Independent diagnostics of mtsko. Extra-budgetary services of mtsko

A publication about how Moscow schools publish (or do not publish) results passing the Unified State Exam teachers.

This year, Moscow teachers had the opportunity to feel like students and take an exam in Unified State Exam format. Today we will talk about the results of this work and the need for openness in all education.

Where are the most “open” teachers, and does the result affect “openness”?

It must be said that each teacher decides for himself whether to publish his results or not. And it is worth noting that not all teachers are ready to advertise them, due to the stereotype that has long been imposed on them about the need to always be an “excellent student,” which they, in turn, try to impose on children. An excellent student and a successful person are not the same thing! Now let’s conduct a small study of the published results on the ICCO website.

The most “open” schools in Moscow as of May 18, 2017 are:

Twice Hero Engineering and Technical School Soviet Union P.R. Popovich (16 teachers)
Gymnasium No. 1811 "Eastern Izmailovo" (15 teachers)
Lyceum No. 507 (13 teachers)
School No. 15 (11 teachers)
School No. 1862 (9 teachers)

If we resort to the classic measurement of the “average temperature in the hospital”, it will show that the number of “patients in the ward” does not in any way affect “ average temperature"No matter how many teachers there are in a school who have passed the exam, average result by school, according to the schedule, it turns out to be approximately the same.

But the openness of the results speaks volumes: Are we ready to see our mistakes? Are you ready to show students that even adults can make mistakes? Are you ready to warn students against repeating mistakes in the exam and in life?

What do we have?

Let's take the Nekrasovka district, which we already love, which currently has 5 schools (1366, 1595, 2051, 2053, 2089). Unfortunately, only one school can boast of openness. It is important to understand that teacher exam results are merely statistics on the success of completing tasks once by one person, and in no way indicate general level teacher's competence. After all, a teacher today is both an expert in his subject and an expert in checking work different levels, and a mentor to the younger generation. It is very rare to find universal personalities, and even those who never make mistakes, “excellent students.”

Why is openness necessary?

If we openly discuss our successes and failures with both our colleagues and students, this will help successful implementation goals set in the future. For example, after receiving the results, we heatedly discussed our exam with a colleague. They found out that I was inattentive in tasks 1, 6, 20, 24, but task 23 was quite difficult for me. For my colleague, task 18 causes significant difficulties. It was this understanding that allowed us to jointly better understand the results obtained.

Their publication makes it possible to increase the degree of trust of parents in the entire school staff, to come to the understanding that the teacher is honest, demanding of himself and open, and he will be just as open and honest towards students. Only discussing problematic situations By overcoming them, without hushing them up, by setting new goals, you can achieve high results.

“I know that I don’t know anything, and others don’t know that either.”
Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates

The new academic season 2018-2019 will again not be complete without independent monitoring and diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education and Science in the capital’s schools. So government agency additional vocational education The city of Moscow has the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of teaching, draw conclusions about the quality of knowledge received by schoolchildren, identify the most capable teachers, prepare the ground for the introduction of new educational systems, and this is not the entire list of tasks that can be solved with the help of these checks.

Monitoring 2018-2019

All audit activities of the institution were divided into three large groups:

  1. Grade educational achievements students educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year (on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis).
  2. National surveys on the quality of knowledge delivery.
  3. International comparative studies quality educational process.

Each group differs in the MCCO diagnostic calendar 2018-2019, as well as goals, participants and verification tools. But they have a common regulatory document - a letter from the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 “On measures for independent assessment of educational achievements of students in educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year.”

Inspection Plan for Secondary Schools

This is the most popular plan among teachers and directors, as it applies to all budgetary educational institutions in the capital. In the new academic year it will consist of seven stages:

  • Corrective mandatory diagnostics from grades 9 to 11. It will only affect those institutions in which the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics in 2018 were unsatisfactory.

  • Testing in those subjects that are studied at an in-depth level.

  • Inspections in organizations participating in the organization project specialized training in basic general education programs.

  • Testing the knowledge acquired on extracurricular activities. For grades 8-9 this is " financial literacy"or "the history of Moscow", and for tenth graders these are "memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland."
  • Meta subject diagnostics. Serves for analysis of achieving planned results in mastering the educational program.
  • Diagnostics in primary school(mathematics, Russian language, reading). Will take place in April 2019.

Important! The first stage of diagnostics will take place in September – November 2018. Applications for participation in it must be submitted on the website at personal account schools. Also on the official website of the institution in the section “instructions - teaching materials» can be found complete information on conducting an audit.

In the current academic year, the Moscow Center for Education and Science will also conduct inspections in educational institutions, not related to budget (private) schools. The MCCO 2018-2019 audit schedule for them is shown below.

National Educational Quality Surveys

This group includes two diagnostic tools. These are all-Russian testing work(VLOOKUP) and program National Studies quality of education (NIKO).

The purpose of these methods is to ensure unity educational space with universal compliance with accepted general education programs.

The features of VPR are:

  • the level of testing of schoolchildren’s knowledge is carried out through same task for the whole country;
  • uniform assessment criteria are used;
  • schoolchildren are provided with absolutely identical conditions when taking the exam (reflected in special instructions);
  • unified assessment criteria (after completing the work, schools gain access to assessment criteria and recommendations).

VPRs provide an opportunity for school leaders to timely navigate the correct organization of the educational process and check the level of knowledge of their students for compliance with the all-Russian standard.

Important! While writing such tests, the presence of observers from parents or teachers is allowed.

Features of the NIKO program are:

  • anonymous questioning (computer testing technology or the use of machine-readable forms) of students in order to collect information about the learning process and its proper level;
  • the selection of participants is carried out at the federal level according to special technique(depends on the specific NIKO project).
  • the results of the surveys received are used for analysis current state educational system and the formation of programs for its development.

Important! When testing students under the NIKO program, assessment of the performance of teachers and regional executive authorities is not provided.

Participation in the new academic year in the NIKO project is shown below.

International comparative studies of education quality

In 2018-2019, this monitoring group will be marked by three events, each of which is aimed at different categories of schoolchildren.

  1. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (quality of reading and text comprehension). Will be conducted among students primary classes V different countries peace.
  2. International Computer and Information Literacy Study (testing computer and information literacy for eighth graders).
  3. Research on civics education for eighth graders.

Non-diagnostic goals of MCCO in 2018-2019

Beyond monitoring educational institutions The Moscow Education Center has many other goals and plans in the field of improving the level of education in Moscow and, in particular, in Russia. These are various international conferences, seminars and certifications.

So, the very first in the calendar of the new academic year planned important event world-class – Moscow International Forum “City of Education” (August 30 – September 2, 2018). The organizers plan to attract more than 70,000 participants, among whom will be representatives of the leadership of schools in Moscow, Russia and other countries of the world. The forum will end with a traditional Russian language festival.

And in February the main thing will pass organizational event of the year – international conference on the development of a quality system for obtaining knowledge.

The center also offers advanced training courses for employees of educational organizations with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

With detailed schedule diagnostic work 2018 – 2019 everyone can find out on the MCKO website

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