Personal responsibility and personal choice. Hamming

I've been telling all this for so long for one simple reason. Everyone I know who has managed to remain effective over the years has learned the same lessons that I have. This also applies effective managers, and scientists, and senior military officials, and first-class doctors, teachers and artists. When I work with a person (as a consultant I of course work with a lot of people - in business, government, universities, hospitals, opera houses, symphony orchestras, museums, etc.), then sooner or later I try to find out how he explains his success. And every time they always tell me stories that are very similar to mine.

Therefore, my answer to the question “How can a person, especially one who uses knowledge in his work, remain effective?” sounds like this: "Following a few very simple rules."

The first is to establish a goal or vision, similar to what Verdi's opera Falstaff suggested to me. This means that every year you become not older, but wiser.

Secondly, I realized that people who remain effective adhere to the opinion that Phidias expressed in relation to his work: “The gods see it.” These people do not agree to work mediocrely; they respect the integrity of the work, which means they respect themselves.

Third common feature for all such people: throughout their lives they are continuously learning. Perhaps they do not adhere to the method that I have been using for sixty years, i.e. They don’t take up studying a new subject every three or four years. They experiment and are not content with repeating what they did yesterday. The least they demand from themselves is to do everything better than it was, and even more often, to do it differently.

People who are always developing and growing internally are sure to critically evaluate the results of their work. I found out that more and more often many are repeating the methods invented by the Jesuits and Calvinists back in the 16th century. They record the results of their decisions and actions and then compare them with their expectations. This way you can quickly find out your strengths, as well as understand what needs to be corrected, learned, changed. Finally, they know what they have absolutely no ability to do, which means that it is better to entrust other people to do it.

Every time I contact one of these effective people asking them to explain the reason for their success, I hear that a long-dead teacher or boss taught them, whenever a job, task, or position changes, to carefully consider what requirements this imposes new job, task, position. And among these requirements there will certainly be something new, not similar to what was required in the previous case.

Personal responsibility

At the heart of all these methods is the most important thing: people, especially knowledge workers, who know how to remain effective and steadily develop, are responsible for their own development and taking their proper place in life.

This conclusion will probably be the most unexpected and the most difficult to apply. Modern organization, whether it is a business company or a government agency, is still based on the assumption that career It is the organization that is responsible for a person and his personal development. Most best example, which I know is the HR department of a typical large Japanese company, or a prototype thereof, as well as the system adopted in the traditional army. I can't imagine a more responsible group of people than the average human resources department in Japan. But they, too, I am convinced, will have to learn to change. Instead of making decisions themselves, they will need to become teachers, mentors or advisers.

The responsibility for the development of the individual knowledge worker and his career growth must be his own, and of this I firmly believe. The person himself must ask himself: “What kind of work do I need now? What task do I currently have enough experience to perform? What experience and skills do I now need to develop?” Naturally, a person cannot make such a decision alone. This must be done taking into account the needs of the entire organization, as well as on the basis external assessment strengths, skills and performance of that person.


A person must take responsibility for his own development. The employee must bear responsibility for career growth independently. Otherwise, it is unlikely that knowledge workers will be able to remain effective, productive, and capable of growth over the long term. working life, which we have the right to count on today.

Ability specific person, as well as groups of people or organizations, to be held accountable for their obligations.

Responsibility is in anyone, even the most difficult situation do everything in your power without placing your problems on others. At the same time, hold yourself accountable for your actions or inactions, for bringing what you started to the end, as well as for the result obtained.

What is responsibility? This is the willingness to do whatever is necessary, taking the initiative into your own hands. Usually this can be done by an efficient, careful and reliable person.

Responsibility is an objective circumstance. She has different kinds, directions and forms. There is parent tax, business tax, etc.

IN Everyday life subjective responsibility, which is called upon to be responsible for actions, deeds and their consequences, finds various manifestations. It is expressed through:

Parents' responsibility for their children;

Labor activity (the manager is always responsible for the actions of his subordinates);

Resolution when decisions are made independently and the situation is taken under control;

Military service (with the commander constantly responsible for the actions and lives of his subordinates);

When they try to complete any task taken upon themselves the best way and on time.

What is responsibility? This is, first of all, personal. volitional quality. Its manifestation is control over human actions. At the same time, a distinction is made between external and internal forms of this subjective obligation. The first category involves the assignment of responsibility, which is expressed in punishability and accountability. Inner form has the character of self-regulation, expressed through a sense of duty.

What is responsibility? This:

The ability to independently realize the fact that the dependence of the level of success, quality of living conditions, as well as self-realization of a person is only in his hands;

Willingness to fulfill assumed responsibilities and given promises in the best possible way;

Ability to realize possible consequences, which will be a consequence of making decisions or performing various actions of the individual himself.

Responsibility provides certain benefits, which include:

In self-confidence and self-confidence;

In the formation of self-esteem and respect of others;

In exercising control over any situation, as well as self-control;

In a rational assessment of the behavior of people around, when instead of condemnation there is an awareness of the impossibility of relying on anyone in this particular situation.

In order to develop such a feeling as responsibility, you need to:

Work on yourself, exercising constant self-control;

Giving written assignments for your own implementation and track the timing of their implementation;

Produce organizational work with people to coordinate various types of their actions;

Communicate with your children, bearing full responsibility for them.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end...

Revelation of John the Evangelist

All religions, in one form or another, are designed to remove personal responsibility from a person. “Everything is the will of God/Allah,” the submission of Confucianism and Buddhist renunciation of desires are ways to instill in the believer a refusal to accept personal responsibility for what is happening. In fact, the right to personal responsibility remained only with the clergy and the authorities. But this is a very specific way of responsibility - before God. The work of Augustine the Blessed greatly helped here, for a thousand extra years which removed all the questions about who needs to be answered to and for what (he introduced strict standardization in the routing protocol scheme from the point to the root node of the network).

Protestantism at its core was a movement not against how exactly the framework of responsibility was set, but only against the mediation of the clergy in responsibility before God. But this was enough for the authorities of European countries to sense what was smelling here and begin to slaughter Protestants.

in batches. It was only in the nineteenth century that the concept of “personal responsibility” emerged. It is absolutely no coincidence that it was then that Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and other philosophers formulated their understanding of the will.

Personal responsibility is the second component of will. Without it, confidence becomes arrogance, and one hundred percent faith becomes empty projection. How many times have you met people who constantly tell how “everything will be in chocolate”, “I’m starting new project“, “Great things await us,” but every time everything in their life remains approximately in the same place where it was a year or two ago? Perhaps for some time others follow such people, someone puts money into their words (which is why they exist).

It happens that these people are deliberate scammers, and sometimes they are quite good people who are sincerely tormented by their inability to implement their projects. How many times have you personally started a process confidently and then given up? Remember why you quit? I can’t do it today - I have a lot to do at work, the day before yesterday I couldn’t meet with friends, a week ago there was hellish bad weather. That's all.

Personal responsibility is the realization that you are the beginning and the end of every desire, every action and every event in your life. Force majeure was invented by losers to justify their failures

« by irresistible forces" Translated from French, “force majeure” is

"high power". It was the French philosophers (Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau) who began the process of secularization, that is, the secularization of consciousness. And this weak worldly consciousness simply came up with a new god by name.

7.1.3. "Force Majeure"

There are two views on the future. One with apprehension, the other with anticipation.

The appearance of “Force Majeure” – collective image horsemen of the apocalypse: natural disasters, war, epidemics, disasters. Keeping it in mind

the possibility of force majeure, you came up with an excuse in advance. This justification is no different from placing responsibility for your personal success in the hands of some higher powers and a complete renunciation of one hundred percent responsibility for the result.

The syndrome of chronic shifting of personal responsibility leads people of completely different intelligence and abilities to nationalist ideas.

I am not against healthy nationalism and pride in my country, supported by your personal matters. I will not call my homeland “this country” and will not call for “get out of here”, because I am also aware of global personal responsibility. What I can do is to be personally responsible for the fact that of those students who have entered into a training contract with me as a coach, I will shake out the soul, but will lead to the goal. The same is my personal responsibility for those students who read this book, many will want to teach healthy image life, develop, act, be happy. And this will be my personal small contribution to the development of our country. A contribution for which I am responsible.

Personal responsibility starts with small steps. Be responsible for your words. Arrive on time for any scheduled appointment. Comply with agreements. Place your word as a dominant value over circumstances. Look for your mistakes in failures. Don't blame all failures on external factors. Clear excuses from your head. Each such action is also squeezing a slave out of oneself. This is why personal responsibility and confidence are so intertwined. Without self-confidence, personal responsibility turns into dutifulness, fit only for an excellent servant. Without responsibility, confidence is nonsense and projection.

Will is a product of self-confidence, absolute faith in the result and personal responsibility. If you fail one of the components, the result tends to zero. I remind you of mathematics - when multiplying numbers one by another, no matter how many positive and good numbers there are, but when a zero is among them, the product will be equal to zero, even if you crack it.

Will is a tool for bending reality. As Alexander Belov wrote:

“The weak need luck. The strong one moves the stars." This is the movement of the Universe around you. And such a movement is possible only in unison with your own movement. A faithful horse that turns into one with its rider, capable of flying through the air and swimming on water - all this has been familiar to humanity since ancient greek myths(centaurs, Pegasus). However, few people are able to understand the metaphors behind each of the myths about great heroes. It’s much easier to recognize a myth as a fairy tale, and yourself as a little person.

But if you are ready to move along the path of “I want,” then you have to train your will every day. And the stars will move with you.

    Responsibility- – 1. self-control from the standpoint of norms and rules accepted in a particular culture. Synonym: Sense of duty; 2. control of the individual for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by others. * * * – specific to mature personality form… … encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    Social responsibility- a concept expressing the measure of compliance of actions social subjects(personalities, social groups, society) mutual requirements, as well as historically specific social norms, common interests. Ego correspondence follows from the laws... ... Sociological reference book

    PERSONAL PROPERTY- PERSONAL PROPERTY. Art. 10 of the USSR Constitution establishes: “The right personal property citizens for their labor income and savings, for a residential building and subsidiary household, for items household and household items, personal items... ... Concise encyclopedia household

    responsibility- Big, great, high, main, deep, huge, significant, fair, colossal, considerable, undivided, serious (colloquial), huge, basic, special, complete, honorable, real, serious, terrible (colloquial), strict , harsh,... ... Dictionary of epithets

    AND; and. 1. to Responsible (3 4 digits). O. employee. Show responsibility when completing a task. With full awareness of your responsibility for the execution of the order. 2. The need to give an account of one’s actions, actions, etc.; duty… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    responsibility- And; and. 1) responsible 3), 4) Responsibility of the employee. Show responsibility when completing a task. With full awareness of your responsibility for the execution of the order. 2) The need to give an account of one’s actions, actions, etc.;… … Dictionary of many expressions

    PERSONAL INSOLVENCY- bankruptcy of a capable citizen - an individual who is unable to fully satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) fulfill the obligation to pay mandatory payments, taxes, fees and other... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary

    Free will = Freedom of choice (Greek το αύτεξούσιον or το εφ ημίν, Latin liberum arbitrium) from the time of Socrates and the question of whether people have real control over their decisions and actions is still controversial in philosophy and theology. Contents... Wikipedia

    RESPONSIBILITY- (moral) category of ethics that characterizes a person in terms of her fulfillment of the moral requirements imposed on him; expressing the degree of participation of individuals and social groups, both in their own moral improvement and in... ... Ethics Dictionary

    Personal integrity- this is a requirement that any outside interference in the area of ​​individual human life is inadmissible, including physical (bodily), mental, and spiritual integrity. Unlawful infringement of personal... Large legal dictionary

    SOLIDARITY- – personal responsibility for fulfilling assigned tasks when solving social and labor problems... Brief dictionary economist


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