Seditious thoughts. The meaning of seditious thought in a reference book on phraseology

and. indignation, rebellion, unrest, rebellion; treason, deceit, evil plans. Seditious, related to sedition. Seditious, prone to this matter. Kramolnik m. -nitsa f. seditious, rebel, rebel, conspirator, traitor. Kramolnikov, Nitsyn, belongs to him, to her. Seditious, no one’s, related to them. To seduce, to seditiously, to seditiously, to cause troubles, to rebel, to conspire, to schem; cheat by conspiracy. Sedition Wed. sedition, meaning actions. Sedition or sedition cf. sedition, as a concept or as a matter itself.

View value Sedition in other dictionaries

Sedition J.- 1. What. prohibited, illegal, reprehensible.
Dictionary Efremova

Sedition- sedition, w. (pre-revolutionary official rhetorician). Political conspiracy, rebellion; revolutionary activity.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Sedition- -s; and.
1. Outdated Rebellion, state conspiracy. Times of sedition and unrest.
2. What is prohibited is illegal (about thoughts, words, speeches, etc.). Talk sedition.
◁ Seditious,........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Sedition- This word, meaning "rebellion", came to modern language from Old Church Slavonic, which was apparently borrowed from Latin, where we find carmula with the same meaning.
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Sedition- - V Russian state XVI-XVII centuries name of anti-state crimes.
Legal dictionary

Sedition- - in the Code of Laws of 1497 and 1550. symbol state crime.
Historical Dictionary

Are you familiar with stable expressions, which evolve along with human society? In fact, there are many of them, but we will consider only one - " seditious thought". This phrase is inherent in the past era. It is even included in literary works to emphasize the flavor of the nineteenth century. But even today, some people do not fail to show off their erudition, sometimes perplexing the listener. In order not to find ourselves in the unenviable position of an ignoramus, let's look at what seditious thoughts mean.

About the politics of the past

To understand what the phrase “seditious thought” means, you should plunge into the era of the formation of capitalism. Surely everyone has watched at least one film or book about this period. Dissatisfaction with the existing order was maturing in society. Democracy in Russia was still very far away. followed the leaders social movement and threw suspects into prison. The authorities tried to protect themselves. And the ideas that excite the population, mainly workers, supporting the desire to change the system and make it more fair, are called seditious. That is, these are rebellious, revolutionary, rebellious thoughts. They are distinguished by the fact that they do not fit into generally accepted political rules, calling on the people to destroy the framework and build a different system.

A seditious thought, as a rule, was secret or conspiratorial. It was transmitted in secret, but they tried to notify “the whole world.” From the history of our country we know that the rebellious spirit surprisingly quickly took hold of the masses and led to revolution. We can, therefore, say that seditious thought is characterized by the speed of spread or the speed of mastery of minds. But, most likely, this is due to the timeliness of its appearance in society.

Another meaning of the phrase

So far we have considered our expression from the point of view of the disseminators of rebellious ideas. But there was also “secret police,” that is, power. Its representatives also called the ideas seditious, but they put a different meaning into their words. The bearers of revolutionary ideas broke the law. For a supporter of the current regime, this seemed a crime at the time. For them the phrase was abusive. “Seditious” meant criminal, illegal, destructive, dangerous, and the like. That is, the meaning of our expression depends on the worldview of the one who uses it. It emphasizes the attitude of the speaker to the existing order of things and speaks of the desire to support or break it. Sedition is unrest, rebellion, fight against the system in political sense. The bearers of such ideas are condemned in society, although they arouse genuine interest among certain groups.

Seditious thought: meaning in the modern world

We have considered the historical aspect of our expression. But it is still used today, and not always in connection with revolutionary events. For example, in social networks you can see communities whose names include the expression under study. What do we mean by this? Do people communicating within these groups want to overthrow the government? Not at all necessary. They call themselves seditious in order to emphasize their disagreement with certain established, generally accepted rules. That is, they want to look like rebels, but outside the framework political life. Nowadays, "seditious" means "out of bounds."

Society constantly limits the individual. This is a natural process that helps maintain peace and tranquility. But not everyone agrees to give up some ideas or principles to please everyone. They are considered seditious, rebels seeking to blow up the foundations. It should be taken into account that these people do not always, and perhaps never, break the law. Traditions and accepted rules of behavior do not suit them, against which they rebel.


Seditious is an idea that disturbs the public, forcing them to critically evaluate existing ones. generally accepted norms and laws.

" means conspiracy, the machinations of rebels, rebellion, intrigue. The adjective “seditious” derived from it means an action associated with sedition. The word “seditious”, therefore, can be used in speech as “rebellious”, as well as “forbidden”, “illegal”.

How the word “seditious” is interpreted in dictionaries

Sometimes you can come across such phrases as “seditious thoughts”, “seditious actions”. Not all people know exactly what this means - some simply have associations with crime. In the dictionary, the adjective “seditious” is defined as having to do with sedition, that is, something forbidden, reprehensible. Riot or turmoil - outdated values the words "seditious".

Something that is not intended to be generally accessible can also be called seditious. For example, information that is classified or prohibited.

This adjective is mainly used in fiction. Its use in historical works can emphasize the flavor of the era and is used mainly for this purpose. IN modern literature it does not occur very often, but in colloquial speech– and even less often. Journalists like to use this adjective when we're talking about about any aggressive actions or actions.

What are seditious thoughts

Previously, illegal acts and thoughts could be called seditious. The phrase “seditious thoughts” was especially frequent, used in relation to various crimes of a political nature. With the emergence of seditious thoughts, various movements against political system. The very presence of seditious thoughts was already sufficient grounds for punishment if they were expressed out loud and embarrassed citizens.

If in former times the word “sedition” was used to determine the severity of an act, a crime in relation to the state, then in our time, when this phrase is used in speech, it acquires a slightly different meaning. First of all, such thoughts are dissatisfaction with existing or recently occurring circumstances.

IN writing(for example, journalistic essays, stories) this can be called thoughts generated by an unscrupulous attitude towards the work of representatives of certain professions, for example, due to poor quality medical care or the wrong approach to repairing a car. In colloquial speech, the phrase “seditious thoughts” almost never occurs.

Sedition, seditionist

When studying the history of a word, it is very important to monitor changes in the degree of activity in the use of a word and observe fluctuations in its role and its function in the system of different literary styles. The fact is that many words periodically experience periods of either withering or rising activity. The socio-historical reasons for these increases and decreases in the life rhythm of words are associated with general laws development of this semantic system. An interesting illustration of these phenomena is the fate of the word sedition and its derivatives - seditious, seditious, seditious. Word sedition – Old Slavonicism. It is already known in the Old Slavonic theaters Mariinsky and Zografsky, in the Gospel of Luke, XXIII, 19. Cf. Bulgarian sedition, Czech kramola. An ancient Church Slavonic pannonism derived from it, often found in hagiographic literature, is also noted - verb sedition ­ ηοπυβουχηαι (for example, in the Life of Niphon, l. 42, in the edition of Rystenko, p. 277). Presence of Old Russian full-vowel forms koromola, koromolovati, koromolnik(letters of the 13th – 14th centuries, chronicles of Ipat. and Novgorod; Sreznevsky, 1, p. 1290) seem to indicate the existence of words of this root among Eastern Slavs in addition to borrowing from the Old Church Slavonic language (cf. Ukrainian. Coromola).

Etymology of the word sedition not entirely clear. Bernecker and Lyapunov (cf. also Matzenauer and Miklosic) consider it a borrowing from Middle Latin (cf. carmula, carmulum), where in turn it could have passed from some Germanic dialect (cf. N.-V.-German. karmen “cry”; Anglo-Saxon karm “crying, complaint” and Anglo-Saxon “noise, cry”).

There is reason to assert that this word was little known in living East Slavic dialects. In modern folk regional speech, Russian forms of this word or its descendants are not noted. That's why Old Russian forms caromola, caromolovati have to be considered Russified varieties of the corresponding Old Church Slavonicisms included in the official business language(compare, however, Ukrainian. Coromola; Sergeevich, 1, p. 470). The same conclusion is also led by the fact that the word sedition in Old Russian literary language has become especially widespread since the time of the second Yugoslav influence, i.e., the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. Apparently, this word is increasingly replacing the ancient East Slavic in the literary language which and business Coromola. In any case, the fact that in the entry Pskovsk is not without significance. Apostle of 1307, which is a quotation from “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, used the word which, while in the Slavicized text of the “Lay” that has come down to us we find the expression sedition.

Apparently, in the 17th century. word sedition was already officially bookish. In the "Mirror" of the 17th century. word sedition is explained, obviously, as not very common, as not colloquial: “ Sedition This is destruction, rebellion.”

M. F. Vladimirsky-Budanov wrote that in ancient Russian codes of law of the 15th – 16th centuries. " sedition(supreme treason, although snitches are sometimes called seditious)...” refers to the number of political crimes (Vladimirsky-Budanov, p. 289).

Like words high style, sedition and its derivatives seditious, seditious, seditious, seditious, seditious and others are already used in the literary language of the 18th century. E. F. Budde noted the duality of emphasis in this word: sedition And sedition.

Wed. in Severny Vestnik:

He's an eagle's shield

Weaned sedition hereditary crowns

Having closed it from enemy forces

(1804, 2, p. 228).

In Derzhavin’s ode “On Cunning”: sedition shake the light (Buddha, Essay, p. 128). In New Church Slavonic texts the emphasis is on last syllable: sedition.

Wed. in Lomonosov's poem "Peter the Great":

The rebels entered the temple in a host

To the face of the saint for harmful discord,

Hiding sedition under the name of the cathedral.

But by the end of the 18th century, and especially by the 30s of the 19th century. most these words come out literary usage. It is significant that in academic dictionary 1847 word sedition(same as seditious) qualifies as ecclesiastical. Its meaning is defined as follows: “popular indignation, unrest, rebellion, unrest.” It is illustrated with a quotation from the Gospel text (fol. 1867–1868, 2, p. 448). Wed. use seditious in Derzhavin, V. Petrov, Merzlyakov and others (words by Grot - Shakhmatov, vol. 4, issue 9, p. 2612).

Wed. in a letter from P. Kaptsevich to Archbishop Eugene of Tobolsk and Siberia (January 15, 1826) “To this day I have not heard any anti-submissive talk from sedition"(Russian antiquity, 1896, February, p. 314).

Obviously in the 30s years XIX V. word sedition is perceived as archaic. But in early XIX V. sedition, seditious, seditious They were also quite widely used in the styles of poetic language and in historical fiction.

In Neledinsky-Maletsky (“Polish, sung at the ball” 1814):

Son sedition, friend of treason

Smitten by him, he fell from the throne.

In P. A. Vyazemsky’s poem “Petersburg” (1818):

There's a glow in Europe sedition enmity ignited.

Wed. Karamzin’s constant use of this word in “History of the Russian State” (VIII, 3: “The boyars died in sedition", etc.).

In Pushkin’s “My Genealogy”:

Having humbled sedition and deceit

And the fury of the scolding commanders,

When the Romanovs ascend to the throne

He called the people in his letter -

We had a hand in it.

Fire of strife and sedition

There was a fire everywhere.

In Lermontov’s poem “Criminal” (1829):

Commemoration of forgotten youth

I will also glorify the noise sedition.

In Saltykov-Shchedrin’s essays “Abroad”: “Yes, this is also a kind of sedition. This sedition against humanity, against the image of God embodied in man, against everything that is dear to humanity, with which it lives and develops. And, to horror, this sedition not underground, but clearly and out loud preached.” Wed. from Chekhov in “The Story of an Unknown Man”: “Ah, Mr. seditious! - he said, looking at me with curiosity and laughing. “What destinies?”

The note is published for the first time as a composition from fragments of text preserved in the archive, written in different times on six scattered sheets of worn paper, characteristic of the period of Tobolsk exile. – M. L.


There are only thoughts of inspired magic and beauty:
She cleaned up the entire area and brightened it up,
The edges were lined with gilded braid
Creations of a miraculous canvas;
And in the pitch darkness, primordial, they lit up for a reason -
From its flame are countless luminaries...
There are only thoughts of the creator of power and strength,
Her height above everything is undeniable!


The culture of a nation is a charmingly sparkling crystal,
The blessed work of countless generations;
Embodied in its own facets...

Thought is weightless and invisible,
but, nevertheless, from her
fate depends on all things,

Because creative thought
essentially, there is only one
factory of the future.

That's how it is in life
according to strict justice,
Is it because of her wise kindness,

Every next step
or brings it closer
or it takes us away from our goal.

Then the thoughts
what is most necessary is flight,
persistent striving forward,

What a stop
every time it means
inevitable fall for her...

Thoughts fly fast
Like bees in the noosphere
Above the blooming consciousness,
They flap their wings,
That which unwaveringly believes
To spite the living facts,
They fly over seven meters.
And everyone's brain is different,
When they fly in, they pollinate.

Poking around in consciousness
Thought a little differently
Thinking is directed
Propagated by sound
And consciousness is alive
Irrigates with illumination,
It grows in us with radiance,
The spirit and body are worried
Sometimes weeping, sometimes singing.

Our thoughts don't exist.
The thoughts themselves are their own.
Their head is not...

The world is held together by the thoughts of Truth!
Thoughts elevate and thoughts nourish,
Thoughts, like arrows, pierce the ether,
Smoky clouds are cleansed with fire.

Thoughts are ozone for the soul to breathe,
It’s stuffy without a vast and pure thought.
Thought is a messenger rushing to the rescue
And he will not slow down on radiant wings.

Flowers breathe with thoughts of Truth,
Nature responds generously to thoughts.
Thought creates palaces of Beauty,
The thought raises the consciousness of the people.

Thought is a hidden, powerful creator
Forms of boundless and manifest destinies.

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
They have questions about everything,
In them the answers are insight,
And problems of everyday life.

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
Deny vanity
Helping the movement
Through the thoughtless emptiness.

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
We get tired of heavy thoughts.
Their tossing and doubts
Can cloud the mind.

Thoughts, thoughts thoughts,
An eternal argument with yourself.
It attempts to explain
Why do we need the earthly path?

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
They create our “I” in us.”
There is happiness and torment in them...

Thoughts, lacy thoughts,
You are my life pattern,
You have deep views,
And a superficial review.

Thought is my living soul,
Our earthly destiny is with her,
There is aspiration, flight,
the mind lives by thoughts.

The mind generates thoughts,
And sends with a dream,
Into the secrets of the eternal path,
Find the truth with God.

Thoughts in my soul never stop for a moment,
From waking up to sleep.
At night they take the form of sleep,
There is no end in sight to this whirlwind.

Faceless thoughts wander like shadows
From the brightest, to other thoughts;
Sometimes creating walls in the mind.
How to separate intelligent ones from others?

We need to weigh our thoughts and excitement.
Necessary - those that are larger three times
They came to us in moments of doubt,
Trying to say, to guide us all.

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