Maltsev educational and training tests in the Russian language. L.i

Russian language. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2019. In 2 books. Maltseva L.I., Smerechinskaya N.M.

M.: 2019. - Part 1 - 352 p., Part 2 - 384 p.

Part 1. This manual is part of the educational and methodological kit in the Russian language for 11th grade students, providing intensive training to pass the unified state exam. Book 1 consists of two sections. The first section of the manual is divided into 26 subsections that correspond to the plan exam paper Unified State Exam and contain everything you need to prepare for the exam: reference materials, exercises and practical work. The second section of the manual includes the following dictionaries.

Part 2. This book consists of two sections. The first section "Educational" practice tests» contains 30 tests compiled in accordance with Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019. This manual will be useful to all graduates preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. It can also be used by teachers teaching Russian in high schools, both to monitor students' knowledge and as a source of home exercises.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

Format: pdf(introductory fragment, 82 pages)

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Part 1.
Preface 6
Information processing of texts
Task 1 7

Task 2 8
Lexical meaning words
Task 3 10
Practical work No. 1 12
Orthoepic norms
Task 4 30
Practical work No. 2 30
Lexical norms
Task 5 33
Practical work No. 3 33
Task 6 38
Practical work No. 4 39
Morphological norms(formation of words)
Task 7 41
Exercise 1 44
Exercise 2 47
Exercise 3 51
Practical work No. 5 53
Syntactic norms. Standards of approval and management.
Task 8 56
Practical work No. 6 64
Spelling of roots
Task 9 78
Exercise 4 79
Exercise 5 81
Exercise 6 83
Exercise 7 84
Practical work No. 7 86
Spelling of prefixes
Task 10 90
Exercise 8 90
Exercise 9 92
Exercise 10 94
Exercise 11 95
Practical work No. 8 97
Spelling suffixes various parts speech (except -N-/-NN-)
Task 11 101
Exercise 12 101
Exercise 13 103
Exercise 14 105
Practical work No. 9 107
Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes
Task 12 VP
Exercise 15 PO
Exercise 16 112
Practical work No. 10 115
Spelling NOT and NOR
Task 13 118
Exercise 17 118
Exercise 18 121
Practical work No. 11 124
Merged, hyphenated, separate writing words
Task 14 129
Exercise 19 129
Exercise 20 133
Exercise 21 138
Exercise 22 141
Practical work No. 12 145
Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech
Task 15 149
Exercise 23 150
Exercise 24 152
Exercise 25 155
Practical work No. 13 157
Punctuation in compound sentence and a simple sentence with homogeneous members
Task 16 159
Exercise 26 161
Exercise 27 165
Practical work No. 14 169
Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members
(definitions, circumstances and additions)
Task 17 174
Exercise 28 177
Exercise 29 180
Practical work No. 15 182
Punctuation marks in sentences with words and structures
grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence
Task 18 184
Exercise 30 187
Practical work No. 16 189
Punctuation in complex sentence
Task 19 192
Practical work No. 17 193
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types communications
Task 20 196
Practical work No. 18 198
Punctuation analysis
Task 21 200
Practical work No. 19 203
Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text.
Task 22 210
Functional and semantic types of speech
Task 23 212
Lexical meaning of the word (Antonyms. Synonyms. Homonyms. Phraseological phrases.)
Task 24 216
Exercise 31 219
Exercise 32 220
Exercise 33 222
Exercise 34 224
Means of connecting sentences in the text
Task 25 226
Exercise 35 227
Means of expressive speech
Task 26 229
Exercise 36 233
Exercise 37 235
Practical work No. 20 (Tasks 22-26) 245
Difficult cases pronunciation of words and their forms 274
Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language (paronyms) 280
Unverifiable unstressed vowels and double consonants in root words 311
Integrated and separate writing of adverbs and adverbial expressions 315
Dictionary of pleonasms 321
Dictionary of literary and linguistic terms 330
Answers. (Collection of exercises) 336
Answers. (Practical work) 343

Part 2.
Option 1 5
Option 2 16
Option 3 28
Option 4 38
Option 5 49
Option 6 60
Option 7 71
Option 8 81
Option 9 93
Option 10 104
Option 11 115
Option 12 126
Option 13 137
Option 14 147
Option 15 158
Option 16 169
Option 17 180
Option 18 191
Option 19 202
Option 20 213
Option 21 224
Option 22 235
Option 23 245
Option 24 256
Option 25 267
Option 26 278
Option 27 288
Option 28 299
Option 29 309
Option 30 319
I. Instructions for writing an essay and criteria for its evaluation 330
II. Memo: “How to write an essay?” 335
III. Workshop: “Writing an essay” 340
Answers to Part 1 358
Answers to Part 2 365

This manual is part of the educational and methodological kit in the Russian language for 11th grade students, which provides intensive preparation for passing the unified state exam.
Book I consists of two sections.
The first section of the manual is divided into 26 subsections that correspond to the examination plan Unified State Examination work.
Each subsection has the following structure:
a comment from which you will learn what knowledge you need to have to successfully complete the task;
reference materials containing all the information necessary to prepare for the exam; the given formulations of the rules are similar to those given in school textbooks; All rules and definitions are illustrated with examples taken from fiction;
exercises to reinforce repeated material;
recommendations that provide an algorithm for completing the task;
practical work, drawn up in accordance with the requirements put forward for a unified state exam and helping to check the level of knowledge.
The second section of the manual includes the following dictionaries:
1. Difficult cases of pronunciation of words and their forms.
2. Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language (interpretation of the meanings of paronyms).
3. Unverifiable unstressed vowels and double consonants at the root of the word.
4. Solid and separate spelling adverbs and adverbial expressions.
5. Dictionary of pleonasms.
6. Dictionary of literary and linguistic terms.
These dictionaries make it possible to prepare for performing a number of
exam assignments.

This book consists of two sections.
Section I "Educational and training tests" contains 25 tests compiled in accordance with the codifier of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The second section, “Preparation for Part 3 (C),” includes the following materials:
1. Instructions for completing task C1 and criteria for its evaluation.
2. Memo "How to write an essay?"
3. Bank of arguments.
4. Workshop “Writing an essay”.
This manual will be useful to all graduates preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. It can also be used by teachers teaching Russian in high schools, both to monitor students' knowledge and as a source of home exercises.

In the given bank of arguments given brief summary fragments from fiction, journalistic and scientific literature on the main topics offered in the exam. These materials can be used when writing an argumentative essay. own opinion on the problem you formulated, agreeing or disagreeing with the opinion of the author of the text being analyzed, as well as to compile your own bank of arguments.
Workshop “Writing an essay”
The workshop includes practical exercises on writing essays and contains samples of such essays.

The above quotes can become the basis for creating your own collection of “wise thoughts”, which can be used in an essay to write an introduction and conclusion, as well as to argue your point. own position according to the text read.
To successfully pass the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, you need to know the structure and content of the exam paper. This means that you need to carefully read the documents defining these operating parameters.

Option 1 6
Option 2 16
Option 3 26
Option 4 36
Option 5 45
Option 6 55
Option 7 65
Option 75
Option 9 85
Option 10 94
Option 11 104
Option 12 114
Option 13 123
Option 14 133
Option 15 143
Option 16 153
Option 17 162
Option 18 172
Option 19 182
Option 20 192
Option 21 202
Option 22 212
Option 23 221
Option 24 230
Option 25 239
I. Instructions for completing task C1 and criteria for its evaluation 249
P. Memo: How to write an essay? 253
III. Argument bank 258
IV. Workshop: “Writing an essay” 295
V. Quotes 307

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Table of contents
§ 1. Phonetics and orthoepy 9
1.1. Letters and sounds 9
1.2. Some rules for pronunciation of consonants 10
1.3. Some rules for pronunciation of vowel sounds 10
1.4. Orthoepic norms (emphasis in words and forms of words) 11
L4.1. Stress in nouns 11
1.4.2. Stress in adjectives 12
1.4.3. Stress on verbs 13
1.4.4. Emphasis on participles 13
§ 2. Lexical meaning of the word 15
2.1. Direct and figurative meaning words 15
2.2. Homographs. Homonyms. Homophones. Paronyms 16
§ 3. Morphemics and word formation 17
3.1. Morphemes of the Russian language 17
3.2. Morphemic analysis words 17
3.3. Basic methods of word formation 18
3.4. Determining the method of word formation 20
§ 4. Morphology 22
4.1. Independent parts of speech 22
4.1.1. Noun 22
4.1.2. Adjective 24
4.1.Z. Noun numeral 26
4.1.4. Pronoun 27
4.1.5. Verb 29
4.1.6. Participle 32
4.1.7. Participle 34
4.1.8. Adverb 35
4.2. Functional parts of speech 36
4.2.1. Soyuz 36
4.2.2. Preposition 37
4.2.3. Particle 38
4.3. Interjection 39
4.4. Onomatopoeic words 39
§ 5. Spelling 40
5.1. Spelling roots 40
5.1.1. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word 40
5.1.2. Spelling roots with alternating vowels 40
5.1.3. Spelling E,3 at the root of word 41
5.1.4. Spelling of consonants at the root of a word 42
5.1.5. Spelling O-E(Ё) after hissing words at the root of the word 42
5.1.6. Vowels Y-I after C at the root of the word 42
5.2. Spelling prefixes 43
5.2.1. Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes 43
5.2.2. Set-top boxes for 3- and C-43
5.2.3. Pre- and PRI-44 attachments
5.2.4. Vowels ИиИ after prefixes 45
5.3. Spelling suffixes 45
5.3.1. Spelling suffixes in nouns 45
5.3.2. Spelling suffixes in adjectives 46
5.3.3. Spelling verb suffixes 47
5.3.4. Spelling suffixes of present participles 48
5.3.5. Spelling -NI- and -N- in suffixes of various parts of speech 48
5.3.6. Spelling 0, E(Ё) after sibilants in suffixes 51
5.4. Spelling endings 51
5.4.1. Personal endings of verbs. 51
5.4.2. Letters 0 and E(Ё) after hissing words at the end of words 53
5.5. Usage of spelling b and b 53
5.5.1. Usage and spelling b 53
5.5.2. Usage and spelling b 53
5.6. Continuous, hyphenated and separate writing 55
5.6.1. Spelling compound nouns 55
5.6.2. Spelling compound adjectives 56
5.6.3. Spelling adverbs 57
5.6.4. Spelling of particles (except NI and NOT) 59
5.6.5. Spelling of particles NI and NOT 59
5.6.6. Spelling conjunctions 61
5.6.7. Spelling prepositions 63
§ 6. Syntax 64
6.1. Phrase. Connection of words in a phrase 64
6.2. Offer. Main and minor members of the sentence. Grammar basis offers 66
6.2.1. Subject 66
6.2.2. Predicate 66
6.2.3. Minor members offers 68
6.2.4. The grammatical basis of sentence 69
6.3. Main types of offers 69
6.3.1. A simple proposal. Species simple sentences by the purpose of the statement, by the presence or absence of members of the sentence 69
6.3.2. Two-part and one-part sentences 70
6.3.3. Simple complicated sentence 71
6.3.4. Complex sentence 74
§ 7. Punctuation 80
7.1. Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence ( homogeneous members suggestions) 80
7.2. Punctuation marks when detached members offers 82
7.2.1. Agreed and inconsistent definitions 82
7.2.2. Dedicated Applications 84
7.2.3. Special circumstances 86
7.2.4. Standalone Add-ons 88
7.3. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence 89
7.3.1. Introductory words 89
7.3.2. Introductory sentences 91
7.4. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence 91
7.5. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence 92
7.6. Punctuation marks in complex sentences 94
§ 8. Norms of the modern Russian language 96
8.1. Lexical norms 96
8.2. Morphological norms 99
8.2.1 Use of noun forms 99
8.2.2. Using adjective forms 105
8.2.3. Using numerals 106
8.2.4. Using pronouns 108
8.2.5. Using forms of verbs and participles 109
8.2.6. Use of some prepositions 109
8.3. Syntactic norms for constructing phrases and sentences 111
8.3.1. Constructing sentences with participial phrases 111
8.3.2. Subordinate clause replacement definitive sentence participial phrase 112
8.3.3. Management 112
8.3.4. Approval standards 114
8.3.5. Some errors and shortcomings in the construction complex sentences
§ 9. Stylistics and speech 119
9.1. Russian language styles 119
9.2. Functional and semantic types of speech 120
9.3. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text 121
9.4. Means of communication of sentences in the text 122
9.5. Means artistic expression text 123
Option 1 130
Option 2 140
Option 3 149
Option 4 159
Option 5 168
Option 6 178
Option 7 188
Option 8 197
Option 9 208
Option 10 217
Option 11 227
Option 12 237
Option 13 246
Option 14 256
Option 15 265
Option 16 274
Option 17 284
Option 18 294
Option 19 304
Option 20 314
Option 21 323
Option 22 332
Option 23 341
Option 24 351
Option 25 361
I. Instructions for completing task C1 and criteria for its evaluation 371
P. Memo: “How to write an essay?” 375
III. Workshop: “Writing an essay” 382
IV. Quotes 394
V. Difficult cases of pronunciation of words and their forms 401
VI. Exam plan for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 408

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