Participle and gerund rules. Isolation of participial and participial phrases Theory A participial phrase is a participle with a dependent word or words, t



PARTICIPIAL TURN - this is a participle with dependent word or words, that is, with words to which you can ask a question from the participle.

For example:

A book lying on the table.

Participle - lying (the one that lies).

The dependent word is on the table.

Lying where? - on the table.

Participial phrase- lying on the table.


1. The participial phrase answers the question WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? etc.

2. The word being defined is expressed by a noun or.

    The word being defined is the word from which the question goes to the participle. For example: a book lying on the table. The defined word is book. What book? - lying down.

3. The participial phrase is separated by a comma or commas in the following cases:

a) if it comes after the word being defined

In the sentence Outside the window, leaves were flying, torn from the trees by the wind; the participle torn off is the one that was torn off.

The word being defined is foliage. What kind of foliage? - torn off.

Participial phrase “plucked from the trees by the wind”: plucked by what? - by the wind, where from? - from the trees.

The participial phrase comes after the word being defined, so it is set off with a comma: foliage, plucked...

The second comma is not placed in this sentence, since the turn ends the sentence, i.e., at the end of both the turn and the sentence, a period is placed here.

If the participial phrase is isolated in the middle simple sentence, it is highlighted by commas on both sides: Outside the window, leaves flew, torn from the trees by the wind, and fell on the cold ground.

b) if the defined word is expressed by a personal pronoun, and the participial phrase can be located anywhere in relation to the defined word

I was taken off the horse, soaked to the last thread.

Soaked to the last thread, I was taken off the horse.

c) if the participial phrase is removed from the word being defined

The young man quickly got dressed and left the house, overcome by some vague premonition.

d) if the participial phrase has an additional circumstantial meaning of reason or assignment

Stunned by the heavy roar, Tyorkin bows his head. (Terkin bows his head because he is deafened by the heavy roar)

4. The phrase is not separated by commas if it stands before the word being defined: Outside the window, foliage torn from the trees by the wind was flying.

5. The participle can be recognized by suffixes:

Usch-, - yusch-; - ash-, - box-; - wsh-, - w-; - eat-, - om-, - im-; - enn-, - enn-, - nn-, - t-.

6. The participle can be replaced with a verb

flying ball - one that flies
a written book is one that was written

The sea has merged with the sky and is fast asleep, reflecting the transparent fabric of cirrus clouds (not) hiding the golden patterns of the stars.

3) Make sentences according to the proposed schemes:

a) [ H | ~~~~ |…]. b) [ |~~~ | H...]. c) [ |_ ._ | Ch].

And participles. There is no need to talk about the mystery of these parts of speech: it is still not issue resolved about their place in the morphology of the Russian language. We will consider their main features, features and differences in our article.

Verbal formations

The fate of these parts of speech remains unknown. In modern school curriculum, depending on the author of the educational and methodological complex, the concept of what participles and gerunds are is interpreted differently. Some authors, such as Razumovskaya, rightly consider them to be unique forms of the verb. Undoubtedly, there is some truth in this, since participles and gerunds were formed precisely from the verb.

Both of these versions have a right to exist, they are logical and each of them can be argued in its own way.

That’s how mysterious it is, the Russian language. Participle and gerund - special forms, which make our speech more dynamic and colorful.

Participle turnover

Every part of speech is remarkable in its own way. And what are participles and gerunds, what do they do special in a sentence that other parts of speech cannot? Their main distinctive feature- formation of revolutions. This happens when one of them has dependent words.

For example: Girl walking on summer garden, admired nature. If we carefully consider this sentence, we will see that from the participle “walking” we can ask the question “where?” The answer will be the phrase “in the summer garden.” This means that we have a participial turn. It is much smarter and more beautiful to use phrases than to endlessly repeat the word “which”.

Don’t forget to put commas if it comes after your qualifying word (here it is “girl”). At parsing The question arises: how to emphasize it? Everything is simple here: we ask a question from the word being defined: (girl) what? Answers it minor member sentences, known to all of us - definition. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the entire turn with a wavy line.

In the case when the phrase comes before its designated word, everything is different. There is no need to put commas there. Syntax function This turn of phrase is different - each part of speech in it is emphasized independently of each other.

Participial phrase

With him things are a little different. Firstly, the gerund itself may not contain any dependent words, but, nevertheless, it will be separated by commas. Linguists call it single.

For example: Without hesitation, he rushed into the burning house to save people.

As you can see, the participle is very similar in meaning to the adverb (here it answers the question “how?”). You can even replace it with this part of speech: He quickly rushed into the burning house to save people.

As is the case with the brother-participle, the gerund can subjugate words and thereby form a turnover. Since it always plays only one role in a sentence, it is usually called With punctuation marks, you can’t overdo it: commas are absolutely always used. And you don’t need to look at how the word being defined is positioned relative to this phrase.

For example: Having not completed his homework, Misha went for a walk.

From the gerund “without fulfilling” we ask the question “what?” and we get the answer - “homework”. Before us - participial phrase.

and gerunds

The word formation of each part of speech is studied by schoolchildren starting from the fifth grade. Some of them (for example, noun and adjective) have several ways of creating new words: not only prefixes and suffixes, but also addition and abbreviation. With participles and gerunds everything is simpler: their main method of word formation is suffixal. It is by this morpheme that we distinguish them from other parts of speech.

Knowing what participles and gerunds are, it will not be difficult to remember suffixes. Need to know a few simple rules. Don't forget that participles are divided into two large groups: active and passive.

Active participles in the present tense have the following suffixes: ush/yush (dancing, singing), ash/yash (screaming, flying).

For the passive - eat- (hesitant), -om- (attracted), im (dependent).

When participles are in the past tense, we will also distinguish them by voice.

Valid reason. :- wsh- (bought), sh (grown).

Suffering :- t- (chopped), -enn- (scrolled), -nn- (measured).

The main thing to do is to correctly identify the part of speech. Then the suffixes of participles and gerunds are much easier to remember. Moreover, they are similar to each other.

The gerunds have no collateral category; they differ only in time. Present time: - a (slowly), -I (guessing), -uchi (being), -yuchi (happily). Past tense: -in (having done), -lice (not knowing).


Suffixes of participles and gerunds are easy to remember in practice. It is enough to complete several exercises on this topic to consolidate their spelling. Despite the apparent complexity of these verb forms, they will not present much difficulty for those who carefully read the rule.

Communion - inconjugated form of the verb. Denotes a sign of an object that occurs in time, as an action that the object produces, or as an action to which it is subjected by another object ( summoner - summoned).

Communion combines signs of verb and adjective. Like the shape verb The participle has the grammatical meaning of the verb:

    transitivity and intransitivity of action


    compatibility with adverb.

How adjective, participle:

    denotes an attribute of an object

    varies by gender, number and case

    when declined, it has the same system of case endings as the adjective

    acts as a sentence in a sentence definitions and predicate.

Participle- an unconjugated form of a verb that combines grammatical properties verbs and adverbs. Signs verb:


    ability to be defined by an adverb

The gerunds do not have a passive voice. Like adverbs, the gerunds do not change: they do not agree, they are not controlled, but they adjoin.

Most often, gerunds adjoin to the predicate-verb and are circumstance. In this case, they do not allow replacement by the conjugated form of the verb. They can denote an additional action accompanying the action expressed by the predicate. In this case the gerund is minor predicate and replacement with a conjugated form of the verb is possible. Less commonly, the gerund adjoins nominal predicate expressed by a short passive participle, short adjective or noun.

May also apply to other members of the sentence:

    addition (maintaining silence)

    definition-participle (sleeping leaning on his elbow)

    adverbial adverbial participle (drinking without wincing)

The use of gerunds is possible only provided that the actions belonging to the gerund and the predicate belong to the same person ( Having finished her homework, the girl went for a walk).

Formation of participles. Active participles can be formed from transitive and intransitive verbs, and passive participles - only from transitive ones. Present passive participles are not formed from the verbs bake, reap, shave, weed, etc. Present active and passive participles are formed from verbs imperfect form and are not formed from perfective verbs that do not have present tense forms. Passive past participles, as a rule, are formed from verbs only of the perfect form. Thus, only active past participles can be formed from perfective intransitive verbs, for example: jumped, stood etc.

Present participles, active and passive, are formed from the base of the present tense of the verb through suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-)- for active participles and suffixes -eat, -im-- for passive participles.

Past participles, active and passive, are formed from the stem of the indefinite form (or past tense) by means of suffixes -vsh- And -sh- for active participles and - nn; -enn-, -t--for passive participles.

Stylistic character of participles.

Communion - the most important means designations of characteristics of objects in the form of an agreed definition. The participle not only figuratively characterizes an object, but represents its characteristic in dynamics. At the same time, it “compresses” information.

In modern Russian, participles are widely used in scientific style. Fine the function of participles is most clearly manifested when they are used as definitions : He saw her inflamed, sometimes perplexed and suffering, sometimes smiling and calming his face (L.T.). But predicates expressed by participles can also add special expressiveness to artistic speech: And the wind poured into the round window like a damp stream - it seemed as if the sky was burned by a red-smoky dawn (Ahm.).

Participles that have received a metaphorical meaning usually become linguistic tropes: screaming contradictions, unfading glory.

The scope of wide figurative use of adjectival participles - journalistic style. Here, the expressive function is played by participles, meaning an extremely high degree of manifestation of the intensity of the action: blatant lawlessness, massive blow.

The aesthetic assessment of participles is affected by negative attitude writers to dissonant suffixes -shi, -lice, -ush-, -yush-. The writer either completely abandons dissonant verb forms, shortening the text, or replaces them with others that do not have “hissing” suffixes.

In common parlance, the postfix -xia is omitted for participles formed from reflexive verbs: "unbreakable dishes", instead of unbreakable.

Replacing a passive participle with an active one, formed from a reflexive verb, can lead to a distortion of the meaning as a result of changes in the shades of voice meanings: Parcels sent to Moscow by plane arrive there on the same day (the passive participle is superimposed on the general return).

As a violation literary norm the formation of verbal forms with - but, - from intransitive verbs is perceived: start - started, arrive - received.

Participles in modern Russian by stylistic coloring fall into two diametrically opposed groups:

    book forms with suffixes -а, -я, -в: breathing, knowing, saying

    colloquial with the suffixes - lice, -shi: having said, having come.

In the literary language of the past and the beginning of this century, the use of gerunds in - lice, - shi was stylistically unlimited. Nowadays they are used as a stylistic means to express vernacular language. But it would be wrong to say that absolutely all participles in -lice, -shi are stylistically marked. Reflexive verbs form neutral gerunds: blushing, crying, staying, smiling. Those few gerundial participles of irreflexive verbs that cannot be formed without -shi are also stylistically neutral: grown up, lay down, spread out, kindled.

Participles, which stand out sharply for their stylistic coloring, nowadays attract the attention of word artists who highly value common verbs in -a, -i, -v. It is worth putting such participles into action - and the picture will immediately come to life.

Participles that figuratively depict an action often serve as tropes.

In the Russian language there are many unproductive verbs from which gerunds cannot be formed: go, knit, smear, protect, burn etc.

Dictionary of grammatical difficulties of the Russian language

Tatiana Efremova, Vitaly Kostomarov

Participle and gerund are nothing more than special forms of the verb. This article describes in detail the grammar and syntactic features, methods of education, characteristic features participles and gerunds. For better understanding of the material, examples and important points are given.

Communion and gerunds in Russian- these are two special forms of the verb that differ in meaning, grammatical and syntactic features. Participles denote a sign by action and answer questions Which? Which? What do you do? What did he do? What did he do? Participles denote an additional action and answer questions Doing what? What did you do?

Rules regarding the use and spelling of participles and gerunds with examples are given in the table.

Participle Communion
Rules Examples Rules Examples
Grammatical features An unchangeable part of speech, has grammatical features adverbs and verbs Variable part of speech, has the characteristics of an adjective and a verb
adverb sign: immutability verb features:

· transitivity;

· repayment

having decided to a meeting, playing with children reading book, noticing announcement signs of an adjective:

· availability of full and short forms;

verb features:

· transitivity;

· repayment

decided to a meeting; playing with children, advise readable book, advertisement noticed passers-by
How is it formed


-v/-lice/-shi ( SV)

drawing, mining, lying,having done, responded, broken From verbs using suffixes:

-ush-/-yush-/-ash-/-box- (active participles HB);

-vsh-/-sh-(actual participles PV);

-eat-/-om-/-im- (passive participles HB);

-nn-/-enn-/-t-(passive participles PV).

drawing, mined, lying, made, answered, broken
Syntactic features In a sentence refers to a verb.

The syntactic role is adverbial.

Replying, he returned to his place.

The girl was walking down the street smiling.

In a sentence, it refers to a noun or personal pronoun and agrees with them in gender, number, and case.

Syntactic role is a definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

Arrived the birds greedily pecked the grains(definition). There was bread baked just yesterday(part of SIS).

Pay attention! Participles in Russian vary according to gender, number and case. Participles do not change and have no endings.

Features of participial and participial phrases

Participial and participial phrases- This syntactic constructions, which differ general meaning and a function in a sentence:

  • Participial phrase is a participle with dependent words. In a sentence, like a single gerund, they play a syntactic role isolated circumstance(set off with commas on both sides) and indicate an additional action.

    Examples: The man was very happy meeting an old friend. Jumping over the barrier, the puppy ran to the owner.

  • Participial phrase– participle with dependent words. In a sentence, as a rule, it is a non-isolated (usually if it stands before the word being defined) or a separate (if it stands after the word being defined) definition.

    Examples: Came to visit a friend brought delicious cakes. Vita needed to go out to the street, crossing the central square.


  • generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge on the topics “Communion” and “Communion”;
  • consolidation practical skill find participles and gerunds, participial and participial phrases in the text;
  • consolidation of the ability to compose a monologue statement in linguistic topic;
  • development logical thinking, skills independent work with text;
  • fostering a sense of mutual assistance, developing interest in reading through analytical work with the text of N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”.

Lesson type: combined lesson on the use of ZUN.

Method: reproductive-creative, visual-figurative.


  1. Table “N.V.Gogol. "Taras Bulba".
  2. Information card (4 options).
  3. Cards for individual work.
  4. Table “ Distinctive features participles and gerunds” (filled in during the lesson).
  5. Individual counters for counting earned points.


They [participles] serve as abbreviations for the human word, containing a name and a verb force.

M.V. Lomonosov

[Adverbial phrases] are primarily a part of book speech. Their undoubted advantage... lies in their brevity and dynamism. They are also characterized by great expressiveness

D.E. Rosenthal

Lesson progress

I. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys! We have finished studying the topics “Communion” and “Communion”. Today in the lesson we will summarize and systematize your knowledge by compiling a table “Distinctive features of participles and gerunds.” Why is such a table needed? Firstly, as already mentioned, to systematize your knowledge, because knowledge brought into the system remains in memory firmly and for a long time. Secondly, perhaps some of you will have to take oral examination in Russian language final certification upon completion of 9th grade. In this case, the table we have compiled will help you quickly remember all the information about participles and gerunds. Third, and most importantly, you will be able to create similar comparison tables on other topics.

At home, you have prepared examples of sentences with participial and adverbial phrases from N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”, which you will use when compiling the table. Each of you also has an information card from which you can take examples to illustrate one or another position of the table.

During the lesson, you will independently calculate the points you earn. The class is divided into two teams. At the end of the lesson, when the winning team is determined, the one of you who brings the most points to the winning team will receive additional credit.

II. Epigraph.

Epigraphs have been selected for our lesson, but before they appear on the board, determine what they are talking about.

(The teacher reads out the epigraphs, the children add the missing words: participles, participial phrase.)

III. Drawing up a table.

What grammatical features do participles and gerunds have? By what criteria will we compare them?

(Students name a grammatical feature, then tell how it manifests itself in participles and gerunds. At this time, the teacher fills out the table on the board. It is better to prepare cards in advance and attach them to the board using magnets.

For each position in the table, children give examples from homework or from the information card).

Distinctive features of participles and gerunds
Grammatical features Communion Participle
1. What question does it answer? Which? Which? Which?

Thinking, weaving, telling

Doing what? What did you do?

Playing, admiring

2. What does it mean? Item attribute by action: a person who thinks is a thinking person Additional action: looked, admiring
3. Which word in the sentence does it refer to? To a noun: falling leaves; sons who studied at bursa To the verb: let's go, constantly looking around
4. How does it change? By cases, numbers and genders: looking - looking; looking - looking; looking, looking, looking, etc. Doesn't change
5. What signs does a verb have? Type, time, return: looking - looking; laughing Type, return: looking, looking, laughing
6. How are (suffixes) formed? ash-box (looking);

ush-yush (melting);

wsh, sh (built, carried)

om-em-im (slave, visible, readable);

enn, nn, t (seen, read, compressed)

oh, I (looking, hearing)

in, lice, shi (after dinner, stopping, lying down)

7. What member of the sentence is ( syntactic role)? Definition: And they brought the Cossacks, tied up with ropes, onto the rampart. Circumstance: Partridges darted under their thin roots, stretching out their necks.
8. How does punctuation stand out in writing? The participial phrase is separated by commas if it appears after the word being defined: She clung to the head of the dear their sons lying nearby. Single gerund and participial phrases are always separated by commas: Sobbing, she looked into their eyes.

VI. A coherent story on a linguistic topic.

One representative from each team draws a ticket and answers the questions: “What do I know about the sacrament?” or “What do I know about gerunds?”

During the answer, the class listens carefully and reviews the answer.

V. Individual work using cards or graphic dictation.

(at the discretion of the teacher)

Summing up the lesson.

The result is summarized according to individual counters:

26-28 points – “5”;

22-25 points – “4”;

17-21 points – “3”.

The student from the winning team who scores the most points receives an additional grade of “5”.

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