooperation with subject teachers working in a team. The class teacher and teachers ensure the integrity and purposefulness of the pedagogical process in the classroom. In working with the student body and individual students, all teachers solve general educational and educational tasks: the development of cognitive activity, creative abilities, independence, responsibility, etc.

Center coordination and organization of the educational process is the class teacher, who, in interaction with subject teachers, decides the following tasks:

    studying the personal characteristics of teachers, their capabilities in organizing educational work with children,

    studying the characteristics of the teacher’s teaching activities, his contacts, relationships with children,

    regulation of relations between class teachers, between teachers and children, between teachers and parents,

    defining common goals, organizing joint activities to achieve them,

    pedagogically appropriate use of teachers’ capabilities in organizing educational work with children and parents.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers can be very diverse:

    competitions in subjects,

    various diagnostics,

    class meetings,

    round tables,


    question and answer evenings,

    discussion of problems,

    pedagogical councils,

    attending training sessions, followed by discussion,

    individual conversations

The success of interaction with subject teachers depends on the personal contacts of the class teacher and interest on both interacting sides.

Preparation of memos for students. At the beginning of the school year, the class teacher must introduce the students in the class to the requirements that apply to students for successful study educational subjects. To do this, subject teachers can prepare for students reminders on academic subjects. The guys can either take these reminders home or they can be kept in the office.

The following aspects can be reflected in the memo on academic subjects:

How to prepare for a test in mathematics;

How to do homework in Russian;

How to write essays, etc.

Children can have reminders at home and always use them when preparing homework, which, naturally, will increase the effectiveness of educational activities, ensure control of students’ educational activities by parents, and help establish cooperation between parents, teachers and students.

The class teacher should ask subject teachers to acquaint students with the structure of the school textbook and the teacher’s requirements for working with the textbook.

Studying students' attitudes towards the subject . Subject teachers working in the classroom can be recommended to conduct a study of students’ attitudes towards the subject using the following questions:

1. What educational topic have we finished studying?

2. What concepts are the main ones in this topic?

3. Which lessons on this topic were the most interesting?

4. How can you evaluate your activity in lessons on the topic?

5. What marks did you receive on this topic that you would like to correct?

6. What questions on this topic remain unclear to you?

Organization of assistance to students. At the end of each academic quarter, the class teacher must find out what explains the deterioration in students’ educational results in academic subjects and organize help from teachers to students if the problems are related to the fact that the child has been ill for a long time or has not mastered the educational material due to some other circumstances.

When attending lessons in his class, the class teacher should pay attention to the teaching of those subjects in the class in which students’ educational results are the lowest. For this you can use the following pedagogical diagnostics: being present at lessons, the class teacher records the active participation of class students in the lesson on his own initiative and on the initiative of the teacher who is teaching the lesson.

results this study should form the basis of the conversation between the class teacher and subject teachers in order to enhance the educational activities of class students and its effectiveness.

The class teacher pays great attention development of cognitive activity of class students. To this end, he studies the issues of involving students in classroom activities. additional literature in the subject, non-standard forms of lesson delivery, helps teachers, together with their class, prepare subject weeks and extracurricular activities in academic subjects.

The class teacher should pay special attention to cooperation with subject teachers who prepare students for subject Olympiads and scientific conferences. Children should have the opportunity for additional classes with a teacher, consultations and electives.

Help for troubled students . The class teacher is especially concerned about problem children and children who show persistent failure in some subjects. At the very beginning of the school year, the class teacher must pay the most serious attention of subject teachers to students who have behavior problems. These problems may be related:

With a difficult family situation;

With a child's illness;

With communication problems;

With character traits.

Mini-teaching council “Problem students in my class.” The class teacher can prepare and hold, together with the school administration, a mini-pedagogical council on the named topic. The purpose of this mini-pedagogical council, which is attended by class teachers, the class teacher and the school administration, is to discuss ways to solve the problem of difficulties in the behavior of students and in their learning, as well as specific and constructive ways out of the difficult situation of individual students.

The decision of the small teacher council for the class or individual students is discussed again after some time in order to make sure what changes have occurred in the behavior of the students.

Invite parents of class students to a thematic and individual consultation;

Visit students at home, analyze the students’ living conditions, family atmosphere;

Organize additional classes for students, consultation with subject teachers, assistance from class students;

Invite students to participate in clubs and electives;

Invite students to participate in the preparation of subject evenings and creativity days;

Organize student self-reports based on the results of educational activities,

Conduct thematic classes on the problem of the small teachers' council;

Conduct individual interviews with subject teachers, etc.

Rules for the professional activities of subject teachers . Such rules can be developed through joint discussion between teachers, class teacher and students. Here is an approximate version of such rules.

It's great if my teacher:

Knows his subject thoroughly;

Skillfully connects the theory and practice of the academic subject with real situations of today's life;

Calmly allows his students to evaluate themselves in the lesson, and students allow him to evaluate their contribution to the lesson;

With pleasure excludes edification, notations and punishments from the lesson;

Constantly uses warm-ups, exercise breaks, and moments of rest;

Allows himself to make mistakes in favor of the student;

Creates a situation of success for each student;

Interested in students' opinions after the end of the lesson;

Provides an opportunity to address questions that arose during the lesson after the lesson;

Sees perspective in teaching any student.

The implementation of joint actions is carried out by the class teacher and teachers, most often, in everyday communication and requires a small investment of time, which pays off by a significant increase in the quality of teaching work.

4.2 System of relations “class teacher and school psychological service”

The need for interaction between the class teacher, social teacher and school psychologist is determined, first of all, by the fact that their work is connected by its very object - this is a person, a student, a pupil in a social environment.

The functions performed by the class teacher, social pedagogue and school psychologist are largely similar. The difference is only in the volume of sales.

The class teacher is the link between students, the social teacher and the school psychologist. From him comes the initial request and primary information about the child. Most often, he turns to a specialist when his own measures of influence on the pupil and his family do not bring the desired result.

The interaction between the class teacher, social teacher, and school psychologist is aimed at jointly identifying the causes of the child’s problems and carrying out socio-pedagogical and psychological correctional work to provide assistance and prevent possible problem situations.

There are a number of problems that the class teacher solves together with specialists:

    organization of educational work with children aimed at developing a general culture of the individual, adaptation to life in society, studying the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the individual, his microsphere, and the child’s living conditions;

    identifying children’s problems and difficulties, on the one hand, and their interests and needs, on the other hand;

    timely resolution of conflict situations,

    providing social assistance and support to students;

    promoting the realization of the rights and freedoms of children and adolescents, creating a concrete and safe environment at school;

    ensuring the protection of life and health, promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents;

    development of democratic foundations for the life of children's groups;

    maintaining partnerships with the child’s family, joint decision children's problems;

    interaction with teachers, parents, social workers

    services in providing assistance to children and adolescents in need of care and

guardianship, as well as those in extreme situations;

    participation in the development of social and educational programs of the school.

Are common forms works can be like this:

    joint consultations based on diagnostics,

    psychological and pedagogical workshops with children and their parents,


    joint parent meetings,

    attending training sessions, observations, etc.

    1. Interaction with club associations

The process of education cannot effectively realize its functions if it does not include the activities of club associations, the specifics of the organization of which make it possible to create favorable conditions for the development of the child’s creative abilities, to satisfy his needs for communication, for self-expression, self-affirmation, and self-determination among peers.

Leisure activities contribute to the development of students' creative potential; inclinations, vocation, talent.

Club associations at school today are diverse:

    the clubs themselves,

  • studios, etc.

Each of them has its own characteristics, but they are all voluntary associations of students of interest.

One thing is certain: children’s leisure time must be occupied in accordance with their interests, needs, and for the benefit of themselves and those around them.

    1. Class teacher and students' families

“A child learns from what he sees in his home”

(I. Brandt)

The need and importance of cooperation with the family was never questioned. Education will be successful only if the education of the family is ahead of the education of the child, that is, a preliminary reaction is used.

The understanding of the role of the family in maintaining and developing the child’s cognitive interests is becoming increasingly clear. Therefore, working with families becomes an essential component of the school’s educational process.

The educational work of the school cannot be built without taking into account the fact that the child’s individuality is formed in the family.

The educational function of the family is very important. Agree that a child who joins a team, one way or another, conveys the values ​​laid down by his parents. If a child is pampered and cherished for no reason or no reason, then it will be quite difficult for him to accept the norms of the team, adapt and fulfill social needs.

Today there is a crisis in the family and parent-child relationships. This is due to changes in political and economic life countries. The sharp stratification (division) of society into rich and poor also determines the nature of intrafamily relations. In both cases, parents are forced to focus on material well-being, which means they spend less time communicating with the family. As a result, the emotional component associated with understanding a loved one is excluded from the interaction.

The role-playing game has noticeably faded, since families, as a rule, have one child.

The number of divorces is increasing, and the educational function is transferred to grandparents. One way to compensate for the attention paid to a child by parents is through gifts, which do not at all strengthen the family.

Work aimed at developing the personality of a high school student becomes effective and efficient only if the parents of students are involved in the process of education and upbringing. Therefore, one of the areas in the work of school specialists is working with parents of schoolchildren. It includes issues of diagnosis, education, prevention, and correction of parent-child relationships.

In accordance with the diagnostic results, you need to build a plan for working with parents. Of course, the key link in the system school-family is the personality of the class teacher. It is he who bears a large measure of responsibility for what this interaction will be like. Of course, this work should be carried out with the involvement of a specialist - a school psychologist.

Work with parents can be divided into two parts:

1) with all parents of the class as part of parent meetings to improve pedagogical and psychological culture;

2) with some parents in the form of correctional and developmental classes to develop skills and abilities related primarily to constructive interaction in system parent - child.

The basis of interaction between the class teacher and the family is that both parties are interested in studying the child, revealing and developing his best qualities and properties.

Basic task when interacting with parents, it is to develop mutual understanding; unity, family cohesion, establishment of comfortable, favorable conditions for the development of the child.

Principle interactions with parents:

Refusal of the repressive nature of communication. The traditional report to parents about their children’s progress, their misdeeds and sins with the requirement to take action without a pedagogical analysis of the reasons, observation results, and recommendations is unacceptable. Today it is necessary to form a constructive nature of communication between parents and schools and schools with parents. The constructive nature of communication presupposes that the parties understand what they are doing. Therefore, any communication with parents should be based on an understanding of what a school is, what it can, should, and what the limits of its capabilities and responsibilities are.

Activity class teacher for organizing work with parents:

    • Educational: teach parents to see and understand the changes occurring in their children.

      Advisory: joint psychological and pedagogical search for methods of effective influence on the child in the process of acquiring social and educational skills.

      Communicative: enriching family life with emotional impressions, experience of the culture of interaction between the child and parents.

Performance criteria The work of teachers with parents is:

At the middle and senior levels - a developed understanding of the child’s strengths and weaknesses, a respectful attitude towards the child as an individual and pride in his achievements in self-development.


    • A ban on the establishment of such personal relationships between the teacher and the parents of students, which lead to a distortion of the pedagogical process and create situations where the teacher follows the parents rather than acts as a leader. The relationship between the teacher and parents should be primarily of a business nature and relate to the development of the child in the educational process.

      Prohibition on discussing intra-school relations with parents. All questions and complaints that arise from parents are accepted by teachers, raised and considered jointly with the administration at pedagogical councils, meetings, meetings. Parents will be notified of any measures taken.

      Prohibition on assessing the personality of a child and his family. Only the child’s actions, the dynamics of his development, emotional reaction, etc. are discussed and evaluated.

Forms of interaction with the family of a high school student:

    • Development of thematic design for working with families

(corner for parents). parent meetings;

    • "round tables";

      parent lectures;

      thematic conferences;

    • discussion;

      individual work;

      parental committee;

      parents' club;

      public knowledge forums;

      creative reports on subjects;

      days of open lessons;

      holidays of knowledge and creativity;

      tournaments of experts;

      joint Olympiads;

      “Family is an erudite”;

      "Family Hobby"

      competitions, KVNs,

      hiking trips;

      sightseeing trips


    Compilation of characteristics of students’ families (composition of parents, area of ​​their employment, educational and social level, etc.)

    Organization diagnostic work for the study of families. Using optimal forms and methods in differentiated group and individual work with families.

    Organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. Creation of a system of mass events with parents, work on organizing joint activities and leisure time for parents and students.

    Identification and use of positive experiences of family education in practical activities.

Assisting parents in forming a moral lifestyle for the family,

in the prevention and diagnosis of drug addiction

    preventing other negative manifestations in children and adolescents.

    Creating conditions to ensure the rights of parents to participate in management, organizing the educational process: assistance in organizing the activities of public parent groups (School Council, Board of Trustees, parent committee).

    Active involvement in work with the family of a psychologist, social teacher, senior counselor, librarian, and class teachers.

    Assisting parents in developing their children’s social experience, communication skills and abilities, preparing high school students for family life (electives “Ethics and Psychology of Family Life”, Young Housewife School).

Expected results of interaction with family

    Revival of family education traditions, establishment of a healthy lifestyle.

    Improving the microclimate in the family.

    Teaching parents the skills of socially supportive and developmental behavior in the family and in relationships with children and adolescents.

    Providing practical assistance to parents when problematic situations arise.

    Reducing risk factors leading to neglect, delinquency, and substance abuse among adolescents.

Interaction with parents of students is a responsible and serious matter. The difficulty is that families are heterogeneous: they have different spiritual potential, different attitudes towards children and school, different material wealth, social status, the degree of well-being of family relationships.

All this affects the child’s psyche, his attitude towards learning, the formation of his personal qualities.

It is quite difficult to involve parents from families in SOP in common activities. But the system of relations with the class teacher and the school as a whole is, to a greater extent, needed not by parents, but by the children themselves, so as not to feel unnecessary to society.

1. Information-


2. Creative

3 Propaganda

Forms of work:

    • individual conversations, lectures, debates, informational parent hours,

      involvement in classroom and school-wide events: assistance in creating scenery, costumes, stage design; family album photo competition; joint leisure,

      activities for the prevention of crime, neglect, promotion of a healthy lifestyle: conversations, raids, viewings

and discussions of films, etc.

The educational function of the family is very important. Agree that a child who joins a team, one way or another, conveys the values ​​laid down by his parents. But this does not detract from the role of school in the formation and education of the individual. Those seeds that were sown by parents can equally die or germinate in the school environment under the influence of the class staff, teachers and especially the class teacher. The ideal option for educational work and the most productive is equal friendly interaction between parents, child and class teacher, based on the positive.


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