How to learn to look at yourself from the outside. Focus on individual objects

For what.

If you look at yourself from the outside more often:

You will have a lot of information to work on yourself;

You will react much less painfully to criticism and “attacks” on yourself and your loved one.

And in general, if you yourself have already seen everything in yourself, what do you care about who says and thinks about you? No way!

When you learn to look at yourself from the outside and analyze your mistakes, it will be easier for you to navigate what is happening in your life. You will no longer groan and reproach fate for what happened to you. You will quite easily understand the “bells” from your human essence, you will understand which of your “problems” it’s time to work on.

That is, awareness will significantly increase in your life. And that's great! It’s so nice to understand what is happening in your own life.

What is important.

1. When you look at yourself from the outside, it is important to keep your attention only on yourself and not slide into the search for reasons and explanations why “they” (“he” - “she” - “life itself” - “your destiny” - etc.) d.) SO with you!!! got it right!!! they did to you.

Time will put everything in its place. Moreover, this will happen taking into account the work you have done to realize your mistakes and stupidities. So, there’s no point in delving into other people’s troubles. REMEMBER the basic principle of eniology - look for the reasons in yourself.

Behind the desire to understand those who have caused you harm and pain, there is most likely a desire to find evidence for yourself of your own value to these people. That is, such a desire is nothing more than a manifestation of your “touched to the quick” ego.

And therefore, trying to understand others in situations that are problematic for you is a step into subjectivity, a step towards your ego.

And now we just don’t need this. We need to see from the outside of ourselves, that is, look at ourselves objectively.

Therefore, when viewing a situation, you need to try to see only your own - your mood, state, your emotions and actions in the situation with which you are working in this moment. That is, try to understand only yourself in that situation.

Of course, it is often not so pleasant to see yourself from the outside. Especially if this happens for the first time. I’ll even say more - sometimes you become ashamed and bitter for yourself, for your actions, emotions, reactions, thoughts. But then there is an opportunity to analyze all this, to understand where you stumbled, blundered, or made a mistake. See the reasons for all this.

And in general, try to look at yourself from the outside as if you were looking not at yourself, but at a complete stranger to you. After all, it is much easier to see mistakes in other people than in yourself. So why not use this human peculiarity for your own benefit!

2. After you see your mistakes and understand the reasons, you can think about how it would be better to act in this situation. And outline a model of behavior for yourself in similar situations. (I sometimes make reminder notes for myself and attach them in a visible place so that I don’t forget and don’t get screwed next time).

It is useful to think about what exactly in yourself you should pay attention to next time, what you should make an effort to overcome in order to avoid making a mistake again, what you can control yourself in, overpower, etc.

3. You should not engage in self-criticism and self-flagellation, even if you saw yourself in a very unsightly form, playing a far from heroic role.

Remember, time is an abstraction, and the past and future are multivariate. And as soon as you saw your mistakes and stupidities, as soon as you understood, repented, realized, your Event Field begins to change, building a new stream of your development, giving you new information for awareness, new chances for growth and moving forward.

4. Don't forget about test situations - usually they don't take long to arrive. It’s not enough to just understand a mistake – you also need to be able to avoid repeating it in the future.

I wish us all Reason, Awareness, Willpower and Perseverance.


When you see the situation, you don’t need to play it through like a movie, cut out parts, erase colors, send it to annihilation, re-record it, etc., etc., etc.

Remember, this is your life, your invaluable life experience.

As Viktor Yurievich often says, many people, having reached eniology and touched the purest, high knowledge- suddenly slide into ordinary magic.

SO - In eniology, we consider the situation ONLY in order to find, understand and analyze our mistakes.

Remember - we change the information in the Information Fields ONLY BY AWARE OF OUR MISTAKES AND STUPIDITY.

Remember the property of Information Fields!

After a person realizes his mistakes, information about these errors in the IP is overwritten.

That is, a person with your awareness removes from his individual entrepreneurs records about the mistakes he has made - and normalization occurs at all levels of his multidimensional essence.

This is a natural property of information that makes it possible for all living things to evolve.

All other ways to change something are from the evil one.

People, be careful! Think before you do anything.

But each of you has every right to do what he sees fit. Reason and Awareness to everyone!

How to see yourself from the outside.

Remember some recent situation that was not very emotional for you. Place it not far from you.

Notice how you see this situation:

You see the situation and yourself in it as if from the outside;

You don’t see yourself in that situation, but look at everything that is happening there, and now, as if with your own eyes.

1. If you have the first option, then everything is fine, you have already experienced the situation and can calmly analyze it to find your mistakes (taking into account everything that was said in paragraph "What is important").

2. If you have the second option, then you are still there, in that situation. And while you are “stuck” there, you are unlikely to be able to look at this situation and yourself in it from the outside.

In this case, you need to either wait for an unknown amount of time until the situation is “digested” by itself, or consciously leave this situation. It’s up to you to decide what to do: wait or leave now.

If the situation is very emotional and painful for you, you can get out of it gradually, not immediately, and not even in one day.

But you and I have already agreed that you will not view the situation as very emotional. Therefore, you can try to immediately get out of this situation and look at everything from the outside.

So, you remembered the situation and placed it close to you. Now slowly start to get out of there.

This can be done either by mentally moving the picture of the situation away from you, or by moving back yourself, as if backing away, and imagining that you are getting out of that situation.

Do as you feel comfortable. Most often, I simultaneously move the picture away from myself and, as it were, I myself move and move back from this situation.

The purpose of all this is to see yourself from the outside in the situation under consideration.

The way out of the situation may be accompanied by emotional reaction, most often with tears, yawning, etc.. If this happens, let your emotions come out - cry, yawn, sleep a little, if you feel very sleepy.

After this, you will be able to look at yourself and the whole situation from the outside and analyze it to find your mistakes and stupidities (taking into account what was said in paragraph "What is important")

That's all.

I wish you success in working on your mistakes!

Olga Kostyuk. Representative of the Research Center "ENIO", Tambov

P.S. If you have questions, you can ask them directly in the comments)

No doubt this will be a familiar situation for many of you: the reflection you see in the mirror is nothing like the image you see in your own photos. What is the reason? Is it really the camera that changes your appearance that much? Or should we blame it all on the mirror?

Today we will try to find answers to these questions: what is closer to your real appearance - a reflection or a photograph? And why do we often perceive reflections in the mirror and photographs differently?

Psychological aspect

Most often we look in the mirror at home, in the environment where we feel free and most relaxed. When it comes to photographs, most of the time we take them outside of this cozy environment, surrounded by other people, which means we feel more stressed and unprepared.
Therefore, when you look in the mirror before leaving for a party, you will notice that you like your own reflection. But the next day, when you check the photo, you notice that everything was not so good.

Viewing angle

Another reason for differences in appearance is that people's faces are not symmetrical. And this is true for absolutely everyone, only for some these differences are noticeably greater, for others less. This is where all the confusion lies. Every morning when we look in the mirror, we stand in the same place, which means we see ourselves from our usual point of view.
As a result, we get used to seeing our face with certain angle. But when it comes to photographs, you can't always control how, when, or from what angle the photo is taken. Unless, of course, you're a star who knows his best sides and always takes photos from only one angle, like, for example, Audrey Hepburn.

White balance

Each type of lighting has its own temperature. But in most cases, when we look in the mirror, we cannot notice this difference. This happens because our brain - a kind of “supercomputer” - automatically smooths out all the differences and “shows” us the complexion to which we are accustomed.
On the other hand, the photograph always shows real lighting, with all the shifts and differences in temperature. Looking in the mirror, even if the lighting comes from various sources and your face shows a lot of colors and shadows, you still see your usual reflection, while photography forces you to see yourself from the outside and in the lighting that you really have.

Focus on individual objects

Don't forget that when we look in the mirror, we usually focus on a specific part of our reflection and therefore do not see the overall picture. But when we look at photographs, we perceive everything holistically and notice things that we previously did not pay attention to (for example, poor posture, awkwardly placed hands, etc.).

Mirror reflection

In reflection, we always see a “mirror” version of ourselves, and this ultimately shapes our perception of what we look like. Photographs, on the other hand, show us how others see us, and this is an unusual perspective that can lead to surprises.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that only photographs give you objective information about own appearance. But even if you don't always look good in photos, that's no reason to despair! Perhaps you were photographed at the wrong moment, or you simply didn't have time to suck in your stomach.

Every person would like to see themselves through the eyes of another person. After all, we see ourselves a little differently than others. Looking at yourself from the outside is a very good self-analysis that can greatly help you on the path of self-development.


Every person makes mistakes. How many of them are there per day? One? Two? Six? It all depends on the individual. From every mistake you can learn a useful lesson; to do this, just look at yourself from the outside and analyze your behavior. The means on the path to self-analysis will be Personal diary, videos and conversations with yourself.

You will need

  • diary, old videos


  1. To learn to see yourself from the outside, first take a simple step - keep a diary. Beautiful, pleasant to hold in your hands. Yes Yes exactly! It's not burdensome, but incredibly useful. Regularly write down your emotions and impressions of your day in your diary. By re-reading old notes, a little later you will be able to make small discoveries, find the pros and cons, the bad and the bad. good features, evaluate your actions in a given situation. The diary seems to allow you to take a step back, look at your life and actions from the outside and, by the way, often once again make sure that any problems tend to end.
  2. From time to time, psychologists advise using a three-stage analysis system. For example, sit in a chair this evening and try to remember your day in detail. How did it start? Who did you see today? How did it end? The second stage is work. How are things going in the office (school, factory, etc.)? Is everything okay here? If not, why not? The third stage is life in general. Now try to analyze it, and then compare all these three steps. Maybe it's time to change something?
  3. Also, look through old photos and videos of you. Video analysis is especially recommended. It allows you to detect those features in behavior that would not hurt to correct or completely get rid of them. At first, after watching the videos, strong emotions may arise. Your task is to try to move from them to constructive actions to improve your character and your precious life. In general, criticism helps us best see ourselves from the outside, the main thing is that it does not turn into constant self-criticism.

But, if we, for the most part, turn a blind eye to our own mistakes, then in relation to others we act as competent advisers.

The point is that mistakes and oversights are more noticeable to an outsider. In that case, why don't you become a true expert in the mechanics of your own life?

Looking at ourselves from the outside, what will we see?

For the precious attention of readers, we offer several recommendations on how you can look at yourself from the outside.

Do you often subject yourself to at least a superficial analysis of your manners, actions and level of relationships with those around you? Do the thoughts occur to you that some things are going like clockwork for you, but something else is tempting to give up?

From time to time, looking into yourself, you God's help Are you trying to get rid of something, or are you happy with everything? It can be very difficult to answer these questions. A kind of mental stupor occurs only when it concerns you personally.

As for the life of our neighbor, here, as mentioned just above, many of us see ourselves as, at a minimum, experts in terms of prudence and expediency.

For example, a sixteen-year-old boy who became interested in an online computer game, with his indignant exclamations evening time often wakes up parents sleeping in the next room.

He reacts to his father’s comments, sometimes calm, sometimes not so much, with poorly hidden irritation.

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But as soon as the budgerigar greets the new day with joyful chirping, after a couple of minutes he fearfully hides in a corner, because he dared to wake up the hero of the night virtual battles. That's it...

I think already from adolescence you need to learn to periodically examine yourself with a detached gaze.

Firstly, such an outside view of yourself will protect you and your forehead from the “rake” that you step on every now and then. A person who does not think about the causes of failures is doomed to repeat them.

As a rule, the source of most problems and troubles must be sought within oneself, and not cursed by circumstances, and not rushed to search for extremes.

But you shouldn’t sprinkle kilograms of ashes on your head either. Negative experience can be considered useful, but only in the case when it is “dissected to its core” and generates certain conclusions.

Secondly, by turning into an outside observer for a while, you can expose your capabilities objective assessment. Looking at ourselves from the outside, what will we see? Many people set themselves obviously unattainable goals.

What is the reason for such attempts, which often lead to a sad outcome? These people just treat psychological type, not designed to conquer such heights. However, the life of a person who does not want to realize this will gradually turn into a Shakespearean tragedy.

The soul of the poor fellow begins to fill with envy of his more successful colleagues and acquaintances, bitterness from the vicissitudes of fate and caustic bile, ready to pour out on the whole world.

What can help make life a little happier? Unbiased and impartial!

Well, everyone can’t be Lincoln, Churchill and Putin! If our cities and towns are inhabited only by such celestials, then the latter will move along extremely cluttered streets, and move exclusively on foot in search of products and those who will put these products on the counter and sell them.

After all, without street cleaners who keep our pavements clean, without car mechanics who can detect engine disease by ear, without market traders who never shut up for a minute and manage to “foist” expired goods on the buyer, life will begin to falter.

Thirdly, having risen a little above the busy crossroads of lives and destinies, a person will be able to relate more objectively to the people around him. Consequently, he will have the opportunity to do good.

After all, if you notice that one of your friends or acquaintances intends to take a path that has brought you nothing but disappointment, it will not be difficult to warn him. And as you know, bread cast on water always returns in abundance.

Fourthly, looking at yourself from the outside, having lived in the body of an outside observer, you can understand that reality is full of harmony. Believe it or not, defeats are certainly replaced by victories.

People tend to get bogged down in failures and not pay attention to souvenirs from fate. What will be your impression of life? That's right, the past years will seem like a series of missed opportunities and failures. In reality, luck smiles on everyone. It’s just that her smile may not be as wide as we would like.

Well, okay, but how can you learn to observe yourself with an impartial look from the outside? Keep a diary and write down everything you think about (of course, except for thoughts about how many eggs to eat for breakfast).

Such an organizer will help clearly identify ideas and separate everything that is unimportant and unnecessary. Leafing through the pages covered in the small handwriting of your deep judgments, it is quite possible to abstractly evaluate their effectiveness and smile in surprise at the unexpectedly opened up possibilities of your own.

It is better to immediately reclassify the diary into a diary. You can rest assured that in a year and a half, these notes will become a home-grown bestseller, and reading them will turn into a very exciting activity.

Brainstorm, remembering last day, about your work and what your life is like. Always follow this sequence.

A look at yourself from the outside:

  • Evaluate the things you completed during the day.
  • Listen to your heart and determine which ones were successful and which ones were not entirely successful.
  • What about work? Judge where things are going well for you and where things are unsettled.
  • And finally, take a look at your past life and describe it in a few words.

Such a simple analysis is very useful in assessing successes and, of course, failures.

Make a public statement about yourself! As an aspiring blogger, talk about what's bothering you.

Let it be absolutely strangers will talk about your personality. Who knows, perhaps their thoughts and comments will be fruitful and help answer some questions.

Become a spy for a while, climb up a stone cliff overlooking the lively stream of life. I think none of us can even imagine how many interesting and new things will open there.

A tiny segment of Eternity, called earthly life, will light up with completely different colors, and, having descended to the sinful earth, you will stop going with the flow if you look from the outside at yourself!

Don't give in to the changing world, and God bless you!

Most people do not understand their actions and the motives for their actions. This confuses many who think about the meaning of life and what to do next.

Psychologists have developed special questions that will help you and the reasons for your actions, emotions, failures. These questions are very simple, but they are absolutely necessary to ask yourself if you want to find out who you really are. Try answering the questions first and then reading the transcript to see if you know yourself well enough.

Who am I?

This is a rather difficult question, the answer to which cannot be found immediately. That's the whole point. You need to answer this as quickly as possible, otherwise you're in trouble. Every successful man should know who he is. The answer could be anything. YOU can answer: fireman, doctor, beautiful girl, good friend, athlete and so on.

What do I love most?

You shouldn’t think too long here either. Love is a pretty broad thing. Answer this question specifically. The question contains the word “what,” so answers like “your husband” or “your wife” or “mother” are prohibited.

What is my future?

There is also a philosophical catch here. One might answer that the future doesn't matter because special role only the present plays, but pragmatic people When answering this question, one always thinks much longer than in the case of previous questions.

How far are my dreams from me?

This good question for people over 30 years old. Life is about making dreams come true. This is a kind of equivalent to happiness, because the more goals you achieve, the happier you are. Ask yourself this question more often in everyday life.

How can I describe myself?

What qualities do you have? Try asking someone around you to answer this question and answer it yourself, without knowing what your friend answered. If your opinion differs the worst side, then you have low self-esteem. The qualities should be approximately the same for you and for the observer, since narcissism does not always lead to good things.

What are my shortcomings?

You always need to know what you need to work on. Everyone has shortcomings. Anyone who is familiar with them will follow the right path.

What am I hiding from people?

Assess your fears, your cockroaches. Share what you said to yourself now. Tell this to someone who will definitely tell no one. It is advisable that this is not your soulmate, neither brother, nor sister, nor mother or father. Let it be a casual acquaintance. Let him tell you his opinion about your secrets. Develop your courage.

What pisses me off most about people?

You just described something that irritates you and about yourself. Get rid of this so that people become different for you, so that your environment is cleared of qualities that you hate. Most likely, you attract it in some way.

What are my dependencies?

Smoking, alcohol, computer games, Internet. The list could go on forever. The problem is that a person cannot live without addictions. A person can find such an addiction that his friends, relatives and himself would not suffer from.

What do I regret?

You can't regret anything. Don't even think about it. If you have offended someone in the past, then ask the person for forgiveness, but do not regret what you did, because you would have done it anyway.

What are the most important things in my life?

As the hero of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel once said: “Only by losing everything completely do we gain freedom.” That’s right - don’t tie yourself to your super phone for an insane amount of money, to your apartment, to your car. If something brings you discomfort, then get rid of it. Does your car break down? It's time to sell it. Don't accumulate trash around you.

What is the meaning of life?

This main question all people. If you can answer this, then you are on the right track.

What is love to me?

The simplest question, which will show you what you should do for your loved one. The answer to this question is the answer to the question: “How to love a person correctly so that he loves me?”

Please note that all questions are directed to the present tense. Forget about the past. There is no time or point in analyzing it, because it has been forgotten. Only this minute, this day matters. Happiness is something that is always with you. Learn to generate it, because it is impossible to do right for everyone and it is impossible to be good for everyone. Good and evil are relative. Ask yourself these questions periodically so as not to lose the thread leading to happiness. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and


People very often make mistakes in their own lives, but in relation to others they act as authoritative experts. The point here is that from the outside, mistakes and miscalculations are more visible. So become the expert of your life. The article lists all the positive things that can be gained from this. Advice is given on how to properly look at yourself from the outside.

How often do you analyze your actions, your behavior, your relationships with others? Do you ever think about why you succeed in something and why you don’t? Are you trying to change something in yourself, but something completely suits you? It is very difficult to find answers to such questions. But this is only if they concern you personally. But in other people's lives, most of us act as authoritative experts. This is not at all surprising: from the outside, mistakes and miscalculations are much more visible. Therefore, it is very useful to look at yourself from the outside from time to time.

Firstly, an outside perspective helps you learn from your mistakes. If a person does not think about the reasons for failures and failures, then he dooms himself to repeat them. It is necessary to look for negative sources, and first of all, in yourself, and not blame circumstances and others. At the same time, you should not scold yourself and reproach yourself. Negative experience is considered invaluable, but only if it is analyzed and serves as a reason for certain conclusions.

Secondly, looking at your life from the perspective of an outside observer, you can finally objectively assess your capabilities. Many people set very high standards for themselves, but cannot overcome them. The reason lies in the psychotype, which is not designed for such heights. But if a person does not want to understand this, then his life turns into a tragedy. Envy of more successful individuals, bitterness from failures, resentment towards the whole world and disappointment begin to “grow” in the soul.

It is objectivity and impartiality that will help make life happy. Well, not everyone can be a Napoleon. Someone has to clean the streets, repair cars, and stand behind the counter. And brilliant ideas can be brought to life in any field of activity.

Thirdly, having risen above the rapid cycle of life, a person acquires the ability to objectively perceive the people around him. And therefore, it was given to him to do good deeds. After all, it’s not at all difficult to notice that someone you know or close to you makes similar mistakes and goes the wrong way. Therefore, you can protect and warn against wrong actions in time. And goodness always returns after some time.

Fourthly, looking at yourself from the outside, you can finally realize that life is harmonious. Success always replaces failure. People are constantly fixated on their defeats, and do not take into account the gifts of fate. Therefore, it seems that all life consists of continuous failures and missed opportunities. In reality, luck comes to everyone. It just may not be as significant as many people want.

How can you learn to look at yourself with the impartial gaze of an outside observer? First, you should start a diary and write down your thoughts and reflections there. This will help clearly formulate the main ideas and cut off everything unnecessary and superfluous. By rereading your judgments and reflections, you can evaluate their productivity from the outside and make unexpected discoveries about your own capabilities and worldview. It is best to make entries daily. In a year or year and a half, reading them will be very interesting.

Think about your day, your work, and your life in general. Definitely in this order. Evaluate the things you did during the day. What was right and what could have been done much better. Think about work. Evaluate what doesn't work there and what goes well. And finally, take a look at all past life. Take it in one glance and describe it in two or three words. Such an analysis system is very useful and helps to objectively evaluate successes and failures.

Make yourself known publicly. Start an online diary or blog. Tell us in detail about the most secret things. Let strangers discuss your personality. Perhaps their comments and reasoning will be useful and will provide answers to a number of questions.

Become an outside observer, climb a granite cliff overlooking the rushing river of life. In this case, you will discover a lot of new and interesting things that you had never even thought about before. Existence on earth will take on a completely different meaning, and prospects are much easier to see from above than while floundering in a stormy stream. It does not allow you to land on the shore, but carries you downstream against your will and desire. So change the situation - it’s in your power.

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