North-East chord. Current state of affairs

These strange words in the title - the name of the grandiose objects road construction in Moscow. One way or another, you heard them - North-East Expressway, North-West Khorda and South Rokada. - just an exit from the Shchelkovskoe highway to the temporary storage warehouse towards the Entuziastov highway. Now let's look at these construction sites from the air. The first part on temporary storage was published by me in May -.

In Moscow in 2016, 104 km of roads were built, which is a record construction.

In total, over the past 6 years (from 2011 to 2016), 544 km of roads were built and put into operation (about 12.5% ​​of the entire existing street and road network cities), including:
- 162 artificial structures (overpasses, tunnels and bridges) and 160 off-street pedestrian crossings were built;
- 8 outbound highways (126 km) were reconstructed, full-fledged backup routes were created, as well as dedicated lanes for public transport total length 150 km (this is 60% of the entire length of the existing dedicated lanes in the city - 250 km), 350 drive-in pockets have been created;
- 13 largest and most complex transport interchanges were built and reconstructed at the intersection of highways with the Moscow Ring Road.

In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

All aerial surveys were completed sturman from On his YouTube channel you can find a lot of interesting videos.

1. The diagram shows the mileage only by chord: how much has already been done, what is in the works, and what is still being designed.

2. Let's start with the South Rokada, where at the intersection with the Varshavskoe highway the first stage of construction is in full swing - the construction of an overpass for Warsaw highway.

3. Site diagram.


4. The second stage, as far as I understand, will be the construction of a tunnel for the South Rokada. At least there is such a scheme and rendering.

5. We managed to fly, right before the squall.

6. The construction of the railway tunnel will be completed, as usual, without stopping traffic.

7. And now the famous T-junction in the air. This is the denouement Southern understudy Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya street.

8. Monster scheme.


9. Connection of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

10. A reserve has been left in the center of the road for the continuation of the southern backup route to the center, along the railway.

11. The southern understudy will go to the left and the appendix will be connected to it.

12. But very unusual look, Certainly.

13. And this is the interchange of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with the Southern Rokada. It is also drawn in the diagram above.

14. The most delicious thing is the construction of a new bridge across the Moscow River on the North-Western Expressway section.

15. Site diagram.


16. It is being built parallel to the existing Krylatsky Bridge.

17. The span structure of the old bridge is made in the form of a continuous steel beam with a ride on top, the span formula is 51.2 + 90.0 + 51.2 m. The structure is based on two box-shaped beams 2.5 m high, 2.74 m wide, covered with an orthotropic slab. The beams rest on two common V-shaped supports. The total width of the bridge is 25.4 m, including the roadway - 18.0 m (4 lanes). As far as I understand, new bridge will be a copy of the old one according to the scheme.

18. Section of the North-Western Expressway from the bridge to Northern understudy Kutuzovsky prospect.

19. And this is the beginning of work on the construction of a 300-meter cable-stayed bridge through gateway No. 9

20. It will connect the street People's Militia with Nizhny Mnevniki above the gateway along an oblique line, not far from the existing small Karamyshevsky bridge. At the same time, on suspension bridge plan to create pedestrian areas and an observation deck.

21. View towards the junction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

22. And already in the evening we stopped at the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway in the Festivalnaya Street area.

23. Site diagram. Note the gray branch to the east. If you want to familiarize yourself, here is a link to another diagram.


24. Partially commissioned interchange of the temporary storage warehouse with Festivalnaya Street.

25. Damn beautiful.

26. View towards the Moscow Ring Road.

27. If anyone has forgotten, then the diagram is for an already built site. By the way, when we were walking under the overpasses, there was a surveillance camera on each support!!! There are no dead zones at all. Holy shit.


28. View towards the NATI platform, Likhobory MCC, Likhobory depot LDL.

29. See that in order to save the access railway line, the pitch of the supports had to be changed.

30. View towards Festivalnaya.

31. Interchange of the temporary storage warehouse with the section that will go to the east.

32. Station "Likhobory" MCC.

33. Likhobory station and temporary storage area under construction.

34. Interchange at the temporary storage warehouse. On the right you can see the new depot "" of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

35. And 3D panoramas. To watch and play them, welcome here:

36. Grand construction.

37. Moscow is changing before our eyes

38. In total, over the past 6 years, 561 km of roads have been built in Moscow. This is approximately 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network of the city. Reconstruction of 13 transport interchanges at the intersection of major highways with the Moscow Ring Road and 8 outbound highways was carried out. The length of backup and dedicated public transport lanes was about 150 km. In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

39. Happy upcoming Builder's Day!

The authorities decided to inflict another scar on the body of Moscow - to build the North-Eastern Expressway. For now, only the design of the future route is ready, let’s see how the next billions of rubles will be spent.

01. General form area:

02. Regarding the entire area:

03. Well, now in more detail, prepare your imagination, let’s go from Yaroslavka, because the tracing through national park(!!!) for some reason they didn’t invest in the project:

04. Past the Botanical Garden:

05. Vladykino:

06. Separation (or vice versa, convergence - depending on how you look at it) temporary storage and storage storage:

07. Sections of several places:

08. TPU in the direction of travel:

09. Features:

Surprisingly, not even a single under/overground passage sounds somehow implausible.

10. And now the socio-economic justification. Although where this means socially is not clear, I only see economic calculations, no social effect, no transport effect in the long term:

11. Although I’m lying, there are transport calculations, it has already been calculated where traffic jams will be in the future:

What can I say... for some reason I wanted to drink out of grief. But if in the case of the North-Western Expressway, which ran along ordinary streets, and from which they decided to make a semblance of a highway, despite the inhabitants, where I still wanted to send all those responsible to North Korea, then just have a drink here. Unlike the SZH, this chord mostly runs along and along the industrial zone:

Apparently because of this, there will be no off-street crossings, and public transport on the expressway is also not provided.

BUT in fact, this road distributes all traffic from the M11, only if the M11 is a toll road, this one will be free, that is, it will actively stimulate car use, and will also distribute a huge flow of cars around the city, for example, if previously a resident of Khimki or another Moscow region Tver, let's go to the city by train or public transport, then now he will go by car. Also, monstrous interchanges obviously will not beautify the city and will not relieve congestion on the exit streets. Although, there is a tiny chance that after the introduction of this chord, it will finally be possible to close the north-eastern section of the Third Ring, turning it into a normal street.

In any case, instead of investing money in public benefit projects (and at least connecting the road networks between districts), this money will be spent on roads and traffic jams. But Eminence grise I’m happy - the builders will be able to cover the budget for another couple of years.

PS On Thursday, August 20, hearings on this project will be held in Ostankino, Rostokino and 3 other districts, I suggest residents take care of this now.

You can view the presentations

On Wednesday, March 20, the traditional monthly meeting of residents of the Losinoostrovsky district with its leadership will take place. It will start as usual at 19.00; Participants are expected at the address: st. Startovaya, 27, building 3 (GBOU secondary school No. 763).

The intersection of Malygina Street and Anadyrsky Proezd will become regulated. This was reported by the press service of the Organization Center traffic(TsODD). “Work on landscaping, road markings and installation of pedestrian barriers is planned for this spring,” the statement says.

The February issue is dedicated to all concerned and active citizens of Losinka, their achievements, problems and the search for their solutions. We tried to reflect the most pressing social topics and the most pressing issues. As it turned out, some of them went beyond the area, but since our residents found themselves direct participants events, the editors provided them with support. For 8 months now, parents of students of the school CHIC 16 Ostankino district protect the interests of teachers and their own children. The editors will monitor the development of this situation. Continuing the theme of citizens’ struggle for the right to safe housing, we talk about people living in a dilapidated house 10 on Ostashkovskaya Street and deceived shareholders of an unfinished house on Malygina, 12. Deputy Marina Vladimirovna Makarova reminded residents of the need to pay utility bills on time. The editors pay great attention to your letters. This issue provides a perspective on development modern system health care expressed by Alexander Sorokin. A resident’s appeal regarding the issue of poor-quality repairs of the bridge over the railway tracks of the Losinoostrovskaya station has been brought under the editor’s control. This February there was a lot of positive events- the transport police celebrated the centenary, and firefighters from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations held a festive flash mob “Let’s melt the ice together” at the VDNH skating rink. In the “Culture” section we talked about the pride of our region - the school museum of the history of Russian life. Read about all this on the pages of our newspaper.

At the request of residents, the center for creativity and leisure will host series of meetings with the author of the book L.A. Pryanishnikova “Let the connection of times and generations not be interrupted. small homeland, my Losinka." Guests of the series of presentations will get acquainted with the history of the Losinoostrovskaya station, the village, the city of Losinoostrovsky, as well as the city of Babushkin and its environs, with the nature of this historical place, with the people who lived here, with their way of life and destinies. The next meeting is 2 February from 12:00 to 14:00 Address: Menzhinsky str. 6, building 2.

Unfinished construction on Malygina 12. “Don’t force us to go on a hunger strike!”

With such a poster, deceived shareholders came out for long-term construction in the North-Eastern Administrative District, on the street. Malygina 12. For more than 10 years, the situation with the house on Malygina Street, 12 has not been resolved. The developer collected money from citizens and began bankruptcy proceedings. The state did not provide any guarantees to the people. With a foreign currency mortgage spent maternal capital, without a roof over their heads due to the fact that they sold their homes, many of them are still trying to fight. They themselves pay for the security of the unfinished facility, they themselves carry out necessary measures and examination. But then hire another construction company at your own expense to complete construction work they are no longer able to.

Dear Igor Vladimirovich! We, residents of the Losinoostrovsky district, earnestly ask you, as the director of the State Autonomous Institution of Moscow “Babushkinsky Park of Culture and Recreation” and as our elected deputy, to stop the “fencing” of our beloved park near the Dzhamgarovsky Pond. To resolve this issue, we suggest that you organize a meeting with residents and discuss all issues. We object not to the fencing of the territory, but to such a capital, 2-meter fence. We would like to see small, decorative fencing like before.

On the seizure of real estate for state needs for the purpose of constructing overpasses of the main route, multi-level transport interchanges in the area of ​​the Vladykino metro station, Botanichesky Sad metro station, Yaroslavsky overpasses..

The government of Moscow



On the seizure of real estate for state needs for the purpose of constructing overpasses of the main route, multi-level transport interchanges in the area of ​​the Vladykino metro station, the "Vladykino" metro station Botanical Garden", overpass ramps Yaroslavl highway, bridges across the Yauza and Likhoborka rivers, reconstruction of engineering networks and communications with the construction of those necessary for their functioning underground roads on the section from Yaroslavskoe highway to Dmitrovskoe highway. North-Eastern Expressway (North-Eastern district of Moscow)

In accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, and 281 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ "On the peculiarities of regulating certain legal relations in connection with the annexation of territories to a subject of the Russian Federation - the city of federal significance Moscow and the introduction amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", dated February 20, 2013 N 99-PP "On approval of the Regulations on the Department of City Property of the City of Moscow", dated February 25, 2014 N 77-PP "On the procedure for interaction between executive authorities of the city of Moscow when implementing measures aimed at ensuring the construction of capital construction projects within the framework of the implementation of the targeted investment program of the city of Moscow", dated March 22, 2018 N 214-PP "On approval of the project for planning the territory of a linear object of a section of the road network - a section of the North-Eastern Expressway from railway tracks Oktyabrsky direction of Moscow railway to the railway tracks of the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway", as well as for the purpose of implementing the Moscow Government Decree of October 10, 2017 N 748-PP "On the Targeted Investment Program of the City of Moscow for 2017-2020", in connection with requests from the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow dated August 23, 2018 N DS-11-21806/18, dated August 28, 2018 N DS-11-22218/18, dated September 3, 2018 N DS-11-22617/18.

1. To be withdrawn for state needs - for the purposes of the construction of overpasses of the main route, multi-level transport interchanges in the area of ​​the Vladykino metro station, the Botanical Garden metro station, overpass ramps of the Yaroslavl highway, bridges across the Yauza river, the Likhoborka river, reconstruction of engineering networks and communications with the construction of underground roads necessary for their functioning in the area from Yaroslavskoe highway to Dmitrovskoe highway. North-Eastern Expressway - the copyright holders have real estate assets (appendix).

2. Department for the implementation of urban planning policy and transport infrastructure together with the Department of Affairs, within 7 days from the date of issue of the order, send a copy of the order to the address of the copyright holders of the seized real estate objects by registered mail with notification.

3. Department of internal and external communications within 7 days from the date of issue of the order, ensure publication of this order in the media.

4. To the Department for ensuring cadastral registration and registration of rights no later than 20 calendar days from the date of issue of the order, ensure state registration of the decision on the seizure of real estate.

5. Control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to the deputy head N.V. Prusakova.

Deputy Head


Application. List of real estate objects subject to seizure for state needs


to the order of the City Department

property of the city of Moscow

List of real estate objects subject to seizure for state needs

Address of the real estate property

Real estate subject to seizure

Type of property rights, date and number of registration record in the Unified state register rights to real estate and transactions with it

Subject of law

Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, vl.67, building 5

Land plot with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:1341

N 77:09:0002031:1341-77/009/2017-2


129128 Moscow, Western district Degunino, Dmitrovskoe highway, 67, building 5

Non-residential building (1st floor) with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:1028

N 77-77-12/022/2007-151


Moscow, Verkhnelikhoborskaya st., building 9

Land plot with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:26

N 77-77-09/030/2011-040


127238 Moscow, Western Degunino district, Verkhnelikhoborskaya st., 9, building 1

Non-residential building with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:1015

N 77-77-12/034/2010-374


127238 Moscow, Western Degunino district, Verkhnelikhoborskaya st., 9, building 8

Non-residential building with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:1016

N 77-77-12/035/2010-158


127238 Moscow, Western Degunino district, Verkhnelikhoborskaya st., 9, building 7

Non-residential building with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:1034

N 77-77-12/035/2010-147


127238 Moscow, Western Degunino district, Verkhnelikhoborskaya st., 9, building 2

Non-residential building with cadastral number 77:09:0002031:1035

N 77-77-12/012/2010-755


Moscow, Altufevskoye highway, 5

Land plot with cadastral number 77:02:0007003:81

N 77-01/05-4/2004-238


127106 Moscow, Otradnoe district, Altufevskoe highway, no. 5

Non-residential building with cadastral number 77:02:0007003:1052

N 77-01/30-639/2003-391


Head of the Department for

implementation of urban planning

policy and transport infrastructure


Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:

official site

Mayor and Government of Moscow, 05.10.2018

On the seizure of real estate for state needs for the purpose of constructing overpasses of the main route, multi-level transport interchanges in the area of ​​the Vladykino metro station, the Botanical Garden metro station, overpass ramps of the Yaroslavl highway, bridges across the Yauza river, the Likhoborka river, reconstruction engineering networks and communications with the construction of underground roads necessary for their functioning in the area from Yaroslavskoe highway to Dmitrovskoe highway. North-Eastern Expressway (North-Eastern district of Moscow)

Document's name: On the seizure of real estate for state needs for the purpose of constructing overpasses of the main route, multi-level transport interchanges in the area of ​​the Vladykino metro station, the Botanical Garden metro station, overpass ramps of the Yaroslavl highway, bridges across the Yauza river, the Likhoborka river, reconstruction engineering networks and communications with the construction of underground roads necessary for their functioning in the area from Yaroslavskoe highway to Dmitrovskoe highway. North-Eastern Expressway (North-Eastern district of Moscow)
Document Number: 32535
Document type: Order of the Moscow City Property Department
Receiving authority: Moscow City Property Department
Status: Active
Published: Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 10/05/2018
Acceptance date: September 28, 2018
Start date: September 28, 2018

In 2019, Muscovites will be able to travel along the North-Eastern Expressway. The 35-kilometer-long highway will run from new route M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg to Kosinskaya overpass(interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway).

The chord will connect major highways of the city - MKAD, Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways. That is, the north, east and southeast of the capital and nearest cities Moscow suburbs will be able to travel to each other without turning into the center. For example, it will be possible to get from Lyubertsy to Yaroslavskoye Highway without traffic lights in just 15 minutes.

By the end of this year, one of the most difficult sections of the highway will be launched - from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway. It has been under construction since 2008. Drivers are already driving here on the section from Perovskaya Street to Izmailovskoye Highway. In addition, there are exits on the Entuziastov Highway towards the center and towards the region.

To provide normal movement transport, at the interchange of the North-Eastern Expressway with Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue, 15 overpasses will be built total length almost 10 kilometers,” said Mayor Sergei Sobyanin during a recent inspection of the construction site. - I hope that by the end of the year the main work will be completed. Construction equipment will leave Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue.

The route of the section will run along the tracks of Moskovsky central ring(MCC) and will cross Entuziastov Highway in the area of ​​the metro station of the same name. Now construction and reconstruction are taking place not only on the highway itself, but also on neighboring Perovskaya Street, Anosova Street, Elektrodny Proezd and local driveways. Five overpasses are already ready. By the end of this year, five more overpasses, five pedestrian crossings, and 7.3 km of tram tracks will appear.

After the launch of this section, Izmailovskoye and Shchelkovskoye highways, Entuziastov highway and Budyonny Avenue will be unloaded. At the same time, transit traffic will open from Perovskaya Street to the North-Eastern Expressway and further to the districts Falcon Hill, Preobrazhenskoe, Eastern and Northern Izmailovo. As a result, it will become easier to drive on the Enthusiast Highway.

The North-Eastern Expressway was divided into seven sections (see diagram). Two of them are already ready - from Businovskaya transport interchange to Festivalnaya Street, from Izmailovskoye to Shchelkovskoye Highway (except for the tunnel under Shchelkovsky highway). Three more sections are currently under construction - from the Moscow Ring Road to Entuziastov Highway, from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway, from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse.

At the end of 2018, they plan to open a 5-kilometer section from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway. Four overpasses, five kilometers of ramps from them, an overpass over the railway and a bridge over the Likhoborka River will be built here. The road will have 3 - 4 lanes for traffic in each direction. As a result, it will be more convenient for residents northern regions Moscow - Golovinsky, Koptev and Timiryazevsky.

In the future, in the north of the capital, the North-Eastern Expressway will be connected to the North-Western Expressway (will run from Skolkovskoe to Yaroslavskoe highway). For this purpose, a turning overpass will be built on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, ramps and side passages along the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Basic major roads to connect different districts of the city they are going to finish it in the next year or two.

In 2018, we will complete the North-Western Expressway, which will actually cross the entire city from north to west,” said Deputy Mayor of Moscow Marat Khusnullin. - By the beginning of 2019, in addition to one or two sections, we will build the North-Eastern Expressway. We will complete construction at the same time Southern Rockada. This is an extension of Rublevskoye Highway, connecting with Proletarsky Avenue and then exit to the Moscow Ring Road. These three key roads should replace the fourth transport ring.


The North-Eastern chord will stretch from Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya street, Dmitrovskoye, Yaroslavskoye highway. Then it will cross Otkrytoye, Shchelkovskoye, Izmailovskoye highways and enter the section of the fourth transport ring under construction from Izmailovskoye highway to Entuziastov highway.

From the Entuziastov highway the chord will go to the MKAD interchange with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway, then to the borders with the region for connection with federal highway Moscow - Noginsk - Kazan.

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