Groups according to the complexity of the geological structure. Grozny group of oil and gas fields

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Deposits may conclude

  • gas (flammable hydrocarbon gases and non-flammable gases - helium, neon, argon, krypton)
  • liquid (oil and groundwater)
  • solid (valuable elements, crystals, minerals, rocks) minerals.

By industrial use deposits are divided into

The amount of mineral raw materials used for processing is determined by the content of valuable and harmful components in it. The minimum quantity of a mineral and its lowest quality, at which, however, exploitation is possible, is called industrial conditions. Groundwater deposits differ from deposits of other minerals in the renewability of their reserves.

Groups of deposits (areas), distinguished by the complexity of the geological structure

The necessary and sufficient degree of exploration of solid mineral reserves is determined depending on the complexity geological structure deposits, which are divided according to this characteristic for several groups.

1 group. Deposits (areas) of simple geological structure with large and very large, less often medium-sized bodies of minerals with undisturbed or slightly disturbed occurrence, characterized by stable thickness and internal structure, consistent quality of minerals, uniform distribution main valuable components.

reserves categories A, B, C 1 and C 2.

2nd group. Deposits (areas) of complex geological structure with large and medium-sized bodies with disturbed bedding, characterized by unstable thickness and internal structure or inconsistent quality of the mineral and uneven distribution of the main valuable components. The second group also includes deposits of coal, fossil salts and other minerals of simple geological structure, but with complex or very complex mining and geological development conditions.

The structural features of deposits (areas) determine the possibility of identifying B, C 1 and C 2 reserves during exploration.

3 group. Deposits (sites) of a very complex geological structure with medium and small-sized bodies of minerals with intensively disturbed occurrence, characterized by very variable thickness and internal structure or significantly inconsistent quality of the mineral and a very uneven distribution of the main valuable components.

Reserves of deposits in this group are explored mainly in categories C 1 and C 2.

4 group. Deposits (areas) with small, less often medium-sized bodies with extremely disturbed occurrence or characterized by sharp variability in thickness and internal structure, extremely uneven quality of minerals and intermittent cluster distribution of the main valuable components. The reserves of deposits in this group are explored mainly in the C 2 category.

When assigning deposits to a particular group, quantitative indicators can be used to assess the variability of the main properties of mineralization, characteristic of each specific type mineral.


Deposits can reach the surface of the Earth (open deposits) or be buried in the depths (closed, or “blind” deposits). According to the conditions of formation, deposits are divided into series (exogenous, igneous and metamorphogenic deposits), and the series, in turn, are divided into groups, classes and subclasses.

Exogenous deposits(surface, sedimentary) formed on the surface and in the near-surface zone of the Earth due to chemical, biochemical and mechanical differentiation minerals, caused by the energy on

6. In terms of the size and shape of ore bodies, the variability of their thickness, internal structure and the characteristics of the distribution of oxides of niobium, tantalum and rare earth elements, deposits of these metals correspond to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups of the “Classification of deposit reserves and predicted resources of solid minerals” , approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 278.

Group 1 includes deposits (areas) of a simple geological structure with ore bodies represented by:

very consistent sheet-like loparite-bearing ore bodies of great extent ( n×1000 m) with a uniform distribution of mineralization (Lovozerskoe deposit);

large (1.8´0.8 km) stock-shaped bodies in massifs of alkaline granites with a uniform distribution of mineralization (Ulug-Tanzek deposit);

consistent along the strike and thickness of clay layers with accumulations of apatitized fish bone detritus with uranium, rare earths, strontium and scandium (Melovoe deposit).

The 2nd group includes deposits (areas) of complex geological structure, represented by large ( n×100 m along strike) linearly elongated or arc-shaped ore zones of the carbonatite type (bedrock ores of the Beloziminskoe deposit), large (( n×100 – n 1000)´ n×100 m)) sheet-like deposits in residual and redeposited weathering crusts of carbonatites (Beloziminskoye, Tomtorskoye deposits); lens-shaped deposits in rare-metal granites and apogneiss metasomatites (Orlovskoye, Etykinskoye, Katuginskoye deposits) or plate-shaped pegmatite-type veins of great length (1–2 km), significant thickness, complex morphology or with an uneven distribution of useful components.

The 3rd group includes deposits (areas) of a very complex geological structure, represented by large and medium-sized veins and vein series of pegmatites (Belorechenskoye, Goltsovoye, Vishnyakovskoye deposits), small ribbon- and lens-shaped deposits in weathering crusts (Tatar deposit), and also vein- and tube-shaped deposits of yttrium-earth ores with an uneven distribution of oxides of niobium, tantalum and rare earth metals(Kutessayskoe).

Deposits of niobium, tantalum and rare earth ores of the 4th group of independent classification industrial value currently they do not exist in Russia.

7. Belonging of a deposit to a particular group is established according to the degree of complexity of the geological structure of the main ore bodies, containing at least 70% total reserves deposits.

8. When assigning a deposit to a particular group, in some cases, quantitative characteristics of the variability of the main properties of mineralization can be used (see appendix).

III. Study of the geological structure of deposits and
material composition of ores

9. For an explored deposit, it is necessary to have a topographical basis, the scale of which would correspond to its size, features of the geological structure and terrain. Topographic maps and plans for rare metal ore deposits are usually drawn up at scales of 1:1000–1:5000. All exploration and production workings (ditches, pits, mines, adits, wells), profiles of detailed geophysical observations, as well as natural outcrops of ore bodies and mineralized zones must be instrumentally tied. Underground mine workings and wells are plotted on plans based on survey data. Survey plans for mining horizons are usually drawn up on a scale of 1:200–1:500, and master plans on a scale no smaller than 1:1000. For wells, the coordinates of the points where they intersect the roof and bottom of the ore body must be calculated and the layout of their shafts must be constructed on the plane of plans and sections.

10. The geological structure of the deposit must be studied in detail and displayed on geological map scale 1:1000–1:10,000 (depending on the size and complexity of the field), geological sections, plans, projections, and, if necessary, on block diagrams and models. Geological and geophysical materials for the deposit should give an idea of ​​the size and shape of ore bodies or mineralized zones, the conditions of their occurrence, internal structure and continuity (the degree of ore saturation of mineralized zones), the nature of pinchout of ore bodies, features of changes in host rocks and the relationship of ore bodies with host rocks , folded structures and tectonic disturbances to the extent necessary and sufficient to justify the calculation of reserves. It is also necessary to justify the geological boundaries of the deposit and the search criteria that determine the location of promising areas within which the predicted resources of category P 1 * are estimated.

11. Outcrops and near-surface parts of ore bodies and mineralized zones should be studied by mining and shallow boreholes using geophysical and geochemical methods and tested in detail to establish the morphology and conditions of occurrence of ore bodies, the depth of development and the structure of the weathering crust (the nature of changes ore minerals under conditions of hypergenesis), radioactivity of ores, features of changes in material composition and technological properties ores, contents of main components, and calculate reserves separately by industrial (technological) types.

12. Exploration of deposits to depth is carried out with wells in combination with mine workings (there are very many deposits complex structure- mine workings) using geophysical research methods - ground, in boreholes and mine workings.

Exploration methodology - the ratio of mining and drilling volumes, types of mine workings and drilling methods, geometry and density of the exploration network, testing methods and methods - should provide the ability to calculate reserves at an explored deposit in categories corresponding to the complexity group of its geological structure. It is determined based on the geological characteristics of ore bodies, taking into account the capabilities of mining, drilling, geophysical exploration tools, as well as experience in exploration and development of deposits of a similar type.

When choosing the optimal exploration option, one should take into account the degree of variability in the contents of Nb 2 O 5, Ta 2 O 5, TR 2 O 3, the nature of the spatial distribution of niobium, tantalum and rare earth minerals, the textural and structural features of ores, as well as possible selective abrasion of the core during drilling and chipping of ore minerals during sampling in mine workings. Comparative technical and economic indicators and time frames for completing work on various exploration options should also be taken into account.

13. From core drilling wells, the maximum yield of well-preserved core should be obtained in a volume that makes it possible to determine with the necessary completeness the features of the occurrence of ore bodies and host rocks, their thickness, internal structure ore bodies, the nature of near-ore changes, the distribution of natural varieties of ores, their texture and structure and ensure the representativeness of the material for sampling.

The practice of geological exploration has established that the core yield for these purposes must be at least 70% for each drilling trip. The reliability of determining the linear output of the core should be systematically monitored by weight or volumetric methods.

The value of a representative core yield for determining the contents of Nb 2 O 5 , Ta 2 O 5 , TR 2 O 3 and the thickness of ore intervals should be confirmed by studies of the possibility of its selective abrasion. To do this, it is necessary to compare, for the main types of ores, the results of testing cores and cuttings (in intervals with their different yields) with data from testing control mine workings, percussion and roller drilling wells, as well as core wells drilled by ejector and other projectiles with bottom-hole circulation of the flushing fluid. If the core yield is low or its selective abrasion significantly distorts the sampling results, other technical means of exploration should be used. When exploring deposits composed of loose varieties of ores (for example, ores of weathering crusts of carbonatites), special drilling technology should be used to increase core yield (drilling without flushing, short trips, the use of special flushing fluids, etc.).

To increase the reliability and information content of drilling, it is necessary to use geophysical research methods in wells, the rational complex of which is determined based on the assigned tasks, the specific geological and geophysical conditions of the field and modern capabilities geophysical methods. A logging package that is effective for identifying ore intervals and establishing their parameters must be carried out in all wells drilled at the deposit.

In vertical wells with a depth of more than 100 m and in all inclined wells, including underground ones, the azimuthal and zenith angles of their shafts must be determined and confirmed by control measurements no more than every 20 m. The results of these measurements must be taken into account when constructing geological sections, horizontal plans and calculating the thickness of ore intervals. If there are undercuts of well bores by mining workings, the measurement results are verified by survey data. For wells, it is necessary to ensure that they intersect ore bodies at angles of at least 30°.

To traverse steeply dipping ore bodies beneath large angles It is advisable to use artificial well bending. In order to increase the efficiency of exploration, it is necessary to drill multilateral wells, and in the presence of mining horizons, fans of underground wells. It is advisable to drill through ore with one diameter.

14. Mining workings are the main means of detailed study of the conditions of occurrence, morphology, internal structure of ore bodies, their continuity, the material composition of ores, the nature of the distribution of the main components, control of drilling data, geophysical research, and also serve for the selection of technological samples. In deposits with an intermittent distribution of mineralization, the degree of ore saturation, its variability, typical shapes and characteristic sizes of areas of standard ores are determined to assess the possibility of their selective extraction.

The continuity of ore bodies and the variability of mineralization along their strike and dip should be studied in sufficient detail in representative areas: for thin ore bodies of the vein type - by continuous tracing with drifts and risers, and for thick ore bodies and stockworks - by intersection with orts, crosscuts, and underground horizontal wells .

One of important appointments mine workings - establishing the degree of selective core abrasion when drilling wells in order to determine the possibility of using borehole testing data and geophysical survey results for geological constructions and reserve calculations. Mining should be carried out in the areas of detailing, as well as at the horizons of the deposit, planned for priority development.

15. The location of exploration workings and the distances between them must be determined for each structural and morphological type of ore bodies, taking into account their sizes, features of the geological structure and the nature of the distribution of useful components.

Given in table. 4 generalized information about the density of networks used in the exploration of rare metal ore deposits in the USSR can be taken into account when designing geological exploration work, but they cannot be considered as mandatory. For each field, based on the study of detailed areas and a thorough analysis of all available geological, geophysical and operational materials for this or similar fields, the most rational geometry and density of the network of exploration workings is justified.

16. To confirm the reliability of reserves, individual areas of the deposit must be explored in more detail. These areas should be studied and tested using a denser exploration network compared to that adopted for the rest of the field. Reserves in such areas of deposits of the 1st and 2nd groups must be explored in categories A + B and B (respectively), and in deposits of the 3rd group - in category C 1. At the same time, it is advisable to thicken the network of exploration workings in the areas of detailing of deposits of the 3rd group, as a rule, by at least 2 times compared to that adopted for category C 1.

When using interpolation methods for calculating reserves (geostatistics, inverse distance method, etc.) in detail areas, it is necessary to ensure a density of exploration intersections sufficient to justify optimal interpolation formulas. Areas of detail should reflect the specific conditions of occurrence and the shape of the ore bodies containing the main reserves of the deposit, as well as the prevailing quality of the ores. If possible, they are located in the contour of reserves subject to priority development. In cases where the areas scheduled for priority development are not typical for the entire deposit in terms of geological structure, ore quality and mining and geological conditions, areas that meet this requirement must also be studied in detail. The number and size of detailing areas at the fields are determined in each special case subsoil user.

For deposits with intermittent mineralization, the assessment of reserves of which is carried out without geometrization of specific ore bodies, in a general outline, using ore bearing coefficients, based on the determination of the spatial position, typical shapes and sizes of areas of standard ores, as well as the distribution of reserves according to the thickness of ore intervals, should be assessed the possibility of their selective extraction.

Table 4

Information on the density of networks of exploration workings used during exploration of deposits

niobium, tantalum and rare earth ores of the CIS countries

1st Very consistent loparite-bearing “layers” of great extent with a uniform distribution of mineralization Wells
Large stock-shaped ore bodies in alkaline granite massifs with uniform distribution of mineralization «
2nd Large linear-elongated or arc-shaped ore zones of carbonatite type, metasomatic deposits in rare-metal granites and apogneiss metasomatites of great length (1–3 km), significant thickness, complex morphology or with an uneven distribution of Nb 2 O 5, Ta 2 O 5, TR 2 O 3, large sheet-like bodies in the weathering crusts of carbonatites « 50–100 50–100 100–200 100–200
Plate-like pegmatite-type veins of great length, significant thickness, complex morphology or with an uneven distribution of Ta 2 O 5 Adits, drifts Continuous tracking 40–60
Orts, dissections 40–60
Rising 80–120 Continuous tracking
Wells 100–200 50–100
3rd Medium-sized veins and vein systems of pegmatite type, small ribbon- and lens-shaped deposits in the weathering crusts of carbonatites Adits, drifts Continuous tracking 20–30
Orts, dissections 20–40
Rising 60–80 Continuous tracking
Wells 50–100 10–50
4th* Small-sized veins and vein systems or vein-, lens- and pipe-shaped deposits of tantalum ores with uneven thickness and a very uneven distribution of Ta 2 O 5 drifts Continuous tracking 20–30
Rising At least one intersection for each body
Wells 12,5–25
* Information on the density of the exploration network for small ore bodies of exceptionally complex structure and discontinuous distribution of Ta 2 O 5 is used. Note: At the assessed fields, the exploration network for category C 2, compared to the network for category C 1, is sparse by 2–4 times, depending on the complexity of the geological structure of the field.

The geological information obtained at the detailing sites is used to confirm the complexity of the field, establish compliance with the adopted methodology and selected technical means exploration of the features of its geological structure, to assess the reliability of the sampling results and calculation parameters adopted when calculating reserves in the rest of the field, as well as the conditions for field development in general. At developed fields, operational exploration and development data are used for these purposes.

17. All exploration workings and exposures of ore bodies or zones to the surface must be documented using standard forms. The testing results are submitted to the primary documentation and verified with the geological description.

Completeness and quality of primary documentation, its compliance with the geological features of the field, correct determination of spatial location structural elements, the preparation of sketches and their descriptions must be systematically monitored by comparison with nature by competent commissions. The quality of geological and geophysical sampling should also be assessed (consistency of the cross-section and mass of samples, compliance of their position with the features of the geological structure of the site, completeness and continuity of sampling, availability and results of control testing).

18. To study the quality of minerals, delineate ore bodies and calculate reserves, all ore intervals discovered by exploration workings or established in natural outcrops must be sampled.

19. The choice of methods (geological, geophysical) and sampling methods is made at the early stages of appraisal and exploration work, based on the specific geological features of the field, physical properties minerals and host rocks, and the technical means of exploration used.

At deposits of niobium, tantalum and rare earth ores, with appropriate justification, it is advisable to use nuclear geophysical methods as routine testing*. The use of geophysical sampling methods and the use of their results in calculating reserves is regulated by relevant regulatory and methodological documents.

The adopted method and testing method should ensure the greatest reliability of the results with sufficient productivity and efficiency. If several testing methods are used, they must be compared in terms of accuracy of results and reliability. When choosing geological sampling methods (core, furrow, scuffing, etc.), determining the quality of sampling and processing of samples, and assessing the reliability of sampling methods, one should be guided by the relevant regulatory and methodological documents.

To reduce the waste of labor and resources for sampling and processing samples, it is recommended that the intervals to be tested be preliminarily outlined using logging data or measurements using nuclear geophysical, magnetic and other methods (in pegmatite deposits confined to the main rocks, the thickness of pegmatite bodies is reliably determined from the data density gamma-ray logging).

20. Testing of exploration sections should be carried out in compliance following conditions:

the sampling network must be consistent, its density is determined geological features of the studied areas of the field and is usually established based on the experience of exploration of analogue deposits or is based on new objects experimentally. Samples should be collected in the direction of maximum variability of mineralization; in case of intersection of ore bodies by exploration workings (especially wells) under acute angle to the direction of maximum variability (if this raises doubts about the representativeness of the sampling) tests or comparison must prove the possibility of using the results of testing these sections in calculating reserves;

testing should be carried out continuously, full power ore body with exposure to the host rocks by an amount exceeding the thickness of the empty or substandard layer included in accordance with the conditions in the industrial circuit: for ore bodies without visible geological boundaries - in all exploration sections, and for ore bodies with clear geological boundaries - along a rarefied working networks. In ditches, pits, trenches, in addition to the primary outcrops of ores, their weathering products should also be tested;

natural varieties of ores and mineralized rocks must be sampled separately - in sections, the length of each section (ordinary sample) is determined by the internal structure of the ore body, the variability of the material composition, textural and structural features, physical, mechanical and other properties of the ores, and in wells - also by the length of the trip . It should not exceed the minimum thickness established by the standards for identifying types or grades of ores, as well as the maximum thickness of internal empty and substandard layers included in the contours of pulp ores.

The method of sampling in drill holes (core, cuttings) depends on the type and quality of drilling used. In this case, intervals with different core (sludge) yields are tested separately. If there is selective abrasion of the core, both the core and crushed drilling products (sludge, dust, etc.) are tested; small products are taken as an independent sample from the same interval as the core sample, processed and analyzed separately. At very uneven distribution ore minerals, the core is not divided during sampling. It should also be taken into account that in pegmatite tantalum deposits, the source of systematic errors in determining Ta 2 O 5 contents is often the lack of representativeness of samples due to insufficient core mass during diamond drilling, and with large allocations and nests of brittle tantalite (woginite, microlite, etc.) selective spalling of minerals occurs, which leads to depletion of core samples and enrichment of drill cuttings.

In mine workings that cross the entire thickness of the ore body, and in rising mines, sampling should be carried out along two walls; in workings that run along the strike of the ore body, sampling should be carried out in the faces. The distance between sampling faces in tracking workings usually does not exceed 1–2 m (increasing the sampling step must be confirmed by experimental data). In horizontal mine workings with steep ore bodies, all samples are placed at a constant, predetermined height. The accepted sample parameters must be justified experimental work. Work must be carried out to study the possible spalling of ore minerals using the sampling method adopted for mining.

The results of geological and geophysical testing of boreholes and mine workings should be used as a basis for assessing the heterogeneity of mineralization in situ and predicting radiometric enrichment rates. At the same time, to predict the results of large-portion sorting, it is advisable to take a constant sampling step with the length of each section (ordinary sample) divisible by 1 m. Radiometric separation indicators are predicted based on the results differential interpretation geophysical data with linear sample dimensions corresponding to a piece of maximum size 100–200 mm. The assessment of mineralization contrast is carried out guided by the relevant methodological documents.

21. The quality of sampling for each method and method and for the main types of ores must be systematically monitored, assessing the accuracy and reliability of the results. It is necessary to timely check the position of the samples relative to the elements of the geological structure, the reliability of the delineation of ore bodies in terms of thickness, consistency accepted parameters samples and compliance of the actual mass of the sample with the calculated one, based on the accepted cross-section of the furrow or the actual diameter and yield of the core (deviations should not exceed ±10–20%, taking into account the variability of ore density).

The accuracy of furrow sampling should be controlled by conjugate furrows of the same cross-section, and core sampling by taking samples from the second halves of the core.

During geophysical testing in natural occurrence, the stability of the equipment and the reproducibility of the method are controlled under the same conditions of routine and control measurements. The reliability of geophysical sampling is determined by comparing geological and geophysical sampling data with a high core yield from reference intervals for which the absence of selective abrasion has been proven.

If deficiencies are identified that affect the sampling accuracy, the ore interval should be retested (or re-logging).

The reliability of accepted testing methods and methods is controlled in a more representative way, usually in bulk, guided by the relevant methodological documents. For this purpose, it is also necessary to use data from technological samples, bulk samples taken to determine the volumetric mass in pillars, and the results of field development. In pegmatite deposits, verification of drilling data requires an increased, compared to the usual, number of risers passed from underground mine workings or deep holes.

The volume of control testing must be sufficient for statistical processing of the results and reasonable conclusions about the absence or presence of systematic errors, and, if necessary, for the introduction of correction factors.

22. Sample processing is carried out according to schemes developed for each deposit or adopted by analogy with deposits of the same type. The main and control samples are processed according to the same scheme.

The quality of processing must be systematically monitored for all operations in terms of the validity of the coefficient TO and compliance with the processing scheme. When processing samples with sharply different contents of niobium, tantalum and rare earths, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the surfaces of crushing equipment.

Processing of control large-volume samples is carried out according to specially designed programs.

23. Chemical composition ores must be studied with completeness, ensuring the identification of all the main, associated useful components and harmful impurities. Their contents in ore are determined by analyzing samples using chemical, spectral, physical or other methods established state standards or approved by the Scientific Council for analytical methods(NSAM) and the Scientific Council on Methods of Mineralogical Research (NSOMMI).

The study of associated components in ores is carried out in accordance with the “Recommendations for the comprehensive study of deposits and calculation of reserves of associated minerals and components”, approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia in the prescribed manner.

All routine samples are analyzed for their main components. The loparite content in loparite ores is also determined in ordinary samples. Associated useful components, the content of which is not taken into account when delineating ore bodies by thickness, and harmful impurities, as well as the composition of loparite in loparite ores are usually determined from group samples.

The procedure for combining ordinary samples into group samples, their placement and total quantity should ensure uniform testing of the main varieties of ores for associated components and harmful impurities and elucidation of patterns of changes in their contents along the strike and dip of ore bodies.

To determine the degree of alteration of primary ores in the hypergenesis zone and to establish the boundaries of the weathering crust, phase analyzes must be performed.

24. The quality of sample analyzes must be systematically checked, and control results must be processed in a timely manner in accordance with methodological instructions NSAM, NSOMMI and guided by OST 41-08-272–04 “Quality management of analytical work. Methods of geological quality control of analytical work”, approved by VIMS* (protocol No. 88 of November 16, 2004). Geological control of sample analyzes should be carried out independently of laboratory control throughout the entire period of exploration of the field. The results of analyzes for all main, associated components and harmful impurities are subject to control.

25. To determine the magnitude of random errors, it is necessary to carry out internal control by analyzing encrypted control samples taken from duplicate analytical samples in the same laboratory that performs the main analyzes no later than the next quarter.

To identify and evaluate possible systematic errors, external control must be carried out in a laboratory that has control status. Duplicates of analytical samples that are stored in the main laboratory and have passed internal control are sent for external control. If there are reference materials of composition (CMS) similar to the samples under study, external control should be carried out, including them in encrypted form in a batch of samples that are submitted for analysis to the main laboratory.

Samples sent for external control must characterize all types of ore deposits and content classes. All samples that show abnormally high contents of the analyzed components are required to be sent for internal control.

26. The scope of internal and external control should ensure the representativeness of the sample for each class of content and period of analysis (quarter, half-year, year).

When identifying classes, one should take into account the requirements for calculating reserves. In case large number of analyzed samples (2000 or more per year), 5% of them are sent for control analyzes total number, at fewer At least 30 samples must be performed for each identified content class control tests over the controlled period.

27. Processing of external and internal control data for each class of contents is carried out by periods (quarter, half-year, year), separately for each analysis method and laboratory performing the main analyses. The assessment of systematic discrepancies based on the results of SOS analysis is carried out in accordance with the NSAM guidelines for statistical processing analytical data.

The relative root-mean-square error, determined from the results of internal geological control, should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table. 5. Otherwise, the results of the main analyzes for a given class of contents and period of operation of the laboratory are rejected and all samples are subject to re-analysis with internal geological control. At the same time, the main laboratory must determine the causes of the defect and take measures to eliminate it.

28. If systematic discrepancies between the results of analyzes of the main and control laboratories are identified based on external control data, arbitration control is carried out. This control is carried out in a laboratory that has arbitration status. Analytical duplicates of routine samples stored in the laboratory (in exceptional cases, remnants of analytical samples), for which the results of routine and external control analyzes are available, are sent for arbitration control. 30–40 samples are subject to control for each content class for which systematic discrepancies are identified. If there are SOS similar to the samples under study, they should also be included in encrypted form in the batch of samples submitted for arbitration. For each SOS, 10–15 control test results should be obtained.

Table 5

Maximum permissible relative root-mean-square errors of analyzes by content classes

Grozny group of oil and gas fields

included in North Caucasus oil and gas province(Russia). The first of the deposits (Starogroznenskoye) was discovered in 1893 and belongs to the medium category. Confined to the Sunzha anticlinal zone; sandstones of Tertiary age, as well as sandstones and limestones are productive Cretaceous period. Pl. basic deposits up to 85 km². Located in one of the districts of Grozny.

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  • - changes in the near-surface parts of deposits under the influence of weathering processes. With physical weathering occurs mechanical destruction of deposits with the accumulation of sparingly soluble ore minerals in placers...

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  • - located in Kazakh...

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  • - ".....

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  • - ".....

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  • - "...1) 1st group...

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  • - sheep, a breed of fine-wool wool sheep, bred on the Chervlyennye Buruny breeding farm in the Nogai region of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1938-1951 by crossing local Merinos with Australian ones and subsequent...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in the Yekaterinburg region, near the city of Nizhny Tagil. Up to 10 magnetite contact-metasomatic deposits. The largest large deposit is the city of Vysokaya...
  • - in the Russian Federation, Sverdlovsk region. Known since the 18th century. The main deposits: Kachkanarskoye and Gusevogorskoye. Deposits of igneous origin. Balance reserves approx. 2 billion tons with Fe content 16%...

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"Grozny group of oil and gas fields" in books

Grozny breed

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(GR) author TSB

"Geology of Ore Deposits"


Geometrization of deposits

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GE) by the author TSB

Cornwall (tin area)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KO) by the author TSB

Deposit oxidation zone


Zoning of ore deposits

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ZO) by the author TSB

Field exploration

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (RA) by the author TSB

Deposit sampling

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OP) by the author TSB

Open pit mining

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OT) by the author TSB

author Team of authors

Chapter 13.2. USE OF OIL AND GAS REVENUE OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET Article 96.6. Oil and gas revenues federal budget 1. Oil and gas revenues from the federal budget are used for financial security oil and gas transfer, as well as for the formation of the Reserve


From the book Budget Code of the Russian Federation. Text with changes and additions for 2009 author Author unknown

Chapter 13.2. USE OF OIL AND GAS REVENUE OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET (introduced Federal law dated April 26, 2007 No. 63-FZ) Article 96.6. Oil and gas revenues of the federal budget1. Oil and gas revenues from the federal budget are used to provide financial support for the oil and gas industry.

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Elkon group of fields- a group of uranium ore deposits located in the south of Yakutia, the largest in terms of uranium reserves in the world. The territory's total resources are estimated at 600,000 tons of uranium.

The Elkon uranium ore district as a whole is a large tectonic cluster of ancient, renewed and young faults with predominantly NW orientation, many of which contain uranium mineralization. Total area the most productive part of the area is estimated at 600 square meters. km, and the total length of tectonic zones with signs of uranium mineralization is more than 1000 km. In addition to the Yuzhny deposit, the Pologaya (Snezhnoe deposit), Central, Agdinskaya, Vesennyaya, Interestnaya and other zones, which are significantly inferior in scale of mineralization to the Yuzhny deposit, have been partially assessed using underground mining and drilling operations. However, in general, the knowledge of other zones of the region remains low.


Signs of uranium content in the tectonic zones of the Elkon region were first established in 1959. The Yuzhnoye field itself was discovered by the Oktyabrsky expedition of the PPU of the USSR Ministry of Geology in 1961 during ground-based radiometric searches on a scale of 1:25000. In 1962, the results of geological exploration for uranium in the Elkon region were reviewed by a commission of specialists from the USSR Ministry of Geology, the Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the USSR Academy of Sciences, which assessed the identified objects as ... “a new large uranium ore region that deserves special attention.”

In 1963, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by resolution of February 14, 1963 No. 185-63, obliged the USSR Ministry of Geology to speed up prospecting and exploration work in new ore areas of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and ensure that in 1963-1964. at the deposits of the Aldan region, an increase in reserves of industrial grade uranium in the established quantity.

During 1963-1966. A significant amount of geological exploration work was carried out at the deposits of the Elkon region, including underground mining and drilling, which made it possible to obtain a preliminary assessment of the overall scale of uranium mineralization, which was determined by a very large figure. The Yuzhnoye deposit was studied in most detail, where uranium reserves in the separated Elkon, Kurung and Druzhny areas to a depth of 500 m were explored in category C1. In smaller quantities, reserves of this category to a depth of 300-500 m were explored at the Snezhnoe, Interesting and Agdinskoye fields. The reserves of the Central, Nadezhdinskaya, Northern, Vesennyaya and some others zones were mainly assessed according to category C2, and for a significant number of other zones only as forecast.

In 1964-65 Enterprise PO Box 5703 compiled preliminary technical and economic data on the industrial development of deposits in the Aldan region. In this document, the costs of infrastructure (except for the railway) are fully borne by the designed enterprise, and the estimated reserves are taken to be significantly less than the already existing forecast estimate. At the same time, the minimum industrial content for the reserves of the region as a whole was determined at 0.14%.

The reserves of the Elkon region deposits, explored as of May 1, 1966, were submitted for consideration to the USSR State Reserves Committee in 1968. The average content of industrial category reserves exceeded the minimum calculated in the TED. The presented reserves of categories C1 and C2 were approved by the State Reserves Committee without the right to design with a good assessment (protocol No. 5571 dated December 27, 1968). Approved reserves of industrial categories ensured the fulfillment of the task established by Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 14, 1963 No. 185-63.

1. When carrying out detailed exploration work, take into account the geological and structural features of individual deposits, the internal structure of ore zones and individual ore bodies.

2. To provide for the necessary amount of work to monitor mining drilling data and justify the rational density of the exploration network in relation to individual deposits and areas.

3. Coordinate with the design institute the program and scope of hydrogeological and geotechnical research, providing for the receipt of comprehensive data for the construction of mining enterprises and solving water supply issues.

4. Continue technological research on representative semi-industrial samples, providing the possibility of drawing up an industrial scheme for processing Aldan ores.

5. Clarify the conditions taking into account the characteristics of the areas selected for detailed exploration with a feasibility study of permissible ore content coefficients.

During 1967-1971 geological exploration work in the region were aimed at additional assessment of poorly studied areas of the South zone, as well as other zones of the region, in order to identify richer ores. The most important result These works confirmed the industrial ore-bearing capacity of the Yuzhnaya zone in the Elkon Plateau area and a significant expansion of the scale of this object.

In 1970, the enterprise, post office box 5703, carried out preliminary design studies for the development of the industry, which included the deposits of the Elkon region. Taking into account these studies, a meeting of specialists from the Perm State State University of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the Perm State State Institution of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, by protocol dated September 5, 1974, decided, based on the planned development timeframe, to conduct a detailed exploration of the Yuzhnoye deposit, ensuring in 1976-1985. approximately threefold increase in category B+C1 reserves.

During 1974-1980 central part Yuzhny deposits (Elkon Plateau and Kurung sections) were explored by underground mining and drilling, completed large number additional wells in the Druzhny, Neprokhodimy and partially Elkon areas. The depth of exploration for industrial reserves has been increased to 700-800 m. Individual wells have uncovered mineralization at depths of up to 2000 m. To study the morphology of ore bodies and justify the reliability of the exploration network by mining and drilling, three detail sections have been created with a high-density network of intersections.

26 laboratory and 12 semi-industrial technological samples were selected and tested. The conditions of water cut and water supply of the future enterprise were studied. Thus, all the recommendations of the USSR State Reserves Committee, made when considering the calculation of reserves in 1968, were implemented.

In 1976, a “report on the justification of the project conditions” was compiled for the Yuzhnaya zone field, on the basis of which the enterprise, mailbox 5703, developed a “Feasibility study of conditions for calculating the reserves of the Yuzhnaya zone field.” Having examined these documents, the PGU of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the Permanent State Technical University of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, by a joint protocol dated March 23-29, 1978, agreed with the conclusions of the feasibility study on recognizing the uranium deposits of the Southern zone as industrial, approved the continuation of their detailed exploration and approved permanent standards for calculating reserves, proposing to recalculate all previously approved and newly explored reserves of the Yuzhny field and submit it for consideration by the USSR State Reserves Committee in 1980.

The reserves of the Yuzhny field submitted for consideration by the PSZ are calculated in accordance with these standards and include a complete recalculation of previously approved reserves. Reserves of categories B+C1 proposed for approval have more than doubled compared to those approved in 1968.

Master plan for exploration of the Yuzhny field for 1976-85. it was planned to further open up and explore the deep horizons of the Druzhny and Kurung sections by mining. However, having considered the expected state of reserves for the field in 1980, a joint meeting of the PGU Minsredmash and the VGO Ministry of Geology of the USSR, by protocol dated November 2, 1979, recognized it as sufficient for designing the first stage of the future enterprise and considered detailed exploration to be carried out in full, as envisaged master plan, inappropriate.

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Characteristics of deposits

The deposits are located on the territory of the Elkon horst, which consists of Archean rocks brought to the surface of the crystalline basement of the Aldan Shield. Mineralization is controlled by tectonic zones formed in the crystalline basement during the Early Proterozoic era. As a result of hydrothermal-metasomatic processes, metasomatite bodies were formed with the introduction of uranium minerals (brannerite) and gold-bearing pyrite.

Infrastructure of the uranium ore region

Nearest locality- the city plans to build a hydroelectric dam on the Timpton River. The nearest passenger airport is 80 km away (Aldan Airport).


It has now been established that the Yuzhnoye field, previously considered as a group of isolated objects (Druzhny, Kurung, etc.), is a single, unique in scale uranium deposit, comparable to the largest uranium ore sites in the world. The mineralization of the deposit, while predominantly blind in nature, has a significant vertical extent (more than 2 km) without signs of pinching out at depth.

The deposit's ores are characterized by ordinary quality (average content 0.147%, but can be classified as high-contrast (Kurung, Elkon Plateau, Elkon sites) and medium-contrast (Druzhny site) with an average radiometric enrichment coefficient of 1.6 with a tailings yield of 41% and recovery of 94.5% As associated components extracted together with uranium, the ores of the deposit contain gold and silver in quantities of 0.8 and 10.2 g/t, respectively.

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