Maxim Vlasov psychology. You can't be offended by people who suffer from a similar illness.

In essence, our lives consist of rhythmically closing circles. For some, the overall pattern resembles a string of pearls, for others, it resembles cheap jewelry. And for others, the circles are superimposed on one another: diametrically equal or different. There are countless variations. And you never know what circle you will close next time - or will it close on its own? It already depends on your attitude towards your life. I sometimes like to watch the process, sometimes to think that I myself decide what to do next.

As soon as there is a feeling of being filled with anxiety, the circle is outlined. Contents are voluminous, in three-dimensional space it's already a ball. But on paper - so far only a circle. The line can be continued - endless circles are not interesting. It’s much more fun to alternate elements with each other, different in volume, content, color, filling and even dynamics. Build, try on, select, sometimes make mistakes. But still try to make something beautiful. A separate segment can be beautiful. Or maybe an individually unattractive element in the overall picture will look vibrant. And impress.

When you begin to get involved in the process, anxiety disappears somewhere. This is perhaps the first tool: to get rid of anxiety about any issue, you need get carried away with something else. Switch consciousness. No remote control? You're lying, you're just not looking for him. As my yoga instructor says, “if you have your hands closed, you can hypothetically do this form.” Anything will help: paper - write, it will endure anything, music - it distracts, dancing - it turns you on, meditation - it relaxes. Friends, family or, conversely, loneliness. Only what reflects the essence of your prism is useful. After all, it is through it that you look at yourself and your surroundings.

Must always remain a chance to change something radically: life or just gloves, it doesn't matter. We need a living stream. True, its flow should correspond to the volume of your readiness to accept change. I used to get a job extra work. Now I'm just changing my shoes. No, there is not a mountain of them in the closet.

And stop obsessing over comparisons. Myself with someone. Him with his friend. Your wallet with someone else's. Comparative analysis is already inherent in us by nature, it is useless to focus on it, and its cyclic form is the same circle. There is only one way to get it wet: tell yourself “Stop.” This is the case when it is better to say “No” instead of “Yes”.

Nothing helps? Look for the target. Specific. For today. Perhaps not the main one - but in order to “overcome a journey of 1000 miles, you need to take at least a step.” To lay out a beautiful ornament you need be interested in this. At least while you're doing it. And, probably, over and over again ask the question: what will I do next?

John Galsworthy

Psychology is a very interesting, useful and even, one might say, valuable science. After all, she is studying not just something, but mental activity person, by which we mean many various processes, flowing in our consciousness. Man has always been a mystery to himself. And to a large extent it remains so today. We still know too little about ourselves. But despite all the mystery human soul and mind, psychology has made significant progress in the field of knowledge of the essence of man. And this allowed us to learn a lot of new and interesting things about ourselves. In this article, dear readers, I want to tell you all the most interesting things about psychology that you need to know about it so that you show interest in this science and understand how useful it is for studying. And since on this site I will post very useful articles on the topic of psychology, touching on absolutely all aspects human life, then it is very important for me that you show serious interest in my works, which, believe me, will bring you great benefit.

I believe that psychology is present moment underestimated in terms of its usefulness, both for an individual person and for society as a whole. Maybe I’m wrong, but judging by the problems many people have to face in life and given the importance of these problems, psychology could well replace some other subjects in school in order to prepare children for life with early years. But it is what it is. We know what we were taught. But now, being adults and reasonable people, we ourselves need to start teaching ourselves what is useful for us to know. And knowledge of psychology, I repeat, is very useful for life. And in this article I will prove it to you. So don’t be lazy, read it carefully to the end, and you will begin to look at life with completely different eyes!

Psychology is

First of all, friends, let's find out what psychology is. Psychology is the science of the soul. This is if you translate it literally. But modern psychology does not study the soul of a person, it studies his psyche. And the human psyche is his inner world with its own laws of formation and functioning. That is, human psyche represents a system of subjective images of reality, which we call the inner world. Each person has his own inner world, but it is worth noting that much in our inner worlds coincides, therefore the behavior of most people in the same situations is largely predictable. Thus, psychology studies the inner world of a person with different points point of view, and more precisely, from all possible points of view. I will say this so that you understand what the meaning of psychology is - psychology is the key to a person’s knowledge of himself, and he, a person, according to many thinkers, with whom I completely agree, is the key to knowledge of the world. Having known ourselves, we know the world, we know all the processes that take place in it. In general, this is a theory, but I think it is very close to reality. Well, why do we need to know ourselves, and even more so, to know the whole world, you, dear friends, I think there is no need to explain. After all, this is not only strength and power, it is also great happiness - to understand who you are, what world you live in and why you live at all.

How often do people wonder about the meaning of life? Personally, have you ever asked yourself the question - what is the meaning of your life? It seems to me that they asked. After all, if you have shown interest in this article, then you definitely care who you are and why you live. So, believe me, many people ask this question. I'll even say this - anyone reasonable person wonders about the meaning of life. Why? Because in life we ​​have to experience all sorts of moments, both good and bad. We, in fact, fight for survival every day, we strive for something, overcome obstacles, face all sorts of problems and tasks, suffer, rejoice, experience pain and pleasure. Therefore, it is quite natural that we want to know why, why do we need all this? Why do we fight for survival, why do we endure, suffer, humiliate ourselves when necessary, believe in something or someone, hope for the best and constantly be prepared for the worst, which is final goal process of life, what and why are we moving towards? This is how we think about the meaning of our lives and life in general. Do you know where the answer to this question is? According to many thinkers, it is within ourselves. It’s hard to disagree with this statement, because having understood who we are, we will most likely understand what we were created for. And why this whole world was created in general - we will certainly understand this too, having known ourselves. And I am sure that understanding all this would greatly simplify our lives. Indeed, at that moment when this very life does not work out, when we experience pain and suffering, when we are forced to make enormous efforts for basic survival, we really want to know what we should live for. And in general, in order to calm our minds, we need to know what role each of us plays in the process of being. So psychology is also a rather mysterious science, because it studies the largely mysterious and little-known inner world of a person, which is fraught with no less mysteries than the entire Universe. And perhaps even more. Therefore it is worth studying. But, let's see what psychology gives us from a practical, and more precisely, from an everyday point of view. Still, we all need to solve a lot of everyday problems and tasks every day, and therefore we must understand how psychology can help us with this.

Why is psychology needed?

So, why is psychology needed? Is it so important to study it, spending your time and effort on it, to the detriment of other sciences? Friends, I could bring you whole list the benefits you will get if you start studying human psychology. But I'll put it simply so you get the gist of it. this issue and they themselves could draw the right conclusions based on it. Knowledge of psychology will help you make more correct decisions in life, even in areas that have nothing to do with psychology. From buying something in a store to choosing a partner for life together– you always need to make a choice about what to do right. Your decisions depend on your choices, and your life depends on your decisions. What does your choice depend on? From your understanding of its pattern. And this understanding, in turn, depends on your knowledge and understanding of yourself, that is, on the knowledge of psychology.

This world has its own patterns, which you need to be able to navigate and which you need to understand correctly in order to apply the knowledge of these patterns to achieve the planned results. This is the path to what you can consider success for yourself. You need to understand, if not all, then many important processes for life that occur in our world in various areas. Knowing what follows from what, you can accept right decisions, minimizing the number of mistakes you make in life, which will allow you to achieve the results you need much more often. And what results and in what areas you need, this, I repeat, is up to you to decide. That is, you decide for yourself what you need to succeed in. And based on this, you study the processes and patterns that correspond to your goals and desires. Each science studies certain processes - physics for some, chemistry for others, biology for others, mathematics for others, astronomy for others, and so on. We need science in order to explain the structure of the world and understand the patterns in it. Psychology, and at the same time sociology, and many others social science– study the processes that allow us to understand the pattern of human behavior, as well as the reasons and goals of his behavior. In other words, we study psychology in order to understand the principle of human work, and to be able to influence this work in the way we need.

In general, I believe that you should study everything if possible. For example, I’m interested in knowing everything. But, unfortunately, I am not enough for everything. Therefore, since our capabilities in understanding the world are still limited, it is better to give preference to everything that influences our lives more than anything else. How much does psychology influence our lives? Well, if you think about it, then we have to deal with people very often in life. And even more so, we constantly have to deal with ourselves. Therefore, understanding the reasons for your own and others’ behavior, as well as being able to influence it, is, in my opinion, very important. Therefore, psychology greatly influences our lives. Here you can also draw a very relevant analogy, in my opinion, with instructions for various instruments, devices, and equipment. Let's say, if you want to know how to properly use a washing machine, you study the instructions that come with it, right? Knowing what to do and how to do it, you do it correctly, and everything works the way you need it. The situation is similar with people. Knowing how to behave with them, how to influence them, and at the same time influence yourself, you can achieve the results you need from yourself and from other people. Therefore, we can say that psychology is a kind of instruction for a person. And your ability to manage yourself and other people will depend on how well you know it. Is this important to us? I think so. In any case, for me, it is much more important to know how a person works than, say, how a nuclear reactor works. I just have to deal with people much more often in life than with many other things, and even more so with nuclear reactor. Therefore, I want to understand people best, and only then, if possible, everything else. I respect very much: physics, mathematics, geometry, geography, medicine and many others are very interesting and undoubtedly useful sciences. I love everything humanities. But I give preference to psychology, since it is more important to me. This is my choice. I want it that way. You, of course, are free to decide for yourself what and why is more important for you to know.

If we look at this issue even more broadly, I believe that we need psychology in order to make our own and others’ behavior the way it should be so that we live in harmony and happiness. The better we understand ourselves and those around us, the calmer and more prosperous our lives will be, the more reasonable we will behave towards each other. Psychology helps us see ourselves as we are and at the same time, it allows us to understand what we can become if we work on ourselves in a certain way. That is, psychology is a constantly updated instruction for a person, depending on the person himself. There are people who are at a primitive level of development; they have their own vision of the world, their own rules, their own patterns of behavior. There are more developed and complex thinking people, with less clear and predictable behavior and difficult rules life. They have their own vision of the world, their own values, their own approach to certain matters. So people can be very different, but at the same time they must be able to get along with each other, because they depend on each other. And without understanding other people, it is difficult for us to get along with them, and understanding requires us to accept those who are not like us, who are not like us. This alone is enough to understand how useful psychology is. This means that it should be studied, if possible, in all available ways. And today there are plenty of these ways!

How to study psychology

Now let's talk about how you can and how you should study psychology. Of course, with the help of this site, how else. Kidding. Or rather, I'm exaggerating. My site will certainly help you a lot in studying human psychology, but it alone is not enough, because my efforts alone will not be enough to fully reveal psychology for you, although I will try to do this. Additionally, you should never rely on just one source when learning anything. All people, without exception, tend to make mistakes - this is the first thing. The second is that each individual person is able to study this or that issue well from one or more points of view, but not from all. We all miss something from our sight, it is inevitable. The world is too complex, and even one specific area of ​​science, such as psychology, is very deep and can be studied different people differently. Therefore, each person gives only such knowledge as he can give due to his capabilities. So I'm being completely honest with you - study psychology in different sources. First of all, these are, of course, books and articles, as well as video lessons and audio recordings. Articles are useful primarily because they allow you to save a lot of time, since they contain conclusions made by the authors of these articles based on reading several books. But at the same time, each article may not explain something as completely and in detail as a good book does.

You should also understand that success in learning something depends on how smoothly you enter the topic you are studying. When reading an article or book on psychology, you must understand what this article or book is about. This is very important. In every book and article there are dark and light spots, that is, those areas that a person understands [bright spots] and which he does not understand [dark spots]. So, there should be more bright spots so that you can easily assimilate the material you are studying. It is very difficult to completely avoid dark spots; we always misunderstand something when we read about something, even if we read very thoughtfully, because we can overlook some points. But these dark spots should be much smaller than the light ones. Otherwise there will be no benefit from reading. Therefore, there is a very simple rule that you need to follow while studying psychology. If you open a book and do not understand what is written in it, close it and put it aside. On at the moment, this is a bad book for you because it is unclear. Take another book on the same topic, but simpler so that you understand what it says, and start studying the subject from there. It’s the same with articles - don’t read articles you don’t understand, leave them for later, when your level of understanding has increased and you can understand what is written in them. Simply put, move from simple to complex, and you will be able to study everything that interests you, in particular psychology.

As for studying psychology with the help of other people, with the help of teachers, then if you find yourself good teacher, then it will be very good for you. Learning something with the help of other people is much easier than learning it yourself. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to go to university to study psychology. Many of them are behind the times and therefore teach for too long and not flexible enough. They often use outdated programs and teaching methods, as a result of which students are given a lot of unnecessary and inappropriate information. important information, which complicates and lengthens the learning process, but does not make it better. But at the same time, in good university, you will certainly learn a lot. Therefore, if time and opportunities allow you to study at a university, at a good university - this is very important, you, of course, can go this route. But if you want to quickly understand the basics of psychology that are most important for life, it is better to learn it yourself, or with the help of a personal teacher who will select a suitable program for you and allow you to master it very quickly. In my opinion, it is simpler and faster. In general, to save time and effort, before studying something, set yourself as many specific goal– what and why you want to study. Let’s say, when studying psychology, decide which one is most important for you. current moment tasks you want to study. And based on this, select appropriate materials for study. That is, approach the study of psychology from the side that is most important to you at the moment. Accuracy is what matters. The more precise you are in your plans, the faster you will implement them. In general, I can tell you from experience that studying psychology is very interesting, so sometimes you don’t notice how far you have come in this matter, reading one book after another. So the main thing is to start, and then everything will work out on its own, because what more interesting subject studying, the easier it is to study it. And psychology, I repeat, is very interesting science because it is useful for life. You can immediately begin to apply the acquired knowledge in psychology in your life and receive real results in the most different areas, even in relationships with other people, even in matters related to making money. I remember when I fully realized the benefits of psychology, I fell in love with this science.

And finally, I want to tell you, dear friends, that on this site I will post materials [articles] on psychology in such a way that, firstly, you can easily assimilate them, and secondly, they are of an applied practical nature, that is, so that you can apply all the knowledge acquired on this site in your life, and thirdly, that each article is in one way or another connected with another article - this will significantly increase the digestibility of the material and give you the most complete understanding of psychology and its influence on our lives . So, friends, read my site, and your life is guaranteed to change for the better, because psychology is really great strength!

... psychologist, because a neurotic disorder is also a kind of crime, only it is directed against oneself. However, without the help of qualified specialists, my self-analysis is unlikely to lead to the desired result. That's why I decided to contact you. Unfortunately, despite my high sexual potency, I was never able to experience the joy of a close relationship with a person of the opposite sex. I have never had a sexual partner, and this is due to my complexes, which developed as a result of physical inferiority (impaired motor functions and vestibular apparatus). You know, from my early childhood I noticed one very strange feature in myself: every time I get very strong sexual arousal when I see or imagine an attractive (to my taste) woman driving a car. Moreover, than more mass car, the stronger excitement. The object of my special desire is a woman's hands that have ever turned the steering wheel of a car. Especially the palms. It seems to me that the reason for my such an emotional and sensual reaction to this phenomenon lies in excessive subtle feeling a certain paradoxical and contrasting combination of soft tenderness (female hands) and tough, deadly force (the wheels of a heavy car, which these hands control through the steering wheel). At the same time, it is important for me that the driver (in in this case beautiful woman) is located precisely inside the car she is driving, being part of its mass. I, of course, understand that this is a topic for a long, detailed conversation, but I still dare to ask you: what do you think this briefly stated “character quirk” of mine may indicate? Is it a symptom of any mental disorder? I am alarmed by the fact that none of the people with whom I have interacted in this life have such inclinations. And in general, I have never heard anywhere that the fact - both real and imagined in erotic fantasies - of a woman driving a car caused such powerful sexual experiences in anyone. Taking this opportunity, I would like to briefly discuss something else interesting that is characteristic of my humble person. Since I was 9 years old, I have been afraid of funeral processions, especially with brass bands. However, at the same time, I am constantly drawn towards the churchyards: I feel some kind of irresistible desire to take a walk there or at least drive public transport along the cemetery wall. Unfortunately, physical health rarely allows me to do this. I’m even surprised to catch myself wanting to hear the sounds of that same terrifying Chopin march again, in order to experience those emotions again... And I’m interested in this question. It seems to me that the emergence of a manic interest in things or phenomena that cause strong irrational fear is quite natural. What do you think? Looking forward to participating, Max. 41 years old

What do you think, dear readers, how much are you worth, and what does your price generally consist of? And your price consists solely of your idea of ​​yourself and nothing more. What price you set for yourself, how much you value yourself, is how much you will be worth, remember this. If we're talking about about someone telling you […]

The first thing you need to learn in relationships with other people is that they cannot be prevented from being happy - the way they want to be. Henry James The psychology of relationships between people has always been, is and remains one of the most important, most significant topics for the vast majority of people. It is no exaggeration to say - eternal theme, in which […]

What we cannot avoid in this life are mistakes and misconceptions that will haunt us throughout our lives. This key point in the psychological attitude of every person - you will always make mistakes, you will always be mistaken and mistaken. And therefore, dear friends, you should treat this normally, not make […]

One of the basic and most powerful natural instincts of a person is the instinct of power, the need to dominate and keep everything under control, which gives a person a colossal amount of energy. Power includes many accompanying factors, such as fame and recognition, subordination to the will of others, and a sense of freedom, which can be fully felt when you […]

According to my observation of a person's thinking and comparing what I see and understand with research and theoretical conclusions famous psychologists, I came to the conclusion that I consider human thinking to be exclusively an adaptive reaction to the reality around him. At the same time, I am omitting such a part as fantasies; this is another topic, which also has many of its own nuances. […]

Justifications for our actions, both for others and for ourselves, are the first to pop into our heads when something doesn’t work out for us. This natural phenomenon, because our ego is looking for someone to blame, but not ourselves, so wonderful and beautiful, because you and I really are, and no one except ourselves dares us […]

What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good. Aristotle Many people ask the question - what is the meaning of life? And then they diligently search for the answer to this question, studying a variety of opinions of famous and not so famous people, which can be found in numerous sources of information. And there are many opinions on this matter. Some people see the meaning of life in [...]

Such a thinking pathology as autism is very often observed in mentally ill people. unhealthy people, for example, among schizophrenics, who see the world around them in the form of hallucinations and illusions, far from reality. Autism is special kind thinking, which gives a false idea of ​​the surrounding reality, and also forces a person to draw incorrect conclusions, clouding his mind. There are people who borrow like this [...]

If, while communicating with a person, you feel some discomfort and a feeling of depression, it means that your interlocutor is consciously, or without realizing it, putting pressure on your psyche. For a person who does not understand the psychology of behavior, this is simply unpleasant communication, which causes certain feelings, irritation, rejection, contempt and some others, in a word, a feeling of discomfort and anxiety. It's all about [...]

First tell yourself what you want to become, and then do what you have to do. Epictetus Who is an extrovert? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? How to communicate with an extrovert? How to build a relationship with him? What are the weak and strengths extrovert? You, dear readers, will find answers to these and other questions in this article. We will discuss everything with you [...]

Despite the fact that I am far from being the Minister of Defense, although I do not really constrain myself in expressions, I will still refrain from words and comparisons that could offend Mr. Kerry. God forbid we create an international scandal. I am not used to apologizing to presidents and their collaborators, despite the fact that they do not need my apologies. However, like me in their excuses.

But I need to speak out, and I turn to science for help.

Before me is an article by psychologist Maxim Vlasov. He claims that there are people who are not convinced of anything by any logical arguments. They are so obsessed with their idea that they follow it unquestioningly. These people are distinguished by rigidity and perseverance. They are sensitive to insults and neglect from others. Such people, according to specialists, have mental disorders. They are not healthy at all. Unfortunately, these people no longer adequately perceive the surrounding reality. Scientifically, this disease, please note this to Mr. Kerry and his owner, is called paranoia, which very often borders on fanaticism.

Maxim Vlasov states: “The fact is that scientists and doctors do not yet really know the cause of paranoia, nor the methods of treating it. And although, of course, paranoia can be treated, including through psychotherapy, there are no guarantees for the patient’s successful recovery; some argue that this is impossible in principle...”

And then I thought, why be indignant about Uncle Joe’s crazy speeches and equally crazy statements? He is sick, and, apparently, incurably. You cannot be offended by people suffering from such an illness.

I am sure that all sensible Israelis understand this, except for the “hereditary duke” who seized power in the workers’ party, and the Israeli finance minister, who advocates for the well-being of the middle class in general and one woman in particular. I keep forgetting her name. Well, God is with her and with the people who are ready to pay for the economic well-being of the “people” with the sacred land of the Jewish state. The main thing is for the Prime Minister of Israel to remember that the soil of our country is not “shagreen skin” in its mirror image. You cannot bargain with the world for an ephemeral “peace” by territorial concessions in particular and any other concessions to terror in general. Even for economic handouts. You cannot tear off a single piece from the “shagreen skin” in exchange for smiles and pats on the back of the anti-Semitic powers. I'm sorry. Powers have nothing to do with this. To clarify, anti-Semitic leaders. Lord, I misspoke again. How many times have I promised myself not to cut the truth in the forehead. So no, I couldn’t resist.

Kerry’s latest speech is nothing more than direct blackmail of Israel with a global boycott. The subtext of his words sounds like an overt threat to cancel American protection of Israel from attacks from the outside world and to stop financial and military assistance. Naturally, these threats were not made directly. But he who knows how to hear will hear. A senior Israeli government official told the media mass media the following: “Kerry threshes and crushes Israel like grain in a mortar, demanding constant concessions from us. But at the same time, Abu Mazen did not retreat one step from his positions, and this obviously suits the American representative quite well.”

Undoubtedly, it suits me. It’s just not entirely clear to me what’s in to a greater extent forces the Secretary of State of such a great and powerful country to destroy small state Israel?! Anti-Semitism? Damaged pride? Or the disease I mentioned above? Or maybe all at once?

And one more thing. “If now, at the stage of drawing up the framework agreement, the US Secretary of State is taking such a unilateral approach, one can imagine what will happen next.

However, if you look at the current situation in cold blood, the international boycott of Israel that Kerry is threatening is not such a strong weapon in his hands,” the senior politician noted in a morning interview with Kol Israel radio.

I cannot help but quote the statement of Economy Minister Naftali Bennett:

“There is no people in the world who agree to give up their state due to the threat of an economic boycott. Security, not a terrorist state near Ben Gurion Airport, will bring economic prosperity to Israel."

Right, minister, right.

Mr. Netanyahu, you understand that your minister is right! Or am I wrong?

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