Annual grape festival in Italy. Puff snack with grape puree

Rtveli holiday: bright photos and video, detailed description and reviews about the Rtveli Holiday event in 2019.

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In our minds, Georgia is a country of mountains, gorges, sea, ancient temples, monasteries and, of course, wine. Wine is not easy business card the country, its national pride, is the key to prosperity, because in almost every Georgian family someone is involved in winemaking. It is clear that for centuries the wine harvest was expected with trepidation: there will be no wine, there will be no joy and prosperity. In Georgia there is even special holiday dedicated to the harvest. It is called Rtveli and is considered one of the most beloved in the country.

The holiday is ancient, dating back to the famous Greek orgies dedicated to the god of wine, Dionysus. Of course, with the adoption of Christianity, pagan symbols fell out of use, but the meaning of the holiday remained the same: people together rejoice at the grape harvest and prepare new wine.

How is the holiday going?

In our tradition, a family holiday is considered New Year, in other latitudes it’s Christmas, but in Georgia it’s undoubtedly Rtveli. No matter how far the lives of family members are scattered, they all inevitably come together for a holiday with relatives who are winemakers. There is no single time for its holding: even though Georgia is small country, the climate in its different parts varies significantly. For example, in Eastern Georgia, Rtveli takes place earlier than in Western Georgia, usually in September, since early frosts may strike and the grapes will disappear. But in the West they sometimes celebrate in the middle and even at the end of October. In addition, the date depends on what the summer was like: if it is very dry and hot, then the celebration happens earlier, if it is cool, then the winemakers wait until the last minute to collect.

It is impossible to try wine from a new harvest before a couple of months later, so during Rtveli, wine from previous harvests is used.

How to get to Rtveli

Today, when Russian tourists are extremely interested in Georgia, many options for tours to this country are offered. Without a travel agency, it is almost impossible to get to the holiday “from the outside.” To do this, you need to have friends who want to invite travelers to a family celebration. As a rule, such a tour is designed for a day or two; tourists are brought to a family, and they observe the production of the first wine. First, it is crushed with feet in special clay vats, then loaded into ceramic vessels - qvevri, previously freed from old wine and thoroughly cleaned. Then the famous Georgian feast begins, with long toasts and speeches, tourists take direct part in it.

Rtveli lasts more than one day; many Georgians specially take vacation for this time.

Anyone who wants to visit the wine-growing regions and experience the special flavor of the Georgian feast should vacation in Georgia in September-early October to get to the colorful and fun party Rtveli.

2 October in an Italian town Marino passed traditional holiday grapes Marino Grape Festival(held annually on the first Sunday in October, starting from 1925). This event is one of oldest holidays harvest in Italy. The autumn festival is full of ancient traditions and is held in the central square of Marino. The town itself is located near the capital of Italy - about 21 km southeast of Rome, in the region Lazio. In the Middle Ages, luxurious villas were built here and extraordinary wines were created, which were already distant time gained considerable popularity. Today the autumn grape festival is a social event, but in the recent past it had religious motives. The fact is that on this day the Catholic Church celebrates Day of the Madonna del Rosario (Madonnas of Victory). Italians believe that the image of Madonna XII century protects the crop, protecting it from diseases and bad weather. IN 1571 Madonna helped Christians win the battle with the fleet Ottoman Empire. This battle took place in Gulf of Patras and became a decisive event in the war. After this, Madonna del Rosario began to be called the Madonna of Victory. That is why in Marino on this day there is a solemn procession in honor of the heavenly patroness Madonna del Rosario, and a medieval knightly tournament is held in the city.

The holiday itself takes place in several stages. IN morning hours A solemn mass is held in the churches in honor of the Madonna del Rosario, followed by a festive procession and parade on the occasion of the victory over the Turks. The celebration moves to central square cities where the climax of the action takes place: within one hour of Fountain of the Four Moors flow of white wine from Malvasia Marino DOC variety! So if it's good for the job If you take it on, you can get a lot done. This is the main attraction of the festival, the fountain is a symbol sort of Column and built in XVII century. During the festival, the town turns into a real fair of local delicacies. For the taste of connoisseurs, various smoked meats are offered, prepared according to signature Italian recipes from pork and spices; fresh bread; sweet buns - chambella and many other culinary delights. Eaten great amount grapes (the best local varieties), and wine flows like a river, as if from a cornucopia (every year from 150 t. local white grapes are prepared 3 thousand liters guilt). The fun continues until late at night. Are running out festivities carnival and colorful fireworks.

The Harvest Festival in Marino precedes the Grape and Wine Festival in Bardolino. The city is located close to Verona on the shore Lake Garda. As part of the wine and grape festival, the doors of all wine cellars open, and anyone can taste the wine. Wine tasting is accompanied by theatrical performances and concerts. The holiday ends with fireworks.

Despite the fact that Czech wine is not as widespread as beer, the tradition of making this drink dates back to the distant past. The very first vineyards in the Czech Republic appeared back in 280, when grapevines were planted on the slopes of Palava. Since then, in many parts of the Czech Republic they began to grow grapes and make a wonderful aromatic drink, which became popular first thanks to the monks, and then to wealthy citizens who created their own vineyards and opened private wineries. Therefore, it is not surprising that with the arrival of September, the grape harvest festival begins throughout the country, where you can try wine cider - “mosht” and young grape wine - “burchak”.

Vintage Festival in Znojmo

The largest grape harvest festival takes place on the streets of the Czech town of Znojmo. The celebration is accompanied by live music, not only modern, but also medieval. Any holiday guest will hear their favorite melodies, since the repertoire is very diverse - from jazz to rock. In the Church of St. Nicholas of Znojma, performed by a chamber orchestra, concerts are held on Saturdays classical music. In addition to musical concerts, during the holiday you can enjoy ancient dances, fencing tournaments and theatrical performances. However, the main thing at the grape harvest festival is still the theme of wine, so everyone can try different varieties of this drink. Numerous tastings take place both under the beautiful arches of Znojmo Castle and in large and small wineries that opened in these holidays its doors for visitors. Comes to Znojmo on holidays famous king Jan of Luxembourg with his wife Eliska Přemyslovna. The costume procession will travel throughout the city and end with a celebration in the Upper Park. The royal procession is usually accompanied by a torchlight procession with a fire show.

Grape harvest festival in Mikulov

Not far from Znojmo, in famous area Palava, an equally magnificent grape harvest festival takes place. Festive celebrations and festivities are held in Mikulov. Guests of the celebration are invited to enjoy an extensive musical program, which takes place on Capuchin Street, in the castle and on the main street of the city. In addition to musical concerts, guests of the holiday have the opportunity to visit a bird exhibition, watch Gothic dances, a fire show, and also laugh at the jokes of comedians and jesters. A medieval folk crafts fair opens in the castle park, where guests can learn local songs. However, the hero of the occasion, wine, remains the center of attention. The National Wine Competition is held at the Galant Hotel. A real wine-making town is growing up on Kapucinska Street, where you can taste young wine “burchak”, as well as various types of wines and delicacies. In the city castle, the tasting takes place under the guidance of a special moderator. The main event of the holiday will be a solemn procession in ancient and national costumes, which will march through the streets of the city. There will also be a historical procession of King Wenceslas IV, who arrived with his retinue.

Grape harvest festival in Prague

Prague, along with other cities in the country, can also boast of holding a grape harvest festival, and several festivals take place in different areas. The Czech King Charles IV periodically issued decrees to open new wineries and increase the number of vineyards in the “Mother of Czech Cities”. In the Prague district of Vinohrady, celebrations began to be held recently, in 1997, since then it has become so popular that thousands of tourists flock to it every year. Guests of the holiday will enjoy a varied musical program, a procession in ancient costumes, and, of course, a tasting of aromatic wine, delicacies and young “burchak”. In addition, anyone can take part in the grape pressing process. In another district of the Czech capital, Grebovka, festive festivities take place in the Havlíčkovy Sady park. Participating in the performance ancient gods, nymphs, dancers, satyrs. Here you can see the ancient market and Roman baths. All this action goes well with tasting Czech wine, which will create an even more festive atmosphere. In the Troy area, on the territory of the Troy Vineyards, in the chapel of St. Clare, a wine and “burchak” tasting takes place. Anyone who comes to this place can take part in the celebration and enjoy the extensive musical program.

Vintage festival in South Moravia

The main wine-growing region of the Czech Republic is the region of South Moravia. Connoisseurs of quality wines consider this region of the country as authoritative in the production of this drink as for the French Champagne. A huge number of tourists come to Moravia every year, preferring a relaxing holiday among picturesque nature, complemented by the atmosphere of wine cellars. In total, there are about ten thousand wine cellars and most of of which is located in South Moravia. Therefore, grape harvest festivals are held in many towns and villages in this region. In addition to the largest and most famous ones, in Znojmo and Mikulov, holidays are held in Valtice, Bzenetsk, Straznica, Pavlov and many others. On holidays there are music concerts, various competitions, costume parades, folk dances. The main thing, of course, is the tasting of Moravian wines, accompanied by popular dishes of Czech cuisine.

Vintage FestivalVKarlštejn

The famous Czech castle Karlštejn annually hosts the Karlštejn wine harvest festival. In addition to tasting Carlstein wines, “burchak” and culinary delicacies, guests of the holiday will be treated to a display of medieval clothing, performances by fakirs, fire-swallowers and court magicians. And also watch the royal knightly tournament and buy souvenirs at the medieval fair. The apotheosis of the holiday will be a costumed historical procession, led by Emperor Charles IV himself.

We offer the most low prices for all services (accommodation, meals, excursions)!

Rtveli tour program 2019.

Grape harvest festival in Georgia.

September 14 – Arrival in Tbilisi, transfer to the hotel.

Evening walk around the city, DINNER

15.09 – Sightseeing tour Tbilisi - Mtskheta

Breakfast at the hotel

Walking tour along Chardin Street, inspection cathedral Sameba, Sioni, Anchiskhati and Narikala fortress. Includes visits to the most striking sights of Tbilisi, including historical monuments, its surroundings, walking along the old streets that have preserved their originality, visiting a unique square where churches of three faiths peacefully coexist - a church, a mosque and a synagogue, a museum under open air, where there are analogues of village dwellings of the 18th - 19th centuries, State Museum and an art museum, which has unique gold funds with exhibits from excavations at the site of the oldest settlement in Europe and much more.

Visit to Mtskheta – THE HOLINESS OF GEORGIA – Jvari

Mtskheta - once upon a time oldest capital Georgia. Today it is already a city administrative center Mtskheta - Mtianeti. Unique cultural monuments. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and represents one of the most important centers of Georgian culture.

Svetitskhoveli is the church named after the 12 Apostles of Christ, which is without a doubt one of the most important cathedrals in Georgia. Svetitskhoveli has been a patriarchal cathedral since ancient times, because it is the burial place of the Robe of Christ. Svetitskhoveli is a cross-domed structure with beautiful architectural ornaments and frescoes.

Jvari Monastery is located on the eastern side near the city. Mtskheta, on the hill of the mountain. In the 20s of the 5th century, a wooden cross was erected here, a symbol of the unification of the country.

Free evening. Optional visit to sulfur baths.

September 16 - Bodbe - Chumlaki - Tbilisi

Breakfast at the hotel

And now let's move to Kakheti - a corner of the grapevine. The village of Bodbe is located 7 km from Sighnaghi. It is considered a national Georgian shrine, since a large episcopal and monastic complex of St. George was built here. In this cathedral, Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino of Cappadocia, the great baptizer of Georgia and the harbinger of Christianity, found her final refuge. Traditions say that it was in the village of Bodbe that sixty-year-old Saint Nino died in 335. She walked across the country, healed the sick and converted ordinary people To to one God. As Saint Nino bequeathed, she was buried in these lands.

The temple ensemble in Bodbe had to be restored and restored more than once. IN XVI-XVII centuries the village was one of the main educational centers Georgia. In 1837, the monastery was abolished, and in 1889, the women's parish cathedral of St. Nino was opened here, which continues to operate.

Let's visit the beauty of Kakheti, the extraordinary city of love Sighnaghi. It was declared a city in 1801. Sighnaghi is also a fortress, which was built in 1762. Its initial appearance has not survived to this day. The city occupies almost 40 hectares of land, and the length of the fortress wall is 2.5 km. The fortress has 28 watchtowers and 5 entrances around the perimeter. Each tower had its own name. The city has preserved remarkable examples of the architecture of residential buildings of the 19th century. The buildings of houses and buildings are presented in the style of Southern Italian classicism with Georgian elements. The city impresses with its majestic history.



"Rtveli" is a Georgian holiday of the vine and grape harvest.

Without wasting time, we will arrange a real feast accompanied by folklore.

Arrival in Tbilisi

September 17 – Excursion Telavi – Kvareli - Bodbe-Sighnaghi - Tbilisi

Kvareli Municipality(ყვარელი) - district in eastern Georgia, in Kakheti, on the northeastern edge of the Alazani Valley, bordering Dagestan.

It is in this area that the famous Georgian wine “Kindzmarauli” is produced. One winery (“Kindzmarauli Corporation”) is located right in the city of Kvareli, and the second (new) is nearby, among the vineyards. There we will also visit an interesting grape museum, where you can see all sorts of rare varieties.

Arrival in Tbilisi


September 19 – Free day

Breakfast at the hotel

On this day you will take a walk around Tbilisi on your own.

Or you can add an additional excursion

20.09 – Seeing off our guests

Transfer to the airport with a gift from the company

tour cost from 350 $

The price of this tour includes: 3* accommodation in Tbilisi on a breakfast basis, excursions with a professional guide,participation in Rtveli (grape harvesting, juicing, wine tasting), comfortable transport

The price does not include: air travel, additional excursion if desired, wine tastings not specified in the program

Included in the price

  • Transport services throughout the tour according to the program;
  • Services of a professional guide according to the program;
  • Entrance tickets to museums and tastings of 3 wines and chacha;
  • Accommodation in 3* hotels;
  • Meals according to the program.

As a gift from the company on the return flight - 1 liter of real homemade Kakhetian wine.

  • For single occupancy in a room, the cost of the tour per person is +25%;
  • Children under 6 years old are free with additional charges. beds in the room for adults;
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old - 70% of the tour cost, subject to additional charges. beds in a room with adults.

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