Gas constant. Universal gas constant


(R), universal fnz. constant included in the equation of state of 1 mole ideal gas: pv=RT (see CLAPEYRON EQUATION), where p - pressure, v - mole volume, T - abs. temp-pa. G. p. in its physical way. meaning - the work of expansion of 1 mole of an ideal gas under constant pressure. pressure when heated by 1 K. On the other hand, G. p. is the difference in molar heat capacities at constant. pressure and at post. volume cр-cv=R (for all highly rarefied gases). Numerical value G.p. in SI units (as of 1980) 8.31441(26) J/(mol K). In other units R = 8.314 107 erg/(mol K) = 1.9872 cal/(mol K) = 82.057 cm3 atm/(mol K).

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  • - universal, fundamental physics. constant R, equal to the product Boltzmann constant k to Avogadro constant NA: R= kNA = 8.31441 J/...

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  • - physical constant included in the equation of state of 1 mole of an ideal gas; denoted by R, equal to 8.314 J/ = = 1.987 cal/...

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  • - A., in which... is used as a contrast agent...

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"GAS CONSTANT" in books


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23 GAS DYNAMICS A person of genius makes an impression on you of a very special kind, which the smartest, most gifted of other people do not make: you see in him a mind that understands the most difficult questions who doesn’t even understand what’s difficult about them;

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Gas Street It starts from Pudozhskaya Street and goes to a dead end behind Levashovsky Avenue. Until the 1950s reached the river embankment. Karpovki. The street received its name on April 16, 1887. It is associated with the gas plant located at the end of the street (house number 10), which was built in 1877.

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6.1. Gas welding Welding is the process of obtaining a permanent connection of metals as a result of heating them with a heat source to the point of melting at the joint, pressure or friction. Welding is performed with or without the addition of filler

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Gas welding General information Gas flame processing of metals (GFM), which includes gas welding, cutting and thermal spraying, is widespread in industry. These processes account for approximately 80% various types GOM. Special place among

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Gas street Gas street is located on the Petrograd side. It starts from Pudozhskaya Street and goes to a dead end behind Levashovsky Avenue. Until the 1950s, it reached the Karpovka River. The name was given on April 16, 1887 and is due to the fact that at the end of the street (house number 10)


From the book Petersburg in street names. Origin of names of streets and avenues, rivers and canals, bridges and islands author Erofeev Alexey

GAZOVAYA STREET Gas street is located on the Petrograd side. It starts from Pudozhskaya Street and goes to a dead end behind Levashovsky Avenue. Until the 1950s, it reached the Karpovka River. The name was given on April 16, 1887 and is due to the fact that at the end of the street (house number 10)

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Gas constant

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(GA) of the author TSB

Specific gas constant

From the book Universal Encyclopedic Reference author Isaeva E. L.

Specific gas constant Kilogram-force meter per kilogram-degree Celsius (9.80665 J/(kg ‘

1 mole of ideal gas: pv=RT (see CLAPEYRON EQUATION), where p - , v - volume of the mole, T - abs. temp-pa. G. p. in its physical way. meaning - expansion of 1 mole of ideal gas under constant pressure. pressure when heated by 1 K. On the other hand, G. p. is the difference in molar heat capacities at constant. pressure and at post. volume cр-cv=R (for all highly rarefied gases). The numerical value of G.p. in SI units (as of 1980) is 8.31441(26) J/(mol K). In other units R = 8.314 107 erg/(mol K) = 1.9872 cal/(mol K) = 82.057 cm3 atm/(mol K).

Physical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Chief Editor A. M. Prokhorov. 1983 .

See what "GAS CONSTANT" is in other dictionaries:

    Physical constant included in the equation of state of 1 mole of an ideal gas; denoted by R, equal to 8.314 J/(K.mol) = 1.987 cal/(K.mol) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (symbol R), the universal constant in the gas equation (see IDEAL GAS LAW), also called the universal molar gas constant, is equal to 8.314510 JK 1 mol 1 ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    gas constant- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN gas constant ... Technical Translator's Guide

    The universal gas constant R0 ≈ 8.314 kJ/(kmol K) is fundamental physical constant. Individual gas constant R = R0/M, kJ/(kg K) constant for gas or gas mixture specific molar mass ... Wikipedia

    Physical constant included in the equation of state of 1 mole of an ideal gas; denoted by R, equal to 8.314 J/(K mol) = 1.987 cal/(K mol). * * * GAS CONSTANT GAS CONSTANT, a physical constant included in the equation of state (see... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    gas constant- dujų konstanta statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. gas constant vok. Gaskonstante, f rus. gas constant, f pranc. constante de gaz, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    gas constant- gas constant... Dictionary of chemical synonyms I Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

Physical meaning: Gas constant i is numerically equal to the work of expansion of one mole of an ideal gas in an isobaric process with an increase in temperature by 1 K

IN GHS system The gas constant is:

The specific gas constant is equal to:

In the formula we used:

Universal gas constant (Mendeleev's constant)

Boltzmann's constant

Avogadro's number

Avogadro's Law - B equal volumes various gases at constant temperature and pressure contain same number molecules.

Two corollaries are derived from Avogadro's Law:

Corollary 1: One mole of any gas under the same conditions occupies the same volume

In particular, when normal conditions(T=0 °C (273K) and p=101.3 kPa) the volume of 1 mole of gas is equal to 22.4 liters. This volume is called molar volume gas Vm. This value can be recalculated to other temperatures and pressures using the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation

1) Charles's Law:

2) Gay-Lussac's Law:

3) Bohl-Mariotte Law:

Corollary 2: The ratio of the masses of equal volumes of two gases is a constant value for these gases

This constant is called the relative density of gases and is denoted D. Since the molar volumes of all gases are the same (1st consequence of Avogadro’s law), the ratio of the molar masses of any pair of gases is also equal to this constant:

In the Formula we used:

Relative density gas

Molar masses


Molar volume

Universal gas constant

Absolute temperature

Boyle Marriott's Law - When constant temperature and the mass of an ideal gas, the product of its pressure and volume is constant.

This means that as the pressure on the gas increases, its volume decreases, and vice versa. For a constant amount of gas, the Boyle-Mariotte law can also be interpreted as follows: at a constant temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a constant value. The Boyle-Mariotte law is strictly true for an ideal gas and is a consequence of the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation. For real gases, the Boyle-Mariotte law is satisfied approximately. Almost all gases behave as ideal gases at not too high pressures and not too low temperatures.

To make it easier to understand Boyle Marriott's Law imagine that you are squeezing an inflated balloon. Since there is enough free space between the air molecules, you can easily, by applying some force and doing some work, compress the ball, reducing the volume of gas inside it. This is one of the main differences between gas and liquid. In a bead of liquid water, for example, the molecules are packed tightly together, as if the bead were filled with microscopic pellets. Therefore, unlike air, water does not lend itself to elastic compression.

There is also:

Mendeleev's Clapeyron equation:

Charles's Law:

Gay Lussac's Law:

In the law we used:

Pressure in 1 vessel

Volume of 1 vessel

Pressure in vessel 2

Volume 2 vessels

Gay Lussac's Law - at constant pressure volume constant mass gas is proportional to absolute temperature

In an isobaric process, with an increase in temperature by 1. First introduced into use by D.I. Mendeleev in the year. Designated Latin letter R .

general information

R = 8,3144598(48) J ⁄ (mol∙K) .

R = k N_(\!^A).

The universal gas constant is more convenient in calculations when the number of particles is given in moles.

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An excerpt characterizing the Universal Gas Constant

Natasha looked at him, and in response to his words, her eyes only opened more and lit up.
– What can you say or think for consolation? - said Pierre. - Nothing. Why did such a glorious one die? full of life boy?
“Yes, in our time it would be difficult to live without faith...” said Princess Marya.
- Yes Yes. “This is the true truth,” Pierre hastily interrupted.
- From what? – Natasha asked, looking carefully into Pierre’s eyes.
- How why? - said Princess Marya. – One thought about what awaits there...
Natasha, without listening to Princess Marya, again looked questioningly at Pierre.
“And because,” Pierre continued, “only that person who believes that there is a God who controls us can endure such a loss as hers and ... yours,” said Pierre.
Natasha opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but suddenly stopped. Pierre hastened to turn away from her and turned again to Princess Marya with a question about last days your friend's life. Pierre's embarrassment had now almost disappeared; but at the same time he felt that all his former freedom had disappeared. He felt that over his every word and action there was now a judge, a court that was dearer to him than the court of all people in the world. He spoke now and, along with his words, reflected on the impression that his words made on Natasha. He did not deliberately say anything that might please her; but, no matter what he said, he judged himself from her point of view.
Princess Marya reluctantly, as always happens, began to talk about the situation in which she found Prince Andrei. But Pierre's questions, his animatedly restless gaze, his face trembling with excitement little by little forced her to go into details that she was afraid to recreate for herself in her imagination.
“Yes, yes, so, so...” said Pierre, bending forward with his whole body over Princess Marya and eagerly listening to her story. - Yes Yes; so has he calmed down? softened? He always sought one thing with all the strength of his soul; be quite good that he could not be afraid of death. The shortcomings that were in him - if there were any - did not come from him. So has he relented? - said Pierre. “What a blessing that he met you,” he said to Natasha, suddenly turning to her and looking at her with eyes full of tears.

included in the equation of state of an ideal gas (Clapeyron equation) and numerically equal to the work of expansion of 1 mole of an ideal gas in an isobaric process with an increase in gas temperature by 1 K.

In 1874, D. Mendeleev calculated the value of the constant in the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation (the equation of state of an ideal gas) for one mole of gas, using Avogadro’s law, according to which 1 mole of different gases at the same pressure and temperature occupies the same volume ().

In some scientific circles this constant is usually called Mendeleev's constant. Denoted by a Latin letter. Included in the ideal gas equation of state. Included in the formula for the diffusion coefficient of spherical Brownian particles IN International system units (SI), the universal gas constant is equal to J ⁄ (mol∙K). In the CGS system, the universal gas constant is Erg ⁄ (mol∙K). Specific gas constant (R/M) for dry air: J ⁄ (kg∙K) The universal gas constant is expressed through the product of Boltzmann's constant and Avogadro's number. The universal gas constant is more convenient in calculations when the number of particles is given in moles. , also known as molar , universal or ideal gas constant, denoted by the symbol R or R and equivalently Boltzmann's constant. But expressed in units of energy per temperature increment per mole, that is, the pressure-volume of the product, and not the energy for the temperature increase by particle. The constant is also a combination of constants from Boyle's law, Charles's law, Avogadro's law and Gay-Lussac's law. This is a physical constant that appears in many fundamental equations V physical sciences, such as the ideal gas law and the Nernst equation. Physically, the gas constant is a constant of proportionality. Related to the relationship of the energy scale in physics with the temperature scale, when considering moles of particles at a specified temperature. Thus, the value of the gas constant ultimately comes from historical decisions and accidents in establishing energy and temperature scales. Also similar historical setting is the value of the molar scale used for particle counting. The last factor is not taken into account in the value of the Boltzmann constant, which makes a similar job of equating linear energy and temperature scales. Gas constant value 8.314 4598 (48) J⋅mol -1 ⋅K -1 Two digits in parentheses- this is uncertainty ( standard deviation) in the last two digits of the value. The relative uncertainty is 5.7 × 10 -7. Some believe it may be appropriate to call the symbol RReego constant in honor of French chemist Henri Victor Regnault, whose precise experimental data were used to calculate the early value of the constant; however, the exact reason for initially representing the constant as a letter is R elusive. The gas constant occurs in the ideal gas law, namely: (\displaystyle PV=nRT=mR_(\rm (specific))T\,\ !} Where P- absolute pressure (unit SI pascals), V- volume of gas (SI unit), n- quantity of gas (SI units), m -

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