Project in the second junior group “We are growing. Glue strength research

Project in the second younger group"We are growing"

Project activities in the 2nd junior group"We growing»

Passport project"We growing»

teacher 2 junior group Simonova E. N.

Subject: "That's how we grew up."

Basic component: Work on project carried out within the program sections "From birth to school" (cognitive, social, physical development) .

Age of project participants: children from 3 to 4 years old.

Compound project team : Teachers and pupils groups, parents of pupils.

Type project: short-term, group, gaming.

The relevance is due to:In a modern preschool institution, important attention is paid to raising a healthy preschooler. One of important factors healthy personality is the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Searching for new forms of interaction in the work of families and preschool educational institutions in the process of teaching children self-care skills

Target project: developing children's independence skills in children junior preschool age , to give an idea of ​​the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene to preserve and strengthen human health, to cultivate neatness.

Tasks project:

Encourage children to independently perform certain self-care skills.

Introduce children to literary works, nursery rhymes, sayings about water, cleanliness, health. Give children ideas on how to dress and undress, in what order (undressing, neatly folding your things).

For children:

Mastering the necessary skills when dressing after sleep and for a walk, when undressing.

Memorizing nursery rhymes and poems. Watching cartoons and filmstrips. Acquired knowledge and skills implemented through gaming activities.

For parents:

Hygiene of preschool children age. How to teach a child to dress independently. Fostering independence in preschool children growing up

Introduce artistic words in the process of mastering independence skills.

Required equipment:

Literary series:

Nursery rhyme “Water, water, wash my face”

V. Berestov N “Sick doll”

Pavlova "Whose shoes"

I. Muraveyka "I myself"

K. I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", "Fedoreno grief"

Watching cartoons "Moidodyr", "Queen Toothbrush", "with Little Bird Tari".

Demo series: Didactic game doll Masha, illustrations on topics "Cloth", illustrations of viruses, bacteria, looking at pictures of hygiene items.

Expected result: developed self-care skills in children younger age

Preparatory stage

Step-by-step implementation algorithm project. Conversation with children topic: “Why do you need to wash your hands and brush your teeth?”. At the end of the conversation, the children called "helpers" cleanliness maintaining human health (soap. toothpaste, toothbrush, washcloth, towel). We talked about what can happen to a person if you don’t wash your hands or brush your teeth. We looked at illustrations of bacteria and microbes. They made a very strong impression on the children. Then we watched cartoons "Moidodyr" And "About the bird Tari"(The children were very worried about the character of the 2nd cartoon, the crocodile, because he did not brush his teeth).

The next morning, the children themselves went to wash their hands, without a reminder from the teacher.

After reading the work, the children asked many questions. One boy asked: “What is shame and disgrace?”

Before we went for a walk, our guys and I had a little quiz. Buratino came to visit the guys. The guys named the clothes that people wear when winter comes. The teacher read riddles about clothes and showed pictures. Our kids did a very good job with this task, plus we repeated features of winter weather.

Then we talked to the guys in what order they should dress for a walk and undress. In addition, we dressed the Masha doll for a walk.

Didactic games were held every day.

“We’ll undress the doll Masha after the walk”

* “Shoes quarreled - became friends”

* “Let’s make an accordion out of a sock”

* “Let’s show the doll Masha where our things are”.

* “Let’s put the doll to sleep”

* “Let’s teach Masha how to fasten buttons”

* “We’ll show you how to fold your clothes before going to bed.”

“Let’s teach Masha how to put things in the locker”

As part of our project we told the guys about the benefits physical exercise. The children do morning exercises and exercises after sleep with great pleasure. They turn into playful kittens and imagine themselves riding a bicycle.

At the end of our project we had a little fun.

Leisure progress.

Vos-l: Hello guys! Today you and I will have an unusual activity, because a magical guest has stopped by. Do you want to look at her?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: In order to see it, we need to solve the riddle.

She lives in heaven

And he lives on earth,

And vigor and health

She carries it with her.

Its reflection in it

You will always see

Always helpful in hot weather


Children: Water.

Vos-l: Of course it's water!

(Vos-l contributes to group a small container of water and places it in front of the children, inviting the children to touch the water.)

Vos-l: Guys, tell me what water is needed for? (Children express their guesses) Well done, they said everything correctly. Of course we need water for life: We drink it, swim in it, and the rain helps trees and flowers grow. You also need water for washing. Who can tell me why we wash our face in the morning? (Children suggest their own answers) We wash ourselves in order to meet the new day clean, washed, so that our face and eyes wake up to be beautiful. Let's now show how we wash ourselves in the morning. Repeat after me.

In the morning I’ll get up early (we stretch, then do circular

And I open the water tap, movements with my hands)

Water will run from the tap (feet shoulder-width apart, bend over, lowering

A vigorous, clean stream. head and arms freely down, swing)

I’ll bring my palms to her (we straighten up and stretch out our palms

I’ll collect a hundred drops in them, go ahead)

I'll wash my eyes and ears, (perform movements in accordance with the text)

I'll wipe my neck and face.

The water gave me a gift (feet shoulder-width apart, lift it up

Cheerfulness, joy, purity! left, then right hand in the rhythm of the verse)

And now I, smiling, (we walk in place with a high lift

I'm heading into a new, bright day! knees, smiling.)

Vos-l: What is this sound I hear? Someone is knocking on our door.

(You bring in the Muddy Doll (an ordinary doll with a dirty face and hands)

Vos-l: Children, look what a guest came to our kindergarten today. Let's say hello to her. (Children greet the doll) Who do you think it is? That's right, it's a doll. But for some reason this doll is not entirely neat and clean. Something must have happened to her... Let's talk to her and find out about everything! Doll, please tell me what is your name?

Gryznulka: My name is Gryaznulka!

Vos-l: Dirty? What a strange name you have.

Dirty: The name is just like a name, nothing unusual.

Vos-l: Why are you, Gryaznulka, so sloppy? Your face and hands are dirty.

Dirty: Yes, because I don’t like to wash my face, I don’t want to brush my teeth, and in general I don’t like water. She's cold! Wet! Brrr!

Vos-l: You're wrong, Grubby. You definitely need to wash! And your teeth need to be brushed every day too!

Dirty: Why do I need to wash my face every day?

Vos-l: You’re already so big, but you still don’t know why you need to wash your face? Guys, do you know why you need to wash your face? Then explain this to Muddy. (children suggest their own answers)

Dirty: I can't believe it! Guys, do you really wash your face and wash your hands every day?

Vos-l: Dirty, but not only our children wash themselves, but also the animals. And even birds!

Dirty: Can't be!

Vos-l: Look!

(A toy, the parrot Kesha, appears and together with the children they imitate how birds clean their feathers)

Gryznulka: Wow! I would never have thought that birds could bathe and wash themselves! How cool and interesting this is! And the water turns out to be not so cold and wet.

Vos-l: Dirty, not only birds can wash themselves, but animals too. And some people can do it even without water!

Dirty: How is it possible - without water?

Vos-l: Using your paws and tongue. Guys, do you know who washes his face like this? (children's options)

Gryznulka: I still can’t believe it!

Vos-l: And the guys and I will now show you how a cat washes itself.

(Children modeled after vos-la repeat the cat's movements)

Dirty: Wow, all animals and birds know how to wash themselves.

Vos-l: And all people wash themselves, you’re the only one who doesn’t know how to do this.

Dirty: Well, I can! I'm with today I will wash my face and brush my teeth every day! And they will call me Clean!

Vos-l: Well, guys, shall we believe Gryaznulka?

Children: Yes.

Vos-l: That’s great, but so that you don’t change your mind, Cleany, listen with us "Wash song"!

(A song by A. Alexandrov is played "Wash Song")

Cleanie waves goodbye and leaves.

Project "Health Week" in the 2nd junior group

Educators: Sycheva Tatyana Evgenievna, Dovzhenko Elena Nikolaevna teachers of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 7”, Donetsk

Project duration: short-term (1 working week)

Project type: educational and gaming

Project participants: teachers, children of the second younger group and their parents, music director, psychologist.

Main forms of project implementation: conversations, reading, children's creativity, games, sports festival, musical entertainment, work with parents.

Children's age: second junior group (from 3 to 4 years old)

Relevance of the project: devote special attention educators and parents to form and strengthen the child’s health in order to create around him the need and habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Project goal: increase the level of knowledge in children and enrich the experience of parents about healthy way life through relationships with group educators.

Project objectives:
1) strengthen and protect the health of children;
2) create the need to maintain hygiene skills;
3) give an idea of ​​the value of health, create a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
4) give an idea of ​​healthy and unhealthy foods for human health, and the benefits of vitamins.

Expected results of the project:
1) Most children have developed the basics of hygiene skills;
2) Children hear information about useful and junk food for human health (during breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner), about health values ​​(outdoor games, physical education, various types of gymnastics);

1) K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, “Moidodyr”
2) L. Voronkova “Masha is confused”
3) S. Mogilevskaya “About Mashenka and toothbrush»
4) Internet resources

Journey to the land of health “Vitamin City”
1. Game-conversation “Journey to the Land of Health”

2. Morning exercises"Merry Sun"
3. Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting): “Vitamins” (vegetables and fruits)
4. Musical and aesthetic development. Puppet theater“Turnip” in a new way.

5. Outdoor game “Magic Domes”

1. “Vitamin Family” (about fruits and berries);
2. Construction game “Hospital for Animals”

3. Conversation with parents about the benefits of garlic, homework - making a health medallion “Garlic is a healthy guy”

Travel to the country of health “Sportlandia”

Morning :

1. Conversation “Healthy Garlic” (about the benefits of garlic)
2. Examination of illustrations “Types of sports” (for kids)
3. Physical education lesson"In the country of Sportlandia"
4. Outdoor games: “Fox and Hares”, “Sparrows and Car”, “Hit the Target”.
Evening :
1. Independent motor activity children in the health corner.
2. Reading a fairy tale: S. Mogilevskaya “About Mashenka and the toothbrush”

Journey to the land of health “Visiting Doctor Aibolit”
Morning :

1. Consideration of illustrations for K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”

2. Lesson on getting to know the outside world “Visiting Doctor Aibolit”

3 Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development “My friend the ball”

4. Plot- role play"Doctor"
5. Outdoor games: “Little Bunny”, “Bubble”
Evening :
1. Hardening massage of the soles “On a level path”

2. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”

Journey to the land of health “Good mood”
Morning :

1. Warm-up: “We can all show...”

2. Games and exercises to relieve emotional tension in children: “Lemon”, “Our ears”,

3. Games using game manual“Parachute”: “Carousel”, “Sea” with a psychologist.

4.Relaxation game: “Magic dream” (with a psychologist)

5. Lesson on speech development: “Learning the nursery rhyme “Sun” Game: “What mood is this”

6. Outdoor game: "Sunshine and rain"

7. Fun game: "Soap bubbles"
1. Reading a fairy tale: L. Voronkova “Masha is confused”

Journey to the land of health “Visiting Moidodyr”
Morning :
1. D/i " Wonderful pouch"(toilet items)
2. Lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (application).

Topic: “Long live scented soap and fluffy towel!”

3. Musical entertainment. "Journey to the land of health!"
Evening :
1. Role-playing game “Family” (baby bathing).
2. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

The role of parents in the implementation of the project:
1) Individual conversation with parents “Regimen for and its importance for the child’s health”;
2) Exhibitions children's creativity: “Vitamins” (modeling), “Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel” (applique); “My friend the ball!”
3) Consultations: “Vitamins”, “The sun, air and water are ours” best friends»;
4) Photo exhibition for parents “Sun, air and water are our best friends”

The implementation is presented in photographs:

Bathing the baby

Visiting Doctor "Aibolit"

Making vitamins

Physical education lesson in Sportlandia

Drawing lesson “My friend the ball”

Relaxation game: “Magic dream”

As a result of the project:
- children have developed the basics of hygiene skills, an initial understanding of a healthy lifestyle, the benefits physical culture;
- improved quality of work with parents;
- children got acquainted with new outdoor games, new role-playing games.

A photo exhibition for parents “Sun, air and water are our best friends” was created

Project name: “Problems” http://aida.ucoz.ru2 Short-term Class: 2 Type of project: collective Need (problem) - to emphasize the role of mathematics in human life. Project objectives: - consolidation, development and formation of knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process and necessary when compiling texts of tasks in accordance with the individual preparation of the child. List of knowledge and skills formed (developed) in students: Tasks for students - to expand knowledge, ability to think logically - to find right paths solutions simple tasks-reason and draw conclusions. Knowledge: -techniques for drawing up simple and complex tasks. Skills: -selection of actions and explanations for given tasks. Expected results: -creation of a new educational page in mathematics.

Annotation. The proposed lesson-project meets the requirements of the second grade curriculum. Relying on your life experience, students create a page for the textbook “Mathematics 2nd grade”, which will be called “Tasks”. By composing problem texts, imagination, attention and logical thinking. When creating this page, the role of mathematics in human life is emphasized. Project type: practice-oriented http://aida.ucoz.ru3

Project hypothesis: Does a person need the ability to solve problems in life? http://aida.ucoz.ru4

Project goals and objectives: 1. Organize joint activities students in order to develop students’ skills in solving and composing problems involving increasing (decreasing) a number several times and making difference comparisons. Objectives: – educational: to provide conditions for students to develop the ability to compose and solve problems to increase (decrease) a number several times according to a drawing, based on a diagram, to improve computational skills. – developmental: to promote the development of the ability to work with information (to think critically about it), to develop mathematically competent speech, attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking students. – educational: to promote the development of observation by children compiling texts of tasks leading to the creation of a project.

Mathematics lesson Mathematics is everywhere, You just turn your eye, And you’ll find a lot of examples all around you

Mathematical Country Neither in reality nor in a dream, without fear and without timidity We wander through a country that is not on the globe. It’s not on the map, but you and I know that it exists, that it exists Mathematical country http://aida.ucoz.ru7

Then you need to study mathematics, it puts your mind in order http://aida.ucoz.ru8

Lesson topic: “Our pages in the mathematics textbook” “Tasks” http://aida.ucoz.ru9

How is the task structured? http://aida.ucoz.ru10

Guess the riddle: There is a tall, bright house, There are a lot of nimble guys in it: They write and count there, They draw and read http://aida.ucoz.ru11


Scheme 1. Theme “School”. Come up with a problem about examples http://aida.ucoz.ru13

Guess the riddle: Don't make noise - not a disco, House for books... (library) http://aida.ucoz.ru14


Scheme 2. Theme “Library”. It was... and... I read-…. Left - ? It was… I read it -… and…. Left - ? http://aida.ucoz.ru16

Continue my sentence: It can be school, big, short, funny, noisy... (recess) http://aida.ucoz.ru17

Fizminutka http://aida.ucoz.ru18

Based on the drawing, compose the text of the problem http://aida.ucoz.ru19

Examination independent work http://aida.ucoz.ru20

Reflect on how you handled the tasks in the lesson http://aida.ucoz.ru21 What tasks aroused your interest? What was easy and what was difficult for you? Does a person need the ability to solve problems in life?

Homework: Come up with a problem on the topic “School”. Beautifully design its text on the page. Invite your classmates to solve it in the next lesson http://aida.ucoz.ru22

Well done! Thank you all for your work!!! http://aida.ucoz.ru23

IN secondary schools This is not the first year that a teaching method such as design has been successfully used. But this practice is new in preschool institutions. What features should be taken into account when organizing these activities in a preschool educational institution, as well as how to carry out short term project in the 2nd junior group, we will tell you in this article.

Designing in kindergarten

First, you need to figure out what the project method is? Child psychologists have proven that literally from birth a child needs not only to imitate adults, but also to demonstrate own desires, implementation of ideas. It is the work on any project that allows the child to gain the necessary new knowledge for the subsequent independent solution of the task.

Projects are classified according to various signs, For example:

  • by content;
  • according to the method used;
  • by the nature of the child’s participation;
  • by the number of participants;
  • according to the age of the children;
  • by duration.

Kindergarten: short-term projects (2nd junior group)

A short project takes no more than two weeks, and is often completed in one or several classes. A short-term assignment can have different content, number of participants, and type. Typically, children, a teacher, a music director and a physical education teacher, as well as parents of students, take part in the implementation of such activities.

In our article we will take a detailed look at a short-term project in the 2nd junior group and talk about the features of carrying out this activity with such children.

So, we propose the following topics for carrying out these activities in preschool educational institutions:

  • “Ten Helping Fingers.”
  • "Our furry friends."
  • "Fairy-tale fantasies."
  • "Space Adventures"
  • "Visiting the Book."
  • Goals of short-term projects

    Project activities, which are implemented over several days, have specific, clear goals. So, when creating teamwork“New Year’s decorations” the teacher’s task will be to familiarize children with the traditions and symbols of the holiday. Or when creating " Spring calendar“The goal is to familiarize children with changes in nature at this time of year.

    But we can separately highlight tasks that do not depend on the chosen topic or type of project. They are as follows:

    • teach children to independently solve difficulties and problematic situations;
    • develop initiative and innovative thinking;
    • develop the skill of listening to the opinions of others and arguing your own position;
    • teach to achieve a goal;
    • put ideas into practice.

    A short-term project in the 2nd junior group must have goals that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and curriculum DOW.

    Features of projects in the 2nd junior group

    If schoolchildren or elders pupils of preschool educational institutions may be direct executors in the process of project implementation, then in the younger group children are just learning to be independent. Their role will be more of an observer. Nevertheless, the teacher needs to organize activities in such a way that each child can demonstrate own thinking, implement ideas, conduct experiments. The main thing in project activities is the participation of adults and children. IN in this case The teacher should not lead, instruct, or control. The teacher’s task is to guide, suggest, present an idea, and participate in the process on an equal basis with the children.

    Approximate project plan (autumn period)

    Short-term projects on the topic “Seasons” are often implemented in the form of thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions. As an example, we offer an action plan within the framework of the project activity “Golden Autumn has come to visit us” lasting 5 days:

  • Observation day. A plan for conducting excursions, compiling “nature diaries”, collecting natural material. During this day, you can record autumn landscapes and individual natural phenomena (for example, leaf fall) in photos or videos. Then all collected materials will be used for holding an exhibition and didactic educational games.
  • Creativity Day is thematic classes in drawing, appliqué, sculpting. Thanks to creative tasks a short-term project in the 2nd junior group, “Golden Autumn has come to visit us,” will help consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic and teach them how to implement theoretical knowledge in practical activities.
  • Literary living room. There are theatricalizations of fairy tales, reading of literature, and discussions on the topic.
  • Exhibition. You can hold a competition for the best craft made from natural materials, thematic drawings, or a photo exhibition of autumn landscapes.
  • Fun day. Most often, the culmination of an autumn project is an event such as the “Autumn Festival”.
  • Using this principle, you can organize activities at any time of the year, for example, conduct a short-term project in the 2nd junior group “Snowy winter is on the doorstep.” But below we offer another option for organizing such work.

    Narrowly focused short-term projects

    Thematic weeks carry a large amount of information and involve a wide variety of activities for participants. But in kindergarten, narrowly focused projects are also possible. For example, in winter it will be very important to help wintering birds. We propose the following plan for the “Let’s Help Birds in Winter” project:

  • Formation theoretical knowledge about wintering birds. Most effective methods The implementation of this task will be observations in nature.
  • Holding a family competition for the best bird feeder made from scrap materials (for example, plastic bottles). It is important that children accept direct participation in making crafts, and not just observing the activities of adults.
  • Group work to install the winning feeder of the competition on the territory kindergarten(children should also take an active part here).
  • Subsequent feeding of the birds, observation of the behavior and habits of birds. Consolidation of knowledge in thematic artistic and aesthetic classes.
  • Short-term projects in visual arts

    Drawing is always a joy for children. And if this activity is also organized purposefully, the result will exceed all the kids’ expectations! Their activities will not only be interesting for themselves, but also useful for others!

    How to conduct a short-term project in the 2nd junior group in fine art? For example, within the framework of the “Spring Drops” theme, you can invite kids to decorate a group room in a kindergarten with a collective or individual artwork. So, the teacher first introduces children to primroses by observation. Then he offers to color the finished flower images using various techniques drawing. In this way, you can create a whole “spring flowerbed” in the room.

    How to conduct short-term projects in the junior group of a preschool educational institution on the topic “Folklore”?

    The theme of folklore is a wide field for imagination when planning a project in a preschool educational institution. Children enjoy learning jokes, nursery rhymes, folk songs. But the peculiarity of holding such events in kindergarten is the synthesis of music and movement. Staging, theatricalization, play - these are the keys that can open the door to a child’s heart.

    We offer the following short-term project in the 2nd junior group: “Folklore for children: spring motives.” Here you can give children and parents the task of preparing mini-performances for the Spring or Maslenitsa holiday. To complete the task you will need and preliminary work to familiarize yourself with the traditions of our people, symbols, and the choice of spring flowers or Maslenitsa songs, and the preparation of costumes, props, and music. The main thing is that children are assigned tasks that they will need to complete independently. Adults need to emphasize the importance of the role assigned to the child and the significance of the work he has done for the project.

    Short-term project “My Family”

    One more interesting topic to organize a short-term project in 2nd junior preschool educational institution group is "Me and my family". It is at this age that children show interest in the concept of family and self.

    Can I suggest again? theme week. But we recommend a more interesting short-term project in the 2nd junior group: “My Family” (creating a photo or video album). As part of this work, it is necessary to collect various material about the family members of each baby. The child completes the assigned task together with his parents. Then you can hold meetings and family entertainment events. The result of all the work should be an aesthetically designed album with accumulated information about the child’s relatives. Or, if logistics allow, we can offer more modern version— create an electronic mini-presentation of the family.

    A short-term project in the 2nd junior group of a preschool educational institution is an entertaining cognitive activity for children, which allows them to develop the inclinations of independence, activity, and initiative in the younger generation. In addition, in the game research form it helps convey to kids basic knowledge about the world around us.

    Environmental project on the topic “Vegetable garden on the window” in the second junior group

    Bykovskikh Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher of the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 197” of a combined type, Barnaul
    Description of material: I present to your attention environmental project on the topic “Vegetable garden on the window” in the second junior group. This material will be useful to teachers of the second junior group.

    I. Project abstract

    Project type: cognitive.
    Project type: group, research, creative.
    Project participants: children of the second junior group, group teacher, parents.
    Social significance of the project: involving children in the work of growing greenery on the windowsill together with an adult winter time, develop determination, observation, and fostering interest in the plant world.
    Target group: preschool children, teachers preschool institutions, parents.
    Project goal:

    Project execution:
    The project is being implemented in three stages - preparatory, main, final.
    Main project activities:
    Cycle educational activities(elementary scientific information) on the study of cultivated and ornamental plants.
    Research and practical activities of children to study the characteristics of growing garden and ornamental crops.
    Presentation of the project “Vegetable garden on the window”.
    Project duration: short-term February-April 2015
    Further development of the project: design organization is planned in future age groups with planting new garden crops.

    II. Rationale social significance project

    Relevance of the project: Many parents who have their own gardens (dachas) do not suspect that the green kingdom will begin to arouse the child’s great interest if adults teach them to observe the plant and see a special thing in the green sprout living creature, whose life depends entirely on whether he receives care or not. Only with the help of adults can a preschooler understand that the life of a plant depends on the presence of heat, light and good soil, and learn to distinguish a healthy and strong plant from a weak, frail one that requires “treatment.” Having learned to understand the state of plants, the child will sympathize and care for them. Thus, the tasks of cognitive-research, social-personal, aesthetic development child. Young children love to act. They understand the world around them practically, and their actions by observing the results. Practical activities is the direct participation of children in caring for plants. Joining hard work caring for plants is, first of all, the development of such qualities as responsibility for completing an assignment, for the result obtained, commitment, and determination. And this is very important qualities for teaching a child at school. However, the problem is that children of primary preschool age do not have sufficient understanding of plants, where they grow, necessary conditions their growth, their interest in cognitive research activities underdeveloped. To satisfy children's curiosity and instill the first skills of activity and independent thinking, we have created conditions for children's search and research activities. Familiarization with the growth and development of plants can be carried out in the winter-spring period by growing them indoors in a kindergarten. various cultures from seeds and bulbs, using a window garden for this.

    III. Project goals

    Project goal: formation ecological culture for children and parents, creating conditions for cognitive development children through design and research activities and the organization of artistic and productive creative activities.
    Involving parents in joint research activities.
    Project objectives:
    To develop children’s knowledge about the growth and needs of plants;
    To develop the ability to observe and care for garden crops;
    Develop curiosity, interest in research and experimentation;
    Cultivate caring and caring attitude to plants;
    Form partnerships between teachers, children and parents.

    IV. Project methodology

    Main stages and directions of implementation of the project goal:
    Preparatory stage
    Activities of the teacher:
    Conversations with children (identifying the level of knowledge about plants).
    Drawing up a work plan for the project.
    Collection of material necessary for the implementation of the project.
    Reading fiction(rhymes, proverbs, sayings, songs related to the garden and vegetables).
    Organization of a subject-development environment on the topic of the project.
    Manufacturing didactic games and benefits.
    Children's activities:
    Consideration of illustrative material, models of vegetables on the topic of the project.
    Interaction with family.
    Collection required material to create a vegetable garden.
    Joint discussion of activities to implement the project.
    Practical work
    Activities of the teacher:
    Conversation with children of an educational nature.
    Organization of a subject-development environment on the topic.
    Preparation of information for parent corners.
    Children's activities:
    Planting seeds of tomatoes, lettuce, onions, dill in the ground.
    Plant care - watering, loosening, thinning, picking tomatoes.
    Completing tasks in independent observations.
    Playful and motor activities.
    Participation in practical activities.
    Modeling vegetables from plasticine.
    Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.
    Joint activities between adults and children:
    Teacher's stories, reading children's fiction.
    Various types visual arts by topic.
    Watching films about plants.
    Collecting seed collections.
    Examination of didactic pictures and illustrations about vegetables.
    Work in the garden.
    Summing up
    Activities of the teacher:
    Final conversation with children (analysis of the work done).
    Project presentation.
    Representation of experience.
    Children's activities:
    Participation in the final discussion about the work done.
    Participation in the presentation of the project “Vegetable Garden on the Window”
    Dissemination of experience:
    Familiarization of MBDOU teachers with successfully completed work.
    Design of albums and photo exhibitions for parents.
    Project implementation activities
    1. Conversations:
    “What is a vegetable garden and what grows in it?”
    “What is a “Vegetable Garden on a Window”?
    "What plants can be grown on a windowsill"
    2. Experimental activities:
    « Plant structure»,
    "Growth and plant development»,
    "Water and Sprout"
    "Sun and Sprout"
    "Growing Seeds"
    3. Practical activities:
    Selection and sowing of seeds.
    Watering, care and monitoring of vegetable crops.
    4. Environmental classes on the topics:
    "First shoots"
    "The World of Vegetables"
    5. Play activity:
    Didactic games: “Wonderful bag”, “Guess by taste”.
    Board game“Paired pictures”, “Vegetables”.
    Looking at illustrations depicting various plants that can be grown on a windowsill.
    Looking at different seeds.
    Plot-role-playing game "Vegetable shop".
    6. Artistically - creative activity children.
    Coloring pictures.
    Drawing “Onion cures all ailments.”
    Application “Tomatoes in a jar”.
    Modeling "Vegetables large and small."
    7. Speech development.
    Reading fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Tops and Roots”, “Puff”.
    Dramatization - the game “Once upon a time a housewife came from the market.”
    Children's story on the topic: “And in our garden.”
    Learning poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables with children.
    8. Album design
    “Our bow is the cure for everyone.”
    9. Consultation for parents
    "Child's help in the garden."
    Resource support.
    1. A selection of methodological and fiction literature and illustrations.
    2. Ecological corner.
    3. Methodological tools: lesson notes, card index of didactic games, etc.
    4. Technical means: laptop, tape recorder, camera, etc.
    Estimated distribution of roles in the project team
    Educator: engaged in selection the required material, organizes educational situations(planting crops), effectively develops creative and cognitive thinking children of preschool age, and attracts parents of pupils to replenish the developmental environment of the group and the knowledge of preschoolers.
    Children: participate in cognitive activity, are engaged in monitoring the germination of garden crops.
    Parents: purchased land, seeds, material for planting care, organized a development environment for effective placement in the group.
    Risks: Illness of children, teachers, lack of material resources and other unforeseen circumstances.

    V. Project implementation work plan

    Project implementation stages
    1) Preparatory(February)
    1. Determination of the goals and objectives of the project.
    2.Analysis of existing conditions in a group, kindergarten.
    3.Collection information material about plants (riddles, sayings, poems)
    4.Comprehensive development - thematic plan work
    5. Creating conditions for organizing work in the “window garden”
    2) Main(February, March, April)
    1. Examination of seeds (dill, lettuce, tomato) and planting seeds and onions.
    2. Research and practical activities of children to study the characteristics of growing cultural plantings:
    soil preparation, purchasing seeds, planting, watering, loosening;
    decorating a vegetable garden on a window;
    Observation of plants.
    3. Reflection of the result
    through artistic and creative activities.
    3) Final(April)
    1.Analysis of the results obtained.
    2. Compiling a photo album “Our green garden!”
    3. Presentation of the project “Vegetable garden on the window”.

    VI. Expected results

    Expected results: You can grow a plant from a seed, bulb, or grain. By creating a garden on the window, we will grow onions, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables. Children will develop an interest in plants. They will be able to distinguish between certain types of plants, learn a lot of interesting things about the life of plants, and experimentally study the conditions necessary for their growth. Children will learn to make observations and make the first conclusions. Practical activity is the direct participation of children in caring for plants. Introduction to feasible work caring for plants is, first of all, the development of such qualities as responsibility for completing an assignment, for the result obtained, commitment, and determination.

    VII. Prospects further development project

    Our project confirmed that in the future it is necessary to promote the merging of the child with nature native land, form aesthetic attitude to it, deepen knowledge, improve skills, support the individuality of each child. And then the child will show interest in research and cognitive activities, and will independently and creatively master new methods of research for a more accurate result.
    In the future we plan to conduct this project in subsequent age groups, as during the course of the project, children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, they developed an aesthetic sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of grown plants and the result of their work. Children learned to observe and began to treat flora, interact correctly with plants according to the “do no harm” principle. All project participants (children, teachers, parents) received positive emotions from the results obtained.

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