Symbolism of numerals in oral folk art in three languages

Literature is the art of words. But there is another type of verbal art - oral folk art (oral literature, oral literature), or folklore. Folklore has specific features, which we don’t have fiction. The first chapter is devoted to their consideration.

1. Folklore and folkloristics

The international term "folklore" appeared in England in the mid-19th century. It comes from English. folk-lore (“folk knowledge”, “folk wisdom”) and denotes folk spiritual culture in varying degrees of its types.

Folklore is a subject of study different sciences. Folk music is studied by musicologists, folk dances by choreographers, rituals and other spectacular forms of folk art by theater experts, folk decorative and applied arts by art historians. Linguists, historians, psychologists, sociologists and other scientists turn to folklore. Each science sees in folklore what interests it. The role of ethnology (from the Greek ethnos: “people” + logos: “word, teaching”), a science that pays a lot of attention to people’s life, is especially significant.

For philologists, folklore is important as the art of words. Philological folkloristics studies the totality of oral works of art of various genres created by many generations of people.

Folk verbal creativity was kept in the memory of people; in the process of communication, works passed from one to another and were not written down. For this reason, folklorists must engage in so-called “field work” - go on folklore expeditions to identify performers and record folklore from them. Recorded texts of oral folk works (as well as photographs, tape recordings, diary notes of collectors, etc.) are stored in folklore.

lore archives. Archival materials can be published, for example, in the form of folklore collections.

When a folklorist engages in the theoretical study of folklore, he uses both published and archival recordings of folk works.

2. Specifics of folklore

Folklore has its own artistic laws. The oral form of creation, distribution and existence of works is the main feature that gives rise to the specificity of folklore and causes its difference from literature.

2.1. Traditionality

Folklore is mass creativity. Works of literature have an author, works of folklore are anonymous, their author is the people. In literature there are writers and readers, in folklore there are performers and listeners.

Oral works were created according to already known models, and even included direct borrowings. The speech style used constant epithets, symbols, comparisons and other traditional poetic devices. Works with a plot were characterized by a set of typical narrative elements and their usual compositional combination. In the images of folklore characters, the typical also prevailed over the individual. Tradition required the ideological orientation of the works: they taught goodness and contained the rules of human behavior in life.

The general thing in folklore is the main thing. Storytellers (performers of fairy tales), singers (performers of songs), storytellers (performers of epics), voplenitsy (performers of lamentations) sought first of all to convey to listeners what was in keeping with tradition. The repeatability of the oral text allowed for its changes, and this allowed an individual talented individual to express himself. A multiple creative act, co-creation, took place, in which any representative of the people could be a participant.

The development of folklore was facilitated by the most talented people, endowed with artistic memory and creative gifts. They were well known and appreciated by those around them (remember I. S. Turgenev’s story “The Singers”).

The oral artistic tradition was the common fund. Each person could select for himself what he needed.

In the summer of 1902, M. Gorky observed in Arzamas how two women - a maid and a cook - composed a song (the story “How they composed a song”).

“It was in a quiet street of Arzamas, before evening, on a bench at the gate of the house in which I lived. The city was dozing in the hot silence of June everyday life. I, sitting by the window with a book in my hands, listened to how my cook, the portly, pockmarked Ustinya, talking quietly with the maid<...>Suddenly Ustinya speaks smartly, but in a businesslike manner: “Okay, Mangutka, give me a hint...” - “What is this?” - “Let’s put together a song...” And, sighing noisily, Ustinya begins to sing quickly:

"Oh, yes, on a white day, in the clear sun,

On a bright night, during the month..."

Hesitantly feeling for the melody, the maid timidly sings in a low voice:

"I'm worried, a young girl..."

And Ustinya confidently and very, touchingly brings the melody to the end:

"My heart is always aching..."

Concept natural number is one of the basic concepts of mathematics, which arose in connection with the needs of human practice. Digital representations are an integral part folk wisdom, because without them there is no deep logical thinking, observation, vigilance, rich imagination, mental abilities.

Without knowledge of numbers, concepts in physics and astronomy, applied art, oral folk art, traditional medicine and folk meteorology, etc.

People have long had different feelings about numbers. Some traces of thinking about numbers in ancient times can be found in the superstitious prejudices associated with numbers. Among the numbers there are “lucky” ones, which you need to give preference to and rejoice when meeting them, and “unlucky” ones, which you need to beware of like the evil eye. For example, odd numbers, large units, symbolized the masculine principle, and the even ones symbolized the feminine; thus, the number 5 is the sum of the first male and the first female numbers- symbolized marriage or union. Until now we have no reason to consider ourselves above the prejudices associated with numbers. It turned out that the number carries information, hidden meanings. Our ancestors were well versed in the symbolism of numbers and used them in applied arts and verbally folk art.

In our opinion, in the works of folklore the people best expressed their attitude towards numbers, their admiration for them.

Main part:

In Soviet linguistics, linguist V. N. Toporov began researching the symbolism of number in text formation and detection hidden meanings, facilitating deeper penetration into semantic structure text. IN literary text the semantics of the numeral plays important role in understanding the author's intention.

Text perception in to a greater extent depends on the reader’s initiation, on his background knowledge, which includes knowledge about the symbolism of numbers. For an unprepared reader, some of the information associated with the symbolism of the number disappears. Moreover, the information not perceived can be quite significant if the author of the work consciously puts the information of the number into general semantics text.

In our opinion, in works of oral folk art, peoples best expressed their attitude towards numbers, their admiration for them. Each nation has its own set of numerical symbols, but this does not prevent the original meaning of numbers from depending on time and place, culture and language. In our work we consider fairy tales, riddles, proverbs and sayings that contain numbers. Proverbs and sayings contain the wisdom of the people, their ability to subtly notice individual parties a person’s life, in which his powers of observation and ability to briefly and concisely express his attitude to the world around him are revealed. For example, seven troubles - one answer; between two fires; sette yaly biir sugeleebit diebikke dyly (Yakut last).

Riddles usually give an intricate poetic description of some object or phenomenon, made with the aim of testing a person’s intelligence. Almost all paths are riddles artistic expression. There are comparisons, usage, metaphor, personification, allegory, metonymy, hyperbole, and epithets. Each of them, explaining an object or phenomenon pictorially, acts on the imagination and revives the image in its characteristic features.

Fairy tales are works of oral folk art in which we're talking about about fictitious, sometimes fantastic events. By content folk tales are divided into:

1. on everyday life (about the life of peoples, their daily work and worries);

2. about animals (which are usually endowed with the qualities of people);

3. magical (about wonderful adventures people, about their struggle with hostile forces).

Based on the theory of oral folk art and collecting material, we carried out linguistic analysis proverbs, sayings, riddles, fairy tales that mention natural numbers.

V. Firsov in his book argued that the magic of numbers arose along with numbers. Since ancient times, people have grouped natural realities, repeated prayers to the gods and performed other ritual actions a certain number of times in order to enhance their effect. So numbers became sacred concepts with which one could influence the environment.

However, the symbolism of numbers is an invention of Pythagoras. It was for him that the One began to mean unity and unanimity, the Two - twofold and indefinite, the Three was a symbol of perfection, the Four, which they swore, personified justice.

The Pythagoreans divided numbers into even and odd numbers, with odd numbers representing the best and even numbers representing the worst. But it was not observations of nature and people that became the basis for such conclusions, but “games” with numbers.

The unit is an invention of mathematicians, it is needed for counting, and it does not exist in the magic of numbers.

In ancient texts, the word “one” is used infrequently and means something indivisible, integral, such as God, Cosmos, the Universe. If there is some kind of magical meaning in the Unit, then this is the meaning of the one and the whole. The unit can symbolize potency, high energy or complete absence both.

The unit gives you the opportunity to express yourself among the rest, but also forces you to be part of the whole. Therefore, “bend one finger, bend everything,” “play the same tune,” “dance to the same tune.” And “singing in unison” means that people have sung together, agreed, developed a common position, and are acting together.

We can say that “one torch cannot heat the sea,” “one blow cannot knock down a tree,” and “one hand only waves, many hands do the work.” As you know, the “first swallow” is a sign of spring, evidence of change for the better, but “one swallow does not make spring,” which means one should not rush to conclusions. What the words say age-old wisdom? “One warrior is a weak warrior”, “One cannot plot against many”, “Trouble never comes alone”, “Alone is like a bear in a den”, “Alone is like a poppy”, “One gallops, one cries, but everyone is alone” "

If we talk about the property of the Unit, then it “will not be enough” - “for one tooth.” And also “you can’t get drunk with one drop” and “one stone is not a wall.” As for the mind, Unity is a rather stupid and primitive number. Judge for yourself: “one speech is not yet learning, one storm is not yet the rainy season,” “a fool was given one song forever,” “one fool will alarm the whole world.” Another Unit is simple, ingenuous, sincere. The English “one – eye,” for example, can be translated as a moron, a simpleton, and generally “village.”

In English folklore there are proverbs with the number 1: first come first served; fairy tales: the green ladies of one tree hill. And in the Russian language there are proverbs: From one ox to two hides, The sovereign answers to one god, One year eats ten years; Tales: One Stone Soup; riddles: One is lying, the other is running, the other is bowing. And in the Yakut language there are proverbs: Biir manik suterbitin suus korsuo bulbat; fairy tales: She bit off one minnow seven times; riddles: biir syl tuorte ularytan keteriy.

In magic, the number Two seems to exist, but it doesn’t seem to exist. Just a division into light and darkness.

The two is a symbol of dividing the whole into parts, a symbol of the separation of man from the world, nature and other people. This is a sign of comparing one with another. And the Two is also a symbol of a person’s relationships and interactions with what surrounds him.

The number two symbolizes several situations. Firstly, it is a symbol of the division of the whole into parts. Secondly, which is obvious from the first, it is a symbol of the unification of parts and the connection between parts of the whole. Thirdly, it is a sign of comparison and contrast: heaven and hell, life and death, hard and soft, dry and wet, soul and body. And evidence for this can be found in the proverbs and sayings of 3 nations: “Chasing two hares, you can’t catch either”, “Two heads are better than one”, “One grieves at home, but two fight in the field”, “Play a double game”, “Sit on two chairs”, “Two boots in a pair”. And also: in two ways, both ways, on two fronts, in double vision, second hand, in two.

In works of folklore, the Yakut people expressed their attitude towards numbers. Hunters, when dividing their prey or catch among themselves, count in pairs, and will never try to know exact quantity fish. Such calculation, on the one hand, saves time, on the other hand, everyone gets it equally.

“Ikki ottugun korune damp,” parents will tell their children when they are sent somewhere. This can be briefly expressed using the phraseological unit “look both ways.”

Three is the first number in the magic series. It opens a real magical account, with it something truly new appears. Three is the basic structure of things. We divide time into three - past, present, future, we divide space into three - width, length, height.

Three is the beginning, middle and end, and after that the top, bottom and middle. It is believed that everything is “threefold perfect”, everything is “genuinely triune”. Three is a model of a world that exists in motion, in dynamics, in such a dynamic integrity, where the parts of the whole are well interconnected.

Three is not exactly a lucky number, but a self-sufficient number. It inspires confidence, although it itself is movement.

Troika is an indispensable participant in proverbs and sayings. Let's list some of them. “And after death there are three days of work left,” “a slacker has three big things to do: eat, sleep and swear skillfully,” “remember three things: pray, endure, work,” “a good dog guards three villages.” "In three years and school dog learn to bark in verse,” “good things need to be learned for three years, but bad things take one morning,” “they don’t talk about yeast alone three times.”

“Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening,” “a father had three sons, two smart, and the third a fool.” The intrigue of many famous fairy tales unfolds from Troika.

Here are a couple more proverbs about the power of the Troika and its changeability: “A heartfelt word warms three winters,” “A monk for three days.”

Associated with the numeral three different views: about three countries of the world, about three Yakuts, about three favorite flowers, about three human souls, etc.

Under the influence of the Christian religion, not only in the minds, but also of the Yakut believers, the Upper Country was identified with the biblical heavenly world, The lower country is the underworld, therefore one of the first Yakut writers, the scientist A.E. Kulakovsky wrote this: “according to the ideas of the ancient Yakuts, the world was three-tiered upper, middle and lower.” And then he continues his thoughts about the number three: “In fairy tales, however, they speak of the sun and moon as living beings; sometimes they appear as children, or as earthly heroes, or as heavenly shamans; at the same time (probably out of love for the number three) a shaman is added - the daughter of Venus) the Yakuts have some kind of addiction to the number three, which creates a kind of symmetry in their psyche)” (Kulakovsky A.E. Scientific works. -Yakutsk, 1979.)

Four is rightfully a symbolic and magical number. It often appears in religious books, parables, myths and is often present in folklore, proverbs and sayings. The meaning of the Four is completely defined, firmly “imprinted” into everyday consciousness and is associated mainly with staticity and completeness.

None qualitative changes The Four does not promise, and it has other tasks: it preserves what has already been created.

Four is a sign confined space and time cycle, as well as solidity, immutability and security.

Four is also a very “human” number. We have four limbs, we look at the world from fixed point on all four sides, we live in a house with four walls. The cross is a landmark in space and a symbol of space itself.

Four hands of the goddess - significant symbol holistic world living in established by laws within. One hand of the goddess gives, the other takes away, the third punishes, the fourth strokes the head.

Four is a closed repeating cycle of alternating four seasons. These are the four parts of the day - morning, day, evening, night, and the four seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn, winter. Such a division of time into intervals that repeat in a cycle is always a fairy tale about a white bull.

In England, Four is a symbol of justice: four - square among the English is not only square, but also honest. Four is a symbol of restriction and punishment: four - time - in English, this is a criminal who received a long sentence. Four is an image of a humanly understandable ideal: four – o – means ideal, impeccable.

Proverbs: “ old man is worth four young people,” “One lamp shines for forty people,” but “Forty neighborhoods can burn from the dirty tricks of one villain.”

It is better to elect a president for a four-year term, because he is the guarantor of the constitution and the law.

Four means defense from the environment, the fight against the unfavorable influence of the environment and people who encroach on inner world a person, his home, family and household.

So, Four is peace and law.

It is customary among the Yakuts to milk a cow four times, which makes it possible to get more milk.

Khotoy Aiyy lives in the fourth heaven, giving people strength, courage, and unity.

In the old days, the Yakuts believed that everyone who feeds on mother's milk has four souls: air soul, earth soul, water soul, ancestor soul. Perhaps at the beginning it was believed that a person has three souls, but after expanding the idea of ​​the number four, they began to believe that a person has four souls. IN lately, combined the water soul and the ancestor soul and received the mother soul.

If a fourth child was born in the family, then in the Algys song they said that a fifth child was born, thereby trying to hide the child from the eyes of evil spirits.

If four ducks were caught in the snare, then it was not taken, but transferred to other snares.

Human life is divided into 4 periods: childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.

The number 4 is found less often in oral folk art, but some peoples made the world around us not vertically, but horizontally. They knew the 4 cardinal directions, they knew the 4 main winds. These peoples main role The number that played was not 3, but 4.

At the beginning of the 19th century, in the Deleke area of ​​the Namsky ulus in Yakutia, a serge with a sculpted pommel of four horse heads, emphasized by eye notches, was installed. Such hitching posts were called “sielleeh serge”, which protected the owners from the evil spirits of the four cardinal directions.

The organizer of Ysyakh, a noble man, made a tuhlge of four pillars with four buckets.

Five was very unlucky: numerologists “tricked” it to the extreme, so the ingenuous, daring, perky, and sometimes quite evil character of this number faded significantly as a result of their efforts. Five is the number of movement. Five is the number of freedom. This is its main mystical role, meaning and significance.

Five is a dynamic, expansive, energy-intensive number, possessing great potential. It symbolizes the active relationship between man and the Universe. Five is also a force for change. the world around us, responding to all its changes.

Five is a very “human” number. The perfect creative instrument with which we work is the five-fingered one (our hand). However. Five is not only the five fingers, but also the pentagram, as well as the five senses. We can say that the Five is a Three that has lost its impersonality general idea, but in return she received character and disposition, that is, she gained a mind and a heart, the ability to feel and experience.

Five is a rejection of the routine and ordinariness of the Four, a protest against its stagnation, but it differs from the uncompromisingness of the Three great mind and abilities.

Five is good for the active and active person and evil for one who does not like vanity. The pentagram is the most fictitious figure in terms of symbolic meaning. If the star of the pentagram looks up, it is a beneficial talisman. An inverted pentagram is considered a sign of the devil, a hoof print of a goblin or a brownie. This is a sign of black magic and dark power.

Five brings suffering and even torment, but it also brings deliverance from torment.

And now the proverbs: “Five dogs falling into the sea will not make the water cloudy,” “God did not create five fingers the same,” “You look forward once, look back five times,” “To see a snake with five legs,” “Without five minutes ago”, “I praised him with five”, “In words I killed five, cut through ten, and when it got dark - he was afraid to go out into the yard”, “The fifth suit in cards.”

Five is a sign of feelings, creativity and elation. This is poetry, dreams and flights of fancy, eroticism and art, our desires and the possibility of achieving them. This is faith, hope, love. And one more thing – those who take risks don’t drink champagne!

In fact, Five is the number of freedom. External freedom, internal freedom. Freedom to live as in last time, freedom to breathe deeply and not be afraid of anything.

Note that the Yakuts also revered the number 5. The number of beads on earrings reached five. Here is what V.L. Seroshevsky, who lived in Yakutia for 12 years, writes: “They often perform small shamanism without drumming, without changing clothes, sitting in an ordinary dress on a small chair in the middle of the hut. In his hands the shaman sometimes holds a whip, sometimes a branch with tufts of white horse hair hung on it; there may be 3, 5 or 7 bunches of these, but there is never an even number; then the fire is not extinguished, but only a little horsehair is thrown on it.”

National games are always closely related to mathematical representations people. In the game "Khabylyk" a significant role is played by splinters with certain teeth, with five teeth a stallion is called (atyyr sylgy), with 10 - a raven (suor), with 7 - a deer (taba), with 3 - a mare (bie), with 2 – two-year-old foal (ty).

Hans Biedermann in his Encyclopedia of Symbols says that Six is ​​one of the least significant numbers in a symbolic sense.

Six guarantees success in work and service, but promises defeat in struggles and conflicts. Six is ​​mentioned less, but it symbolic meaning crisp and clear. Gaia gave birth to six titans, they lost in the battle with the gods and were thrown by the winners into Tartarus. Pierre Bezukhov is captured and witnesses the execution of innocent people. They want to shoot him himself. Pierre notes that he is sixth on the list. The hero of Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” remained alive because he behaved modestly and kept a low profile, and if he had been, for example, the fifth in a row, Tolstoy would have had to arrange his bold escape from captivity; if he had been the seventh, he would have been shot.

The legendary Noah lived six hundred years. In the fairy tale about Ivan Popyalov, the hero lies in the ashes for twelve years, and then shakes off six pounds of ashes and goes to perform feats. “The sixth finger on the hand” is an extra finger, but also wealth, i.e. surplus. “A smart six-year-old is better than a sixty-year-old fool.” Pope Sixtus VI was depicted with six fingers on his hand.

Six protects and protects. Six is ​​the main number of labor and any craft. "On six roads on Sunday" (English) - means by all possible ways. “You walk around - three miles, you go straight - six miles.” That's why. Six is ​​not only everyday work, but also just everyday life, when the days fly by, some worries are replaced by others and you have to spin around.

Apparently, the Six is ​​not too spoiled by feelings. It can be considered satisfaction natural needs. This is simple human happiness, a feeling of health and healthy feelings, natural experiences, sensations.

Seven is the most “confusing” number in the world. Numerous comments made by numerologists contradict each other and make it even more difficult to see the big picture.

Seven is a number that is used to indicate something unusual, even supernatural, extraordinary abilities and qualities. It unites phenomena that go beyond the framework of ordinary perception, look incomprehensible, seem mysterious. Unfortunately, Seven teaches that everything or almost everything in a person’s life is misfortune, decay, or vanity of vanities.

The expression “behind seven seals,” like “behind seven locks,” implies securely hidden, kept secret. Hidden behind seven seals today means inaccessible, under magical protection, and in the everyday sense that the discovery of this secret is impossible without the consent of seven people, each of whom put his own seal on the envelope or owns one of the seven keys. “The door is opened for seven things”, “Knock on seven doors so that one opens”, “seven gates, and all into the garden.”

Medieval astrologers and alchemists operated with only seven luminaries known by that time: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of the seven days of the week was ruled by its own planet, which is recorded in the names of the days. For example, Monday - “Monday” - in English “lunar day” or day of the Moon. And further: Tue. – Mars day, Wed. – Mercury day, Thu. – Jupiter day, Fri. – Venus day, Sat. - Saturn day, Sun. - day of the Sun. It is enough to remember English to be convinced of this.

If you kill a cat, you won’t see any luck in anything for seven years. Seeing seven plovers at once is a sure sign of trouble. “Seven Whistlers” are birds whose cry portends trouble, misfortune and even death.

There is a belief that every seven years there is a complete renewal of the soul and body, and therefore every seventh and ninth years are so important. Seven brothers, seven sisters, daughters and filials are found in fairy tales. Moscow and Rome stand on seven hills.

And, finally, several examples of folk wisdom: “I ate bread from seven ovens,” “Check seven times before you doubt a person,” “Even if you take seven skins off a wolf, he will still be a wolf,” “A cat will keep its kittens seven times.” will hide it” and “We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but there’s nothing to talk about.”

The Seven Wonders of the World is a list of the most amazing and grandiose works of architecture, sculpture and architecture.

Seven is tall great strength and the depths of experience associated with awareness of oneself in the world.

The Yakuts believed that the number 7 has magical powers, that it is very large number, it protects a person from misfortunes. This can be seen in oral folk art. People of the older generation remember very well the evenings of fairy tales, riddles, and olonkho that their parents and grandparents held for them. What food these works provided for the mind and heart, serving as a kind of school of training and education in a highly artistic figurative form.

Sette saar ya5as koton iher uhu. (urgel0. - they say seven leather buckets are flying. (Constellation Pleiades or Ursa Major).

Sette symyttan biirdere kyhyl komus uhu. (orobul kun). - They say that out of seven eggs one is golden. (Sunday).

Guided by the fact that proverbs reflect, like a mirror, the historical past of a people, their worldview, way of life, character, observation, we present several proverbs that include the number 7:

Settetin ylla. He squeezed all seven out of him - they say when someone reads a strict notation to someone.

Sette kihi biir annyyny a5ala barbyttargar dyly. Just as seven went to bring one pick, so they ridicule when many take on a trifling task.

Biir ylbayi settete woppukka dyly. Just like putting one little thing in your mouth seven times in parts - they say it in ridicule to women who, out of coquetry, move and eat very slowly.

A5abyt ihe sette sirinen siiktekh. Pop has a belly with seven seams - that is, he is insatiable. The time when such a proverb appeared, naturally, after the spread Christian faith among the Yakuts. One can only be amazed at the observation and wit of the illiterate Yakuts.

How many fantastic fairy tales created by the genius of the Yakut people. This is what the outstanding writer Semyon Danilov wrote about the fairy tales of the Olonkho land: “In my distant and harsh land, for us, children living in the remote alas, scattered like pancakes among the sea of ​​taiga, fairy tales are told for a long time, winter evenings, were everything. They replaced our nurseries, kindergartens and schools.” The names of some of them alone help us to reveal very simple problem, which we took on. For example, the fairy tales “Seven Brothers”, “One Minnow Bites Seven Times”.

Turning to ethnography and ancient history, B. A. Frolov gives examples of mythology, legends and traditions of Siberia and the Far East, which are literally saturated with “magic sevens”. He comes to the conclusion that “the number seven is used here primarily to characterize the Universe as a whole, cosmic processes in time and space.” “The second important sphere of action of sevens is the person himself, his physical, spiritual, social life.”

Generalization of the meaning of the number seven among the peoples of Siberia and Far East– this is the value of the limit, the threshold that should not be crossed; Continuing to count identical phenomena after seven can lead to a new, and sometimes to the opposite quality (for example, death after seven years).

American psychologist J. Miller found that the number 7 + 2 is the limit of a person’s ability to process information. The same number characterizes a person’s working memory. The relationship of the seven wonders of the world, seven colors of the rainbow, etc. with volume RAM J. Miller himself considers it only a coincidence.

We dwelled in more detail on the number seven precisely because it has a universal human character and is not accidentally used in folklore, epic, and fiction.


Although the above peoples in their initial development did not have any common connections, agreements among themselves - they lived in different territories globe, - nevertheless, it turns out that the idea of ​​​​their environment has similar features, which are reflected in their treasure troves of soap and language; Proof of this is their equal preference for certain numbers, namely odd ones - 3,7,9.

Or Oral folk art- artistic collective literary and musical creative activity of the people, which through the means of language preserved knowledge about life and nature, ancient cults and beliefs, as well as a reflection of the world of thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences, people's imagination.

Folklore - created by the people and existing in the masses literature (translations, songs, fairy tales, epics), music (songs, instrumental tunes and plays), theater (dramas, satirical plays, puppet theater), dance.

Folk art, which originated in ancient times, is historical background of the entire world artistic culture, a source of national artistic traditions, an exponent of national self-awareness.

1. Genres and genres of folklore

Traditionally, four folklore genera are distinguished:

2. Legal protection of folklore

Just like any other result creative activity folklore is the subject of intellectual property rights. However, unlike traditional works protected by copyright in order to exclude their illegal use, folklore has a special protection system, the essence of which is to exclude the misappropriation of folklore works or restriction of access to them by a specific person using intellectual property protection mechanisms. From a legal point of view, folklore as an object of intellectual property is covered more broad concept traditional knowledge. Folklore is not subject to copyright.

3. Specific features

Orality Variability Anonymity Improvisation Nationality Traditionality Bifunctionalism Syncretism


  1. Dictionary foreign words/ Compiled by: S.M. Morozov, L.M. Shkaraputa. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 2000. - 680 p. - (Dictionaries of Ukraine).

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