How to become a serious and responsible person. Nobody's perfect

To achieve success in life, you need become serious person , but also many girls like serious guys and men. Therefore, you will learn how to become serious in the article below with detailed tips and recommendations.

1. Decide on a goal.

To become a serious person, you need to decide why you need this, what you don’t like in your character and life today. If you want to be more serious at work, in business, or in any other endeavor, write down your goal on a piece of paper. Ready target– this is already 50% of the work done, since most people themselves do not know what they want.

2. Find your favorite thing and do it.

3. Make yourself a daily schedule.

To get serious , you need to create a daily schedule for yourself every day. This will allow you to develop discipline, seriousness and begin to have time to do more work than without a schedule. It has been noticed that a person can work 3 times faster and more productively if he creates a clear schedule for work and rest and follows it daily.

4. Read books by successful people.

To become serious, you need to read books written by serious and successful people. People who are not serious have little chance of advancing in their careers, achieving success and creating a strong family. Life will not always be good and only bear fruit. Sometimes there will be times when you need to sweat to earn a piece of bread and feel happiness again.

5. Play some sports.

To get serious, you need to learn to take your health seriously. Are you ways to stop drinking, buy and start playing sports? If yes, then do it and you will become more serious, more successful, happier and healthier. Many people only say that they can, but do not do all this in practice.

6. Talk to serious people.

7. Watch movies based on real events .

To become serious, you need to watch interesting, useful and serious films based on real events. Take life more seriously, look for information that will make you better, not worse.

Of course, life itself can force you to be serious, but sometimes you need to take fate more simply and life failures. Therefore, when you need to be serious, and when there is a chance to enjoy life, have fun and laugh, do it. Then your life will be filled with happiness, success and health.

It's nice to know when you are considered a serious person, strong personality, someone you can always rely on and who is completely trustworthy. It’s sad when you want people to think about you like that, but you can’t back up that reputation with real deeds. What to do in this case? How to become more serious?

Remember the very first and most important rule: People treat you the way you treat yourself. If you love yourself, then you absolutely deserve love in return. If you respect yourself, then, undoubtedly, your friends and colleagues will respect you. If you take yourself seriously and consider yourself responsible person, then, undoubtedly, those around you will treat you the same way.

No matter how much we want to think well of ourselves, no matter how diligently we paint our self-portrait for ourselves, deep down in our souls we all have that same honest, adequate self-esteem, then absolutely objective opinion about yourself, which is for that reason in the depths of your soul, because sometimes a not entirely pleasant truth lurks there. We are well aware when we have done the work in bad faith. No matter how we justify ourselves, we understand when we acted meanly.

It’s the same with seriousness and responsibility. No matter how much we want to be considered reliable and trustworthy, if we cannot back it up with actions, then we ourselves know it. Then the first actions suggest themselves: first of all, prove to yourself that you are capable of being serious! Having proven this to yourself, you can easily prove it to others.

If you are a frivolous and flighty person in life, and perceive seriousness as a terrible burden and something like a Procrustean bed, through which you will lose all your charm and charm, then you are mistaken. Being serious is sometimes vital. For example, at least in order to get a decent, well-paid job. Believe me, the employer will be much more happy to take on a responsible, sober thinking man than a bon vivant always in the clouds, constantly forgetting about the responsibilities he has taken on.

Seriousness is far from limiting your inner freedom. This is clear crystal lattice, which is incredibly important. And within its framework, you can build your life as you wish.

If you want to become serious, then forget the eternal Russian “maybe” as quickly as possible. “Anyhow”, “anyhow”, “it will work out somehow” - these are by no means options when solving the task assigned to you. It’s just that either nothing will work out, or it will work out, but the probability of success tends to zero.

Always count on own strength– this is indispensable advice if you want to become serious. Start from this: don’t take on something that you obviously can’t do alone. Put all your strength into your work, try to do the job conscientiously. If you work with someone in a team and are completing a joint project, then do not expect that your partner will also fulfill your part of the responsibilities “out of the kindness of his heart.” Do everything that depends on you one hundred percent. Treat current case as a project for your whole life, since nothing can force you. You can't fail this action!

In order for the business to be crowned with success, you need to put all your strength into its implementation. And in order for the effectiveness of these forces to be as high as possible, try to properly distribute your work time. It is better to carry out the project gradually, and you should start with the most difficult one. Then gradually complete what you started. Don’t forget about the project and throw everything into last days so as not to sleep at night and waste a lot of nerves. In the same way, you shouldn’t get too tired in the first days. Treat your own work with respect, and its results will stun you.

Cultivate your willpower! If you promise yourself or others something every time and don’t keep it, then don’t hesitate to scold yourself. Anyone can come up with excuses, but not everyone can face their weaknesses and mistakes with dignity.

To avoid this in the future, go back to the root of this behavior. Why are you not serious about own word? What stopped you from keeping your promises? In most cases, the reason for everything lies in some trifle, a very tiny difficulty that we are afraid of various reasons. Have the courage to face the problem really seriously! Then all your endeavors will be completed brilliantly.

How to become a real man? This is a question that has haunted the minds of mankind for hundreds of years.

We hear it from everywhere from the very first years of conscious life, regardless of who you are - a man or a woman.

A certain ideal of masculinity makes young men strive for the fragile images created by popular culture, and the girls are doomed to sigh when the next man turns out to be not real.

Today Life Reactor will talk about his vision of who has the right to be called a “real man” and share the secrets of how to become one.

What does it mean to be a Warrior?

Let's make a reservation right away: a set male chromosomes and genitals does not make anyone a man in the sense that interests us.

And if the carriers of these same chromosomes and organs can still deceive themselves, then this will not work with women.

So if Mother Nature made you a male, imagine that only a set certain qualities and behavioral pattern can make you what you want: a real man.

So, we won’t be too original: to be a man means to be a warrior.

And there is no need to frown in disgust, believe me, such a definition only looks like a relic of the past, when we ran around in our mother’s clothes and hunted giant and deadly animals.

Today it is more relevant than ever.

An exact answer to the question of what it is, a real man, no one will give you

Modernity dictates its conditions to us. Fierce intraspecific competition for living space has not gone away, but has only changed its form.

Now no one comes and openly declares that your woman, house and money now belong to me.

No one draws a sword to back up his words with blood. But now we have a state apparatus.

Now we have banking system. Now we have an all-consuming meanness - people have shredded and finally lost the concept of courage and honor.

And in these cruel conditions he shines on stage - a Real Man, a Warrior.

But who is it? How to define it? The answer is very simple and banal - this is the same hero from children's fairy tales.

This is Richard Lionheart, as Walter Scott described it. But this is Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Today, the path of the Warrior, and therefore the path of a Real Man, implies the ability to defend one’s interests on the intellectual battlefield.

Not forgetting the need to use physical force in an emergency.

Today only a few can be a Real Man, and no “everyone can do it, the main thing is desire” does not work here.

Look around: which of the men you know has such a desire?

Most likely there won't be much. But if you are reading this article and you are not in danger of bearing a child, then all is not lost.

A man doesn't like fuss. He prefers capacious and brief definitions verbosity. He prefers .

A real man knows the value of words and actions

Therefore, let's get straight to the point and list the factors that make a boy a Real Man, a Warrior:

  1. Determination. Today it is very easy to become a blur under the pressure of a furious information flow. Losing your bearings was a matter of a couple of clicks and a couple of hours spent online. This state of affairs brings to life the ancient archetype of a real man who voluntarily burdens himself with blinders so as not to be distracted from his goal.
  2. Intelligence. If you think that your muscles are better at holding attention around you than frilly women's outfits, you still have to study and study. They will, of course, receive attention, but what next? Develop the main muscle of any man - the brain.
  3. Physical form. You are interested in primitive, brute force. If your final goal- these are abs, then close this article and do something less traumatic for the psyche. Be honest with yourself - are the muscles pumped up in the gym the Warrior’s weapon or is it just a screen behind which an insecure boy is hiding? Is this water that you retained in your body with the help of chemicals or is it real “meat” grown with sweat and blood? Sport should give you a lot. Almost as much as a woman.
  4. Responsibility. This is the most difficult thing for a modern man who wants to become Real. You must be able to make commitments and fulfill them at all costs. And it doesn’t matter in front of whom. It's important how.
  5. Self-control. Everyday life is a very insidious thing. Family, work, even your beloved dog - they all try to slip out of your hands. But you shouldn't explode. You must always be able to analyze, use a cool mind and find an intelligent solution. Leave the emotions about the broken glass to the boys - they can do it.

Relationships with women

So, we have decided on the criteria that form a Real Man and compliance with which depends specifically on you.

Stop it internal dialogue by hook or by crook and just proceed with the planned task.

Believe me, it’s extremely simple, although at the beginning it feels like a jump into something - that’s about how much willpower you’ll need.

However, over and over again the impulse to action will become stronger, and the feeling of laziness will become weaker.

As soon as you achieve the first victories over your reluctance to work, go to.

Physical training for a real man it is very important, but discipline is even more important.

Sport teaches you to subordinate time and your own strength to a certain routine.

Sport teaches you to say “no” to yourself when necessary and to give your all to achieve your goal.

These are priceless qualities for a real man.

And finally, intelligence. It is upgraded only by reading. Scientific films, seminars and lectures are just auxiliary tools.

Believe me, the details Hundred Years' War between England and France seem useless only at first glance.

So, now you know who a real man is and what actually lies behind this sonorous name.

And you have everything to become one!

Serious man - who is this? How is this? What image is this? And is it real? Not everyone can answer all these questions right away. However, all representatives of both sexes want to become serious, only they are over 25.

To become serious, you need to speak in a hard voice, slam your fist on the table and never smile. This is not a joke - excellent training for seriousness would be going to the circus (or watching several dozen episodes of Comedy), during which you should not allow a smile to appear on your face.

This is the standard of a serious person! Naturally, this is a joke. This image is relevant only in relation to sad, depressed people, or complete bores.

It’s unlikely that the title seemed strange to anyone. IN lately, this kind of request " How to get serious” is entered into a search engine more often than “How to become beautiful” or “How to become smart.” But still, let's answer this question– who is a serious person?

A serious person is a reliable, trustworthy individual with a sense of responsibility, self-esteem, justice, etc. If we take an example from feature films, then it will be a character named Leo - from the melodrama “Kate and Leo”, or Captain America from “The Avengers”.

Severe reaction to stupidity logical thinking, responsibility and subtle humor to the point - all of these are components of this image.

You should not fanatically focus on this issue, burning out everything connected with childhood in yourself, just as old Lenin did with the counter-revolutionaries. Just check out the following points below.

Imagine yourself as a director of a company. You need a responsible person who will carry out important assignments. The future of your business depends on it. And now, the moment of the interview has come. Three applicants came to you:

  • The first is a young man with dyed hair, wearing a light green T-shirt with a picture of a cartoon character and torn jeans. His accessories are huge headphones resting on his neck and large number multi-colored bracelets on both hands.
  • The second is a young man, neatly trimmed, wearing an inexpensive but strict suit. His shoes are thoroughly cleaned. Accessories include a watch on his wrist and a briefcase in which he keeps his papers.
  • The third is a guy in a tracksuit. Sneakers on feet. In his hands is a man purse and a rosary.

Which one will you choose as your employee? If this is not option number “2”, then it is too early for you to become serious.

This miniature test is aimed at determining whether you understand the importance of looking strict in order to fit the image of a serious person or not. You don’t have to wear a business suit for all occasions, but it’s time to get rid of hipster elements from your wardrobe.

The main feature of a serious person is that he always (or almost always) keeps his word. Otherwise, he simply does not give it.

Stop promising anything less. If you promised, then do it. And it doesn’t matter how important this matter is in your life.

There is no need to try for the image of a serious person. You yourself must understand that this is important. You'll hurt yourself, but you'll do what you promised. If you are unable to do something you swore off doing, then admit it.

It would seem that we talked about this moment, how to become serious in paragraph “2”, but it’s not so simple. Responsibility and keeping promises is not much different concepts. Responsibility is part of your character (or something that should become part of your character). To understand what we are talking about, let's look at a small example.

You have been put on duty. On the night of 0:00, your replacement will replace you. Your task is to protect the company’s property from 9:00 to 0:00. The replacement doesn't come. It would seem that you have completed your task - you have stood at your post for the allotted time, and you can safely go home. But at the time of duty, a lot can happen if the person on duty is absent.

A responsible person, mentally cursing his job and his replacement, will remain at his post, since his responsibility does not allow him to jeopardize the matter. An irresponsible person will go home calmly, with firm awareness that he did his job.

When you are entrusted with something, or you yourself take responsibility for something, then you must put this “something” above all else. This is exactly what it is business card responsible person.

Serious people remember their values ​​and will not give up on them. They will not betray their self-esteem.

Becoming a serious person means changing your tastes and activities. Game consoles, skateboarding and competitions to see who can eat the most sushi are all for teenagers. A serious person is truly interested necessary things- those that will benefit him and his family (by the way, this is main goal every serious person).

Not all points are listed, but the basic basis for building a serious personality is presented. Seriousness does not mean gloominess. And constant fun and carefreeness is frivolity.

Search golden mean. Good luck!
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Some people lack optimism, others dream of becoming the life of the party, and there are people wondering how to become serious. This quality is simply irreplaceable in many cases. But what should someone do who is naturally quite reckless and doesn’t worry about anything? The following advice from psychologists will help solve this problem. The first step is to concentrate, read and think about it. The second is to put the advice into practice. And finally, the third step is to enjoy the result!

What does it mean to be a serious person?

Before learning tips on how to get serious, you need to understand the essence of the issue. Who is he, the lucky one who has this quality? The main thing is not to confuse seriousness with gloominess, severity or gloominess. These are completely different qualities! A serious person also smiles and laughs; he can also be an optimist and the life of the party. Distinctive feature such a person is that those around him are absolutely confident in him, in his words and promises. He will not let you down at a crucial moment: he will not cancel an important meeting, he will arrive at the registry office on time, he will not forget about his birthday close relative or a friend. In addition, you can always discuss important issues with such a person; he is always up to date and does not lose sight of anything. That is, answering the question of how to become a serious person, we receive a number of qualities that we will have to master: punctuality, responsibility, the ability to control ourselves, attentiveness, erudition and awareness. Intimidating list? In practice, everything looks much simpler, so let's figure it out further.

Greeted by clothes

First of all, in the question of how to become serious, you need to evaluate your appearance. And it's not a matter of taste preferences. It’s worth opening your own closet and trying on all the outfits one by one. You need to evaluate your appearance according to several criteria:

  1. Age. At what age can a woman wear a crop top and denim shorts? That's right, up to 30 years old. A middle-aged woman in such an outfit will look frivolous and inappropriate (the exception is perhaps the beach). Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the figure. The situation is similar with men. A young man in ripped jeans is a fashion-conscious young man, but an older man in the same clothes will cause bewilderment.
  2. Having selected outfits that are appropriate for your age, you need to sort them by style. For example, going to the office to work in faded trousers and a stretched T-shirt is not serious, so it is better to put such clothes aside for meeting with friends or going shopping. But a stylish checkered jacket is quite suitable for a business meeting.

If you can’t do this procedure yourself, you can involve a friend or friend. The main thing is that the assistant has the very quality for which this entire event was organized.

Keep up the brand!

If the appearance fully corresponds to the appearance of a serious person, then it’s time to focus on the inner world. Things may not work out right away, and those around you will be suspicious and wary of such changes in behavior. But the main thing is not to give up, and soon people’s opinions will change and everything will happen as dreamed.

It is very important in this matter not only to start doing everything listed below, but also, as they say, to keep the brand. That is, under no circumstances stray from the chosen path, be consistent in achieving the goal. Over time, this will become a habit and become a lifestyle without causing any difficulties or discomfort. But if you stumble at least once, you will have to start everything from the very beginning, and each time it will be more and more difficult to gain the trust of others.


How to become a serious woman or a serious man? First of all, become responsible! These two concepts are inseparable. You must always keep your promises and keep your word in everything. Starting from such little things as buying a loaf of bread for dinner, to global challenges, for example, like signing a major contract. You need to give yourself a clear attitude: “There is only one chance and you must use it. What is not done now will never be done.” There are no compromises on this issue. If it is said, it must be done. This is perhaps the most difficult point, but practicing it is a matter of habit. The main thing is to start, and then an instinct is literally developed, and the person fulfills the promise, without thinking or doubting.


Learning not to be late and doing everything on time is not difficult at all. Modern gadgets allow you to set alarms and reminders, as well as plan your day. If you don’t have an electronic assistant at hand, you can use regular paper and pen. You need to plan your day in advance, preferably the night before. It is necessary to draw up a schedule of all meetings, calls and tasks, objectively assess the amount of time needed for travel, implementation of plans, preparations, and add 10-30 minutes (if possible) to each item for unforeseen circumstances. The next day, strictly follow the plan. There is no need to be afraid to say “I won’t have time to do this today” or “I have several important meetings, let's reschedule this event for tomorrow." People around you will treat someone who honestly says they don’t have time much better than a person who promises but doesn’t deliver.

Ability to control yourself

How to become a serious girl if emotionality is your second self? First of all, learn to control yourself. You can control your anger by mentally counting from one to ten and vice versa. And standing in front of the mirror, when no one sees, you need to train yourself to laugh not “out loud,” but cutely and a little flirtatiously.

How to become serious guy and not stop being the life of the party? You need to keep yourself within limits, adapting to the situation. For example, on business meeting behave accordingly, and at a party with friends you can relax and joke or play pranks. But everything is in moderation. You don’t have to think that crazy actions will make someone love you more or respect you more. People like to have fun watching the stupidity of others, but, as a rule, no one has the desire to build relationships or deal with such characters.

Don't forget about good manners. Correct behavior to match the moment will always emphasize the seriousness of the situation.

And most importantly, you need to learn to think about the consequences before expressing your emotions. This will require some time and effort, but it is quite possible to achieve results.


When discussing the question of how to become more serious, we must not forget about attentiveness. And to everything: to changes in people’s lives, important events, even to little things. There is a very simple one, but effective exercise: You need to ask someone close to you to change something in the house while you are away. For example, rearrange the dishes in the sideboard, swap the towels in the bathroom, and so on. When you return home, you need to find and recognize changes as quickly as possible. This exercise is fun and easy, but it will develop the habit of carefully monitoring the world around you and noticing the metamorphoses that have occurred. In addition, it is also necessary to react correctly to these changes. For example, expressing your support to an upset colleague, assuring a clearly nervous partner that a transaction is safe, complimenting a client on the updated company website, and so on.

General erudition

To give the impression of a serious person and to actually be one, actions alone are not enough. After all, in order to perform these very actions, you must first perform good impression. To do this you need to be able to communicate and interest. How to become a serious conversationalist? First, learn to speak competently. We need to leave all teenage slang words in the past and remember the basics literary language. If you wish, you can study the prerequisites oratory skills independently using various techniques or attend special courses.

Secondly, turn off the TV and give preference to regular reading of literature, online publications, newspapers and magazines. It is necessary to follow the news, be interested in the opinions of experts, and form your own views, supported by facts and figures.

At first it will seem boring and uninteresting, but over time it will become an integral part of life and improve its quality.

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