Diagnostic work surrounding the world.docx - Diagnostic work on the surrounding world. Additional task: find out and write who it is? Which plant is an algae?

Diagnostic tasks on the surrounding world

topic No. 1 “We and our world” (10 hours)

A basic level of

Increased level

Evaluation criteria

Tasks basic level

are valued at

1 point subject to complete completion of the task ,

0 points if there is an error or failure to complete the task.

Be able to identify three components of the surrounding world, which are nature, culture and people.

1. Choose a suitable caption for each photo: nature, people, culture.

Be able to distinguish between natural objects and human-made objects.

2. Check the “extra” box.

Be able to distinguish between living and non-living wildlife.

3. Divide the words into 2 groups: stone, blueberry, ladybug, cloud, snowflake.

Be able to establish a connection between objects of living nature and images of nature in works of culture.

4. For each photograph depicting living nature, select a photograph of the image of nature in works of culture.

1 point – 1 mistake made,

Be able to establish connections between cultural objects and the materials from which they are made.

5. Connect cultural objects with the materials from which they are made with lines.

Be able to identify and name sense organs.

6. Look at the photographs. Match them with the names of a person’s feelings.

The task was completed completely correctly - 2 points,

1 point – 1 mistake made,

task not completed - 0 points

Be able to understand special place person in the surrounding world.

7. Caption photos of people. Use words for reference.

The task was completed completely correctly - 2 points,

1 point – 1 mistake made,

task not completed - 0 points

Diagnostic work No. 1 in section: "We and our world"

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ _______________________________________________________________

    Choose a suitable caption for each photo: nature, people, culture.

__________________ _________________ ___________________

    Tick ​​the “extra” checkbox:

□ linden □ chamomile

□ hedgehog □ ship

    Divide the words into 2 groups: stone, blueberry, ladybug, cloud, snowflake.

Live nature: _______________________________________________________

Inanimate nature: _____________________________________________________

    For each photograph depicting living nature, select a photograph of the image of nature in works of culture:

    Connect cultural objects with the materials from which they are made with lines:

Wooden window clay

Vases, metal pots

Church tree

Bell stone

    Look at the photographs. Match them with the names of a person’s feelings.

02.06.2017 06:28

Diagnostic test around the world in 3rd grade with keys

“Diagnostic test on the surrounding world, grade 3”

Diagnostic test on the surrounding world, grade 3


F I of the student

1. What distinguishes humans from other living beings?



2. What is the characteristics of the country?

    State symbols

    State dance

    Color of the skin

    Native language

3. Which herbaceous plant is cultivated?

4. What are substances?

5. Which plant is an algae?


    Water lily

    water chestnut

    Sea kale

6. Which animal belongs to the group of reptiles?



7. Which organ belongs to circulatory system?

8. What mineral is used as fuel?


9. What plant is grown to feed domestic animals?

  1. Cotton

10. What are the payments that citizens and organizations are required to make to the state called?

11 P. What helps a person accumulate his knowledge about the world?



  1. Inner world

12 P. What substance is gaseous?



13 P. Which link in the food chain is the first?


    Predatory animals



14 P. Which lines indicate organ systems?

    Heart, veins, arteries

    Stomach, lungs, brain

    Esophagus, stomach, intestines

    Arms, legs, head

15 P. What countries are located in Europe?


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"The Key to the Test"

Key to the test


Correct answer

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"the world"

CMM for intermediate certification

around the world

Interim certification form

Total tasks

Number of tasks basic level

Number of tasks higher level


Job No.

Planned results

Man is part of nature and society; relationship between nature and man

Knowledge of country characteristics

What are bodies and substances; variety of substances

Knowledge of the main groups of plants; ability to recognize natural objects

Knowledge of the main groups of animals; ability to recognize natural objects

Structure of the human body, main organ systems

Role natural resources in economics

The role of natural resources in the economy; main industries Agriculture

People's needs; goods and services; the role of money in the economy; budget


What are bodies and substances, a variety of substances


Knowledge of the relationship between living and inanimate nature, within living nature


Knowledge of the structure of the human body and major organ systems


Knowledge of countries foreign Europe


Total points

Godunova A

Kazarin R

Kaftaykina D

Kaftaykina J

Kaftaykina M

Colomina Yu

Portnyagin S

Sidorov V

Subbotina V

Trambaeva K

Shabalina A

High level of work performance – 17–22 points.

Average level completing the work – 11–16 points.

Low level performance of work – less than 11 points.

Municipal Autonomous educational institution
"Nyrobskaya average comprehensive school
named after Hero Soviet Union A.V.Florenko"
School competition didactic means training
"Diagnostic materials on the subject
"The world around us" for 2nd grade"
Primary school teacher
Naumova Olga Petrovna

Explanatory note
Introduction of new educational standards into the education system
caused important task– the need for diagnostic materials,
allowing you to organize a monitoring system for educational and personal
student achievements. How to track the formation and level of development
universal educational activities students? How to take into account unique
Personal characteristics of each child? All these questions are actively
are currently being discussed. The need to organize the system
monitoring on the one hand, and on the other hand insufficiency
developed diagnostic works on the subject “The World around us”,
allowing to assess the level of formation of universal educational
actions served as the basis for this development.
The proposed tests allow you to find out how much knowledge, skills and
skills of 2nd grade students at the end school year correspond
program requirements, and how students are able to use knowledge,
acquired during training in 2nd grade, skills and abilities in
execution test work.
The content of the assignments corresponds to the course study blocks
« the world" The tests can reflect the concept
Federal state standard primary general education
(competency-based approach, differentiation of tasks by level of complexity and
etc.). All options contain tasks three levels complexity – basic,
elevated and high (parts A, B, C). These tests can be used for
intermediate control in 2nd grade and starting diagnostics level
knowledge of schoolchildren at the beginning of the 3rd.

Objectives: to check the development of the ability to identify significant
signs of objects living and inanimate nature;
read the task meaningfully, plan its execution, install
compliance, exercise self-control;
test your knowledge of the sequence of months of the year;
test your knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature;
determine the level of subject and meta-subject skills in 2nd grade.
The materials of these tests will allow the teacher:
check the level of absorption theoretical material for all major
topics of the course “the world around us” studied in 2nd grade;
determine whether students have the ability to use acquired knowledge in
identify gaps in students’ knowledge and adjust the work plan to
repetition and consolidation of the material covered;
use differentiated approach in teaching;
gradually prepare students for the test form of control in order to
orient them in the future to the format of the state final
Test structure
The test contains 11 tasks, divided into three parts.
Part A – tasks 18, they involve choosing a single answer from
four proposed.

Part B is tasks 910, they require an independent answer or solution.
Part C - task 11, this task high level difficulties here
You need to write down a short answer.
Test scoring
One lesson is allotted for completing the test work. For processing
tests the teacher can use five-point system assessments. For each
Correctly completed task of parts A - B of the test is given 1 point. Part assignment
C is assessed separately and only with a “mark” of 5 for correct execution.
Based on the number of mistakes made, the teacher reduces the number
points. Thus, maximum amount points for the whole work (parts
AB) – 10.
Scale for converting points into a five-point rating:
10 points – score “5”
89 points – score “4”
67 points – score “3”
05 points – score “2”
These tests were carried out by me in 2nd grade as a current
Verification work. In general, students coped with all tasks,
The average completion rate is 72%. Based on these results, there were
prospects are outlined: attention should be paid to the formation of
students are able to distinguish between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature,
define them essential features; read the assignment meaningfully,
plan its implementation, establish compliance, implement
self-control. In addition, attention should be paid to the formation of
students' ability to translate information into sign system. IN

in the future, when preparing for lessons, it is necessary to take into account the received
results, identify opportunities to support students,
those with learning difficulties, and opportunities to support those who are able
Option 1
Part A
1. Indicate an object of living nature.
1) sun
2) stones
3) moon
4) mushrooms

…. ­ …. ­ …. ­ ….. ­ …..
a) woolen clothes
b) sheep
c) wool fabric
d) wool thread
d) wool
1) bdgva
2) bvgad
3) dubvg
4) gvdba
3. Name an insectivorous bird:
1) eagle
2) woodpecker
3) falcon
4) bullfinch
4. The beginning of the river is called -
1) influx
2) mouth
3) sleeve
4) source
5. Brown color The map shows:
1) bodies of water
2) plains
3) mountains

4) savannas
6. Indicate the group that lists the animals that enter the winter
1) Squirrel, fox, sheep, polar bear
2) Badger, otter, wolf, seal
3) Turtle, giraffe, lion, hare
4) Hedgehog, brown bear, ladybug, frog
7. Specify a device for determining the sides of the horizon:
1) Thermometer
2) Compass
3) Stopwatch
4) Spyglass
8. Indicate a profession that is not related to agriculture:
1) Milkmaid
2) Steelmaker
3) agronomist
4) livestock specialist
9. What is it called? natural satellite, orbiting the Earth?
Part B
10. Temperature rise above zero degrees during the cold season.
What is this?
Answer: ____________________________
Part C
11. Determine what we are talking about.
This is a kind of ecological device, a model of underwater
peace. Its equipment consists of soil, aquatic plants,
devices for enriching water with oxygen and maintaining
constant temperature. The device is not only pleasing to the eye
humans, but also provides conditions for fish close to
Answer: ________________________
Option 2
Part A
1. Indicate an object of inanimate nature -
1) Fish
2) Lake
3) Grass

4) Insect
2. Set the sequence:
…..­ ….. ­ …. ­ …..
a) paper
b) tree
c) book
d) wood
1) abvg
2) vagb
3) bgav
4) gbav
3. Indicate a bird that is granivorous -
1) Linnet
2) Hawk
3) Swift
4) Falcon
4. Fruits in plants are formed on the spot:
1) Kidney
2) Roots
3) Leaves
4) Flowers
5. Indicate what is necessary for plant life -
1) Meat, fruits, vegetables
2) Fish, vegetables, meat
3) Sun, air, water
4) Oil, jelly, rain
6. Point it out internal organ with which we inhale and
exhale air.
1) Intestines
2) Lungs
3) Heart
4) Brain
7. The blue compass needle points to
1) North
2) East
3) West
4) South
8. K migratory birds applies
1) Swift
2) Crow
3) Canary
4) Sparrow
9. What does a grasshopper chirp with?
Part B

10. Determine the time of year from the description.
At this time of year there is often cold drizzling rain,
Frost in the mornings, frequent fogs. Birds fly away to warm weather
the edges.
11. Determine what animal we are talking about
Part C
This animal is often kept in a living corner at school and at home, so
as it is quite unpretentious. The body of this animal
covered with a shell, and the legs and head are covered with horny scales.
Option 3
Part A
1. Indicate an object that is not related to nature -
1) Wind
2) Book
3) Pig
4) Platypus
2. Point it out bird of prey
1) Sparrow
2) Crossbill
3) Bullfinch
4) Owl
3. Choose spring a natural phenomenon
1) Freezing of reservoirs
2) River floods
3) The appearance of fruits on the apple tree
4) Departure of birds
4. The red end of the compass needle points to:
1) East
2) West
3) South
4) North
5. Indicate where the river originates

1) Mouth
2) Inflow
3) Source
4) Bed
6. Indicate a profession that is not related to industry -
1) Steelmaker
2) Weaver
3) Teacher
4) Metallurgist
7. Constellations are called:
1) Huge celestial bodies
2) Double stars
3) Bright stars
4) Groups of stars
8. Indicate what can be flat and hilly:
1) Reservoirs
2) Hills
3) Mountains
4) Plains
9. What is the name of the science of cosmic and celestial bodies?
Part B
Answer: _________________
10. Fluffy snow fringe on tree branches and wires. What is this?
Answer: ___________________
11. Find out the country by description.
Part C
This country is located on islands. Traditional weather – rains,
dampness, fog. Residents of this country love football and eat in the morning
oatmeal. One of the attractions of this country
are the clock on the Big Ben tower.
Option 4
Part A
1. Choose a winter natural phenomenon
1) Lightning
2) Leaf fall
3) Snowfall
4) Arrival of birds

2. Indicate which rock form feldspar, quartz and mica.
1) Flint
2) Marble
3) Limestone
4) Granite
3. The reason for the change of seasons is rotation
1) Earth around the Sun
2) Earths around the Moon
3) Earth around its axis
4) The sun around the Earth
4. Specify the cultivated plant -
1) Forget-me-not
2) Gooseberry
3) Birch
4) Nettle
5. Indicate the plants that are classified as shrubs.
1) Plants in which one thick stem extends from the root - trunk
2) Plants whose stems are soft and succulent.
3) Plants that have one stem that is hard and woody.
4) Plants that have several rather thin stems - trunks
6. Indicate the place where the river flows into another body of water.
1) Mouth
2) Inflow
3) Source
4) Bed
7. Migratory birds include
1) Swift
2) Crow
3) Canary
4) Sparrow
8. Indicate an internal organ that is constantly compressed and unclenched,
at the same time, it continuously drives blood into the vessels.
1) Intestines
2) Lungs
3) Heart
4) Brain
9. What bird gets its food under the ice?
Part B
Answer: ______________
10. What is the name of the boundary of the horizon, where the sky seems to converge with the earth?

Part C
The sun no longer rises high, the days become shorter, and the nights
longer. The rivers and lakes are already covered in ice, and the soil is frozen. The whole earth
covered with a soft, airy, snowy blanket. Almost every day
Cold winds blow.
Answer: __________________________
Option 5
Part A
1. Choose a summer natural phenomenon -
1) Frost
2) Arrival of birds
3) Thunderstorm
4) Departure of birds
2. Indicate what applies to inanimate nature
1) Fish and insects
2) Clouds and bodies of water
3) Birds and animals
4) Flowers and mushrooms
3. The earth makes one revolution around its axis in….
1 year
2) Day
3) Night
4) Day
4. Indicate from which mark on the thermometer the report should be made
air temperature.
1) From the upper division
2) From the bottom division
3) From zero
4) Doesn't matter
5. Flowers are formed in place of
1) Leaves
2) Kidneys
3) Fruits and flowers
4) Fruits with seeds
6. Identify a wild plant
1) Sedge
2) Honeysuckle
3) Wheat

4) Apple tree
7. Indicate an artificial reservoir
1) River
2) Reservoir
3) Lake
4) Ocean
8. Specify a group that lists only educational
1) Institute, concert hall, theater
2) Lyceum, school, university
3) Gymnasium, library, museum
4) Library, museum, circus
9. What does moose lose every winter?
Answer: __________________
Part B
10. What is the name of the device for determining the sides of the horizon?
11. Determine what time of year we are talking about
Part C
They float slowly and smoothly across the high deep sky
snow-white light clouds. Every day it gets warmer and
warmer. The snow is melting, the first thawed patches are appearing. On the trees
The buds swell and the primroses bloom.
Option 6
Part A
1. Identify a poisonous mushroom.
1) Boletus
2) Fly agaric
3) Breast
4) Honey fungus
2. Indicate a natural phenomenon that can only be observed in spring.
1) Ice drift
2) Freeze-up
3) Fog
4) Thunderstorm
3. Indicate what one small division on a thermometer means.
1) One millimeter
2) One step
3) one degree
4) one centimeter

4. Specify a group that lists only cultural
1) Stepmother, St. John's wort, cornflower, cedar
2) Poplar, cotton, cabbage, burdock
3) Phlox, plantain, aster, peony
4) Pear, flax, cucumber, rye
5. Indicate a plant that is herbaceous.
1) Linden
2) Tomato
3) viburnum
4) larch
6. Indicate a natural body of water
1) Channel
2) Pond
3) reservoir
4) river
7. Indicate a product that is harmful to teeth.
1) Sugar
2) Apple
3) milk
4) bread
8. Specify a group that only lists institutions
1) Theater, library, school
2) Institute, gymnasium, college
3) Museum, circus, concert hall
4) Exhibition hall, museum, lyceum
9. The name of which plant indicates that it grows around
Part B
10. Thumbnail earth's surface with help
conventional signs -
Part C
11. Determine what time of year we are talking about.
The weather is hot. The sun rose high. All
the ground is covered with a green carpet. Birds chirp cheerfully, taking care of
to his offspring. Everything around is enjoying the warm, bright sun

1. Indicate the type of precipitation in the form of water drops or
Option 7
Part A
1) Snow
2) Fog
3) rain
2. Indicate at what time of year you can observe swelling of the buds,
the appearance of leaves, the return of migratory birds.
1) In winter
2) In spring
3) in summer
4) in autumn
3. Indicate a group that only lists mammals
1) Cat, chicken, giraffe
2) Butterfly, dragonfly, ant
3) Turtle, crocodile, octopus
4) Chimpanzee, dog, horse
4. Indicate which cultivated plants can not be
1) Vegetables
2) Fruit
3) decorative
4) self-growing
5. Specify a group that only lists pets
1) Wasp, wolf, beaver, hare
2) Goat, turkey, fox, jackal
3) Sheep, cow, chicken, dog
4) Elephant, rabbit, giraffe, bee
6. Indicate which general property Ice and sand have it.
1) When heated, they turn into water
2) Solids
3) Transparent substances
4) Colorless substances
7. Indicate which doctor you should contact for help if
toothache -
1) Dentist
2) Therapist
3) Otolaryngologist
4) Surgeon
8. Specify a group that lists only sea and river
1) Car, boat, plane, train, tram
2) Train, boat, bus, bicycle, taxi
3) Trolleybus, bus, taxi, tram, boat

4) Speedboat, motor ship, barge, boat, liner
9. Which of the forest inhabitants runs with their hind legs forward?
Part B
10. Natural pond with standing water -

Part C
This animal can build dams on rivers and streams
, lays canals in the forest. Thick trees are falling down,
builds huts for housing. Finds an aspen or willow and gnaws it
from all sides and the tree will fall.
Option 8
Part A
1. Indicate the correct statement:
1) Stones, sediment, air - inanimate nature.
2) Airplane, spaceship, planets are inanimate
3) The sun, man, insect - living nature
4) Earth, cat, birch - living nature.
2. Indicate what is not a sign of summer:
1) Hot weather
2) Flowering herbs
3) Leaf fall
4) Long days and short nights
3. Specify a group that lists only wild
1) Horse, cat, bee, jerboa
2) Mole, elk, hedgehog, wild boar
3) Frog, dog, chicken, sheep
4) Hare, squirrel, deer, cow
4. Continents on Earth:
1) Six
2) seven
3) four
4) five
5. Indicate which plants do not exist:
1) Trees
2) Shrubs
3) herbs
4) mixed drinks

6. Indicate clothes for going to the concert hall
1) Jeans and sweater
2) Shorts and T-shirt
3) Tracksuit
4) Elegant dresses, suit
7. Which doctor should you turn to for help if you get sick?
1) Dentist
2) Therapist
3) otolaryngologist
4) surgeon
8. Specify a group that only lists transport
transporting people:
1) Metro, trolleybus, dump truck
2) Dump truck, barge, mail train
3) Bus, trolleybus, tram
4) Boat, train, truck
9. What are the names of edible colorful mushrooms?
Part B
10. Exit point groundwater to the surface of the earth.
Part C
11. Determine what animal we are talking about.
This beast has a lot of enemies, but hiding from
The animal cannot do them. His nose and sensitive ears help him out,
enemies are saved by fast legs and an inconspicuous fur coat. eyes
the “oblique” animals see not only forward and to the sides, but also
They even look back a little.
Option 9
Part A
1. Specify a product of plant origin -
1) Meat
2) Milk
3) potatoes
4) cheese
2. What is the ability to find the sides of the horizon called?
compass and without it?
1) Measurement
2) Communication
3) orientation
4) playback

3. Specify a group that only lists grains
1) Linen, cotton, tulip, phlox
2) Beets, zucchini, onions, poppy seeds
3) Strawberries, wheat, peas, millet
4) Oats, rye, wheat, barley
4. Choose a natural phenomenon:
1) Snowman
2) Rainbow
3) leaf
4) rain
5. What is the Red Book?
1) The Red Book is big Book about life and development
all animals and plants.
2) The Red Book is a red book with large and
colorful pictures.
3) The Red Book is a book containing information about
rare and endangered plants and animals.
4) Red Book - it means beautiful and expensive, a book with
fairy tales.
6. Indicate which transport does not exist -
1) Passenger
2) Airborne
3) cargo
4) special
7. Name an insect that gives a person honey and wax -
1) Bee
2) Wasp
3) bumblebee
4) fly
8. What must be observed in order to plan correctly
your working day?
1) Read encyclopedic literature
2) Take water procedures daily
3) Cleanliness and order in the house
4) Daily routine
9. Which insect can turn its head “over its shoulder”?
Part B
10. What is the name of the following natural phenomenon?
Formed during a thaw under the rays of spring
the sun, the icicles begin to melt and drip.
11. Determine what animal we are talking about.
Part C

By winter, this animal changes its coat to a warmer one. U
animal has a keen eye, keen hearing, subtle sense, but
no cunning can save him from wolves and hunting
dogs. Finds its main prey - mice voles
using hearing and the ability to smell.
Option 10
Part A
1. Indicate the product of animal origin.
1) Beetroot
2) Carrots
3) peas
4) cottage cheese
2. Indicate a sign that is not a sign of winter

1) Snowfall
2) Blizzard
3) Return of migratory birds
4) Short days and long nights
3. Specify a group that lists only vegetables
1) Garlic, potatoes, beets, pumpkin
2) Carrots, cabbage, strawberries, tulip
3) Gladiolus, peony, narcissus, phlox
4) Radish, cucumber, raspberry, gooseberry
4. What bird flies to us in the spring -
1) Sparrow
2) Starling
3) magpie
4) tit
5. Name an animal that gives humans milk and meat
1) Pig
2) Bee
3) cow
4) chicken
6. Indicate the correct action in the situation: if you are alone at home and
the doorbell rang.
1) Open the door only to those who tell you
why did he come
2) Don’t open the door for anyone
3) Open the door only to those who call you by name

4) Open the door only to those who are kind to you
7. Indicate what anyone who gets sick should do
1) See a doctor
2) Ask a friend for advice
3) Be treated with folk remedies
4) Drink the medicine that is in your home medicine cabinet
8. Indicate which professions people are not employed in agriculture
1) Combiner
2) Shakhtar
3) beekeeper
4) tractor driver
Part B
9. What is the name of the reduced model of the Earth?
10. What is the name of the map on which the plains are depicted?
mountains, seas, rivers, lakes and other natural objects?
Answer: ____________________
11. Determine what kind of animal we are talking about.
Part C
It is not easy to see this animal - it is very cautious.
Its body is covered with silver-gray fur. From nose to
yellowish-whitish stripes stretch across the back of the head, and across
eyes and ears - black line. The animal catches rodents
frogs, lizards, deftly digs up worms. WITH
With the onset of cold weather, the animal goes to bed for the winter.

1. Purpose of work– determination of the level of training of 2nd grade students in the subject area “Social studies. Natural science. (The world)".

Federal state educational standard for primary general education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373.

Planned results of primary general education in the subject “The World Around us” (Planned results of primary general education / L.L. Alekseeva, S.V. Anashchenkova, M.Z. Biboletova, etc.); edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova – 1, 2, 3 ed. – M.: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. – 120 p.

Approximate program of primary general education in the subject “The World around us” (Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary School/ [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – 2, 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010, 2011. – 204 p.).

The work includes sections and topics studied in grade 2 as part of the “Primary School of the 21st Century” program.

3. Characteristics of the structure and content of the work.

Structure final work allows you to test the ability of second-graders to navigate the general problems of natural and social reality, as well as the formation of universal educational actions that ensure the possibility of successfully continuing their education.

The work includes 10 tasks that differ in form and level of difficulty. The appropriateness of using certain types of tasks is determined by the content being tested. In this case, the structure of the option is built based on the list of planned results. Tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity are arranged based on their belonging to the verification of a particular planned result.

The work presents tasks with a choice of one or more correct answers, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer.

4. Distribution of CMM tasks by level of complexity

The work presents tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity.

Tasks at a basic level of complexity test the mastery of fundamental knowledge and skills in the subject, without which successful continuation of education at the next level is impossible.

Tasks of an increased level of complexity help to assess the student’s potential for successful continuation of education. Using tasks of varying difficulty levels allows you to:

a) differentiate students by level of educational achievements;

b) assess the quality of mastering the planned results at two levels of complexity.

Distribution of tasks by difficulty level

5. System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

Assessment of work is carried out in educational organizations by primary school teachers.

Work assignments are scored in accordance with the criteria. Points are written by the teacher in the margins next to each task. Grammar and spelling errors made by students do not affect the scoring.

A task with a multiple choice answer is considered completed if the answer number chosen by the student matches the correct answer. All multiple-choice tasks are scored 0 or 1 point.

A short answer task is considered completed if the recorded answer matches the correct answer. Short answer questions are scored 0, 1 or 2 points in accordance with the assessment criteria.

A task with a detailed answer is assessed by an expert taking into account the correctness and completeness of the answer. Tasks with a detailed answer are graded from 0 to 2 points in accordance with the evaluation criteria.

The maximum number of points for the work is 13.

  • “5” - 11 – 13 b.
  • “4” - 8 – 10 b.
  • “3” - 5 – 7 b.
  • “2” - 0 – 4 b.

6. Time to complete the work. 25 minutes are allotted for completing work on the surrounding world (excluding the time allotted for instructing students).

7. Additional materials and equipment. No additional materials or equipment are required.

8. Work plan.

Job No. Task difficulty level Type of tasks Maximum score
B IN 1
B KO 1
B IN 1
B KO 1
P RO 2
P RO 2
B RO 1
B KO 1
B IN 1
P RO 2
  • KO - tasks with a short answer
  • VO – multiple choice tasks
  • RO – tasks with a detailed answer

UMK “Elementary” school XXI century"
2 “____” grade. Last name, first name ___________________________________

Option 1.

1. Indicate an object of inanimate nature:

b) bench

c) stone

d) grasshopper

2. What is the name of the capital of our country? ____________________________

3. What should you do to get sick less?

a) move a lot

b) observe the rules of hygiene

c) stay at home more

d) take medications more often

4. The sense organ that helps a person determine colors is called __________________

mom, aunt, daughter, neighbor Vanya, dad, grandfather, classmate Mitya.

6. Find the fifth “extra”:

a) Yaroslavl

c) Kolomna

d) Suzdal

d) Moscow

Explain your choice: ________________________________

7. Look at the drawing.



8. Fill in the blanks in the diagram:

9. Mark the proverb about friendship.

a) Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness.

b) You will know a lot, you will soon grow old.

d) The native bush is dear to the hare.



Diagnostic work on the environment for the 1st half of the year (2016/2017 academic year)

Educational and training complex “Primary school of the XXI century”.
2 “___” grade. Last name, first name ___________________________

Option 2.

1. Indicate an object of living nature:

2. What is the name of the country in which we live? ___________________________

3. What to do before starting homework:

a) check the lighting of the workplace

b) remove everything unnecessary from the table

c) turn on the music

d) bring yourself some tea

4. The sense organ that helps a person hear sounds is called __________________________

5. Distribute the words into groups:

dad, grandma, cousin, uncle, friend Olya, son, mother, neighbor Tanya.

6. Find the fifth “extra”:

a) Moscow

b) Kolomna

c) Sergiev Posad

d) Vladimir

e) Suzdal

Explain your choice:





7. Look at the drawing.

Write down the table rules.




8. Fill in the blanks in the diagram:

9. Mark the proverb about the Motherland.

a) The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

b) If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

c) Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

d) The homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for it.

10. Why do you need to follow traffic rules?



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