Who ruled before Ivan 4. Rulers of Russia in chronological order from Rurik to the decline of the Grand Duchy of Kyiv

All supreme rulers in Rus' they put a lot into its development. Thanks to the power of the ancient Russian princes, the country was built, expanded territorially, and provided with protection to fight the enemy. Many buildings were built that today have become an international historical and cultural landmark. Rus' has been replaced by a dozen rulers. Kievan Rus finally disintegrated after the death of Prince Mstislav.
The collapse occurred in 1132. Separate, independent states were formed. All territories have lost their value.

Princes of Rus' in chronological order

The first princes in Rus' (the table is presented below) appeared thanks to the Rurik dynasty.

Prince Rurik

Rurik ruled the Novgorodians near the Varangian Sea. Therefore, it had two names: Novgorod, Varangian. After the death of his siblings, Rurik remained the only ruler in Rus'. He was married to Efanda. His assistants. They looked after the household and held courts.
Rurik's reign in Rus' took place from 862 to 879. Afterwards, two brothers Dir and Askold killed him and took the city of Kyiv into power.

Prince Oleg (Prophetic)

Dir and Askold did not rule for long. Oleg, Efanda’s brother, decided to take matters into his own hands. Oleg was famous throughout Rus' for his intelligence, strength, courage, and authority.He captured the cities of Smolensk, Lyubech and Constantinople into his possessions. Made the city of Kyiv the capital of the Kyiv state. Killed Askold and Dir.Igor became Oleg's adopted son and his direct heir to the throne.In his state lived the Varangians, Slovaks, Krivichi, Drevlyans, Northerners, Polyans, Tivertsy, and Ulichs.

In 909 Oleg met a sage-magician who told him:
“You will soon die from a snake bite because you will abandon your horse.” It so happened that the prince abandoned the horse, exchanging it for a new, younger one.
In 912, Oleg learned that his horse had died. He decided to go to the place where the remains of the horse lay.

Oleg asked:
- Will this horse cause me to die? And then, a poisonous snake crawled out of the horse’s skull. The snake bit him, after which Oleg died. The prince's funeral lasted several days with all honors, because he was considered the strongest ruler.

Prince Igor

Immediately after Oleg’s death, the throne was taken by his stepson (Rurik’s own son) Igor. The dates of the prince's reign in Rus' vary from 912 to 945. His main task was to preserve the unity of the state. Igor defended his state from the attacks of the Pechenegs, who periodically made attempts to take over Russia. All tribes that were members of the state regularly paid tribute.
In 913, Igor married a young Pskov girl, Olga. He met her by chance in the city of Pskov. During his reign, Igor suffered quite a few attacks and battles. Fighting with the Khazars, he lost all his best army. After which, he had to re-create the armed defense of the state.

And again, in 914, the prince’s new army was destroyed in the fight against the Byzantines. The war lasted a long time and in the end, the prince signed eternal peace new agreement with Constantinople. The wife helped her husband in everything. They ruled half of the state. In 942 they had a son, who was named Svyatoslav. In 945, Prince Igor was killed by the neighboring Drevlyans, who did not want to pay tribute.

Princess Saint Olga

After the death of her husband Igor, his wife Olga took the throne. Despite the fact that she was a woman, she was able to rule all of Kievan Rus. In this difficult task, she was helped by her intelligence, intelligence and courage. All the qualities of a ruler came together in one woman and helped her cope well with the rule of the state. She took revenge on the greedy Drevlyans for the death of her husband. Their city of Korosten soon became part of her possessions. Olga is the first of the Russian rulers to convert to Christianity.

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Olga waited a long time for her son to grow up. And having reached adulthood, Svyatoslav fully became the ruler of Rus'. The years of the prince's reign in Rus' from 964 to 972. Svyatoslav already at the age of three became the direct heir to the throne. But since he physically could not rule Kievan Rus, he was replaced by his mother, Saint Olga. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, the child learned about military affairs. I learned to be brave and belligerent. In 967, his army defeated the Bulgarians. After the death of his mother, in 970, Svyatoslav launched an invasion of Byzantium. But the forces were not equal. He was forced to sign a peace treaty with Byzantium. Svyatoslav had three sons: Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir. After Svyatoslav returned back to Kyiv, in March 972, the young prince was killed by the Pechenegs. From his skull, the Pechenegs forged a gilded pie bowl.

After the death of his father, the throne was taken by one of the sons, Prince Ancient Rus'(table below) Yaropolk.

Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich

Despite the fact that Yaropolk, Oleg, Vladimir were siblings, they were never friends. Moreover, they constantly fought with each other.
All three wanted to rule Russia. But Yaropolk won the fight. Sent his siblings outside the country. During his reign, he managed to conclude a peaceful, eternal treaty with Byzantium. Yaropolk wanted to make friends with Rome. Many were not happy with the new ruler. There was a lot of permissiveness. The pagans, together with Vladimir (Yaropolk’s brother), successfully seized power into their own hands. Yaropolk had no choice but to simply flee the country. He began to live in the city of Roden. But some time later, in 980, he was killed by the Varangians. Yaropolk decided to make an attempt to capture Kyiv for himself, but it all ended in failure. During his short reign, Yaropolk failed to do global changes V Kievan Rus, because he was famous for his peacefulness.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Novgorod Prince Vladimir was the youngest son of Prince Svyatoslav. Ruled Kievan Rus from 980 to 1015. He was warlike, courageous, and possessed all the necessary qualities that a ruler of Kievan Rus should have had. Performed all the functions of a prince in ancient Rus'.

During his reign,

  • built defenses along the Desna, Trubezh, Osetra, and Sula rivers.
  • Many beautiful buildings were built.
  • Made Christianity the state religion.

Thanks to his great contribution to the development and prosperity of Kievan Rus, he received the nickname “Vladimir the Red Sun.” He had seven sons: Svyatopolk, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Boris, Gleb. He divided his lands equally among all his sons.

Svyatopolk Vladimirovich

Immediately after the death of his father in 1015, he became the ruler of Rus'. Part of Rus' was not enough for him. He wanted to take over everything Kyiv state and decided to get rid of his siblings. First, on his orders, it was necessary to kill Gleb, Boris, Svyatoslav. But this did not bring him happiness. Without arousing the approval of the people, he was expelled from Kyiv. For help in the war with his brothers, Svyatopolk turned to his father-in-law, who was the king of Poland. He helped his son-in-law, but the rule of Kievan Rus did not last long. In 1019 he had to flee from Kyiv. That same year he committed suicide, because his conscience tormented him because he had killed his brothers.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich (Wise)

He ruled Kievan Rus from 1019 to 1054. He was nicknamed the Wise because he had an amazing mind, wisdom, and masculinity, inherited from his father. He built two big cities: Yaroslavl, Yuryev. Treated his people with care and understanding. One of the first princes who introduced a set of laws into the state called “Russian Truth”. Following his father, he divided the land equally between his sons: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, Igor and Vyacheslav. From birth, he instilled in them peace, wisdom, and love for the people.

Izyaslav Yaroslavovich First

Immediately after the death of his father, he ascended the throne. He ruled Kievan Rus from 1054 to 1078. He was the only prince in history who could not cope with his responsibilities. His assistant was his son Vladimir, without whom Izyaslav would simply have destroyed Kievan Rus.


The spineless prince took over the rule of Kievan Rus immediately after the death of his father Izyaslav. Ruled from 1078 to 1113.
He had a hard time finding common language with ancient Russian princes (table below). During his reign, there was a campaign against the Polovtsians, in the organization of which Vladimir Monomakh helped him. They won the battle.

Vladimir Monomakh

After the death of Svyatopolk, Vladimir was elected ruler in 1113. Served the state until 1125. Smart, honest, brave, reliable, courageous. It was these qualities of Vladimir Monomakh that helped him rule Kievan Rus and be loved by the people. He is the last of the princes of Kievan Rus (table below) who managed to preserve the state in its original form.


All wars with the Polovtsians ended in victory.

Mstislav and the Collapse of Kievan Rus

Mstislav is the son of Vladimir Monomakh. He ascended the throne as ruler in 1125. He was similar to his father not only in appearance, but also in character, in the way he ruled Russia. The people treated him with respect. In 1134 he transferred the rule to his brother Yaropolk. Which contributed to the development of turmoil in the history of Russia. The Monomakhovichs lost their throne. But soon it happened complete collapse Kievan Rus into thirteen separate states.

The Kyiv rulers did a lot for the Russian people. During their reign, everyone diligently fought their enemies. The development of Kievan Rus as a whole was underway. Many constructions were completed, beautiful buildings, churches, schools, bridges, which were destroyed by enemies, and everything was built anew. All the princes of Kievan Rus, the table below, did a lot that made history unforgettable.

Table. Princes of Rus' in chronological order

Prince's name

Years of reign






Oleg the Prophet







Yaroslav the Wise



Vladimir Monomakh















The history of Rus' goes back more than a thousand years, although even before the advent of the state, a variety of tribes lived on its territory. The last ten-century period can be divided into several stages. All the rulers of Russia, from Rurik to Putin, are people who were true sons and daughters of their eras.

Main historical stages of development of Russia

Historians consider the following classification to be the most convenient:

Reign of the Novgorod princes (862-882);

Yaroslav the Wise (1016-1054);

From 1054 to 1068 Izyaslav Yaroslavovich was in power;

From 1068 to 1078, the list of rulers of Russia was replenished with several names (Vseslav Bryachislavovich, Izyaslav Yaroslavovich, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod Yaroslavovich, in 1078 Izyaslav Yaroslavovich ruled again)

The year 1078 was marked by some stabilization in political arena, Vsevolod Yaroslavovich ruled until 1093;

Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich was on the throne from 1093 to;

Vladimir, nicknamed Monomakh (1113-1125) - one of the best princes of Kievan Rus;

From 1132 to 1139 Yaropolk Vladimirovich had power.

All the rulers of Russia from Rurik to Putin, who lived and ruled during this period and up to the present time, saw their main task in the prosperity of the country and strengthening the country’s role in the European arena. Another thing is that each of them walked towards the goal in their own way, sometimes in a completely different direction than their predecessors.

The period of fragmentation of Kievan Rus

During times feudal fragmentation In Rus', changes on the main princely throne were frequent. None of the princes left a serious mark on the history of Rus'. By the middle of the 13th century, Kyiv fell into absolute decline. It is worth mentioning only a few princes who ruled in the 12th century. So, from 1139 to 1146 Vsevolod Olgovich was the prince of Kyiv. In 1146, Igor the Second was at the helm for two weeks, after which Izyaslav Mstislavovich ruled for three years. Until 1169, such people as Vyacheslav Rurikovich, Rostislav of Smolensky, Izyaslav of Chernigov, Yuri Dolgoruky, Izyaslav the Third managed to visit the princely throne.

The capital moves to Vladimir

The period of formation of late feudalism in Rus' was characterized by several manifestations:

Weakening of the Kyiv princely power;

The emergence of several centers of influence that competed with each other;

Strengthening the influence of feudal lords.

On the territory of Rus', 2 largest centers of influence arose: Vladimir and Galich. Galich was the most important political center at that time (located on the territory of modern Western Ukraine). It seems interesting to study the list of Russian rulers who reigned in Vladimir. The importance of this period of history will still have to be assessed by researchers. Of course, the Vladimir period in the development of Rus' was not as long as the Kiev period, but it was after it that the formation of monarchical Rus' began. Let us consider the reign dates of all the rulers of Russia at this time. In the first years of this stage of development of Rus', rulers changed quite often; there was no stability, which would appear later. For more than 5 years, the following princes were in power in Vladimir:

Andrew (1169-1174);

Vsevolod, son of Andrei (1176-1212);

Georgy Vsevolodovich (1218-1238);

Yaroslav, son of Vsevolod (1238-1246);

Alexander (Nevsky), great commander (1252- 1263);

Yaroslav III (1263-1272);

Dmitry I (1276-1283);

Dmitry II (1284-1293);

Andrey Gorodetsky (1293-1304);

Michael "Saint" of Tverskoy (1305-1317).

All rulers of Russia after the transfer of the capital to Moscow until the appearance of the first tsars

The transfer of the capital from Vladimir to Moscow chronologically approximately coincides with the end of the period of feudal fragmentation of Rus' and the strengthening of the main center political influence. Most of the princes were on the throne longer than the rulers of the Vladimir period. So:

Prince Ivan (1328-1340);

Semyon Ivanovich (1340-1353);

Ivan the Red (1353-1359);

Alexey Byakont (1359-1368);

Dmitry (Donskoy), famous commander (1368- 1389);

Vasily Dmitrievich (1389-1425);

Sophia of Lithuania (1425-1432);

Vasily the Dark (1432-1462);

Ivan III (1462-1505);

Vasily Ivanovich (1505-1533);

Elena Glinskaya (1533-1538);

The decade before 1548 was a difficult period in the history of Russia, when the situation developed in such a way that the princely dynasty actually ended. There was a period of timelessness when boyar families were in power.

The reign of tsars in Rus': the beginning of the monarchy

Historians identify three chronological periods development Russian monarchy: before the accession to the throne of Peter the Great, the reign of Peter the Great and after him. Dates of reign of all rulers of Russia from 1548 to late XVII centuries are:

Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible (1548-1574);

Semyon Kasimovsky (1574-1576);

Again Ivan the Terrible (1576-1584);

Feodor (1584-1598).

Tsar Fedor had no heirs, so it was interrupted. - one of the most difficult periods history of our homeland. Rulers changed almost every year. Since 1613, the Romanov dynasty has ruled the country:

Mikhail, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1645);

Alexei Mikhailovich, son of the first emperor (1645-1676);

He ascended the throne in 1676 and reigned for 6 years;

Sophia, his sister, reigned from 1682 to 1689.

In the 17th century, stability finally came to Rus'. strengthened central government, reforms gradually begin, leading to the fact that Russia has grown territorially and strengthened, and the leading world powers have begun to take it into account. The main credit for changing the appearance of the state belongs to the great Peter I (1689-1725), who simultaneously became the first emperor.

Rulers of Russia after Peter

The reign of Peter the Great was the heyday when the empire acquired its own strong fleet and strengthened the army. All Russian rulers, from Rurik to Putin, understood the importance of the armed forces, but few were given the opportunity to realize the country's enormous potential. Important feature At that time there was an aggressive foreign policy of Russia, which manifested itself in the forcible annexation of new regions (Russian-Turkish wars, the Azov campaign).

The chronology of the rulers of Russia from 1725 to 1917 is as follows:

Ekaterina Skavronskaya (1725-1727);

Peter the Second (killed in 1730);

Queen Anna (1730-1740);

Ivan Antonovich (1740-1741);

Elizaveta Petrovna (1741-1761);

Pyotr Fedorovich (1761-1762);

Catherine the Great (1762-1796);

Pavel Petrovich (1796-1801);

Alexander I (1801-1825);

Nicholas I (1825-1855);

Alexander II (1855 - 1881);

Alexander III (1881-1894);

Nicholas II - the last of the Romanovs, ruled until 1917.

This marks the end of a huge period of development of the state, when the kings were in power. After October Revolution a new political structure appears - the republic.

Russia during the USSR and after its collapse

The first few years after the revolution were difficult. Among the rulers of this period one can single out Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky. After legal registration The USSR as a state was led by Vladimir Lenin until 1924. Next, the chronology of the rulers of Russia looks like this:

Dzhugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich (1924-1953);

Nikita Khrushchev was the First Secretary of the CPSU after Stalin's death until 1964;

Leonid Brezhnev (1964-1982);

Yuri Andropov (1982-1984);

General Secretary of the CPSU (1984-1985);

Mikhail Gorbachev, first president of the USSR (1985-1991);

Boris Yeltsin, leader of independent Russia (1991-1999);

The current head of state is Putin - President of Russia since 2000 (with a break of 4 years, when the state was led by Dmitry Medvedev)

Who are they - the rulers of Russia?

All the rulers of Russia from Rurik to Putin, who were in power for more than thousand-year history states are patriots who wanted the flourishing of all lands of a huge country. Most of the rulers were not random people in this difficult field and each made their own contribution to the development and formation of Russia. Of course, all the rulers of Russia wanted the good and prosperity of their subjects: the main forces were always directed to strengthening the borders, expanding trade, and strengthening defense capabilities.

Description of history in textbooks and multimillion-dollar circulations works of art in recent decades has been, to put it mildly, questioned. Huge value in the study of ancient times have the rulers of Russia in chronological order. People interested in their native history are beginning to understand that, in fact, its real history, written on paper, does not exist; there are versions from which everyone chooses their own, corresponding to their ideas. History from textbooks is only suitable as a starting point.

Rulers of Rus' during the period of the highest rise of the Ancient State

Much of what is known about the history of Rus' - Russia is gleaned from “lists” of chronicles, the originals of which have not survived. In addition, even copies often contradict themselves and the elementary logic of events. Often historians are forced to accept only their own opinion and claim it to be the only correct one.

The first legendary rulers of Rus', who date back to 2.5 thousand years BC, were brothers Slovenian and Rus. They descend from the son of Noah Japheth (hence Vandal, Obodrit, etc.). The people of Rus are the Russians, the Rus, the people of Slovenia are the Slovenes, the Slavs. On the lake The Ilmen brothers built the cities of Slovensk and Rusa (currently Staraya Rusa). Veliky Novgorod was later built on the site of the burned Slovensk.

Known descendants of Sloven - Burivoy and Gostomysl- the son of Burivoy, either the mayor, or the foreman of Novgorod, who, having lost all his sons in battles, called his grandson Rurik to Rus' from the related tribe Rus (specifically from the island of Rügen).

Next come the versions written by German “historiographers” (Bayer, Miller, Schletzer) in Russian service. In the German historiography of Rus', it is striking that it was written by people who did not know the Russian language, traditions and beliefs. Who collected and rewrote chronicles, without preserving, but often deliberately destroying, adjusting the facts to some ready-made version. It is interesting that for several hundred years, Russian historiographers, instead of refuting the German version of history, did their best to adapt new facts and research to it.

Rulers of Rus' according to historical tradition:

1. Rurik (862 – 879)- called by his grandfather to restore order and stop civil strife between Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes on the territory of modern Leningrad and Novgorod regions. Founded or restored the city of Ladoga (Old Ladoga). Ruled in Novgorod. After the Novgorod uprising of 864, under the leadership of the governor Vadim the Brave, he united northwestern Rus' under his leadership.

According to legend, he sent (or they themselves left) the warriors of Askold and Dir to fight in Constantinople by water. They captured Kyiv on the way.

It is not known exactly how the founder of the Rurik dynasty died.

2. Oleg the Prophet (879 – 912)- a relative or successor of Rurik, who remained at the head of the Novgorod state, either as the guardian of Rurik’s son, Igor, or as a legitimate prince.

B 882 year goes by to Kyiv. Along the way, he peacefully annexed to the principality many tribal Slavic lands along the Dnieper, including the lands of the Smolensk Krivichi. In Kyiv he kills Askold and Dir, makes Kyiv the capital.

In 907 he wages a victorious war with Byzantium - a contract beneficial for Rus' was signed trade agreement. He nails his shield to the gates of Constantinople. He made many successful and not very military campaigns (including defending the interests of the Khazar Kaganate), becoming the creator of the state of Kievan Rus. According to legend, he dies from a snake bite.

3. Igor (912 – 945)– fights for the unity of the state, constantly pacifying and annexing the surrounding Kyiv lands, Slavic tribes. It has been at war with the Pechenegs since 920. Makes two campaigns against Constantinople: in 941 - unsuccessful, in 944 - with the conclusion of an agreement on more favorable terms for Rus' than Oleg's. He dies at the hands of the Drevlyans, going for a second tribute.

4. Olga (945 – after 959)- regent for three-year-old Svyatoslav. The date of birth and origin are not precisely established - either an ordinary Varangian, or Oleg’s daughter. She took cruel and sophisticated revenge on the Drevlyans for the murder of her husband. She clearly established the size of the tribute. Divided Rus' into parts controlled by tiuns. Introduced a system of graveyards - places of trade and exchange. She built fortresses and cities. In 955 she was baptized in Constantinople.

The time of her reign is characterized by peace with the surrounding countries and the development of the state in all respects. The first Russian saint. She died in 969.

5. Svyatoslav Igorevich (959 – March 972)- the date of the beginning of the reign is relative - the country was ruled by his mother until her death, but Svyatoslav himself preferred to fight and was in Kyiv rarely and not for long. Even the first Pecheneg raid and the siege of Kyiv was met by Olga.

Svyatoslav defeated as a result of two campaigns Khazar Khaganate, to whom Rus' for a long time paid tribute with her soldiers. He conquered and imposed tribute on Volga Bulgaria. Supporting ancient traditions and in agreement with the squad, he despised Christians, Muslims and Jews. He conquered Tmutarakan and made the Vyatichi tributaries. In the period from 967 to 969 he successfully fought in Bulgaria under an agreement with the Byzantine Empire. In 969, he distributed Rus' among his sons into appanages: Yaropolk - Kyiv, Oleg - the Drevlyan lands, Vladimir (the bastard son of the housekeeper) - Novgorod. He himself went to new capital of his state - Pereyaslavets on the Danube. In 970 - 971 he fought with the Byzantine Empire with with varying success. Killed by Pechenegs, bribed by Constantinople, on the way to Kyiv, as he became too strong opponent for Byzantium.

6. Yaropolk Svyatoslavich (972 – 06/11/978)– tried to establish relationships with the Holy Roman Empire and the Pope. Supported Christians in Kyiv. Minted his own coin.

In 978 he defeated the Pechenegs. Since 977, at the instigation of the boyars, he began internecine war with brothers. Oleg died trampled by horses during the siege of the fortress, Vladimir fled “overseas” and returned with a mercenary army. As a result of the war, Yaropolk, who was invited to the negotiations, was killed, and Vladimir took the grand-ducal place.

7. Vladimir Svyatoslavich (06/11/978 – 07/15/1015)- made attempts to reform the Slavic Vedic cult, using human sacrifices. He conquered Cherven Rus and Przemysl from the Poles. He conquered the Yatvingians, which opened the way for Rus' to the Baltic Sea. He imposed tribute on the Vyatichi and Rodimichs, while uniting the Novgorod and Kyiv lands. Concluded a profitable peace with Volga Bulgaria.

He captured Korsun in the Crimea in 988 and threatened to march on Constantinople if he did not get the sister of the Byzantine emperor as his wife. Having received a wife, he was baptized there in Korsun and began to spread Christianity in Rus' “with fire and sword.” During forced Christianization, the country was depopulated - out of 12 million, only 3 remained. Only Rostov-Suzdal land was able to avoid forced Christianization.

He paid a lot of attention to the recognition of Kievan Rus in the West. He built several fortresses to defend the principality from the Polovtsians. With military campaigns he reached the North Caucasus.

8. Svyatopolk Vladimirovich (1015 – 1016, 1018 – 1019)- Using the support of the people and boyars, he took the Kyiv throne. Soon three brothers die - Boris, Gleb, Svyatoslav. An open struggle for the grand ducal throne begins brother, Novgorod prince Yaroslav. After the defeat from Yaroslav, Svyatopolk runs to his father-in-law, King of Poland Boleslav I the Brave. In 1018, he defeated Yaroslav with Polish troops. The Poles, who began to plunder Kyiv, caused popular indignation, and Svyatopolk was forced to disperse them, leaving him without troops.

Yaroslav, who returned with new troops, easily takes Kyiv. Svyatopolk, with the help of the Pechenegs, tries to regain power, but to no avail. He dies, deciding to go to the Pechenegs.

For the murders of his brothers attributed to him, he was nicknamed the Damned.

9. Yaroslav the Wise (1016 – 1018, 1019 – 02/20/1054)– first settled in Kyiv during the war with his brother Svyatopolk. He received support from the Novgorodians, and besides them he had a mercenary army.

The beginning of the second period of reign was marked by princely strife with his brother Mstislav, who defeated Yaroslav's troops and captured the left bank of the Dnieper with Chernigov. Peace was concluded between the brothers, they went on joint campaigns against Yasov and the Poles, but Grand Duke Yaroslav remained in Novgorod, and not in the capital Kyiv, until his brother’s death.

In 1030 he defeated Chud and founded the city of Yuryev. Immediately after Mstislav's death, fearing competition, he imprisons his last brother Sudislav and moves to Kyiv.

In 1036 he defeated the Pechenegs, freeing Rus' from raids. In subsequent years, he made campaigns against the Yatvingians, Lithuania and Mazovia. In 1043 - 1046 he fought with Byzantine Empire because of the murder of a noble Russian in Constantinople. Breaks the alliance with Poland and passes it off as French king daughter Anna.

Founds monasteries and builds temples, incl. St. Sophia Cathedral, erects stone walls to Kyiv. By order of Yaroslav, many books are translated and rewritten. Opens the first school for children of priests and village elders in Novgorod. With him, the first metropolitan of Russian origin appears - Hilarion.

Publishes the Church Charter and the first known set of laws of Rus', “Russian Truth”.

10. Izyaslav Yaroslavich (02/20/1054 – 09/14/1068, 05/2/1069 – March 1073, 06/15/1077 – 10/3/1078)- a prince not loved by the people of Kiev, forced to periodically hide outside the principality. Together with his brothers, he creates a set of laws “Pravda Yaroslavichy”. The first reign is characterized by joint decision-making by all Yaroslavich brothers - the Triumvirate.

In 1055, the brothers defeated the Torks near Pereyaslavl and established borders with the Polovtsian Land. Izyaslav provides assistance to Byzantium in Armenia, seizes the lands of the Baltic people - golyad. In 1067, as a result of the war with the Principality of Polotsk, Prince Vseslav the Magician was captured by deception.

In 1068, Izyaslav refused to arm the people of Kiev against the Polovtsians, for which he was expelled from Kyiv. Returns with Polish troops.

In 1073, as a result of a conspiracy drawn up younger brothers, leaves Kyiv and wanders around Europe for a long time in search of allies. The throne is returned after Svyatoslav Yaroslavovich dies.

He died in a battle with his nephews near Chernigov.

11. Vseslav Bryachislavich (09/14/1068 – April 1069)- Prince of Polotsk, released from arrest by the people of Kiev who rebelled against Izyaslav and elevated to the grand princely throne. Left Kyiv when Izyaslav approached with the Poles. He reigned in Polotsk for more than 30 years, without stopping the fight against the Yaroslavichs.

12.Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (03/22/1073 – 12/27/1076)- came to power in Kyiv as a result of a conspiracy against his older brother, with the support of the people of Kiev. He devoted a lot of attention and money to maintaining the clergy and the church. Died as a result of surgery.

13.Vsevolod Yaroslavich (01/1/1077 – July 1077, October 1078 – 04/13/1093)– the first period ended with the voluntary transfer of power to brother Izyaslav. For the second time he took the place of the Grand Duke after the death of the latter in an internecine war.

Almost the entire period of his reign was marked by fierce internecine struggle, especially with the Principality of Polotsk. Vladimir Monomakh, the son of Vsevolod, distinguished himself in this civil strife, who, with the help of the Polovtsians, carried out several devastating campaigns against the Polotsk lands.

Vsevolod and Monomakh conducted campaigns against the Vyatichi and Polovtsians.

Vsevolod married his daughter Eupraxia to the Emperor of the Roman Empire. The marriage, sanctified by the church, ended in scandal and accusations against the emperor of conducting satanic rituals.

14. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich (04/24/1093 – 04/16/1113)- the first thing he did, upon ascending the throne, was arrest the Polovtsian ambassadors, starting a war. As a result, together with V. Monomakh, he was defeated by the Polovtsians on Stugna and Zhelani, Torchesk was burned and three main Kyiv monasteries were plundered.

The princely feuds were not stopped by the congress of princes in Lyubech in 1097, which assigned possessions to the branches princely dynasties. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich remained the Grand Duke and ruler of Kyiv and Turov. Immediately after the congress, he slandered V. Monomakh and other princes. They responded with a siege of Kyiv, which ended in a truce.

In 1100, at the congress of princes in Uvetchytsy, Svyatopolk received Volyn.

In 1104, Svyatopolk organized a campaign against the Minsk prince Gleb.

In 1103–1111, a coalition of princes led by Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh successfully waged a war against the Polovtsians.

The death of Svyatopolk was accompanied by an uprising in Kyiv against the boyars and moneylenders closest to him.

15. Vladimir Monomakh (04/20/1113 – 05/19/1125)- invited to reign during the uprising in Kyiv against the administration of Svyatopolk. He created the “Charter on Cuts”, which was included in “Russkaya Pravda,” which alleviated the situation of debtors while fully maintaining feudal relations.

The beginning of the reign was not without civil strife: Yaroslav Svyatopolchich, who claimed the throne of Kiev, had to be expelled from Volyn. The period of Monomakh's reign was the last period of strengthening of the grand ducal power in Kyiv. Together with his sons, the Grand Duke owned 75% of the territory of chronicle Rus'.

To strengthen the state, Monomakh often used dynastic marriages and his authority as a military leader - the conqueror of the Polovtsians. During his reign, his sons defeated the Chud and defeated the Volga Bulgars.

In 1116–1119, Vladimir Vsevolodovich successfully fought with Byzantium. As a result of the war, as a ransom, he received from the emperor the title “Tsar of All Rus'”, a scepter, an orb, and a royal crown (Monomakh’s cap). As a result of negotiations, Monomakh married his granddaughter to the emperor.

16. Mstislav the Great (05/20/1125 – 04/15/1132)- initially owned only the Kyiv land, but was recognized as the eldest among the princes. Gradually he began to control the cities of Novgorod, Chernigov, Kursk, Murom, Ryazan, Smolensk and Turov through dynastic marriages.

In 1129 he plundered Polotsk lands. In 1131, he deprived of allotments and expelled the Polotsk princes, led by the son of Vseslav the Magician - Davyd.

In the period from 1130 to 1132 he made several campaigns with varying success against the Baltic tribes, including Chud and Lithuania.

The State of Mstislav is the last informal unification of the principalities of Kievan Rus. He controlled everything major cities, the entire path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, accumulated military force gave him the right to be called Great in the chronicles.

Rulers of the Old Russian state during the period of fragmentation and decline of Kyiv

The princes on the Kiev throne during this period were replaced frequently and did not rule for long, most of them not showing themselves to be anything remarkable:

1. Yaropolk Vladimirovich (04/17/1132 – 02/18/1139)- the prince of Pereyaslavl was called to rule the people of Kiev, but his first decision to transfer Pereyaslavl to Izyaslav Mstislavich, who had previously ruled in Polotsk, caused indignation among the people of Kiev and the expulsion of Yaropolk. In the same year, the people of Kiev summoned Yaropolk again, but Polotsk, to which the dynasty of Vseslav the Sorcerer returned, broke away from Kievan Rus.

In the internecine struggle that began between the various branches of the Rurikovichs, the Grand Duke was unable to show firmness and by the time of his death he had lost control, in addition to Polotsk, over Novgorod and Chernigov. Nominally, only the Rostov-Suzdal land was subordinate to him.

2. Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (22.02 – 4.03.1139, April 1151 – 6.02.1154)- the first, one and a half week period of reign ended with the overthrow of Vsevolod Olgovich, the Chernigov prince.

In the second period it was only an official sign; real power belonged to Izyaslav Mstislavich.

3. Vsevolod Olgovich (03/05/1139 – 08/1/1146)Chernigov prince, forcibly removed Vyacheslav Vladimirovich from the throne, interrupting the reign of the Monomashichs in Kyiv. He was not loved by the people of Kiev. The entire period of his reign skillfully maneuvered between the Mstislavovichs and the Monomashichs. He constantly fought with the latter, tried to keep his own relatives away from the grand-ducal power.

4. Igor Olgovich (1 – 08/13/1146)– received Kyiv according to his brother’s will, which outraged the city residents. The townspeople called Izyaslav Mstislavich to the throne from Pereslavl. After the battle between the contenders, Igor was put in a log, where he became seriously ill. Released from there, he became a monk, but in 1147, on suspicion of conspiracy against Izyaslav, he was executed by vengeful Kyivians only because Olgovich.

5. Izyaslav Mstislavich (08/13/1146 – 08/23/1149, 1151 – 11/13/1154)- in the first period, in addition to Kyiv, he directly ruled Pereyaslavl, Turov, and Volyn. In the internecine struggle with Yuri Dolgoruky and his allies, he enjoyed the support of the Novgorodians, Smolensk and Ryazan residents. He often attracted allied Cumans, Hungarians, Czechs, and Poles into his ranks.

For attempting to elect a Russian metropolitan without the approval of the patriarch of Constantinople, he was excommunicated from the church.

He had the support of the people of Kiev in the fight against the Suzdal princes.

6. Yuri Dolgoruky (08/28/1149 – summer 1150, summer 1150 – beginning 1151, 03/20/1155 – 05/15/1157)Suzdal prince, son of V. Monomakh. He sat on the grand-ducal throne three times. The first two times he was expelled from Kyiv by Izyaslav and the people of Kiev. In his struggle for the rights of Monomashich, he relied on the support of Novgorod - the Seversk prince Svyatoslav (brother of Igor, executed in Kyiv), the Galicians and the Polovtsians. The decisive battle in the fight against Izyaslav was the Battle of Ruta in 1151. Having lost which, Yuri one by one lost all his allies in the south.

The third time he subjugated Kyiv after Izyaslav and his co-ruler Vyacheslav died. In 1157 he made an unsuccessful campaign against Volyn, where the sons of Izyaslav settled.

Presumably poisoned by the people of Kiev.

In the south, only one son of Yuri Dolgoruky, Gleb, was able to gain a foothold in the Pereyaslavl principality, which had separated from Kyiv.

7. Rostislav Mstislavich (1154 – 1155, 04/12/1159 – 02/8/1161, March 1161 – 03/14/1167)- Prince of Smolensk for 40 years. Founded the Grand Duchy of Smolensk. He first took the Kiev throne at the invitation of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, who called him to be a co-ruler, but soon died. Rostislav Mstislavich was forced to come out to meet Yuri Dolgoruky. Having met with his uncle, the Smolensk prince ceded Kyiv to his older relative.

The second and third terms of rule in Kyiv were divided by the attack of Izyaslav Davydovich with the Polovtsians, which forced Rostislav Mstislavovich to hide in Belgorod, waiting for his allies.

The reign was distinguished by calmness, insignificance of civil strife and peaceful resolution of conflicts. The attempts of the Polovtsians to disturb the peace in Rus' were suppressed in every possible way.

With the help dynastic marriage annexed Vitebsk to the Smolensk principality.

8. Izyaslav Davydovich (winter 1155, 05/19/1157 - December 1158, 02/12 - 03/6/1161)- became the Grand Duke for the first time, defeating the troops of Rostislav Mstislavich, but was forced to cede the throne to Yuri Dolgoruky.

He took the throne for the second time after the death of Dolgoruky, but was defeated near Kiev by the Volyn and Galich princes for refusing to hand over the pretender to the Galician throne.

The third time he captured Kyiv, but was defeated by the allies of Rostislav Mstislavich.

9. Mstislav Izyaslavich (12/22/1158 – spring 1159, 05/19/1167 – 03/12/1169, February – 04/13/1170)- for the first time he became the prince of Kyiv, expelling Izyaslav Davydovich, but ceded the great reign to Rostislav Mstislavich, as the eldest in the family.

The people of Kiev called him to rule for the second time after the death of Rostislav Mstislavich. Could not maintain his rule against the army of Andrei Bogolyubsky.

The third time he settled in Kyiv without a fight, using the love of the people of Kiev and expelling Gleb Yuryevich, who was imprisoned in Kyiv by Andrei Bogolyubsky. However, abandoned by the allies, he was forced to return to Volyn.

He became famous for his victory over the Cumans at the head of coalition troops in 1168.

He is considered the last great Kyiv prince who had real power over Russia.

With the rise of Vladimiro - Principality of Suzdal Kyiv is increasingly becoming an ordinary appanage city, although it retains the name “great”. Problems, most likely, need to be looked for in what and how the rulers of Russia did, in the chronological order of their inheritance of power. Decades of civil strife bore fruit - the principality weakened and lost its importance for Rus'. Reign in Kyiv than the main thing. Often Kyiv princes appointed or changed by the Grand Duke of Vladimir.

The first reign in Rus' took place in 1547, Ivan the Terrible became sovereign. Previously, the throne was occupied by the Grand Duke. Some Russian tsars could not maintain power; they were replaced by other rulers. Russia was worried different periods: Time of Troubles, palace coups, assassinations of kings and emperors, revolutions, years of terror.

The Rurik family tree ended with Fyodor Ioannovich, the son of Ivan the Terrible. For several decades, power passed to different monarchs. In 1613, the Romanovs ascended the throne; after the revolution of 1917, this dynasty was overthrown, and the world's first socialist state was established in Russia. Emperors were replaced by leaders and general secretaries. At the end of the twentieth century, a course was taken to create democratic society. Citizens began to elect the president of the country by secret ballot.

John the Fourth (1533 - 1584)

Grand Duke, who became the first Tsar of All Rus'. Formally, he ascended the throne at the age of 3, when his father, Prince Vasily the Third, died. Officially took the royal title in 1547. The Emperor was known for his stern disposition, for which he received the nickname Terrible. Ivan the Fourth was a reformer; during his reign, the Code of Law of 1550 was drawn up, zemstvo assemblies began to be convened, changes were made in education, the army, and self-government.

The increase in Russian territory was 100%. Astrakhan and Khanate of Kazan, the development of Siberia, Bashkiria, and the Don Territory began. The last years of the kingdom were marked by failures during Livonian War And bloody years oprichnina, when it was destroyed most Russian aristocracy.

Fyodor Ioannovich (1584 - 1598)

The middle son of Ivan the Terrible. According to one version, he became heir to the throne in 1581, when his older brother Ivan died at the hands of his father. He went down in history under the name Fyodor the Blessed. Became last representative from the Moscow branch of the Rurik dynasty, since he left no heirs. Fyodor Ioannovich, unlike his father, was meek in character and kind.

During his reign, the Moscow Patriarchate was established. Several strategic cities were founded: Voronezh, Saratov, Stary Oskol. From 1590 to 1595 it continued Russian-Swedish war. Russia returned part of the Baltic Sea coast.

Irina Godunova (1598 - 1598)

Wife of Tsar Fyodor and sister of Boris Godunov. She and her husband had only one daughter, who died in infancy. Therefore, after the death of her husband, Irina became the heir to the throne. She was listed as queen for just over a month. Irina Fedorovna was active social life during her husband’s life, she even took European ambassadors. But a week after his death, she decided to become a nun and go to the Novodevichy Convent. After tonsure, she took the name Alexandra. Irina Fedorovna was listed as tsarina until her brother Boris Fedorovich was confirmed as sovereign.

Boris Godunov (1598 - 1605)

Boris Godunov was Fyodor Ioannovich's brother-in-law. Thanks to a happy accident, demonstrated ingenuity and cunning, he became the Tsar of Russia. His advancement began in 1570, when he joined the oprichniki. And in 1580 he was awarded the title of boyar. It is generally accepted that Godunov led the state during the time of Fyodor Ioannovich (he was incapable of this due to his soft character).

Godunov's reign was aimed at developing Russian state. He began to actively get closer to Western countries. Doctors, cultural and statesmen. Boris Godunov was known for his suspiciousness and repressions against the boyars. During his reign there was a terrible famine. The Tsar even opened the royal barns to feed the hungry peasants. In 1605 he died unexpectedly.

Fyodor Godunov (1605 - 1605)

He was an educated young man. He is considered one of the first cartographers of Russia. The son of Boris Godunov, was elevated to the throne at the age of 16, and became the last of the Godunovs on the throne. He reigned for just under two months, from April 13 to June 1, 1605. Fedor became king during the offensive of the troops of False Dmitry the First. But the governors who led the suppression of the uprising betrayed the Russian Tsar and swore allegiance to False Dmitry. Fyodor and his mother were killed in the royal chambers, and their bodies were put on display on Red Square. During the short period of the king's reign, the Stone Order was approved - this is an analogue of the Ministry of Construction.

False Dmitry (1605 - 1606)

This king came to power after an uprising. He introduced himself as Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. He said that he was the miraculously saved son of Ivan the Terrible. There are different versions about the origin of False Dmitry. Some historians say that this is a runaway monk, Grigory Otrepiev. Others claim that he could actually be Tsarevich Dmitry, who was secretly taken to Poland.

During the year of his reign, he brought back many repressed boyars from exile, changed the composition of the Duma, and banned bribery. On the foreign policy side, he was going to start a war with the Turks for access to the Sea of ​​Azov. Opened the borders of Russia for the free movement of foreigners and compatriots. He was killed in May 1606 as a result of a conspiracy by Vasily Shuisky.

Vasily Shuisky (1606 - 1610)

Representative of the Shuisky princes from the Suzdal branch of the Rurikovichs. The tsar was little popular among the people and depended on the boyars, who elected him to rule. He tried to strengthen the army. A new military regulation was established. During Shuisky's time, numerous uprisings took place. The rebel Bolotnikov was replaced by False Dmitry the Second (allegedly False Dmitry the First, who escaped in 1606). Some regions of Russia swore allegiance to the self-proclaimed king. The country was also besieged by Polish troops. In 1610, the ruler was overthrown by the Polish-Lithuanian king. Until the end of his days he lived in Poland as a prisoner.

Vladislav the Fourth (1610 - 1613)

Son of the Polish-Lithuanian king Sigismund III. He was considered the sovereign of Russia during the Time of Troubles. In 1610 he took the oath of Moscow boyars. According to the Smolensk Treaty, he was supposed to take the throne after accepting Orthodoxy. But Vladislav did not change his religion and refused to change his Catholicism. He never came to Rus'. In 1612, the government of the boyars was overthrown in Moscow, who invited Vladislav the Fourth to the throne. And then it was decided to make Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov king.

Mikhail Romanov (1613 - 1645)

The first sovereign of the Romanov dynasty. This family belonged to the seven largest and most ancient families of Moscow boyars. Mikhail Fedorovich was only 16 years old when he was placed on the throne. His father, Patriarch Filaret, informally led the country. Officially, he could not be crowned king, since he had already been tonsured a monk.

During the time of Mikhail Fedorovich, normal trade and economy, undermined Time of Troubles. An “eternal peace” was concluded with Sweden and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The king ordered an accurate inventory of local lands to be made in order to establish the real tax. Regiments of the “new order” were created.

Alexey Mikhailovich (1645 - 1676)

In the history of Russia he received the nickname The Quietest. The second representative of the Romanov tree. During his reign it was established Cathedral Code, a census of tax houses was carried out and the male population was censused. Alexey Mikhailovich finally assigned the peasants to their place of residence. New institutions were founded: the orders of Secret Affairs, Accounting, Reitar and Grain Affairs. During the time of Alexei Mikhailovich it began church schism, after the innovations, Old Believers appeared who did not accept the new rules.

In 1654, Russia was united with Ukraine, and the colonization of Siberia continued. By order of the king, copper money was issued. Also introduced unsuccessful attempt high taxes on salt, which caused salt riots.

Fedor Alekseevich (1676 - 1682)

Son of Alexei Mikhailovich and first wife Maria Miloslavskaya. He was very sickly, like all the children of Tsar Alexei from his first wife. He suffered from scurvy and other diseases. Fedor was declared heir after the death of his older brother Alexei. He ascended the throne at the age of fifteen. Fedor was very educated. During his short reign, a complete census was carried out. A direct tax was introduced. Localism was destroyed and rank books were burned. This excluded the possibility of boyars to occupy positions of power on the basis of the merits of their ancestors.

There was a war with the Turks and Crimean Khanate in 1676 - 1681. Left Bank Ukraine and Kyiv were recognized as Russia. Repressions against Old Believers continued. Fedor left no heirs; he died at the age of twenty, presumably from scurvy.

John the Fifth (1682 - 1696)

After the death of Fyodor Alekseevich, a twofold situation was created. He had two brothers left, but John was weak in health and mind, and Peter (the son of Alexei Mikhailovich from his second wife) was young in age. The boyars decided to put both brothers in power, and their sister Sofya Alekseevna became their regent. He never studied state affairs. All power was concentrated in the hands of the sister and the Naryshkin family. The princess continued the fight against the Old Believers. Russia concluded a profitable “eternal peace” with Poland and an unfavorable agreement with China. She was overthrown in 1696 by Peter the Great and tonsured a nun.

Peter the Great (1682 - 1725)

The first Emperor of Russia, known as Peter the Great. He ascended the Russian throne together with his brother Ivan at the age of ten. Before 1696 rules together with him under the regency of his sister Sophia. Peter traveled to Europe, learned new crafts and shipbuilding. Turned Russia towards the West European countries. This is one of the country's most significant reformers

Its main bills include: local government reform and central control, the creation of the Senate and Collegiums, the Synod and the General Regulations were organized. Peter ordered the rearmament of the army, introduced a regular recruitment of recruits, and created a strong fleet. The mining, textile and processing industries began to develop, and monetary and educational reforms were carried out.

Under Peter, wars took place to seize access to the sea: Azov campaigns, the victorious Northern War, which gave access to the Baltic Sea. Russia expanded to the East and towards the Caspian Sea.

Catherine the First (1725 - 1727)

Second wife of Peter the Great. Took the throne because last will the emperor remained unclear. In the two years of the empress's reign, all power was concentrated in the hands of Menshikov and Privy Council. During the time of Catherine the First, the Supreme Privy Council was created, and the role of the Senate was reduced to a minimum. Long wars during the time of Peter the Great affected the country's finances. Bread rose sharply in price, famine began in Russia, and the empress lowered the poll tax. None major wars have not been carried out in the country. The time of Catherine the First became famous for the organization of the Bering expedition to the Far North.

Peter the Second (1727 - 1730)

Grandson of Peter the Great, son of his eldest son Alexei (who was executed at the behest of his father). He ascended the throne at only 11 years old; real power was in the hands of the Menshikovs, and then the Dolgorukov family. Due to his age, he did not have time to show any interest in government affairs.

The traditions of the boyars and outdated orders began to be revived. The army and navy fell into decay. There was an attempt to restore the patriarchate. As a result, the influence of the Privy Council increased, whose members invited Anna Ioannovna to reign. During the time of Peter the Second, the capital was moved to Moscow. The emperor died at the age of 14 from smallpox.

Anna Ioannovna (1730 - 1740)

The fourth daughter of Tsar John the Fifth. She was sent by Peter the Great to Courland and married to the Duke, but was widowed after a couple of months. After the death of Peter the Second, she was invited to reign, but her powers were limited to the nobles. However, the Empress restored absolutism. The period of her reign went down in history under the name “Bironovschina”, after the surname of Biron’s favorite.

Under Anna Ioannovna, the office of Secret Investigative Affairs was established, which carried out reprisals against nobles. A reform of the fleet was carried out and the construction of ships, which had been slowed down in recent decades, was restored. The Empress restored the powers of the Senate. In foreign policy, the tradition of Peter the Great was continued. As a result of the wars, Russia received Azov (but without the right to maintain a fleet in it) and part right bank Ukraine, Kabards in the North Caucasus.

John the Sixth (1740 - 1741)

Great-grandson of John the Fifth, son of his daughter Anna Leopoldovna. Anna Ioannovna had no children, but she wanted to leave the throne to the descendants of her father. Therefore, before her death, she appointed her grandnephew as her successor, and in the event of his death, Anna Leopoldovna’s subsequent children.

The emperor ascended the throne at the age of two months. His first regent was Biron, a couple of months later there was a palace coup, Biron was sent into exile, and John’s mother became regent. But she was in illusions and was incapable of ruling. Her favorites, Minikh and later Osterman, were overthrown during a new coup, and the little prince was arrested. The emperor spent his entire life in captivity in the Shlisselburg fortress. They tried to free him many times. One of these attempts ended in the murder of John the Sixth.

Elizaveta Petrovna (1741 - 1762)

Daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine the First. Ascended to the throne as a result palace coup. She continued the policies of Peter the Great, finally restored the role of the Senate and many Collegiums, and abolished the Cabinet of Ministers. Conducted a population census and implemented new taxation reforms. On the cultural side, her reign went down in history as the Age of Enlightenment. In the 18th century, the first university, academy of arts, and imperial theater were opened.

In foreign policy she adhered to the behests of Peter the Great. During her years of power, the victorious Russian-Swedish war and the Seven Years' War against Prussia, England and Portugal took place. Immediately after Russia's victory, the empress died, leaving no heirs. And Emperor Peter the Third gave all the territories received back to the Prussian King Frederick.

Peter the Third (1762 - 1762)

Grandson of Peter the Great, son of his daughter Anna Petrovna. He reigned for only six months, then, as a result of a palace coup, he was overthrown by his wife Catherine II, and a little later he lost his life. At first, historians assessed the period of his reign as negative for the history of Russia. But then they appreciated a number of the emperor’s merits.

Peter abolished the Secret Chancellery, began secularization (seizure) of church lands, and stopped persecuting the Old Believers. Adopted the “Manifesto on the Freedom of the Nobility.” Among the negative aspects is the complete cancellation of the results Seven Years' War and the return to Prussia of all conquered territories. He died almost immediately after the coup due to unclear circumstances.

Catherine the Second (1762 - 1796)

The wife of Peter the Third came to power as a result of a palace coup, overthrowing her husband. Her era went down in history as a period of maximum enslavement of the peasants and extensive privileges for the nobles. So Catherine tried to thank the nobles for the power they received and strengthen her strength.

The period of rule went down in history as “the policy of enlightened absolutism.” Under Catherine, the Senate was transformed, passed provincial reform, the Lay Commission was convened. The secularization of the lands near the church was completed. Catherine the Second carried out reforms in almost every area. Police, city, judicial, educational, monetary, and customs reforms were carried out. Russia continued to expand its borders. As a result of the wars there was Crimea annexed, Black Sea region, Western Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania. Despite significant successes, Catherine's era is known as a period of flourishing corruption and favoritism.

Paul the First (1796 - 1801)

Son of Catherine the Second and Peter the Third. The relationship between the empress and her son was strained. Ekaterina saw on Russian throne his grandson Alexander. But before her death, the will disappeared, so power passed to Paul. The sovereign issued a law on succession to the throne and stopped the possibility of women ruling the country. The eldest male representative became the ruler. The position of the nobles was weakened and the position of the peasants was improved (a law on three-day corvee was adopted, the poll tax was abolished, and the separate sale of family members was prohibited). Administrative and military reforms were carried out. Drilling and censorship intensified.

Under Pavel, Russia joined the anti-French coalition, and troops led by Suvorov liberated Northern Italy from the French. Paul also prepared a campaign against India. He was killed in 1801 during a palace coup organized by his son Alexander.

Alexander the First (1801 - 1825)

Eldest son of Paul the First. He went down in history as Alexander the Blessed. He carried out moderate liberal reforms, their developer was Speransky and members of the Secret Committee. The reforms consisted of an attempt to weaken serfdom (a decree on free cultivators) and the replacement of Peter's colleges with ministries. A military reform was carried out, according to which military settlements were formed. They contributed to the maintenance of a standing army.

In foreign policy, Alexander maneuvered between England and France, moving closer to one country or another. Part of Georgia, Finland, Bessarabia, and part of Poland joined Russia. Alexander won the Patriotic War of 1812 with Napoleon. He died unexpectedly in 1825, which gave rise to rumors that the king became a hermit.

Nicholas the First (1825 - 1855)

Third son of Emperor Paul. He rose to reign because Alexander the First did not leave behind heirs, and his second brother Constantine abandoned the throne. The first days of his accession began with the Decembrist uprising, which the emperor suppressed. The emperor tightened the state of the country, his policy was aimed against the reforms and relaxations of Alexander the First. Nicholas was harsh, for which he was nicknamed Palkin (punishment with canes was the most common in his time).

During the time of Nicholas, the Secret Police was created, tracking future revolutionaries, the laws of the Russian Empire were codified, currency reform Kankrin and the reform of state peasants. Russia took part in wars with Turkey and Persia. At the end of Nicholas's reign, the difficult Crimean War took place, but the emperor died before it ended.

Alexander II (1855 - 1881)

Nicholas's eldest son went down in history as a great reformer who ruled in the 19th century. In history, Alexander II was called the Liberator. The Emperor had to end the bloody Crimean War; as a result, Russia signed an agreement that infringed on its interests. The great reforms of the emperor include: abolition of serfdom, modernization financial system, liquidation of military settlements, reforms of the middle and higher education, judicial and zemstvo reforms, improvement of local self-government and military reform, during which there was a refusal of recruits and the introduction of universal military service.

In foreign policy, he followed the course of Catherine II. Victories were won in the Caucasian and Russian-Turkish wars. Despite the great reforms, public discontent continued to grow. The emperor died as a result of a successful terrorist attack.

Alexander the Third (1881 - 1894)

During his reign, Russia did not wage a single war, for which Alexander the Third was called Emperor the Peacemaker. He adhered to conservative views and carried out a number of counter-reforms, unlike his father. Alexander the Third adopted the Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy, increased administrative pressure, and destroyed university self-government.

During his reign, the law “On cooks’ children” was adopted. It limited educational opportunities for children from the lower classes. The situation of the liberated peasants improved. The Peasant Bank was opened, redemption payments were lowered and the poll tax was abolished. Foreign policy The emperor was characterized by openness and peacefulness.

Nicholas II (1894 - 1917)

The last emperor of Russia and representative of the Romanov dynasty on the throne. His reign was characterized by sharp economic development and growth revolutionary movement. Nicholas II decided to go to war with Japan (1904 - 1905), which was lost. This increased public discontent and led to the revolution (1905 - 1907). As a result, Nicholas II signed a decree on the creation of the Duma. Russia became a Constitutional monarchy.

By order of Nicholas at the beginning of the 20th century, a agrarian reform(Stolypin project), monetary reform (Witte project) and the army was modernized. In 1914, Russia was drawn into the First World War. Which led to the strengthening of the revolutionary movement and the discontent of the people. In February 1917, a revolution took place, and Nicholas was forced to abdicate the throne. He was shot along with his family and courtiers in 1918. Imperial family Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Georgy Lvov (1917 - 1917)

Russian politician, held power from March to July 1917. He was the head of the Provisional Government, bore the title of prince, and came from distant branches of the Rurikovichs. He was appointed by Nicholas II after signing his abdication. He was a member of the first State Duma. He worked as the head of the Moscow City Duma. During the First World War, he created a union to help the wounded and delivered food and medicine to hospitals. After the failure of the June offensive at the front and the July uprising of the Bolsheviks, Georgy Evgenievich Lvov voluntarily resigned.

Alexander Kerensky (1917 - 1917)

He was the head of the Provisional Government from July to October 1917, until the October Socialist Revolution. He was a lawyer by training, was a member of the Fourth State Duma, and a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party. Alexander was Minister of Justice and Minister of War of the Provisional Government until July. Then he became chairman of the government, retaining his post as a military and Minister of the Navy. He was overthrown during the October Revolution and fled Russia. He lived in exile all his life and died in 1970.

Vladimir Lenin (1917 - 1924)

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - large Russian revolutionary. Leader of the Bolshevik Party, Marxist theorist. During the October Revolution, the Bolshevik Party came to power. Vladimir Lenin became the leader of the country and the creator of the first socialist state in the history of the world.

During Lenin's reign, World War I ended in 1918. Russia signed a humiliating peace and lost part of the territories of the southern regions (they later re-entered the country). Important decrees on peace, land and power were signed. The Civil War continued until 1922, in which the Bolshevik army won. Labor reform was carried out, a clear working day, mandatory days off and vacation were established. All workers received the right to a pension. Every person has the right to free education and healthcare. The capital was moved to Moscow. The USSR was created.

Along with many social reforms came persecution of religion. Almost all churches and monasteries were closed, property was liquidated or stolen. Mass terror and executions continued, an unbearable surplus appropriation system was introduced (a tax on grain and food paid by peasants), and a mass exodus of the intelligentsia and cultural elite was introduced. Died in 1924, in recent years I was ill and practically cannot lead the country. This the only person, whose body still lies in an embalmed state on Red Square.

Joseph Stalin (1924 - 1953)

In the course of numerous intrigues, Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili became the leader of the country. Soviet revolutionary, supporter of Marxism. The time of his reign is still considered controversial. Stalin aimed the country's development towards mass industrialization and collectivization. Formed a super-centralized administrative-command system. His rule became an example of harsh autocracy.

Heavy industry was actively developing in the country, there was an increase in the construction of factories, reservoirs, canals and other large-scale projects. But often the work was carried out by prisoners. Stalin's time is remembered mass terror, conspiracies against many intellectuals, executions, deportation of peoples, violation of fundamental human rights. The personality cult of Stalin and Lenin flourished.

Stalin was supreme commander in chief during the Great Patriotic War. Under his leadership soviet army won a victory in the USSR and reached Berlin, an act was signed unconditional surrender Germany. Stalin died in 1953.

Nikita Khrushchev (1953 - 1962)

Khrushchev's reign is called the "thaw". During his leadership, many political “criminals” were released or had their sentences commuted, and ideological censorship was reduced. The USSR was actively exploring space and for the first time under Nikita Sergeevich, our cosmonauts flew into outer space. The construction of residential buildings was developing at an active pace to provide apartments for young families.

Khrushchev's policy was aimed at combating personal farming. He forbade collective farmers from keeping personal livestock. The Corn Campaign was actively pursued - an attempt to make corn the main grain crop. Virgin lands were being developed en masse. Khrushchev's reign was remembered for the Novocherkassk execution of workers, Cuban missile crisis, the beginning of the Cold War, the construction Berlin Wall. Khrushchev was removed from his post as First Secretary as a result of the conspiracy.

Leonid Brezhnev (1962 - 1982)

The period of Brezhnev's rule in history was called the “era of stagnation.” However, in 2013 he was recognized as the best leader of the USSR. Heavy industry continued to develop in the country, and the light sector grew at a minimal rate. In 1972, an anti-alcohol campaign passed, and the volume of alcohol production decreased, but the shadow sector of surrogate distribution increased.

Under the leadership of Leonid Brezhnev, it was unleashed Afghan war, in 1979. The international policy of the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was aimed at defusing world tensions in connection with the Cold War. A joint declaration on non-proliferation was signed in France nuclear weapons. In 1980, the Summer Olympics were held in Moscow.

Yuri Andropov (1982 - 1984)

Andropov was chairman of the KGB from 1967 to 1982, this could not but affect the short period of his reign. The role of the KGB was strengthened. Created special units, who oversaw enterprises and organizations of the USSR. A large-scale campaign to strengthen labor discipline at factories took place. Yuri Andropov began a general purge of the party apparatus. Conducted high-profile processes on corruption issues. Planned to begin modernizing the political apparatus and a number of economic transformation. Andropov died in 1984 as a result of kidney failure due to gout.

Konstantin Chernenko (1984 - 1985)

Chernenko became a leader of the state at the age of 72, already having serious problems with health. And he was considered just an intermediate figure. He was in power for a little less than a year. Historians disagree about the role of Konstantin Chernenko. Some believe that he slowed down Andropov’s initiatives by concealing corruption cases. Others believe that Chernenko continued the policies of his predecessor. Konstantin Ustinovich died of cardiac arrest in March 1985.

Mikhail Gorbachev (1985 - 1991)

Became the last general secretary parties and the last leader USSR. Gorbachev's role in the life of the country is considered controversial. He received many awards, the most prestigious - Nobel Prize peace. Under him, fundamental reforms were carried out and state policy was changed. Gorbachev charted a course for “perestroika” - introduction market relations, democratic development countries, openness and freedom of speech. All this led the unprepared country to a deep crisis. Under Mikhail Sergeevich, Soviet troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan and the Cold War ended. The USSR and the Warsaw bloc collapsed.

Table of the reign of Russian tsars

A table representing all the rulers of Russia in chronological order. Next to the name of each king, emperor and head of state is the time of his reign. The diagram gives an idea of ​​the succession of monarchs.

Ruler name The temporary period of government of the country
John the Fourth 1533 – 1584
Fedor Ioannovich 1584 – 1598
Irina Fedorovna 1598 – 1598
Boris Godunov 1598 – 1605
Fedor Godunov 1605 – 1605
False Dmitry 1605 – 1606
Vasily Shuisky 1606 – 1610
Vladislav the Fourth 1610 – 1613
Mikhail Romanov 1613 – 1645
Alexey Mikhailovich 1645 – 1676
Fedor Alekseevich 1676 – 1682
John the Fifth 1682 – 1696
Peter the Great 1682 – 1725
Catherine the First 1725 – 1727
Peter the Second 1727 – 1730
Anna Ioannovna 1730 – 1740
John the Sixth 1740 – 1741
Elizaveta Petrovna 1741 – 1762
Peter the Third 1762 -1762
Catherine II 1762 – 1796
Pavel I 1796 – 1801
Alexander the First 1801 – 1825
Nicholas the First 1825 – 1855
Alexander II 1855 – 1881
Alexander the Third 1881 – 1894
Nicholas II 1894 – 1917
Georgy Lvov 1917 – 1917
Alexander Kerensky 1917 – 1917
Vladimir Lenin 1917 – 1924
Joseph Stalin 1924 – 1953
Nikita Khrushchev 1953 – 1962
Leonid Brezhnev 1962 – 1982
Yuri Andropov 1982 – 1984
Konstantin Chernenko 1984 – 1985
Mikhail Gorbachev 1985 — 1991

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