Catchphrases about power. Statements about power

Quotes from famous people about politics, our sinful government, aphorisms about management in all spheres of life.

Modern politics is a struggle not between people, but between social forces.

G. Adame

Generosity in politics it often represents genuine wisdom: great empires and insignificant minds do not fit well together.

E. Burke

Government- the sails, the people - the wind, the state - the ship, time - the sea.

L. Berne

Who can't rule, he always becomes a usurper.


That He who rules must see people as they are and things as they should be.

L. Bonald

The most The hard art is the art of managing.

K. Beber

Civil government is the will of all, carried out by one or a few, by the force of laws made by all.


Which is the government better? The one that teaches us to manage ourselves.


The most the main thing for statesman- so that he does not consider important things that are not important.

Charles de Gaulle

To To conduct a reasonable and correct policy, it is not enough to know people, you must love them.

A. Graf

Liberal may become a minister, but it does not follow from this that he will be a liberal minister.

V. Humboldt

If government is based on the general will, the freedom of everyone individual citizen becomes a matter of importance to everyone.

T. Jefferson

  • The one who, unable to control himself, wants to control others is mad. Publius
  • Having been placed in power, do not use crafty people in your positions, for whatever they sin, they will blame you as a boss. Solon
  • Power over oneself is the highest power, enslavement to one’s passions is the most terrible slavery. Tolstoy L. N.
  • Power gives words the stamp of truth. Menander
  • The authority of the central institution must be based on moral and mental authority. Lenin V.I.
  • An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Generally speaking, power does not spoil people, but fools, when they are in power, spoil power. Shaw B.
  • Two riders, sitting on the same horse, fight each other - a wonderful allegory government system! Lichtenberg G.
  • Democracy is balloon, which hangs above your heads and makes you stare up while other people go through your pockets. Bernard Shaw
  • For a citizen political freedom There is peace of mind, based on the belief in one’s safety. Montesquieu
  • There are two levers with which people can be moved - fear and self-interest. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Every nation deserves its own ruler. F. Nietzsche
  • Both in friendship and in government activities pretense and flattery must be excluded. Cicero
  • Both in a person and in a state, the most severe disease is the one that begins in the head. Pliny the Younger
  • Those who relied less on the mercy of fate remained in power longer. Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Whoever wants to rule calmly should guard himself not with spears, but with common love. Lermontov M. Yu.
  • It is easy to rule a people if they are passionate about one common passion. Lermontov M. Yu.
  • It is better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets at the table of scoundrels in power. Omar Khayyam
  • Many are able to withstand the blows of fate, but if you really want to test a person's character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln
  • Never rush or get excited. Learn to dominate yourself, then you will dominate others. Gracian y Morales
  • Treat your inferiors the way you would like to be treated by your superiors. Seneca
  • Power is dangerous when conscience is at odds with it. Shakespeare W.
  • The basis of power in all states - both inherited and mixed and new - is good laws and a good army. Machiavelli N.
  • Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh’s hat! Pushkin A. S.
  • The most cruel tyranny is that which appears under the shadow of legality and under the banner of justice. Montesquieu
  • The enemy can be fought in two ways: firstly, by laws, and secondly, by force. The first method is inherent in man, the second - in beasts. Machiavelli N.
  • Politics has no heart, only a head. Napoleon Bonaparte
  • A good government is not one that wants to make people happy, but one that knows how to achieve this. Macaulay T.
  • If you want to subjugate others, start with yourself. Vauvenargues

Tags for quotes about power: power, subordination, superiors, sovereign, management, government, politics, rule

Throughout life, a person encounters various types of power. WITH early years in his house “the commander-in-chief is in charge” - dad or mom. Later he meets educators and teachers, encounters his superiors, and learns first-hand life path all decisions made by the state, and fully absorbs the sensations of someone else's power.

Powerful Personalities

Everything that happens in our lives is discussed, analyzed, and everyone has a firm conviction. For a long time, people of all countries have become accustomed to discussing rulers. Statements addressed to the “people’s leaders” are full of reasonable reasoning. Quotes about power contain criticism, humor, bitter thoughts and personal views. Over the centuries, people have created their own opinions about power and politicians, and “those sitting on the throne” have spoken about “mere mortals.”

Each phrase from the quote about power prompts reflection on the difficult and sometimes unfair activities of politicians. Napoleon Bonaparte said:

Politics has no heart, only a head.

However, observing the actions of some crowned heads, one doubts the presence of this organ.

...For those who are on the throne...

Quotes about power were spoken and written down famous personalities, numerous people, writers and other critics.

The wisdom and stupidity of rulers has been mentioned more than once in quotes and aphorisms:

It is not power that spoils people. Fools in power spoil power. (C. Bernard).

When the sovereign obeys the law, then no one dares to disobey him. (Peter the Great).

The fish rots from the head. (Plutarch).

These quotes point to the fact how important it is to have a worthy ruler. A state led by a dishonest ruler who commits outrages and commits a number of unscrupulous acts will not develop and prosper. Atrocities and atrocities will not find justice if a “thief and villain” under the guise of a captain is at the helm. He will lead his country to poverty, decay and lawlessness.

Head of State

Quotes about politics and power never lose their popularity and keep up with the times. Both rulers and ordinary people love to talk about painful issues.

The punishment for civil passivity is the power of villains. (Pluto).

Many aphorisms convey the idea of ​​both a personal attitude towards power and one’s own changes, which lead to the management of other people. A person is checked through big money and permissiveness. Feeling the taste of wealth and power over others, weak personalities They take the path of excessive pride, arrogance and greed. They pursue their goals without hearing the voices of people in need. Such rulers tend to neglect their own position, using their power for other purposes. The people suffer under such a ruler, are afraid to show their will and legal rights.

People power

We promise them, we promise them, we promise them, we promise them, but it’s not enough for them!” (Zhvanetsky).

Quotes about power and people have existed for many years, since the appearance of the first ruler. Some sovereigns sought to downplay the importance common man, meanwhile, they were reverent about the manifestation of universal wisdom and the manifestation strong will people.

Some rulers tried to “cover their eyes” ordinary people, entertaining them with holidays or various gifts. Having received crumbs of attention from the omnipotent, the people continued to turn a blind eye to the affairs of the sovereign, content with little.

As I said Great Catherine Second:

The people who sing and dance do not think evil!

About money with wisdom

Quotes about money and power have some association with each other.

It has long been known: but the lack of money spoils it even more.

(Film "Zigzag of Luck").

Since ancient times, people's minds have believed that whoever has money has power. Aphorisms often emphasize the parallel between wealth and government.

Money is the nerve of war. (Cicero).

For the sake of possessing wealth, bloodshed and betrayal were committed even on the part of relatives. To achieve the throne and money, rulers could commit crimes against their own conscience and loved ones.

Money has always meant a lot to humanity. And how could it be otherwise? They are the ones who can dress, warm and make almost any dream come true. Many will say that money is the source of troubles that have caused them to lose friends and relatives. Actually, it is not money that is the problem, but its absence and the indomitable desire to own coins at any cost.

Some quotes say well and humorously about money:

Money is evil. You go to the market and there’s not enough evil. (K. Rodionov).

The money you have is an instrument of freedom; those you are chasing are instruments of slavery. (J. J. Rousseau).

Money is a good servant, but a bad master. (Folk wisdom).

Quotes about politics and money have been relevant at all times. In every era there have been greedy and reasonable rulers, stupid and reasonable rulers. Money motivated people to conquer countries, please, hate, suffer and enjoy life. Each person has his own priorities and morals by which his life is built.

What's on the façade of power?
Only visible from behind.
Jerzy Lec

Psychopaths in power infect the people.
Arkady Davidovich

The point is not only that the very desire to organize the life of society according to unified plan dictated largely by the thirst for power. More importantly, to achieve their goals, collectivists need power, and on an unprecedented scale.
Friedrich Hayek

Arbitrariness is the madness of power.
Honore de Balzac

Illegal power is necessarily despotic.
Pierre Buast

Cruelty is the last refuge of any crumbling power.
Louis Eugene Varlin

A born leader, subject to a thirst for power, is the most unsuitable person for power. And this paradox is the cause of almost all wars and revolutions in human history.
B.V. Sakharov

When everyone is in power, it does not take anyone into account; When one person is in power, he is forced to reckon with his subjects, both large and small.
Honore de Balzac

The task of individual power is to do for the people's good what the people themselves cannot do through their bodies.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

In autocratic monarchies, kings can do all the evil they want; in constitutional monarchies they cannot even do good.
Jeanne Pompadour

Collegial power better preserves the very spirit of principles that are disastrous or beneficial for the fate of the world than a fickle chain of sovereigns.
Johann Herder

Power in the form of a pyramid is stable, but has a small head.
Vladimir Goloborodko

By entrusting the sovereign with absolute power, they break the bonds of mutual dependence that bind the sovereign with his subjects, and separate his interests from their own.
Claude Helvetius

If last word behind the masses, then one has to appeal to incompetence. Therefore, the power that convinced the masses is the power of demagogues. But it can only be opposed to the power of those who suppressed the masses - the power of rapists.
Alexander Kruglov

As long as people live without common power, they are in a state of war of all against all.
Thomas Hobbes

It is difficult to govern the people because the authorities are too active.
Lao Tzu

Those who want to have a lot of trouble themselves and cause it to others, I would put in the category of those fit for power.
Socrates (according to Xenophon)

When the people are not afraid of the powerful, then power comes.
Lao Tzu

They seem great to us because they sit on our shoulders.
Arkady Davidovich

If wealth is power, any power, one way or another, will certainly get its hands on wealth.
Edmund Burke

There is no parting more sorrowful than parting with power.
Attributed to Talleyrand

Let's tell the authorities where they need to build muscles and where they need to flex.
Alexander Lebed

The vertical of power has broken off its branches.
Arkady Davidovich

All I need is a warm bed kind word and unlimited power.
Ashley Brilliant

When fools get wiser, new fools will come to power.
Arkady Davidovich

Power is a cloak that we find too broad on other people's shoulders and too tight on ours.
A. Decourcel

Power is a table from which no one voluntarily gets up.
F. Iskander

Power quickly corrupts people. For any power, in principle, is as necessary as it is vicious.
D. Volkogonov

Power is stolen from the many for the few.
W. Phillips

Power corrupts, and the absence of power corrupts absolutely.
E. Stevenson

Power loses all its charm if it is not abused.
P. Valerie

The power of numbers is the more powerful the less one understands them.

All power is a continuous conspiracy.
O. Balzac

All power is from God, I admit this; but also every illness comes from Him: does this mean that it is forbidden to call a doctor?
J. J. Rousseau

The more incompetent the government, the more expensive it costs taxpayers to maintain.
V. Zubkov

Any struggle for power is ultimately a struggle for the distribution of goods. Some take away values ​​from others. One gets poor, the other gets rich, then vice versa. Eternal history.
G. Uspensky

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, then what about the Lord God?
D. Dakon

The greatest art of government is to make your power invisible.
J. J. Rousseau

Just give a man power - he will enjoy it to his fullest.
I. Shevelev

Generally speaking, power does not spoil people, but fools, when they are in power, spoil power.
B. Shaw

Power passed from hand to hand much more often than from head to head.
E. Lec,

Raped by time
And wrinkled like a feather bed,
The authorities are a little pregnant,
But still innocent.
I. Guberman

The best power is that which makes itself superfluous.
V. Humboldt

Any arbitrariness in management is bad; I do not exclude arbitrariness on the part of the good, firm, just and enlightened ruler... his virtues are the most dangerous and the most faithful of seductions: they imperceptibly teach the people to love, respect and serve their oppressor, no matter what he may be, evil or stupid.
Denis Diderot

Finally, I understand that during revolutions, supreme power ultimately remains with the most notorious swindlers.
J. Danton

It is not power that corrupts, but the fear of losing power.
D. Steinbeck

Wherever the masses are taught by demagogues to take advantage of other people's goods and where they place their hopes in life at the expense of others, under a democratic system things easily lead to murders, expulsions and the division of lands, as soon as the masses find a leader.

The less power, the stronger desire put it to use.
B. Levin

In order for power to become stronger, it must be limited.
L. Berne

Where power cannot give force to right, force establishes its right.
V. Zubkov

Small errors seem large if they are found in the behavior of those entrusted with power.

Minister Goebbels expelled Heinrich Heine from encyclopedic dictionary. One is given power over the word, the other over the dictionary.
Don Aminado

If the people are not afraid of power, then even greater power will come.
Lao Tzu

Even a person deprived of his own thoughts and his own individuality, at the very moment when he is endowed with power, acquires essence and content. The function of ruling changes the inside of the bearer of power. Power, credit, fame create individuality and face for someone whom nature has deprived of these properties.
L. Feuchtwanger

There are two truths in the world that should be remembered inseparably. First: source supreme power- people; second: he should not implement it.
A. Rivarol

Wherever I found living things, I found the will to power.
F. Nietzsche

There are many fools in power, and even more smart crooks.
V. Zubkov

Even the smallest amount of power can easily turn undeveloped heads.
L. Andreev

“Little bastards!” - he said about his opponents. “You're lucky,” I remarked. “Achieve power, and they will be on your side.”
E. Lec

I'm afraid like the devil
Liberation concerns;
When slaves come to power
They are much worse than the gentlemen.
I. Guberman

Abundance of holidays in modern Russia- this is an attempt by the authorities to win the love of the people they do not love.
V. Zubkov

Just as the bearers of power in our country still confuse themselves with the state, so the majority of those who fought and are fighting against them, confused and confuse the state with the bearers of power.
P. Struve

Rallies and demonstrations held by those offended by the authorities play into the hands of the authorities themselves, as they provide an opportunity to let off the steam of indignation and thereby avoid aggression from the offended.
V. Zubkov

Distrust of authority should be the first civic duty.
N. Douglas

The equidistance of oligarchs from power is the same as the equidistance of hockey players from hockey.
V. Pribylovsky

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