Final dictation in Russian 1. Here comes lunch

(9 class, 1st quarter) Exercise: chairs, hilly illuminated, elevated(1 option) imagined it for a moment
CONTROL DICCTATION IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (9th grade, 1st quarter) The moon bathed me in light, and, raising my eyes upward, I looked into its face for a long time. The light, passing through the whitish lace of the curtains, softened the darkness in the depths of the room. The month could not be seen from here, but all four windows were brightly lit. The light fell from the windows in pale silver arches, and in each of them there was a smoky shadow cross, softly breaking across the illuminated armchairs and chairs. I haven't seen such a night for a long time! And so my thoughts again returned to distant, almost forgotten autumn nights which I once saw in childhood among the hilly and meager steppe Central Russia. There for a month I looked under my native roof, and there for the first time I knew and fell in love with his meek and pale face. I mentally left Paris, and for a moment the whole of Russia seemed to me, as if from a hill I was looking at a huge lowland. In front of me are slightly hilly fields, and among them is a gray landowner’s house, dilapidated and meek in the light of the month... Is this really the same month? It was he who calmed me down in the bright kingdom of the night... (160 words). (According to I. Bunin) Exercise: 1.Make phonetic analysis words: chairs, hilly(according to options). 2. Disassemble the following words according to their composition: illuminated, elevated(1 option) imagined it for a moment(Option 2) 3.Produce parsing sentences: The light fell from the windows in pale silver arches, and in each of them there was a smoky shadow cross, softly breaking across the illuminated armchairs and chairs. (1 option). I mentally left Paris, and for a moment the whole of Russia seemed to me, as if from a hill I was looking at a huge lowland. (Option 2)

Dictations in Russian language 1st grade

Bori has a cat. Barsik was rolling a ball. We were in Park. There are linden and pine trees. Zina is small. Zina has a doll. (19 words).

Roma is small. He washed his hands himself. Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens (11 words).


Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot. And here is the key. He's clean. Alyosha drank water.

Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes. Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton drew bushes. (35 words).

In summer

In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest. (18 words).


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have razor-sharp teeth. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks. (21 words).

On the river

Lyuba and Masha were herding ducklings on the river bank. The ducklings were small. Suddenly a kite appeared in the sky. He grabbed one duckling. The girls screamed. Vanya came running. He also started screaming and waving his arms. The kite released the duckling and flew away. (38 words)


The morning was warm. The bees woke up early and flew into the field. There are many flowers there. These are buttercups and daisies. The fragrant linden blossoms. Bees fly around the linden tree. They work all summer. We get a lot of honey from bees. (35 words)

In the forest

Our forest is big. Children came to the forest. They are looking for mushrooms. Borya and Andryusha collected a lot of saffron milk caps and butter. Yura and Yasha found a hedgehog under the tree. They put it in a hat. The hedgehog pricked Yura. But Yura did not cry. The guys touched the animal and released it. (44 words).

Grammar tasks

Write down the words, highlight the root in them. Underline the letter at the root whose spelling needs to be checked.

I option. Eyes, boat, birch tree.

Option II. Spring, garden bed, mushroom picker.

Write down words with separator ь

I option. Sparrows, skates, stumps, fun.

Option II. ants, coals, coats, friends.

The letters Ya, E, Yo, Yu, I indicate the softness of consonant sounds only if they appear after them.

1. Clear warm morning. Bird songs are ringing. A dragonfly sleeps on a branch. Children Nadya and Zhenya admire her. (16)

2. Kolya and Yulia are standing by the maple tree. Birch and linden trees grow nearby. Julia picked up a maple leaf from the ground. (17)

3. It became dark. The first stars appeared in the sky. The month has appeared. Sisters Sveta and Galya are sleeping. (15)

4. Dyoma is small. He was at home. The kid drove a nail. He crushed the clay. Dema washed his hands. (14)

5. Lyusya is small. She is three years old. Mom takes her to the nursery. Lucy is happy. (12)

6. Evening. Nadya and Anya saw a firefly in the grass. He sends his rays to the girls. (13)

7. Lyosha is small. He is riding a horse. At the horse's red mane. Lyosha got off his horse. (14)

8. Lyusya and Lenya are playing. Lucy has a spinning top. Lenya has ducklings. The guys don't play around. (13)

9. A hawk is flying. He carries food for the chicks. The chicks are sitting in the nest. It's on the top of the spruce tree. (15)

10. Here is an old spruce. Julia sat down under the fir tree. A squirrel sits on a spruce tree. She has a mushroom in her paws. (16)

11. There is a kitten Fluff on the porch. Lena feeds him. The kitten plays with a string. (eleven)

12. Here is the raccoon Tishka. This animal loves cleanliness. He even washes all his food in water. (15)

13. Warm day. Lucy and Lyuba went to the meadow. There was a spring coming out of the ground. (13)

14. It's break at school. Lyuda and Yana are drawing an apple tree. Andryusha and Fedya are running. Alena and Vitya are reading. (16)

15. I love fishing. Petya is coming towards me. He is carrying a fishing rod. We need to dig up some worms. (14)

16. Kolya and Senya have a kitten, Murzik. He's very nice. The kitten loves to play pranks. He broke the chandelier. (16)

17. Misha is walking across the field. He sees horses. The horses are running. Misha is happy. (eleven)

18. A woodpecker flies to the tree. So he sat down on a branch. He knocks with his beak. (eleven)

19. The squirrel sees a nut. It's small. The animal takes the nut and gnaws it. (10)

20. Aunt Raya bought Yulia a book. Here's a crucian carp. Here's the fox. Interesting book. (11)

21. There is a lake in the green park. A duck and ducklings are swimming there. The kids are playing. They saw Alyosha and hid. (16)

22. Grisha was carrying a bag. A mosquito got into Grisha's nose. Grisha sneezed. (10)

23. We have a cat Vasya. Vaska has soft fur. He loves to sleep and purr. (14)

24. The roar of a bull is heard. The bull climbed into the ditch. Uncle Kostya saved the bull. (eleven)

25. Dark clouds are flying across the sky. The dog Sharik climbed into the kennel. He doesn't want to bark. Sharik loves warmth. (17)

26. Vitya has a sister Lyalya. He loves her. The boy reads funny books to Lyala. (13)

27. September. In the villages they thresh bread. Birds are flying across the seas. October will come soon. (12)

28. A warm breeze is blowing. Sanya and Yulia go to the forest to pick mushrooms. This is a white mushroom. And these are red foxes. (18)

29. Kolya sculpts from clay. He takes the lump. Now the elephant is ready. (eleven)

30. Vipers are dangerous snakes. They bite a person's leg. The viper is very poisonous. Beware of her.(13)

31. There is a clearing in a dense forest. There are a lot of red strawberries in the clearing. We will collect a whole basket. (14)

32. We have a puppy. He is very cheerful and funny. We often walk with him. (13)

33. Spring has come. Starlings are flying towards us. They fly in a straight line. The birds know her well. (14)

34. Autumn has come. The hazel and rowan trees are ripe. Children Tema and Lyosha go into the forest. They will bring home forest fruits. (18)

35. Lucy has a ball. Lucy will throw the ball to her aunt. Aunt will throw the ball to uncle. (eleven)

36. Mint is blooming. Grow yourself some mint. Bring the mint here. (9)

37. Gena goes to the cinema. So he sat in the first row. Gena is glad. (12)

38. Lena is sitting on a chair. She is waiting for her aunt and uncle. They will come soon. (12)

39. Sasha brought home a cat. Sasha puts food in a bowl. The cat is happy. (eleven)

40. Yura and Lyalya put the books in a row. Lyalya is carrying a vase. There is ligature on the vase. Yura wiped the vase. Mom will be happy. (19)

41. Winter. Severe frosts. Blizzards are blowing. Uncle Syoma makes a shelf for books. (eleven)

42. Aunt Lyuda has honey. She gave honey to Vita. Vitya is glad. He eats honey. (13)

43. Uncle Yura has a goat, Yashka. Yashka loves grass. Mitya and Kolya feed the goat. (13)

44. A kitten is sleeping in the corner. He's nice. A cat lay down nearby. She's dozing. They bring her meat. (14)

45. Kolya was carrying a lump of clay. Kolya crushed the clay. The lump is small. Kolya blinded the woodpecker's nose. (13)

46. ​​Here is a cliff. There is a boulder on it. Petya is sitting on a stone. (10)

47. The bull walked on the grass. He crushed the grass. The dog came. The dog was small. (12)

48. Uncle Misha took a ticket to the cinema. He sat down in back row. Uncle Misha is happy. (16)

49. Tanya’s three teeth hurt. The doctor helped Tanya. Tanya is happy. (10) sch

50. Guests came to Sveta. They give Sveta a bear. Then everyone goes to the table. (13)

51. Lenya and Lyusya go into the forest. The birds are singing there. The children sat on a stump. There is a dark cloud in the sky. (17)

52. Lyusya is small. Lucy opened the hatch and took out a bow. I took it to my mom. Lucy is sweet. (12)

53. Lenya and Yana in the forest. Children play ball. Here's the Christmas tree. There's a hedgehog underneath. He's in the hole. (17)

54. I am sitting on the grass in the yard. I see chickens and a goose. (eleven)

55. In winter there is a snowstorm outside the window. And the house is warm. The chandelier is shining. (10)

Words starting with E

1. This is pine. This is spruce. A squirrel sits on this tree. (9)

2. This is Eve. This is Elya. The children sat down under the fir tree. (8)

3. This is Edik's garden. These roses are red. This poppy is tall. This flowerbed is good! (12)

4. Elya screams. Hey! Elya hears the answer. This is an echo. (8)

5. Eli has an exam. Where is the equator? This is the line on the globe. Hey Emma, ​​don't give me any hint! (14)

6. Edik drew a sketch. This is an excavator digging a ditch. This sketch of Edik is on the bookcase. Elya has arrived. Eh, Edik, draw better! (19)

7. Edik and Emma came to the store. There are cakes on the second floor. There are eclairs on this shelf. But children love popsicles more. (21)

8. Edik plays a sketch. This sketch is complicated. Edik loves to sing duets. (10)

9. Oh, fun! This is Elya going down the hill. Hey Egor, watch out! (10)

10. We entered an empty house. There is an echo here. We're on the second floor. Who lived in this house? Hey Edik, be careful! (21)

Words with the letter Y When hyphenating, the letter Y is not separated from the syllable.

1. The fox runs after the hare. She wants to catch him. Hey, oblique! Run to the lawn. (13)

2. This is my garden. This is my Yana doll. Yana, dig with a shovel! Yana, water it! (13)

3. Drink tea and eat yogurt. Kettle on the stove. Take your glass. Stir the sugar while the tea is warm. Then put the dishes in the sink and wash them. (24)

4. This is my mother. This is my dad. Now the host and hostess are treating the guests. (12)

5. The hostess greets the guests. Here are felt slippers. Here's the kettle. Here's the coffee pot. How do you like my house? Yes, you have paradise! (19)

6. Quickly take a watering can and water the garden. Stop! Don't trample the harvest! Have pity on the fragrant mint bush. Now take the watering can to the barn and go rest. (22)

7. We have a big one kite. Let's go to the field quickly! Catch the air flow and fly your kite. Fly, kite, don't fall! (20)

8. How beautifully the little nightingale sings in the spring! What does he sing about? It's a secret. Solve it. Think about it. Sing, forest singer, don’t fly away! (22)

9. Andrey and Nikolay are walking. They crossed the stream. Here is the barn. And there's construction there. Stop, Nikolai, let's not go to the construction site! (20)

10). Get up early. Do exercises. Wash your face cold water. Don't be late for school. Listen to the teacher. Answer well. (15)

11. Grow up quickly. Do a good job. Glorify your motherland. (9)

12. It’s scarlet and sugary. The caftan is green and velvet. What is this? (10)

13. Behind the hut there is a new barn. There is a hare with her babies. The bunny was gnawing on cabbage. The dog Znayka growls at the bunny. (17)

14. Here is a hive. There is a swarm of bees in it. But the ant is crawling towards the anthill. Let's cross the stream. It is narrow and shallow. Jump boldly. (21)

15. You can hear a dog barking in the yard. Go play with the dog! Throw the ball! Jump, Bug! The bug didn't catch the ball. He flew into a tall burdock. (22)

16. Let's go to the forest quickly! The dog Laika is with us. There's a jay on the tree. She turns her neck. There is an anthill below. And there's a bunny running. (21)

17. Go to the barn. Take the watering can. Field the garden. Stop! Here's an ant. Have pity on him. (12)

18. Julia and Yana on the lawn. Julia, pick the sorrel! Yana, help Yulia! (eleven)

19. This is my eraser. And these are your colors. These are my pens. Give me your pencil. (14)

Words with combinations ZHI, SHI

1. We have a hedgehog and mice. The hedgehog hisses. Our kids are waiting for porridge for dinner. (14)

2. Here is a rosehip. Nice fragrant flowers! There are thorns near the flowers. (8)

3. Uncle Sasha has an awl. He sewed vests for Misha and Dasha. Our vests are good! (14)

4. The roofs of residential buildings look like tables. There is fluffy snow there. And the snowflakes keep falling. (14)

5. Yasha has a hedgehog. Put some porridge in the hedgehog's ladle. The hedgehog is running. He is in a hurry for dinner. (15)

6. Mice live behind Gosha’s screen. A fat cat does not guard the home well. He's still lying there. (14)

7. There are reeds near the river. Nice reeds! There are fluffy baby ducklings. (9)

8. Lyosha is lying on the hay. The hay is fragrant. Swifts are flying. Lyosha has rose hips. (12)

9. Dear babies! Write clearly in your notebook. Receive good grades. Don't rush with your answers. Live together. Cherish your friendship. (17)

10. Birds hatch eggs. And vipers give birth to live young. These snakes are only one day old. But babies can already hiss and are very poisonous! (21)

11. Our kids came out of the forest. Natasha has saffron milk caps. Misha has fragrant berries. Dasha has fragrant lilies of the valley. Who's in a hurry? What animal rustles and runs? It's a hedgehog! Beware, furry mice! (29)

12. A little siskin is circling over the clearing. He sits down on a wide path. A red cat is running. He sees a siskin. He purses his ears. Hiding in lilies of the valley. He lies and waits. Then he jumps. But he is wrong. Siskin is alive. He flies away. (thirty)

13. Fluffy mice lived near a wide pond. In the spring, the mice hurried to the mountain. We arrived at the top. A fox lived there. She was glad that the mice came. How good are fat mice! The fox will have a great dinner! (31)

14. The older guys brought a hedgehog for the kids. The hedgehog runs and rustles paper. Kids play with a hedgehog. (14)

15. Misha and Sasha Zhizhin are on vacation. They will live with Aunt Dasha and Grandmother Masha. The kids will help them dry and stir the hay. (22)

16. Silence in the forest. Glasha and Dasha have wide skis. The skis go well. The snow is rustling. The tops of the pines are fluffy. There are snowflakes on them. (20)

17. Hedgehogs and red squirrels live in our areas. Here is a hedgehog running along a wide path. He hurries to the shelter. A hedgehog sits in a rosehip and hisses. And there is a fluffy little squirrel jumping through the fragrant lilies of the valley. (32)

18. Narwhals are large dolphins. They live in ice. Narwhals have large tusks. The animal can break through very strong ice with its tusk. This is how a narwhal breathes. (23)

19. Winter. We are running down the street. We are shaking from the cold. Roofs of houses covered in snow. The snow is fluffy. (15)

20. Kids are playing at Masha and Dasha’s house. We are friends with them. Our kids are happy. (14)

21. Seryozha Shishin has pencils. Lyosha Zhirov has a car. Nice gifts! (10)

22. What kind of cubs? They live in the forest. Babies have legs long length. Large and wide ears. These are moose calves. (19)

23. The animals gathered around a large puddle. A giraffe sniffs lilies of the valley. A chimpanzee throws cones into the water. Mice collect fallen leaves. Here is a hedgehog running. He lives far away. The hare purses his ears. A heron hides in the reeds. (thirty)

24). Silence. Fluffy snow is falling. Snowflakes fly like feathers. The roofs of our houses turned white. The kids are happy about the snow. The dog Pushinka lies near the kennel. Our Pushinka serves people. She guards the yard. (27)

25. There is a treasure at the top of the mountain. A red dragon lives nearby. He is guarding the treasure. The dragon has large paws and a bushy tail. The prince decided to defeat the dragon. He came with a weapon. The dragon will run away. (28)

26. Rhinoceroses are the largest animals. The rhino's weapons are a horn on its nose and strong hooves. This helps the rhino survive. They sleep on their stomach or side. These animals live a long time. (26)

27. A leopard lives high in the mountains. The mother of little leopards insulates the den with her fluffy fur. She pulls out fur from her belly. Leopards have fatty milk. It is five times fattier than cow's milk. Kids suck on it and don't freeze. (37)

28. Walrus babies lie on bare ice from birth. But they don't get sick. Mothers feed them full-fat milk. Within a month, the cubs become five times heavier. (23)

29. Carlson lives on the roof. The kid is friends with Carlson. Baby on a friend's roof. The roof is wide. You can see far from the roof. There are a lot of cars below. Passers-by are walking. Dinner is coming soon. Carlson lowers the Kid from the roof. (31)

Words with combinations Cha, ShchA

1. Here is a grove. Magpies are chattering. The jackdaws have their little jackdaws screaming. The rook has rooks. The hare's babies are squeaking. (15)

2. We went for sorrel. A cloud came over. The thicket began to rustle. The firs swayed. Drops of rain began to patter frequently. We rushed home. (16)

3. Streams are babbling. The sun illuminates the earth. The grove is turning green. Masha saw a rook. Magpies are chattering. Welcome spring! (14)

4. Warmth. The hares gave birth to bunnies. Wolves have wolf cubs. Blackbirds have blackbirds squeaking. Jackdaws and starlings appeared. Hot time. (17)

5. We say goodbye to winter. Frost does not crack. We are welcoming spring. Soon the jackdaws and starlings will squeal. (15)

6. There is a sentry in an overcoat standing on the square. A shepherd sits nearby. The little jackdaws are screaming on the plank roof. The shepherd began to grumble. (17)

7. More often than not, bird nests look like a teacup. They are woven from twigs. Often the nests are insulated with down. (16)

8. Kolya met Sveta on the square. A cloud was floating across the sky. The cloud confused Kolya. He doesn't have a cloak. (16)

9. The rain began to pound on the plank roof. The wind shakes the branches. The little jackdaws are squeaking in the nest. (13)

11. Arctic terns bravely defend their nests from polar bears. Daredevils don't just scream loudly. Birds often grab the poor thing by the tail and ears. (23)

12. Students often walk around the square. There is a sentry there. It stands for a long time - two hours. He is cold. He's wearing gloves, but no cape. The guys are screaming and chattering like jackdaws. The sentry doesn't pay attention. (thirty)

13. The shepherd gave birth to puppies. They growl. Now mom will feed them. The puppies silently suck milk. Milk is their food. M came to see the puppies. The shepherd notices us. She starts to grumble. (29)

14. Thicket of the forest. Wolf cubs are playing in the clearing. They! growl, squeak. The she-wolf often glances at them. She notices everything. She hears birds screaming in the thicket. The cubs stop playing and run after their mother. (31)

15. There is an ominous cloud in the sky. The rabbits notice her. They squeak and scream. It might start raining in an hour. The little rabbits are running home. The darkness deepens. The first drops are hitting the roof. The rain promises to be long. (29)

16. There is a cottage in the forest. lives in it old grandfather. His grandchildren often visit him. He meets them and seats them at the table. They drink tea together. Then the grandchildren say goodbye to their grandfather. They promise to come more often. (32)

17. We often go to the forest. There are grasshoppers chattering there. One was cracking very loudly. We listened to the violinist for an hour. Wonderful artist! We said goodbye to the violinists. When we were returning, a cloud came over. We rushed home. (31)

18. We have been walking through the forest for an hour. Our shepherd is with us. The forest began to thicken. This is a thicket. It's time to go back. We cross the stream on a plank bridge. Here is the grove, and behind it is our dacha. (thirty)

CHU, SHCHU write with the letter U.

1. I solve a problem. I'm looking for an answer. Then I learn the rule. (10)

2. I came to someone else's house. I want to come in and I knock. The dog smells me. (13)

3. I drag the stuffed animal to the garden. I will grow vegetables. They will be amazingly good. (13)

4. I drag the pike out of the water. I'm glad for this monster. I want to cook fish soup. The pike squints its eyes. (16)

5. I want to find a cast iron pot. I'm looking in the closet. I spin it in my hands and drag it into the house. (17)

6. Pika is a small bird. Her nose is awl. I look - miracles! Pika dances a waltz. She circles around the spruce tree and makes wonderful jumps. This is Pikakhin's waltz. (23)

7. The grimy scarecrow lived in a cast iron pot in the closet. His eyes illuminated the monstrous darkness. What kind of miracle? Is this a monster or a weirdo? His name is Chushchuk. The tentacles have fancy stockings. One day Chushchuk felt trouble. He sailed down the Shchura river. (35)

8. Birds lay eggs. Fish spawn. The eggs hatch into fry. Pike, bream and catfish spawn in the spring. (17)

9. I want to catch a big pike. Having cast the fishing rod, I sit down on a block of wood. I sit and remain silent. I feel the pike is biting. I'm dragging her. When you drag, I’ll grab it. Here's a little more! I scream with joy. (29)

10. We went to the beach. Suddenly we saw a cloud, My brother Sasha squinted. The wind whips. The waves are rushing in the sea. They look like monsters. Lightning flashes in the sky. I want to go home. (29)

11. The food of arctic foxes is fish and birds. Where do Arctic foxes hide their prey? Arctic foxes store food in permafrost. They put their prey in a hole. Food lasts a long time in such a wonderful refrigerator. (27)

12. A miracle happened in the kingdom. A terrible monster appeared. It has huge tentacles. The prince found chain mail in the closet. Went out to fight. Here comes the monster. The prince narrowed his eyes. He fired a wonderful arrow. There is no more scary monster. (31)

13. Wolves prowl, looking for food. Who is the stranger here? Wolves smell prey. The hare senses danger. The hare has wonderful legs and sensitive ears. He ran into the grove. He runs without feeling his feet. He ran into our closet. Got dirty on the cast iron. He became grimy. (37)

14. We caught a pike. They poured water into the cast iron. Add a little salt. There will be a wow! Our shepherd smelled fish. She has good instincts. We're running out of wood. I'll look for more and bring them back. AfterI'll peel the potatoes. (thirty)

15. I met a knight in chain mail. He is a stranger. I want to invite him to my place. Let him live. He's a weirdo. He went into the closet and sat. I'm silent. It's hard to live in a foreign land. (28)

16. I'm dragging a pike from the river. I clean the fish. I want to cook fish soup. I put the pike in a cast iron pot and put it in the stove. My shepherd Chunya smells the wonderful fish soup. In an hour I'll take out the cast iron. The ear is amazingly good. (37)

17. Yasha Chukin had a puppy named Chubrik. Chubrik saw a garden scarecrow. The kid was a little scared of the monster. The puppy narrowed his eyes. What a puny weirdo! What a miracle of nature! (22)

18. I want to plant vegetables. I'll grab a shovel from the closet. I will find a place for every vegetable. I'll bring a watering can with water. I'll put a scarecrow in the garden. I will grow carrots, parsley, dill. I'll treat my friends. (27)

In the first grade, at the end of the 2nd quarter, students say goodbye to the primer and get acquainted with the new textbook on the Russian language.

Now in the 2nd half of the year they will learn to write dictations, copy texts, and retell them. The texts are very short and simple. Their volume is 15-20 words. There are 33 dictations in total.

The teacher can create a grammatical assignment for the text himself according to the topics studied.

1 class

Grandfather and grandson

Petya lived in the village of Vlasovo in the summer. The boy and his grandfather were mowing grass for the goat Mushki. The grandson and grandfather worked together. (19 words.)


A viburnum bush grew in the garden. There are red berries on the branches. There is a flower bed nearby. There are white roses here. They were planted by grandmother Nadya and granddaughter Alyonka. (21 words.)


The plane took off. Dimka was flying home. Here comes Moscow. Moscow - main city countries. (15 words.)

I can read

I am six years old. I learned all the letters. I can read syllables. I read all the signs on the street. Dad is happy. (20 words.)


Uncle Syoma and Seryozha are working. They make shelves for books. Shelves would be nice. There will be books on the shelves. (18 words.)


It's been raining all day. Grandma is washing the window. Her granddaughters help her. They prepare paper and glue. Uncle Andrey will seal the windows. (20 words.)


The guys brought a hedgehog. He curled up into a ball. They gave him milk. The hedgehog turned around and began to eat. And in the morning he ran into the forest. (20 words.)

Hedgehog hole

A hedgehog is running along the path. He carries leaves. The pine tree has his hole. One leaf doesn't fit into the hole. How to help a hedgehog? (20 words.)

End of winter

Little Alyosha and Yura went out into the yard. Has become soggy snow Hill. Winter is over. We need to put away the sleds and skis. It's spring outside. (20 words.)


The old people came home from the forest. They picked a lot of mushrooms and were tired. And the house is clean, there are pies on the table. What miracles! (20 words.)


An apple tree grew. Cold wind shook the thin branches. The guys brought stakes and tied the apple tree. It snowed at night. He covered the tree with a fluffy blanket.

(21 words.)

Winter fun

The boys played snowballs. The kids were rolling down the mountain. The girls were making a snow maiden. Kolya threw the ball. The dog Bug quickly found his toy. (20 words.)

Winter is leaving

It was a wonderful day. Large drops fell from the roof onto the ground. Little Alyosha and Yura went out for a walk. They were greeted by the gentle sun. (20 words.)

Winter is gone

A clear stream is babbling. Tolya and Yasha are launching boats. Mom put away the sleds and skis. Winter has gone. It's spring outside. (18 words.)


Linden blossoms. Bees circle around the linden tree. Grandfather Ivan has an apiary in his garden. He gave us honey for tea. Good fragrant honey! (21 words.)

In the meadow

Slava and Lenya drove the cow Zorka to the meadow. The grass there is lush. Good feed for cows. Here is the meadow. The menacing bumblebee scared the boys. (22 words.)


The lights in the village went out. The red cat Troshka was sleeping on the porch. The big spider froze near its web. The moon illuminated the path. There was silence. (21 words.)

Sly sparrows

The sparrows have built a nest. There were chicks there. The birds brought them food. The cat Muska came out onto the porch. She was watching the sparrows. The birds have flown away. Muska left. (23 words.)


A thin blade of grass broke through the rock. It was raining. The sun was burning. The wind blew it away. The blade of grass withstood everything and won. That's how persistent she is! (21 words.)


Clever dog

Alyosha has a dog. The boy named her Lada. Lada is sleeping on the porch. She guards the house. Everyone loves this smart dog. (20 words.)

Fox cubs

It was a warm day. Alyosha and I went to the zoo. Fox cubs lived there. Their names were Ryzhik and Fluff. (17 words.)

In the grove

We were in a birch grove. Flowers grew in the shade of the trees. These are fragrant lilies of the valley. They were beautiful. (16 words.)


A bunny was warming himself on an old stump. A cone fell from the tree. The bunny was scared. He quickly disappeared into the bushes. (16 words.)


The soil in the flowerbed was dry. The leaves of the flowers have withered. Katyusha brought a watering can with water. She watered the roses. The flowers came to life. (19 words.)

Master of the yard

The rays of the sun flooded bright light the whole yard. The rooster Yashka walked importantly across the yard. He was menacing and scared everyone. Yashka is the owner of the yard. (20 words.)


A snake was hiding under a wide leaf. I began to observe. The dog Bumblebee jumped onto an old stump. The snake disappeared into the bushes. (18 words.)


A dark cloud hung over the lake. Thunder struck. The first drops of rain splashed into the water. Andreika and her brother hurried home. (18 words.)

Lilies of the valley

I'm walking through the forest. Zhulka is running nearby. The grove is flooded with bright light. Lilies of the valley were white in the shade. How beautiful they are! (18 words.)

Hide and seek

There is a hut in the forest. Bunnies live there. A squirrel often comes to visit the bunnies. Bunnies and squirrels play hide and seek. (20 words.)


There is a nest on a birch tree. A blackbird lived there. Vaska the cat climbed to the nest. Drozd pecked Vaska on the forehead. The cat ran into the garden. (20 words.)


Barbos' paw hurt. Kolya brought bread and milk. The dog licked his friend's hand. The boy took care of the dog. Barbos has recovered. (19 words.)


I'm going into the thicket. There is a lake there. A bear rolled out to the lake. The frogs flopped into the water together. The bear shook mosquitoes from his ears. (According to N. Sladkov.)




Bori has a cat. Barsik was rolling a ball. We were in Park.

There are linden and pine trees. Zina is small. Zina has a doll.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.

Roma is small. He washed his hands himself.

Here are the chickens. Ivan feeds the chickens.

Here's the juice. Lena drank juice.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Alyosha and Kolya walked into the grove. It was hot.

And here is the key. He's clean. Alyosha drank water.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.

Summer has flown by. It's beautiful in the forest. We have paints and brushes.

Nina and Lena painted pine trees. Anton drew bushes.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest.

Hedgehogs rustle under the spruce tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Beavers live on the river. They are excellent builders. Beavers have sharp teeth

like a razor. On the river, beavers make dams from aspen trunks.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A red cat was lying on a tree. The cat had green eyes and tufted ears.

Strong paws dug into the trunk. It was a lynx.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We're going large construction site. Syoma and Yasha are going to a new home.

The house has five floors. At the car porch. The boys are happy.

Words for reference: large, floors, with us.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We had a labor lesson. We made our own toys. Here is a horse and a bunny.

Lyuba and Masha have a doll. Kolya made a Christmas tree out of paper. Our toys are good!

Words for reference: with us, made.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A beautiful bush grew in the forest. The bush was blooming bright colors. It was a wild rose.

Nice fragrant roses! Masha began to pick roses. And there are thorns. Masha has a splinter.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Student Yura Chaikin solved the problem. The task was difficult. Slava Shchukin has arrived.

Friends solved the problem together. So Slava helped his comrade.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We live in a new house. Alyosha is my friend. He goes to school.

Words for reference: friend, me, in the new.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Our school is new. She is bright and beautiful. Maples and linden trees grow near the school.

We love our school. Our students live together.

Words for reference: about, growing, students.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


In the morning people go to work. Uncle Syoma works at a factory. He is a worker.

Cars are made at the factory. Uncle Syoma is a good worker.

Words for reference:morning, factory, worker.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Aunt Nina and Aunt Olya work at the factory. Aunt Nina knits fluffy scarves.

Aunt Olya knits warm sweaters. Smart cars make their work easier.

Words for reference: factory, facilitate, labor.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Grandmother Raya takes Lyuda and Nikita to the nursery. Kids love to play there.

Nikita is building a house. Luda has a beautiful ball. There are a lot of all kinds of toys in the nursery.

Words for reference: love, lots of toys.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


My brother Petya and I lived with my grandfather. We helped grandfather dry the net.

Grandfather Semyon taught us how to repair nets. I loved working with my grandfather.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Seryozha has a cat, Dymok. It's small. The cat is gray and fluffy.

The cat's paws are white. Smokey eats fish. He loves to play with a ball of thread.

Words for reference: thread

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Beautiful bushes grew in the garden. These were roses. They were raised by Syoma and Yura.

Nice roses! The boys cut three roses for their mother.

Words for reference: raised.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Dima and Seryozha had a grandmother. Grandmother bought her grandchildren an ABC book.

They are happy. The boys began to learn letters. Soon they will read books.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here is the elk and the horse. And these are the cones of the Christmas tree. I read poems about a fox.

Words for reference: pictures, reading.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.

My brother Igor and I love our mother. Our mother is kind and affectionate.

Everyone respects mom. She teaches children. Mom loves listening to music.

Words for reference: respected, affectionate, she.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Our yard is large. My brother Alyosha and I made a slide.

Our slide is good. The kids were happy. They quickly race down the hill on a sled.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Sasha and Timosha left the house. They go for a walk. Here's the yard.

Kids are playing. The boys began to make a slide for them. The kids are happy.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


January opens the year. This is a harsh month. The blizzards are howling.

The snow covered all the food in the forest. Birds fly to human habitation. You help them!

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter. Freezing. Snow covered the stumps and bushes. Thick ice bound the fast stream.

The pines and spruces put on snow coats. A fluffy scarf lies on cedar branches.

Here's a snowdrift. A bear sleeps there.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We were waiting for winter. We called for winter. There are snowdrifts near the house. Olga rolls a ball of snow.

Tanya rolls a ball of snow. That's snow woman. Sasha and Dasha have skis. Everyone is having fun.

Words for reference: fun, rolls.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here comes winter. The children are happy. Alyosha has a house made of snow. Vanya took the sled.

Petya put on his skis. They are going up the hill. Everyone is having fun there.

Words for reference: fun they.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter has come. Fluffy snow all around. There are patterns on the windows. Here's a bird feeder.

Zina and Lisa have crumbs of bread. They feed the birds.

Words for reference: feed, feeders.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Snow. Everyone is happy about the snow. Misha and Yasha went out into the yard.

Olya was waiting for them there. Dad bought her skis. Children go to the park.

Words for reference: snow fell into the yard.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Fluffy snow all around. He falls quietly to the ground. The old stump is completely covered with snow.

Yura goes into the forest. The boy holds bird food in his hands.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter has come. There is snow all around. The hare has a white skin in winter.

It's hard for a fox to find a bunny. He sat down by a bush and slept.

Words for reference: snow, difficult.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It's a clear day. We are going into the forest. There is snow on the paws of the spruce tree.

A lump of snow fell on an old stump. Vanya noticed the hare. The bunny disappeared into the bushes.

Words for reference: standing, noticed, lying.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Winter has come. I am going to the forest. The snow crunches. There is a spruce tree at the edge of the forest.

A squirrel hid in the thick paws of a spruce tree. A lump of snow fell from a spruce tree.

Words for reference: snow, standing.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Misha, Tanya and Petya lived in the village. They had a dog called Rose.

Rose lived in the yard. She had puppies. The children loved Rose.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


At the school big mountain. There are crowds of children on the mountain all day. Ilya and Olga have skis.

They rush quickly down the mountain. Yura has a new sleigh. He takes the kids for rides.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


There lived a bunny in the forest. He built a hut under the tree. A fox was walking.

She noticed a hut and knocked. The bunny opened the door. Lisa asked to visit.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Here comes winter. They're standing very coldy. Fluffy snow covered the forest and field.

The roofs are also covered in snow. There is silence all around. Only wolves prowl. They are looking for food.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It was snowing in the morning. The little bear was sitting on a stump.

He raised his head and counted the snowflakes that fell on his nose.

The snowflakes fell fluffy and white.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Deer live in large forests. Deer is a very beautiful animal with large antlers.

There is a feeding trough in a forest clearing. Every evening deer come here.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We lived near a grove. It was good there. The siskins were singing. Lilies of the valley were blooming.

We went for a walk in the grove. Our dog Ryzhik loved to scare birds.

Boys and girls played hide and seek.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Zoya has a cat, Murka. Murka has a fluffy tail. Eyes are green. The mustache is big.

Zoya called Murka home. Murka has arrived. Zoya and Murka were playing.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It's raining heavily. The sick friend lies under the porch.

Ilya bandaged his sore paw. The boy brought him bread and milk.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We live in Moscow. Our house is located on Zhukov Street. In the summer we were in the village of Ilinskoye.

My grandmother lives in the village of Stepanovo. There is a river called Bystraya. We often went to the river to fish.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Shura Lunin and Yegor Chalov are comrades. The boys live together. In the summer, the guys found a puppy in the forest.

He whined pitifully. Shura and Egor took the puppy home. The puppy was named Snowball.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Children prepare decorations. Stars are carved by Misha Luzhin. Sasha Chudin glues the firecrackers.

Lanterns are made by Lena Yashina. Nuts are colored by Anya Chaikova. Christmas tree coming soon.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


It was a clear day. Here's the park. Fluffy spruce and pine trees grow here. Lenya and Yana were looking for cones.

This is bird food. There are seeds in the cones. A squirrel jumped onto a spruce tree.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


We live in Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Our city is big and beautiful.

It stands on the banks of the Dnieper. There are many streets, parks and squares in Kyiv.

Our house is on Artyoma Street.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A pine tree grew at the edge of the forest. There was an old nest on the pine tree. Crows lived in it.

Autumn came. It's raining. The forest is gray and gloomy. The trees rustle quietly.

Words for reference: in it, came.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


I'm skiing through the forest. There are traces of birds and small animals in the snow. It's good in the forest in winter.

Snow glistens on the Christmas trees. A large lump of snow fell from a pine tree.

Words for reference: glitters.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Brought to school beautiful Christmas tree. We had a labor lesson. We made toys.

Katya has a horse and a bunny. Olga and Dasha have paper beads. Our toys are good!

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Guests came to Kolya Chaikin. The guys were playing checkers. Vanya Yolkin played with Kolya.

Andrey Kruzhin followed the game. Then Andrey and Vanya played. Grandmother Klava gave tea to everyone.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


A small apple tree grew near the house. rose strong wind. He began to twist and break it.

Kolya brought stakes. The boy tied up the apple tree. It snowed at night. Fluffy fur wrapped the tree.

Words for reference: about, apple tree, breaking, tied up.

Dictation in Russian. 1 class.


Autumn. It's been raining all day. Thumbelina was looking for a home for the winter. Behind the forest there were fields.

The grain was removed from the fields. Thumbelina noticed a mink. The entrance to the hole was covered with leaves.

Words for reference: Thumbelina noticed.

Final dictations

In Russian

1 class

On the river

Petya and Seryozha go to the river. Geese on the river. The goose swims to the bridge. Seryozha threw food into the water. Now all the geese are swimming to the bridge.


Option 1 – floats in the word.

Option 2 – in the word Seryozha.

2. Divide the words into syllables and put an accent mark under the words:

Option 1 – 1st sentence.

Option 2 – last sentence.

3. Label the letters soft sounds in the first sentence (for both options).


It was a warm day. Katya and Yura go to the grove. There is silence all around. Here's a big stump. And there were wasps. They were buzzing. The children ran home.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the letters of vowels with one line, and the letters of consonants with two:

1st option – in the word day;

2nd option – in the word stump.

1st option – 2nd sentence;

2nd option – 7th sentence.

3. Identify the letters of soft sounds in the 1st sentence (for both options).

Sly cat

A cloud is floating across the sky. It began to rain. There are large puddles on the porch. Vaska the cat jumped onto the stone. He began to drink water from the puddle. The cat's paws are dry. Heater cat.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the letters of vowels with one line, and the letters of consonants with two:

1st option – in the word Vaska;

2nd option – in the word stone.

2. Divide the words into syllables and place an accent mark over the words:

1st option – 3rd sentence;

2nd option – 6th sentence.

3. Identify the letters of soft sounds in the last sentence (for both options).


Morning. We're going fishing. Here is the Volga River. The guys started fishing. Vanya caught pike and bream. Gleb caught two perch. The soup will be good!

Grammar task.

1. Underline the main parts of the sentence in sentence 5.

2. Emphasize the vowels in sentence 4.

3. In sentence 6, underline the letters that represent soft consonant sounds.

On the river.

Warm days are here. The guys walk along the path to the river. It's noisy and fun there. Kids play in the sand. They are building a big house.

Grammar tasks

2. In the words v e s elo, r e b i a t a, emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds there are in the word d e n k i.

4. *Choose words that are opposite in meaning: tall -……

narrow - …..

far- …

5.* Compose and write down 2 sentences with the words Ryzhik, saffron milk cap.

In the forest.

The boys Yura and Vanya go into the forest. The dog Bimka is running nearby. Red squirrels are jumping along the branches. There's a mink under the tree. Gray hedgehogs took refuge there. (25)

Grammar tasks

1. Write down in numbers how many syllables are in the words: dog, mink, hedgehogs.

2. In the words of the squirrels, they took refuge to emphasize soft consonants.

3. Write down in numbers how many letters and sounds there are in the word boys.

4.*Choose words that have opposite meanings:

high - …. distant -…. narrow - …. Kind - ….

5.*Make and write 2 sentences with the words fruit, raft.

Sly cat

A cloud is floating across the sky. It began to rain. There were large puddles on the porch. Vaska the cat jumped on a stone. He began to drink water from the puddle. The cat's paws are dry. Sly cat.

Grammar tasks:

1) Underline the letters of the vowel sounds in the word: option 1 – Vaska; Option 2 - stone.

2) Underline the letters of the consonant sounds in the word: option 1 – capital; Option 2 – jumped.

3) Divide the words into syllables and put emphasis: 1 option - 1 sentence; Option 2 - offer 2.

4) Identify the letters of soft sounds in the last sentence (for both options)

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