Analysis of administrative work in social studies. Analysis of diagnostic test work in social studies in statgrad mode


(including economics and law)

9 1,2,3 Class

on the topic “Criminal legal relations. Social rights»

Administrative control section in social studies grade 9 consists of 10 test tasks Part A with a choice of answers, 3 tasks of Part B with a detailed answer

Target: to identify the strength of students’ assimilation of knowledge on the topic “Criminal-legal relations. Social rights"

Tested knowledge and skills:

    Crime, its signs. Responsibility.

    The concept of administrative violation.

    Main types of punishment. Deprivation of liberty and educational measures.

    Social rights. Privatization. Right to social security.

The total number of students in 9 classes is 33 people.

Performed the work - 29 people

Results of the control cut: “5” - 0; "4" - 6; "3" - 20; "2" -3.

academic performance - 90%; quality – 20%.

Analysis of works:

made 1-2 mistakes – 6 people;

3–5 mistakes were made by 20 people;

made more than 5 mistakes – 3 people.


Done correctly

Made mistakes

Didn't start the task




The task is to select the correct positions from the list.

The task is to establish correspondence between positions presented in two sets.

The task is to select the correct positions from the list.

The task is to select the correct positions from the list.

A task to differentiate facts and opinions in social information.

The task is to establish correspondence between positions presented in two sets.

The task is to define terms and concepts corresponding to the proposed context.

Short answer task.

A task with a detailed answer.

Typical mistakes:

    The lowest result is shown on tasks A 4 – 41 % (Modern housing stock) and A 8 - made mistakes 52% students (Feature of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In task A 7 - we made mistakes 38 % (Tasks of criminal law).

    Part B tasks were completed correctly by 11%. 33% of students did not start completing Part B assignments.

Conclusions: Topic: “Criminal legal relations. Social rights” was mastered by students satisfactorily. Students in general are able to work with social science concepts, understand their meaning and significance, answer questions using additional knowledge and personal experience, master the basic concepts of the topic.

The greatest difficulties were caused by the task of establishing the correspondence of positions, the task of differentiating in social information facts and opinions presented in two sets. Students find it difficult to complete tasks with detailed answers .

administrative control section in social studies

(including economics and law)

10 1,2,3,4,5,6 Class

on the topic “Law as a special system of norms”

Administrative test section in social studies, grade 10, consists of 10 test items of part A with a choice of answers, 3 items of part B with a detailed answer

Target: to identify the strength of students’ assimilation of knowledge on the topic “Law as a special system of norms.”

Tested knowledge and skills:

    Recognition of signs of concepts and their characteristic features;

    Classification and recognition of social information;

    Analysis, correlation and classification of legal norms;

    Formulating your own judgments and conclusions.

Checked content elements:

    Social norms, law, legal culture, rule of law, branch of law, idea of ​​law as a special system.

    Sources Russian law, legal custom, judicial precedent and legal act, types of regulations.

    The specifics of each branch of law, regulating relations in a particular branch of law.

The total number of students in 10 classes is 85 people.

Performed the work - 76 people

Results of the control cut: “5” - 0; "4" - 16; "3" - 57; "2" - 3.

academic performance - 96%; quality – 21%.

Analysis of works:

Completed the work without errors - 0 people;

made 1-2 mistakes – 16 people;

made 3–5 mistakes – 57 people;

21 people made more than 5 mistakes.

The main mistakes made in the work:


Tested knowledge, skills, types of activities

Done correctly

Made mistakes

Didn't start the task




The task is to select the correct positions from the list.

The task is to select the correct positions from the list.

Assignment to correlate classification and branches of law

The task is to establish correspondence between positions presented in two sets. Rules of law.

A task to correlate the types of legal acts.

Task to correlate types and examples of offenses

The task is to select the correct positions from the list.

Signs of an offense.

The task is to establish correspondence between positions presented in two sets. Criminal liability.

The task is to define terms and concepts corresponding to the proposed context. Appointment of a court of general jurisdiction.

The task is to exclude terms and concepts that correspond to the proposed context. Civil law.

A task with a detailed answer. General features

law and morality.

Short answer task. Sources of law.

A task with a detailed answer. Legal capacity.

Typical mistakes:

    The lowest result was shown for tasks A 6 - 34% (Task on correlating types and examples of offenses) and A 8 (Criminal liability) - 31% of students made mistakes.

    Part B tasks were completed correctly by 29%. 7% of students did not start completing Part B assignments. Task B1 was completed incorrectly by 14% of students and B3 by 7%.

Conclusions: The topic “Law as a special system of norms” was mastered by students satisfactorily. Students in general are able to work with social science concepts, understand their meaning and significance, answer questions using additional knowledge and personal experience, and master the basic concepts on the topic.

The greatest difficulties were caused by the task of correlating types and examples of offenses and signs of offenses and knowledge of criminal law.

The model of diagnostic CIMs for the Unified State Examination in social studies was consistent with the 2014 model.

The diagnostic work consists of 3 parts, which differ in content, level of complexity and number of tasks. Part 1 contains 20 tasks with a choice of one answer out of four proposed; Part 2 includes 8 short answer questions; part 3 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer (the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in a detailed form; the tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates who have the highest level of social science training).

4 tasks of part 3 (C1-C4) are combined into a composite task with a text fragment and are mainly aimed at identifying the awareness of perception and accuracy of reproduction of information contained in the text in an explicit form, at transformative reproduction and interpretation of the text without involving contextual knowledge, at characterizing the text or its individual provisions based on the course studied, based on the knowledge gained; on the use of text information in another cognitive situation, the formulation and argumentation of value judgments related to the provisions of the text. Task C5 reveals the level of understanding and application theoretical concepts in a given context; C6 - task that requires specification theoretical provisions using examples social life; C7 - task-task requiring analysis of the presented information, including statistical and graphical; C8 - task requiring preparation complex plan a detailed answer on a specific topic of a social science course. In each version of the KIM, tasks C1-C8 represent any five of the six sciences underlying the social science course (philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence). The work ends with an alternative task (C9), requiring students to write a mini-essay (essay) on one topic out of five, offered to students in the form of aphoristic statements. Each topic-statement corresponds to one of the six basic sciences social science course (philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence).

The tasks vary in nature and level of difficulty. Advanced and high levels difficulties, in contrast to basic ones, involve more complex, usually complex, cognitive activity in nature.

The specifics of the subject are taken into account when selecting sources of information used in the work. This is, as a rule, an unadapted text from publications of a scientific, popular science, social and philosophical nature. In addition, for tasks on distinguishing judgments reflecting facts and evaluative statements, it is constructed small message, similar in style to media news reports.

2. Main results of DKR in social studies

35 people took part in the DKR: 13 people from MAOU “Secondary School No. 46”, 7 people from State Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2”, 14 people from State Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”, 1 person from “Prokop-Saldinskaya Secondary School”. Total percentage implementation by schools - 51%.

The average score on a 59-point scale was 16 points (40 points on a 100-point scale):

The most general picture of the final indicators is given by the distribution of exam participants by primary and test scores. Look (DKR results in social studies).

3. Performance analysis diagnostic work by objects of control

Among multiple-choice tasks, tasks assessing the correctness of two judgments have lower scores. Such indicators are not accidental and correspond to the increased level of complexity assigned to this category of tasks. When performing them, students have to operate not with individual concepts and their characteristics, but with more complex logical units - judgments. Each of the two judgments given in the task should be considered from the standpoint of their compliance with modern scientific ideas in Social Sciences. These judgments are related general subject consideration, which is indicated in the condition.

The tasks of Part 1 are performed most successfully in relation to social sphere life of society. This section of the course, which is the most compact and well-developed in textbooks, is obviously well absorbed by students.

In the “Man and Society” section, lower scores still fall on tasks related to problems of cognition.

Knowledge of economic section rates have improved slightly compared to the results of previous years. In particular, students began to cope better with task A8, which presents information graphically. However, there are gaps in knowledge of some basic economic concepts, such as “demand”, GDP, “state budget”.

In the field of political science, the concept of “state form” remains problematic.

Difficult among legal issues Questions of citizenship and legal forms of business entities remain.

Let's turn to other parts of the work.

Let us consider these indicators from the point of view of the development of individual skills and methods of activity among graduates, since the completion of each of these tasks presupposes not only the presence of certain knowledge, but also the ability to transform it, correctly use concepts in a certain semantic context, classify concepts, and relate them to each other . Let us turn to the most typical tasks from this point of view.

Task B1 is aimed at the ability to identify structural elements using diagrams and tables. Task B4 involves choosing the required position from the proposed list and is aimed at identifying such skills as the ability to correlate a concept and its characteristics. finally, task B2 - to choose a generalizing concept for all other concepts presented in the list.

Task B6 is difficult for students, which involves the inclusion of concepts and terms in a certain semantic context.

The data presented show that the tasks of part 2 of the diagnostic work are not, in principle, insurmountable even for graduates with minimal training. Thus, more than half of the graduates correctly systematized the concepts of the proposed logical series and chose unnecessary ones (B2); Most of the students were able to classify, on certain grounds, several positions in the matching task (B3), and transform information about a specific social object (B7).

However, the low result of completing assignment B6 indicates a lack of systemic knowledge of the course and low communicative culture graduates. In general, students who did not score minimum score for this task, did not master any of the skills tested by the tasks of part 2 of the examination paper.

The tasks in Part 3 test the most complex, usually complex, skills and competencies of graduates. Exceptions are tasks C1 and C2, which involve activity at the reproductive level.

The data presented show that the vast majority of exam participants cope with the first two tasks for the text fragment. It should be noted that tasks C1 and C2 work to ensure that examinees with weak social science training receive a minimum Unified State Exam score, since mastery of general academic skills related to reading and understanding text is especially important for their completion. At the same time, a significant part of graduates with poor preparation have not fully mastered these skills.

The results of the DKR showed that some graduates with good and excellent preparation have difficulties when completing tasks C1 and C2. It is interesting that the results of completing task C1, which involves searching the text for information presented explicitly, by graduates with excellent preparation are somewhat lower than the results of completing task C2, which requires some transformation of text information. Perhaps this fact indicates that in the process of teaching schoolchildren in this group special attention is focused on solving problems of transformative and creative nature to the detriment of developing a number of cognitive actions reproductive nature. As a result, some of the most prepared graduates find it difficult to extract information on questions asked, but without problems analyze individual ideas of the text using contextual social science knowledge.

It should also be noted that the majority of students practically did not begin to complete part C, and, if they did, they completed only the first two tasks.

Those students who completed tasks C4, C5, C6 and C7 generally completed the tasks and demonstrated the ability to apply knowledge about characteristic features social facilities and argue own position, as well as the ability to establish correspondence between essential features and characteristics social phenomena and social science terms and concepts.

Only 16% of students started completing task C8. The preparation of the plan was, to one degree or another, completed by the two graduates who completed this task.

Drawing up a plan on a specific topic requires possession of a set of knowledge and skills: knowledge of a range of basic concepts, provisions, conclusions on this issue; the ability to isolate the main aspects of a topic, its structural components, give them the form of laconic formulations of plan points that reflect the essence of the issue; ability to logically build established structural units, give the plan a completed form.

Analysis of the results of the DKR showed that graduates often find it difficult to determine the boundaries of the topic. On the one hand, it is missed important aspects, on the other hand, positions that are not typical for this topic are attracted. Often there are plans that in their form correspond to the structure of the plan complex type, but do not essentially reveal the issue.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the completion of task C9. This task was completed by the most prepared students. Some students did not start writing their social studies essay.

The examinees chose independently which of the five proposed topics to cover in their essay.

The data shows that topics in demand are: social psychology and sociology.

Such priorities can be explained by a number of reasons. First of all, knowledge on sociological subjects relates, as the exam results show, recent years, one of the most developed questions of the course. In this section of the course, graduates often demonstrate more good results than in other sections. And this applies to all types of tasks. Social Psychology Topics Addressing Issues interpersonal interaction, communication in a group, etc., are most closely related to personal social experience students. Therefore, the actual level of argumentation here is most obvious. A topic from this area can always help out in cases where there is no confidence in the successful disclosure of other topics from among those proposed.

4. Conclusions

The test showed that 51% of DKR participants master the main content of the course at the level of reproducing ready-made knowledge, recognizing essential features leading concepts. Developed skills: extract information from an unadapted source; work with conceptual series; replenish missing link in the diagram; extract information from graphical sources, statistical data presented in tabular form.

At the same time difficult cognitive skills transform social information, interpret it, synthesize knowledge extracted from different sources, using the acquired knowledge to analyze and evaluate social phenomena and processes is still mastered only by small quantity graduates. And this is precisely the circle of competencies that is formed over a number of years of full-fledged study of the course with the widespread use of problem-cognitive and search methods.

Diagnostic work showed that more than half of the students do not know how to properly distribute work time: the work was carried out for 3 hours and some students did not have time to start completing tasks higher level(C6-C9). And some students left the classroom altogether after 40 - 50 minutes.

Based on the results, we can conclude that the various levels general educational skills of students.

Thus, at the average level, graduates have developed the following knowledge and skills:

  • recognize concepts and their components: correlate species concepts with the generic and exclude unnecessary things;
  • establish the correspondence of terms and their definitions, concepts and their characteristics;
  • search for information and interpret it without using course knowledge;
  • name terms and concepts that correspond to the proposed context;
  • apply economic knowledge, selecting the required items from the proposed list.
  • establish correspondence between concepts and their characteristics/examples
  • select the required items from the proposed list;
  • search for social information on a specific topic from original texts;
  • systematize social information on a specific topic from original texts;

Difficulties in the first part were caused by tasks aimed at:

  • To identify the ability to classify social information;
  • Applying the knowledge gained while studying the course in the situation of analyzing specific value judgments;

At a low level, graduates have developed the following skills:

  • Ability to select several items from a list;
  • the ability to apply knowledge about the characteristic features of social objects and argue one’s own position
  • The ability to establish correspondence between the essential features and characteristics of social phenomena and social science terms and concepts.
  • Ability to present social science course material in a condensed form (C8).

Proportion of tasks ending up in the zone increased difficulty To total number made up assignments 15% .

The results of the DKR showed that students were insufficiently prepared to perform tasks that required illustrating theoretical positions with factual material and to write essays. It is necessary to focus students' attention on the difference between theoretical reasoning and factual material (the difference between argumentation and examples). Theoretical considerations include abstract reasoning that reveals cause-and-effect and hierarchical relationships with the obligatory use of general scientific and special terminology.

A significant problem when performing task C9 is the criterion that requires identifying several aspects of the problem. Most students cannot see the indicated social problem(situation) from different points of view. In this regard, it is necessary to develop the ability of students, starting from basic school, to consider any social problem (situation) from different points of view (historical-modern, positive-negative, from the point of view of different social groups etc.).

In accordance with the presented analysis of the results of the DKR in social studies, it is necessary to make adjustments to the plans individual work with students to prepare for the Unified State Exam, as well as organize work on additional study of complex sections and development of skills writing within the framework of elective and elective courses social studies.

When organizing preparations for final certification It is necessary, first of all, to use the codifier and orient students to work with the verification criteria proposed in the demo version of the work. All documentation regulating the content of the Unified State Examination in social studies is posted on the FIPI website.

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For the 2014-15 academic year. year

Final repetition of the materialSocial studies course in 9th grade

"5" - no

“4” - 2 people.

“3” - 6 people.

“2” - people

Quality of knowledge – 75%

Success rate – 100%

Analysis of tests in social studies and history

For the 2014-15 academic year. year

Social studies in 11th grade

“5” -2 people

"4" -

"3" -

"2" -

Quality of knowledge – 100%

Success rate – 100%

Final review of the course materialhistory of Russia in 11th grade

“5” - 2 people.




Quality of knowledge –100%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes:

45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of input monitoring in social studies in 10th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 2 people.

"5" - no

"4" -1no.

“3” - 1 person.

"2" - no

Quality of knowledge – 50%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes: knowledge of theoretical material on political sphere, Most students have poor knowledge of social science terminology and insufficient knowledge of economics. Difficulties also arise withrecognition of signs of concepts and their characteristic features.

The work on social studies was presented in 1 version.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of input monitoring in history in 10th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 2 people.

"5" - no

“4” - 1 part.

"3" -1 person

"2" - no.

Quality of knowledge – %

Success rate – 100%

45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of input monitoring in social studies in 8th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 10 people.

"5" - people

"4" - people

“3” - people

“2” - people

Quality of knowledge – %

Success rate – %

Typical mistakes: knowledge of theoretical material on the political sphere, insufficient knowledge conceptual apparatus on the topic “Politics”, difficulties with analyzing legal situations.

45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of input monitoring in history in 8th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

"5" - no

“4” - 4 people.

“3” - 5 people.

"2" -1 person

Quality of knowledge –40%

Success rate – 90%

Typical mistakes: chronology, comparison of facts, insufficient knowledge theoretical material in the history of Russia of the 17th - 18th centuries, students do not know how to give full description activities historical figures, focus on only one aspect of the activity.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of input monitoring in social studies in 7th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

"5" -3 people

"4" -3 people

“3” - 5 people.

“2” - 1 person.

Quality of knowledge – 50%

Success rate – 92%

Typical mistakes: difficulties with the dacha precise definition concepts, as well as with the formulation of one’s own judgment on the topics “Man”, “Labor”.

The work on social studies was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of input monitoring in history in 7th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

"5" -

“4” - 5 people.

“3” - 6 people.

"2" -1 person

Quality of knowledge – 42%

Success rate – 92%

Typical mistakes: difficulties in giving answers in expanded form in writing, difficulties in arguing one’s own position, identifying cause- investigative connections and patterns historical development Rus' 10th - 16th centuries.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of input monitoring in history in 6th grade

For the 2014 – 2015 academic year

"5" - 3 people

“4” - 4 people

“3” - 1 person.

"2" -1 person

Quality of knowledge – 78%

Success rate – 89%

Typical mistakes:difficulties in giving answers in detailed written form, difficulties in arguing one’s own position, identifying cause-and-effect relationships and patterns of historical development of the countries of the Ancient World.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of test papers in social studies in 9th grade

The number of students who wrote the work is 12 people.

"5" - no

“4” - 4 people.

“3” - 8 people.

“2” - 0 people.

Quality of knowledge – 33.3%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes - the greatest difficulties are associated with

mastering the topics “Politics” and “Economics”. Students do not always know how

illustrate theoretical propositions.

Analysis of tests on history in 9th grade

For the first half of the 2014-15 school year. year

The number of students who wrote the work is 7 people.

“5” - 0 people.

“4” - 2 people.

“3” - 5 people.

“2” - 0 people.

Quality of knowledge –75%

Success rate – 100%

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of test papers in social studies in 11th grade

For the first half of the 2014-15 school year. year

Number of students who wrote the work – people.

"5" - no

"4" -2 people

"3" - no

"2" - no

Quality of knowledge – 100%

Success rate – 100%

The work on social studies was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of history tests in 11th grade

For the first half of the 2014-15 school year. year

The number of students who wrote the work is 2 people.

"5" - no

“4” - 2 people.

"3" - no.

"2" - no.

Quality of knowledge – 100%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes: A high concentration of theoretical material and dates inevitably led to difficulties in remembering them.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis test work in social studies in 10th grade

The number of students who wrote the work is 2 people.

"5" - no

"4" -1no.

“3” - 1 person.

"2" - no

Quality of knowledge – 50%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes: knowledge of theoretical material in the political sphere, most students have poor knowledge of social science terminology and have insufficient knowledge in the field of economics. Difficulties also arise with recognizing the signs of concepts and their characteristic features.

The work on social studies was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of a history test in 10th grade

For the first half of the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 2 people.

"5" - no

"4" - no.

"3" -2 people..

"2" - no.

Quality of knowledge –0%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes: chronology, comparison of facts, insufficient knowledge of theoretical material on the history of Russia in the 20th century.

The history work was presented in 1 version.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of a history test in 6th grade

For the first half of the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 9 people.

"5" - 3 people

“4” - 4 people

“3” - 1 person.

"2" -1 person

Quality of knowledge – 78%

Success rate – 89%

Typical mistakes: difficulties in giving answers in detailed written form, difficulties in arguing one’s own position, identifying cause-and-effect relationships and patterns of historical development foreign countries in the Middle Ages and medieval Rus'.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of test work in social studies in 7th grade

For the first half of the 2014 – 2015 academic year

Quantity students who wrote the work - 12 people.

"5" -3 people

"4" -3 people

“3” - 5 people.

“2” - 1 person.

Quality of knowledge – 50%

Success rate – 92%

Typical mistakes: difficulties in giving precise definitions of concepts, as well as in formulating one’s own judgment on the topics “Man and the Law”,

The work on social studies was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of a history test in grade 7

For the first half of the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 12 people.

"5" -

“4” - 5 people.

“3” - 6 people.

"2" -1 person

Quality of knowledge – 42%

Success rate – 92%

Typical mistakes: difficulties in giving answers in detailed written form, difficulties in arguing one’s own position, identifying cause-and-effect relationships and patterns of historical development.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Analysis of test work in social studies in 8th grade

For the first half of the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 10 people.

"5" -1 person

"4" -5 people

“3” - 3 people.

“2” - 1 person.

Quality of knowledge – 60%

Success rate – 90%

Typical mistakes: knowledge of theoretical material on the political sphere, the sphere of economics, insufficient knowledge of the conceptual apparatus on the topic “Politics”, difficulties in analyzing legal situations.

The work on social studies was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Analysis of a history test in 8th grade

For the first half of the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The number of students who wrote the work is 10 people.

"5" - no

“4” - 4 people.

“3” - 6 people.

"2" - no.

Quality of knowledge –40%

Success rate – 100%

Typical mistakes: chronology, comparison of facts, insufficient knowledge of theoretical material on foreign history and history of Russia, students do not know how to give a complete description of the activities of historical figures; they focus on only one aspect of the activity.

The history paper was presented in 2 versions.
45 minutes were allotted to complete the entire work.

Teacher: Fomenko Yu.V.

Difficulties arise with identifying cause and effect relationships. Students do not know how to give a complete description of the activities of historical figures; they focus only on one aspect of the activity

It is difficult for schoolchildren to give answers in detailed written form, formulate and argue their own position, identify cause-and-effect relationships and patterns;

The main difficulties the students encountered were working with the text. They don't know enough in various ways reading (viewing, searching, targeting); do not know how to retain information fragments in memory and connect them into a common information picture; inattentive to details, sometimes very significant;

Students do not know how to give a complete description of the activities of historical figures; they focus only on one aspect of the activity.

However, the results of the work allowed us to draw the following positive conclusions:

Students are generally able to work with historical concepts, understand their meaning and significance;

They understand well enough general content text;

Students can compose chronological tables, while comparing historical material;

In general, they provide answers to questions, drawing on additional knowledge and personal experience.

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