The Domachevo checkpoint is closed. The opening of traffic through the Domachevo checkpoint has not yet relieved the Warsaw Bridge

Intersection State border Belarus by vehicles on the bridge between the Domachevo checkpoint and the Slavatychi checkpoint. However, this is far from the end of the “bridge” epic. As Vecherka learned, the reconstruction of the old Domachevsky Bridge means... the construction of a new one.

Dilapidated from inactivity

The currently operating bridge across the Western Bug River, connecting the Belarusian and Polish banks, was erected in 1970. The object turned out to be unclaimed. There was no checkpoint yet, so the structure was mothballed until the end of the nineties.

When the Domachevo-Slavychi road crossing point began to function in January 1995, the bridge was 25 years old. A young age, one might say, but the years of inactivity, as one would expect, did not bring any benefit. True, this was discussed much later.

In May 2015, specialists from the State Enterprise BeldorNII, during an inspection of the facility, discovered a serious defect: the channel span (a metal beam connecting two banks) was in disrepair. At the same time, it was necessary to restrict vehicle traffic across the border on the bridge.

Rehabilitation costing billions

After serious examinations and discussion of methods for “treating” the bridge at the level of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, a decision was made to temporarily stop the movement of vehicles at the Domachevo road checkpoint. The planned emergency restoration work took just over three months. Traffic was closed on July 1 - the section started operating on October 7.

Vecherka correspondents visited the checkpoint on October 11 to photograph the updated bridge. Then chief engineer RUE "Brestavtodor" Evgeniy MUKHA and explained that everything is actually just beginning. On at the moment the emergency channel span was repaired and at the repair site it was applied to the road surface of the bridge protective layer. About two billion non-denominated Belarusian rubles were spent on these emergency restoration work (new ones - 177 thousand rubles).

Plans include a new bridge

What else is to come? - I’ll clarify.

It turned out that the bridge was being reconstructed. But its terms and conditions have not yet been determined. After the preparation and adoption of the investment and main projects, the construction of a new bridge across the Bug at the Domachevo border crossing point will begin. In the meantime, the old bridge will be used, which will simply be dismantled later.

This information was confirmed by the press secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus Ekaterina GRIB, adding that this was discussed at the recent meeting of the Belarusian Minister of Transport Anatoly Sivak with the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Adamczyk. By the way, another bilateral meeting will take place in October, where the topic of the bridge will also not be ignored.

Perhaps in the near future the question of who will finance the upcoming construction will be resolved. The currently operating bridge in Domachevo is entirely on the balance sheet of the Belarusian side.

The stream has become shallow

There were no queues at the border during our visit. According to the head of the border control department Ilya SKIPOR, in the first day after the resumption of traffic at the Domachevo checkpoint, 550 cars were registered to enter Belarus and 400 to leave. Work continues in almost the same mode now.

True, there were some limitations. The Ministry of Transport recommends allowing uncontrolled traffic to cross the bridge total mass up to 7 tons inclusive. Vehicles with a total weight of over 7 and up to 40 tons inclusive are considered heavy, so their passage across the bridge will be carried out in single order. The speed of movement on the bridge is also determined - 20 km per hour.

The situation at the checkpoint is somewhat surprising. And not only those who serve in the Domachevo PP. While there was a traffic ban, travelers and business people They cut off phones, including editorial ones, to clarify: when will the Domachevsky Bridge finally be opened? Many then complained that because of this, transport “tails” were formed on the “Warsaw Bridge”. However, the flow did not turn into a new channel. The press service of the Brest Border Group reminds that you can get into Poland without standing in lines through both the Domachevo checkpoint and the Peschatka checkpoint.

Well, at 5.00 in the morning we got up, took a shower, had a cup of coffee with some pies bought in the store and hit the road, at 6.30 we left somewhere, threw the key to the house in the mailbox, by agreement with the hostess, in short the whole journey began, we are going to Poland for car.

Our task is to cross the border in Domachevo (why in Domachevo and not through
“Warsaw Bridge border crossing”, because there are almost never queues there, and the detour is a short 50 kilometers, although I was told that there are no cars on the Warsaw Bridge either, but I decided not to risk it, the queue on the Warsaw Bridge really scared me).
By 15.00 (time - 1 hour from Moscow) they planned to get to Warsaw. You know, I have traveled to Poland by car more than once, but somehow I always missed the capital of Poland, always passed by in transit, this time I decided to definitely visit it, although I understand that it is difficult to get a clear idea in one evening.

Overboard +25, the weather in Poland is especially pleasing - they promise “Africa” +35+36...
We left the city of Minsk and saw “tractors”

We ourselves didn’t notice how we approached Brest... But what do we need BREST! On the way back we’ll stop here and be sure to visit the Brest Fortress.

Minor road repairs.

There is a gas station before the border, but I didn’t take the risk and filled it up full tank in Brest, (in Poland a liter of gasoline for “ours” is somewhere around 95-100 rubles) why measure 40 km there. And as it turned out, it was not in vain that the border gas station was closed, I don’t know whether it’s true for long or not, but it’s a fact.


We all pass the Domachevo border, the order is this: you drive up to the border checkpoint, get out of the car, take a ticket and drive on, then the border crossing itself, you definitely need to get in the right line, the green corridor (we don’t have anything that needs to be declared), namely where the inscription - "all passports", (all passports) cars of the European Union go along a separate corridor...

There was no queue at the Belarus-Poland border. We were second... A customs officer approached us and asked if we were carrying anything? I took the documents for the car, the coupon that we took at the entrance (we must put a stamp on it) of the passport, looked at the green card, also asked to open the trunk and not seeing anything prohibited there, he said to open the car doors to inspect the passengers, then calmly went to register and check passports, came out five minutes later, handed us documents, a coupon with a mark and wished bon voyage, when leaving the Belarusian border crossing, there is also a checkpoint where you give a ticket and open the trunk.

At the Polish border the procedure is approximately the same, well, the only question they ask is where are you going and for what purpose... And there is no coupon... It is worth noting that border service Poland works clearly and harmoniously, no worse than Belarus.

The entire border with Poland was crossed in 30 minutes, we are in the European Union, namely in Poland.

Queue online (web), can be viewed on the website

For many citizens of countries former CIS a trip to Europe begins from Poland. Belarusian and Russian tourists can enter this country, for example, through checkpoint"Domachevo".

A couple of years ago, this checkpoint was closed for some time due to the need to repair the bridge over the Western Bug River, which separates Belarus and Poland in this place. Then many motorists were interested in when the Domachevo border crossing would open. After all, the load on other checkpoints on the Polish-Belarusian border at that time increased greatly. And consequently, the queues grew. But in October 2016, this checkpoint, fortunately, started working again.

What checkpoints are there on the Polish-Belarusian border?

In total, there are 7 checkpoints in Belarus on the border with Poland. They work in different modes. Russian tourists can cross the border in a car only through one of the following 5 checkpoints:

  • "Warsaw Bridge".
  • "Singelite."
  • "Brestovitsa".
  • "Domachevo".
  • "Bruzgi".

The Kozlovichi checkpoint allows only freight transport to enter Poland. Only pedestrians and cyclists cross the border at Pererovo.

Where is Domachevo located?

This checkpoint is located 45 km south of the city Brest. The exact coordinates of the Domachevo border crossing are as follows: 51°44"38"N 23°36"20"E. The checkpoint on the Polish side at this point is the Slovatichi.

Most often, motorists cross the border through the nearby Warsaw Bridge checkpoint. "Domachevo" is calculated according to to a greater extent alternative transition. The fact is that there are often very long queues at the Warsaw Bridge checkpoint. In this case, some travelers go further - along the Polish border through Priluki and Znamenka to Domachevo.

To get to this checkpoint, you just need to turn left a little before reaching the Warsaw Bridge and drive straight for about 40 km. The queues at the Domachevo border crossing are usually not too long.

What is a settlement

Domachevo itself is the first time this settlement is mentioned in documents XVIII century. Included Russian Empire the village appeared after the division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795. Even then, there was also a border post here.

In 1921, according to the Treaty of Riga, Domachevo became part of the interwar Polish Republic. After the outbreak of World War II, in 1939, this settlement became part of Belarus. On January 15, 1940, Domachevo was given the status of an urban village.

During the Second World War, the Nazis set up a village on the territory of this settlement. a ghetto in which about 2-3 thousand Jews were subsequently killed. On present moment The Polish border runs approximately 400 m from this village.

Features of the gearbox

Some time ago, as already mentioned, this checkpoint did not work. The Domachevo border crossing was closed in 2016, but it was not closed for too long - only a few months. It is currently functioning smoothly.

Domachevo is chosen for crossing the border, therefore, mainly those travelers who do not want to stand for a long time in line. In most cases, people arriving at this checkpoint end up in Poland within 1-2 hours.

Experienced travelers recommend this checkpoint to those tourists who want to get to the Czech Republic, Hungary or Slovakia through Poland. Also, the Domachevo border crossing is usually used by Belarusian and Russian motorists heading to Kielce, Krakow or Lublin.

It is most often tourists who choose this checkpoint to cross the Polish border. "Warsaw Bridge" is preferred mainly by border traders. Tourists can easily make up for the time spent on the road from Brest to the village by quickly passing through control. Moreover, the asphalt on the roads connecting these two settlements, judging by the reviews, quite good. And there are a lot of gas stations on local highways. Motorists have the opportunity to fill the tank with gasoline every 40 km.

The Domachevo checkpoint mainly allows only passenger cars to cross the border. This control point is international. Its throughput capacity is 2000 cars per day. On average, about 800 passenger cars pass through this point per day.

The Domachevo border crossing has received good reviews from motorists. Tourists passing through control here have special problems with travel to Poland, given the presence of all necessary documents usually does not occur. The checkpoint allows passenger vehicles to enter Poland around the clock, without breaks for lunch or weekends.

The queue at the Domachevo border crossing (Belarus - Poland) of cars is not too long. But for those tourists who, for some reason, want to get to Poland quickly, experienced travelers advise arriving at this border checkpoint at about 8 am. On any day of the week at this time, crossing the border to Domachevo can be done very quickly, spending almost no time.

Control procedure

Tourists who decide to enter Poland through the border crossing in Domachevo first pass a gas station and one settling tank with a barrier. Then, near the second barrier, travelers pay an environmental fee of approximately 3,500 Belarusian rubles. At the same time, they are given a paper confirming this fact.

Next, motorists drive into the second septic tank, where their documents are checked at the barrier. Tourists are also given a “runner” here. IN last third The settling tank is located directly at the border terminal itself.

At this point, travelers must choose which corridor they want to travel to next. If there is no need to declare any goods, you should select Green. Otherwise, you will need to go to the Red Corridor.

On final stage Travelers wishing to enter Poland should park their car in the terminal itself where the customs officer indicates and go to the transport inspection booth in order to obtain a signature on the “slider”. Here tourists will be checked, among other things, for paid transit.

Polish point "Slovatichi"

We found out how the Domachevo border crossing works. But what awaits travelers at the checkpoint on the Polish side? As soon as the signature on the “runner” is received, tourists can already leave the territory of Belarus. Motorists need to proceed across the renovated bridge over the river and enter the Polish customs terminal. Here travelers will have to answer several routine questions from border guards.

Employees of the Polish checkpoint "Slovatichi" also speak Russian. So travelers shouldn’t have any particular problems crossing the border at this stage. Most frequently asked questions, which the employees of the “Slovatichi” point ask car owners, are “What are you carrying?” and “Where are you going?”

As many travelers note, Polish border guards often check the operation of the lighting equipment in the cars of tourists crossing the border. The employees of the Slovatichi checkpoint also monitor the amount of alcohol transported into the territory of their state very carefully. It is not allowed to carry more than 1 liter of vodka and 2 liters of wine per person. In addition to this, on Polish border The number of cigarettes carried by travelers is also checked. According to the rules, you are allowed to have no more than 2 packs of tobacco products per person.

What documents are required

To get to Poland through the Slovatichi - Domachevo border crossing, citizens of Belarus and the CIS countries, among other things, will need (as of 2018):

  • green card;
  • international passport with a valid visa;
  • health insurance;
  • PTS, driver's license, registration certificate;
  • maintenance certificate;
  • a document confirming the purpose of the trip;
  • paper confirming your hotel reservation.

Travelers transporting a pet will need to present to Polish border guards, among other things, a document certifying that the animal is free of diseases. In addition, the pet must have a tattooed number or an embedded CHIP.

Travelers may also be required to provide proof of solvency. Each person entering the territory of Poland must have with him an amount of at least 300 zlotys for each day of stay (including the equivalent in foreign currency). You can present either cash or a credit card to the border guards.

How to get to Poland through Domachevo for Russians

Common border Poland also has one with the Russian Federation - in the Kaliningrad region. However, to get to this region, Russians need to travel through Lithuania, applying for a Schengen visa, or through Belarus. Therefore, many residents of the Russian Federation prefer to simply cross the border with Poland in the Brest region, including Domachevo, without making a “loop” to the Kaliningrad region.

In order to enter Belarus itself, Russian residents need to present at the border:

  • your passport;
  • documents confirming the right to drive a vehicle;
  • green card.

Belarusian customs officers, among other things, have their own website. Here, Internet users who want to visit this country can use the electronic border crossing queue service. All you need to do is register on the site and fill out the form provided. You can take a place in the electronic queue to cross the Belarusian border 90 days in advance.

What is a green card

Such a policy is a kind of international similarity to the Russian MTPL. Many insurance companies in the Russian Federation and Belarus issue Green Cards. Tourists traveling to Poland should definitely buy such a policy. Otherwise, unfortunately, they will not be able to cross the border.

In Poland itself, you should definitely take your insurance policy with you everywhere. In case of its absence, road inspectors in this state issue the motorist a fairly large fine. Russian tourists should not travel on the roads of Belarus itself without this document. Penalty for his absence in this state for foreign citizens is about 200 dollars.

Traveling through Poland

The closest city in this state to the Domachevo border crossing is Terespol. Russian and Belarusian tourists enter the territory of Poland in lately so many. And the infrastructure in the vicinity of Terespol is very friendly to travelers from the CIS countries. Along the E30 highway, for example, leading from the Domachevo checkpoint to this town, there are many billboards and signs in Russian.

The roads themselves in Poland, judging by the reviews of tourists, are mostly smooth and two-lane. Overtaken drivers in this country traditionally move to the right to allow the faster driver to pass. On simple roads in Poland you are allowed to drive at a speed of up to 90 km/h, on highways - up to 120 km/h.

You can also pay for food in restaurants and rooms in many roadside motels in Poland in euros. Establishments catering and gas stations with toilets on the roads of this country are usually located every 30-50 km.

Motorists do not consider the roads of Poland too confusing. In order not to get lost in this country, Russian or Belarusian tourists do not even need a navigator. To travel comfortably on the roads of Poland, it will be enough to buy a simple card for any of the gas stations.

We proceed to present the algorithm for crossing the border and present ourselves before with clear eyes guards and publicans of the sovereign.

Let me say right away that crossing the border in Domachevo is usually calmer than in Brest. But everything has its own nuances. We heard that if a car in Brest is suspicious, it is driven aside and the car is checked by special officers; this does not affect the progress of the queue. If such a disaster happened in Domachevo, then the suspicious vehicle is carefully inspected by the same employees, and the entire line waits patiently and for a long time. On the other hand, Domachevo tax collectors are famous for their rigor and severity among “gasoline carriers” and “double bass players”, and the latter willingly go to Brest, which significantly reduces the time it takes to cross the border to Domachevo. We always preferred Brest and always stood from an hour to two on the Polish side, even if the Belarusians were empty.

So, all roads lead to Rome, and ours for now lead to the Belarusian-Polish border. It can be seen from afar.

In front of it there is a large parking lot, where there is last chance visit free WC before the border crossing. The Poles also have it - but for zlotys. Go find them in no man's land.

We have almost no prohibited goods. Almost - because there was uneaten food left in the bag, and it is prohibited to import meat and dairy products into the European Union. To be safe, we move them from the trunk to the cabin - the Flight Journalist always has a woman’s bag dangling under her feet, and as a rule, no one pays attention to it. This time we are not even bringing smuggled smokes - strictly according to the rules - 2 packs per person. The import of alcohol into Europe is also limited - one liter per person, but we do not go to Tula with our samovar or with our beer.

It is also prohibited to use photo and video equipment at the border crossing. A thorough search for photographs of the Polish inspection point did not lead to anything; only one was found on Polish websites old picture, so those interested will have to read rather than watch. But in Belarus we managed to take several shots from afar.

Belarusian side

1. We drive up to the border guard’s booth and stop at the stop line. We are waiting for the officer to release the car in front.

You need to wait until he gives the go-ahead and drive up to the booth, present your passports and registration certificate. This time (March 27, 2014) for the first time at the very entrance we were asked to open the trunk; usually they inspect us later. The document data is entered into the computer, and after a while they are returned to us along with a “slider” - a small piece of paper, which will then need to be given at the exit. The barrier rises and we move on.

2. We drive forward a few tens of meters.

Before us are several entrances to the customs zone. We are looking for a green corridor with the inscription: “All pasports. Nothing to declare” (“All passports. There are no goods subject to declaration”). There is only one car in front of us in the queue. She starts moving, we take her place and stop at the stop line. The border guard immediately waves to us and we drive closer. Here again, checking documents and comparing photographs with those present. She takes the documents and leaves. After some time, the documents are returned, the barrier rises and we move again to the next booth.

She can be seen in the distance. Also in the picture you can see the queue to enter the Republic of Belarus. We know from experience that returning to your native land in the evening means losing several hours at the border crossing.

3. We drive up to the last booth on the RB side. The husband does not see anyone and gets out of the car. The border guard politely reminds you that you need to wait in the car. After 3-4 minutes an officer comes up to us, takes the “runner”, opens the barrier and we enter the neutral zone- bridge over the Bug River.

Polish side

I should immediately note that the Head of the Expedition speaks a little Polish. When Polish “border guards” hear “albeit inferior, but Polish,” they speak in native language. But they also speak Russian. Therefore, at the border you can communicate either in Russian or Polish. English, I think, is also suitable.

4. We drive up to the Polish side, pass the open barrier and see in front of us approximately the same picture as in point 2 on the Belarusian side. Only instead of the inscription “Checkpoint Domachevo” there is “Rzeczpospolita Polska”.

We are again looking for the right corridor. Some are marked with a blue round icon with yellow stars - the Poles are going there, these lines are to the left along the way. We find a familiar green inscription: “All pasports. Green lane. Nothing to declare.” The rightmost corridor is for light trucks. This is news for us, previously trucks were not allowed into Domachevo, but now vehicles up to 7 tons are allowed to enter.

5. We drive up to the green corridor, in front of us is a Toyota from Minsk. She starts moving, we stop at the stop line, the officer waves his hand and we move behind the Toyota. A Polish “border guard” approaches, we present our documents, and together with the insurance file, we find reservations for Czech hotels in his hand. He leafs through them approvingly because he sees a Czech visa in the passport. Asks about the purpose of the trip. We answer honestly: “Tourism”. Looks at the trunk. He leaves and takes away the documents.

6. The car in front of us drives a few meters forward, we take its place. A hand sticks out of the booth window and hands us documents. Attention, general advice! We have never heard of anyone having their documents mixed up. But when we receive passports at the border, we always check to see if they are ours, because it’s better to make sure than to explain later that you are not Vasya Vasiliev and frantically look for Vasya. We are still standing still and watching the manipulations of the owner of the Toyota. He is located at the booth on the left in front. Finally, the car drives away.

7. We are invited with a gesture to take the place of the departing car. The officer takes the passports, asks if there are cigarettes, how much gasoline and if there are any prohibited goods. The Head of the Expedition replies that there is one pack of cigarettes, a full tank of gasoline, there is nothing prohibited. The border guard hands over the passports and says: “You can go.”

All! The border has been passed. This time - in record short terms. The procedure began on the Belarusian side at 17.25. At exactly 18:00 Moscow time (15:00 in Polish!) we were already driving through the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Next road sign we ignore it, because we are not going to use toll highways.

The third pointer could not be more relevant - we are spending the night in.

Contrary to the rule, not to reserve a hotel in Poland, but to go as far as we can, with regret we taxi to, because this time we decided to make a Polish reservation to obtain a Czech visa.

Finally, some technical advice regarding currency exchange. In Terespol there are no questions about this - just beyond the border on the right there is a booth - an exchanger, (in Polish - KANTOR). They change rubles, euros, dollars. If you go to Domachevo, you can find an exchanger at the first gas station on the right of the road. Or in nearest city, in the same . You can withdraw zlotys from an ATM. Or stock up on them in Russia - as you wish.

“M-1 on a plate.”

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