The beginning of the Troubles 17 in brief. Troubled time in Russian history

1598-1613 - a period in Russian history called the Time of Troubles.

At the turn of the 16th-17th centuries. Russia was experiencing a political and socio-economic crisis. and, as well as Ivan the Terrible, contributed to the intensification of the crisis and the growth of discontent in society. This was the reason for the beginning of the Time of Troubles in Russia.

First period of Troubles

The first stage of the Troubles is characterized by a struggle for the throne. After his death, his son Fedor came to power, but he turned out to be unable to rule. In fact, the country was ruled by the brother of the tsar's wife - Boris Godunov. Ultimately, his policies caused discontent among the popular masses.

The Troubles began with the appearance in Poland of False Dmitry 1st (in reality - Grigory Otrepiev), allegedly miraculously surviving son of Ivan the Terrible. He won over a significant part of the Russian population to his side. In 1605, False Dmitry 1st was supported by the governors, and then by Moscow. And already in June he became the legitimate king. However, he acted too independently, which caused discontent among the boyars, and he also supported serfdom, which caused protest from the peasants. On May 17, 1606, False Dmitry 1st was killed, V.I. ascended the throne. Shuisky with the condition of limiting power. Thus, the first stage of the Troubles was marked by the reign of False Dmitry 1st (1605-1606).

Second period of Troubles

In 1606, the leader of which was I.I. Bolotnikov. The ranks of the militia included people from different layers societies: peasants, serfs, small and medium-sized feudal lords, servicemen, Cossacks and townspeople. They were defeated in the battle of Moscow. As a result, Bolotnikov was executed.

Dissatisfaction with the authorities continued. And soon False Dmitry 2nd appears. In January 1608, his army headed towards Moscow. By June, False Dmitry 2nd entered the village of Tushino near Moscow, where he settled. Two capitals were formed in Russia: boyars, merchants, and officials worked on two fronts, sometimes even receiving salaries from both kings. Shuisky concluded an agreement with Sweden, and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth began aggressive military operations. False Dmitry II fled to Kaluga.

Shuisky was tonsured a monk and sent to the Chudov Monastery. An interregnum began in Russia - the Seven Boyars (a council of seven boyars). made a deal with the Polish interventionists, and on August 17, 1610 Moscow swore allegiance to the Polish king Vladislav. At the end of 1610, False Dmitry 2nd was killed, but the struggle for the throne did not end there.

So, the second stage of the Troubles was marked by the uprising of I.I. Bolotnikov (1606-1607), the reign of Vasily Shuisky (1606-1610), the appearance of False Dmitry 2nd, as well as the Seven Boyars (1610).

Third period of Troubles

The third stage of the Troubles is characterized by the fight against foreign invaders. After the death of False Dmitry 2nd, the Russians united against the Poles. The war has acquired national character. In August 1612

The beginning of the 17th century was marked for Russia by a series of difficult trials.

How the Troubles Began

After Tsar Ivan the Terrible died in 1584, the throne was inherited by his son Fyodor Ivanovich, who was very weak and sickly. Due to his state of health, he did not rule for long - from 1584 to 1598. Fyodor Ivanovich died early, leaving no heirs. Youngest son Ivan the Terrible was allegedly stabbed to death by Boris Godunov's henchmen. There were many people who wanted to take the reins of power into their own hands. As a result, a struggle for power developed within the country. Similar situation served as an impetus for the development of such a phenomenon as the Troubles. Reasons and beginning of this period in different times interpreted differently. Despite this, it is possible to identify the main events and aspects that influenced the development of these events.

Main reasons

Of course, first of all, this is the interruption of the Rurik dynasty. From now on central government, which has passed into the hands of third parties, loses its authority in the eyes of the people. The constant increase in taxes also served as a catalyst for discontent among townspeople and peasants. For such a protracted phenomenon as the Troubles, the reasons have been accumulating for more than one year. This also includes the consequences of the oprichnina, the economic devastation after Livonian War. The last straw was the sharp deterioration in living conditions associated with the drought of 1601-1603. Troubles became for external forces the most opportune moment for the liquidation of Russian state independence.

Background from the point of view of historians

It was not only the weakening of the monarchy that contributed to the emergence of such a phenomenon as the Troubles. Its reasons are related to the intertwining of aspirations and actions of various political forces and social masses, which were complicated by the intervention of external forces. Due to the fact that many unfavorable factors emerged simultaneously, the country plunged into a deep crisis.

For the occurrence of such a phenomenon as the Troubles, the reasons can be identified as follows:

1. The economic crisis that occurs during end XVI century. It was caused by the loss of peasants to the cities, the increase in tax and feudal oppression. The situation was aggravated by the famine of 1601-1603, which killed about half a million people.

2. Dynasty crisis. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, the struggle between various boyar clans for the right to stand in power intensified. During this period, Boris Godunov (from 1598 to 1605), Fyodor Godunov (April 1605 - June 1605), False Dmitry I (from June 1605 to May 1606), Vasily visited the state throne Shuisky (from 1606 to 1610), False Dmitry II (from 1607 to 1610) and the Seven Boyars (from 1610 to 1611).

3. Spiritual crisis. The desire of the Catholic religion to impose its will ended in the split of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Internal turmoil marked the beginning of peasant wars and urban revolts.

Godunov's board

The difficult struggle for power between representatives of the highest nobility ended with the victory of Boris Godunov, the Tsar's brother-in-law. This was the first time in Russian history when the throne was acquired not by inheritance, but as a result of victory in elections in the Zemsky Sobor. In general, during the seven years of his reign, Godunov managed to resolve disputes and disagreements with Poland and Sweden, and also established cultural and economic relations with the countries of Western Europe.

His domestic politics also brought results in the form of Russia's advance into Siberia. However, the situation in the country soon worsened. This was caused by crop failures in the period from 1601 to 1603.

Godunov took all possible measures to alleviate such a difficult situation. He organized public works, gave permission to slaves to leave their masters, organized the distribution of bread to the starving. Despite this, as a result of the repeal of the law on the temporary restoration of St. George's Day in 1603, a slave uprising broke out, which marked the beginning of the peasant war.

Aggravation of the internal situation

The most dangerous stage Peasant War There was an uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov. The war spread to the southwest and south of Russia. The rebels defeated the troops of the new tsar - Vasily Shuisky - moving on to the siege of Moscow in October-December 1606. They were stopped by internal disagreements, as a result of which the rebels were forced to retreat to Kaluga.

The right moment for an attack on Moscow Polish princes became the Troubles of the early 17th century. The reasons for the attempts at intervention lay in the impressive support provided to the princes False Dmitry I and False Dmitry II, who were subordinate to foreign accomplices in everything. The ruling circles of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Catholic Church attempted to dismember Russia and eliminate its state independence.

The next stage in the split of the country was the formation of territories that recognized the power of False Dmitry II, and those that remained loyal to Vasily Shuisky.

According to some historians, the main reasons for such a phenomenon as the Troubles lay in lawlessness, imposture, internal division of the country and intervention. This time became the first civil war in Russian history. Before the Troubles appeared in Russia, its causes took many years to form. The preconditions were related to the oprichnina and the consequences of the Livonian War. By that time, the country's economy was already ruined, and tension was growing in social strata.

Final stage

Beginning in 1611, there was a rise in patriotic sentiment, accompanied by calls for an end to strife and strengthened unity. It was organized militia. However, only on the second attempt, under the leadership of K. Minin and K. Pozharsky, in the fall of 1611, Moscow was liberated. 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov was elected the new tsar.

The Troubles brought enormous territorial losses in the 17th century. The reasons for it were mainly the weakening of the authority of the centralized government in the eyes of the people and the formation of an opposition. Despite this, having gone through years of losses and hardships, internal fragmentation and civil strife under the leadership of False Dmitry impostors and adventurers, the nobles, townspeople and peasants came to the conclusion that strength can only be in unity. The consequences of the Troubles influenced the country even for a long time. Only a century later they were finally eliminated.

The period in the history of Russia from 1598 to 1612 is usually called the Time of Troubles. These were dashing years, years natural disasters: famine, crisis of state and economic system, interventions of foreigners.

The year of the beginning of the “Troubles” is 1598, when the Rurik dynasty ended and there was no legitimate king in Rus'. During the struggle and intrigue, power was taken into his own hands, and he sat on the throne until 1605.

The most dashing years during the reign of Boris Godunov are 1601-1603. People in need of food began to hunt for robbery and robbery. This course of events led the country into an increasingly systemic crisis.

People in need began to flock together. The number of such detachments ranged from several people to several hundred. It became the apogee of famine. Adding fuel to the fire were rumors that Tsarevich Dmitry, most likely killed by Boris Godunov, was alive.

Declared his royal origin, achieved the support of the Poles by promising the gentry mountains of gold, Russian lands and other benefits. At the height of the war with the impostor, Boris Godunov dies from illness. His son Fyodor and his family are killed by conspirators who believed False Dmitry I.

The impostor did not sit on the Russian throne for long. The people were dissatisfied with his rule, and opposition-minded boyars took advantage of the current situation and killed him. He was anointed to the kingdom.

Vasily Shuisky had to ascend the throne at a difficult time for the country. Before Shuisky had time to get comfortable, a fire broke out and a new impostor appeared. Shuisky concludes a military treaty with Sweden. The treaty turned into another problem for Rus'. The Poles moved to open intervention, and the Swedes betrayed Shuisky.

In 1610, Shuisky was removed from the throne as part of a conspiracy. The conspirators will still rule in Moscow for a long time, the time of their reign will be called. Moscow swore allegiance to the Polish prince Vladislav. Soon Polish troops entered the capital. Every day the situation became worse. The Poles traded in robbery and violence, and also propagated the Catholic faith.

It gathered under the leadership of Lyapunov. Due to internal squabbles, Lyapunov was killed, and the campaign of the first militia failed miserably. At that time, Russia had every opportunity to cease its existence on the map of Europe. But, as they say, Time of Troubles gives birth to heroes. There were people on Russian soil who were able to unite the people around themselves, who were able to motivate them to self-sacrifice for the good of the Russian land and the Orthodox faith.

Novgorod residents Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, once and for all, inscribed their names in golden letters in the history of Russia. It was thanks to the activities of these two people and the heroism of the Russian people that our ancestors managed to save the country. On November 1, 1612, they took the city of Kitay in battle, and a little later the Poles signed a capitulation. After the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow, a Zemsky Council was held, as a result of which he was anointed as king.

The consequences of the troubled times are very sad. Rus' lost many primordially Russian territories, the economy was in terrible decline, and the country's population decreased. The Time of Troubles was a severe test for Russia and the Russian people. More than one such test will befall the Russian people, but they will survive, thanks to their perseverance and behests to their ancestors. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword; the Russian Land has stood and will stand on that. Words spoken many centuries ago remain relevant today!

The Time of Troubles in Russia is historical period who shook government system in its very basics. It occurred at the end of the 16th – beginning of the 17th centuries.

Three periods of turmoil

The first period is called dynastic - at this stage, contenders fought for the Moscow throne until Vasily Shuisky ascended to it, although his reign is also included in this historical era. The second period is social, when various social classes, and foreign governments took advantage of this struggle to their advantage. And the third - national - it continued until Russian throne Mikhail Romanov did not ascend, and is closely associated with the fight against foreign invaders. All these stages significantly influenced further history states.

Board of Boris Godunov

In fact, this boyar began to rule Russia back in 1584, when the son of Ivan the Terrible, Fedor, completely incapable of state affairs. But legally he was elected tsar only in 1598 after the death of Feodor. He was appointed by the Zemsky Sobor.

Rice. 1. Boris Godunov.

Despite the fact that Godunov, who took over the kingdom during a difficult period of social disaster and difficult situation Russia on international arena, was good statesman, he did not inherit the throne, which made his rights to the throne questionable.

The new tsar began and consistently continued a course of reforms aimed at improving the country's economy: merchants were exempt from paying taxes for two years, landowners for a year. But this did not make Russia’s internal affairs easier - crop failure and famine of 1601-1603. caused mass mortality and an increase in the price of bread of unprecedented proportions. And the people blamed Godunov for everything. With the appearance in Poland of the “legitimate” heir to the throne, who was allegedly Tsarevich Dmitry, the situation became even more complicated.

First period of turmoil

In fact, the beginning of the Time of Troubles in Russia was marked by the fact that False Dmitry entered Russia with a small detachment, which kept increasing against the backdrop of peasant riots. Quite quickly, the “prince” attracted the common people to his side, and after the death of Boris Godunov (1605) he was recognized by the boyars. Already on June 20, 1605, he entered Moscow and was installed as king, but could not retain the throne. On May 17, 1606, False Dmitry was killed, and Vasily Shuisky sat on the throne. The power of this sovereign was formally limited by the Council, but the situation in the country did not improve.

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Rice. 2. Vasily Shuisky.

Second period of troubles

It is characterized by performances by different social strata, but primarily by peasants led by Ivan Bolotnikov. His army advanced quite successfully across the country, but on June 30, 1606, it was defeated, and soon Bolotnikov himself was executed. The wave of uprisings has subsided slightly, thanks in part to the efforts of Vasily Shuisky to stabilize the situation. But in general, his efforts did not bring results - soon a second Ldezhmitry appeared, who received the nickname “ Tushino thief" He opposed Shuisky in January 1608, and already in July 1609, the boyars who served both Shuisky and False Dmitry swore allegiance to the Polish prince Vladislav and forcibly tonsured their sovereign into monks. On June 20, 1609, the Poles entered Moscow. In December 1610, False Dmitry was killed, and the struggle for the throne continued.

Third period of troubles

The death of False Dmitry became turning point– the Poles no longer had an actual excuse to be on Russian territory. They become interventionists, to fight whom the first and second militia gather.

The first militia that went to Moscow in April 1611, special success It didn’t succeed because it was disunited. But the second, created on the initiative of Kuzma Minin and headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, achieved success. These heroes liberated Moscow - this happened on October 26, 1612, when Polish garrison capitulated. The actions of the people are the answer to the question of why Russia survived the Time of Troubles.

Rice. 3. Minin and Pozharsky.

It was necessary to look for a new king, whose candidacy would suit all layers of society. This was Mikhail Romanov - on February 21, 1613, he was elected by the Zemsky Sobor. The time of troubles is over.

Chronology of events of the Troubles

The following table gives an idea of ​​the main events that took place during the Troubles. They are located in chronological order by dates.

What have we learned?

From a history article for grade 10, we learned briefly about the Time of Troubles, looked at the most important thing - what events took place during this period and what historical figures influenced the course of history. We found out that in 17th century The Time of Troubles ended with the ascension to the throne of the compromise Tsar Mikhail Romanov.

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Page 10

Express your opinion about the actions of Tsar Boris Godunov.

The actions of Tsar Boris Godunov can be called humane. He fought hunger with all his might, helped the starving and forced the boyars to do so. Unfortunately, the king's resources were limited.

Page 11

Why did the boyars side with the impostor?

The boyars sided with the impostor because they were dissatisfied with the rule of Boris Godunov and were ready to place anyone other than “Boris’s family” on the Russian throne. In addition, the boyars hoped that the king whom they would proclaim would be obedient to their will and would do what was beneficial to the boyars.

Page 12.

What mistakes did False Dmitry I make during his reign?

False Dmitry I made mistakes during his reign: he did not fulfill his promises to the people, for example, to give freedom to serfs, did not observe Russian traditions and customs, married a Pole Marina Mniszech, did not stop the disrespectful attitude of the Poles towards the Russian Orthodox Church and traditions.

Page 13.

Name the main forces that took part in the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov.

The main forces participating in the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov: provincial nobles, peasants, serfs, Cossacks, archers.

Page 15.

Express your opinion about the Tushino boyars.

The Tushino boyars can be called dishonest, greedy people. For the sake of profit, they were ready to betray. The opinion about such people can only be disapproving.

Page 18. Questions and tasks for the text of the paragraph

1. Give reasons economic difficulties early XVII V.

Causes of economic difficulties at the beginning of the 17th century:

Oprichnina, which caused economic devastation in the country

Lean years 1601 - 1603

2. What event can be called the beginning of the Troubles? Why was the people's discontent directed against the king? Who could take advantage of such a situation?

The beginning of the Troubles can be called the uprising led by Khlopko. The discontent of the people was directed against the tsar because the tsar brutally suppressed this uprising, and Khlopko himself was executed. In addition, the boyars took advantage of this situation and in every possible way fueled popular discontent.

3. How do you explain the emergence of imposture? Can we call him one of the important signs Troubles?

The appearance of imposture can be explained by the fact that in Russia there was no legal heir to the throne from the Rurik dynasty. The current Tsar Boris Godunov was disliked by the people and the boyars, which is why they so easily believed the rumors about the impostor. The appearance of imposture can be called one of the important signs of the Troubles.

4. Who supported the campaign of False Dmitry I against Moscow and why?

The campaign of False Dmitry I against Moscow was supported by provincial nobles, peasants, serfs, Cossacks, and archers because he promised relief to each class group, and freedom to the serfs.

5. How do you understand the words of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky about False Dmitry I: “He was only baked in a Polish oven, but fermented in Moscow”?

The words of the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky can be understood as follows: False Dmitry I was born, raised and formed as a man in Russia, in Moscow, only in last stage his life, having arrived in Poland, he decided with the help Polish gentry bring your ambitious plans to life.

Yes, the boyars can be considered the main culprit for the outbreak of the Troubles in Russian state. The boyars were dissatisfied with the rule of Boris Godunov, they were ready to place anyone on the Russian throne, but “not Boris’s family.” In addition, the boyars hoped that the king they would proclaim would be obedient to their will and would do what was beneficial to the boyars. In addition, using the situation of hunger and popular discontent, the boyars in every possible way fueled popular discontent, which led to the beginning of the Time of Troubles.

7. Why was Vasily Shuisky called “ boyar king»?

Vasily Shuisky was called the “boyar tsar” because he was “elected” to Zemsky Sobor, consisting of residents of Moscow, mainly boyars.

8. Who and why supported the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov? What was the reason for the defeat of the rebels?

Provincial nobles, peasants, serfs, Cossacks, and archers supported the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov because they believed in the impostor, who promised easier life for all the people. The reason for the defeat of the rebels was the inequality of the opposing forces. V. Shuisky managed to gather short terms a large army.

9. Why did Vasily Shuisky increase the period for searching for fugitive peasants? What classes did he want to attract to his side with this step?

Vasily Shuisky increased the period of searching for fugitive peasants because he needed to win over the boyars to fight the uprising of I. Bolotnikov.

10. Why did the people stop supporting the Tushins?

The people stopped supporting the Tushins because their actions were considered dishonest, unworthy, and treacherous by the people.

11. How did the entry into Russian Troubles external forces - Poles and Swedes? What goals did the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden pursue when invading Russian territory?

The entry into the Russian Troubles by external forces - the Poles and Swedes - had an extremely negative impact on the state of affairs in the country. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden, invading the territory of Russia, pursued the goal of capturing Russia, installing their protege on the throne. In addition, the Catholic Church sought to spread Catholicism throughout Russia.

Page 18. Working with the map

Show on the map Russian cities and monasteries that provided heroic resistance Polish and Swedish troops. Name the years of defense of these cities (monasteries).

Russian cities and monasteries that offered heroic resistance to Polish and Swedish troops and the years of defense of these cities: Smolensk - 1609-1611, Trinity-Sergius Monastery - 1608-1610, Pskov - 1615, Korela - 1610-1611.

Page 19. Studying documents

1. About whom we're talking about in the passage?

The passage talks about Tsar Boris Godunov.

2. Do you agree with the historian’s opinion about this person?

One cannot but agree with the historian’s opinion about this man.

Page 19. Studying documents

The goals of the participants in the uprising of I. Bolotnikov: to seize power, to install False Dmitry I on the throne, in whom they believed

2. Based on this passage, describe the personality of Ivan Bolotnikov.

The personality of Ivan Bolotnikov is characterized on the basis of this passage as an honest, decent person, true to his word and courageous.

Page 20. We think, compare, reflect

1. Below are the points of view of historians regarding the causes of the Time of Troubles. Check them out. What reasons would you highlight for the Troubles? Formulate these reasons in the form of theses ( short statements). Write them down in your notebook.

Causes of the Troubles: we can agree with all the historians participating in the discussion. Each of them names one side or another of the conditions that led to the Troubles. The most accurate, incorporating all aspects of the causes of the Troubles, can be considered the point of view of S.V. Bushuev. He writes that the Troubles were very complex process and was a combination of several crises. The first is dynastic (the Rurik dynasty was interrupted, there was no legal heir to the throne). The second is state power (state power after the reign of Ivan the Terrible took shape as absolute monarchy, autocracy, but corresponding support and structures throughout Russia this form state power haven't had one yet). The third is social (was active process development, degeneration of classes from boyars to serfs. Each class sought to gain as many rights as possible. Consequently, a sharp struggle flared up between them. For example, the boyars sought to enslave the peasants, but the peasants actively resisted this).

2. Why Boris Godunov, despite all the measures he took, could not prevent popular performances?

Boris Godunov, despite all the measures he took, was unable to prevent popular uprisings because the boyars were dissatisfied with the rule of Boris Godunov and were ready to place anyone other than “Boris’s family” on the Russian throne. In addition, the boyars hoped that the king they would proclaim would be obedient to their will and would do what was beneficial to the boyars. In addition, using the situation of famine, the boyars in every possible way fueled popular discontent and incited rebellion.

3. Why did Vasily Shuisky fail to stop the Troubles?

Vasily Shuisky failed to stop the Troubles because he mainly sought to achieve his personal goals - to enthrone the Shuisky dynasty. He believed that it was necessary to suppress the uprising of I. Bolotnikov at any cost and retain power, instead of offering options social contract between the authorities and the rebels. In addition, while pursuing personal goals, Shuisky was unable to reveal the scope of popular discontent, which some historians call civil war and threat from outside. Moreover, when the mood of the people changed and it was possible to rely on popular forces, Shuisky, fearing the people, did not do this.

4. Which segments of the population supported False Dmitry I, I. Bolotnikov and False Dmitry II and why?

False Dmitry I, I. Bolotnikov and False Dmitry II were supported by different segments of the population - nobles, boyars, peasants, serfs, Cossacks, archers, as well as Polish mercenaries (False Dmitry II) because all of these figures promised everyone a better life.

5. Why did a change in the mood of the people occur in 1609?

In 1609, there was a turning point in the mood of the people because the Poles, who came with False Dmitry II, behaved like conquerors: they robbed, raped, imposed heavy taxes on the population, and desecrated Orthodox shrines.

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