What determines the properties of an object? Formation of ideas about the general properties of objects (color, shape, size) in students with mental retardation during mathematics lessons


Absolutely all objects around us have signs and properties. What is a sign of an object?

A feature of an object is a distinctive property of an object. For example: green car: a car is an object, and green is a feature, a property that distinguishes it from other similar objects (for example, from a red car).

Objects differ in color, shape, size, purpose, smell, material from which they are made and other characteristics. To determine the attribute of an object, you can ask the question: what is it?

Let's try to identify the essential (that is, main) features of an ordinary notebook. Tell us what kind of notebook it is: what material is it made of, what size, what thickness, what is it intended for? If you were able to talk about the notebook, then you were able to identify the features in which it differs, for example, from a pencil. So, one of the main characteristics of an object is color. We will designate the color as follows:

And the first thing we need to repeat is the colors of the rainbow.

Now name as many objects as possible:

a) red;

b) green;

c) black;

d) blue.

Look carefully at the picture and say which vegetables and fruits are colored incorrectly. How would you color them?

Well, we are convinced that you are familiar with such a feature of objects as color.

The next important feature of an object is its shape. We will denote the form as follows:

What shapes are objects? Round, square, what else?

Name as many items as possible:

a) round in shape;

b) oval in shape;

c) square;

d) rectangular.

Look carefully at the table. Which of the fruits and vegetables lying on it are of the same shape as shown in the diagram: and this color: ?

The next important feature of an object is its size. We will denote the size as follows:

Now correctly name the large and small object in pairs. For example, an elephant is a baby elephant.

Highlighting the characteristics of objects, for example, color - red, yellow; shape - round, square; size - large, small - we compare objects with each other.

Now try it using notation
identify the signs of such objects: a blue cube, a big red ball, a tall yellow house. You can designate it, for example, like this:

- red apple.

There are still many signs of objects. We have presented them for you in a table. Using this table you can identify the features of many objects.


Show in the picture objects that have a smell. Try to identify them using a table.

We looked at such important characteristics of objects as color, shape, size, got acquainted with the table of designations for the characteristics of objects, and tried to apply these designations. And now let's try to complete the CONTROL WORK. With its help, we will check how you have mastered the material.

Task 1. Look carefully at the picture and complete the task. And the adults helping you answer the test questions will write down your answers on a special answer form.

Task 2. Guess the riddles about what Nyusha bought at the market?

1 riddle

2 riddle

3 riddle

4. Make up your own riddle about what grows in the garden

Task 3.

Task 4.

Task 5.

Task 6.

Find the desired picture in each box.

  1. What is an effective manager


    Strong properties person... absolutely obvious conclusion What All ... sign ... So and without delving into the root of the problem. Available such ... like this same in this way he identified approximately those same 4 percent items ... What happens, otherwise What we want to happen in those around us ...

  2. What is stopping you from being rich Alexander Sviyash


    ... absolutely All no matter what kind of speaker it is. They will accept it like this ... What All these are super expensive items to a normal person not needed All That same ... What you try on yourself All, What found in surrounding life. This way you can more clearly determine What same ... properties ...

  3. People often ask me, “Is it hurting your marriage that Josh travels so much?” Or: “Doesn’t your relationship suffer because of your busy lecture schedule?


    ... What I thought, What must be perfect. And not only perfect ... subjects, which actually are not have ... surrounding. ... What when we All-after all we sin, God forgives and accepts us ... What the relationship is so same disposable." However, distinctive sign ...

  4. Literature

    2. Item philosophy. 9 3. Essential signs philosophical... What same such « item philosophy... items, properties, relationships, embrace All... They absolutely special... All dogmas, teachings, authorities, All values ​​that have

The world is diverse. He appears before a person not as a cluster identical items, but as a set of objects, phenomena, processes endowed with various properties. Each object has not just one, but a whole series of properties and therefore has not one, but many different characteristics.

Properties can be essential or non-essential. Let's say, from a business point of view, it is not the color of a person's eyes, his height, or the style of his clothing that are important; What matters is what kind of specialist he is, whether his level of professionalism is high or low. Objects that, for one reason or another, have lost their essential properties, do not simply pass into a new state, but become different objects. For example, wrecked the plane ceases to be a car and turns into scrap metal.

There are also specific and nonspecific properties. A certain atomic weight value is specific to a given chemical element, weight in general - general characteristics any material bodies, located in the gravitational field. Specific properties inherent this phenomenon, characteristic of it, are often called signs or symptoms. They make it possible to detect this or that object among many others that do not have such characteristics (fingerprints in a crime situation, typical for of this disease rash, etc.).

Some properties of an object can be modified, they can be acquired and lost. However, there are also inherent properties. In philosophy they are called attributes. Thus, objects are unthinkable without the characteristics of space, time, and movement. For human personality the attributive property is, in particular, memory. A person who has lost his memory loses his human appearance along with it.

Actual and potential properties also differ. The first ones have already been implemented and are observed in given time. The second ones (they are called dispositional) are, as it were, hidden in nature and unfold and are revealed gradually during various interactions of a given object with others. Properties such as electrical conductivity, solubility, human responsiveness, etc., manifest themselves in this way.

The items are not a mechanical set or simple sum properties, but their interconnection, unity. That is why cognition of objects requires the effort of thought - the synthesis of their diverse manifestations. A stable set of properties of an object is expressed in philosophy by the concept of quality. And plurality various items characterized as qualitative diversity. Properties are revealed as manifestations of certain features, aspects of objects in their relationships with other objects. Each item is multifaceted. He can turn towards other objects and people different sides, enter various connections with other objects, to be used differently in human practice.

Similarities and differences in properties determine the existence of qualitatively similar and heterogeneous groups of objects, phenomena, and processes. Quality is understood as a holistic, integral characteristic of an object (the unity of its properties) in the system of its connections and relationships with other objects.

People are physically (and not just mentally, spiritually) involved in complex interactions of objects and participate in them. They have the opportunity to judge the properties and qualities of things by how they are presented in their experience. Kant called these "appearances" - as opposed to the characteristics of "things in themselves." We have to admit that all the properties of things are cognized by us in the form of subjective images of the objective world." But human experience includes real opportunities growth of objective knowledge about the world, about various properties and quality variety of items. This opportunity is provided by repeated contacts with objects, each time under different conditions, on a different basis. The matter is also helped by various procedures for cross-practical verification of the acquired knowledge, its historical accumulation, and the summation of the efforts of many people.

The concept of quality expresses the specificity and originality of large and small groups of objects. It helps to clarify the qualitative boundaries between nature and society, living and inanimate nature, solids, liquids and gases, flora and fauna, etc. The establishment of qualitative boundaries underlies the classifications of minerals, plants, animals, technical devices, professions, nations and nationalities. At the same time, the qualitative diversity of the world is not frozen. It is very mobile. What determines quality characteristics objects, phenomena, processes? To answer this question, it is necessary to correlate the concept of quality with its opposite concept of quantity.

Study Signs and Properties of Items, start with absolutely nothing mathematical concepts. Signs and properties are present in absolutely any objects. What is a sign of an object?
Item attribute- this is a distinctive property of an object. For example: a green car - a car - is an object, and green is its attribute, a property that distinguishes it from other similar objects (for example, from a red car).

You yourself don’t notice how in everyday life and on the street, you are constantly talking and discussing the properties of various objects with your child. For example, your baby plays with a construction set and holds in his hand rectangular piece designer, yellow made of plastic. Or he sits on a stool, square shape made of wood.

We are adults, helping the child understand and understand all the signs and properties of the objects around us, explaining the different categories - color, shape, size, origin, purpose, material of manufacture and other characteristics by which objects can be classified.

How can we give a child the opportunity to actively manipulate the attributes of objects?
Today it will help us for this interesting game which I found in computer game"Magic Fairies. Back to school soon."

The game looks like a wooden cabinet with three shelves: top, bottom and middle shelves.

Set of flowers in pots. Flowers are divided into three categories: color, size, direction.
Printed finished material can be glued to cardboard.

Carefully cut the flower pots; you can cut them into square cards or carefully cut along the line of the flower (see photo). To prevent the game items from deteriorating quickly, I pasted them with wide tape on both sides. The flower pots have become smooth and the paint will not peel off.

How to play the game Signs and Properties of Items.

Game 1: Size learning game: Ask your child to put all the big flowers on the top shelf, the small flowers on the bottom shelf, and the medium flowers on the middle shelf.

Game 2: The next task is to study color. Ask the child to place it on the bottom shelf - blue flowers, on the top - red flowers and on the middle - yellow flowers.

Game 3: Tasks for studying the Left side and Right side. Ask your child to put flowers that look to the right on the bottom shelf, flowers that look to the left on the middle shelf, and flowers that look straight (up) on the top shelf.

Having such wonderful cards in your hands, you can play endlessly.

Game 4: How older baby will become, it will be possible to complicate the task. You can develop memory. You name the task once and never repeat it. The child must place the flowers in pots on the correct shelf and indicate the correct sign.

Game 5: You can use flowers in pots in other logic games. For example, continue the row.
For example, the first flower is the largest, then there is a small flower, then again a large one. Guess what flower will be next.

Download an image of a cabinet and a set of flowers in pots and play games to study the Signs and Properties of objects.

Find out what else a child at this age should know and be able to do.


math lesson in 1st grade.

Teacher: Lebedeva I.S.

Subject: Properties of objects. Comparison of objects.

Goals: introduce the textbook, the properties of objects;

develop speech, memory, logical thinking;

instill an interest in mathematics.

Planned results: Students will learn to give examples of objects of a certain color, size, shape;

develop logical thinking;

determine whether an object belongs to any group;

listen to the teacher.

Lesson progress

1.Organizational moment

The long-awaited dan call-

The lesson begins.

What should you do when you hear a call?(Stand near your seat)

I'm glad to meet you. Thank you for coming.

Who remembered my name yesterday?

Well done, you have an excellent memory. And to be honest, I don’t remember all of you. I think that you didn’t remember everyone right away either. Let's all say the name of the person to whom I will throw the ball. And whoever catches the ball listens to see if his name was called correctly.

(the ball is passed along the chain to each student, everyone calls out the name loudly)

Who remembers how many kids there are in our class?

How many girls? /boys?/

(those who raised their hands should be praised)

How can you raise your hand? What is the most convenient way to raise your hand? Why do we need the raised hand rule?

(the teacher places the sign of an understood hand on the board)

2.Updating knowledge

Guys, today is an unusual day for you - you came to your first math lesson in your life. I congratulate you on this event and want to wish that the study of mathematics will be interesting for you. Let's read the name of the object syllable by syllable.


Who already knows what we will do in math lessons?

(children's answers)

Mathematics is one of them ancient sciences. People need it to transform the world around us. In mathematics lessons you will learn to count, take measurements, solve examples and problems.

Our textbook will be our assistant in the classroom - workbook, which Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson wrote for you.

(Students look at the cover of the textbook. The teacher asks the children to wrap the textbook and sign it, shows how to use the bookmark)

Let's look at the textbook and look through it. notice how colorful it is. Each picture contains a task. You see that you can write and color in the textbook, that’s why it’s called “Textbook-Notebook.” But an agreement: do not write or draw on the pages yourself, without my permission. If you really want to study, contact me, I have tasks for you.

(The teacher shows additional tasks on pieces of paper)

For a math lesson, you need to put a textbook on your desk - a notebook, pen and colored pencils. In your pencil case, have a ruler and a simple pencil.

(Students check their readiness for the lesson)

3.Self-determination for activity.

Four ripe pears

They swung on the branches.

Pavlusha picked two pears,

How many pears are left? (2)

How many apples do the guys have?

Your hands are burning like sunshine!

At Natasha and Toma, at Seryozha and Roma,

On the table one more thing,

Filled with sunshine.

Well, how many apples, brothers?

Who can guess? (5)

ON a bush in front of the fence

Six bright red tomatoes.

Then four broke away,

How much is left on the bush? (2)

Pear, apple, tomato are objects. How are the answer items to riddles similar? (Children's answers)

Are you sure that you have named all the properties of the objects?

What will we talk about in class today?

4.Work on the topic of the lesson

Working from the textbook

Who meets us on page 3? (Squirrel)

(The teacher displays a toy squirrel or pins a drawing with its image on the board)

What do you know about protein? (Children's answers)

Did you know that there are not only red squirrels, but also black ones? There are also flying squirrels that can easily overcome long distances between branches on a tree. But all squirrels can jump on trees and gnaw nuts - that’s theirs distinctive properties. All objects have such distinctive properties. Let's make sure of this. Let our bedchat introduce you to the table of items.

1 (p.3)

How many objects are shown in the picture? (12)

How are the items arranged?(In a row, in a column)

(show row by hand, line, column)

What unites the items in the first line?(Color)

What unites the items in the columns?(The first column is dishes, the second is vegetables, the third is clothes, the fourth is toys)

You have already named two properties of objects: color and belonging to any group.

What item is in the second row and fourth column?(Matryoshka.)

What object is hidden in the third row and third column?(Cap)

Now wish for one item from the table (just don't say it out loud) and tell your neighbor where it is, on which row and in which column. Let your neighbor try to guess what item we're talking about. And then switch roles.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

Let's look at the row below the table. What do these items have in common? (these are circles)

Another property of objects is shape. How are circles different? (Color, size)

What property of objects did you name yourself? (size)

Count how many circles there are? (15)

How many red? Yellow? Blue?

How many big ones? Little ones?

So, what properties of objects can you name? (COLOR, SIZE, SHAPE, BELIEF TO ANY GROUP)

5. Physical education minute

Our squirrel is very well-mannered and uses polite words. She will play the "Please" attention game with you. If the word “please” is pronounced, then we perform the movement; if not, then there is no need to perform the movement.

6.Continuation of work on the topic.

1. Game “Guess the object”

2 (page 3)

What do the items in the first line have in common? (Form)

List these items.

I came up with an item from the table. It is in the first row and in the fourth column. What subject did I have in mind? (Samovar.)

Think of an item for your neighbor and explain how to find it.

(Work in pairs. Two or three items should be guessed collectively)

So all objects have properties. Name them. (Color, shape, size, belonging to any group)

7. Exercises to develop writing skills.

1. Finger gymnastics.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!

(Alternately bending fingers)

2. Landing rules in writing

(Working with the poster “Sit correctly”)

3.Complete tasks in the student (with 3 below) + r.tet page 3 No. 1, 2, 3)

8. Reflection

What properties of objects do you know?

Who is happy with their job?

Was everything clear?

9. Summing up the lesson.

What did you like most about the lesson?

What was difficult?

There is a sheet of work on your desk. Place the sheet in front of you. Cross out as many circles on each line as the number at the beginning of the line shows.

Individual task sheet.

Cross out as many circles as your number shows

Children work independently on the sheets. The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Magnitude specific subject characterized such properties: comparability, variability and relativity.

The main property of the quantity is comparability. Only as a result of comparison can one obtain quantitative characteristic any size.

The quantity is also characterized variability and relativity. The same object can be defined by us as larger or smaller depending on the size of the object it is compared with.

Property of quantity - variability. Example: changing the length of a table only changes its size, but does not change its content and quality; the table remains a table.

The third property of quantity is relativity. The magnitude of any object is relative, it depends on what other magnitude it is considered in relation to. In fact, one and the same object can be defined by us as larger or smaller depending on the size of the object with which it is compared.

It should also be noted that quantity is a property of an object, which cannot be presented in isolation from the subject. Magnitude is inseparable from it.

Comparability, variability, relativity - the basic properties of a quantity can be comprehended by preschoolers in the most concrete form, in actions with various objects when selecting and comparing their length, width, height, volume.

Item size, those. item size, is determined based on comparison only. It is impossible to say whether an object is large or small, it can only be compared with others. Thanks to comparison, one can come to an understanding of relationships and to new concepts: “more”, “less”, “equal”, which define various qualities, including length, width, height, volume and many others.

Not always objects are exposed direct comparison. In life you often have to make mental comparison of this subject with our existing general ideas about the size famous objects.

Perception of magnitude depends:

From the distance from which the object is perceived, as well as

From the size of the object with which it is compared.

The further an object is from the one who perceives it, the smaller it appears, and vice versa, the closer it is, the larger it appears. Preschoolers are characterized by a constant perception of size, that is, children, especially younger preschoolers, do not take into account the distance of objects when determining size.

Characteristics of size subject also depends on location in space. The same object can be characterized how high (low), how long (short).

It depends in horizontal or vertical position he is located.

Reflection of quantity as a spatial feature subject associated with perception- the most important sensory process, which is aimed at identifying and examining an object, revealing its features. Various analyzers are involved in this process.: visual, auditory, tactile-motor, and the motor analyzer plays a leading role in their mutual work, ensuring adequate perception of the size of objects.

Perception of magnitude is happening by establishing complex systems connections, both intra-analyzer(between the muscular and optical components of the eye), and inter-analyzer(between tactile and motor, motor and visual analyzers). It follows that young children, without sufficient experience, often make false conclusions about the size of an object, since they judge it only by the available images on the retina.

The role of words is also great in the process of perceiving magnitude. Thanks to word denoting size, becomes possible highlighting a quantity as independent sign subject.

The problem of reflecting magnitude cannot be considered only as a problem of perception. IN equally it must be considered and as a problem of thinking. Knowledge of magnitude is carried out, on the one hand, sensory based, and on the other - mediated by thinking and speech.

There is a complex dialectical relationship between feelings and reason, which finds concrete manifestation, for example, in the fact that process of magnitude perception(as well as other properties) mediated by thinking by comparison, analysis, use relevant concepts, judgments, conclusions, etc. Indispensable mental operation, providing an assessment of the size of objects is comparison.

Thus, it should be noted that this The concept is quite complex for preschoolers to perceive and understand.

Adequate perception quantities depends on:

Experience in practical handling of objects,

Development of the eye,

Inclusions in the process of word perception,

Participation thought processes: comparison, analysis and synthesis.

Children's perception of the size of objects preschool age different a number of features.

Folding still in early age the experience of sensory discrimination of magnitude lasts for a very long time local character : a sign of magnitude is firmly assigned to a specific object.

For children junior and middle preschool age magnitude more not basic identifying mark And has no signal value. Children recognize a sign of size only when this sign becomes significant for them, it acquires practical significance.

They perceive and compare the size of an object more easily if this the sign is contrasting.

Due to lack life experience preschoolers weakly correlate the size of one object with the size of another.

The concept of the size of objects is at younger preschoolers(children 3 years old) global, undifferentiated nature, i.e. focus on the total volume of the object, without highlighting its length, width, height.

They define any sign of size as large or small. Preschool children have difficulty learning relative character the size of an object - that the same object can be both large and small, depending on what other object its size is compared with.

- Children four years old already differentiated suitable for choosing items by length or width, but provided that the length of the object exceeds the width.

Preschoolers have difficulty learning three-dimensionality of quantity. For them it stays for a long time difficult distinction in the same subject several signs quantities.

In older preschool age the child learns to distinguish the parameters of quantities, their properties, learns verbal description, using the properties of objects in different types activities. At this time, he masters techniques for perceiving more complex phenomena. For children of senior preschool age, a short period of time is required to master all three dimensions.

Preschoolers have poorly developed constancy of perception– the ability to perceive the size of an object at different distances and in different positions.

Isolating a quantity as an independent feature of an object becomes possible thanks to the word, denoting the value. With the help of the word, the sign of size is distracted from the object, and this allows children to highlight this sign in any objects, with their different positions. Having mastered the names of quantities in a familiar situation, the child can use them in relation to new objects that he had not previously perceived. Generalization in speech of the sensory experience of distinguishing sizes creates the basis for the formation of ideas and concepts about the size of objects.

The word magnitude itself is unclear children because they rarely hear it. When children's attention is drawn per item size, educators prefer to use words identical, the same which are multi-valued, so they should be add a word denoting the characteristic, by which objects are compared ( find the same size: length, width, height etc.).

Isolating one or another specific dimension, the child strives show it(runs his finger along the length, shows the width with spread arms, etc.). These inspection actions are very important for a more differentiated perception of the size of an object.

Inability to perceive magnitude differently items significantly influences for designation in a word of objects various sizes . Most often, children use the words “big - small” in relation to any objects. This is due to the fact that adults around children often use imprecise words to indicate the size of objects (large ruler instead of long).

The importance of perception in the life of a preschooler very large, because creates the foundation for the development of thinking, promotes the development of speech, memory, attention, imagination. Fine developed perception can manifest itself in the form of a child’s observation, his ability to notice the features of objects and phenomena, details that an adult will not notice.

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