The administrative center of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is. Capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The most sparsely populated region of the country is Nenets autonomous region located in the north-west of its Eastern European part. You can get an idea of ​​the district, consider its borders, cities and other objects using the map of Nenets Autonomous Okrug from satellite. The lands between Pechora and Ugra are mentioned in chronicles dating back to the 9th-10th centuries. The indigenous population (Nenets) moved here from the banks of the Ob, but after some time they came under control Novgorod princes, who constantly collected tribute from the northern regions.

If you look at the map of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug with diagrams, it will become clear that most of lands are located in the Arctic. The district has common boundaries With:

  • Arkhangelsk region;
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug;
  • Republic of Komi.

The district owns several islands and peninsulas. The most northern territories districts are limited by sea waters Arctic Ocean.The maps of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug with districts display all objects. You can easily find cities, and by zooming in, see in detail the streets, the location of buildings, find train stations, shops, and administrative offices. The card is an indispensable assistant in travel, business trips, and tourist trips. Load the map into your smartphone or tablet and view any object at its maximum magnification.

Districts on the map of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Everything on the territory of the district is unique - nature, indigenous culture and even territorial division. This is the only region in the country in which only 1 district is territorially allocated - Zapolyarny. There are 19 villages on its territory. All other villages in the region are not included in the district, but belong to the urban district. IN detailed map Even small-sized villages are represented in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Rivers flowing in the area:

  • Lunvozh;
  • Pechora;
  • Voyvozh;
  • Cher-Vozh.

The main administrative unit here is the village of Iskateley. The village has television, radio broadcasting, partial cellular coverage, working bus routes, connecting the village with the city of Naryan-Mar. In the settlements that are displayed on the map of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the number of residents is very small. Just over 1,500 people inhabit the village of Krasnoye alone, while in other villages it is even smaller.

Transport links in the district are poorly developed. Only 28% of all roads have asphalt surface. Road transport links with other regions are interrupted weather conditions, and sometimes absent for a long time. Look at the location of the main roads in detail on the map of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and you will be convinced of the paucity of transport options.

The main burden when moving residents and guests of the region falls on air transport. Some villages can be reached by helicopter, and from the airport you can fly by plane to cities such as:

  • Arkhangelsk;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Pechora;
  • Moscow.

Along the rivers of the region, you can also get to the villages that are indicated on the map with villages of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. river transport, but navigation lasts for a very short period - from mid-June to October.

Map of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug with cities and villages

When you try to find a city on a map, you will be surprised. There is only one settlement with this status here. Naryan-Mar is the “heart” of the district in the literal sense. This is a commercial port that provides life for the Arctic region. As the map with the cities and villages of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug shows, you can only come here by car along the Laya-Voyazhskaya road, which stretches from the east and is a “winter road”.

The city has its own few attractions:

  • administration and post office buildings;
  • monument to the sailors of the steamship "Komsomolets";
  • monument to reindeer herders;
  • house of culture.

The city's population slightly exceeds 20 thousand people. The main nationalities are Nenets and Russians. Over the past 10 years, modern, comfortable houses have appeared in the city, which can be found on a map with settlements of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Also using online service you can find main streets, access roads to the port and airport.

Economy and industry of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The region's economy is based on oil and gas production and traditional industries. The district contains the largest oil and gas condensate fields:

  • Khasyreyskoe;
  • Tedinskoe;
  • Toraveyskoe;
  • Kharyaginskoe.

In total, the region is already producing at 96 fields and is developing more than 20 more.

On Yandex maps of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug you can see large, undeveloped territories that are occupied by pastures. More than 2 thousand people are involved in reindeer husbandry, mainly representatives of the indigenous peoples of the region. There are also more than 10 fishing cooperatives with their own trawl fleet. There are several processing plants within Naryan-Mar.

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug belongs to the regions of the Far North. The climate is universally subarctic, turning into arctic in the far north: the average January temperature is from −3 °C in the far north to −22 °C in the southeast, the average July temperature is from +6 °C in the north to +16 °C in the south; precipitation - about 350 mm per year; permafrost. The Nenets District is subject to systematic invasion of Atlantic and Arctic air masses. Frequent change air masses are the cause of constant weather variability. In winter and autumn, winds with a southern component predominate, and in summer - northern and northeastern ones, caused by the invasion of cold arctic air onto the heated continent, where Atmosphere pressure reduced at this time. The air temperature in summer is determined by the value solar radiation and therefore naturally increases from north to south. average temperature July in Naryan-Mar is +12° C. In the cold half of the year, the main factor in the temperature regime is the transfer of heat from the Atlantic, so the temperature decrease is clearly expressed from west to east. The average January temperature in Naryan-Mar is −18° C, winter lasts on average 220-240 days. The entire territory of the district is located in the zone of excess moisture. Annual precipitation ranges from 400 mm (on the coasts of the seas and on the Arctic islands) to 700 mm. The minimum precipitation is observed in February, the maximum in August - September. At least 30% of precipitation falls in the form of snow, and permafrost is present.

Nenets Autonomous Okrug was formed July 15, 1929 Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee based on the will of the Nenets people.

The territory of the district is 176.7 thousand sq. km. Within its current borders, the district borders the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic and the Mezensky district Arkhangelsk region, from the north the border runs along the coast of the White, Barents and Kara Seas, including adjacent islands that are not included in the jurisdiction of the Arkhangelsk region. The administrative center of the district is the city of Naryan-Mar.

Economy of the region

Production of gross regional product

The region's economy is single-industry in nature, and the main increase in the gross regional product is provided by oil production.

In 2013–2014, compared to 2012, a slight increase in the physical volume of the gross regional product is projected to be 4.5%, which is due to the stabilization of oil prices, the growth of the dollar, as well as a slight increase in oil production in the district associated with the projected commissioning of fields named after . R. Trebs and them. A. Titov and reaching an industrial level of production at the field of the Central Khoreyver uplift (blocks No. 1, 2, 3, 4).

Industrial production

According to the Territorial Authority federal service state statistics for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (hereinafter referred to as the territorial statistics body) in 2012, the industrial production index is an aggregated production index by type economic activity“mining”, “manufacturing”, “production and distribution of electricity, gas and water” amounted to 89.4% of the 2011 level. The decrease in the production index is due to a decrease in oil production. Since 2013, there has been a slight increase in this indicator by 10.1%, due to the start of the implementation of investment projects related to oil production.


In 2012, oil production amounted to 13.5 thousand tons; in 2013, there was a slight decrease compared to the previous year by 1.5%, which is due to a drop in production volumes from one of the largest companies operating in the region. In 2014 – 2016, oil production in the region will increase to 15%, thanks to the commissioning of new fields, namely, as part of trial operation, it is planned to begin oil production at Yuzhno-Toraveyskoye oil field(LLC "NGK "Development of Regions"). Also, as part of trial operation in 2014, it is planned to begin production at new fields of JSC Rusvietpetro LLC - Severo-Sikhoreyskoye, Syurkharatinskoye, Urernyrdskoye.

In 2015, it is planned to begin oil production at the field named after. A. Titova.

The natural resource potential of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a reliable basis for sustainable long-term large-scale development of the productive forces of the district and is distinguished by significant reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials (oil, natural gas, gas condensate).

On the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the State Balance of Reserves takes into account 89 hydrocarbon fields: 77 oil fields, 6 oil and gas condensate fields, 1 gas and oil field, 4 gas condensate fields.

As of October 1, 2013, for the right to use subsoil for the purpose of geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbon raw materials on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, there are 101 licenses, including 21 licenses for the purpose of geological study (SP).

In total, as of October 1, 2013, 27 subsoil users are license holders in the district, of which 3 subsoil users are license holders only for the right to geological exploration of subsoil.

The main oil producing enterprises operating in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug are: Rosneft OJSC, LUKOIL-Komi LLC, Polar Lights Company LLC, Total Exploration Development Russia JSC, Naryanmarneftegaz LLC.


Four enterprises are engaged in industrial processing of agricultural products in the district. The processing of venison and cattle meat is carried out by OJSC "Myasoprodukty", milk - by OJSC "Vita", OJSC "Nenets Agro-Industrial Company", fish - by LLC "Argus".

The main goal of OJSC “Myasoproducts” is to ensure the primary processing of raw materials produced by agricultural producers of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the production of sausages and semi-finished meat products to provide them to the population of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The company employs over 180 people.

The financial and economic condition of the enterprise is characterized as stable.

The enterprise carries out active work to expand the range and improve the quality of products, the volume of sales, which increases from year to year. Despite the fact that commercial organizations and entrepreneurs import meat products from other producers into the district, OJSC "Myasoproducts" does not experience significant difficulties in selling its products thanks to its high quality and biological value. The recognition of the products of OJSC "Myasoproducts" is evidenced by numerous awards received by the enterprise at interregional and all-Russian competitions.

The existing facilities of OJSC "Myasoprodukty" can process meat and venison up to 700 tons in slaughter weight. Based on the regional reindeer population growing from year to year, and the forecast for the development of reindeer husbandry until 2020, in the future it is planned to expand, technically re-equip and modernize the enterprise.

Processing of dairy products is carried out both by agricultural producers themselves and by OJSC Nenets Agro-Industrial Company and OJSC Vita. The range of products includes more than 20 items.

Argus LLC processes and sells fish in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The assortment of Argus LLC includes 39 types.

For development and achievement positive results in the fishing industry, the authorities have taken measures to include the North-West in the list of priority projects federal district investment project “Construction of a fish hatchery for the reproduction and replenishment of whitefish species in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The implementation of this project will make it possible to build a new modern fish processing complex, provide the district with high-quality and wide range of fish products, and create about 100 new jobs. As a result of the construction of fish receiving stations and a fishmeal production plant, the amount of fish produced will increase, and up to 160 people will be employed in fishing in rural settlements.

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water:

The main enterprises generating electricity for the needs of the region are: State Unitary Enterprise NAO Naryan-Mar Power Plant, municipal enterprise of the Polar Region Severzhilkomservice, power plants of agricultural producers; enterprises generating thermal energy are: Naryan-Mar municipal unitary enterprise of integrated boiler houses and heating networks, search municipal unitary enterprise "Poszhilkomservice", enterprise of the Zapolyarny region "Severzhilkomservice".

Oil producing enterprises produce electrical and thermal energy for your own needs.

In 2012, the population consumed 40.4 million kW of electricity. h, which is 1.0% lower than in 2011, by other consumers 68.6 million kWh, which is 0.6% higher than in 2011. In 2013-2014, there was an increase in consumption by an average of 3.0%.


On the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the long-term target program of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “Housing” for 2011-2022 is being implemented,” within the framework of which the following indicators will be achieved:

The resettlement of 1.5 thousand families was ensured and 116.1 thousand square meters were demolished. meters of housing unsuitable for living, including at the first stage: 752 families (2022 people) were resettled and 69.5 thousand square meters were demolished. meters, at the second stage: 762 families (2051 people) were resettled and 46.6 thousand square meters were demolished. meters;

The total area of ​​residential premises built (acquired) within the framework of the subprogram “Resettlement of citizens of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug from housing stock recognized as unsuitable for living and/or with high level wear" is 83.0 thousand square meters;

The number of families who have improved their housing conditions within the framework of the subprogram “Construction (purchase) of residential premises in order to provide citizens under social tenancy agreements and rental agreements with specialized residential premises” is 3.57 thousand families;

The increase in the total area of ​​residential premises is 185 thousand square meters or 118.7% of the total area of ​​housing at the beginning of the implementation of the subprogram “Construction (acquisition) of residential premises in order to provide citizens under social tenancy agreements and rental agreements with specialized residential premises”;

Security level with total area housing per person is 27 square meters or 118% of the indicator at the beginning of the subprogram “Construction (purchase) of residential premises in order to provide citizens under social tenancy agreements and rental agreements with specialized residential premises.”

International trade

Exports of goods in 2013 compared to the same period last year increased by 2.0% and amounted to 4.8 billion US dollars, by 2016 it will increase to 5.4 billion US dollars. At the same time, almost all exports are carried out to non-CIS countries. The growth in exports is directly related to the expansion of oil production in the district. The basis of exports from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is crude oil, the rest is fish. The overwhelming majority of imports is made up of machinery and equipment purchased by oil producing companies for the development of fields.

Consumer market

Retail trade turnover in 2013 compared to the same period last year increased by 4.3% and amounted to 6,727.7 million rubles; in 2014-2016, this figure will increase annually in comparable prices by 4-5 percent. This is due to the growth of household incomes and the increase in the range and quality of goods offered by trading organizations. Turnover volume Catering in 2013-2016 it is expected to be at the 2012 level.

The structure of paid services to the population is dominated by utilities and passenger transport services, however, during the forecast period the share of housing and utilities. The volume of paid services of cultural institutions and physical culture and sports, which is associated with the commissioning of new facilities, in particular, a new ice palace was built, and a new cultural and leisure center is being used at full capacity.

ODS in the region

The regulatory impact assessment in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug officially began on January 1, 2014. At the end of 2013, an RIA was carried out on two draft regulatory legal acts in order to identify difficulties associated with the implementation of the procedure for conducting RIA. All documents are posted on the official portal of the authorized body at

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 2, 2013 No. 176-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation" and Articles 7 and 46 Federal Law“On the general principles of organization local government in the Russian Federation" on the issues of assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts and the examination of regulatory legal acts" by the Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated 07.10.2013 No. 98-oz "On Amendments to the Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug" was introduced Article 23.1, establishing from January 1, 2014 the procedure and procedures for interaction between executive authorities of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug as part of the assessment of the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (hereinafter referred to as RDA) and the examination of regulatory legal acts acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (hereinafter referred to as the examination of legal acts).

Resolution of the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated October 30, 2013 No. 382-p “On the implementation of procedures for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the examination of legal acts of existing regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug” Department economic development Nenets Autonomous Okrug was determined by the executive body of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug authorized to implement the RIA procedure (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) and the Regulations were approvedon the procedure for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the examination of existing regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The RIA is carried out in order to identify provisions that introduce excessive obligations, prohibitions and restrictions for business and investment entities or contribute to their introduction, as well as provisions that contribute to the emergence of unreasonable expenses of business and investment entities and the district budget of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

RIA is a set of procedures that allows the developer of regulatory decisions in the process of preparing draft regulatory legal acts to consider the widest possible range of possible regulatory measures, assess the costs and benefits of both the recipients of regulation (entrepreneurs, investors, citizens) and budgets of all levels, eliminate administrative barriers, offer the most effective solution, as well as assess its possible consequences.

As part of the implementation of the RIA procedure, the authorized body carries out:

control over the implementation of the procedure for conducting the RIA procedure by the bodies that developed the draft regulatory legal act of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug;

regulatory, legal, information and methodological support for the RIA procedure;

quality control of the execution of procedures and preparation of opinions on RIA by the bodies that developed the draft regulatory legal act of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, including quality control of public consultations;

assessing the actual impact of existing government regulation;

involving the business community in discussions of draft regulatory legal acts as part of the RIA;

conclusion of Agreements on interaction during the conduct of RIA between the authorized body and regional associations of entrepreneurs;

preparation of periodic information on the development and results of the RIA procedure in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug;

placement on the official website of the Economic Development Department of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug on the “Regulatory Impact Assessment” page of information about the conduct of RIA.

Nenets Autonomous Okrug- a subject of the Federation in the northeast of the European part of Russia. The district is located on the northeastern edge of the East European Plain. The terrain of the territory is mostly flat; The Timan Ridge and the Pai-Khoi Ridge stand out, between which the swampy Bolshezemelskaya and Malozemelskaya tundras are located.

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug, being an independent federal subject within the Northwestern Federal District, is part of the Arkhangelsk Region. Administrative center– Naryan-Mar.

The region's territory is 176,810 km2, the population (as of January 1, 2017) is 43,937 people.

Surface water resources

The territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug belongs to the basin of the Arctic Ocean, most of which belongs to the basin of the Barents and Pechora seas, the extreme West Side– swimming pool White Sea, the extreme eastern – to the Kara Sea basin.

The river network of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is represented by 1854 rivers total length 47,144 km (density river network 0.27 km/km 2), most of which relate to small rivers and streams. The rivers of the Autonomous Okrug are predominantly of riverine nature. It is typical for them mixed nutrition with a predominance of snow (up to 75%). The rivers of the region belong to the Eastern European type of water regime, they are characterized by spring floods with a sharp increase in water level, summer-autumn low water, occasionally interrupted by rain floods, and low winter low water. The duration of freeze-up on the rivers of the Autonomous Okrug is 7–8 months; many rivers freeze over in winter. The territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug contains the lower parts of the Pechora, Kara and Korotaikha basins, as well as a number of medium and small rivers flowing into the Barents and Kara Seas. Also largest rivers, partially or completely flowing through the territory of the Autonomous Okrug, are the first and second order tributaries of the Pechora - Sula, as well as Adzva and Kolva (tributaries of the Usa River). Among the regions of the federal district, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug ranks last in terms of river network density.

The area and number of lakes and artificial reservoirs, swamps and wetlands are not constant, they depend on natural ( water regime, climatic phenomena, waterlogging, etc.) and anthropogenic (drainage of territories, etc.) factors.

Groundwater resources

Functions for providing public services and management of federal property in the field of water resources in the region is carried out by the Department of Water Resources of the Dvinsko-Pechora BVU for the Arkhangelsk Region and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Authority in the area water relations transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the functions of providing public services and managing regional property in the field of water resources in the region are carried out by the Department natural resources, ecology and agro-industrial complex Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

On the territory of the Autonomous Okrug the State program “Protection environment, reproduction and use of natural resources”, aimed at protecting and rationally using water bodies, ensuring the protection of the population and economic facilities from the negative impact of water and solving other problems.

When preparing the material, we used data from the State reports “On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state and use of water resources of the Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state and use of land in the Russian Federation in 2015”, “On the state of the environment in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in 2015”, collection “Regions of Russia. Socially economic indicators. 2016". In regional rankings for surface and underground water resources indicators of federal cities are not taken into account –

The territory of the Nenets Okrug is unique; here is the only example of flat tundra in Europe, where you can see untouched landscapes and natural complexes. The wealth of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is not only the mineral resources located on its territory, but also the unique northern nature, and the ancient people of reindeer herders with thousand-year-old traditions.

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug, located in the north of the East European Plain, is part of the Northwestern Federal District and borders the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Mezensky district of the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic. The population of the district is 42,789 people (as of 2013). The area of ​​the district is 175.81 thousand square meters. km. The Nenets Okrug occupies the Kanin Peninsula, two large islands - Vaygach and Kolguev and small islands - Peskov, Dolgiy, Bolshoi Zelenets, Maly Zelenets, Sengeevsky, Gulyavskie Koshki and others. Almost all the lands of the district, except for the southwestern part, are located beyond the Arctic Circle and are washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean - the Barents, White and Kara.

In 1929, the Nenets Okrug became the first national okrug in the Far North, and in 1977 it was renamed the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Two thirds of the district's population are Russians, a third are small peoples of the North, Komi and Nenets.

The administrative center is Naryan-Mar (translated from Nenets as “Red City”), located 1,500 km from Moscow. There is no time difference with Moscow. You can get to the city by plane, and during the shipping season from mid-June to October by sea transport. The city was founded in the 30s of the twentieth century as seaport and a river pier. Now Naryan-Mar is one of the main transshipment bases for oil tankers.

The Nenets District is located in the Arctic climatic zone, where the influence of the Atlantic cyclones is strong, which is why the weather here is constantly changing. The subarctic climate is harsh - winter here is cold, lasting up to 5 months in the western part of the district, and up to 6.5 months in the eastern part. The average temperature in winter is 11−20 C, in summer +6−13 C. Thaws occur in winter, and frosts occur in summer. In autumn, the sea slightly softens the climate on the coast, and in spring and summer makes it cooler. August to September usually sees maximum rainfall. Fog and snowstorms occur quite often in the area.

Most of the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is covered by permafrost, which is interrupted on the coast and in the southern part. Most of the lands of the Nenets Okrug are tundra - arctic mountain, northern, southern, a quarter is forest-tundra and a small part, about 8% of the entire territory, is northern taiga.

The Nenets Okrug is of great interest for extreme, geological, ethnographic and ecological tourism. For nature lovers and scientists, this is simply a haven.

On the territory of the district there is the Nenets State Nature Reserve with an area of ​​almost 314 hectares, of which 182 hectares are in the marine area. The reserve occupies the northeast of the Malozemelnaya tundra, the Pechora delta and all the islands of the Pechora Bay. The reserve preserves both unique endemic plants and rare species of birds and animals - the little swan, the white-tailed eagle, the white-billed loon, the lesser white-fronted lesser white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted walrus, the gray seal, the bearded seal, the ringed seal, and a rare amphibian - the Siberian salamander. . Rare cetaceans such as northern fin whales and high-browed bottlenose whales enter the bays.

In the Pechora delta, valuable species of fish spawn - navaga and salmon; salmon, omul, grayling are found in the lakes; smelt and cod inhabit the coastal waters.

Be sure to visit one of the most memorable places in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is a unique area of ​​the Belaya River in Northern Timan. IN geographically Northern Timan is a gentle hill consisting of four ridges stretching from southeast to northwest.

In its upper course, the Belaya River meanders through high rocky banks consisting of whitish quartz sandstone. Thanks to frosty weathering and rain streams that wash away destroyed material from the slopes, the shores are decorated with bizarre figures of remains that give free rein to fantasy and imagination. The soft rock of sedimentary origin is so worn down by severe temperature and water weathering that strong winds they blow amazing statues, monuments, pillars, and arches out of shapeless cobblestones. Here you can see vases, dinosaurs, human and animal figures, chess pieces and dilapidated buildings. A real Stone City! Everywhere there are whole scatterings of white sand that shimmers like snow, the kind you won’t find in the most fashionable resorts. The tundra is also surprising here - instead of the standard wet swamp covered with moss, dwarf birch and willow, there is a pleasant dry surface covered with moss, pebbles and sand. This is due to the rugged terrain with excellent drainage and very strong winds.

Downstream, the Belaya flows in relatively low, bushy banks, and then again rushes into a narrow, deep canyon. Here Belaya cuts through the Chaitsyn Kamen ridge, and its high banks expose majestic and beautiful, and at the same time gloomy cliffs of sandstone and basalt. This is a unique natural monument - the Big Gate Canyon.

Along the entire course of the river there are beautiful rock outcrops, in some places falling sheer into the water. Magnificent agates are found in the shallows. In the basalts of the Big Gate Canyon, secretions made of chalcedony, a beautiful bluish agate with clear crystals rock crystal in the form of bubbles inside, purple amethyst and other minerals.

The river has rapids and requires attention and special caution from the traveler. There are places completely littered with huge boulders with several waterfalls, up to one and a half meters high, under which there is the main danger - foam boilers. Water, merging with a roar through a narrow gap, falling, does not even form foamed water, but water foam with an extremely low density.

The water in the river is so clear that even if you climb the rock, you can see all the inhabitants of the river - grayling, brown trout, salmon. The abundance of fish in the river is simply amazing. Often the number of spinning casts coincides with the number of fish caught. On its banks you can find thickets of Karelian birch, reminiscent of orchards; in some areas along the banks, rowan berries, currants, aspen, and spruce grow. There is plenty to eat: there are a lot of cloudberries in the swamps, and blueberries and blueberries on the slopes.

The Belaya River can be interesting both for water tourism and for walking: its banks are passable along its entire length.

Those who like to eat berries will not be able to pass by the huge meadows of cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries and lingonberries; mushroom pickers will also be able to “hunt” - there are many edible mushrooms in the tundra.

On the territory of the district, sites of ancient people dating back to the Paleolithic era (8th millennium BC) and human settlements were discovered Bronze Age. On Vaigach Island, the sacred island of the Nenets, 200 monuments of ancient Nenets culture were discovered - sanctuaries and cemeteries, sites, idols, altars.

On the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the lower reaches of the Pechora River, 26 kilometers from Naryan-Mar, there is one of the memorable places of the Russian North - the place where ancient capital of the entire Pechora region - Pustozersk.

The territory of the ancient settlement of Pustozersk is located on the shore of Lake Gorodets. It was founded in 1499 during the expedition of the Moscow squad to the Ugra land by the governors of Ivan III: princes P. Ushaty, S. Kurbsky and V. Brazhnik. During the 16th – 19th centuries it was the economic and cultural center of the Pechora region, played an important role in the development of the Far North and the development of Arctic navigation. It was a place of exile for state criminals.

In 1644, a prison for thieves and disgraced people was set up in Pustozersk - the most terrible and farthest in the north of the state. Here, the ideologist of the Old Believers and the outstanding Russian writer of the 17th century, Archpriest Avvakum, languished in prison for about 15 years. For several years, the famous diplomat and cultural figure of the 17th century, boyar Artamon Matveev, stayed there. Among the prisoners were princes Semyon Shcherbaty, Ivan Dolgoruky, participants in the uprisings of K. Bulavin, S. Razin, the Solovetsky “seat” and others.

The monument includes an ancient settlement (fortress) and a township part. The cultural layer on the side of Lake Gorodets (the southern and eastern parts of Pustozersk) is almost 4 meters high and contains the entire retinue of cultural strata over 500 years. Archaeological work has been carried out since 1987 by the AAE under the leadership of O.V. Ovsyannikov.

Monument to Pustozersk (obelisk), opened on August 2, 1964. Located on the site of the former Pustozersk. Erected on the initiative of V.I. Malyshev, Doctor of Philology, director of the Ancient Repository of the Pushkin House (St. Petersburg), according to the design of the chief architect of Arkhangelsk V. M. Kibirev. It was built at the expense of the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee by the Leningrad master builder S. T. Ustinov, with the participation of students from the Naryan-Mar Construction School.

The monument is a tetrahedral obelisk, built from the stone of the former foundation of the Church of the Transfiguration (height 3.7 m, width 1.4 m) on the north side - a marble slab with the following content: “At this place was the city of Pustozersk, founded in 1499 , economic and Cultural Center Pechora region, which played an important role in the development of the Far North and in the development of Arctic navigation. From here industrialists set out to develop Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen and the Siberian rivers.”

In the last century, Pustozersk became the object of comprehensive study by specialists. The city existed until the middle of the twentieth century. Now only monuments and grave crosses of old Pustozero cemeteries remind of its former glory. But interest in the history of Pustozersk does not wane. As evidenced by the Avvakumov Readings held in Naryan-Mar, constant desire residents and guests of the Nenets Okrug to visit this unique place. In 1991, the territory of the former Pustozersk was declared a museum zone.

The city of Naryan-Mar is located beyond the Arctic Circle in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The calling card and main architectural asset of the city is the building of the district's main post office.

Naryan-Mar is a small town that you can get around in one day. There are no special attractions here, the weather is harsh. But despite this, tourists coming here can have a great time. Houses in the city are painted orange and yellow colors, so they look quite interesting in the sun. The nature of Naryan-Mar amazes with its pristine beauty and severity. But the main feature and attraction of the city is the main post office building. This ancient building is a real architectural masterpiece, reminiscent of a church. To the old ones good times The telegraph of the Arctic Circle was located here, now it is a branch of the Russian Post and the city administration. Previously on the most high tower The building had a beautiful and large clock, then it was removed and replaced with a spire. In 2000, the building of the main post office of the city of Naryan-Mar was carefully restored.

The town has high food prices and poor cellular and the Internet, traveling here is only suitable strong spirit people who prefer to live away from civilization. The reward will be beautiful nature and local attractions, even if there are not many of them.

For local residents, the main thing Postal office not only a cultural and architectural monument of history, it is a kind of calling card of the city and its main asset.

Your trip to Pym-Va-Shor will be unforgettable. State natural monument Pym-Va-Shor, which translated from Komi means “stream of hot water.” The only mineral thermal springs in the Far North, first described by Archimandrite Veniamin in 1849, are located between the Pym-Va-Shor and Dyr-Shor streams, tributaries of the Adzva. This is a group of 8 sources with a total flow rate of 25−30 l/s. The water temperature in the springs in winter and summer is from 18 to 28 °C (previously it reached 40 °C). Some springs are located above the water level in the stream, others are located under water. The water of the springs contains a large set of microelements - titanium, chromium, iron, zinc, nickel, copper, bromine, etc. The gas dissolved in the water of the springs contains carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, radon. Since ancient times, among the Nenets and Komi, the water of the Pym-Va-Shor springs has been considered healing, curing stomach, lung and skin diseases. Geologists from the Polar-Ural Expedition built a swimming pool (now partially destroyed). The sources are in very picturesque place. Streams cut through Carboniferous limestone to form canyons. The limestone ridges are covered with red moss. In one of them there is a cave.

The main dwelling of the Nenets, Chum, which was built from 30-50 poles, was covered with two layers of deer skins with trimmed hair. Inner layer The skins were placed with the wool on the inside, and the top one on the outside. In the summer it was covered with tires made from boiled birch bark.

The Nenets have been living in tents since ancient times. For the Nenets, this is the center of the entire life of the family, which is perceived as the whole world. There is a hole at the top of the chum; it corresponds to the location of the sun during the day and the month at night. The inclined poles covered with skins correspond to the sphere of air that envelops the Earth. The richer the family, the larger the chum. The poor people have a pointed plague, and the Nenets with good incomes have a blunt one. The tent is made of poles. This requires 40 poles.

Then the poles are covered with panels of reindeer skins, which the Nenets call nyuks. Deer skins are sewn into continuous panels and then covered with poles. To cover the plague in winter time 65 to 75 deer are required. From June to September there is a transition from winter to summer nukes. The diameter of the plague reaches up to 8 meters, it can accommodate up to 20 people.

Inside the plague, every object and every place has had its own purpose since ancient times. The central axis of the chum is a pole, which the Nenets consider sacred and call simzy. 7 heads of family and ancestral spirits are placed on it. In the shaman's chum, the simza was always decorated with the image of the sacred bird minley. According to the simza, smoke from the hearth rises to the upper opening of the chum. According to legends, heroes flew along the sacred pole to battles and military exploits.

Behind the simza there is a sacred place - “si”. Only older men are allowed to step on it. This place is forbidden for children and women. There is a sacred chest at this place. It contains the patron spirits of the hearth, family and clan. All family savings and heirlooms, weapons and a chest of tools are also kept there. These things are available only to the head of the house, and are inviolable for other members. The “not” place is for a woman, it is located opposite the si, at the entrance. Here she does all the household chores. In the middle, between ne and si, there is a sleeping place. A belt with amulets and a knife is placed at the head. When going to bed, a man covers himself with a woman's frog. In summer, the sleeping area is fenced off with a chintz canopy. The canopy is used only at night; during the day it is carefully rolled up and secured with pillows. Children lie next to their parents. Further from the simza, the unmarried eldest sons were laid, then the elderly and other family members, including guests. It is very smoky in the plague, but in summer the smoke is a good salvation from mosquitoes.

Chum often moved with its owners from place to place. That's why there are no beds or closets in the tents. The only furniture is a small table - roofing felt and a chest. Before the advent of mobile power plants, lamps were used to illuminate the plague. They were made from bowls and filled fish oil, in which the wick was immersed. Later, kerosene lamps appeared. To shake snow from shoes and the hem of outerwear, there is a beater at the entrance to the tent.

For small children there is a cradle in the tent. Previously, the baby was placed in the cradle immediately after birth, and taken out only when he began to walk. Wood shavings and dry moss were poured into the bottom of the cradle. The skins of deer and arctic fox served as diapers. The child was attached to the cradle with special straps. When breastfeeding, the mother took the baby along with the cradle. Such cradles are still used today.

In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 320 amateur art groups have been created that preserve ancient cultural traditions small peoples of the North, constantly participate in All-Russian and international festivals and holidays.

At festivals and exhibitions held in the area, you can purchase unique products made from leather and fur, wood, bone and deer antler, made by craftsmen according to ancient traditions, and even be present at their creation.

You will enjoy a lot while traveling around the Nenets Autonomous Okrug! It will be like man-made monuments, created by the ancient and modern inhabitants of these places, the original culture of the peoples who inhabit this region today, as well as unique natural attractions.

Today the theater marathon “Cultural Environment” started in the region. Throughout the day, premiere screenings of plays, master classes in acting, and exhibitions of theatrical paraphernalia will be organized for residents of the district at various venues.

In Naryan-Mar, the theater marathon will open with the musical performance “Aunt Charlie” from the People’s Theater “Smile”. Spectators can watch it at 13.00 at Assembly hall Nenets Agrarian and Economic College.

At the Arktika House of Culture, from 15.00, an exhibition will be organized for residents and guests of the city - the sale of theatrical costumes, face painting, performances by the Harlequin and Reflection theaters, the Tvoretsky Theater, and a photo zone. At 18.00 on the small theater stage of the "Arctic" the premiere of the play "Behind the Blue Stone" based on the story of the same name by A. Pichkov staged by the Nenets theater "Ilebts" will take place, and at 19.00 in concert hall The Palace of Culture will host the premiere of the play for adults and children “The Tale of Tsar Ivanovich, Kapitonko and Men’s Friendship” based on the works of Boris Shergin from the Ostrov theater studio.

In the village of Iskateley at 18.30 the premiere of the theatrical performance “Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom” by the theatrical group “Obraz” of the club “Constellation” will take place. For residents of rural settlements, the organizers of the theater marathon prepared four performances for screening - “Mad Family” based on the comic opera by I. Krylov (theater “Prompter”, Velikovisochny Central House of Culture), the fairy tale play “Khavrosha” (youth theater group “Pokazukha” , Nessky House of Folk Art), “Visiting Melpomene” (theatrical group “Inspiration”, a branch of the Pustozersky Central House of Culture in the village of Khongurey) and the play-fairy tale “You Nadya” (“Tundra Berries”) based on the fairy tale of the same name by M. Taleeva (Theatrical group “Vadakomya”, branch of the ECC NAO in the village of Nelmin-Nos).In the House of Culture in the village of Krasnoye, the director of the theater group "BroVisimo" will conduct a master class on acting for beginners.

Organizer of events dedicated to International Day theater and dedicated to the Year of Theater in Russia, the Ethnocultural Center performs NAO. In total, according to the institution, in the region creative activity There are about 30 amateur theaters, of which 11 are in different populated areas participate in the “Cultural Environment” marathon.

© Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

26.03.2019 12:08

Such data were announced at a meeting of the governor NAO Alexander Tsybulsky with the manager of the Arkhangelsk branch of Sberbank of Russia Igor Zalukaev.

According to Igor Zalukaev, achieving a leadership position in this direction became possible thanks to the implementation in Nenets district, together with PJSC Sberbank, since 2015 of the “Cashless District” project, the goal of which is to provide residents rural settlements the ability to pay for various services remotely. Over the two years of project implementation, the number of installed terminals in NAO increased by 2.3 times - from 348 in 2015 to 817 as of the 1st quarter of 2018.

“Sberbank is our reliable partner in many projects,” said the head of the region. – And we plan to expand their capabilities. There is an idea to link as many non-cash transactions as possible to the project. We do this in light of the priorities outlined by the President of Russia in Decree 204 and taking into account the implementation of the main directions of the national program “Digital Economy”.

Today, within the framework of the “Cashless District”, residents of the region can pay for travel in public transport using bank cards and paying state fees for the provision of state and municipal services in the offices of the MFC. In total, 31 terminals have been installed in MFC branches throughout the district, 22 of which are in remote settlements.

In addition, as part of the cooperation of the Administration NAO From Sberbank PJSC to date, all district budgetary institutions have switched to MIR cards. As the head of the region noted, the transition process was quite painless for all employees of the institutions.

Following the meeting, Alexander Tsybulsky also proposed to intensify work regarding the interaction of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in NAO and PJSC Sberbank for the provision of guarantees and sureties when obtaining loans by small and medium-sized businesses. In 2019, the Fund must provide guarantees for loans attracted by entrepreneurs in a total amount of at least 22.7 million rubles. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen work with potential borrowers in the provision of guarantees and warranties from the Fund.

24.03.2019 12:16

On Friday, the current governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, met with the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Tsybulsky, the Smolny press service reports. The regions signed an agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation within the framework of SPIEF 2018.

21.03.2019 10:11

In the near future, PJSC Rostelecom will carry out a procurement procedure for the construction of communication lines for the implementation of the federal project “Information Infrastructure” of the national program “Digital Economy” of the Russian Federation in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

20.03.2019 11:35

20.03.2019 11:20

19.03.2019 15:56

18.03.2019 17:54

Recall, Business Development Center NAO entered into an agreement with regional leasing companies of the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. The purpose of the agreements is to expand entrepreneurs' access to preferential leasing programs provided by regional leasing companies.

In addition, the Business Development Center NAO continues to offer its own two lines of leasing products – “Standard” and “Special”. Support applies to any type of equipment and special-purpose vehicles for doing business. The “standard” program applies to all small and medium-sized businesses and offers “Start”, “Development” and “Trust” products.

The expanded line is designed for agricultural producers, rural entrepreneurs, organizations with a district share of ownership and other categories. You can get acquainted with all types and conditions of leasing on the official website of the Business Development Center NAO.

© 2019 Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

18.03.2019 14:48

The administration of the Pskov region expects to expand the network of interregional flights of the Pskovaiva company through cooperation with the authorities of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug ( NAO). This will make it possible to unite the efforts of the authorities of the two regions to develop aviation, Governor of the Pskov Region Mikhail Vedernikov said in an interview with TASS in Russian economic forum in Sochi.

15.03.2019 12:09

14.03.2019 12:25

13.03.2019 11:02

13.03.2019 10:52

11.03.2019 17:26

State Inspectorate for Construction and Housing Supervision NAO was forced to intervene and recalculate all kinds of overpayments.

Gosstroyzhilnadzor NAO found that in the period from January to February 2019, resource supply organizations and managers of the region excessively charged residents of apartment buildings more than 150,000 rubles in utility bills.

After numerous complaints, Gov. the inspectorate was forced to conduct an inspection. As a result, residents were returned 153,000 rubles in the form of recalculation of fees for housing and communal services.

139,000 rubles were returned to organizations on a voluntary basis.
14,000 rubles - based on regulations.

It was also noted that every second appeal to Gosstroyzhilnadzor NAO associated with incorrect charges for housing and communal services.

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