One of our own among “strangers”. How to quickly get used to a new team

Darina Kataeva

The Egyptian beauty Cleopatra carefully monitored her appearance and always used traditional methods by, hands and hair. This woman even took milk baths, as a result of which she developed velvety skin and a healthy complexion. But milk has a special effect on the health and beauty of hair - a symbol of femininity and elegance. Cow, goat and coconut milk have a positive effect on curls, each of which has its own amazing composition and properties. Knowing the recipes for simple dairy products and the effect of their use, every woman will want to repeat Cleopatra’s experience.

Benefits of milk for hair

Cow's milk

The amazing composition of milk determines its positive influence on the scalp and hair. Protein, which is the basis of this product, is necessary to restore their structure. Calcium helps strengthen curls, prevents baldness and hair loss. B vitamins have a healing effect on hair and scalp. They prevent dry skin and hair, fight fragility and heal possible wounds and irritations on the skin, prevent itching, give hair shine, brightness and richness. Milk contains acids, the role of which is to rejuvenate the body and restore hair to its former strength and energy.

Goat milk

Its composition is similar to cow's milk, but this product is considered more fatty, which means it has a greater effect on weakened and lost hair. Goat's milk moisturizes the hair well, nourishes it and saturates it with numerous benefits. This type of dairy product fights all manifestations of seborrhea.

Coconut milk

This milk contains vitamin C and the entire group of B vitamins, which are especially necessary for restoring split ends. Macro- and microelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium) nourish and heal hair. Thanks to its composition, coconut milk provides curls with the necessary protection from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation and strong winter frosts. After a perm, curls especially need care, and coconut milk is a great remedy!

When should milk be used for hair care?

Itching and irritation of the scalp.
Increased fragility.
Hair loss or baldness.
To normalize fat balance.
All manifestations of seborrhea.
Loss of strength and shine of curls.
Slow growth.
For protection.

How to properly use milk for hair?

Although milk is an essential food product and an excellent cosmetic product, it is important to know how to use it correctly for hair care. Simple recommendations and tips will help you avoid common mistakes in using this miraculous component in healing masks.

Choose milk depending on your hair type. Normal hair can be rinsed with any type of milk, but for oily hair it is not recommended to use goat milk, as it is still in to a greater extent moisturizes hair. Cow's milk (with a minimum percentage of fat content) or coconut milk is well suited for this type. Dry hair, on the other hand, requires nutrition and hydration, so full-fat goat milk is an ideal remedy.
Before use, the milk is heated and washed off with warm or cool water to avoid curdling.
Milk masks are applied to dry hair.
The duration of action is from 20 minutes to an hour, after which you need to wash off the mask. Women use chamomile-based shampoos or decoctions for this.
Any cosmetic or home remedy should be used in combination without interruption. IN in this case the course consists of 10 procedures.
Milk is good for both the scalp and hair, so you can apply it in any way, focusing on the problem area.

Hair masks with cow's milk

Hair mask with milk and honey

This home remedy is ideal for dry hair as milk and honey combine to moisturize and nourish the hair. Proportions for preparing a honey mask: 1 tbsp for 50 ml of milk. l. . You can add 1 banana for better effect. Mix all the ingredients using a blender and apply the finished mask to damp hair. The product is washed off with shampoo after half an hour.

Hair mask with milk and eggs

A nourishing egg mask with milk is very easy to prepare, since it contains only 1 egg and 50 ml of milk, which are pre-beaten in a blender. The mask is applied with massage movements into the hair roots and evenly distributed throughout the curls. To wash off the mask, use only cool water without adding shampoo, since the egg itself washes the hair well and eliminates oily shine. Keep the product on your hair for no longer than an hour.

Hair mask with milk and yeast

This remedy is suitable for weakened and fine hair. The mask contains brewer's yeast (20 g), which should be poured with warm milk and left for 20 minutes. When the yeast begins to ferment and rise, add 1 yolk and coconut or (1 tbsp) to the mask. So that the mask has good effect, the hair is wrapped in cellophane and a towel after applying the mask. The product is washed off after 50 minutes.

Hair mask made from sour milk

Fermented milk masks are suitable for restoring split ends and returning them to their former strength and energy. Apply yogurt, kefir or sour milk to your hair before washing your hair, and the thickness, health and shine of your hair will return in just a couple of uses!

Kefir or sour milk is applied in its pure form to the hair, but it is preheated. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with water, to which add the juice of a whole lemon or 1 tbsp. l. vinegar per 2 liters of water.

Adding 2 tbsp to sour milk. l. burdock or, you will get an even more effective mask. also go well with kefir, so you can use 2 more drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil.

Hair mask with gelatin and milk

The homemade gelatin mask includes 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, 3 tbsp. l. milk and 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. You can add any essential oil, such as lavender. Gelatin is diluted in milk, after which this mixture is placed on low heat or a water bath. Only after the gelatin has dissolved, add 2 drops. The mask is applied for 40 minutes to pre-moistened hair. The gelatin mask is washed off with shampoo.

Mask with milk and bread

This mask is good for hair loss and is a preventative against baldness. 150 UAH of gray or black bread is poured with 100 ml of milk and 1 tbsp is added to this mixture. l. . To make a good cosmetic product, you need to wait until the bread swells, and only then apply the mask to your hair for about 30-40 minutes.

Hair masks with goat milk

Goat's milk in its purest form

Since goat milk contains many vitamins, acids and other useful elements, it can be used as a homemade mask even without additional ingredients. Before application, goat milk is heated to a temperature of no more than 38 degrees. With more high temperature Beneficial enzymes, especially those needed by hair, are destroyed. To make it easier to apply this milk to your hair, add a little buckwheat flour to it, which makes the mask thicker.

Goat milk whey

Goat milk whey, which women often use for hair care, has a good composition. The serum is warmed up a little and then applied to the hair in the same way. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Oatmeal mask with goat milk whey

The mask contains only serum and oatmeal, which are mixed until homogeneous mass, similar to thick porridge. Apply the product to your hair and wash it off after half an hour, while your hair is wrapped in cellophane and a towel.

Hair masks with coconut milk

Pure coconut milk

This product is the lightest and easiest to prepare, as you only need to mix coconut milk and water and then apply it to your hair for 5 minutes before washing it. Although the mask is applied to such small gap time, its effect is simply amazing!

Oil mask

Shine and strength are quickly returned to the curls if you combine coconut milk and 1 yolk. The mixture is applied to the hair, previously moistened with water, and then washed off after half an hour.

Brightening mask.

This mask is ideal for blondes and women with light brown hair. The product can be used on both colored and natural hair. For 50 ml of coconut milk there is 1 tsp. lemon juice. Beat the resulting mixture. To achieve a brightening effect, the mask is warmed up before applying to the hair. Wash off after 20 minutes.

After regularly using one of these masks, women immediately see the desired effect. Their hair is restored, acquires a beautiful natural shade and begins to grow faster. Both in its pure form and as part of healing masks, milk has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Even without using expensive cosmetics, you can restore your curls to their former strength and beauty!

11 January 2014, 16:10

Milk and honey are products that people have used since ancient times for skin health, massage, and hair care.

Together these two are biologically active product can provide positive impact on hair and scalp. Today we will talk about the effect of honey and milk on hair, and also discuss the most popular hair masks based on these ingredients.

Honey for hair: benefits

Honey contains useful components such as fructose and glucose. These are natural sweeteners that nourish the hair. Honey also retains water inside the hair, thus moisturizing the strands and retaining all the nourishing vitamins and minerals inside. And, by the way, there are more than enough of them. Honey contains minerals such as copper, iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus. Among the vitamins, the most essential for hair is vitamin B.

In addition, numerous studies have been conducted that have shown that honey has anti-inflammatory and even analgesic effects. If you apply honey to an inflamed scalp, it will soothe it and relieve pain. Warm honey is indicated for seborrhea of ​​the scalp, as well as hair loss. Dandruff is often caused by shampoos that dry out the scalp too much. Recent studies show that honey relieves symptoms of itching and dandruff within the first week of use.

Continued use of honey for a month or more can have a positive effect on hair health. It has been proven that they can reduce the manifestations of dermatitis and fungal infections, and in some cases completely heal hair. True, such therapy requires a lot of attention and time. To do this you should do it every day. honey masks for 2-3 hours, for 2-3 weeks. Among the advantages: hair becomes stronger, dandruff disappears, completely natural treatment without the use of medications.

You can apply honey directly to your scalp if you just want to strengthen your hair. To do this, just leave the mask on for 15-30 minutes before washing your hair. It is recommended to wash your hair with chamomile decoction. Avoid using shampoo for therapeutic benefits. It should also be remembered that if dandruff appears suddenly, this is the first sign of a fungal infection that must be treated with medication. Therefore, before starting therapy, consult your doctor.

Milk for hair: effect

Our hair is made of protein. It is vital for, as well as their health. Milk protein, casein, has a positive effect on hair growth. That is why drinking milk every day is beneficial, however, in moderation. One glass of milk a day will completely compensate for the lack of casein in the body and will also speed up hair growth. Casein contains large amounts of the amino acid (glutamic acid). It is actually 20% glutamine, a 22 amino acid component that forms the building blocks of all proteins. Based on the results latest research It became clear that glutamine stimulates hair growth, as well as metabolic processes in cells.

Whey, or a by-product of cheese, can be used to strengthen hair and also prevent hair loss. You can use the serum as a supplement to your daily diet, or with hair masks.

Masks based on honey and milk

Masks based on milk and honey help speed up hair growth, as well as get rid of dandruff and dry scalp.

Olive oil is good for conditioning hair and softening and moisturizing hair. It consists of monounsaturated fatty acids with strong antioxidants and vitamins A and E, which help restore skin and hair.

Paired with honey, olive oil nourishes and moisturizes hair. To create a mask, mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Add 1 tbsp. olive oil and apply the mixture to your hair for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with organic shampoo to enhance the therapeutic effect.

This mask strengthens hair and also allows you to completely get rid of dandruff.
Mix one egg yolk, honey and liquid whey. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair with massage movements, wrap your hair in film and wrap it with a towel, creating the effect of a steam bath. Wait 20 minutes and wash off warm water. As a result, the hair becomes shiny and silky.

Milk-honey mask

Masks based on milk and honey help strengthen hair and accelerate its growth. To create a mask, mix 20 ml. milk, 1 l. lemon juice, 3 tbsp. honey Apply the mask along the entire length of your hair, paying special attention to the skin and scalp, giving a massage. Leave the mask to work for 1-2 hours, under plastic wrap, and then wash off with shampoo.

24.03.2015 | 1353

When you learn to identify the roles your colleagues play, your work will become much easier. Check it out for yourself!

You've just started to join in new team? Or maybe you’ve been working for a long time, but haven’t been able to find common language with colleagues? Perhaps the problem is that you are misreading the social roles that your colleagues play. This means that you are also communicating with them incorrectly.

We will tell you how to correctly classify colleagues so that there are no difficulties or awkward moments in the future.

Official leader

It's not even social role, but the position of a person. Your boss may not be a leader by nature, but the level at which he is in the company forces him to lead the team.

In this case everything is simple. You are obliged to obey the instructions of your superiors, whether you like them or not. You must also respect the leader or create a credible appearance of respect. Well, there’s no need to gossip about those higher up career ladder: This could turn into a complete disaster.

Unofficial leader

A role that exists in almost any team, especially if official leader weak As a rule, this place goes to a charismatic and self-confident person who has own opinion on any question.

The main feature of an informal leader is that his opinion is listened to and he is considered fundamental in solving problems.

If you want to win the favor of the team, treat the “leader” with respect. But don’t suck up and flatter: this will turn everyone against you.

The leader's right hand

This person helps the leader in all matters. It can also be called eminence grise. As a rule, this is a reasonable, intelligent and cunning comrade who does not like attention to his person, but at the same time wants to decide the destinies of the people. Which he successfully does, whispering his ideas into the leader’s ear.

It is better to be friends with the gray eminence or, at least, remain neutral. If you cross his path, there is a high probability that the wrath of the leader and other team members will soon fall on you.


There are always people who are unhappy current situation affairs and want to take the helm themselves. The opposition most often consists of potential unofficial leaders and their retinue. Their activity consists of criticizing all actions taken by the current head of the team.

Be careful with "rebels". Your participation in their activities can ruin your career. Even if you do not like the informal leader, do not try to express your thoughts in front of strangers. There is only one exception: you yourself claim the reins of power.

Hard workers

There are employees who are absolutely not interested in the “game of thrones” in the team. All they want is to do their work efficiently and on time. And, I must say, this position is one of the most sensible and worthy of respect. It is thanks to these employees that the company stays afloat.

You can and should be friends with hard workers: as a rule, they are calm and good people, who have nothing to reproach.


You've probably encountered a person for whom everything is always wrong. Most teams have one. He is constantly blowing from the window, the paper in the printer does not seem white enough, and the actions of other team members seem directed against him. It is the troublemakers who incite most of conflicts, because squabbles and scandals are the only thing that brings them pleasure.

"Dark horse"

If you have just joined the team, then most likely you are now playing this role yourself. You are a newbie, no one knows anything about you. And if you are not a born leader, then you probably try to stay in the shadows, studying the situation.

Sometimes employees who have been in the team for many years still remain a mystery to their colleagues. They are uncommunicative, withdrawn, self-absorbed.

Be calm and friendly, do your work responsibly - and you will be able to get along with any member of the team.

Every person has to deal with searching for a new job from time to time. After reading a lot of advertisements, making a lot of phone calls, going to several interviews, he finally finds him. It seems that we can breathe easy. But now we have to go through important period infusing a new employee into the existing team.

Stress, uncertainty, fear of making mistakes - many experience similar feelings in the first days of working in a new place. Some simple rules will help save nervous energy and avoid strong emotions.

Rule 1: Briefly tell us about yourself

It is better to tell others your story yourself. They are interested to know: where are you from, what is your marital status where you worked before. Don't overdo it: wordiness and unnecessary details can overwhelm your listeners. But don’t remain silent: if you close yourself off, speculation will arise.

Rule 2: Define the company’s goals and your own

Find out the company's goals and objectives, your own job responsibilities and the criteria by which results are assessed. A clear understanding of your job responsibilities will help you avoid someone else’s work, which they usually try to dump on newcomers.

Ask the administration to issue rules of conduct in the organization, if any. Such a document usually records the work schedule, dress code, meeting times and other primary information. You need to read it carefully so as not to receive a reprimand or fine for violation.

Rule 3: Observe those around you and don’t jump to conclusions

At first, you shouldn’t stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your skills. Now is the time to observe. First, understand: who runs the department, who runs the entire company, what is the management hierarchy. Secondly, find out who informal leader in a team, who is feared and who is trusted. Don’t rush to draw conclusions about a neighbor who seems slow to you. It may turn out that he is an authoritative person in the company, and his calmness does not reduce the results of his work.

Rule 4: do not give advice or impose your opinion

Even if you are a professional in your field and had a fairly high status before, in your new place your opinion is not yet so authoritative. Therefore, you should not give advice about work to your new colleagues. Moreover, you should not make comments to them or impose your opinion. By the way, psychologists advise not to make comments to colleagues in front of witnesses in the future. But praising, on the contrary, is better in public.

Rule 5: Avoid gossip and rival factions

First of all, remember that you came to a new place in order to to work , and not participate in various squabbles and gossip. Show that you are primarily interested in the success of the company and production affairs.

Be a bad conversationalist for gossipers: switch the conversation to another topic or remain silent. If gossip concerns you, minimize communication with this person, try to remain calm and outwardly friendly - let all the bad things be on his conscience.

Rule 6: Be friendly

It is important to immediately show friendliness and try to establish relationships with new colleagues. Openness and good mood. It's worth hiding everything inside yourself negative emotions: aggression, anger and irritation. Now is not the best time to show character to a new team. If you are invited to go somewhere with your colleagues, be sure to agree. If there are no such invitations, then you can become the initiator. Try offering to have a cup of coffee at a nearby cafe. This will benefit your relationship.
Rule 7: Don't try to appear better

A newcomer usually strives to create about himself good impression. He wants to look good person and show yourself as a true professional. Most best option- behave naturally. If you made a mistake or mistake, do not try to lie or dodge. Moreover, you should not make efforts to hide the mistake. Anyone can make a mistake. The sooner the error is corrected, the less harm it will cause.

Psychologists say that optimal time for complete adaptation to a new team – three months. The most important thing in such a period is patience, moderation in emotions and openness. It's important to accept this and give yourself time to adapt. Then you can find your place in any team.

Whether you lead a team, are at the very bottom, or are stuck somewhere in the middle, you still must build a Business Pyramid. Only with her help will you be able to understand your situation. Of course, if you lead a team, then it will be enough for you to build one Business Pyramid (for your loved one). If you are subordinate, then first you need to understand the main pyramid (for your boss), understand which of your colleagues has what prospects. And then build a pyramid for yourself to treat colleagues correctly and establish horizontal connections within the company.



These are the basic signs for the Snake boss. Ideal material for elementary pedagogy. The power of the Snake in this case lies precisely in the fact that its ideas are most fruitful for the Rat and the Dragon, who can become the best students, devoted, ready to hang on every word. The main thing here is not to forget to give instructions.

If the Rat or Dragon is formally equal to the Snake, then it is worth taking care of them, giving them advice and in no case rejecting the services they offer. In a word, relax and the energy itself will flow to you.

It is most difficult to structure your behavior if the Rat or Dragon are formal bosses. Bombard them with advice, show your energetic superiority? It's too risky. It is best to wait passively. Maybe the boss himself will reach out to you for advice and start promoting you. However, don’t let your guard down here either. There is nothing more dangerous than a boss who is energetically subordinate to you.

COMPANIONS (Boar, Rooster).

In this case, full democracy triumphs. No matter who your Companions are in terms of their status, no matter how high or low you yourself stand in relation to them, the relationship will be the most harmonious. The point of this relationship is to always have a person nearby who will perfectly complement you. In this case we're talking about that the Snake is too determined to quickly achieve final result, to bring the idea to the product in the most direct, but perhaps not the newest and most successful way. The snake lacks ingenuity, the ability to generate fresh ideas, and the desire to start new projects. This is precisely why the Snake needs a Rooster or a Boar.

If the Snake is the boss, then he will greatly benefit if he brings one or two pioneering innovators closer to him, which are these two signs.

If the Snake is subordinate to the Rooster or Boar, then you need to apply serious efforts to convince your boss of your extreme usefulness and the need to rely on you.

If the Implementer-Snake and the Pioneer Rooster or Boar are on the same horizontal line in the company’s hierarchy, then it makes sense to combine their efforts, because Companions are a huge force, such a tandem can handle any tasks.

The number of Companions in your environment is theoretically unlimited. But really in large quantities Companions are not needed. It is best to have one or two personal Companions.


The temptation is great, especially if the Servant himself came and offered his services. On the other hand, the unpredictability of vector relationships is too great. What if the Servants fall into a stupor and completely stop “catching mice”? Or this option: too large number A Monkey surrounded by a Snake makes it uncritical of itself, stimulates unreasonable impudence, and dulls its vigilance in relations with those who are energetically equal to or superior to the Snake.

A boss who surrounds himself with Vector Servants proves his energetic weakness and hidden self-doubt.

A subordinate Snake, crawling towards the boss’s office, in which the Monkey rules, risks frightening the boss too much with his energetic power. It’s better to wait until the boss himself is fascinated by your brilliance. But even then you need to be more careful and not force things.

In the case of formal equality, one must approach slowly, trying not to look for benefits in the contact. This is generally the most risky thing - to tame a Servant (Monkey), hoping to benefit from it.


Maximum quantity question marks and exclamation marks. It is not possible to predict in advance how this or that vector contact will turn out. The range of dispersion is maximum: from friendship, water is indispensable, to the most terrible hatred.

If the boss is a Snake, then theoretically she does not have the right to keep Vector Masters vested with any powers with her, since the temptation for the Vector Master to “devour” the boss at some point will become simply irresistible. The risk is too great! IN personal life- please, at least a hundred Masters, but why take such risks in the service? In practice, there will always be people willing to take risks. The reason is that the Vector Master is liked precisely by those who have soared very high energetically (big bosses) who have nowhere to put their strength. This is where the Vector Host appears, like a leech, pumping out the “bad blood”.

If the Vector Owner is your boss, and you really like him, then it is quite acceptable to demonstrate your devotion and that special spiritual closeness that vector relationships give.

If the Snake and Goat are formally in equal position, then the situation acquires maximum unpredictability. If you want to be friends, be friends, but remember that vector friendship tends to be intimate and familiar. But if you decide to quarrel, then calculate your strength in advance. Firstly, the Goat will almost certainly win, and secondly, the vector conflict draws too many into its orbit and can put all its participants at risk.

LIKE-MINDED CLONES (Cat, Bull, Snake).

Of course, the Snake needs like-minded people, but not in such large numbers as it might seem. Usually a like-minded person is needed for initial stage the formation of a case, when it is so important to agree on the most important topics. Later, when things are basically settled and unanimity is already implied, the Clones begin to sort things out over trifles. And then it turns out main problem Clones: they are not able to yield to each other, are not able to complement each other, they can only argue, looking for absolute identity, which is practically impossible and causes a huge overexpenditure of power.

If the Snake is the boss, then the Clones should be removed from you by function, territorially or even geographically. It is best to appoint them to manage some branches. So that you clash and argue as little as possible. Another option: to give those functions in which the boss is completely incompetent and simply trusts the Clone to make decisions on his own.

A snake subordinate to a Clone must prove its independence, demonstrate its equality, and not be afraid to argue. And of course, do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate like-mindedness. Let your boss see how similar you are.

ADVISERS (Horse, Tiger, Dog).

If the Snake really needs advice, then why not turn to wise strong-willed people? Energetically, of course, it is not easy to communicate with advisors, but everything has its price. Need advice - pay with energy. If there is little energy, then it is better to communicate with Advisors less often.

If the Snake is the boss, then you should not get carried away with recruiting Advisors; it is especially dangerous to give them any powers. They will eat it slowly.

If the Snake is subordinate to one of the three strong-willed signs, then the situation is diametrically opposite. It is under the guidance of a strong-willed sign that the Snake can grow quickly and powerfully, learn intelligence, and make a real career.

If the Snake and the strong-willed sign are on the same horizontal line, then you shouldn’t force the relationship yourself; let the rapprochement take place on a mutually beneficial basis. They give you advice, you give them your sympathy.



Not a very long reign, without wars or any special events, a persistent curtailment of reforms. Perhaps that is why the rotation among subordinates was not great.


Not much, to be honest. By classic scheme could be much more.

Sergei Solovyov (Dragon) is a brilliant historian who taught history to the future emperor. It is unlikely that Alexander was a very diligent student.

Nikolai Ignatiev (Dragon) - Minister of Internal Affairs, served only a year, then resigned.

Nikolai Girs (Dragon) - permanent Minister of Foreign Affairs under Alexander III. He did not conduct politics on his own, following the instructions of the emperor, which is probably not a bad thing. Whatever one may say, there were no wars during the reign of the emperor, and this is very rare. As a matter of fact, of the Subordinates, this was the most important and most reliable.

COMPANIONS (Boar, Rooster).

The Snake cannot live without its Companions, because there immediately begins to be a shortage of fresh ideas. However, the board Alexandra III and so is recognized as anti-reform. So there were definitely not enough Companions.

Sergei Witte (Rooster) Minister of Finance since 1892 - this is already the very end of his reign.

Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov (Rooster). In 1881 - 97 Minister of the Imperial Court and Appanages.

Pobedonostsev (Boar) - Chief Prosecutor of the Synod. That's true central figure surrounded by the emperor. He was Alexander's closest advisor throughout his life. The Emperor greatly valued his intelligence, education and firmness of conviction. Pobedonostsev's influence was not caused by the superiority of his will - the emperor had sufficient strength not to succumb to suggestion. He proved this many times. But, being a limited person, he often could not clearly express his feelings and thoughts. Pobedonostsev only had to formulate what was already ripe in the soul and on the mind of the emperor. He was his inner voice, his second self and very rarely made mistakes. “It’s really strange how we agree on ideas,” Alexander was surprised more than once, receiving another piece of advice from Pobedonostsev.

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