Teaching a foreign language in kindergarten. Secrets of teaching preschoolers English

The methodology of pedagogical work is determined by the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself. From the point of view of I.L. Sholpo's main goals in teaching preschoolers a foreign language are: developing children's primary communication skills in a foreign language; the ability to use a foreign language to achieve one’s goals, express thoughts and feelings in real-life communication situations; creating a positive attitude towards further learning foreign languages; awakening interest in the life and culture of other countries; nurturing an actively creative and emotional-aesthetic attitude to words; development linguistic abilities students, taking into account the age characteristics of their structure among older preschoolers; decentration of personality, that is, the opportunity to look at the world from different positions.

Methods of teaching English to preschoolers

The peculiarity of teaching English to preschoolers is that it is not just sitting at a table and leafing through books and notebooks. The process should not be boring, and kids should strive for knowledge themselves. Children think concretely, understand everything literally, and speak in simple sentences. If a teacher explains something, he must use clarity and example. That is why English for preschoolers is a game. Only through this form can one achieve positive results and form in the child positive attitude to a foreign language.

Forms of training should not be aimed at mastering as much as possible more lexical units, but to foster interest in the subject, develop the child’s communication skills, and the ability to express himself. It is important to achieve certain qualities mastery of the material, which should allow the child, with a minimum of resources, assuming a subsequent increase in language units in the child’s competence, to use them situationally and meaningfully.

From the very beginning of training it is necessary to develop certain style work with children in English, introduce some kind of rituals that correspond to the most typical situations communication. Such rituals (greetings, farewells, short exercises, the use of politeness formulas accepted in English) allow children to prepare for foreign language communication, facilitate the transition to English, show children that the lesson has begun, has ended, and that a certain stage of the lesson will now follow.

The most important condition for successful learning is the activation of children’s speech and thinking activity and their involvement in foreign language communication. It is necessary to constantly change the order of speech actions (the order of questions, addresses, names of objects, etc.) so that children react to the meaning of the word, and do not memorize the sound series mechanically. When repeating games, it is imperative to make different children the leading, active participants, so that all children complete the task at least once. educational task speech action.

A preschooler needs frequent changes of activities during the learning process. During class, the child is often distracted, not because he is not interested, but his brain is tired. The best release is physical exercise, of course, related to a foreign language, for relaxation. This could be a poem or simply following commands. The lesson should not exceed 30 minutes.

Use of various sound and visual supports, for example: songs, children's video programs, thematic cards. The child gets pleasure from working with such material, and all impressions and knowledge are formed in images, which he then embodies.

A classic lesson should include the following steps:

  • 1. Introduce sounds. The best way This is a fairy tale about a tongue, tongue twisters, rhymes.
  • 2. Introduce the letters. Song " Fun alphabet", thematic pictures.
  • 3. Enter words. We start with individual inclusions of words, for example rhymes, cards.
  • 4. Rest. Phys. just a minute.
  • 5. Phrases. Children quickly want to speak a “tempting and incomprehensible” language. All expressions should be simple and easy to remember. Before introducing the phrase, think about the game moment: “A doll has come to us from England, let’s get to know her. But she doesn’t know how to speak Russian, maybe we can learn to speak English?”

Try to enter English phrases into normal communication. Always say “thank you”, “please”, “sit down”, “Look”, “Let’s play”.

In many preschool institutions The TPR method of teaching English to preschoolers is used based on full physical response. The main idea is that a child learns a foreign language in the same way as he mastered his native one. The teacher plays the role of a parent: he says words or simple phrases, for example, “jump” or “look at the notebook”, and the children perform the actions. At the first stage, the emphasis is placed precisely on the correct recognition of what they hear, after which the students themselves begin to speak commands to each other. They develop skills spontaneous speech. The physical and emotional component of the lesson improves the memorization of words. This technique is suitable for most younger ages And entry levels, but it can also spice up lessons using other methods for older children.

Glen Doman Method

In Russia, the method of teaching English to preschoolers, authored by Glen Doman, is popular. It is used both in kindergartens and various children's clubs, and by parents at home. Already from 6-7 months, babies are shown cards with pictures of words, while pronouncing foreign word aloud. The child remembers the picture and learns new words with regular, but not prolonged, repeated viewing of the cards. Subsequently, effectively conduct games with different combinations of cards and show presentations. The child’s role in learning using the Glen Doman method is passive, but in this visual form it is not difficult for him to remember new vocabulary.

Zaitsev's technique.

The next common technique is that of Nikolai Zaitsev. Suitable for both toddlers and older preschoolers. To teach younger children, the teacher (or parents) give them specially designed blocks with syllables to form words with. Those. memorization occurs in a playful and visual form. The next level also uses cubes. The main idea is to make it clear and simple algorithm constructing sentences in English. For each member of the sentence there is a specific color, and the child, having remembered the order of colors, say, for negative sentences, trains to form words under dictation. This is not an easy task for children, but its effectiveness has been proven. The methodology also includes various manuals and tables, thanks to which parents themselves can conduct lessons without any problems.

Project and combined methodology.

The project-based method of teaching English to preschoolers is suitable for 4-6 years of age. The teacher chooses a topic that is interesting for the children, a set of new words, phrases and a variety of tasks for practice. Several lessons are devoted to each topic; at the end, students prepare creative works within the framework of the subject under discussion. Teaching English using this method is versatile; children always learn something new.

The combined technique is most common due to the greatest effectiveness of such training. The teacher combines methods and tasks of different techniques, introducing variety into the lessons and adapting general program according to the children's interests and abilities.

It is obvious that it is much more difficult to interest children in learning than adults. For them, lessons need to be conducted dynamically, actively, so that their attention is constantly turned on and directed to the tasks. The gaming methodology was created and practiced on these principles. The game is the most entertaining and favorite hobby for young students. This technique can be adapted to all language levels, any age and characteristics of children. They are among toys, familiar things, with a friendly, active teacher. Speak and understand English speech They teach in playful and audio form, with the help of cartoons, songs, fairy tales, games and other activities. Materials and ideas can be developed in Russia, as well as in the UK and the USA.

The next, very important issue that worries teachers is the issue of group size. Z.Ya. Futerman, speaking about foreign language classes in kindergarten, insists on working with a whole group (25-30 people), citing the fact that children are accustomed to each other, as well as the greater effectiveness of mass games in the learning process. The teacher conducted an experiment that did not show an increase in the effectiveness of classes when divided into two subgroups. However, I.L. Sholpo questions these conclusions and writes that, perhaps, in a kindergarten, the habit of children towards each other is really so strong that it turns out to be a decisive factor, however, if we're talking about As for other structures where unfamiliar children are put into groups, classes with a group of 25 people turn out to be ineffective, and even 15 people in a group is a serious test for the teacher. Sholpo I.L. recommends forming groups of no less than five and no more than ten people, explaining this by the fact that the general conversation, (as established by psychologists), organized Team work possible in a group of no more than 8 people. But, given that in winter children often get sick and miss classes, you can enroll up to 10 people in a group.

Next controversial issue is the duration and frequency of classes. Z.Ya. Futerman argues that classes for five-year-olds should not last more than twenty minutes, and for six-year-olds, twenty-five. This statement is also based on the results of the experiment, however, I.L. Sholpo believes that his results are related to the previous condition: with a group size of 25-30 people, neither the teacher nor the children are able to study longer. Work experience of E.I. Negnevitskaya in groups from 5 to 15 people and the experience of I.L. Sholpo in groups of 7-10 people show that with such a number of children, the duration of the lesson from thirty-five to forty-five minutes (depending on age) does not tire the children, and they retain that reluctance to leave and complete the lesson, which, as is quite right believes Z.Ya. Futerman, necessary for effective learning. It is only important to change the type of activity every five minutes, move from active play to conversation round table; then - to dance, exercises; after that to singing songs, etc.

The usual frequency of classes, says I.L. Sholpo - two to three times a week. Classes once a week are extremely unproductive; children have time to forget material that has not received reinforcement for so many days.

Opportunities for preschoolers in learning a foreign language

Over the past 5-6 years, the number of people learning English has increased dramatically. The fact that it is impossible for a modern person to do without knowledge of foreign languages ​​has become obvious to almost everyone. The age of the students has also changed. If until now the methodology was focused primarily on schoolchildren, now parents strive to start teaching their children a foreign language as early as possible. Moreover, preschool age is recognized by psychologists as the most favorable period for this type of activity.

The changed situation creates an ever-increasing need in society for qualified teachers. Their absence leads to rather sad consequences. People who barely know the basics of a language consider themselves capable of teaching preschoolers, since this knowledge is supposedly quite enough for small children. As a result, not only is time wasted, but also damage is caused further promotion children in this area: after all, retraining is always more difficult than teaching, and correcting bad pronunciation is more difficult than introducing sounds from scratch. But even when people come to the kids, it’s wonderful those who know the language, they do not always manage to achieve the desired result: teaching children is a very difficult task that requires something completely different methodological approach than teaching schoolchildren and adults. Faced with methodically helpless lessons, children can develop a long-term aversion to a foreign language and lose faith in their capabilities.
In recent years, the age threshold for children to begin teaching a foreign language has been increasingly decreasing. As a rule, a four-year-old child is considered to be fully prepared for classes, but some parents seek to enroll three-year-old children in English language groups. How to feel about this, and what age is considered the most appropriate to start learning?
It is known that the possibilities early age in mastering foreign language speech are truly unique. Also K.D. Ushinsky wrote: ““A child learns to speak a foreign language in a few months in a way that he cannot learn to speak in a few years.”
Unique predisposition to speech(and the most favorable zone in mastering a foreign language is the age period from 4 to 8-9 years), the plasticity of the natural mechanism of speech acquisition, as well as a certain independence of this mechanism from the action of hereditary factors associated with belonging to a particular nationality - all this gives the child the opportunity, under appropriate conditions, to successfully master a foreign language. With age, this ability gradually fades away. Therefore, any attempts to teach a second foreign language (especially in isolation from the language environment) to older children are usually associated with a number of difficulties.
Successful mastery of foreign language speech by children becomes possible also because children (especially before school age) are distinguished by more flexible and faster memorization than at subsequent age stages language material; availability globally current model and naturalness of communication motives; absence of the so-called language barrier, i.e. fear of inhibition, which prevents you from communicating in a foreign language even if you have the necessary skills; relatively little experience in verbal communication native language etc. In addition, play, being the main activity of a preschooler, makes it possible to make almost any activity communicatively valuable. linguistic units.
All this makes it possible at an early age to optimally combine communicative needs and the possibilities of expressing them in a foreign language by children of a given age and thereby avoid one significant contradiction that constantly arises at a later start in teaching this subject between the communicative needs of the student (the desire to learn and say a lot) and limited linguistic and speech experience(not knowing how to express a lot with a small amount of vocabulary).
So, at what age should you start learning a foreign language? According to the author of the textbook “How to Teach Children to Speak English,” Sholpo I.L., it is best to start learning a foreign language at the age of five.
Teaching four-year-olds, in her opinion, is certainly possible, but unproductive. Four-year-old children learn material much more slowly than five-year-olds. Their reactions are spontaneous, emotions run high, attention constantly switches from one subject to another. Children of this age who do not attend kindergarten find it difficult to cope without the presence of their parents, in addition, they have not yet properly developed a sense of humor - and this is important when organizing foreign language teaching. In addition, four-year-old children do not yet speak their native language well enough: they have not developed the ability to communicate, the regulatory function of speech has not been formed and inner speech. Not reached developed forms And role-playing game, which is of greatest importance when teaching a foreign language to preschoolers.
Experimental confirmation the inappropriateness of starting to learn a foreign language at the age of four, according to the author of the book, obtained by Z.Ya. Futerman, who compared the learning achievements of two groups of children, one of whom began studying at the age of four, and the other at the age of five. Four-year-olds not only lagged behind five-year-olds in the first year of school, but also progressed more slowly in the second year than five-year-olds did in the first, which allowed the teacher to conclude that there was “some negative impact.” early education foreign language for further study." Optimal age to start classes Z.Ya. Futerman counts five; comes to the same conclusion based on his practical experience and E.I. Negnevitskaya.

As for three-year-old children, there is even less need to talk about their mastery of a foreign language in the process of more or less conscious learning in a group. At this age, the child is just beginning to master grammatically formulated speech in his native language, dialogical speech is just emerging. Lexicon a child under three years of age enriches himself almost exclusively through accumulation individual words, and only after three years begins to grow rapidly due to mastery of the laws of word and form formation. Neither educational nor collective play activities are yet available to them. As experience in the early development of children shows (in particular, teaching children to swim), children under three years of age are able to learn anything only in close direct contact with their parents.
However, the author of the article, from the journal "Foreign Languages ​​at School" No. 2, 1997, "Teaching children English conversational speech in kindergarten"" Shchebedina V.V., shares with readers information about the successful completion of a four-year training experiment English language children of three years of age, which took place in 1994 in kindergarten No. 14 in the city of Syktyvkar. The author of the article concludes that “now we can say with confidence that early teaching of foreign language speech to children of this age is legitimate, as it provides the opportunity for a flexible transition to in-depth teaching of a foreign language in primary school, and allows us to maintain and deepen the positive motivation for studying the subject At school"". The author notes that children of this age are very inquisitive, inquisitive, they are characterized by an inexhaustible need for new experiences, a thirst for research and all these psychophysiological characteristics were used by teachers when teaching English conversation. However, how exactly all these features were used by teachers, the author of the article leaves secret, but the author reveals another that the basis of each lesson was the principle of communicative teaching, which in itself is obvious, because The article is called "Teaching English speaking to children in kindergarten." I would like to point out one interesting fact, that every two months, entertainment classes were held in the kindergarten: various fairy tales were staged, children sang songs, read poems, and all such activities were recorded on video. In our opinion, teachers have created a new interesting incentive for children to learn a foreign language, although the author sees more deep meaning in the use of video, namely “The video allows them to see themselves from the outside, analyze mistakes, and celebrate successes.” And again, the author is silent about how three-year-old children will analyze their mistakes. Also, it is necessary to remember that it is at the age of three that children experience the so-called “three-year crisis,” which negatively affects the child’s learning a foreign language. We can conclude that the author’s statements that the age of three can be called legitimate for learning a foreign language are absolutely not supported by facts, namely, unfounded.
E.A. Arkin identifies five years of age as the most suitable (both physiologically and psychologically) for starting any educational activities. At this age, the child is capable of more or less prolonged concentration of attention, he acquires the ability for purposeful activity, he masters a sufficient vocabulary and stock of speech patterns to satisfy his communicative needs. Five-year-old children develop a sense of the funny; role-playing games are developed and complex. It is obvious that the prerequisites for conscious mastery of a language are created, as a rule, by the age of five.
What is this connected with? strong desire parents, send their child to a foreign language learning group as early as possible? In all likelihood, first of all, with the popularity of the imitative theory of learning and the belief of many people in the possibility of miraculous involuntary language acquisition at an early age.
But unconscious, spontaneous assimilation occurs, in fact, only in conditions of the child’s constant presence in the language environment. This is how the process of mastering their native language goes, and this is what happens with bilinguals - children who grew up in bilingual conditions, when in the family the child hears one language, and in the yard, in kindergarten, on the street - another (for example, in the former Soviet republics). We know of cases of bilingualism in artificially created conditions, when the father spoke only English to his son, starting from his birth, and by the age of five the child spoke both Russian and English equally well. The “governess method” is also based on this, but this involves daily communication for many hours with a child in a foreign language. In a kindergarten group, cultural center, etc. This method cannot be used.
In addition, not all children are able to successfully study under conditions of involuntary memorization. Research by M.K. Kabardov revealed the existence of two types of students: communicative and non-communicative. If those belonging to the first type engage equally successfully in both conditions of voluntary and involuntary memorization, then those belonging to the second (which is 30%, regardless of age) are capable of productive activity only when focusing on voluntary memorization and visual reinforcement of verbal material. This means that when we take the path of imitation and involuntary acquisition of knowledge, we automatically classify 30% of children as incapable of successfully mastering a foreign language. But this is unfair: the same children can achieve no less success than representatives of the communicative type if they are placed in a situation of conscious acquisition of knowledge.
Therefore, mastering a foreign language in preschool age should occur in the learning process, no matter how playful and outwardly spontaneous it may appear. And children must be physically and psychologically prepared for this. And this readiness, as a rule, occurs by five years.
The methodology of pedagogical work is determined by the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself. From the point of view of I.L. Sholpo's main goals in teaching preschoolers a foreign language are:
- development of primary communication skills in children in a foreign language; the ability to use a foreign language to achieve one’s goals, express thoughts and feelings in real-life communication situations;
- creating a positive attitude towards further learning foreign languages; awakening interest in the life and culture of other countries;
- education of an active-creative and emotional-aesthetic attitude to the word;
- development of linguistic abilities of students, taking into account the age-related characteristics of their structure in older preschoolers;
- decentralization of personality, that is, the opportunity to look at the world from different positions.
Children are ready to learn a foreign language by the age of five. The teaching methodology should be based on age and individual characteristics structure of children's linguistic abilities and be aimed at their development. Foreign language classes must be comprehended by the teacher as part of general development The child’s personality is associated with his sensory, physical, and intellectual education.
Teaching children a foreign language should be communicative in nature, when the child masters the language as a means of communication, that is, he does not just learn individual words and speech samples, but learns to construct statements according to models known to him in accordance with his emerging communicative needs. Communication in a foreign language must be motivated and focused. It is necessary to create in the child a positive psychological attitude toward foreign language speech. A way to create such positive motivation is through play. Games in the lesson should be episodic and isolated. An end-to-end gaming methodology is needed that combines and integrates other types of activities in the process of language learning. The gaming technique is based on the creation of an imaginary situation and the adoption by the child or teacher of a particular role.
Teaching a foreign language in kindergarten is aimed at the education and development of children through the means of the subject on the basis and in the process of practical mastery of language as a means of communication.
Teaching a foreign language puts forward the task of humanitarian and humanistic development of the child’s personality. This is facilitated by familiarity with the culture of the countries of the language being studied; education of politeness and goodwill; awareness of oneself as a person of a certain gender and age, as a person. Learning a foreign language is also intended to make a certain contribution to the development of independent thinking, logic, memory, imagination of the child, to the formation of his emotions, to the development of his communicative and cognitive abilities.

1. Introduction

Over the past 5-6 years, the number of people learning English has increased dramatically. The fact that it is impossible for a modern person to do without knowledge of foreign languages ​​has become obvious to almost everyone. The age of the students has also changed. If until now the methodology was focused primarily on schoolchildren, now parents strive to start teaching their children a foreign language as early as possible. Moreover, preschool age is recognized by psychologists as the most favorable period for this type of activity.

The changed situation creates an ever-increasing need in society for qualified teachers. Their absence leads to rather sad consequences. People who barely know the basics of the language consider themselves capable of teaching preschoolers, since this knowledge is supposedly quite enough for small children. As a result, time is not only wasted, but also damage is caused to the further progress of children in this area: after all, relearning is always harder than teaching, and correcting bad pronunciation is more difficult than introducing sounds from scratch. But even when people who know the language perfectly well come to the children, they do not always manage to achieve the desired result: teaching children is a very difficult task, which requires a completely different methodological approach than teaching schoolchildren and adults. Faced with methodically helpless lessons, children can develop a long-term aversion to a foreign language and lose faith in their capabilities.

The purpose of this work is to reveal the main possible directions, general idea organization of teaching a foreign language to preschool children.

The main objectives of the study are:

To determine the capabilities of preschool children in the field of learning a foreign language.

Reveal the main goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language to preschool children.

Reveal the main methods of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers.

The subject of the study is the problem of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers.

The object of the study is the game, as the leading method of teaching preschoolers a foreign language in domestic and foreign methods.

The work consists of theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, we determine the capabilities of preschoolers in the field of learning a foreign language, reveal the main goals and objectives of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers, as well as solve the problem of group size, and reveal the main methods of teaching a foreign language to preschoolers.

The practical part of this work provides exemplary exercises in teaching preschoolers pronunciation, mastering transcription, reading, writing, foreign language vocabulary, and also provides methodological recommendations for organizing lessons in preschool institutions.

The theoretical significance of this work is that its results can contribute to the further introduction of foreign language teaching in preschool institutions, as well as the resolution of many problems associated with teaching children a foreign language.

The practical value of this work lies in the fact that these methodological recommendations and many tasks and exercises can be used by foreign language teachers in preschool institutions, as well as in primary schools.

2. Opportunities for preschoolers in learning a foreign language

2.1 Readiness of preschoolers to learn

In recent years, the age threshold for children to begin teaching a foreign language has been increasingly decreasing. As a rule, a four-year-old child is considered to be fully prepared for classes, but some parents seek to enroll three-year-old children in English language groups. How to feel about this, and what age is considered the most appropriate to start learning?

It is known that the opportunities of an early age in mastering foreign language speech are truly unique. Also K.D. Ushinsky wrote: ““A child learns to speak a foreign language in a few months in a way that he cannot learn to speak in a few years.”

A unique predisposition to speech (and the most favored zone in mastering a foreign language is the age period from 4 to 8-9 years), the plasticity of the natural mechanism of speech acquisition, as well as a certain independence of this mechanism from the action of hereditary factors associated with belonging to one or another nationality - all this gives the child the opportunity, under appropriate conditions, to successfully master a foreign language. With age, this ability gradually fades away. Therefore, any attempts to teach a second foreign language (especially in isolation from the language environment) to older children are usually associated with a number of difficulties.

Successful acquisition of foreign language speech by children also becomes possible because children (especially preschool age) are distinguished by more flexible and rapid memorization of language material than at subsequent age stages; the presence of a globally operating model and the naturalness of communication motives; absence of the so-called language barrier, i.e. fear of inhibition, which prevents you from communicating in a foreign language even if you have the necessary skills; relatively little experience in verbal communication in their native language, etc. In addition, the game, being the main activity of a preschooler, makes it possible to make almost any language units communicatively valuable.

All this makes it possible at an early age to optimally combine communicative needs and the possibilities of expressing them in a foreign language by children of a given age and thereby avoid one significant contradiction that constantly arises at a later start in teaching this subject between the communicative needs of the student (the desire to learn and say a lot) and limited linguistic and speech experience (not knowing how to express a lot with a small amount of vocabulary).

So, at what age should you start learning a foreign language? According to the author of the textbook “How to Teach Children to Speak English,” Sholpo I.L., it is best to start learning a foreign language at the age of five. Teaching four-year-olds, in her opinion, is certainly possible, but unproductive. Four-year-old children learn material much more slowly than five-year-olds. Their reactions are spontaneous, emotions run high, attention constantly switches from one subject to another. Children of this age who do not attend kindergarten find it difficult to cope without the presence of their parents, in addition, they have not yet properly developed a sense of humor - and this is important when organizing foreign language teaching. In addition, four-year-old children do not yet speak their native language well enough: their ability to communicate is not developed, the regulatory function of speech and internal speech are not formed. Role-playing play, which is of greatest importance when teaching a foreign language to preschoolers, has also not reached developed forms.

Experimental confirmation of the inappropriateness of starting to learn a foreign language at the age of four, according to the author of the book, was obtained by Z.Ya. Futerman, who compared the learning achievements of two groups of children, one of whom began studying at the age of four, and the other at the age of five. Four-year-old children not only lagged behind five-year-olds in the first year of study, but also progressed more slowly in the second year than five-year-olds in the first, which allowed the teacher to conclude that there was “some negative impact of early foreign language learning on the further course of learning.” The optimal age for starting classes is Z.Ya. Futerman counts five; E.I. comes to the same conclusion on the basis of his practical experience. Negnevitskaya.

As for three-year-old children, there is even less need to talk about their mastery of a foreign language in the process of more or less conscious learning in a group. At this age, the child is just beginning to master grammatically formulated speech in his native language; dialogic speech is just emerging. The vocabulary of a child up to three years of age is enriched almost exclusively by the accumulation of individual words, and only after three years of age begins to grow rapidly due to mastery of the laws of word and form formation. Neither educational nor collective play activities are yet available to them. As experience in the early development of children shows (in particular, teaching children to swim), children under three years of age are able to learn anything only in close direct contact with their parents.

However, the author of the article, from the magazine "Foreign Languages ​​at School" No. 2, 1997, "Teaching children English conversation in kindergarten" V.V. Shchebedina, shares with readers information about the successful completion of a four-year experiment in teaching English language of three-year-old children, which took place in 1994 in kindergarten No. 14 in the city of Syktyvkar. The author of the article concludes that “now we can say with confidence that early teaching of foreign language speech to children of this age is legitimate, as it provides the opportunity for a flexible transition to in-depth teaching of a foreign language in primary school, and allows us to maintain and deepen the positive motivation for studying the subject At school"". The author notes that children of this age are very inquisitive, inquisitive, they are characterized by an inexhaustible need for new experiences, a thirst for research and all these psychophysiological characteristics were used by teachers when teaching English conversation. However, how exactly all these features were used by teachers, the author of the article leaves secret, but the author reveals another that the basis of each lesson was the principle of communicative teaching, which in itself is obvious, because The article is called "Teaching English to Children" colloquial speech in kindergarten "". I would like to note one interesting fact: every two months, entertainment classes were held in the kindergarten: various fairy tales were staged, children sang songs, read poems, and all such activities were recorded on video. In our opinion, teachers have created a new interesting incentive for children to learn a foreign language, although the author sees a deeper meaning in using video, namely “The video allows them to see themselves from the outside, analyze mistakes, and celebrate successes.” And again, the author is silent about how three-year-old children will analyze their mistakes. Also, it is necessary to remember that it is at the age of three that children experience the so-called “three-year crisis,” which negatively affects the child’s learning a foreign language. We can conclude that the author’s statements that the age of three can be called legitimate for learning a foreign language are absolutely not supported by facts, namely, unfounded.

The relevance of early foreign language teaching is determined by the needs of society. Teaching a foreign language to preschool children creates excellent opportunities for primary schoolchildren to master a foreign language. In this connection, the desire of parents of preschool children to learn a foreign language as early as possible is increasing. Nowadays, a foreign language is a widespread practice, based on modern and effective technologies teaching a foreign language, health-saving technologies, taking into account personal - oriented approach, age characteristics of preschool children.
The goal of teaching preschoolers a foreign language is to develop an interest in learning, in understanding the world around them, people, relationships and cultures on the basis of mastering foreign language speech.
Early learning of a foreign language puts forward the following tasks:
1. Formation and development of foreign language phonetic skills (so far speech apparatus is flexible and the mechanisms of mastering native speech are still in effect, these skills are easily acquired, so it is important not to waste time);
2. Development of listening skills (understanding speech by ear);
3. Development of speaking skills (i.e. developing a child’s understanding of a foreign language as a means of communication);
4. Formation and replenishment of vocabulary.
The positive role of early learning of foreign languages ​​is as follows:

  • Contributes to the child’s self-identification to a significant extent;
  • Creates the prerequisites for the formation of interest in other, no less valuable cultures and languages;
  • Teaching a foreign language to preschoolers contributes to the development mental processes necessary for the formation of language abilities and communication skills of children:
  • In connection with this, all aspects are being improved native speech, which provides:
  • Socialization of the child’s personality occurs:
  • - the ability to overcome obstacles in achieving a goal based on the child’s interest in achieving this goal;
  • - the ability to correctly evaluate the results of your achievements.
  • - development creativity children,
  • - development of their imagination,
  • - development of emotional responsiveness to foreign language speech.

Most researchers (A.A. Leontyev, E.A. Arkin, E.I. Negnevitskaya, I.L. Sholpo, etc.) consider preschool and primary school age as the most favorable, both physiologically and psychologically, for starting a systematic learning foreign languages.
One of the most significant points, according to most researchers, is increased sensitivity to linguistic phenomena at a given age, which is an important prerequisite for the successful formation of foreign language speech skills.
Successful acquisition of foreign language speech by children also becomes possible because children of preschool and primary school age are distinguished by more flexible and rapid memorization of language material than at subsequent stages; naturalness of communication motives; absence of the so-called language barrier, i.e. fear of inhibition, which prevents you from communicating in a foreign language even if you have the necessary skills; relatively little experience in verbal communication in their native language.
It is also important to note that it is very important proper organization teaching a foreign language. Optimal organized activity V childhood(game, visual, constructive, labor, and also related to the implementation of routine tasks) can and should be used in developing foreign language speech skills in children. Each type of activity provides in turn great opportunities for the assimilation of specific groups of words, which provides further formation oral language skills, provides children with the opportunity to communicate at an elementary level using the target language and gives them a sense of their own success.
Thus, the significant positive impact of organized early foreign language training on intellectual development children is manifested in achieving success in learning, including in mastering their native language, which in turn is determined by the activation of basic cognitive mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, imagination; at a higher level of formation creative thinking. No less important is the familiarization of children with the means of language to a foreign culture and their awareness of their native culture, nurturing the child’s intercultural vision; nurturing in the child a sense of self-awareness as an individual ( adequate self-esteem and early socialization of a preschooler); formation of interest and motivation for further study of a foreign language in the context of lifelong learning and the further inclusion of the child in educational activities.


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Kochevykh N.V., teacher of additional education (English language) MDOU combined type kindergarten No. 10 “Zemsky”, Belgorod

“Features of teaching Russian to preschoolers in kindergarten”

Target: determination of the main possible directions in teaching Russian to preschool children.


To identify the capabilities of preschool children in learning the Russian language.

Form the main goals and objectives of teaching the Russian language to preschool children

Determine the main methods of teaching preschoolers the Russian language.

It is known that the possibilities of an early age in mastering foreign language speech are truly unique. Even K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “A child learns to speak a foreign language in a few months, as he cannot learn to speak in a few years.”

Russian language teaching is carried out in middle, high school and kindergarten groups.

The Russian language in Kazakhstan has a constitutionally enshrined status as a language interethnic communication and plays an important role in the development of the economy, culture and education. Good knowledge of Russian is the basis successful learning At school.

Taking into account the importance of the Russian language, the state compulsory education standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan has introduced compulsory teaching of the Russian language to children who are raised and studied in groups with the Kazakh language of education and training, starting from the age of three.

Preschool age is important sensitive period for language acquisition and cognition, time active development dictionary Teaching Russian to Kazakh children in preschool period ensures the strength of knowledge acquisition during the period schooling.

For preschoolers, the main activity is play. The methodology for teaching the Russian language involves conducting games such as role-playing games, moving games, round dances, finger dances, board games, theatrical games, as well as interesting speech physical education minutes.

So, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. However, we must not forget such basic principles as respect for the child’s personality. If a child, when communicating with a teacher, feels like an individual, that he is respected, that he is taken into account, then, of course, he will try to prove himself, will be active and sociable.

Considering that in given time children are oversaturated with information; it is necessary that the learning process be interesting, entertaining, and developing for them

It should be taken into account that in order to realize the great positive opportunities of preschoolers in teaching the Russian language, work must be built on the basis of a clearly thought-out methodological system, taking into account the age characteristics of children 4-6 years old. In the learning process, children must learn to perceive and understand Russian speech by ear and speak Russian within the range of topics accessible to them, learned words, grammatical forms, syntactic constructions and simple samples of coherent speech.

The main form of teaching the Russian language is the lesson. the main objective classes - to cause speech activity in children, stimulate colloquial speech, to achieve the correctness of Russian speech. When planning work on teaching children the Russian language, the teacher must necessarily take into account the specifics of Russian-Kazakh bilingualism, the speech situation in the group, in families, and the level of understanding of the Russian language by children. Each lesson includes comprehensive solution speech tasks, where, regardless of the topic and specific tasks, at the same time, work is being done on phonetic, lexical, grammatical aspects of the language, and coherent speech skills are being formed.

The structure of the lesson could be as follows:

Organizing time;

vocabulary - consolidation of words learned in the previous lesson, introduction of new vocabulary;

phonetics - articulation of sounds of the Russian language, pronunciation of sounds in Russian words, games and exercises to consolidate sounds;

Connected speech - looking plot paintings, conversation and composing stories based on the model, given by the teacher; writing descriptive stories; stories about events personal life,

retelling works of art;

Grammar - games and exercises for mastering grammatical forms (gender, number, case) of the Russian language;

Games and exercises to reinforce the topic; memorizing poems and rhymes; telling tales, etc.

All basic teaching methods are reinforced in the classroom with appropriate visual examples - showing objects, pictures, toys, dummies, etc. To Russian word entered into the child’s memory without translation into the native language, it is necessary to connect not only vision and hearing (the name of objects, but also touch (touch the object, smell (smell, taste). Visual learning helps children consciously and firmly master the Russian language.

Demonstration of objects in nature or their images in a painting makes the lesson lively and interesting. For example, when studying the topic “Clothing”, the teacher in the group, in appropriate situations, constantly uses expressions like:

Put on/take off/hang/put on/put down...red/blue/green t-shirt/jacket/hat...red/blue/green scarf/sweater/sock...red/blue/green shorts/socks/boots. Is this your jacket? Are these your sneakers? Is this your shoe? Where is your dress/your scarf? What color are your pajamas – blue or red? Etc.

During individual lessons with bilingual children, the teacher in the group conducts didactic games, which also use vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”. These can be games like “Memory”, “Match a Pair”, “Loto” or “Who can dress the fastest”, in which, in accordance with the number of points rolled on the dice, children put different clothes on paper figures of two dolls.

The focus of the teacher’s attention should always be on developing and improving children’s skills in correct Russian pronunciation and eliminating existing deficiencies. Each lesson should consist of 2-3 minutes phonetic exercise aimed at development phonemic hearing children, production pronunciation skills and skills. Such an exercise can be carried out in the form of games “Echo”, “Clock”, “Chain”, etc., recommended by the program. To reinforce new words in each lesson, a variety of game exercises and situations. (For example, the game “Let’s arrange furniture for the doll” (fixing the names of pieces of furniture). On the teacher’s table there is a doll, children’s furniture, a car. Educator: “Children, our doll Masha moved to new apartment. She bought herself new furniture. The furniture was brought by car. Let’s help Masha unload the furniture” (calls the children one by one and invites them to find the right thing in the car). Effective method enriching children's vocabulary - games - dramatization based on the plots of poems, Russian folk tales, works of Russian writers that contribute to the consolidation of new vocabulary, the formation of the ability to build dialogue and coherent texts. Even silent, inactive children want to participate in such games. Also, children easily learn vocabulary and grammar by dramatizing these fairy tales in Russian.

In classes, teaching the lexical side of speech is based mainly on visual aids: toys, pictures, images of actions, gestures, facial expressions. Vocabulary includes vocabulary on topics that are well known to children in their Everyday life(“Games and toys”, “Family”, “Home”, “Animals”, etc.) The selected vocabulary is specific. Children mostly learn the names of objects material world, the name of typical actions and signs of objects that are already familiar to them in their native language. Vocabulary is introduced gradually in large numbers thematic groups and is processed in various games. Words are not introduced in isolation, but in combination with other words or in a meaningful situation in the game.

Teaching grammar presents certain difficulties. Mastering grammatical skills is built on the basis of speech patterns using the principle of analogy with the native language. The child must realize that any language is built according to its own laws, which must be observed in order for the statement to be understandable. For this you can use specially designed grammar games, fairy tales, stories and poems. It is important to adhere to the stages of speech skills and abilities. The child perceives new things linguistic phenomenon, reproduces under the guidance of the teacher, includes this linguistic phenomenon in his speech during games, tasks, speech exercises. We also work on teaching the Russian language in our free time.

The family plays an important role in a child’s acquisition of Russian speech. I conduct consultations, conversations, give recommendations and advice on language learning. In the future, I would like to involve parents in the preparation of folklore holidays in Russian, such as “Broad Maslenitsa”, “Russian gatherings”, “Alyonushka’s fairy tales”. These activities make it possible to achieve high results in the development of children’s Russian speech, provide an opportunity to immerse them in the culture of the Russian people, and contribute to the establishment of friendly and productive contacts with parents.

The language environment must be developmental in nature. The concept of a language development environment includes both the language environment itself and the child’s subject-development environment in the classroom. In the language learning classroom, the subject-development environment is created in accordance with the age characteristics, interests of children, taking into account software requirements. Speech games are issued in the form of separate cards. Using these unique cheat sheets it is always convenient to remember this or that game. All material has been systematized and a card file has been compiled.

According to all kindergarten teachers, in this case we can talk about the child’s actual bilingualism, which was formed through the joint efforts of parents and teachers, each of whom tried to do everything possible for this. The coordination of the actions of all kindergarten specialists also played a significant role in this.


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